Y&R Transcript Friday 12/20/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/20/19


Episode #11762 ~ Phyllis considers revenge; Elena makes a decision about Amanda.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: Find out everything you can about a lawyer called amanda sinclair. Here's information that my investigators collected.

Nate: By focusing on amanda, you're allowing devon to stay fixated on something that's not healthy -- for him and your relationship.

Elena: Amanda is a complicated woman with a lot of secrets -- secrets that make me believe she could be dangerous.

Chelsea: I just want to be there for everybody.

Nick: I don't know if I can keep doing this. Can you?

Adam: I need chelsea to be more focused on her family. All that I'm asking you to do is pursue your heart's desires.

Phyllis: And that would be?

Adam: That would be nick.

Phyllis: Are you asking me to seduce my ex-husband for you?

Phyllis: Thank you.

Jack: Scotch neat. Phyllis, hello.

Phyllis: Jack! To what do I owe the pleasure?

Jack: An empty seat at the bar...

Phyllis: Oh.

Jack: Thank you.

Phyllis: That'll do.

[ Sighs ] How are you?

Jack: It's been a long day.

Phyllis: Oh, tell me about it.

Jack: You really want to hear?

Phyllis: You used to be funnier.

Jack: Sorry.

Phyllis: It's okay, it doesn't matter.

Jack: No, yeah, let's -- let's start over here.

Phyllis: Okay.

Jack: Hello, phyllis. Seem a little down tonight. Anything I can help you with?

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Sure. Uh, maybe you can talk some sense into that entitled niece of yours and convince her not to fire me.

Jack: Now, why would I do that?

Phyllis: Well because it's unfair and probably illegal.

Jack: Okay, I clearly don't know all the facts, but that doesn't sound like abby.

Phyllis: It doesn't? Really? And would it be so shocking to think that maybe she's wrong and I'm the one who got screwed?

Jack: Frankly, yes.

Phyllis: Okay, does your lack of compassion include your buddy adam?

Jack: What has adam done now?

Phyllis: Well, nothing i shouldn't have expected, honestly. I mean, after having his back and being his friend, probably the only friend he had in town, besides you, of course...

Jack: Okay, I -- I know I'm gonna regret asking this. Uh, what happened?

Nate: I thought we were done with this.

Elena: Done with what?

Nate: You being a dog with a bone about amanda. You said you decided to leave her alone and focus on helping devon. What happened to that?

Elena: I am helping devon, but he doesn't need sympathy. He needs answers, and that's the only way this whole amanda thing is gonna be put to rest.

Nate: He can put it to rest by letting it go.

Elena: You know he can't do that.

Nate: Sure he can, and he's choosing not to. And now he's got you just as obsessed as he is.

Elena: Because we don't know anything about amanda. All we know is that she showed up out of nowhere with hilary's face, working for the man who scammed devon out of his inheritance. Wouldn't you want to know more about her? Wouldn't you want to know where she came from? In fact, you could help us. You could talk to her. Figure out what she's hiding.

Nate: Not a chance.

Elena: Why? Because you're afraid to find out something that you don't want to know?

Nate: No. Because I respect her privacy, just like I would want her to respect mine. You and devon have all these conspiracy theories about amanda that are based on what? How she looks? Who her client was? Even though she thought she was working for chance, not colin. You have nothing else. So, I'm sorry, elena. I'm not on board with this. I think it's dangerous and wrong.

Devon: Hey. I need to talk to you.

Summer: Oh, hang on! Hold on. How does it look?

Nick: Uh, well, why don't you told me what it is?

Summer: Really? It's a wise man.

Nick: Huh. A wise man. Okay.

Summer: Okay, well -- wait, you really couldn't tell? Oh, my -- oh, my god, are you serious? Dad! You're so bad!

Nick: I know, but the look on your face was priceless. I mean, come on. This is -- this is incredible. I had no idea that you --

Summer: That I was, what, such a domestic goddess? Neither did I. Who knew, right?

Nick: It's amazing. Um, is it finished?

Summer: Uh, almost. I just have to try it on christian tomorrow and then put the final touches on.

Nick: He's gonna be thrilled.

Summer: I don't know, I think that your girlfriend, chelsea, the former big-shot fashion designer could have done a better job. Which, uh, speaking of... I haven't really seen her around here much lately. I know she's got a lot on her plate, you know, but I'm just kind of curious --

Nick: Summer.

Summer: Yeah?

Nick: If you want to ask me about chelsea, then just -- just do it.

Summer: What the heck is going on with you two?

Adam: Hey. I was hoping you'd still be here. Do you have a minute?

Chelsea: Uh, hardly. Is everything okay? Is connor all right?

Adam: Oh, yeah, connor's fine. He's, uh, in session with sharon right now, so... I thought you and I could grab a quick dinner.

Chelsea: Oh, I can'T. I have some christmas shopping to do.

Adam: Well, that's great. We can do it together. We'll pick out some stuff for connor.

Chelsea: I'm shopping for nick.

Adam: Oh. Right. Of course.

Chelsea: I planned to drop his gift off later today, so...

Adam: Mm-hmm, sure. Yes, I understand.

Chelsea: But you're right. We definitely need to talk about gifts for connor, and I know your family tends to go overboard. I think that we should set some limits this year.

Adam: Agreed.

Chelsea: Okay, well, I got to run, I'll talk to you later.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: So, connor, let's talk about the last time we were together. You said some things about our conversation that weren't true. Right?

Connor: I got in trouble.

Sharon: You did, huh?

Connor: My mom and dad took my video games away for a month. Said I had to apologize.

Sharon: Why do you think you did it?

Connor: I don't know.

Sharon: Well, think about it.

Connor: I guess because i thought it'd make them be together, but now I know telling the truth is better.

Sharon: How did you figure that out?

Connor: I told mom and dad the monster wanted them to yell and fight and live apart. They listened to me. They believed me. And now we're all together, so that makes me happy. When I rent a car, I never compromise.

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Devon: I know that you saw that P.I. File on amanda, and i want to explain.

Elena: You don't have to.

Devon: But you need to know that I didn't hire any investigators. Victor did, and then he brought me the information that he found.

Elena: And you had to act on it. I know. I agree with you.

Devon: Really?

Elena: Yeah. I mean, it's obvious she's been hiding a whole lot from us all along. And you need to get to the bottom of it. I'm just sorry I didn't realize it in the first place.

Devon: Wow.

Elena: You're surprised.

Devon: Yeah, I'm very surprised because, lately, you've been telling me I need to back off of her.

Elena: I was wrong. I just hated what this was doing to you, to us, and I thought that if we could be done with this amanda business, we could go back to how things were.

Devon: I tried to.

Elena: I know.

Devon: And when victor showed up, it just raised all these questions again, and... I don't know what I was supposed to do.

Elena: Exactly what you're doing. You need to find closure with this situation. And, at the very least, you need to figure out how or why this woman has dropped into your life. And I'm gonna help you figure that out.

Nick: I wish I had a simple answer for you about chelsea, but the reality is, I don'T. It's just, uh... it's a strange time for us.

Summer: I mean, I think it's a little more than strange, but, you know, whatever -- whatever works for you.

Nick: This isn't about me or us. It's about connor&

Summer: Look, dad, I know that she's concerned about her son. It's just --

Nick: Hey, do you remember when your mother took you off to switzerland for medical treatment?

Summer: Yeah. I mean, I was a kid, but, yeah, a little. Why?

Nick: Well I wasn't sure i wanted you to go, all right. I was scared. It was really far away. I wasn't sure it was gonna work, but when I saw how committed and dedicated your mother was to getting you well, I stepped back, and I'm glad because it was the right thing to do.

Summer: Okay, dad, I'm sorry. Are you comparing, um, that to -- to this?

Nick: Yeah, I am.

Summer: Dad, there's a huge difference here, though. Mom wasn't living with another guy.

Nick: Chelsea is not living with adam, okay? She's just staying with him until connor gets better.

Summer: Okay, well, normally, maybe I might agree with you, but this is adam that we're talking about.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. It's adam.

Summer: Does he even respect any boundaries that you and chelsea have set up?

Nick: No, he does not. In fact, your grandmother was telling me she was talking to adam the other day, and he kept talking about himself and chelsea but saying "us" and "we" and the whole thing was about his family.

Summer: Okay, that's exactly what I'm talking about, dad. This is nothing like mom taking me to switzerland. This is adam just doing what he does all the time -- going after what he wants but fighting dirty to get it. So my question for you is -- what are you gonna do about it?

Phyllis: And I stood by adam when nobody else would. When all that stuff was going on with victor pretending to die and all those accusations were being thrown around, I listened to him. I sympathized. I helped him. How does he repay me? By... saying one of the most -- the most insulting thing that anyone has ever said to me, and that's a long list. You know that.

Jack: What did he say?

Phyllis: I can't tell you.

Jack: Oh, come on. You can't go on for 10 minutes breathing flames about adam and then not give me the punch line.

Phyllis: He asked me --

[ Sighs ] He asked me to do something very degrading and disgusting. That's all. Okay? He's not capable of human emotion. He doesn't see people as people. He sees them as cogs and tools that he can use and then abandon.

Jack: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay?

Jack: What did you expect, righteous indignation?

Phyllis: I didn't expect you to just shrug your shoulders.

Jack: Okay, I guess hell hath no fury...

Phyllis: What? No. I am not a woman scorned. Wrap up your holiday shopping with the blitz in,blitz out sale

Devon: Hon, you have -- you have no idea how relieved I am to know that you're on my side when it comes to amanda. Because when I came in here and saw you talking to nate --

Elena: I was telling him the exact same thing. I think amanda is bad news.

Devon: And I'm sure he didn't want to hear that.

Elena: Yeah. Nate seems to have a blind spot when it comes to her.

Devon: Did you tell him about the P.I. File?

Elena: No, but I did tell him that someone gave us information about her, and he didn't seem to care at all. And then I asked him to talk to her, maybe get her to open up a bit. He shut me down.

Devon: Of course he did. I'm worried about him.

Elena: Yeah. Me, too. He claims he doesn't have a thing for her, but I don't know if I agree.

Devon: I definitely don't agree.

Elena: Yeah, and what makes him so sure we're wrong about amanda?

Devon: Because you can't tell him anything. It's like when he gets something stuck in his head, it doesn't matter what we have to say.

Elena: Stubborn.

Devon: Yeah. Probably runs in the family. You've really been a rock for me through all of this. You know that, honey?

Elena: Well, a crumbling rock.

Devon: No. No. You've been amazing. You were right to be concerned about me because it was messing with my head, seeing amanda and having it bring up old memories of hilary. And I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that it took me so long to see the truth. But I know that amanda sinclair or whoever the hell she is, is nothing like hilary. And all I care about right now is you. Because you're my future.

Phyllis: Hey!

Jack: I'll call you back.

Phyllis: Is it "offend phyllis month?"

Jack: Okay, I did not mean to offend you.

Phyllis: "A woman scorned."

Jack: Okay, I apologize for that.

Phyllis: I do not now or have I ever had a romantic relationship with adam newman. No romantic feelings.

Jack: Duly noted.

Phyllis: Thank you very much. I needed a friend! I needed an ally. No more, no less. I got a hell of a lot less, which is why he's gonna regret it because people who cross me usually do.

Jack: Oh, wait. Wait a minute, now you're telling me you're about to wage war on adam newman?

Phyllis: Damn straight.

Jack: The same adam newman who has inherited victor's great love of vendettas?

Phyllis: I know his weaknesses. I know where to hit him where it hurts.

Jack: Good luck with that.

Phyllis: If you mean that, thank you very much. Thank you.

Jack: You know what, go home, sober up, get a good night's sleep. Wake up tomorrow morning and realize what a dumb idea this is.

Phyllis: Oh, you're protecting adam.

Jack: No, I am actually looking out for you, sweetheart. It's the worst idea in the world to go after adam because of wounded pride. You're better than that. You want some advice? Some free advice? Focus on your family. Focus on your career. Work on building up your life again instead of tearing someone else's down.

Phyllis: What, are you a philosopher now, jack?

Jack: I'm just offering my opinion.

Phyllis: Your opinion? Really? From the man who pushed me out of jabot. That's why I went to adam in the first place.

Jack: And how many people back then told you not to do that, including your daughter? Did you listen? No. You knew best. Well, here you are. Phyllis, you're one of the smartest women I know.& You're as capable as they come. And yet, somehow, you keep getting in your own way. If I were you, I'd start asking myself "what has that gotten me? Where has that gotten me?

Adam: So, how did it go?

Sharon: Connor and I had a good session. He apologized for lying.

Adam: Hm.

Sharon: He was, um, calm and in good spirits. And he drew this.

Adam: Oh, connor's monster.

Sharon: Yeah, but do you see the difference? The monster is smaller and less threatening than his prior drawings, and then the three of you are there fighting the monster together.

Adam: Well, that's a pretty awesome sword he gave chelsea. So, this is all good, right?

Sharon: It's encouraging. Connor recognizes that the two of you have made an effort on his behalf, and it's clear that you've made him a priority.

Adam: Anything else?

Sharon: I am concerned that you might be giving him other unintended messages, and if you don't correct that, it's going to backfire in a big way. My gums are irritated.

Elena: So, now that we have the P.I. Report on amanda, where do we go from here?

Nate: I was wondering what you two were up to, but I'd have never suspect of this. You hired a P.I. To dig up dirt on amanda?

Devon: No, we didn'T. Victor did and then he bought us the information that he found.

Nate: Like that's supposed to matter.

Devon: It really should matter because we found out some things that might even disturb you.

Nate: I'm not interested.

Devon: Okay, then, nate, go home.

Elena: No, devon. Nate needs to hear this. Nate thinks that we are crazy and obsessed with amanda, and we have information that proves otherwise.

Nate: Okay, fine. I'll listen. Convince me this was a good idea.

Devon: We found out that before amanda came to town, she hired a company to completely erase her information from the internet. She couldn't get rid of everything, but most of it, it's gone.

Elena: So if she's so squeaky-clean, what is she hiding?

Nate: I don't know.

Devon: Do you think it's weird.

Nate: I think it's none of my business.

Devon: We also found out that she filed a restraining order against the guy and that same guy filed one against her.

Nate: Do you know the circumstances?

Devon: I could guess what they were.

Nate: And that's all it would be -- a guess. Like all the rest of this so-called evidence you've piled up. If you took this to court, they'd laugh you out of the building.

Devon: The investigation just started.

Nate: And I think that's sad, devon, for both of you. Why would you want to waste all of your time and energy jumping down this rabbit hole again?

Devon: Is that really what you're concerned about?

Nate: Seriously?

Devon: I'm dead serious. You say all the time that you're worried about me, but I think you're way more concerned about amanda.

Nate: I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that.

Adam: Of course connor wants his mother and his father to get back together. That shouldn't surprise you.

Sharon: No, of course not. It's very common for children of divorced or separated parents, but this is more serious.

Adam: How so?

Sharon: Well, connor told me how you and chelsea can only defeat the monster if you're all together.

Adam: Mm-hmm. That's right. He overheard an argument we were having.

Sharon: But then connor had a meltdown when he thought that chelsea was leaving here for good, until you both convinced him otherwise.

Adam: All we were trying to do is just reassure him that everything was gonna be okay.

Sharon: But that's not the way that connor sees it. He wants this situation to continue indefinitely. That's what he's rooting for. But maybe I'm wrong. At some point, you and chelsea are going to be living separate lives again, and my fear is just that that's going to confuse him and anger him and undo all the work that we've done.

Adam: Well, that is also chelsea's concern. So what do you suggest?

Sharon: I think that you should be honest with connor. The sooner, the better. I mean, the longer this fantasy goes on, the more upset he's going to be.

Adam: Sharon, we -- we are going to tell him. Eventually.

Sharon: Eventually?

Adam: The holidays are coming up. The poor kid, he's probably gonna be going to a different school soon. I mean, you said for yourself what he needs right now is stability, and we just -- that is what we're giving him.

Sharon: Well, obviously, it's your decision.

Adam: And I appreciate everything that you've done. I just -- I really don't think right now is the best time to shake up his world again. And I told chelsea the same thing.

Sharon: Okay.

Adam: You don't agree.

Sharon: My two cents is... you should bring it up little by little. Just gently steer the conversation toward the love that a parent has for their child, no matter where they are and how that never goes away, even if they're not living together because that's the truth, adam. And letting connor believe that his parents have reconciled is not.

Nick: I made you a sandwich.

Summer: Oh, well, thanks.

Nick: It's the least I could do, considering how hard you worked on christian's costume.&

Summer: Oh, look at you. You cut off the crust for me and everything, like when I was little.

Nick: Well I know you're this big-time executive at a big-time company, but you will always be my little girl.

Summer: Thanks. Hey, good job, by the way.

Nick: On the sandwich?

Summer: No, on avoiding that question that I asked about you and chelsea.

Nick: I'm not avoiding your question.

Summer: Really? Because you made me sandwich that I didn't ask for. And if you want to talk to me about it, I mean, that's fine.

Nick: Chelsea and I are gonna be okay.

Summer: Okay, you keep saying that, but I wonder what "okay" means.

Nick: Summer, relationships have ups and downs. We are clearly in a down right now, but we're gonna get through it.

Summer: Okay, well, I don't mean any offense by this, but when were you in chelsea last in an up? It just seems like it's been one crisis after the other ever since she came back into town.

Nick: It's not chelsea's fault, okay? Connor needs both of his parents right now.

Summer: I know because he went through a traumatic situation thanks to an associate of chelsea's dead husband.

Nick: And you blame chelsea.?

Summer: I'm just saying that maybe she could have come clean to you about her life and everything that happened before a hotel full of people were held hostage. Then maybe things would have, I don't know, ended a little bit differently.

Nick: Well, I mean, I was keeping secrets from her, too.

Summer: Yeah, I know, because I was also kept in the dark about grandpa faking his own death. But at least you were trying to bring adam to justice. I mean, what was her motivation? Everyone has been so vague about how well she knows this guy simon black. I can guarantee you that her reasons were a lot less noble than yours were.

Nick: I know that you didn't think it was a good idea for me to get back together with her.

Summer: No, dad, this -- this this is not about my opinion on chelsea. I have tried to be supportive of your relationship with her, and I have no interest in being proved right. It's just so hard for me to sit here and watch you be so unhappy. And what doesn't make any sense to me is how can chelsea not do anything about it? I mean, if she cares, then why isn't she trying to change things?

Chelsea: Merry christmas.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: Hey, billy. It's jack. I heard about the job you landed. I just want to learn more about it. I thought maybe we could have a nightcap together. Give me a call, billy. We'll catch up.

Abby: Do you want to talk to billy, uncle jack?

Jack: Yeah. Yeah. He got a new job. I want to congratulate him.

Abby: Is billy okay?

Jack: As far as I know. Why do you ask?

Abby: Victoria mentioned that they haven't been spending much time together. She chalked it up to long work hours, but I just get the sense that it's more than that.

Jack: I think billy's dealing with a few things since he left jabot. I'm not sure where they are. He's not talking to me about them.

Abby: All right, great. Yeah. I don't mean to worry you. I could be completely wrong. Maybe it is just victoria working overtime.

Jack: No, I want you always to tell me about things like this. Look, I'm going to talk to billy. If there's any kind of a problem, we will deal with it as a family.

Abby: Do you ever get tired?

Jack: Tired of what?

Abby: Of carrying this family on your shoulders? Any time there's any sort of problem, everyone always runs to jack. I've done it myself more than once. You always listen and you're patient, and you usually have the right answer.

Jack: Not always.

Abby: [ Laughs ] But it must feel like a burden sometimes, to always be that person.

Jack: Not when I see the abbott family growing, building, taking small accomplishments I've made and making them better. Moving them forward. Like you're doing here. This is your baby. You made this dream a reality, and when you have a family of your own, this will be the legacy that they build on. This is what my father taught me. Set the bar high. Expect the next generation to exceed it. That's what you're doing. I could not be any prouder of you. Oh!

Summer: Chelsea, we were, um...

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, hold on. Oh, you know, I have to -- I have to go see mom now.

Nick: You didn't even touch your sandwich.

Summer: Um, no, that's okay. I'll just eat it when I get back, or -- better yet, you just eat it. Could you tell christian I'll finish his costume tomorrow?

Nick: Sure. Love you.

Summer: Okay. Bye. Love you. It's, um... it's nice seeing you here.

Nick: [ Sighs ] It's kind of funny, you know, when, uh... your kids get old enough to be as overprotective as you, as you were of them.

Chelsea: Yeah. I guess I have that to look forward to.

Nick: Yep.

Chelsea: Not that I can blame her.

Nick: Why?

Chelsea: For thinking you're crazy for putting up with me. I'm sure summer's not the only person who feels that way.

Nick: Nobody thinks that.

Chelsea: Really?

Nick: All right, well, if they do, you know, I don't listen to them. Because I do what I want.

Chelsea: I don't deserve you.

Nick: Well, that's true.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ] It's -- it is true.

Nick: Come on. Come on.

Chelsea: It's the truth, nick. None of this has been fair to you, and I care about what you're feeling. I really do. And I know I've asked too much of you, and yet, you've done it. You put connor and me first, above everything. You have been amazingly patient. And if I was more patient, I would tell you to move on without me and find somebody who can be there for you the way that you deserve. But I'm not the person. So instead I'm standing here, begging you to just hold on a little bit longer. I promise you, it will be worth it.

Nick: Is it my turn?

Chelsea: No I'm not done because I need to tell you how much I have missed you. I have missed you like crazy, so bad. Last night, I almost came here in the middle of the night just 'cause I wanted to crawl into -- mmm. Okay. Now it's your turn.

Adam: Hey, bud. It's almost time for bed. Oh! What do you got there?

Connor: Something I made for mom.

Adam: Oh. Well, she's really gonna like that. You know, why don't I keep it down here, and I'll show it to her when she gets home?

Connor: Where did she go?

Adam: She... she went out to do a little christmas shopping.

Connor: I hope it's something for me!

Adam: Hey, you never know, hmm?

Connor: I told her I wanted a skateboard, but she said it might be too dangerous. I don't think so. Do you, dad?

Adam: Well, you know, your mother is usually right about these things.

Connor: Will you talk to her?

Adam: Sure. We will figure this out together.

With advil,

Summer: Hey, mom. Hey!

Phyllis: Hey.

Summer: Can I join you?

Phyllis: Of course!

Summer: All right.

Phyllis: We're still getting together for your birthday, right?

Summer: Yeah. What, I can't spend more than one day a week with my mom?

Phyllis: Jack told you to come.

Summer: Look who cares who told me to come. I'm here.

Phyllis: Why did he do that?

Summer: Because he's jack.

Phyllis: I don't need a babysitter.

Summer: No, I think that jack's exact words were, "your mom needs a friend." And, honestly, I'm just happy to have an excuse to get out the house.

Phyllis: That doesn't sound like you, sitting alone in your house. I hope you're not pining away for your ex-boyfriend.

Summer: Theo? No. No, I told you, we -- we made the right decision breaking up. I mean, it's hard enough being his boss and then you add in me trying to not get caught in the middle of his ongoing feud with kyle. That's awkward enough without adding dating.

Phyllis: That's mature.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, even in spite of everything that's gone on with theo and I, we're still friends.

Phyllis: Good.

Summer: Hey, you're the one that taught me that you can stay close to your exes. Kinda like jack and how he text me because he didn't want you to be alone tonight.

Phyllis: Okay. Um, what about you?

Summer: Hmm?

Phyllis: What's going on with you? You should get out there. There are a lot of great guys out there.

Summer: No. [ Laughs ] I'm in no hurry. Dating just makes life complicated. I don't have time for that.

Phyllis: Ah, well an uncomplicated life sounds really boring.

Summer: [ Laughs ] I'm not gonna just date a guy just to say that I'm in a relationship. I mean, I guess that's kind of what I did with theo, even though he was really, really good-looking and a lot of fun. There's just always something missing, you know?

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, you're right, you shouldn't settle. The guy who wins your heart... he should make your skin tingle and your heart melt and your mind come alive. That's the trifecta. And once you get that, it's worth the wait.

Summer: Yeah, well, I guess that lucky guy will just have to wait because I am hungry. Come on. What are we getting?

Chelsea: Where's connor?

Adam: He's asleep upstairs.

Chelsea: Good. I don't want him to see me like this.

[ Sighs heavily ]

Adam: What is? What's wrong?

Chelsea: I can't do this anymore, adam. I keep trying to live this lie with nick, but I can't pretend anymore. I love you. I try to resist it, but I can'T. I belong here with you and connor. This is my home. This is my family. I'm sorry I just had to say it. If you don't feel the same way, I understand.

Adam: This is how I feel. No, I want nothing more than our family to be together again. I mean, we were happy once. And I know we can be happy again. Family to be together again. I mean we were happy once and i

Chelsea: If this is your idea of communication... I'm all for it.

Nick: Did you really come over here to bring me a present, or was it just an excuse to, uh, how did you put it?

Chelsea: Crawl into your bed.

Nick: We didn't make it to the bedroom. I mean, I'm not complaining.

Chelsea: No. I'm not, either. So, open your present.

Chelsea: There's really something in there?

Chelsea: Yeah. I want you to open it right away.

Nick: Oh, my god, it's -- it's our home.

Chelsea: It will be, when you build it. Where'd you find this?

Chelsea: Rolled up in a closet. So I decided to have it framed.

Nick: I love it. It's perfect. Thank you.

Chelsea: It meant so much to me that you kept the property we were gonna build our dream home on, even when you weren't sure I was ever going to come back to genoa city. It shows that you believed in us, so... you didn't want to give up on us, and this is a reminder that you are right to believe.

Nick: I haven't given up on us. I still believe in us. Try that.

Elena: [ Sighs ] Nate was pretty angry.

Devon: He's just trying to convince himself that he's right.

Elena: What if he tips amanda off on the P.I. Report?

Devon: He's not going to do that.

Elena: What makes you so sure?

Devon: Uh, well, because i know him, and as much as he disagrees with us about amanda, I think he'll see it is a point of honor to not go and blab it to everybody else. Just hope it opens his eyes up, finally. But who knows if it will? I'm just glad you see what i see, honey.

Elena: Mm-hmm. No more secrets, please.

Devon: No more. You're not alone, devon, and I'm always gonna be by your side. So please stop pushing me away.

Devon: I promise, honey, i won'T.

Elena: I love you.

Devon: I love you more.

Phyllis: You made that?

Summer: Yeah. Yeah. I watched a lot of how-to videos online so I taught myself how to sew well enough to make a children's costume.

Phyllis: That is adorable!

Summer: Thanks.

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, I -- I bet that nick loved it. I mean, he loves making christmas special for the kids.

Summer: Yeah, he does. He does. I remember one year he kept hiding the christmas elf, and i got so mad at him. I remember saying that if the christmas elf isn't on the tree, then santa claus isn't gonna come.

Phyllis: Yeah, but then you woke up, and the elf was in your room on christmas day.

Summer: Oh, that's right. He was in a little toy ride-on sports car thing that I wanted so bad. Oh, that was so much fun. I wonder if he's going to do the same thing for christian this year.

Adam: Or connor. You're going to spend the holidays with him, right?

Summer: Yeah, I mean... I don't know, he -- he came to the ranch on thanksgiving, so maybe? Things have been so weird between dad and chelsea so... who knows?

Chelsea: Hey. Where's connor?

Adam: He's asleep upstairs. Can I fix you something to eat? Oh that's ok. I had a sandwich at nick's so, how did the session go with connor and sharon?

Adam: Uh, it went okay. He didn't have any complaints about her this time.

Chelsea: Well, that's progress, right?

Adam: Mm. I think so. But she did have some interesting insights into what's going on with him. I think we should talk about it.

Chelsea: Absolutely. But can it wait till tomorrow? I'm just kind of beat.

Adam: Sure. Tomorrow's fine.

Chelsea: Okay. I'm gonna go kiss him good night and try to get some sleep.

Adam: Okay. Good night.

Chelsea: Night!

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