Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/12/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/12/19


Episode #11758 ~ Adam worries about his influence on Connor; Phyllis spars with Abby.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victor: Find out everything you can about a lawyer called amanda sinclair.

Elena: What do you want, devon? Is it me, or is it to stay in your past? Because you need to decide what's most important to you.

Devon: Hilary...

Amanda: I'm not hilary. I'm amanda.

Kyle: You're appointing me and lauren joint C.O.O.S.

Jack: There's more. I think it's time for summer to get a promotion to head of marketing.

Billy: Who do you have in mind to take summer's position?

Jack: Theo.

Summer: Hey. Jack won't be back for a while.

Theo: I know. I, uh, ran into him at the elevators. He's headed to dinner with kyle.

Summer: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So what are you -- what are you doing in here?

Theo: I'm looking for some notes jack said he left for me.

Summer: Really, about what?

Theo: A report I gave him yesterday.

Summer: Mm.

Theo: Got 'em. So, uh, what's the deal with this meeting between jack and kyle? Is there something I should know about?

Summer: It depends how well it goes.

Kyle: Hey, hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Jack: Hey, no problem. A chance to have dinner with my son-slash-C.O.O.?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Oh, would you like another drink?

Jack: No, I think I've been sufficiently buttered up by now. Why don't you tell me what you want to talk about?

Mariah: Everything's going smoothly at power. We're building our clientele slowly and methodically, not taking on any more than we can handle.

Devon: Yeah, it's a smart approach.

Mariah: So that's one thing you don't have to worry about.

Devon: Mm.

Mariah: How's everything else going?

Devon: Uh, it's just been busy. I just have, uh, some things going on with one of tucker's companies, and the normal stuff at hamilton-winters.

Mariah: And?

Devon: And what?

Mariah: And how did it go with elena when you guys talked?

Devon: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: Did you guys come to an understanding about amanda?

Devon: Mm, not quite.

Mariah: Oh, no. What happened?

Devon: Well, for starters, when I went to look for elena, she was with amanda.

Mariah: What? Why was she with amanda?

Devon: I -- they're making peace. I guess they're friends now. I don't know.

Mariah: What?!

Devon: Yeah, it was, uh, nate's brilliant idea because he thinks amanda's amazing because she helped him with one legal issue. Guess it doesn't take very much to win him over. And I'm, uh -- I'm guessing that he's gonna be inviting us on some double dates soon.

Mariah: Wait, is he dating amanda?

Devon: He swears he's not, but he sure changed his tune about her overnight.

Mariah: Well, maybe he's just trying to alleviate the tension, you know? Negotiate a ceasefire.

Devon: Yeah, I'm sure he'd like to frame it that way, but it's not his place to do that, so he needs to mind his damn business.

Nate: Getting ready for the holiday, I see.

Elena: Hey. Yeah, I picked up some rare blues records for jett.

Nate: Oh, I bet he'll love that.

Elena: Yeah.

Nate: Coffee, please. Where's devon?

Elena: He's at home, still working. Thought I'd give him some space.

Nate: Okay.

Elena: So, did amanda tell you that we had a sit-down, tried to break the ice?

Nate: No, but I am glad to hear it.

Elena: Yeah, I think you made me realize that maybe I was blaming her for things she's not responsible for.

Nate: Yeah, I know you're motivated by your concern for devon. And he's lucky to have you in his corner. Last time I saw you, you were going to lunch with devon, and it seemed like you realized you needed to make your relationship a priority.

Elena: Yeah. Our date was lovely, and I was hoping his positive attitude would stick, but... the next day, he was back to lashing out at amanda.

Nate: That's got to be hard on him when they keep running into each other.

Elena: That's the thing, he didn't bump into her. He went looking for her.

Nate: I guess it's gonna take more time for him to work through his anger over the will.

Elena: I don't even think this about the anger anymore. I'm not even sure it's about amanda. Although, he insists it is, and I believed it at first. But when I look in his eyes, I think this is all about hilary. I don't think he's over her, and... I'm not sure he ever will be.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Victor: This about amanda sinclair? Uh-huh. Really? Uh-huh. That's very interesting, indeed.

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Elena: So am I the last person to realize that devon's still not over hilary?

Nate: I wouldn't put it like that.

Elena: But you suspected it.

Nate: It's crossed my mind. I tried to put myself in devon's shoes. If someone showed up out of the blue who looked like carolyn...

Elena: Carolyn. That'S...your fiancée who...

Nate: That would definitely mess with my head. Especially if she turned out to be part of some scheme to defraud me. Even if it wasn't wittingly.

Elena: When I first found out that we were gonna be dealing with hilary again, I sort of lashed out. I'm not proud of it. And all it did was push devon away and make him think that he should bury his feelings, and now we've been tiptoeing around each other.

Nate: I'm sorry. That's, uh -- that's got to be hard on you.

Elena: Yeah, I just don't know how to deal with a situation like this. It's as if I'm dealing with another woman, but she's not the other woman, or maybe I'm the other woman, I don't know.

Nate: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Devon loves you. You know that.

Elena: Yeah, I know. And I love him, too. You know what, I am talking your ear off about this. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Devon: I don't know what she wants me to do. First, she said we needed to take time aside for our relationship, which we did, and then she said we needed to talk things out, and we tried that, but then she doesn't believe what I have to say. So...I don't know what to do.

Mariah: Well, it sounds like she's trying to be there for you, and that's a good thing.

Devon: Yeah. This might sound terrible, but i think the best thing she could do is just take a step back and let me try to figure things out my own way.

Mariah: So your plan is to shut her out?

Devon: No, I'd like time, though, to figure things out on my own.

Mariah: I get it. Just -- be careful, or you may end up with more time on your hands than you would like.

Theo: So... you know why jack and kyle are meeting, but you're not gonna tell me?

Summer: It's not really my place to say.

Theo: We're keeping secrets from one another now.

Summer: I don't know. Are we?

Theo: You don't believe I was getting notes on a report.

Summer: Well, I do know that you have a history of making kyle's life difficult, and, as your friend, I would hate to see you fall into old patterns.

Theo: And you're concerned for my sake, friend?

Summer: Yes. I'm serious. You have a really good opportunity here, and I would really hate to see you blow it, theo.

Theo: Well, you don't have to worry. That's the last thing I'd ever do.

Kyle: This is about business.

Jack: I gathered as much. You have a proposal you want to run by me.

Kyle: Yes.

Jack: Something ambitious.

Kyle: It is.

Jack: And you want my approval on it.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Well, I've been a big supporter of your ideas lately.

Kyle: Which is why I'm bringing this one up.

Jack: Okay, shoot. Let's hear it.

Kyle: I want you to reinstate me as C.E.O. These are real people,

Summer: Hey!

Victor: Hi, sweetheart!

Summer: Hi, grandpa. What are you doing here?

Victor: Come here.

Summer: Hey!

Victor: Hi, baby.

Summer: Hi!

Victor: Missed you.

Summer: Well, I've missed you, too, but I just saw you at thanksgiving.

Victor: Well, but, you know, that visit was a very short one. Your grandmother and I would love to have a longer visit with you.

Summer: No, I know, I know. Okay, here, come sit, um...

Victor: All right.

Summer: Yeah, I've just been, um, spending a lot of time at work, you know? I -- I got a big promotion. I don't know if you've heard.

Victor: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I have, indeed, and I came here to congratulate you.

Summer: Well, thanks.

Victor: Yeah. Now, I understand that there's a fellow called theo who, uh -- who was promoted who runs the social media department for jabot?

Summer: Yeah. Seems like you, uh -- you hear a lot, huh?

Victor: Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Are the two getting any closer, or what?

Summer: Well, I guess you don't hear everything 'cause we, uh... we actually broke up.

Victor: Oh.

Summer: But we just decided to be friends.

Victor: Well, that's good to know.

Summer: What, you're happy that I had another heartbreak, huh?

Victor: No, I didn't mean -- I didn't mean it that way.

Summer: What?

Victor: No, no, no. It's just, you know... it's just like when I heard the two of you might be coming closer that, um, I did some investigating, you know I had some concerns about him.

Summer: Well, I don't know exactly what you're, uh, talking about, but it doesn't -- it doesn't even matter 'cause it's over.

Victor: I never want you to settle for less. You deserve the best.

Summer: I don't know about that.

Victor: Oh, yes, I do, sweetheart. I have lived a little longer than you have, you know. Things don't work out in one relationship or another, big deal. You know what it usually means? It means that a better one is out there waiting for you.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, I'd like to think that he's out there somewhere.

Victor: Or perhaps it's someone you already know.

Mariah: What are we looking at?

Lola: Oh, uh, hi. Uh, kyle is asking his dad something, but I can't tell how it's going.

Mariah: Asking him for what?

Lola: I don't want to jinx it, but I will fill you in when it's over.

Mariah: Okay.

Lola: How are you?

Mariah: I am good. I just stopped by because I have a piece of news I thought that you would be interested in.

Lola: What's that?

Mariah: Summer and theo broke up.

Lola: Oh, well, that's like their thing, isn't it? On and off.

Mariah: Yeah, I know, uh... I think it's for good this time. Summer's only keeping theo around to give kyle heartburn, so now that that stopped working, it's "buh-bye, theo."

Lola: Oh. I actually hope that's not the case. It almost makes me feel sorry for theo.

Mariah: Sorry for theo? Uh, no, I think he and summer sort of deserve each other. But now that they're broken up... you need to watch out for her.&

Kyle: I'm not suggesting you step down as C.E.O. I'm glad you came back, and i love working with you.

Jack: So what exactly is your proposal?

Kyle: That we share the position. Like billy and I did, minus the constant battles and mistrust.

Jack: Kyle... I appreciate everything that you do at jabot, and you did an amazing job covering for me when I was away.

Kyle: Don't say "but..."

Jack: But...

Kyle: You just talked about how much you liked my recent initiatives -- the new ad campaign, the partnerships with the korean skincare line, the upgrades to the website...

Jack: All those were great.

Kyle: Generating bold, creative ideas and executing them to perfection is my forte.

Jack: I agree. But all of these things you can do as C.O.O. And my right-hand man.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Kyle, is it understood within the company that you are my designated successor.

Kyle: Understood is the not the same thing as guaranteed. You're asking me to wait indefinitely in hopes that everything works out, but a lot could happen before you decide to retire. Even if we make it to that moment without any major upheaval, the board could decide to go with someone else, someone who has been at the helm of a company who has the experience i need to get under my belt.

Jack: Okay, okay. You make a good point. So what if I have someone drawn up that very clearly delineates that you are my chosen successor?

Kyle: Mnh-mnh. Not good enough.

Jack: Not good enough?

Kyle: I am ready for this job. And if it's not with you, then maybe it should be for someone else.

Jack: Wait, what are you saying now?

Kyle: If you are not willing to promote me... then maybe it's time I move on.

Running out of gift ideas, seeking something more.

Devon: I've been expecting you.

Nate: Really?

Devon: Oh, yeah. I thought it was just a matter of time before you came over here to defend amanda because i confronted her again.

Nate: I haven't spoken to amanda nor would I presume to speak for her.

Devon: Mm.

Nate: I came over because I'm worried about you.

Devon: Don't have to worry about me, nate. I am fine. Okay? Though I'm sure you don't believe me.

Nate: Listen, with ever

Devon: I don't want to go there, nate.

Nate: Neil saw what I was going through because he had been where I was. He lost dru, and he saw right through me, the same way I'm seeing through you now.

Devon: Okay. Did elena talk to you and tell you her theory that I'm drawn to amanda because she looks hilary?

Nate: It makes sense.

Devon: It makes sense. Okay. Well, elena is wrong, and if she sent you here to talk to me --

Nate: Elena did not send me. And I understand why you don't want to talk to her about your grief, because you love her and you don't want to hurt her. But there's point in hiding it from her anymore because she knows.

Summer: Okay. Why are you so invested in my love life all of a sudden, huh?

Victor: Because I'm looking out for you, as I always do.

Summer: Really? Is that what you call it, what you've been doing lately is looking out for me?

Victor: Sweetheart, i understand how you feel about that. It must have been a terrible shock to you, to have thought that I had died, and I... I apologize for that. I don't feel good about that.

Summer: Well, the thing is, is that if you, uh, had to do it all over again, you'd probably just do the same thing, wouldn't you?

Victor: Well, think about it. If I told you the truth, I would have put you in a terrible position -- to betray my confidence or lie to your mother.

Summer: I don't care. Either of those options would have been better than believing that you were dead. You don't -- grandpa, you don't understand what that did to me. And then to just find out that it was a game later on? I don't --

Victor: It wasn't a game. It really wasn't a game. I was trying to protect myself and save my son.

Summer: Really? Your son who poisoned you. He took priority over me. Do you even hear how that sounds?

Victor: You're right about your feelings. Okay? It's the past, history now. I came here to, um... ask you to forgive me. Do you think you can?

Summer: I'm trying.

Victor: You are? Okay.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Victor: Come here.

Summer: You make it really hard to forgive you sometimes.

Victor: Okay. I know, I'm aware of that. Yeah, I'm a hardass sometimes, sweetheart. I'm so sorry.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] But I adore and I love you, okay?

Summer: I love you.

Victor: Please forgive me. I feel much better now, and that's why I came, to ask for your forgiveness, okay?

Summer: Okay.

Victor: Okay.

Jack: I have to be honest, I wasn't expecting this.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Not at this time, and certainly not from you.

Kyle: I didn't mean for that to come across as harsh, and I'm not trying to force your hand, but... I am being honest about where i am in my career and what I need. I'm ready to test my wings and see what I can accomplish. I want that to happen at jabot. But if you feel differently, for whatever reason, then I can start searching for something else with no hard feelings.

Jack: You could actually see yourself walking away from the family company...

Kyle: If it's not the right fit at the right time... yes. Maybe I could come back down the road when the timing is better.

Jack: You've given me a lot to think about.

Kyle: I don't mean to rush you. Take as much time as you need. Maybe we can talk at the end of the week. Thanks for meeting me.

Jack: Hold on. Sit down. Sit down. I don't need more time. I know what my answer is.

Kyle: You gonna torture me?

Jack: Just for one more minute. Congratulations.

Kyle: [ Laughs ] Really? Yes!

Jack: I want to be clear about what we're saying. We're gonna give this a try.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Jack: We'll be co-C.E.O.S for a month or two and see what we think then, all right? Sound good?

Kyle: Sounds perfect.

Kyle: And if you negotiate jabot's contracts like you just negotiated this... I think the company's in good hands.

Lola: What are you saying, that you're worried that kyle might cheat on me with summer?

Mariah: No! No, I don't doubt kyle at all. He's completely devoted to you. But he is a little naive when it comes to summer. It's like he has a blind spot for her trickery.

Lola: She's not a witch.

Mariah: Sure about that?

Lola: I have to find out what's going on.

Mariah: Okay.

Lola: So...? Come on!

Jack: So you are looking at jabot's new co-C.E.O.

Lola: That's amazing! Oh!

Kyle: Ah!

Lola: Congratulations!

Jack: Isn't that great?

Lola: Oh!

Theo: What's that all about?

Mariah: I don't know, but they look happy.

Theo: They sure do.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Theo: So, what are we celebrating?

Lola: Kyle is going to be C.E.O. Of jabot again.

Jack: Co-C.E.O. Don't put me out to pasture just yet.

Kyle: And it's on a trial basis, but, uh, I won't let you down.

Mariah: Oh, my god, that is fantastic news! Congratulations!

Theo: How about drinks on me to celebrate?

Kyle: I'm gonna take a rain check. I want to get back to the office and, uh, dig in.

Jack: And I better let lauren know about the change of plans.

Kyle: Ooh, I hope there won't be any hard feelings.

Jack: It will be fine. I will handle it.

Theo: Okay, so that's two no'S. Mariah?

Mariah: Oh, no, I have to work, as well, so I will walk out with you.

Jack: Perfect.

Mariah: Bye, guys.

Theo: Fine. Everyone's loss.

Lola: I am so excited for you. Jack is recognizing your hard work, and you're just beginning to show him what you can do!

Kyle: Thank you.

Lola: We are definitely celebrating tonight, so think about what you want to do.

Kyle: Mm. I have a few ideas.

Nate: All I'm saying is, I'm here if you want to talk about hilary.

Devon: I -- did we not have this conversation already when ana was here, and you guys helped me through my grief, and I got rid of all of hilary's things and I put her pictures away, and then I moved on with my life?

Nate: Until amanda walked through the door.

Devon: Yeah, that was a -- a big shock, but I'm not going backwards.

Nate: But you do need to acknowledge the effect it's having on you.

Devon: Okay.

Nate: I'm sure, in that first moment, it must have felt like a miracle. And every time you see her face, in the split-second before your brain sends the message to your heart, you think it's her.

Devon: I get why you'd assume that, nate, but I know the difference between the two. Amanda is not hilary, I get it.

Nate: Okay, so what are you doing? Why do you keep seeking her out?

Devon: I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Nate: Okay, you don't have to talk to me or elena, but I see you two both hurting.

Devon: [ Sighs ]

Nate: And so you probably should talk to someone. Because you cover it pretty well, but it's crushing you, isn't it?

Devon: I -- what do you want to hear, nate? What do you want me to say to you? Things have been tougher than I've let on? Sure. They have.

Nate: Okay. That's okay. Now we're getting somewhere.

Devon: [ Sighs ]

Lola: Lonely bar stool for one?

Theo: I'm my own best company.

Lola: Don't you need to get back to the office, too?

Theo: This is my office. One of the perks of working in social media.

Lola: Are you sure you're okay with kyle's promotion?

Theo: Absolutely. And congrats, again.

Lola: He worked really hard for it.

Theo: I know. I get to see him in action every day, and the guy is busting his butt.

Lola: How are you liking your new job?

Theo: Well, it's actually going really well. You know, I had certain concerns.

Lola: I remember.

Theo: But, you know, i haven't had to change who I am to make it work. I'm finding ways to make the job suit me. Putting my own spin on it.

Lola: So, how is everything else going?

Theo: There are a lot of pivots in this conversation.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: Hey, if there's something you want to say, just -- just say it.

Lola: Thank you. Mm. I heard you broke up with summer, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Theo: No, it's fine. It was a mutual decision.

Lola: Theo, can I ask you something else, just because i consider us friends?

Theo: Yeah, of course. I seem to be racking up friends today. [ Chuckles ]

Lola: Did your breakup have anything to do with kyle and summer?

Summer: What? He said yes?

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

Summer: Hooray! I'm so happy for you! And I am so relieved because if he said no, then I would not have known what to do with this. Do you want to do the honors?

Kyle: Oh, that's so nice of you, but I came back to get some work done.

Summer: So? We can still be productive while sippin' some bubbly. You know, it's like a -- it's like a staff meeting, but with benefits. Okay, you -- you know what I mean.

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

Summer: Um, we could -- we could sip some bubbly, and the knock something off of our to-do lists, you know, and then just keep on repeating that.

Kyle: I'm not sure that's the most effective work strategy...

Summer: Come on, come on...

Kyle: But... what the hell? Today's not a normal day.

Summer: That is right, it's not. Okay.

Summer: Come on!

[ Cork pops ]

Summer: Hey! [ Laughs ]

Kyle: Yes! [ Laughs ] Stouffer's lasagna with meat & sauce has

Devon: I'll tell you what it's been like, nate. Whenever I -- I look into amanda's eyes, I get flashes of being at hilary's bedside in the hospital with her. And... those were the worst days of my whole life. But, all right, they were also the last moments I got to spend with my wife.

Nate: I remember how hard you both fought to hold on. Now it... sounds like a part of you is still fighting to do that.

Devon: It's been over a year, though, man. I don't -- I don't feel like I should still be dealing with this, you know?

Nate: That's not how grief works. You can't tap your watch and tell it time's up. But you also can't beat yourself up for feeling this way. I'm here for you, and so is elena.

Devon: I don't want elena to be anywhere near this because I don't want her to feel like she's competing with a ghost.

Nate: Then all the more reason for you to get some helpg myself with my memories.

Nate: That sounds like a good start.

Summer: All right, cheers to you having the guts to go after what you want. And for jack not calling your bluff.

Kyle: Mm! I wasn't bluffing.

Summer: Hm?

Kyle: I was ready to leave jabot. And you're part of the reason why.

Summer: Okay, um, excuse me?

Kyle: That didn't come out right. What I meant was... I've been inspired by the way you walked away from all the opportunities victor offered you at newman because you wanted success on your own terms. It inspired me to think I could do the same if it came down to it.

Summer: Well, uh, thank you. I think?

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Summer: So, are you, uh, happy to be staying?

Kyle: Yes! Of course. This is what I wanted. Mmm! But we can't let up now. Because, technically, the job's still temporary.

Summer: Right, but it will be permanent because everybody here is behind you, with the possible exception of theo.

Kyle: He was surprisingly supportive when I saw him earlier, no quips or jabs. Wait. That's suspicious, isn't it?

Summer: Um, just unusual, yeah.

Kyle: You know something i don't?

Summer: No?

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: I don't know. Well, maybe, I just -- I saw him going through some papers on jack's desk earlier.

Kyle: Uh-huh. What papers?

Summer: Well, it was some notes that jack left him on a report. I -- just something about it seemed off, so I'm just saying to maybe keep one eye open.

Kyle: [ Scoffs ] Don't worry. I'm not letting my guard down when it comes to theo. But it is kind of odd to have you reporting to me about your boyfriend.

Summer: Well, he's actually not my boyfriend anymore.

Kyle: You broke up?

Summer: Yep, and please do not give me the fake sympathy, okay? I know that you think that I'm better off without him, and, to be honest, so do I.

Kyle: All right. Well, that deserves another toast.

Summer: Okay. You can top me off.

Kyle: Oh! Let's do it.

Summer: Thank you.

Kyle: Bam. Ooh, a little spillage.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] That's okay, no one will know.

Kyle: No one will know, shh.

Summer: All right. Cheers to moving up.

Kyle: And moving on.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Theo: I can assure you, my breakup with summer hadthing to do with kyle.

Lola: Yeah, of course not. I didn't think --

[ Sighs ] I just -- sorry.

Theo: It's fine. Summer and I are both focused on our careers, and it doesn't leave much time for anything else.

Lola: I understand. When society was getting ready to open, I was working day and night, and I barely saw kyle. It was an issue between us.

Theo: I feel like you've got to make sacrifices on the way up. You know, you do what it takes to play the long game, and then once you get to where you want to be, then it's all worth it, right?

Lola: Um, I don't know if I am where I want to be yet, but I like where I am. And it's pretty great.

Theo: You achieved your dream.

Lola: Yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm done dreaming.

Theo: Got it.

Lola: I'd like to have my own restaurant someday. And a house and a dog.

Theo: And kids?

Lola: Yeah. Someday.

Theo: I hope that happens. You're, uh -- you're gonna make a great mom.

Lola: Thank you.

Devon: Mr. Newman. Hey. Come on in.

Victor: How are you, man?

Devon: Doing well. How you doing?

Victor: Sorry to come by unannounced, but there's something that I wanted to discuss with you personally.

Devon: Oh, you don't need to apologize. What's -- what's going on? I'm intrigued.

Victor: [ Sighs ] First of all, I got to tell you how sorry I am that you were swindled.

Devon: Thank you.

Victor: By, of all people, colin atkinson.

Devon: Yeah.

Victor: And you know how much I respect katherine chancellor.Ther part of why you're here?

Victor: Well... the other reason is that, uh, I want to show you some information I have regarding the lawyer who, um -- who helped atkinson in the scheme. Her name is amanda sinclair. In one week...

Kyle: I thought you'd still be at work.

Lola: I got my sous chef to fill in because I promised you a celebration.

Kyle: Oh.

Lola: Chili pepper chocolate mousse, and a bottle of champagne -- the good stuff.

Kyle: Mmm. But, you know what, why don't we save it for new year's eve? You'd drink a glass, and i already had some at the office.

Lola: Oh. Okay. Did jack have a bottle waiting for you?

Kyle: It was actually summer.

Lola: Thoughtful. Well, why don't we, uh, skip the champagne and get right to the other surprise, which I have been saving for a very -- i mean, very special occasion?

Kyle: Ooh.

Lola: [ Giggles ]

Kyle: [ Exhales sharply ] I'm liking this surprise. This is a really good day.

Lola: Well, it's about to get even better.

Nate: Hey.

Elena: Hey.

Nate: Thanks for coming back.

[ Clears throat ]

Elena: Yeah, so, you talked to devon? I'm sure he welcomed your advice with open arms.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] He was tense at first, but i tried to make it clear I was there to offer my support, not judge him.

Elena: And?

Nate: In the end, I think he was relieved to express some of the feelings he'd been holding in.

Elena: So, did he talk to you about amanda?

Nate: Hmm, probably shouldn't go into all the details, but... yeah.

Elena: Great. Guess he would be upset if he knew you were telling me about your conversation.

Nate: Yeah, I just wanted you to know that I -- I think he's acknowledged what he's dealing with, and he's taking steps to handle it.

Elena: Good. I mean, that's all I wanted, whether he talks to me or you or anyone else.

Nate: Mm.

Elena: Thank you so much.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: Now, how come you have information about amanda?

Victor: Well... I first met amanda when she was defending nate. She impressed me. So I wanted to know a bit more about her background, you know.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Turns out, it's very difficult to find out anything.

Devon: Yeah, I know. I ran into the same problems. There's nothing about her online.

Victor: Right. There's a reason for that. She hired a company that specializes in erasing someone's online history.

Devon: Are you serious? When did she hire that company?

Victor: Well, just about the same time that colin atkinson started his scheme.

Devon: [ Scoffs ]

Victor: And I don't think it's a coincidence, do you?

Devon: No. Well, of course it's not. Of course it's not. Oh! And I've had everybody in my life recently try to get me to believe that she was involved with colin by accident, that she was innocent in the whole thing, and I knew better. I've known better the whole time, and still fell for it. It's not gonna happen again.

Victor: Well, I'm very sorry about the whole thing, I really am. Now, here is information that my investigators collected. And, uh, hopefully, it will help you.

Devon: Thank you. Wow.

Victor: Hey, devon. I...was very fond of katherine, and this really pisses me off. So we're gonna get this guy, okay?

Devon: Thank you.

Victor: And we're gonna get his accomplice, if it is this woman, okay?

Devon: I appreciate you.

Victor: So, meanwhile... watch it. Keep a close eye on her. All right?

Devon: Oh, I will.

Victor: Nice to see you, man.

Devon: You, too. I can't thank you enough.

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