Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/3/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/3/19


Episode #11756 ~ Nick and Phyllis reach common ground; Victoria receives a surprising apology; Billy flirts with danger.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Chelsea: Did you dream about the monster?

Connor: He's not chasing me anymore. He's inside me. The monster's trying to eat me up.

Nick: The only thing that matter is doing what is best for connor. And he needs you.

Amanda: Hey, why don't you go back to your drink? Or, better yet, head outside, get some fresh air, clear your head?

Amanda: And what if I don't?

Billy: Then we all stop being polite. I'm billy abbott.

Amanda: Amanda sinclair.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Amanda: So I guess we're both sticking around.

Billy: Yeah, I hear it's getting pretty nasty out there.

Amanda: Yeah.

Billy: Sit.

Amanda: I want to apologize for, um, getting you involved in my drama.

Billy: Hey, that guy was a drunk creep, don't worry about it.

Amanda: Anyway, thank you, again.

Billy: Well, now that we're both sticking around, uh, how about I buy you a drink? Or you, me. I mean, you do owe me one...

Amanda: Yes, no, that's true. Very true um...

Billy: Let me get it. What would you like?

Amanda: Scotch, neat.

Billy: Uh, hey, two scotches, neat, please. Uh, make one of those a double, please.

Amanda: Actually, make them both a double. There's a chill in the air.

Billy: Well, here's to keeping warm on a cold night.

Victoria: So, would you please have the newman jet ready for us on christmas eve? Great. Okay, thank you.

[ Knocking on door ]

Victoria: Come in.

Rey: Hey, victoria.

Victoria: Hi, rey.

Rey: I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time.

Victoria: No, not at all. Um, what's going on?

Rey: I wanted to follow up on the newman warehouse stuff.

Victoria: Okay.

Rey: We apprehended the guy who was trying to fence the stuff, and he rolled over on your guy on the inside. It was one your warehouse managers. Everything's been returned.

Victoria: Thank you. But on a night like tonight, couldn't you have just told me over the phone?

Rey: Yeah, well, I was in the area.

Victoria: How bad is it out there?

Rey: It is pretty nasty. The wind's already knocked down a few trees, and they're expecting it to even get worse tonight.

Victoria: Oh, my god. What's happening?

Amanda: This is not good.

Phyllis: Where's chelsea?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Hello, phyllis. There's no, "hey! How are you? You're never gonna guess why I'm barging into your house, again."

Phyllis: Hey! How are you? You're never gonna guess why I'm barging into your house. Where is chelsea? I need to talk to her.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Why?

Phyllis: You're in a mood.

Nick: Just answer the question.

Phyllis: Um, personal business.

Nick: That's not an answer.

Phyllis: Well, I'm sorry. It's all I have in short notice.

Nick: Phyllis, come on. It's late, there's a high-wind warning. Whatever business you have with chelsea is gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

Phyllis: Uh, no, it will not wait till tomorrow.

Nick: Why? What's going on?

Phyllis: What's going on? I'll tell you. My so-called business partners are trying to screw me over, all right? Abby is trying to get rid of me, and I want to know if chelsea is on board, if she's with me or not.

Nick: That's it?

Phyllis: Yeah. [ Scoffs ] I'm sorry if that's not a big deal to you, but, you see, this is my life. I was with the grand phoenix from the beginning, I built that hotel, and I will be damned if your snooty sister and con-artist girlfriend are gonna get rid of me, you got that?

Nick: Well, I'm sure chelsea will be very sorry that she missed you this evening, but she is at adam'S.

Phyllis: Adam's! Again. My gosh! She might as well move in there.

Phyllis: Ooh. Sorry.

Chelsea: Hey.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Adam: You all right?

Chelsea: Storm's gotten worse.

Adam: I wasn't asking about that. How did it go at nick's house?

Chelsea: As good as can be expected.

Adam: Which means he's giving you a hard time about staying here.

Chelsea: What do you expect, adam? Nick and I are dating, but, instead, it's "sorry, honey, just want to let you know I'm moving in with my ex-husband."

Adam: Right, to take care of our son.

Chelsea: Yeah, I know that, nick knows that, but --

Adam: But he doesn't think it's a good idea.

Chelsea: Nick says he supports me no matter what, okay? Even if he doesn't agree with it.

Adam: Wow. Well, how noble of him.

Chelsea: It's not just about connor, it's --

Adam: It's what?

Chelsea: Nothing. Never mind.

Adam: He doesn't trust me. Wow, what a son of a bitch. He really thinks that I would use my son's pain to get you into bed. Wow.

Connor: Mom! Dad! What's happening?

Phyllis: Hmm. [ Chuckles ] Well, this just caps off a perfect day.

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Phyllis: How's christian?

Nick: Kid can sleep through anything.

Phyllis: Mm. Lucky. Very lucky. So, um... you don't like being rich, do you?

Nick: What do you mean?

Phyllis: You gave away your trust fund, and, uh, you let victoria keep most of the dark horse properties. And now you can't keep the lights on. I mean, do you need a loan? I'll float you.

Nick: Yeah, keep your money, thanks.

Phyllis: That was a snappy retort.

Nick: Well, I'm just not in the mood tonight.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Chelsea. Right. I got it. Chelsea. So, um... hey. You want to talk about it?

Nick: No, I don'T.

Phyllis: Oh, good, I don't want to talk about it, either. Let's just agree, it sucks.

Nick: Yeah, it does suck, and the topic is still off-limits. And I'm sorry if that messes up whatever it is the hell you got going on with adam.

Phyllis: Oh, wow, mr. Superiority. Why do you feel the need to judge my relationships?

Nick: I'm not judging you!

Phyllis: Yes, you are! That's all you do with me, all the time! You know what, go back to your miserable evening. I'm gonna see myself out.

Nick: Phyllis, don't do that.

Phyllis: Do what?

Nick: There's a storm out there, and don't rush out of here, you know, to have your big moment and get in the last word when you're probably just gonna end up sideswiped in a ditch because there's no traffic lights. It will ruin your moment.

Phyllis: Your concern is touching.

Nick: Just hang out here till the power comes back on. I mean, we don't even have to talk.

Adam: You see, bud? There's nothing to be afraid of. The power just went off.

Chelsea: I have an idea! Why don't we get a blanket, and we can make a tent in the living room?

Adam: Oh! That's a great idea! It'll be like a campout.

Connor: No, I don't want to.

Adam: Connor. It might be really fun.

Connor: No, it won'T.

Adam: You know, I bet you would change your mind if we sang some campfire songs, huh?

Home, home on the range

where the deer and antelope play

where seldom is heard, a discouraging word

Connor: Stop, please stop!

Chelsea: Connor.

Connor: It won't scare him away.

Adam: Scare who away?

Connor: The monster. He's here. That's why it got dark.

Chelsea: No, sweetie, it got dark because the wind knocked down some wires outside. That's all.

Connor: No, no. It's the monster. He's in the house. You should be afraid, too.

Adam: All right, buddy. Come here.

Amanda: Seems like it's gonna be a while.

Billy: Looks that way.

Amanda: Maybe we should leave now before it gets worse.

Billy: Yeah, we could do that.

Amanda: But you don't think it's a good idea.

Billy: Well, from my vantage point, we have two options -- we can go outside and risk being blown into the next state, or we could hunker down and ride it out. I mean, we got food...

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: We got shelter, we got warmth, we got time.-Let's just chill out and let nature run its course.

Amanda: To nature, then.

Billy: Cheers to nature. So, besides the ambiance, what brings you to a delightful establishment like that?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I don't know, I, uh... I felt safe, I guess.

Billy: Well, it wasn't safe an hour ago, amanda.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I handled that guy.

Billy: No, you did. You did, you just -- you shouldn't have to deal with scum like that in the first place.

Amanda: Well, I've had a lot of practice. Some men believe that they can behave however they want. Anyway...

Billy: We don't have to talk about that.

Amanda: I suppose I owe you a friendly conversation since you helped chase that guy off.

Billy: Well, it could have been much worse.

Amanda: Mm, you can't think like that.

Billy: All right.

Amanda: I have to say, you -- you don't act like I'd expect a man like you to act.

Billy: A man like me?

Amanda: An abbott. You know, you seem lost, actually. Is that what you meant when you said that you took a wrong turn?

Victoria: Yes, this victoria newman again. Would you please send someone to my office as soon as you get this message? I'm locked in. Thank you.

[ Exhales sharply ] Any luck?

Rey: Nope. It's jammed pretty good. It must have happened when the power went out.

Victoria: What are you doing?

Rey: I'm gonna try to pop the lock. Now, do you happen to have a paper clip, one of the big ones?

Victoria: So, what did my, uh -- my warehouse manager say to you when you busted him?

Rey: Uh, "I want a lawyer."

Victoria: [ Sighs ] What a shame.

Rey: Yeah, I don't get it, either. Guy had a good job, no record. And, one day, he decides it's not good enough.

[ Groans ] This isn't really working, either. Do you have something thicker, like a letter opener, by any chance?

Victoria: Yes, I do. Um... here you go.

Rey: Thank you.

Victoria: So, have you always been this handy?

Rey: I don't know how "handy" I am. I haven't opened the door yet.

Victoria: Well, that's true, but at least you know where to start.

Rey: Yeah, I guess I've always been pretty good at taking things apart and putting them back together again.

[ Groans ] When I was a kid, my brother arturo and I decided to take the air conditioner apart.

Victoria: Wow. That's ambitious.

Rey: Yeah. We were living in florida, it was 110 degrees, even hotter inside, with the ac turned off. So, when my mom came in and she saw the parts everywhere, she pitched a fit, said we were grounded till we were 30.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] What happened?

Rey: We put it back together again.

Victoria: Wow. And it worked?

Rey: Better than ever.

Victoria: That's impressive.

Rey: Yeah. The trick is to focus, stay calm, and not panic. It's helped me, especially being a cop. Well, most of the time. Look, I, uh... I never apologized to you for wrongfully arresting you for tampering with victor's medication. I know this is a strange time to do it, but, uh... I'm sorry.

[ Video game chiming ]

[ Chiming continues ]

Nick: Yes!

Phyllis: Ugh! Oh, my god. You did not.

Nick: Thought you had me trapped.

Phyllis: Ugh, I did have you trapped.

Nick: Apparently not.

[ Laughs ] You know what, there's something I want to know. I mean, is that what you think about me? That I'm always judging you?

Chelsea: Are you sure it's okay to leave connor alone upstairs?

Adam: I left a lantern in his room. And he fell asleep with a flashlight, so, uh, he'll be all right.

Chelsea: Yeah, until the monsters come back.

[ Sighs ] You know, I was watching him sleep, and he looked so peaceful, and it kills me because I know it's only temporary, and there's nothing i can do about it.

Adam: Chelsea. We can be there for him. And we can hope that, one day, that these monsters, they will go away.

Chelsea: Yeah. I remember you used to -- you used to love watching him sleep, too.

Adam: Yeah. I remember when he was a baby, I would -- I would come down here, and i would try to get some work done, and all I could, I could just look at this sweet little miracle that we created. Oh, I never thought I could be so happy. You know, I would look at him, and... I would think about our future as a family, dreams I wanted for us and for my son, and now... now I don't know what to do, either. God, how did we get here, chelsea?

Phyllis: Everyone judges me. It's like the number-one sport in this town.

Nick: I'm not talking about everyone.

Phyllis: You and me?

Nick: Yeah, you and me.

Phyllis: You and me.

Nick: You and me.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Well, I am glad we're civil with each other. It's a miracle. Sometimes, we can laugh, which is great, like we just did. Um... listen, the concern that I had with you going into politics is that you are fundamentally too decent of a person for politics. You are kind. You are good and understanding and forgiving of everyone, even your father. Not me.

Nick: Are you talking about when we ended things?

Phyllis: Which time?

Nick: [ Laughs ]

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] I'm gonna take the last time.

Nick: Let's go with the last time.

Phyllis: Okay, yeah. When you dumped me. Let's just be accurate -- when you dumped me, um, you said some pretty horrible things to me. Along with the utter lack of forgiveness... darkness makes me hungry. Do you have anything to eat?

Nick: There may be some baby carrots in the fridge.

Phyllis: Ugh. [ Laughs ] Yeah?

Nick: Uh, salted cashews are there behind the bar. I know you love those.

Phyllis: Oh! Oh! You know me so well. Look at this.

Nick: I'd say better than most.

Phyllis: I know you just as well.

Nick: Yeah? Tell me about me.

Phyllis: Oh, no, you want to play this game?

Nick: Yeah, let's do it, you know, for old time's sake.

Phyllis: Really?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Wow. Okay. You are charming. You are mr. Charm. And your smile could -- and does -- melt a million hearts, and you know it.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: [ Giggles ] But there's a lot going on underneath all of that. You are slow to get angry, but, once you do, watch out. You have a horrible temper.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: And, mm, I hate to tell you, but you must know -- your jokes aren't funny.

[ Laughs ]

Nick: What?

Phyllis: And you're so kind. Like I said earlier, you're kind of a dying breed. And you're good, in spite of your lifelong struggle... with the fact that you are newman. How am I doing?

Nick: My jokes aren't that bad.

Phyllis: You're not the one listening to them.

Nick: Okay, come on

Phyllis: [ Giggles ]

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: I also know something else that you've probably kept secret for a really long time. But I know. You still harbor fantasies of becoming a professional baseball player. I was kind of surprised that you didn't just take victor's money and buy a team yourself.

Victoria: You don't -- you don't have to apologize to me.

Rey: I feel like I do.

Victoria: No, you don't, really. I mean, you were caught up in the middle of a family war. You were just doing your job. I think, if anything, we should be apologizing to you.

Rey: You get any word from maintenance?

Victoria: No. Not yet. They must be tied up with the entire building being down. Any progress with the door?

Rey: You know what, I think -- i think I may have loosened it a bit. Why don't you try pressing the button again?

Victoria: Okay.

Rey: [ Chuckling ] Or not. Is there anything else I could try?

Victoria: I don't know! Oh, wait a minute. I have an idea.

Rey: Ah! Okay.

Victoria: Okay, ready?

Rey: Wait, wait, wait.

[ Thud ] Oh!

Victoria: [ Laughs ] Yes!

Rey: [ Laughs ]

Victoria: Got it open.

Rey: Yeah.

Billy: So you think I just got in my car and it drove me here, and that's that.

Amanda: I don't know. You know, maybe I'm wrong. My instincts about people are not as sharp as they used to be.

Billy: Well, I would say your instincts are dead-on. I did take a wrong turn. In fact, I've taken plenty of wrong turns in my life.

Amanda: Tell me about it.

Billy: Well, we don't really know each other all that well, so I'll probably just, uh... oh, you mean the other "tell me about it." The other version of that.

Amanda: Yeah, as in, "I've been there, too."

Billy: I get that now. Sorry, a little slow on the uptake tonight.

Amanda: Yeah, no, I -- I can tell.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Amanda: But you don't have to explain anything to me. You're right. We don't know each other at all.

Billy: Yeah, I don't know. I mean, maybe that's exactly why I'm here, to be anonymous. You know, like a blank slate -- no demands, no expectations. Does that make sense?

Amanda: I think we both came to the right place.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Billy: This is strange.

Amanda: What? Sitting in the dark talking to a stranger?

Billy: No, I'm fine with that, I've done that plenty.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: It's this, uh, truth-telling. It's new for me. It's a challenge.

Amanda: Well, no truth is worse than a lie.

Billy: You didn't make that up?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] No, actually, a teacher told me that once, and I really, really wish that I listened to her more often.

Billy: Mm. Yeah, you know, I -- sometimes, I feel like I'm playing a role in life, like I'm some actor in a play. "Tell me what to do. I'll do that. I'll do that. Whatever, it's all good." Even if isn't me. Even if makes me unhappy.

Amanda: What does make you happy?

Billy: I used to think i knew.

Phyllis: It's your turn to tell me about me.

Nick: Okay, that's fair.

Phyllis: Okay. Oh, I can't wait for this.

Nick: Okay, stop. Are you talking, or am I?

Phyllis: Okay, you're talking, go! Go!

Nick: You...love late-night snacks.

Phyllis: Oh, obviously! Sorry, go.

Nick: Okay, you, uh... you also love a killer dress. You know, almost as much as you love the perfect insult. You stand alone. You're very proud of that. And, at times, you can be a stone-cold --

Phyllis: Bitch. Right.

Nick: But, here's the thing. That's just a face you like to present to the world. Deep down inside, I know you crave more love and family and respect. I know summer's tears turn you completely inside-out. You're a serious gamer. You love to turn a deal and make a buck and let everyone know they lost, and not just lost, but lost to you.

[ Sighs ] You, uh... you get knocked down a lot, but you always stand right back up. Because you're a fighter, and the fight's never over. How am I doing?

Phyllis: I guess you win.

Nick: It can be hell knowing someone that well.

Phyllis: I don't know.

[ Sighs ] I think I find comfort knowing that someone gets me. And you are right, I do have to fend for myself. I always have. I mean, I didn't have a trust fund that I could just give away. I have endured... the unimaginable at the hands of men like your father. And that has made me hungry so I have had to dress better, be smarter, fight harder to get everything I wanted. I don't think I'm ever gonna lose that. But it's okay. It's all right, because, win or lose... whatever I have, it's all mine.

Chelsea: I'm scared, adam. And I don't get scared I mean, my troubled past, running cons, I could sail through all that, but this... that little boy -- our little boy is in so much pain.

Adam: I know. And I really wish that I had an answer to this, too.

Chelsea: [ Sniffles ] I almost flipped when I thought that you were suggesting that we put him in an institution.

Adam: No, we -- we are in agreement on that. Anything except that.

Chelsea: But we're running out of options, adam.

Adam: Chelsea.

Chelsea: I don't know what to do. And you don't know what to do, which means we're stuck, and connor just keeps getting worse, and we are...stuck.

Adam: You know, maybe I'm the problem.

Chelsea: No. What -- what are you saying?

Adam: No, I mean, really. Really... what have I done? My entire life, all I've done is I've created chaos. And when I got sucked into victor's orbit, I mean, I was driven by -- by anger and resentment. You know, I was hurt, and i wanted to hurt back. I mean, children, they really -- they sense these things, and they see and know way more than we realize. I mean, what if connor knows about me? What, am I -- what if I'm the monster that he's afraid of?

Chelsea: I don't believe you're a monster, adam. And neither does connor.

Adam: Okay, but you can't be sure about that.

Chelsea: I've seen you with him. I've seen you change. I mean, you went from being a -- a bitter, angry man to a loving, doting father.

Adam: Yes, but that darkness, it is still there. I mean, I cannot deny that. And it's not like I can sit here and I can lie to your face because that is a part of who i am.

Chelsea: But so is connor, and he doesn't care who you've been or what you've done. To him, you're just dad. And he adores you.

Adam: Well, all I wanted to do, is I just wanted to be a better dad than victor.

Chelsea: You are, in a lot of ways. I mean, victor talks about always putting family first, but, let's be honest, at the end of the day, victor usually chooses victor. You...pAdam: Mm.

Chelsea: You do the opposite of that.

Adam: What is that, by -- by giving up my glamorous life as a gambler in las vegas?

Chelsea: No. By coming home when your son needed you. By showing you're a man who can be present and love your son unconditionally. You know, I let connor move in here because I knew it would be what's best for him, but I also did it because I trusted that you could be the dad that he deserved. I mean, what connor's going through right now, it's not your fault. You are not the -- the monster within. You're the hero who'S...

[ Sighs ] Trying to save him.

Adam: Well... thank you for that.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] And, you know, I mean, I thought about it, too. What could have been... we were so close to having everything we wanted, the three of us as a family...

Adam: Yeah. To give connor that kind of happiness, I mean, that kind of life... that is all that I want.

Chelsea: Me, too. More than anything. I mean, connor, he saved me from going down every crooked road I could find. And he saved you from making your entire life one big vendetta against victor. So now... we have to save him. That's our job now.

Nick: I'd almost forgotten that part.

Phyllis: Can you tell me which part? Because I went on for a while.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] The part, uh... where you need recognition and respect. The part where you have something to prove.

Phyllis: Being in a constant fight is very tiring.

Nick: I bet.

Phyllis: I'm glad I didn't totally alienate you.

Nick: You came close a few times.

Phyllis: So did you.

Nick: But who's keeping score, right?

Phyllis: I am, and I win!

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Do you ever think of it?

Nick: What?

Phyllis: Us. Together.

Nick: Sometimes. Especially when summer gives me that look, you know, the one that reminds me so much of you.

Phyllis: Or a behavior?

Nick: Yeah, that, too.

Phyllis: Was it totally exhausting, being married to me?

Nick: Well... I mean, not all the time.

Phyllis: Really?

Nick: Yeah, phyllis. I mean, what we had. When everything was working... it was fierce, it was intense. It was probably too intense, you know, if it lasted too long... I mean, we may have killed each other if we stayed together.

Phyllis: Yeah, we would have killed each other, probably.

Nick: But it was special.

Phyllis: Yeah. It was. Like a comet soaring through the sky.

Nick: Or like a bomb waiting to go off.

Phyllis: I like the comet.

Nick: Yeah, let's go with the comet thing.

Phyllis: Here we are, after all these years...

Nick: Here we are.

Victoria: You know, you surprised me.

Rey: I didn't turn off the power, I swear to you.

Victoria: [ Laughs ] You see? That's what I mean. I never really got the chance to know you very well, but you're actually kind of funny.

Rey: Yeah, funny like, uh, I don't go to bed in a cop uniform?

Victoria: Yes. That.

Rey: Yeah, well, I could say the same about you. I'm used to seeing this serious, really, like... you're like buena onda.

Victoria: Uh, what does that mean?

Rey: It's spanish for "cool."

Victoria: Oh. Buena onda.

Rey: Buena onda.

Victoria: Thank you.

Rey: De nada.

Victoria: [ Laughs ]

Phyllis: Oh.

Amanda: Whoa!

Billy: Here we go.

Amanda: Here we go. Um, maybe -- I guess it's time to go.

Billy: Yeah, I mean, it looks pretty windy out there. You sure you're gonna be able to manage?

Amanda: Yeah, I mean, I've managed a lot worse. And I'm always very careful.

Billy: Well, next time you want to ride out the storm, you, uh, just look me up.

Amanda: I might just do that.

Billy: Good night.

Phyllis: Okay, well, that happened.

Nick: Yep, it certainly did.

Phyllis: Yeah. I'm glad the lights came back on. Um, too bad you're not on the city council. You could have made a call. You know.

Nick: You don't have to take off, you know.

Phyllis: Oh, I do, because i have, uh, a lot of work to do, and I've already wasted too much time.

Nick: Yeah, because this was a complete waste of time.

Phyllis: Yeah, totally.

Nick: Can you name a better way to ride out a storm than to take a little walk down memory lane?

Phyllis: I cannot think of one. Good night.

Nick: Good night.

Victoria: Billy!

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: I'm so glad you're home. Where were you?

Billy: I got stuck in the storm.

Victoria: Mm. You okay?

Billy: Yeah, I'm fine. Just glad to be home.

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