Y&R Transcript Friday 12/6/19
Episode #11759 ~ Devon thinks about Amanda; Mariah warns Summer; Chance receives an intriguing offer.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Sharon: You're safe. I promise.
Connor: No, I'm not. The monster wants to eat me up inside.
Chelsea: Nick and I are dating, but, instead, it's, "sorry, honey, just want to let you know I'm moving in with my ex-husband."
Adam: He really thinks that i would use my son's pain to get you into bed.
Abby: That software upgrade that you did had some "special features" that you didn't want us knowing about, something that gave you back-door access into personal devices, including ours.
Chance: Did you ever catch the person that was stealing from your hotel rooms?
Abby: The police haven't made any headway, and the hotel cannot afford any more bad publicity.
Chance: Let's put our heads together. Let's come up with a plan to catch this thief.
Chance: Ah. You're just the person I was looking for.
Abby: Oh, a lot of people would be scared to death to hear those words.
Chance: Mm, only if they're a criminal. Do you have a minute?
Abby: For you, I have a couple. What's going on?
Chance: I've come across some interesting information I wanted to run by you.
Abby: About the hotel robberies?
Chance: Unfortunately, no, but... I think you'll find this as equally important.
Devon: Nick! How you doing?
Nick: Hey! Thanks for meeting me.
Devon: Absolutely. You said you had some exciting news.
Nick: I do. I have found the next location for the new new hope project.
Devon: That's fantastic, man. Let me know what I can do to help.
Nick: I've got some ideas about that.
Devon: Yeah? I can't wait to hear them. I'm really impressed, though. You told me you wanted to pour all your energy into new hope, and you're really doing it.
Man, it feels really good to know I'm making a different in people's lives.
Devon: Yeah, it's -- it's a great feeling. It makes you have some purpose, and sometimes it's easier to do than sort through your own life.
Nick: That's for sure.
Devon: I wasn't talking about you, really. I was talking about myself. Sorry.
Nick: No, it could apply to both of us.
Devon: Yeah?
Nick: Yeah. My work with new hope is going great, but, honestly, my personal life... things could be better.
Chelsea: Okay, so 24 plus 36. We add the 6 and the 4...
Connor: 10.
Chelsea: Right, yeah, and then you carry the 1...
Connor: 60.
Chelsea: That's right. Good job!
Connor: That's the last problem. Can we go to the park now?
Chelsea: You drive a hard bargain. Let's see what your dad says. Hey. Um, we just finished our math homework, so we were thinking... a trip to the park is in order.
Adam: Oh. Well, actually, sharon just called, and she said she had to move her visit up, so she's on her way over right now.
Chelsea: Okay. Great. Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll do something fun afterwards.
Adam: And, you know what, this is gonna be fun, too. Sharon said that you guys are gonna do some drawings, you know? So why don't you put away your books and go grab your markers?
Connor: Okay.
Chelsea: I'm glad sharon's coming again.
Adam: Yeah. Me, too. I told her that he had a good night last night, but, you know, the night before that was rough.
Chelsea: Yeah. I feel like her visits are helping.
Adam: I just think we have to be patient.
Chelsea: Yeah. I just hope it's not too long until we see the signs that he's improving.
Adam: Mm. Well, I would like to get to the point where the good days are the norm and not the exception.
Chelsea: I know. I just worry. I mean, what if he doesn't get better? What if we do all this, and then we don't see the progress that we're hoping for?
Adam: Then we'll have sharon come more often. We can get more help. We'll do whatever it takes.
Chelsea: Yeah.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Phyllis: Hey, abby. To what do I owe this pleasure?
Abby: Where are you?
Phyllis: Crimson lights. I am enjoying a peppermint mocha. 'Tis the season.
Abby: Bah, humbug. Coffee break's over. There's a situation that needs your immediate attention.
Phyllis: What kind of situation?
Abby: I'll let you know the details when you get here. All right. Satan's bride will be here shortly. Thank you so much for your help.
Chance: My pleasure. I shared your suspicions about phyllis' security system.
Abby: Well, we wouldn't have been able to nail her down without you and your computer experts in D.C.
Chance: My team was able to see exactly what she set up before she reset the system.
Abby: [ Groans ] A back door into the hotel's wi-fi that allowed her to spy on me and chelsea, I mean, watching our every click. She saw it all.
Chance: Anything in your phone or tablets if it was connected to the wi-fi.
Abby: I can't believe she had the nerve to lie to my face when I confronted her about it. She always thinks she's the smartest person in the room.
Chance: The woman definitely has nerve.
Abby: Well, her nerves are gonna be tingling when I fire her.
Chance: I wish I could stay to see that.
Abby: Oh. Well, feel free to stay. And partake in every glorious moment.
Chance: Um, I have some work to do, but I'll check in later, see how things went down?
Abby: Well, there's only one thing going down, and that's phyllis.
Chance: Mm. Ok everyone!
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Devon: So I think that we can add another membership requirement to our club. Because, one, you have to give away all your money, and then, two, you have to be in a relationship with an amazing woman who's being tested by circumstances out of our control.
Nick: That sounds like a super-fun club. Where do I sign up?
Devon: Right?
Nick: [ Chuckles ] This will situation's really messing with you guys, huh?
Devon: Uh, it's -- yeah. It's -- it's draining all around, and... I focus on it so much that it's starting to affect both of us, is the problem.
Nick: Well, it's got to be hard, I mean, colin running off with all your money, and, uh, now it looks like cane may be involved.
Devon: The jury's still out on him, but it's more than just the money. It's like -- it's what you said earlier. I wanted to do right by katherine, and then someone used that against me.
Nick: Well, I'm mad as hell on your behalf, bud.
Devon: And you throw this lawyer amanda into the mix...
Nick: That has got to be weird. When you look at amanda, you probably see hilary.
Devon: Yeah. I can't help but have her in my head, and I don't know if I'll, uh -- I'll be able to get her out.
Nick: Well, if you want to talk about it...
Devon: I don'T. I really don't want to anymore. I would much rather talk about what you have going on because I'm sure it can't be as crazy as me.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Man, chelsea are I, we're just really struggling.
Devon: Mm.
Nick: On the surface, it seems like everything's okay. I mean, we love each other, we're committed, but we got a lot of issues.
Devon: Yeah. You don't think you'll be able to work through them, or...?
Nick: Probably could. But there's this giant obstacle.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I hope it's going well with sharon. Should we call and check in?
Adam: No, I don't think so. She would let us know if there was a problem.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Last time, he got so worked up.
Adam: Yeah. About the monster?
Chelsea: You are not the monster. He adores you, you know that, deep down.
Adam: Well, I think I do. I'm just worried now that maybe the monster is something else entirely.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Just... just a darkness. I mean, we both know I have that inside me. What if I inherited that from victor, and connor has inherited that from me? What if the monster that he's talking about is actually there, like he's been saying all along?
Sharon: Wow. I like your picture.
Connor: Thanks.
Sharon: Hey, I was wondering. Do you think we could talk about the last time I was here? Okay, good, because, um, I was a little worried, you know. You got pretty upset.
Connor: Yeah.
Sharon: About the monster that was inside you?
Connor: Uh-huh.
Sharon: Is he still there? I heard that you had mentioned him again the other night when the lights went out.
Connor: No. I wasn't scared of the monster. I was just scared of the dark.
Sharon: Oh. Are you sure?
Connor: Yeah. I'm doing better now.
Sharon: That's really good to hear.
Connor: I figured out how to keep the monster away.
Sharon: You did? You figured out something all on your own? Do you want to tell me what it is? Or is there some reason you don't want to tell me?
Phyllis: Okay, what's the urgent situation?
Abby: You are.
Phyllis: I am not a situation, I am a state of mind.
Abby: You're a security threat.
Phyllis: I vanquished security threats.
Abby: Do you, though?
Phyllis: Okay, abby, listen, I know it's frustrating that I haven't been able to shine a light on who's been stealing, but, believe me, I am working on it.
Abby: Yeah. Three robberies, no results. You're incapable of doing your job.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Okay. I know that being a newman does mean you're used to, uh, instant gratification, but I can't just, you know, snap my fingers and produce a jewel thief, so... I'm working on this. You're gonna have to be patient. Thank you.
Abby: Actually, um, I wanted to thank you. I wanted to thank you for being so incompetent and sloppy that you gave me the evidence that i needed.
Phyllis: What evidence are you talking about?
Abby: Mm, you know us laymen, we don't know all the techno mumbo-jumbo. But the headline is very clear. You used the hotel security system to spy on me, to spy on chelsea, and everyone else who stepped foot in this hotel.
Phyllis: Where did you get this?
> Abby: Mm.
Phyllis: Oh! Chance. That's where you got it. Of course.
Abby: Really? That's your reaction? No remorse, no embarrassment?
Phyllis: I'm not embarrassed of anything. I didn't do anything wrong.
Abby: Okay, well, I would like an explanation. Why'd you do it?
Phyllis: Abby. I'm the head of security. It is my job to get all possible information to protect our guests from any security risk.
Abby: By invading people's privacy? Do you know how many customers we would lose if they found out that you are listening to their phone calls and watching their every move?
Phyllis: Well, then you should keep your mouth shut.
Abby: You know what I think? I think you were looking for blackmail material, something that you could use for control, to gain leverage, money.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, okay, well, maybe that's how your mind works, but that's not what I was doing. All the information I collected, I'm not gonna do anything with it.
Abby: Well, not yet. But if the opportunity presented itself -- but now -- now you will never have the chance.
Phyllis: I want to be straight with you. Without my security modifications, the grand phoenix is at risk.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: It is less secure, and that is nothing to be celebrated.
Abby: Well, I'm gonna enjoy this moment. You are looking for information to use against me. And I'm gonna use that quest, and I'm gonna use it against you. I'm gonna use it to banish you from this building, from my business, and from my life.
Phyllis: I didn't do anything illegal, abby.
Abby: It was unethical, which is a breach of your contract as director of security. Mm, gosh, I have -- wow.
[ Exhales sharply ] I have practiced this so many different ways, so how do I want to say it? Um... okay, yeah, yeah. [ Sighs ] Take your lack of conscience, and get the hell out of here. What's up with tammy?
Phyllis: I own 25% of this building, which entitles me to my suite upstairs, which I am not vacating.
Abby: Why do you want to stay?
Phyllis: Because! This building, the grand phoenix, is my baby. I built it from the ground up. And regardless of what you think, I am very, very good at my job. That situation with simon black --
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: Don't laugh at me. That situation with simon black would not have ended so peacefully if it weren't for my software modifications and upgrades, you got it? And all the information I may or may not have collected, I'm not doing anything illicit with it.
Abby: Yet.
Phyllis: I would never do that, abby.
Abby: What's that supposed to mean?
Phyllis: Okay. Let's just take a break here, and, uh, get through this rough patch, iron out all our raw feelings, and we will work together very soon, okay?
Abby: Nice try. You didn't find anything on me because there was nothing to find. But chance and I, we have the goods on you.
Phyllis: Ooh! "The goods on me." You and chance, huh? Ooh, wow, I can see it in your eyes, you're getting ready cozy with him. You have a little glow in your eye when you talk about it.
Abby: Whatever.
Phyllis: Whatever? You're really reaching into your playbook, that whole "damsel in distress, I need a hero" thing. It's a pretty dated trope.
Abby: You're reaching, period.
Phyllis: I don't think I am. I mean, you really weren't enough for nate or arturo, and so you're going for chance, but he'll see through that real soon.
Abby: First of all, I don't need a man to make me happy. That's a dated trope, hon. And I find this very fascinating coming from you, someone who's blown up every relationship that you have ever been in. Now get the hell out of here, phyllis.&
Phyllis: I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
[ Sighs ] It doesn't matter. But, uh... I will be back. See you soon.
Nick: It's like every time I turn around, there's adam. Now, I know chelsea needs him for connor's sake,
Devon: Right, but the co-parenting thing makes it difficult.
Nick: Yeah. I'm not saying adam doesn't want to help connor, because I truly believe he does. But I also know he is using this situation to draw chelsea closer. The two things are mutually exclusive.
Devon: Have you talked to her about this, though?
Nick: Yeah, probably too much. She thinks I'm dead wrong.
Devon: Well, I mean, probably in part, she needs to be able to see him as the loving father he once was.
Nick: The upshot is, I'm trying not to push too hard. You know, I told her I would support anything she does, and that includes watching her move out of my home and into my brother'S.
Devon: Well, I'm sorry, dude. That's -- I know there's no easy answer to this, but I got to ask you -- how long do you think you can go on like this?
Chelsea: I admit, there was a time I thought maybe there was some darkness running through the veins of the newman men but we can't think about connor that way.
Adam: Well... I can't help it. I mean, look at me. I was raised by two wonderful, loving people, and look at all the things that I've done.
Chelsea: Yeah, but I refuse to believe that's because of some genetic code. You lived a very happy, normal life before you were brought into the newman fold.
Adam: Oh, yes, enter victor.
Chelsea: Yes, but he got inside your head. He wasn't always there.
Adam: Yeah, but did I change from being around him, or did i just become more of the person i always was?
Chelsea: You reacted and responded to him, whether it was wanting his approval or engaging in combat against him. Everything you do is a choice.
Adam: Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Chelsea: Yeah. It means you have free will. It would have been a lot easier for you to absolve your sins by saying, "I'm just like victor, i can't help it," instead of acknowledging your choices and taking responsibility for your actions.
Adam: Well, thank you, dr. Lawson.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] What can I say? I've spent a lot of time thinking about why you are the way you are.
Adam: You know, I'm really sorry about that.
Chelsea: Here's what I do know. You love that little boy with all of your heart.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: He loves you, too. He's a good kid. He's just struggling through some trauma right now. But all we need to do is, we need to stand by him, and we will make him better.
Adam: Well, when you put it like that... who am I to argue, right?
Chelsea: I actually have an idea, something that might be good for all of us.
Adam: Okay. Let's hear it.
Chelsea: I'll tell you on the way, let's get out of here.
Connor: If I tell you how to scare the monster away, you might think it's silly.
Sharon: No! I would never think that. You can trust me.
Connor: It's kind of like casting a spell.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Connor: "You can't beat three -- mom and dad and me."
Sharon: Okay, I see. And that works?
Connor: Yeah. I say it over and over until i feel better. It always works.
Sharon: That's great.
Connor: Yeah, so you don't have to come around anymore.
Sharon: I'm glad you came up with a solution that's working. Do you think our talks are helping, too?
Connor: They're okay, but I don't need them anymore.
Sharon: Mm. I thought you liked spending time together.
Connor: I'd rather spend time with my mom and dad.
Sharon: I understand that. But, you know, it's good to have friends, too.
Connor: My parents are the ones who are helping me, and when I'm with you, I'm not with them.
Sharon: Right.
Adam: Wait, hold on. Hold on, wait. Why are we back here again?
Chelsea: One more thing.
Adam: You don't think we don't have enough?
Chelsea: Well, connor loves the brownies here. I should have remembered that when my inspiration struck.
Adam: I have to admit, that is a great idea.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: I just feel like, you know, we've had so many heavy conversations lately and always worrying about what's gonna happen next.
[ Sighs ] I just feel like we need a break.
Adam: Mm-hmm, 100%.
Chelsea: Yeah, so... here's to forgetting our issues for a little while and having some good old-fashioned family fun.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] And here's to double-fudge brownies.
Chelsea: Three brownies, please.
Nick: Well, that puts a different spin on things. Thanks for letting me know.
Phyllis: Was that abby?
Nick: Is that an inappropriate question?
Phyllis: Nothing is inappropriate between two people who have been married as many times as we have.
Nick: If we'd had another child, he probably would have been named inappropriate.
Phyllis: That's inappropriate.
[ Laughs ]
Nick: It's just a work call for new hope.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. You're having beer. I want beer. I want beer.
Nick: Actually, I was just leaving.
Phyllis: Oh, no! Please don't go. I mean, I don't -- just don't go, please. I... I have some time to kill since your sister fired me.
Nick: Why?
Phyllis: I'm gonna spare you the details.
Nick: Because they make you look bad?
Phyllis: No. No, because I -- I think that you believe abby is sweet and innocent, and I don't want to disillusion you.
Nick: Abby's turned into a very shrewd businesswoman. I'm sure she had cause for what she did.
Phyllis: Okay, now you don't even know the story, and you think I'm the one who's wrong.
Nick: Because you won't give me any of the details.
Phyllis: Well, honestly, what's the point because history will repeat itself, you know? It's like that time I tried to, time and time again, explain to you why I took the immunity deal when I was up on erroneous murder charges for the very alive J.T.
Nick: Oh, what an interesting take on things. Now, I'm sure you would have done the same thing in whatever went down with you and abby. So I change my mind. I'm gonna rescind my request for more information.
Phyllis: Let's just say I'm not gonna take this firing lying down.
Nick: Do you have a choice?
Phyllis: We always have a choice. Sit down.
[ Laughs ]
Nick: Why would you want your job back?
Phyllis: Why do people ask me that? The grand phoenix is my baby. I created it.
Nick: But, I mean, it was my property originally.
Phyllis: Oh, it was your property originally, but then i expanded it, and I developed it, and gave it its name, and... I -- are you listening?
Nick: Yeah, I'm listening, but it's just -- you know, it's the same old thing with you. You're the queen, and everything's about you, and... I just -- I got my own stuff to deal with right now.
Phyllis: Okay, well, it doesn't have to be about me.
Nick: Ha!
Phyllis: "Ha!" What? It doesn'T. It doesn't have to be about me. I can be a very good listener when I want.
Nick: Oh, yeah?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: Okay, well, then, uh... you got a few minutes just to, uh, focus on me?
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] I'll listen to you. Because I care about you. I got some time to kill.
Chance: Abby? Abby.
Abby: Hey, you.
Chance: Hey. So, how did things with phyllis go?
Abby: Fine. Yeah.
Chance: So not as well as you thought.
Abby: No, it was good. It was good, yeah. I told her to get the hell out of here, and she no longer works for the grand phoenix, so mission accomplished.
Chance: Huh. But I'm guessing she fired back at you.
Abby: With as much grace as you'd expect. Her bluster is almost as boring as her predictability.
Chance: I'm sorry I missed seeing you in action.
Abby: Well, I can always re-enact it for you over a glass of wine.
Chance: That's tempting.
Abby: You would have to play the role of phyllis.
Chance: Oh, hard pass.
Abby: [ Giggles ]
Chance: There is something on my mind that I wanted to discuss with you.
Abby: Okay.
Chance: I've been thinking more about the robberies, about how the thief or thieves got away totally clean three different times.
Abby: Yeah, it -- it's bad. That's exactly what I said to phyllis.
Chance: Yeah, but I'm not sure that this can be blamed on her. I mean, the robbers were never caught on camera, they never left any evidence behind, and it's as if they knew we were setting a trap for them. So I was just wondering if you had a theory about who it could be.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Abby: Look, I know a lot less about criminals than you do, but... maybe they're professionals, like some sort of jewelry heist ring.
Chance: That would make sense, except they keep coming back to the same place instead of moving on to another target. That's risky, even for a seasoned crew.
Abby: Maybe they're that brazen.
Chance: Could be because they are always one step ahead. It's almost as if they knew the security system had been compromised before the first robbery, and they knew we were setting them up later.
Abby: So you think it could be an inside job.
Chance: That would explain a lot.
Abby: Look, that's why i confronted phyllis. Of course she didn't act guilty, but she never does. Do you think it could be phyllis, too?
Chance: Maybe. Maybe not.
Adam: Hello!
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: Where's connor? Is he okay?
Sharon: Yeah, he's fine. He's up in his room, playing.
Chelsea: So how did the visit go?
Sharon: A lot more smoothly than last time.
Chelsea: That's great.
Sharon: Yeah, he's come up with a coping mechanism to help him shut out the monster.
Adam: Really?
Chelsea: Oh.
Adam: He hasn't mentioned that to me.
Chelsea: Yeah, not to me, either.
Sharon: Well, at first, i thought maybe he was making up, for my benefit, but he was convincing, and he really wants this to work, and not just for himself.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Sharon: It's important to him for you all to be together, as a family, to feel a sense of normalcy.
Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, we know that makes him feel safe.
Sharon: He actually came right out and said it, that being with the two of you is the best medicine. And that he doesn't need to see me anymore.
Connor: Mom! Dad! Are you home?
Chelsea: We're down here, sweetheart!
Sharon: Um, I'll, uh, let you go. Call me when you can.
Amanda: Yeah. Thank you for coming by, sharon. Hey, bud.
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: Did you have a nice time with sharon?
Connor: Yeah. I feel a lot better.
Adam: Ooh! That's good.
Connor: I'm so happy you guys are home.
Adam: Well, you're gonna be even happier when you hear what we have planned for the rest of the day.
Nick: I don't know, I find confiding in you harder than i thought.
Phyllis: Really? I'm just a caring, compassionate friend.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: Okay.
[ Giggles ]
Nick: I believe adam is using connor's issues to get closer to chelsea. Now, I know you don't agree with that, but I'm asking you as my friend to please don't pick a fight with me.
Phyllis: I'm not gonna pick a fight with you because I agree with you.
Nick: No, you don'T.
Phyllis: I do. I do.
Nick: Really?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I mean, I don't think adam's intentions are as sinister as you believe, but... he's definitely interfering in your relationship with chelsea.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: But, you know, i have a whole 'nother take on the whole thing.
Nick: Do I dare ask?
Phyllis: Well, you did ask just a couple minutes ago, so...
Nick: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: I'm gonna tell you. Listen, I know it's hard to watch the woman you love leave and spend time with her ex and their son together. I know it hurts. But... you're the kind of guy who's not gonna take anything lying down, and you fight for what you want, especially if the guy on the other team is adam. I get that. This is the thing -- are you sure that maybe you aren't better off without chelsea?
An official message
from medicare.
Abby: Okay, yes, I am predisposed to think the worst in phyllis, but it's with good reason.
Chance: I'm guessing that's true, but are you sure you're not biased?
Abby: Oh, it is not my fault that wreckage follows phyllis wherever she goes. I think she is responsible for the last stock market crash, oh, and a couple hurricanes.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] So I'll be the one to look at this with an objective lens.
Abby: Please. Please, look away. Who is robbing my hotel?
Chance: I have a few theories.
Abby: Really? So you've been holding out on me, picking my brain without giving anything away.
Chance: That's what I do.
Abby: Well, that's not fair. I think you need to make it up to me.
Chance: And how do you suggest I do that?
Abby: By telling me who the robber is and whatever else you feel like talking about.
Chance: Whatever else?
Abby: Okay, are you really gonna make me spell it out, supercop? I would love to hear more about your adventures. And about you. Maybe over a cocktail or two.
Chance: Wait, are you asking me out?
Abby: [ Chuckles ] No. Actually, no, not when you say it like that.
Chance: I would love to have drink with you. Very much.
Abby: Good.
Chance: Good. I have some errands to run, and I'll met you back here.
Connor: So, what's the plan?
Adam: We are gonna kick back.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Connor: What does that mean?
Chelsea: It means we're gonna hang out this afternoon, just the three of us.
Connor: Okay. Cool.
Adam: Mm. And as a very special treat...
Chelsea: This one time only...
Adam: We're gonna eat as much junk food as we want.
Chelsea: And we got a lot, a lot, a lot of junk food.
Adam: Uh-huh.
Connor: Are those brownies from the coffeehouse?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. These are, but only after you eat some corn chips and candy bars.
Connor: Wait. You don't let me eat this kind of stuff.
Chelsea: Well, I do today. We just want you to let loose and have some fun today.
Adam: Mm-hmm, just want you to take a breather from everything, okay?
Connor: Sounds good.
Adam: Yeah? We saved the best for last, though. The bucks are playing today, and we thought that we would watch... like real super fans! Huh?
Connor: Awesome! I'm gonna put it on now!
Adam: Yes, go ahead.
Chelsea: Oh!
Connor: Thank you!
Chelsea: Oh, you're welcome, my baby. [ Laughs ] I love you!
Connor: Love you, too!
Nick: Can't you ever just be supportive?
Phyllis: I can when it's warranted.
Nick: Chelsea is trying to be a good mother.
Phyllis: I didn't say she wasn't a good mother. I understand how a woman feels when they want to be there for their son.
Nick: But...?
Phyllis: But chelsea has made really bad decisions that are spinning out of control, and they're affecting you.
Nick: She is doing what she can to make things right, and you know that glass house that you live in must be bullet-proof.
Phyllis: Wow, somebody is projecting their anger at the wrong person.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Right, this is all chelsea's fault. It's got nothing to do with saint adam. I mean, this guy... ugh. Do you ever -- I don't know, do you ever wonder that maybe you're being manipulated by him, too?
Phyllis: Oh, wow. I am not adam's pawn, and, to chelsea's credit, neither is she. Chelsea makes her own choices, and chelsea is choosing to live with adam.
Nick: Well, that's, uh... you know, it's the best solution for the circumstances.
Phyllis: No, it's not. We both know she can go to adam's place, be there until connor goes to sleep, and then show up the next morning when he's awake. She's not making you a priority.
Nick: It's not that simple.
Phyllis: It is that simple. I think you deserve better, much better.
Chelsea: It makes me so happy, seeing such a big smile on connor's face.
Adam: [ Sighs ] I know. It's been a while.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: You think he turned a corner?
Chelsea: I'm hopeful. Sharon said that he's found a way to cope with his fear, so doesn't that sound like a step in the right direction?
Adam: I think so. But I guess we won't know for a while, you know?
Chelsea: Yeah, but I think spending time with us has made a positive impact on him.
Adam: Mm. But I don't think we should stop his visits with sharon.
Chelsea: Oh, no, I totally agree. Yeah. If talking with sharon has gotten him this far, if anything, I think we should schedule more visits with her.
Connor: Sharon, sharon, go away. I don't want you here another day. You can't beat three -- mom and dad and me. Sharon, sharon, go away. I don't want you here another day. You can't beat three -- mom and dad and me.
Nick: All right, thanks for your advice, I got to go.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, stay.
Nick: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Please! I'm sorry?
Nick: You're not sorry.
Phyllis: I -- I am. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. No! I am. Listen, I care about you. I care about you, and... can't I just tell you the truth?
Nick: Your skewed version of the truth.
Phyllis: It's not my skewed version. I can't possibly see the world through your eyes. I'm just telling you, it's a fact. You are too good for chelsea.
Nick: That's not a fact, that's your opinion, and it's not a very good one.
Phyllis: Okay, can I take another stab at this, please?
Nick: Sure.
Phyllis: Let me just try again. I know you really wanted things to be different this time, but it just seems like history's repeating itself. Chelsea lied to you again, she betrayed you again. She'll just do it again. Nick, she was raised a con artist. It is in her nature to be distrustful and deceitful.
Nick: Like adam.
Phyllis: Like adam. It's sort of poetic, how they've come together again, right?
Nick: [ Scoffs ]
Phyllis: Um, anyway... I'm just telling you as a friend... get out before it costs you more than it already has.
Abby: Oh, god!
Chance: I'm so sorry.
Abby: Oh, no, I'm sorry. No, uh...
Chance: I guess that drink will have to wait.
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