Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/5/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/5/19


Episode #11758 ~ Adam worries about his influence on Connor; Phyllis spars with Abby.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Billy: Maybe that's exactly why I'm here -- to be anonymous. You know, like a blank slate -- no demands, no expectations.

Amanda: I think we both came to the right place.

Theo: I'm gonna be working for jabot. Jack offered. I accepted.

Summer: Wait. Really?

Elena: So, tucker was in thailand?

Devon: When I asked him why he just took off and left all of his responsibilities behind, he started talking about needing to find inner peace 'cause money didn't matter to him anymore.

Elena: You used your resemblance to hilary to help colin steal devon's inheritance.

Amanda: You can't blame me for your boyfriend's willingness to just hand over his fortune.

Nate: Elena told you that?

Amanda: Maybe she's right to warn you to stay away from me.

Devon: Well, those are the truest words to ever come out of your mouth.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Nate: Well, hello, there.

Amanda: Hey.

Nate: Nice to see you.

Amanda: Well, I am not sure how true that is.

Nate: Excuse me?

Amanda: Every time we run in to each other, you seem to catch a lot of flak from everyone around you -- your family, your friends, your co-workers.

Nate: You'll have to forgive devon and elena for the way they attacked your character.

Amanda: You don't need to apologize, okay? It doesn't faze me.

Nate: Glad to hear it.

Amanda: I just -- I feel badly for you, though.

Nate: Me?

Amanda: I know how close you guys were before I became an issue.

Nate: Ah. They'll come around.

Amanda: When pigs fly.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Want to have a seat?

Amanda: Sure.

Nate: So, I understand why Devon's so upset. He had plans to do some incredible things with the inheritance Katherine left him, and now it's in the hands of grifters.

Amanda: Yes, making me guilty by association, even though I got duped, too.

Nate: And elena's ferociously loyal. She cares about devon very deeply. It's never been about the money for her.

Amanda: No, I wasn't implying that it was.

Nate: So why the skeptical look?

Amanda: I just suspect that there is more driving her irrational reaction to me than just loyalty.

Nate: Care to elaborate?

Amanda: Not especially. I should let you, um, finish. Um, I'm sure you have to get back to work, so...

Nate: In a bit. After last night's storm, the er should be nice and quiet.

Amanda: [ Chuckles softly ] Well, believe it or not, that storm was the most peaceful part of my evening.

Victoria: Oh. You're up early.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Did you sleep well?

Billy: I did.

[ Clears throat ]

Victoria: You know, we both crashed last night before we had a chance to talk about the storm. I got locked in my office. How 'bout you?

Billy: I was out for a drink, actually.

Victoria: Oh. Okay.

Billy: Well, I mean, you were working late, and I was... feeling a little antsy, so i just, uh --

Victoria: Alright. You don't have to explain. I'm just happy that you made it home safe.

Billy: Me, too.

Billy: [ Thinking ] Why didn't you tell her everything? Why are you hiding when there's no reason to?

Devon: That's great. Thank you. Hey. You're in your work clothes, honey. How late is it?

Elena: How long have you been up?

Devon: Since like 3:00.

Elena: Devon.

Devon: I couldn't sleep with the wind last night, so I got up and I started checking my e-mails, and I saw that one of tucker's overseas divisions is in a real mess, so I started dealing with it. With tucker out on this trip, there's been people who have been taking advantage of his absence and trying to capitalize for their own gain.

Elena: Like colin did.

Devon: Exactly. He was the first one, and now it's ballooned into a big crisis, and tucker's employees have contacted me 'cause they don't know who to trust.

Elena: So you're dealing with stress on top of stress now. I don't know how you're coping with all of this.

Devon: I'm -- I'm fine. I just -- I feel guilty a bit for buying in to all of colin's lies about tucker, and, as his son, I kind of feel a responsibility to protect his name and his company and to restore his reputation.

Theo: Oh. Here she is.

Summer: Here I am.

Theo: I missed you.

Summer: Oh. I mean, seriously? I just left your hotel room like an hour ago to go get ready for work.

Theo: Well, it seemed like an eternity. But never fear. I've come up with a way to solve that problem.

Summer: Yeah?

Theo: Now that I've taken this job at jabot, I'm thinking it's time I moved out of my hotel -- found something more permanent.

Summer: Well, that's good.

Theo: Yeah.

Summer: Although I don't really see what that has to do with me. Oh, I'm sorry. Um... you're not talking about us moving in together...are you? In one week...

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Theo: Moving in together? That's not what I -- no. That's -- that's not what -- I was just saying... I'll finally have some closets and a big enough bathroom that you could keep some of your things there.

Summer: [ Chuckles softly ]

Theo: You won't have to run all over town the next morning, trying to get to work on time.

Summer: Yeah, right. No. Of -- of course. I'm sorry.

Theo: Uh, no -- no worries. Although, I mean, if it is something that has crossed your mind, we -- we should talk about that.

Summer: No. No. I mean -- I mean, it hasn'T.

Theo: Okay. I get it.

Summer: No. It's just, you know, ever since you took the job at jabot, we're just spending a lot more time together.

Theo: Which is great.

Summer: Yeah. No, no, it is, definitely. It's just, I mean, getting an apartment together, though, would be... a lot more togetherness, and, you know, how are we supposed to miss each other if we're at the same place 24/7? You would definitely get sick of me.

> Theo: Good point on the, uh, missing each other.

Summer: [ Chuckles softly ] Well, I'm happy that you agree.

Theo: Yeah.

Summer: Uh, anyway, I should probably actually get going. Yeah. It's a really crazy day today, so I'll just see you at the office. Maybe we can grab lunch, go to one of the new food trucks over on chestnut street -- whatever you feel like, right?

Theo: Of course.

Summer: Okay. Alright. Bye.

Theo: Later.

Amanda: I love storms. That wind howling -- it is the best white-noise machine ever invented.

Nate: I guess that's one way to put it.

Amanda: Well, I just -- I curl up under my 1,000-thread-count sheets at the hotel, and I just -- I just drifted off to dreamland. It was amazing.

[ Chuckles softly ]

Nate: I had the opposite experience.

Amanda: Why? Was it too noisy?

Nate: Too dangerous.

Amanda: What?

Nate: I couldn't help but think about all the mayhem going on out there.

Amanda: Mayhem?

Nate: Big-time.

Amanda: [ Chuckles softly ]

Nate: Not to sound, uh, all morbid.

Amanda: No. No. Uh, it makes sense that that's where a doctor's mind would go, especially one who works in the er.

Nate: Mm, and I barely slept 'cause I was half expecting my phone to ring calling me into the hospital to do emergency surgery. Thankfully, it never happened, but I'm just as tired as if it had.

Amanda: Mnh. I hate that. The night before a big court case or if you have to be at the airport at 5:00 for a 6:00 A.M. Flight...

Nate: Forget about it.

Amanda: ...And you need your sleep, yeah.

[ Both laugh ]

Nate: Start counting those ceiling tiles again, 'cause you're not getting a lick of rest.

Amanda: Are we two type a's or what?

Nate: I would say so.

[ Chuckles softly ]

Amanda: Uh, well, I am sorry that you had such a stressful evening.

Nate: Ah. Goes with the territory.

Amanda: But I am happy that there are dedicated people like you standing by just in case all hell breaks loose. It lets the rest of us sleep a lot better at night.

Nate: You're welcome. And here's wishing you a peaceful and serene and uneventful day.

Amanda: Right back at you.

Nate: [ Chuckles softly ]

Billy: [ Thinking ] Why not just say, "yeah, I went out for a drink last night. I ran in to this woman named amanda, and we talked for a little while, and then I came home"? Maybe vick would think I'd been drinking too much or was on the make. I couldn't blame her for either one. But I wasn'T. I just want to feel normal... to feel like myself... and the bar and that woman did that for me. So what would I be confessing to? Nothing. Then why is there so much guilt? Beats the hell out of me.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Victoria: Billy. Billy! Are you okay?

Billy: What's that?

Victoria: I'm leaing for work. I just came in to say goodbye.

Billy: Okay. Um, yeah. Sorry. I was just, uh, going over my to-do list. Not quite as busy as usual, but that dance card will be filled up soon enough.

Victoria: I know it will be, and I have every confidence that this next chapter of our lives is gonna be the best one yet.

Billy: Bye.

Victoria: Bye. I'll see you later, and I will try not to be too late.

Billy: Okay.

With advil,

Elena: You've been up all night and you're still gonna go in to work?

Devon: If I don't want the same thing to happen to my company that happened to tucker's, then I have to, baby. That's what leaders do.

Elena: Unless you collapse from exhaustion. And has it occurred to you that that might be what happened to tucker -- he burned out?

Devon: No, baby. I appreciate you looking out for me, though.

Elena: But you're not gonna take my advice and stay home and relax, are you?

Devon: No, 'cause I took thanksgiving off, honey, so that's why my day's gonna be so busy today. I have a pile of work on my desk.

Elena: And I suppose none of it can wait.

Devon: Well, I have to talk to nick about new hope, and i want to keep tabs on what's going on with this tucker situation in the far east. And then if anybody contacts me about colin, I have to jump on that, you know?

Elena: Well, have you spoken to cane yet, since he swore he would look high and low for his father?

Devon: I'll believe that when I see it, but he did e-mail me.

Elena: Saying what?

Devon: Uh, saying that he's willing to give me the money that he put in the trust for the twins. And I don't know how serious he is about it, but I'm not gonna take him up on it 'cause those kids are my family and I'd want them to have the money anyway. What?

Elena: I'm worried about you.

Devon: You don't have to be worried about me.

Elena: No. I mean, you're furious about colin's scam, and I am, too, but you're only one person, and you can't do all this on your own.

Devon: Yeah, I know. I'll delegate some things.

Elena: Yeah. I think you should have your P.I.S take care of finding colin, and I'm sure that tucker's board can hire someone to run things. And nick wouldn't mind if you took a few steps away from new hope for a bit.

Devon: I'm sure he wouldn't, but those things are my top priorities, so I don't want to let them slide.

Elena: Which... brings me to my selfish reason for being so concerned about what's been going on. Something's obviously got to give. And lately, it's been our relationship. I miss our time together, devon... talking about things other than colin and cane. I mean, don't you? And I'm not saying all of this to pile on more stress.

Devon: I know. I know you're not. I do. And...you are right that i haven't been focusing on what's really important. And I'm sorry for making you feel like I take you for granted, 'cause you know i don'T.

Elena: Well... we both have busy days. Why don't we carve out some time for lunch or dinner? We can talk more about this. I mean, you do have to eat, don't you?

Devon: Yeah.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Hang on a second. This is cane wanting to update me about colin.

Elena: That's okay. I need to get to work anyway.

Devon: Okay. We will talk about this today. I promise you. Alright? Love you.

Elena: Love you.

Abby: Hey. What are you doing here?

Victoria: Ah, well, I like your coffee.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Which also gives me an excuse to check in and see how things are going for my sister.

Abby: Let me guess -- you found out about our jewel thief.

Victoria: Um, well, nicholas might have mentioned something, yes.

Abby: Chelsea told him. Of course.

Victoria: I feel for you, abby. It's been one disaster after another, and none of them have been your fault.

Abby: Well, maybe if I hadn't caved when phyllis insisted on becoming head of security --

Victoria: You don't think she's behind the thefts, do you?

Abby: I don't know what to think. All I know is that it was a huge mistake partnering with that woman. And I'm sure dad has had a lot to say on the matter since he warned me about having anything to do with her.

Victoria: It hasn't really come up.

Abby: Wow. You know, I-I-I wouldn't admit this to most people, but... I had hoped that running a hotel this size would prove to dad once and for all that I was capable of running my own business.

Victoria: Oh, come on, now. It seems to me that you've proven that with society. And this place -- it's bound to be successful.

Abby: Think so?

Victoria: Yes! Look at it! It's a wonderful hotel, and it has all the ingredients for success. You just have to break this streak of bad luck that you're having. That's all.

Abby: I don't know if it's that simple.

Victoria: Why do you say that?

Abby: I knew that simon black was trouble, but chelsea told me not to worry, and -- and i believed her. Why didn't I just go with my own instinct? What is it gonna take for me to learn to trust myself?

Billy: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Devon: So, the rumors of colin's whereabouts are all over the map? That's the story? Right, but, obviously, they're not all true. Yeah. That's a good point. Maybe none of them are. No. Your dad is probably paying people off with my money to plant false leads. I'm not giving up on it, either. Tracking this guy down is my new mission in life. Okay. Well, thank you for keeping me posted, and, uh, let me know if you hear anything else, cane. I'll be in touch with you. Thanks.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Nate: Hey.

Elena: Hey, there.

Nate: Hi.

Elena: I figured you'd be working the morning shift.

Nate: Uh, not for a while. Just organizing some patient notes. What about you?

Elena: On break.

Nate: How are things? Er backed up?

Elena: Not too bad.

Nate: Even after last night's storm?

Elena: Actually, the storm was so bad that people stayed off the roads.

Nate: Ah. Minor miracle. I'll take it. [ Chuckles ]

Elena: You and me both.

Nate: Have a seat, unless you're tight on time.

Elena: No, I've got some time.

Nate: Great.

Elena: I, um, wasn't sure you'd want to talk to me after all the bickering we've been doing lately.

Nate: Because of amanda.

Elena: Yeah. You're very protective of her for some reason.

Nate: I consider her a friend. She saved my career, for starters.

Elena: Doesn't sound like a friend. You're her client. You paid her.

Nate: It's more than that.

Elena: Oh?

Nate: Amanda believes in me. She's proud she could help me.

Elena: Yeah, that's probably because she doesn't have much else to be proud about.

Nate: 'Cause she's a good person who cares about doing the right thing.

Elena: Yeah. Did you tell her the same thing about me when she accused me of being a gold digger?

Nate: She regrets that more than you know.

Elena: Is that why she hasn't apologized?

Nate: I believe she would have if she thought it would do any good. But any time she's tried, you've frozen her out. I can't help but wonder what that's about.

Elena: I hate what she did to devon. Why is that so hard to understand?

Nate: You don't seem as nearly upset with cane, and he's benefited a lot more from the scam than amanda has. Yet she's the one you can't seem to forgive.

Victoria: If anyone else understands the kind of doubts that you're having right now, it's victor newman's other daughter.

Abby: I'd imagine so.

Victoria: For a long time, I had this voice inside my head, telling me that I wasn't tough enough, I wasn't sharp enough, and I wasn't ruthless enough to carry on our father's legacy at newman. I guess that's why I waited so long to fight for the job that i wanted, that I deserved, with conviction. No, I really hope that you don't hold yourself back the same way that I did. You were meant to do this. Abby, you and the hospitality industry are a perfect fit.

Abby: I do love it.

Victoria: It's because you're gifted at it!

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: And why wouldn't you be? Look at your parents -- two of the most creative, talented, determined people to ever grace a board room... not to mention that you have this uncanny knack for knowing what people are hungry for before they even know it themselves. So, if you encounter a few setbacks along the way, does that mean that you're not gonna make a go of this hotel? Far from it. I have seen you deal with back-to-back crisises, and you've persevered. And from where I sit, that is the sign of a true survivor.

Abby: Thank you. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now.

Billy: Hello.

Amanda: Well, it's you.

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"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Abby: Okay. Enough about me. How are things going with you?

Victoria: Oh. Well, you know, 18-hour days, dozens of balls in the air.

Abby: Life as a C.E.O.?

Victoria: Yes. I asked for it.

Abby: And you love every minute.

Victoria: I do. I love it.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: I just wish that i could find a little more balance to my life.

Abby: You and billy?

Victoria: It's like we're two trains passing in the night. I mean, he's been so great with all these crazy hours and taking care of business at home with the kids, but I just wish we had a little more time for each other. A day. Hell, an hour.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: With no kids around and no computers, no distractions, just us.

Abby: I hear ya.

Victoria: You know, we used to sneak off and just play hooky and do all this goofy stuff like -- I don't know -- have a picnic in the middle of winter or go to an arcade and play video games all day and eat junk food or go to the gym -- take a sauna together. I don't know. I can't remember the last time that billy and I just did something normal, like get a drink, go out, spend time. I mean, other people seem to be able to do it. Why can't we?

Abby: Then do it. Carve out some time for just the two of you.

Victoria: Yes, I will. I will... at some point.

Abby: Okay. What's wrong with tonight?

Victoria: I have work.

Billy: So, I see you made it home okay.

Amanda: Yeah, you, too.

Billy: And we've upgraded our surroundings. I'm not sure what that means, but...

Amanda: I think it means that it's daylight.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, tell you I enjoyed our conversation last night, especially considering the circumstances.

Amanda: Yes. Yes. It was fun riding out that storm with you.

Billy: Mm. Okay. Just wanted to say hi. I'll let you get back to... whatever you're doing.

Amanda: Well, I'm not doing anything in particular.

Billy: Okay. Can I buy you another cup of coffee?

Amanda: Sure.

Elena: You denied it a few days ago, but are you and amanda a thing now? Is that why you're pressuring me to let this go?

Nate: She and I aren't dating, and I'm not trying to pressure anyone. I just want to understand what it is you hope to accomplish by giving her such a hard time. Why can't you give her a chance or at least be civil?

Elena: I want her away from devon. Devon's been through enough already to have to see hilary's ghost everywhere.

Nate: Did devon tell you that, or are you making assumptions?

Elena: Even before the situation with katherine's will, devon's been struggling. You know that. He had to recover from losing his wife, then recover from losing his father, and he's been doing better day by day until this recent disaster.

Nate: Devon's spent his whole life overcoming adversity. He'll bounce back from this, too.

Elena: Yeah, but every time he tries to, amanda shows up, and he has to see her face, and it makes it harder for him. She's like a constant reminder of what he's lost.

Nate: Is the, uh, stress he's under causing problems in your relationship?

Elena: He's just so consumed with undoing all the damage that there isn't room for much else.

Nate: Including you. Instead of, uh, taking your frustration out on amanda, maybe you ought to discuss it with him directly.

Elena: You don't think I've tried? I'm trying to get us back to where we were before we even knew amanda sinclair existed. But I don't know if it's realistic. This experience has changed devon.

Devon: Mm. Welcome home, honey.

Hilary: [ Chuckles ] I'm sorry. Did I startle you? Are you okay?

Devon: I-I -- I was -- yeah. I was just having this dream.

Hilary: Okay. Why don't you tell me about it?

Devon: You were in a car accident. And nate tried to save you, but you didn't survive it.

Hilary: Oh, babe. That sounds like a nightmare.

Devon: Yeah. It was a nightmare. I didn't want to go on without you.

Hilary: Devon, it was just a dream. I'm fine. I'm okay. Everything's okay.

Devon: Come here. I don't want to let you go.

Hilary: Oh. Okay. That's fine by me. Mm. We belong together.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

Hilary: Always have. Always will.

Devon: Hilary.

Amanda: I'm not hilary. I'm amanda.

Devon: [ Breathing heavily ] At humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you. And part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums and still not get prescription drug coverage. But with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for as low as a $0 monthly plan premium in many areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals, so call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan could save you money. There is no obligation, so call or go online right now.

Billy: You know, when i walked in and saw you, at first, I wasn't gonna say anything.

Amanda: Well, why not?

Billy: Mm. I didn't want to come across like that sleazeball that hit on you from last night.

Amanda: You are nothing like him.

Billy: Oh, you don't know me all so well. I have been like him.

[ Clears throat ] And I'm not proud of it.

Amanda: Well, you're not like him anymore.

Billy: Well, I guess that's the point of life, right? You're supposed to evolve. That's where I find myself now -- a work in progress.

Amanda: Mm. Join the club.

Billy: Really? Really? You seem like you have it all together.

Amanda: Oh, don't be fooled. Under this calm, cool exterior, there is a platoon of hamsters just ferociously spinning a wheel.

Billy: Alright.

Amanda: Oh, that was weird, too.

Billy: Yeah, what? What was weird?

Amanda: Why did I just tell you that? I never tell anyone things like that.

Billy: Maybe it's my honest, trusting face.

Amanda: Oh. Yeah. You do have one of those.

Billy: Or maybe it's just easier to talk to strangers, knowing that you're never gonna see 'em again.

Amanda: Well, we completely destroyed that theory, didn't we?

Billy: Yeah, we did.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Excuse me. Uh...I got to go. Good to see you again.

Amanda: Yeah. Thanks for the coffee.

Billy: Oh, yeah. You're welcome.

Amanda: Until next time.

Billy: Okay.

Devon: No, something came up. Can we, uh -- let's reschedule my 11:00 till later this evening. Great. What else is on the calendar for today? No, let's, uh -- let's move the meeting with the nick till tomorrow. Perfect. Alright. I appreciate it. Thanks.

Nate: Devon's strong. He'll be fine. He's still reeling over the shock of everything that happened, and he's probably trying to take on too much. But when your life spins out of control, that's a natural reaction. Wouldn't you agree? You want to take charge of everything, prove to yourself you can master the chaos. If anyone can relate to that, I can.

Elena: I guess I'm the opposite. I have the tendency to withdraw or shut out the world.

Nate: Well, that's another way to handle it. Both are very human.

Elena: Yeah. That's what I've been trying to offer devon -- a quiet place to start healing. That's what we used to do when things got crazy. But lately he's been resisting it. And I don't know. Maybe it's just not what he needs anymore.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Sighs ] Hey, devon.

Devon: I was just calling 'cause, uh, if your offer still stands, I would love to take you to lunch.

Elena: Really?

Devon: Yeah. I took your advice and I postponed some things, and I rearranged my schedule to make some time for the two of us, so, unless you're swamped at the hospital or you've made other plans --

Elena: No, no. That sounds perfect. Um, when and where?

Devon: How 'bout we meet at society in 20 minutes?

Elena: Okay. I'll see you there.

Devon: Okay.

Nate: There you go. What'd I tell you? You two are gonna be fine.

Elena: [ Chuckles softly ]

Summer: Hey.

Theo: Oh, hey, there.

Summer: Hey. Uh, it's almost lunchtime. Have you thought about where you want to go?

Theo: I kind of got a lot going on. I thought I'd work through lunch.

Summer: Oh, okay. I'm actually pretty slammed myself, so we can just meet up for dinner later.

Theo: I have plans tonight.

Summer: Okay.

Theo: Maybe it's for the best...you know, since you are feeling like we've been having too much togetherness lately.

Summer: I did not say that, theo.

Theo: You kind of did... which is fine, you know? I love that you've always been straight with me about what you want, you know? I always know where I stand. And I owe it to you to do the same.

Summer: Okay.

Theo: The thing is... it's important to me to make a good impression at my good job.

Summer: Well, so far, so good.

Theo: Still, I don't want anybody to get the idea that I'm just coasting on the results of that dna test or my relationship with you.

Summer: Well, I don't think that anybody thinks that.

Theo: Mm.

Summer: You've been putting in a lot of time and some really great work.

Theo: Thanks, but imagine how effective I could be if I were totally immersed. And I probably should be. I mean, opportunities like this don't come along every day.

Summer: But you're allowed to have a life outside of your job.

Theo: Uh, sure. The thing is... look... I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've been meaning to say something, but it's tough because we always have such an amazing time together, like last night, when we --

Summer: What are you trying to say right now?

Theo: That it might be good for both of us to cool it -- take a step back, focus on other things for a while.

Summer: Are you breaking up with me right now?

Summer: Where is this coming from? I mean, is -- is this really because I said that I didn't want to move in with you?

Theo: Neither of us is ready for that.

Summer: Well, that's what i thought. You had never brought it up before, and I had no idea that you were even thinking along those lines.

Theo: But shouldn't that tell us something?

Summer: I don't know what you're talking about. I thought that things were fine the way that they were.

Theo: That's why we never talk about anything that matters. It's all surface stuff.

Summer: Theo --

Theo: Where we're going to eat, should we go to a club, who tweeted what. I mean, there's no "there" there, you know? I mean, we both have big things going on in our lives, some of them unsettling and confusing as hell, but we never discuss them -- at least not with each other.

Summer: Well, I had no idea that you felt that way.

Theo: 'Cause you never ask. Like you said, we're fine. Nothing seems wrong. We go through the motions of having a relationship, but there's a distance -- mainly coming from you. Maybe it's a control thing. I don't know. Don't get too serious. Keep your options open. Make sure you can bolt at any time. But...you've been keeping me at arm's length for weeks now.

Summer: Really? You call last night keeping you at arm's length?

Theo: I'm not talking about sex. That part is amazing. But when you get right down to it... that's just surface stuff, too. I don't know. I just feel like both of us could use some space. Am I wrong?

Summer: [ Scoffs ] I mean, this isn't what i wanted. But, um, I don't know. I guess you made a good point earlier about it being a smart move...careerwise.

Theo: I know we can be mature about this. After all, you made it work with your ex.

Summer: Why are you bringing up kyle?

Theo: No reason. Listen...thanks for the talk. I'm gonna get back to it.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Devon: Hey. You look beautiful.

Elena: Thank you. I've learned to carry an extra dress with me in case a handsome gentleman invites me to lunch.

Devon: Oh. I hope not just any handsome gentleman.

Elena: One in particular.

Devon: Well, I mean, I know you don't have a lot of time before you have to get to work, so I took the liberty of ordering for us.

Elena: That's very considerate. Thank you.

Devon: Of course. Um... while we wait for our salads, I'm gonna get straight to the point. You were right that I've been neglecting you, and I really need to put you at the top of my list of priorities.

Elena: Devon...

Devon: I-I mean it. I mean it, 'cause you are the best part of my life, honey. And you've been by my side through all of this craziness, which I am not going to talk about.

Elena: [ Chuckles softly ]

Devon: I'm not gonna talk about it 'cause I decided to take a break, and I've turned off my phone.

Elena: Wow. This is for real.

Devon: No. This is for real, honey -- you and me... 'cause nothing else matters.

Victoria: Hey!

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: How's katie doing?

Billy: She's good. I think it's just a cold, so i gave her some meds, and she's sleeping now.

Victoria: Okay. Good. Well, I got her some chicken soup, and there's a sandwich in there for you.

Billy: Mmm. How 'bout yourself?

Victoria: Uh, I got to change and show up at this cocktail party for a potential partner on a project, which is the last thing that I really want to do.

Billy: Duty calls.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Oh, honey, mwah. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. So, how was your day?

Billy: It was actually -- it was good. Yeah.

Victoria: Good. Well, tell me about it later, okay? I got to run. Okay.

Billy: Alright.

Victoria: I'll see you.

Billy: See ya.

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