Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/19/19
Episode #13761 ~ Victor confides in Victoria; Devon wants justice; Jack takes control at Jabot.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: I'm pretty sure I've lived half my adult life in a fish bowl.
Amanda: Always under someone's watchful eye, right?
Billy: We're kindred spirits, you realize that.
Amanda: [ Laughs ]
Victor: Find out everything you can about a lawyer called amanda sinclair.
Elena: She doesn't have to be our enemy, devon. She can just...be.
Devon: She can. She can be far away from us so that we can just focus on each other.
Victor: Here's information that my investigators collected.
Theo: I can take whatever you guys throw at me. The only thing uncle jack will be regretting is not hiring me sooner.
Theo: Now, I'm thinking we launch a social media campaign centered around makeovers. Valentine's day is right around the corner, so maybe we have people post stories about the one who got away, and we pick a few people and we reunite them with their long-lost loves, after they've each had a makeover using jabot products, of course.
Summer: I like it.
Jack: It's a fun idea.
Theo: We could also do a tie-in withe one of those adventure dating shows, like, say a couple goes on a blind date -- bungee-jumping or heli-skiing, and then we give them a jabot makeover before dinner, dancing, whatever. It'll give us a nice before-and-after contrast to highlight the products.
Summer: Yeah. Sporty-not to jabot-hot.
Jack: Not too bad.
Theo: Christmas is next week. Maybe we give mrs. Claus a makeover.
Jack: Okay, look, these are all fun, out-of-the-box ideas, but I think we have to keep our eye on the big picture -- sure things, home-runs, like.. partnering with circe brands?
Theo: Oh, yeah, right. I am all over circe.
Jack: Good, because a partnership with them is the kind of high-stakes deal that generates real revenue.
Theo: Got it. I'm cultivating a relationship with the C.E.O. Right now, I'm the seduction phase, laying the groundwork, but I will get down to brass tacks soon.
Jack: Just closer the deal, okay? Summer gave this to you as your first big test, and it reflects on her, as well.
Theo: Well, consider it closed. I have a meeting with tim tomorrow.
Kyle: Oh. You mean today.
Theo: What?
Kyle: You had a meeting scheduled with tim today, about an hour ago, and you missed it.
Victoria: Would you push my 10:00 back an hour? And send me the latest blueprints on the brooklyn development. Okay, thanks. Oh! [ Chuckles ] What would I do without you?
Billy: Probably fall asleep at your desk.
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Billy: You've been at it 24/7.
Victoria: Well, I know, but i don't have a choice. The work doesn't stop. I just have to keep up with it.
Billy: Okay, and you still have to eat, so the kids are at school and breakfast is ready, so come on.
Victoria: Well, it'll have to be quick, but thank you. I mean, not just for that, but for everything. Thank you.
Billy: Hey, we're partners. I like taking care of things around here.
Victoria: Oh! I'll be right back.
Billy: Okay.
Keep smiling another second.
Ugh, you're a terrible actor.
Oh, well.
Fake it till you make it,
Theo: No, the meeting's tomorrow.
Kyle: It was this morning. You stood them up, and they're not happy.
Jack: How could this happen?
Theo: Look, I'm not sure, but I will find out.
Summer: Okay, I'm sure it was just a simple mix-up. It's not the end of the world.
Kyle: I took care of it, talked him down. We're grabbing drinks tonight.
Theo: The hell you are! My guy, my deal.
Jack: I don't care who handles this, just salvage it.
Kyle: I told you I've got it.
Theo: Tim! Theo vanderway here, falling on my sword for the egregious scheduling error. I'm not sure what happened, but let me make it up to you with vip to damian marley show tonight. We can have dinner before and talk about he deal? Great. I'll see you then. It's all good. The guy's a huge reggae fan,
mon. You must have missed that factoid.
Jack: Nice save.
Theo: Not gonna let you down, jack.
Jack: That's what I like to hear.
Theo: Like I said, this business is all about building relationships.
Elena: Devon?
Devon: Hey, honey.
Elena: Hey. There you are.
Devon: How you doing?
Elena: I got the day off. Would you like to go and grab a bite?
Devon: Oh, I'd love to, but I have to get to a meeting.
Elena: Mm. Hope you're not avoiding me.
Devon: No. Why would I do that, honey? When I promised to keep it real with you the other day, I meant it.
Elena: Good. So we will just focus on you and me, and not amanda.
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: You know what, i shouldn't have brought her name up.
Devon: No, it's okay that you did. I've actually been thinking -- it's great that you guys cleared the air with each other, but you should probably still keep your distance from her. Because, the truth is, we really don't know anything about her. Mm.
Elena: We know enough.
Devon: We don't, though. We have no idea what her personal life was life before she came to town. We don't know her background or who she is or what she's even capable of.
Elena: What she's capable of?
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: What do you mean? Are you saying that she could be a threat to us?
Devon: I don't know. I don't want to find out, but I think it's smart if we both stay away from her.
Elena: I mean, okay. It's gonna be hard with her traipsing around all over town, but it's fine by me.
Devon: Yeah. We both want the same thing, right? We want to be done with her and for her to be out of our lives, right?
Elena: Yeah, you can say that again.
Devon: Okay. Then let's be a team on this.
Elena: Okay. But we're more than teammates, right?
Devon: Well, I think so. Mmm. I have to go, though.
Elena: Mm.
Devon: Okay?
Elena: Okay. Have a good day.
Devon: Thank you. You, too. All right. I love you.
Elena: Love you.
[ Scoffs ]
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Summer: Uh, well, the marketing buys that we made this quarter have really paid off in sales, and the korean skincare line is doing pretty good.
Kyle: Eh, she's being modest. The sales for that line are through the roof. That one decision has paid off in a much bigger way than anticipated.
Summer: Well, thank you, but it really was a team effort. I just ran with the concept that you and I were already working on in the initial stages. And I hope that the rest of my team will keep me looking good.
Jack: Nice job, everyone. I look forward to hearing about the circe meeting. Keep me updated.
Theo: I will. This deal's gonna blow you away. So, cuz... did you set me up?
Victoria: So, what do you plan to do today?
Billy: I'm working. I landed a consulting job.
Victoria: Oh, my god, that's incredible!
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: I didn't even know you were etting close on something.
Billy: It happened fast.
Victoria: Well, tell me all about it.
Billy: It's in mergers and acquisitions. The one downside is that it's in chicago. I wanted to talk to you about that, but I will have to go to chicago for work here and there, but I'll try and keep it to a minimum.
Victoria: That's okay. I mean, I understand that sometimes work takes you away from family, but, let me tell you something, you have been putting more than your fair share around here, so... I think we can work out the travel part.
Billy: [ Clears throat ]
Victoria: Are you excited about it? I mean...
Billy: Am I? I am. Yeah, it feels good to be back in the game and not at the family company. I think is gonna be good for me.
Victoria: I think so, too.
Billy: I will miss you when I'm on the road, of course...
Victoria: Oh!
Billy: ...But I'll think about you every minute I'm gone.
Victoria: Well, I think that's gonna make coming home even more special. I'm so happy for you.
Billy: She means it.
God, she's so beautiful. How about we go upstairs and celebrate a little bit?
Victoria: Ooh! I promise we will, but we can'T. I'm late. Wait. Mwah!
Billy: [ Laughs ]
Victoria: I'll see you later.
Billy: Okay.
Devon: Hey.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Another day, another confrontation with you.
Devon: I'm just here to let you know that my attorney has advised me to take legal action against you.
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] Well, go ahead, if you want to throw away your money.
Devon: You mean more of my money?
Amanda: You have no grounds for a suit.
Devon: I have proof that i was defrauded.
Amanda: By colin atkinson, not me. I've told you over and over again, all I ever wanted was for the truth to come out.
Devon: Well, I want the same thing. I want the whole truth, and i don't think that it has yet.
Amanda: What are you implying?
Devon: That as long as colin is on the run, we won't get any answers to what really happened until he's found.
Amanda: I'm sure that the feds are doing everything they can to find him.
Devon: Oh, and that's enough for you? You're fine with them handling it? You don't want to help out at all?
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] I'm not -- I'm not a detective, and I don't believe in vigilante justice. So I don't know what I could possibly do.
Devon: I -- I'm sure you could figure something out. I bet you have some skills or some information that could help out.
Amanda: You would lose that bet.
Devon: Okay. Well, you know what, amanda, maybe you don't care at all about finding out the truth. Maybe all you care about is your perfect track record as an attorney staying intact.
Amanda: I've earned my flawless record.
Devon: I'm sure you have. Though all I have to go on is your word. And it's not like I'm gonna spend my time digging through your records to see if you're actually telling the truth, but maybe I should because that'd be a good way to find out how honest you've been.
Amanda: That would be a complete waste of your time.
Devon: Yeah. I am pretty busy, anyway. And I'm more concerned, anyway, about how, uh -- how you being involved in this whole will situation may bother potential clients who might want to hire you.
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] I'm sorry. Are you -- are you threatening me?
Devon: I don't think so. I'm just pointing out some inconsistencies about how someone as skilled as you with a perfect track record could get tricked and involved in a massive scam just because you failed to do some basic due diligence.
Amanda: Everyone makes mistakes.
Devon: Not someone like you, though, right? At least not the person that you've presented to us. None of this adds up, really.
Amanda: I am disgusted that i played a small part in what happened with your inheritance, but I would like to put it behind me and move on. I'm assuming that you're not gonna let that happen, are you?
Devon: I'm not gonna put anything behind me or move on until I get answers, and I still have the resources to get those answers, no matter how well-hidden they may be.
Amanda: I usually charge for legal advice, but I'm gonna give you a freebie. I'm not liable for what happened to you. You decided to give away your money. I was just doing my job.
Devon: Okay, well, your job's done, so why are you still in town?
Amanda: Maybe I like it here.
Devon: Sure.
Amanda: And, you know, your little legal matter, it hasn't affected my ability to land clients. See, nate, he seems very happy with the work that I've done for him. Phyllis has asked me to do some work for her, and I'm actually on my way to a meeting right now, so I'm gonna assume that we are done here.
Elena: Hey!
Nate: Hey.
Elena: Busy morning, huh?
Nate: Patient after patient. By the way, I discharged the woman you talked about the other day.
Elena: Ugh. The one that I almost misdiagnosed? I'm still kicking myself for being distracted.
Nate: She is doing fine and at home now.
Elena: Thank you for that. And thank you for talking me down the other day. You really are a good friend.
Nate: I know how much you're dealing with. Devon being taken advantage of, all the loss he's endured, amanda and hilary...
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, when you lay it out like that, I'm surprised we're both still standing.
Nate: But you are. I admire how you two are working through it.
Elena: We're trying.
Nate: I think acknowledging amanda was a victim, too, can take some of the pressure off. I hope you guys move on.
Elena: But what if she wasn't?
Nate: What if she wasn't what?
Elena: The victim. What if you're the one who's been wrong about amanda this whole time?
Victoria: The project is on schedule, and it's under budget. Yes, so we're good to go. Okay, we'll talk soon. Dad! Hi!
Victor: Well...
Victoria: Are you okay?
Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Yes!
Victoria: Oh!
Victor: Well, it sounds as if I made the right decision, putting you in charge.
Victor: Well, good job to you, too. You know, it takes skill to turn a compliment about me into an opportunity to pay yourself on the back for having good judgment.
Victor: My baby...
Victoria: [ Giggles ]
Victor: You're doing a hell of a job, you really are.
Victoria: Thank you.
Victor: Yep.
Victoria: So, are you just stopping by?
Victor: Well, I had an appointment around the corner, so I thought I'd stop by, you know, but if you're busy...
Victoria: No, of course not.
Victor: You sure?
Victoria: I always have time for you, yes.
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: How are you doing?
Victor: I'm doing good, you know, actually doing very well. I went sailing with my crew. Over the weekend, we won a race.
Victoria: Oh, great!
Victor: Yeah. In fact, I'm gonna buy a bigger yacht, a 40-footer. Average speed, 30 knots, you know? Yeah.
Victoria: Um... daddy.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Victoria: You know, it's okay to say that you miss it here.
Victor: Hmm. Is it that obvious?
[ Exhales sharply ] I poured my heart and soul into this place. Most of my adult life, you know?
Victoria: I know.
Victor: But that does not mean that I regret stepping back. It was the right time, and, uh, I made the right decision, you know? Not gonna mount a comeback.
Victoria: Well... that's good to hear. Listen, if you want me to fill you in on anything...
Victor: No, no, no.
Victoria: Doesn't matter, whatever it is...
Victor: No. No, no. I'm not gonna look over your shoulder.
Victoria: Well, you are showing a lot of restraint, and I appreciate that.
Victor: Yeah. Does this place make you as happy as it made me?
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Yes. I'm living my dream.
Victor: So, how does all that sit with billy boy? Everything all right?
Victoria: Yes, it is! We're happy. We couldn't be happier. Wow!
Nate: I can't believe we're back to square one, again. The last time we spoke, you said you understood how unfair it was to blame amanda for how she looks.
Elena: I know, I did, but hear me out.
Nate: I've already heard you. You're stuck on this to the point of becoming obsessed.
Elena: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'll admit it, it's been a struggle for me dealing with hilary. I meant amanda. Both of them. Honestly, they're both intertwined in my head. Okay, look, it was hard enough for me to deal with the memory of devon's wife. It's like she was everywhere -- in his mind, pictures all over the penthouse, and then devon was finally getting closure, and we were both moving on, and now... amanda. And it's shocking for me to see her every day, so I can only imagine how hard it is for devon. Look, I know your ta had an impact on him. And thank you so much for being there for him, but... it didn't fix everything. Devon still has questions about... amanda, and... I do, too. And so should you.
Nate: Where is this all coming from?
Billy: Hey. You having some coffee.
Amanda: Yes, um, this is a coffeehouse.
Billy: Yeah. It is. I thought it'd be weird to not say hi.
Amanda: So weird. Sit down.
Amanda: So, how are you doing?
Billy: How am I doing? I'm good. I'm good. I got a new consulting job.
Amanda: Oh, wow! Well...
Billy: Yeah.
Amanda: Congratulations.
Billy: Thank you very much. It's my first job since leaving my family company. I kind of feel like a kid that graduated middle school that's trying to get all buff during the summer, getting ready for high school, you know?
Amanda: Well, except you're a grown man.
Billy: Yeah.
Amanda: And don't take this the wrong way, but you are handsome, you are successful, and you are moderately charming, so I think it's probably okay for you to just...be yourself.
Billy: Yes, but you've only met my representative.
Amanda: Oh, true.
Billy: The real me is a frog-like creature covered in warts.
Amanda: [ Giggles ] Okay, tmi, I do not need to see your warts. We are not those kinds of friends.
Billy: Oh, are we friends now?
Amanda: Well, I think a certain number of conversations probably meets the definition.
Billy: Okay. I'll go with that.
Amanda: We also have a great deal in common, so...
Billy: We -- we do. We do. We have figured that one out.
Amanda: I spend the whole day acting like I am unbreakable and untouchable, and I'm exhausted.
Billy: It's hard to pretend to be someone that you're not to everyone around you.
Amanda: [ Sighs ]
Billy: You know, if you want to share any of these mistakes or anything, I guarantee you that I will match you blow for blow.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] No, we are not those kinds of friends. Yet.
Kyle: Really? You're gonna play the victim?
Theo: You didn't answer my question. I know that meeting was scheduled for tomorrow. I confirmed it with tim's assistant myself.
Kyle: Well, why don't we call his assistant and see if that's true.
Theo: Okay, calling to check up on me will make us both look like fumbling idiots. The situation is resolved, and you are the C.E.O. Of a major company. Act like it.
Kyle: You can't admit you made a mistake, and I cleaned up your mess. You should be thanking me.
Theo: That's not gonna happen. I'm gonna close this deal, and then you can thank me.
Kyle: Right. This deal's gonna be epic! It's all about relationships.
Theo: Hilarious.
Kyle: I hope it works out. I really do. Because, like you said, I'm in charge. If I was going to sabotage you, do you really think I'd do it at the expense of the company i run? You screwed up all on your own, cuz. You didn't need any help from me.
Summer: Oh, my gosh, it is exhausting having to constantly be the referee between kyle and theo.
Jack: I can imagine. Look, that is not your job. Theo reports to you. Your job is to get him to his a-game.
Summer: I know. No, I know, it's just so much easier said than done.
Jack: I realize it's a complex dynamic. This whole corporate structure is new to theo.
Summer: Yeah, he's trying really hard to fit in.
Jack: Yeah, he's doing the same thing with the family, and kyle isn't making it easy for him on either front. And I realize it isn't easy for kyle to take on his responsibilities as co-C.E.O. With theo around.
Summer: Oh, my gosh, this whole thing is just a mess. Do you really think it can work itself out?
Jack: I think this is an opportunity for kyle to find his management style in dealing with a complex situation.
Summer: So you mean like a test? Eco mpetition
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jack: Not so much a test as an opportunity. Look, I have all the faith in the world in kyle. I wouldn't have kept him on as co-C.E.O. If I didn'T. This is an opportunity to learn. I know he has issues with theo. I also know he is going to have the company's best interest at heart. Eventually, that will be the priority.
Summer: And what about theo?
Jack: Theo's a hardworking, ambitious man. They're both very capable.
Summer: So you're saying that I don't need to mediate.
Jack: No, uh, given your history, I think you're a little too close to the situation.
Summer: Okay, I just want you to know that I've been completely professional with all of this.
Jack: No, no, I -- I don't doubt that for a second. I'm just saying, in this particular situation, take a step back.
Summer: Okay, I mean, yeah, it's -- it's better for me, too. I don't need all that added stress, anyway.
Jack: Right?
Summer: Yeah.
Jack: So a hands-off approach is best for everyone. We're agreed?
Summer: Yep. Thank you.
Jack: Thank you.
Summer: Hey, theo, um, do you want to go over what we discussed in the meeting?
Theo: Um, could we do it a little later? I need to focus on this circe thing.
Summer: Yeah, sure.
Kyle: Can you believe he accused me of sabotaging him?
Summer: Okay, we need to talk. Come on, let's get out of here.
Amanda: Can I ask you a question, if you're up for it?
Billy: Shoot.
Amanda: Are you looking to have an affair?
Billy: Pardon me? Uh, no. No, no, I'm, uh -- why would you ask me that?
Amanda: Well, you are a man in a committed relationship, and you keep striking up conversations with me.
Billy: So men and women can't be friends? I mean, have you not seen the movie "when harry met sally?" I think it kind of settled that debate.
Amanda: I think the whole point of that movie is that they were more than friends.
Billy: Oh, so you're gonna cross-examine my knowledge of '80s rom-coms now?
Amanda: Oh, no, I am cross-examining you. Why is it every time I see you, you're alone, and what is with this vibe between us?
Billy: Oh, what "vibe" between us?
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] This banter? You trying to charm me to... tell you more about myself, even though you will not admit that that is what you are doing... come on, every -- every man that has ever chatted me up like this, they were just, you know, working up the nerve to ask me out.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, I do have a natural flirtiness that spills out of me.
Amanda: Oh! It just spills out.
Billy: Yes, and you are the one that said I am moderately charming. No, I am not trying to sleep with you.
Amanda: Okay. Mm-hmm.
Billy: Okay. Are you trying to sleep with me?
Amanda: No, I am not.
Billy: Okay. Well, good on you for just putting it out there like that.
Amanda: Yeah, you know, i thought we should just get it out of the way.
Billy: Yeah, clearly.
Amanda: So things are good at home?
Billy: Yeah. Things are -- things are -- things are great. Things are great on paper. I mean, some would even say they're perfect, but, uh... I don't know. I've always been nervous of perfect.
Amanda: Why is that?
Billy: You name it. The, uh, frog-like creature under these clothes is always a little bit more comfortable with messy.
Amanda: Messy how?
Billy: Yeah, I don't know. All of it. I've been known to be a little, uh, reckless, maybe unpredictable, wild at times.
Amanda: [ Inhales sharply ] Ugh, I hate wild.
Billy: Really? You don't find it even a little bit exciting?
Amanda: No, there's no comfort in losing control.
Billy: Yes, that is the point, amanda.
Amanda: Maybe it's different because I'm single. You have someone that you love, that you can get wild and crazy with.
Billy: Yeah. That's true.
Amanda: And that makes you a lucky man.
Billy: Hmm.
Victor: I may be retired, but I'll always make sure that billy boy treats you right.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] I know. It's one of your reasons for living.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Victoria: You have nothing to worry about when it comes to billy.
Victor: After all he has put you through, he should be treating you like a queen.
Victoria: That is all ancient history. Billy has been amazing ever since we got back together.
Victor: Good.
Victoria: He has. He's helped me through the whole J.T. Ordeal, he's thrown himself into being a stay-at-home dad, taking care of the kids, cooking for them, taking them to school...
Victor: What? Is that what you call a house-husband?
Victoria: Dad...
Victor: Well, you're not even married.
Victoria: We don't talk like that.
Victor: Oh.
Victoria: Times have changed.
Victor: Well, excuse me.
Victoria: We appreciate a man who shares in the responsibilities at home. Maybe you ought to try it sometime.
Victor: Yeah, right.
Victoria: [ Giggles ]
Victor: Uh-huh.
Victoria: Billy's good. Actually, he just took a consulting job in chicago.
Victor: Really?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Victor: I'm glad to hear that. Sweetheart, you may be a powerful C.E.O. But, to me... you'll always be my little girl.
Victoria: Thank you. I love you.
Victor: I love you, too. I adore you.
Nate: Both you and devon told me you were backing off when it came to amanda. So what's changed? Why suddenly all the questions about her?
Elena: I just realized we don't know a lot about amanda. And I bet you don't, either.
Nate: I know plenty, like normal stuff that comes up in conversation.
Elena: So, has she talked to you about her friends or about her life back in madison?
Nate: What are you getting at?
Elena: I'm just saying you're a good man who wants to believe that amanda was treated unfairly. But you just went through a breakup of your own.
Nate: Abby? That has nothing to do with amanda. And, by the way, amanda and i are just friends.
Elena: And I wasn't trying to imply it was romantic. I'm just saying maybe you needed someone to fill the empty emotional space, and maybe that was amanda.
Nate: I don't need that from amanda, and you're way off-base. If you want to dig into the psyche of someone regarding amanda, look at yourself and devon. I don't know why you guys can't let this go. Has it occurred to you that devon is looking for an excuse not to?
Victoria: Billy? Billy!
Billy: Hey! How was work?
Victoria: Hey!
Billy: Actually, I don't really care.
Victoria: What?
Billy: No, I mean, I do care, just not tonight because I got a plan.
Victoria: Okay...
Billy: Yeah, the two of us are going to go to chicago for one night only, okay? Hannah's gonna watch the kids. Every time I go to chicago from here on out, it's gonna be all work and no play, but not tonight, okay? We're gonna go, we're gonna shake it up, we're gonna have a little fun. What do you say?
Victoria: Wow! What's gotten into you?
Billy: Nothing's gotten into me. I just thought it'd be fun to go, you know, spend a night together. I'm gonna be just as busy as you are soon, and we talk about not being ships in the night here, so it'll be good. Come on.
Victoria: It's really tempting, it is...
Billy: Okay, well, then just don't overthink it.
Victoria: But I -- you know I would love to, but I -- I can'T. Not tonight.
Billy: Well, there's nothing that needs to be done tonight that can't be done tomorrow, vick.
Victoria: Yes, but it just makes tomorrow that much harder, you know? And it's just not where I am right now. I mean, that's not where we are. Right?
Billy: Right.&
So where exactly are we? Yeah, um, I was half-kidding.
Victoria: No, you were not. I'm sorry.
Billy: Be convincing. It's okay. How about I, uh, go order us some dinner?
Victoria: That sounds great.
Kyle: Theo's mistake nearly cost the company a huge deal, and he's accusing me of undermining him like we're two low-level punks pranking each other back in new york. He has no idea what the stakes are. What? You think I switched his meeting? Come on, summer.
Summer: [ Clears throat ] I have decided to be switzerland when it comes to you and theo.
Kyle: Since when?
Summer: Since I realized that it doesn't do any of us any good for me to be caught in the middle.
Kyle: Oh! Hmm. My dad said something to you, didn't he?
Summer: Okay, look, kyle, i have to work with both of you in different capacities. So anything that I say is just gonna complicate the situation even more.
Kyle: Well, I am your superior, and I am asking your opinion on another employee.
Summer: What? Wait, are you serious?
Kyle: No, of course not, but I like having you as a sounding board. You and theo aren't dating anymore, and we are just two friends talking. So I don't see the problem.
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: I feel like you have something to say, and I want you to be able to speak your mind, so why don't you just say it?
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Summer: Okay, no, I do not think that you tried to sabotage theo. I am sure it was just a simple mix-up, but you really did jump on his mistake, like you were waiting for something to use against him.
Kyle: He was lucky I was there to save his ass.
Summer: Okay, but he could have and probably would have solved it himself, and, as his boss, I just don't think that it was the most constructive way to deal with an employee.
Kyle: Oh. It's hard to be constructive when the employee is all bull and bluster.
Summer: Okay, look, I know that theo can be this way, but he's also really talented. Nobody knows social media better than he does, and, as his boss, I mean, I think it's kind of your job to bring out the best in him, you know?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I suppose so, but it's -- it's hard when it's a constant battle to cut through all the double-talk and spin.
Summer: Okay, and maybe that will be theo's downfall, but, until then, you cannot let your personal feelings get in the way of how you manage him. And if you let him pull you down, it's just gonna make you look bad.
Kyle: So... your advice is...?
Summer: Just don't let him pull you into his game. Okay? Just stay above it.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
[ Knocks on door ]
Jack: Come in!
Theo: You, uh, wanted to see me?
Jack: Yeah, close the door. I just want to know that you're ready for your meeting.
Theo: 100%. And, listen, I have no idea how the dates could have gotten mixed up. But there's no point dwelling on it.
Jack: That's right. That's in the past. You roll with the punches.
Theo: And that's the key to success, right?
Jack: Absolutely, but let's make something very clear here. We are family, yes. That will never change. But, in this building, all that goes out the window. In this building, you are not my nephew, you are a marketing executive. We all have jobs here that require our full attention.
Theo: I promise you, I am putting my all into this.
Jack: I believe you. Just know that you're not getting any special treatment from me.
Theo: Understood. A mistake like today will not happen again.
Jack: Good. Because I really want this to work out.
Nate: I'm worried about you. By focusing on amanda, you're allowing devon to stay fixated on something that's unhealthy. For him and your relationship. You should be encouraging him to let it go.
Elena: What if he already has, and somebody else believed that amanda was hiding something so they dug up information on her?
Nate: What person? What information? You know what, never mind.
[ Scoffs ] I -- I don't want to know, and I don't want to be involved.
Elena: But you are involved, probably more than you know.
Nate: What does that mean?
Elena: Look, I know you're worried about me and devon, but I'm worried about you.
Nate: I am just fine, thank you.
Elena: I need to say this, and I need you to hear me. Amanda is a complicate woman with a lot of secrets -- secrets that make me believe she could be dangerous.
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