Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/11/19
Episode #13757 ~ Devon and Elena's relationship is tested; Billy keeps a secret; Summer examines her future with Theo.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Chelsea: Adam wants me to move in with him so that I can be there for connor full-time.
Nick: The only thing that matters is doing what is best for connor.
Chelsea: Sharon said that he's found a way to cope with his fear, so isn't that a step in the right direction?
Connor: Sharon, sharon, go away. I don't want you here another day.
Nick: I believe adam is using connor's issues to get closer to chelsea.
Phyllis: Are you sure that maybe... you aren't better off... without chelsea?
Victoria: Billy's going through something. He left here just a little while ago to go talk to jack and get some advice.
Billy: Hey, man, can I grab a scotch, neat, please? Thanks.
Billy: [ Speaking indistinctly ] Here.
Victoria: [ Laughs ] How's your salad?
Billy: It's great. It's always great. Want some more wine?
Victoria: Oh, please. That's nice. Oh, I've been meaning to ask you, how's the job search going?
Billy: Slowly. Nothing's caught my eye yet.
Victoria: Have you been looking online?
Billy: I have. It seems like that's where people look for jobs nowadays.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Well, you know, I was thinking, um, I could put some feelers out there and see if any of my colleagues --
Billy: I appreciate that, honey -- I do -- but I'm gonna do this on my own.
Victoria: Sure. Yeah. I understand.
Billy: I want to work. I want to contribute. I do. It's just about finding the right fit, and that takes time.
Victoria: I-I --
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] That's -- that's true.
Billy: I know. But that's why I left jabot, right? I want to find my passion. I want to find something that makes me want to get up in the morning, and I am open to all possibilities.
Victoria: I'm very glad to hear that.
Billy: Thank you. Whatever I wind up doing, the one thing that is non-negotiable -- it has to be fun, okay? I want to feel alive. That -- that is a must.
Victoria: I am so proud of this drive that you're taking -- leaving a job that didn't work for you and starting fresh.
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: I know it's been a rough couple of months -- I understand that -- but look at you, coming out on the other side stronger than ever. Just take your time until you find the perfect thing. I am behind you all the way.
Billy: Thank you.
Chelsea: You wouldn't dare.
Adam: You need to remember who you're dealing with and what I'm capable of, because I have zero qualms about taking exactly what I want from you.
Chelsea: Right here... right now, in front of our son?
Adam: That's how the game's played. Now give me all your 4s!
Chelsea: Sorry! Go fish!
Adam: Really?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Really? You don't have any?
Chelsea: Nope.
Adam: Wow. Wow. So much for my card-shark skills.
Chelsea: Hmm.
[ Gasps ] We've been outplayed by the master.
Connor: [ Giggles ]
Adam: Well, you are the only one that could bring us together like this. United in defeat.
Nikki: Alright, here's the update. Christian is up to his elbows in pumpkin, learning how to take out the seeds and roast them.
Victor: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: He likes to help in the kitchen. It's kind of his thing these days.
Victor: He's at that age, isn't he?
Nikki: And once they're in the oven, the cook will feed him his dinner.
Nick: Hey, thanks again for watching christian so chelsea and I can spend some time together.
Victor: We love having him around -- just love it. Maybe he'll end up being a chef. Who knows?
Nick: Anything's possible.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: I'm sure whatever he chooses, he'll be wonderful at it.
Victor: So, son, now that chelsea has ruined your political ambitions, what are you gonna do with your life?
Adam: You know what? Next time, why don't you let your old man win?
Connor: No way. I'm gonna beat you both again.
Adam: Yeah, I bet you will.
Connor: Hey, mom?
Chelsea: Yes?
Connor: Will you make us special blueberry pancakes for breakfast tomorrow?
Chelsea: You are going to turn into a pancake yourself if you keep eating those every day.
Connor: Is that a "yes"?
Chelsea: Okay, fine.
[ Chuckles ]
Connor: Alright!
Chelsea: Alright, but scrambled eggs for the rest of the week.
Adam: Ooh, protein.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: I am down with that. Yes.
Connor: Me, too.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]
[ Doorbell rings ] Oh. I didn't realize it was time already.
Connor: Time for what?
Chelsea: Oh, sharon's gonna stop by for a visit.
Adam: Sharon. Hi.
Sharon: Hi.
Adam: Come on in.
Sharon: Thank you.
Adam: Let me grab your coat.
Sharon: Hello, chelsea.
Chelsea: Hi, sharon. How are you?
Sharon: I'm fine, thanks.
Chelsea: We really appreciate you stopping by.
Sharon: Well, I was happy to do it.
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Nick: I guess thanksgiving was just too good to be true. Eventually, I knew you'd hit me with the "I told you so."
Victor: Wait a minute, son. I'm simply asking you, "what are your plans for the future?"
Nick: Right.
Victor: I mean, whatever reservations I had about your political ambitions, I know they energized you, you know? So I hate for you to lose that.
Nick: I had options, okay? I chose to quit my campaign so i could spend more time with my family after the hostage situation.
Victor: And I read your report. I did, okay? I think it's ironic that the two people for whom you sacrificed your political ambitions are now living with adam.
Nick: Okay. I didn't come here to argue with you about this.
Victor: Well, I don't mean to argue with you, okay? Excuse me. Anyway, son, whatever choices you make in the future, please think about them more carefully.
Nikki: Your father means well.
Nick: That is always the rationale, isn't it?
Nikki: Honey, I understand that it's a sensitive topic, but was he really wrong to be concerned? It's obvious to both of us that you having to leave the city council race really has taken a toll on you.
Nick: Look, it was a disappointment -- alright? -- Walking away from my campaign. I was really starting to get into it. And this idea that I could do so much more for my community in this place that I've made so many great memories -- it just seemed like a natural extension of my work at new hope.
Nikki: I know how much it meant to you.
Nick: Look, if simon black had never come after chelsea and terrorized her son... I think I had a pretty good chance of winning.
Nikki: I think so, too. Does chelsea understand that the choices she made after her husband died really have cost you?
Nick: Of course. And she's mortified.
Nikki: So mortified that she doesn't want to face you?
Nick: She's living with adam for connor's sake, period.
Nikki: You know, you've been down this same road with her before, and there were problems then. I do think that the two of you love each other, but... she makes it very hard for people to trust her.
Nick: I appreciate your concern. I know it comes from... a good place and you love me, and I'M... sure the way our relationship looks to the outside world and what they're thinking -- well, I don't care. I know where things stand with chelsea and I.
Chelsea: Sharon, can I get you something -- coffee, tea?
Sharon: Um, no, thanks. I'm fine. I see you got the cards out. You want to play go fish?
Connor: We already did.
Sharon: Oh. Okay. How 'bout a different game, then? Whatever you want -- fine with me.
Connor: Only if mom and dad play with us.
Chelsea: Well, sweetheart, I can't right now. I made plans with nick.
Adam: Do you remember? We talked about how important it is to keep your commitments. Your mom promised she would spend some time with nick, so... she'll be home later, though.
Chelsea: I'll be back before you know it, okay? I love you.
Adam: Alright. I have, uh, some things I need to get done upstairs, so...
Connor: Dad!
Adam: Hey. Sharon came by to see how you're doing. Why don't the two of you visit for a little while, alright? I'll be down in a little bit.
Sharon: Well, if you don't want to play a game, we can do something else. We could draw or listen to some music.
Connor: I said you didn't have to come anymore. Why are you here?
Victoria: You know, billy, before, when I brought up your -- your job search, I wasn't trying to pressure you. You know that?
Billy: I know you weren'T. Look, if I knew the direction that I was going to, it's just -- it's still not the right time of the year.
Victoria: Right. The holidays.
Billy: Yeah. Everybody's partying and having a good time. Nobody's hiring. So, I figured it'd have to wait until after the new year either way.
Victoria: That is a really good point.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Which is why I-i have a suggestion.
Billy: [ Clears throat ]
Victoria: I was thinking that we could go away for christmas.
Billy: That's a great idea.
Victoria: Really?
Billy: Yes. Yes. We talked about it. A little getaway, a new change of scenery, time with you and the kids. Sounds like the perfect cure to whatever ails me.
Victoria: Hmm. Is that just a figure of speech, or is there something that's really wrong?
Sharon: I've really enjoyed our talks. You know, my daughter faith -- she's away at school, so I don't have anyone to play fun games with. Did you have a bad day?
Connor: It was great before you showed up.
Sharon: Well... what was so great about it? You know, I haven't played old maid in so long, and I would really like to. I can't do it myself. You have to have at least two players.
Nick: You know, you didn't have to ring the bell. You could just use your key.
Chelsea: Well, I-I felt strange just letting myself in.
Nick: I want you to still feel like this place is home, chelsea.
Chelsea: How's christian?
Nick: He's good. I dropped him off at my folks'. Thought it'd be nice if we had the place to ourselves.
Chelsea: I like the sound of that. But, unfortunately, I can't spend the night. I promised connor I would be home before his bedtime.
Nick: Alright. I think what we could use is a break. How 'bout a good, old-fashioned dinner date, you know -- nice dinner, bottle of wine? How's that sound?
Chelsea: It sounds perfect.
Victoria: Well, then I'm really glad to see you so chipper.
Billy: Never better. So, tell me about our little getaway. Come on. Let me hear it.
Victoria: Oh, nothing.
Billy: Nothing? It is something. Look at that gleam in your eye.
Victoria: Okay. I know that christmas is a few weeks away.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: But I have a really wonderful surprise I cannot wait to share with you.
Billy: Well, then don't wait. Come on, vick. Tell me. I want to know.
Victoria: Alright. We're going to telluride -- you and me and the kids.
Billy: Telluride?
Victoria: Yes! We leave on christmas eve on the newman jet. We are staying at the most fabulous place you've ever seen. It's this private lodge on the top of a mountain. It's all to ourselves. We have private staff so you won't have to lift a finger. We'll wake up on christmas morning. We'll have a big family breakfast. We'll open our presents. And I even hired a private ski instructor to teach the kids on the bunny slope how to snowboard.
Billy: Wow.
Victoria: And the best part of all? Guess who's coming. Reed. He's gonna meet us in colorado. So, what do you think?
Billy: I think -- I think it sounds great, you know? I think it would be wonderful to see reed.
[ Clears throat ]
Victoria: But?
Billy: You're just kind of catching me off guard a little bit.
Victoria: Well, I know. That's the whole point. It's a surprise. Come on! You love surprises!
Billy: I do love surprises. I just thought we would have talked about, you know, our vacation together.
Victoria: Billy, we've talked about skiing.
Billy: I know, but that was more of a theoretical conversation about, you know, a trip. I didn't know that you were gonna book the newman jet and get a place on top of a mountain with staff and everything.
Victoria: Well, okay. Well, I mean, we could always leave on a different day, I mean, unless that's not the issue.
Billy: I'm sorry. I think it sounds wonderful. I really do. I just thought we would have planned it together. That's all I'm saying.
Victoria: Well, if you were to create the perfect getaway --
Billy: What would it look like? Ooooh. [ Sighs ] Beach, sun, surf -- that kind of thing, maybe.
Victoria: Alright. I get it. Skiing's out.
Billy: No, I'm not saying that. We're just brainstorming, right? It's blue sky. It's -- it's -- there's no wrong answer?
Victoria: Well, would you like to stay at -- at a resort or someplace private?
Billy: Might be nice to have people around. A little more lively.
Victoria: Should we ask hannah to come along so we can go out at night, or do you want to spend the whole time with the kids?
Billy: If hannah's available, I think it'd be great to bring her along. Maybe we can leave on the 27th. My mom's gonna be in town. We can spend christmas here, and then we can go to telluride till after new year.
Victoria: Billy...
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: ...I have to work.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: If we leave on the 27th, with two travel days tacked on either end, and we come back on the 1st, that only gives us four days to unwind. That's really not enough, is it?
Billy: [ Sighs heavily ]
Victoria: Look, why don't we just table this for now? I'm sure we can figure something out.
Billy: Okay. Whatever we decide, I know it's gonna be amazing.
Nick: We'll, uh, meet you over there. Thank you. Hey. Great minds think alike.
Victoria: Hey! How are you guys?
Chelsea: We're good.
Nick: You, uh, here alone?
Victoria: Billy just left. I don't want to keep you from your evening.
Nick: Okay. Uh, have a good one.
Victoria: Okay. You, too.
Chelsea: Bye.
Nick: Thank you. How's this?
Chelsea: Perfect. This is really nice, nick. Thank you.
Nick: You're welcome.
Chelsea: Should we start with a bottle of wine?
Nick: Whatever you want.
Chelsea: Maybe an appletini.
Nick: Go for it.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nick: So, how's connor doing? Is he getting better?
Chelsea: Today was a fun day.
Nick: Yeah?
Chelsea: Yeah. He'S...starting to act like his old self a little bit.
Nick: That sounds like progress.
Chelsea: Sure. Um, I just get a little concerned 'cause there are some signs, you know? He will be acting really connected to me, and then, suddenly, he'll withdraw. I just don't know how to handle it when he does that. It's happening less frequently, though, I think. I don't know. It's just so hard to tell.
Nick: Well, given that... uh...
Chelsea: What? What were you gonna say?
Nick: Nah, just -- I don't want to overstep.
Chelsea: No, nick. Please. I love hearing your opinions. And I don't want you to feel excluded or like you're an outsider in my son's life.
Nick: Okay. Uh... do you ever consider that you playing house with adam is actually making things worse for connor?
Adam: Hey. Where you going?
Connor: My room.
Adam: That was fast.
Sharon: Yeah. I couldn't get much out of him.
Adam: Oh. Well... I mean, that's not necessarily a bad sign, right? He's been in excellent spirits lately. He's probably just a little tired.
Sharon: Perhaps.
Adam: Maybe tomorrow? I mean, only if you have time.
Sharon: Why don't I text you in the morning and then we can see what our schedules look like?
Adam: That would be perfect. And thank you again, sharon, for doing this, really.
Sharon: You're welcome.
Adam: Bye, sharon.
Sharon: Bye.
Connor: Is she gone?
Adam: Yeah. Yeah. Come -- come on down here. What, you weren't up for a visit today?
Connor: I don't like her anymore.
Adam: Really?
Connor: Really.
Adam: I'm -- I'm surprised to hear that. I thought sharon was one of your favorite people. What -- what changed?
Connor: She says mean things.
Adam: That doesn't sound like sharon. Maybe you misunderstood something, connor.
Connor: No, I didn'T.
Adam: What exactly did sharon say to you?
Connor: That if I'm not good, you're going to send me away like she sent her little girl away. She also said the monster's coming back and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Victor: How was your private conversation with nicholas?
Nikki: Well, I'm afraid you hit a raw nerve, bringing up his campaign.
Victor: I didn't intend to.
Nikki: No, I know, darling, but he's still very upset that he had to end it.
Victor: Well... I guess he's equally as upset about the fact that chelsea moved in with adam.
Nikki: Ohh. He is trying to be understanding... but this is all about what's best for connor, but I have to say that situation is becoming untenable.
Victor: I know. Nicholas and chelsea are not meant for each other. I wish he would finally find a woman with some integrity. The chelseas and the phyllises are not for him.
Nikki: Well, people do change, you know.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Nikki: You certainly have.
Victor: Well, wait a minute, now. Do you like the new me?
Nikki: Very much.
Victor: [ Chuckling ] Really?
Nikki: Retirement suits you.
Victor: Thank you, my darling.
Nikki: And look at billy.
Victor: What? Why the hell would I look at billy?
Nikki: Well, he and victoria's relationship is back on track because of all the hard work he's doing in therapy.
Victor: Oh. Hmm.
Nikki: I mean, he is facing his issues head-on, and I, for one, applaud him for that.
Victor: Well, good for him.
Billy: [ Thinking ] God, what a pit. The whole place smells like a wet rag. Still, it's safe. Brain in the jar. I don't have to be perfect or answer to anyone. Hey. I'll get a, uh, shot of bourbon and whatever you have on tap, please. Thanks.
[ Thinking ] Shot and a beer -- the price of admission. I don't need booze... just a little peace.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Rey: So, I finally got to pitch my community-training series -- you know, the emergency first aid, rapid response.
Sharon: How'd it go?
Rey: The mayor's liaison loved it. Everything alright?
Sharon: Fine. Why?
Rey: You seem a little distracted.
Sharon: Um...
Rey: You had another... session scheduled with connor today. Is that what's going on? Did something happen?
Sharon: Why would you think that?
Rey: Is -- is adam getting inside your head again? 'Cause if he is, I will put him on notice --
Sharon: No, rey. Please. It's -- adam is not a-an issue.
Rey: Then what is it?
Sharon: I'm concerned about connor. His parents think he's improving, but I'm worried that they are just seeing what they want to see.
Rey: I'm sorry to hear that.
Sharon: It seems like he doesn't trust me as much anymore, and that's not a good sign, only I'm not sure because I haven't been doing this for very long, and I wouldn't want to misjudge the situation, because if I'm wrong, then i could undo all of the progress that connor's made, and he was just in such despair before, it was just so heartbreaking.
Rey: Sharon, sharon, you are a conscientious person. Just watching you as a mother, the way you are with your own children... you have this loving, wonderful, warm way about you with kids, so trust your instincts and your training. I have complete faith in you.
Sharon: Well, I appreciate the kind words.
Rey: Well, there's more where that came from.
Sharon: But what if my instincts are wrong, you know? What if connor is better off without my help?
Adam: Your instincts are dead right. Connor's going down a darker road than any of us thought.
Chelsea: How can you accuse me of hurting connor... when I've done everything I can to help him?
Nick: I don't doubt for one second that that's how you feel. I know how much you love your son. But letting your 8-year-old son determine how you choose to live your life is a mistake, chelsea.
Chelsea: I see. Advice from the world's greatest dad, whose parenting strategies include letting your daughter think her grandfather's dead.
Nick: Come on. That's not fair.
Chelsea: No, it wasn't, especially for connor, who's still suffering because you decided to keep us all out of the loop. So I will not apologize for putting my son's wants and needs first. It's about time someone did.
Nick: I have tried to be supportive. I've respected every single decision you've made. But I think you living with adam to try and get your son from acting out -- I can't pretend it's normal because I don't think it is.
Chelsea: What's not normal is the number of traumatizing and confusing things that have happened to my son over the past few months, okay? So, yeah, we've needed to use some unusual tactics to help solve his problems. I'm sorry.
Nick: Well, what's gonna happen down the road when connor gets his hopes up yet again and they're dashed? Because you know that's how it's gonna end up.
Chelsea: Adam and I are doing our best to prevent that.
Nick: How can you? Eventually, your son is gonna realize that his parents aren't back together. I mean, what is the plan here? Are you gonna live with your ex-husband until your kid goes off to college?
Chelsea: The only signs that I have seen of the happy little boy he used to be are when he is with his mother and his father -- both of us. I am sorry if that upsets you. And you know what? It's no picnic for me, either, nick, living under adam's roof.
Nick: Yeah. Well, you know who's the happiest in all this? It's adam.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nick: The thing he wanted most when he came back to genoa city was to get his wife and his son back, and it's happening. He's getting everything he ever wanted.
Chelsea: You are so off base. Adam hates seeing our son suffer just as much as I do.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Chelsea: I see the pain in his eyes every time connor wakes up from a nightmare. He has never taken advantage of the fact that I am staying there -- not once. We are doing this solely for our son, so if you can't understand that we are desperate to heal him, I'm not sure what else to say to you.
[ Sighs ]
Nick: Alright. Could we, uh... just change the subject? Try and be pleasant? I'd like to try and salvage this evening.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] The message is from adam. Something happened after connor's session.
Nick: Yeah. You should -- you should go to him. I'm sure he needs you.
Chelsea: I'm really sorry.
Nick: It's alright. We can try this again some other day. It's okay, really.
Chelsea: I wish this wasn't the way things were.
Nick: I'll have the valet bring the car around.
Chelsea: No, it's okay. Stay. Eat, please. It's a few blocks away. I'll walk. I could use the fresh air.
Victoria: Looks like neither of our nights turned out as planned.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Adam: Then connor told me you warned him the monster was coming back and there's no way to stop it.
Sharon: Please tell me that you didn't believe any of this.
Rey: Sharon would never say something like that to an impressionable kid.
Adam: Of course she wouldn'T. I knew he was making it up. I just didn't want to call my son a liar to his face, especially given how fragile he is right now.
Sharon: Yeah, I totally get it, but connor needs to realize that he can't keep making up stories to get what he wants.
Adam: Okay. What do you suggest?
Sharon: Well, you and chelsea need to sit down with him as a united front and let him know you're not gonna tolerate any lying or manipulating.
Adam: Hmm. Do as we say, not as we've done our whole adult lives, eh? No, you're right. You're right. We're the adults. We need to lay down some ground rules.
Sharon: Well, the sooner, the better.
Adam: Alright. I'll let you know how it goes.
Sharon: Please do. Oh, and if there's anything i can do...
Adam: I appreciate that, sharon. Rey.
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
Rey: [ Clears throat ]' Looks like you were right.
Sharon: I would give anything to not be.
Victor: Well, it seems that the christmas movie marathon continues. I told christian we would make some popcorn. What's the matter?
Nikki: I just heard from nicholas. He's gonna pick christian up earlier than planned.
Victor: Oh. Did he say why?
Nikki: Not in so many words, but I think his dinner with chelsea didn't go very smoothly.
Victor: [ Breathes deeply ] You know what I think about that relationship.
Nikki: Yes, I do, and so does he.
Victor: I know. I know. I won't belabor it, okay?
Nikki: Thank you. You know, maybe I should talk to chelsea -- try to knock some sense into her.
Victor: Oh! Where have I heard that before? For years, someone told me not to interfere in my children's lives, you know -- to let them live their lives as they see fit. I-I -- it sounds so fa-- does it -- did that come from you?
Nikki: Touché.
Victor: Well, come here, my baby.
Nikki: Oh, my gosh. I guess all we can do at this point is... hope for the best.
Victor: [ Chuckling ] Yes. Exactly.
Nick: This was a great call for dinner. I mean, what a good idea.
Victoria: Thanks.
Nick: Hey!
Victoria: What? Yours is better.
Nick: You've been saying that ever since we were kids.
Victoria: Because it's true.
Nick: Well, life was a lot easier then, huh?
Victoria: Why did chelsea take off?
Nick: She is willing to sacrifice everything for connor, which... I'd be okay with, you know, if adam weren't involved. But he is, and... it's really starting to get to me.
Victoria: That woman is leaving you high and dry. She's either with adam, or she's with you. She can't have it both ways.
Nick: Is that what's going on with billy? I mean, he's pulling the same stuff?
Victoria: What do you mean?
Nick: Well, you were obviously here on a date, and then he leaves you high and dry, you know, to finish your coffee alone and pay the bill. What's up with that?
Victoria: He had to go to the gym.
Nick: The gym?
Victoria: Yeah, he had to squeeze in a workout.
[ Laughs ]
Nick: At this hour?
Victoria: Well, it's because his therapist wants him to be more consistent with his exercising, and he blew off the past couple of days, so...
Nick: Alright. I guess that seems like a semi-reasonable excuse. You don't seem too thrilled about that, though. What's going on? You know you can talk to me about anything.
Victoria: I just wonder if walking away from jabot is affecting billy more than he cares to admit.
Billy: Give me two.
[ Thinking ] This is fine. It's good. They want my money. That's all they want. I don't have to be anyone I'm not, and that's pretty damn great. So why doesn't this feel better?
Sharon: I keep going over my visits with connor in my head, wondering if anything I said has done any bit of good for him, or have I just made things tougher on him?
Rey: Come on. Come on, now. I'm not gonna let you get down on yourself. Therapy takes time to produce results, and there are no guarantees. Aren't you the one who told me that?
Sharon: Well, I guess -- I guess I can't help feeling like I'm on shaky ground. You know, everyone in the family is suffering, especially connor, and that poor little boy -- he's just been through so much, and my heart just bleeds for him.
Rey: I get -- I get that you are worried and that you are feeling helpless, but connor's struggles aren't your fault. And, frankly, considering who his parents are... you might be connor's best hope right now.
Chelsea: We were counting on sharon to help us get through this. If connor's rejecting her...
Adam: Okay. It's a step back, for sure. But we can't give up.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Maybe I should go back to nick'S. I mean, pretending that everything's fine, going out of our way to act like we're this close-knit family again -- maybe -- maybe it wasn't the right decision. I mean, if connor really believes, you know, since he started acting out that's why i moved in here, he's gonna continue acting out so that i stay.
Adam: He's -- he's a little boy, chelsea. His thought process is not that sophisticated. I'm sure he didn't even realize I was gonna go talk to sharon about his claims. I mean, he was hoping that i would believe his lie.
Chelsea: Eventually, he's gonna figure it out, adam. He's gonna realize the three of us are not this perfect nuclear family. The longer this goes on, I mean, he's gonna be so disappointed.
Adam: So, are you saying you think you should leave?
Chelsea: I just think that we should consider what kind of potential long-term impact this arrangement will have on connor. I mean, none of the people we've asked for help have been able to give us any guidance.
Adam: [ Clears throat ] If you want to move out... I won't stand in your way, okay? You need to do what you think is best. But the only time that he's making progress is when the three of us are together.
Chelsea: I know. I felt that, too.
Adam: Okay. Well, then... trust your instincts.
Chelsea: I'm trying! But this stuff with sharon is making me question everything. I mean, I just -- I don't know. Are we supposed to find somebody else? Are we supposed to find somebody that connor can relate to better?
Adam: Look, he was relating to sharon just fine until today. So I think it is better to figure out what changed rather than teach him we're just gonna jump through hoops every time he's upset about something.
Chelsea: No, you're right. And then he'll think that his lies worked and that's why we got rid of sharon. We'd be teaching him how to manipulate us.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Adam: We're his parents, so we need to make the call. And we need to do it together.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nikki: Christian is in the media room, out for the count.
Nick: The movie put him to sleep?
Nikki: Which one? He went for the double feature tonight.
Nick: Ah. That's my boy.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: Everything alright, son?
Nick: Yeah. Why?
Victor: We just weren't expecting you yet.
Nick: I like to be unpredictable, dad.
Victor: Yeah? I'll go wake up christian, alright?
Nick: Thank you.
Victor: Yep.
Nikki: Are you going to stonewall me, too?
Nick: [ Sighs heavily ] It wasn't a great night.
Nikki: I can see that. You want to talk about it?
Nick: I'll tell you this much -- I know what I have to do now.
Victoria: Hi!
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: How was your workout?
Billy: It was good. I'm tired. I'm good tired.
Victoria: Oh. I love that feeling.
Billy: Mm. I'm gonna go, uh, take a shower.
Victoria: Want me to wash your back?
Billy: Yes, I do. That sounds like a fine idea.
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