Y&R Transcript Monday 12/2/19
Episode #11755 ~ Devon searches for Colin; Nate defends Amanda; Chelsea makes a shocking move.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Abby: I just got another call. Valuables are missing from a guest's room. We need to call the police.
Sharon: I think connor might be suffering from ptsd.
Adam: We need to be committed -- to helping him.
Chelsea: What do you think i am doing here practically every waking hour?
Adam: You need to move in.
Amanda: I never met colin atkinson. I had nothing to do with his plan to defraud you or katherine's estate. I came to genoa city with honest intentions, and I have no idea why you don't believe me.
Elena: Why don't you look in the damn mirror if you can't figure out why devon doesn't trust a word you say?
Billy: Being the C.E.O. Of a beauty and fashion company is not what I want in my life anymore.
Billy: But I really do think that this is an opportunity, vick, to just, you know, see what comes next.
Victoria: I think it sounds perfect. And I'm gonna back you up, whatever you decide to do. Just ask, anytime.
Victoria: Sorry I'm late.
Billy: Hey. Mm. No. Don't worry about. I got time on my hands. How was your meeting?
Victoria: Phenomenal.
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: I am this close to closing a deal that my dad has been negotiating forever.
Billy: Brazil?
Victoria: Can you believe it?
Billy: Yeah, I can believe it. I mean, you're beautiful, but you're good at your job and you're smart as hell.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, I have never been this excited and happy to make a deal. They're signing the paperwork as we speak, and it should be done by the end of the week, and --
[ Sighs ] What am I doing?
Billy: What do you mean, what are you doing? You're doing your job and you're good at it.
Victoria: I'm going on and on about my job. I'm so sorry.
Billy: Hey, no, no, no. I left jabot on my own accord, okay? I am happy for you. I am. This is what you're meant to do.
Victoria: What -- what about you?
Billy: What, my future? Just wide open. Wide open.
[ Clears throat ]
Victoria: Ohh. Well, I mean, I guess you could always go back to work at jabot.
Billy: No. I left jabot for good reason. You know, I want to find something that I'm excited about, something I want to wake up to in the morning -- besides you, of course.
Victoria: Don't mind a little competition.
Billy: Oh-ho-ho.
Victoria: You know, I've never played matchmaker to my non-husband before, but I am willing to give it a try.
Billy: Oh, wow. This should be exciting.
Victoria: So, what are you looking for? I mean, what looks good to you? What -- what gets your heart racing? Tell me.
Billy: Racing? Right now I'm trying to slow it down because all I can think about is "what the hell did I do to my life?"
Victoria: Oh, come on. Come on. We're gonna figure this out.
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: How?
Victoria: Well, I think to bring you closer to a job that you will really love, we're gonna have to play a little game.
Billy: A game? Okay. What are the rules?
Victoria: There are no rules. You just have to be flexible.
Billy: Okay. Let's play. Bring it on.
Chelsea: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Chelsea: How did things go at the work site?
Nick: Well, we are on time and under budget. It's a minor miracle.
Chelsea: Just goes to show when you're doing good things, good things come to you.
Nick: How's connor doing?
Chelsea: Uh...well, one minute he's okay and it seems like he's moving past the trauma, and a few minutes later, he's inconsolable and terrified.
Nick: So, he's getting worse. So, what's the next step?
Chelsea: Well, adam and I are looking into finding a therapist. I can put more time in with him and hopefully give him the tools to move past all this.
Nick: That's a great call. I'll start putting some feelers out, and, together, along with adam, we'll figure out how to help him.
Chelsea: Yeah. Um... there's something else I need to talk to you about.
Nick: Okay.
Chelsea: Adam wants me to move in with him... so that I can be there for connor full-time.
Nick: [ Scoffs ] I mean, of course he does. You're not... actually considering that, are you?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone rings ]
Chance: Devon.
Devon: Chance.
Chance: I'm glad you called.
Devon: Yeah. Did you get any new information? Has colin said anything that would incriminate cane?
Chance: No.
Devon: Okay. Well, you know what? Bring him to me and let me look him in the eye. Maybe I can get him to talk to me.
Chance: That's [Sighs] That's not gonna be possible.
Devon: It's -- it's not a big deal. You don't have to tell anybody. Just make it happen.
Chance: It's not that simple. Devon... colin is no longer in custody.
Devon: Why isn't he in custody? I thought the charges stuck.
Chance: Look, it never even got that far. He managed to get away from the agent that was transporting him.
Devon: How the hell did that happen?
Chance: I'm not sure. I wasn't there to oversee the operation.
Devon: So, he's just gone?
Chance: For the moment.
Devon: Okay. Do you have people out there looking for him? What are you doing about it?
Chance: I'm out. I was told by a senior official not to pursue him any further because of my personal involvement.
Devon: Well, this is a really big setback, chance.
Chance: Look, I'm just as furious as you are.
Devon: For some reason, I doubt that.
Chance: Look, colin used my name and reputation to pull this off.
Devon: Then get out there and do something about it, please.
Chance: If I chase him down on my own, I could be putting the case in jeopardy.
Devon: Well, I hope whoever is on the case now knows what they're up against.
Chance: I'll let you know when we have some news.
Devon: Colin's gone.
Elena: [ Sighs ] Unbelievable.
Devon: He's probably paying someone off with my money, and now he has enough to stay ahead of the law and underground for good, and so does cane.
Elena: Okay. We're just gonna have to have faith that the police are able to do something.
Devon: It's not faith. We can't pray this away, hon. That's not gonna help.
Elena: Okay. Well, no matter what happens, don't let this change who you are. You still have money. You still have your health.
Devon: It's not about the money, though. It's never been about the money, babe. If it was, I would have held on to my inheritance. This is about doing the right thing. It's about doing what my father and my grandmother would want me to do. And now two con men have played me for a fool, and someone's gonna answer for that.
Nate: You never struck me as the kind of woman who plays games...on her phone.
Amanda: Me? Never.&
Nate: Then what's got your attention?
Amanda: The usual -- e-mails, news, a tardy appointment.
Nate: I haven't been late for anything since I was 10. Okay. Traffic was rough...
Amanda: Oh.
Nate: ...And you can't hold five minutes against me when you live in the same place you arranged to have the meeting. Forgive me?
Amanda: Guess you'll have to wait and see.
Nate: Oh, I don't see what the big problem is. It's not like we're dating or anything. We're just a couple of buddies hanging in the friend zone.
Amanda: Mm-hmm, happy and comfortably.
Nate: Buddies mess up sometimes, and we pardon them.
Amanda: Pay up and we'll talk.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Final payment for your inestimable legal services.
Amanda: Mm.
Nate: A mere fraction of what I owe you for what you did for me.
Amanda: Well, your actions were easy to defend. You've led a noble and upstanding existence. I mean, you've saved lives. You've changed lives. Your charitable donations -- ohh.
Nate: Mighty, mighty good man.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Who would be nothing without his talented and skillful attorney.
Amanda: Wow. Well, I like the sound of that.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] So, what's next? Any exciting cases land in your e-mail? Some new place on the map you're hankering to visit? Or have you finally come to your senses and decided to stay here?
Amanda: Well, there is nothing left for me in madison anymore. I've closed up shop, and I am never looking back.
Nate: Trying for a fresh start or escaping some bad memories?
Amanda: Well, have you ever just wanted to break free, start again?
Nate: Not really. See, uh, there's no other place I'd rather be. Genoa city has so much to offer.
Amanda: Yes. I believe it does.
Nate: [ Chuckles softly ]
Elena: You know, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, devon.
Devon: Well, I didn't say anything about revenge, honey.
Elena: Right, but I can see it in your eyes and I can hear it in your voice. Is that what neil would want you to do?
Devon: I -- what is -- why are you bringing him into this? You were standing right here with me when cane was giving all of his stupid excuses about not knowing whether or not the forensics expert was paid off to authenticate the will pages and how he didn't know how colin could have stolen a huge chunk of the inheritance. Right there.
Elena: Right, but that's not proof that cane was responsible.
Devon: It's clear to me. It's superclear to me, okay? He blames me for his marriage falling apart and for his kids moving hundreds of miles away. That's what this is about. He wants to get back at me.
Elena: Devon, I don't know if I believe that anymore.
Devon: Well, that's 'cause you don't know him the way I do, 'cause once you're a con man like him, you are always a con man. And it's like you want me to just sit back and take what's going on.
Elena: No! That's not what I'm saying at all.
Devon: Then what are you saying to me? Please tell me, because you're making me feel really guilty right now about having a human response to what these people are doing to me. It's not fair. You didn't give nate a hard time when he helped victor fake his death. What I mean by that is --
Elena: No, I told nate exactly how I felt about his actions. But this is about you, the man that I love, and I am sorry if you feel like I'm being hard on you, but it is because you mean everything to me. You're better than that. And you are better than all of the people trying to take you down.
Devon: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm taking this out on you.
Elena: You know, if you're trying to push me away or test my love to see if I'll leave, then you lose... because I'm not going anywhere. You know what we need?
Devon: We need a time machine.
Elena: [ Chuckles softly ] That.
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: And some fresh air before my shift.
Devon: Do you have time for that?
Elena: For you, I do.
Devon: Then what are we waiting for?
Elena: [ Sighs ]
Billy: Okay. What's the game? Let's do it.
Victoria: Okay. Free association.
Billy: Ohh.
Victoria: Come on! Come on. It could work. I will say a word, and you say the first thing that pops into your head.
Billy: And this is how we're gonna find my calling?
Victoria: Well, it's worth a shot, don't you think?
Billy: Yes, it is. Let's do it.
Victoria: Okay. Okay. Um, freedom.
Billy: Captain america. I'm gonna be the next great superhero.
Victoria: Mm. Well, you already are to two kids -- and to me.
Billy: Oh. Thank you. Okay. Um... I'm gonna say -- "freedom"? I'm gonna say, uh... "beach."
Victoria: Ohh.
Billy: "Ocean." "Ocean...breezes."
Victoria: "Ocean breeze"?
Billy: Sailing.
Victoria: Yes, yes. Travel.
Billy: Yacht. I can be the captain of a yacht.
Jaboat, gambling -- mnh.
Victoria: Oh, no. I think that that's the past. We're talking about the future.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Future. New frontiers.
Billy: New frontier?
Victoria: "Frontier."
Billy: Uh -- pfft -- "tumbleweeds." Mountains. Horses. We could own a dude ranch.
Victoria: Oh!
Billy: Let's do that.
Victoria: Yes. Yes. "Adventure."
Billy: "Adventure"? Hmm. "Tropics."
Victoria: Tropical adventure.
Billy: Surfing.
Victoria: Hang ten.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Water-gun, uh, tester.
Victoria: "Toys"!
Billy: "Santa's elf." No, screw it. Let's just go. Straight up -- santa.
Victoria: Mm. I'm pretty sure that job's already taken.
Billy: Okay. That is taken. Um...alright. Let's just keep rolling. Let's just keep building off what we -- what we got going on here.
Victoria: "Build." "Build."
Billy: "Build"?
Victoria: Yeah!
Billy: "Building." Construction.
Victoria: Yes. Tell me more about that.
Billy: Construction?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Well, I did a little bit of construction when I was younger. I usd to help build houses in underprivileged neighborhoods.
Victoria: Did you like it?
Billy: Yeah, I loved it. I'd go home tired and sore to the bone and couldn't wait to do it again the next morning.
Victoria: That's it. That is it. That is exactly the perfect job for you.
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: Doing good for others. It'll be inspiring.
Billy: Well...
Victoria: New hope. What about -- I'm sure that nick could use some help. Why don't you talk to nick? I'm sure that he can find something for you to do.
Billy: Yeah, you know, that's nick's -- that's nick's baby. I need to find something on my own. You know, maybe I'll perfect the surfing and construction will be plan "B."
[ Cellphone rings ] You got to get that. Might be brazil.
Victoria: Oh, you're right.
[ Sighs ] Oh. You should add "fortune-telling" to the list.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Take it. Take it. I got a meeting with jack. He's gonna talk to me about potentially going out to sedona to find myself.
Victoria: I'll call you back.
Billy: Okay. Bye.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: Hello, mr. Sanchez.
[ Chuckling ] Oh. Okay. Yes, fernando. I know. I-I am thrilled, too.
Chelsea: If you could see what connor is going through on a daily basis... he has nightmares that wake him up, and then he's so terrified, he can't go back to sleep. So adam and I have to sit up with him, trying to get him to relax, to close his eyes, and, eventually, he does fall asleep, and then he wakes up because of another nightmare. And school -- I mean, forget about it. He only wants to be with us. He's terrified if he's not with us. Now the principal is suggesting that we withdraw him.
Nick: Yeah, I'm sure it's good for him, you know, to have his parents together again.
Chelsea: Because we're trying to give him the love and support that he needs.
Nick: I'm not blaming him. I mean, what child doesn't want their parents back together again? And, you know, connor's lucky because he has adam there, constantly reminding him that it's a possibility.
Chelsea: Connor is scared to death. And he needs us. Every waking moment, he needs all of us. I mean, I-I barely have time to brush my teeth or -- or try to get any sleep. Nick... you are the only man in my heart. Please don't imagine things that are not real, that aren't really happening. Come on. You don't -- you don't actually think something's going on?
Nick: Adam's no saint. I don't think there's any line he won't cross.
Chelsea: I think you're wrong. I think you're gonna realize that very soon.
Nick: I hope you're right.
Chelsea: Adam is not forcing me to be there for my son. Connor comes first. He always has -- you know that -- the same way christian always comes first for you. But, yeah, I'm willing to make a deal with the devil or camp out someplace I don't want to be if it means my son feels safe. Yeah, I'm willing to do that. Where are you going?
Nick: I need some air.
Chelsea: Please tell me you're not going to confront adam about this. Nick. Nick!
Abby: Chance. Hey.
Abby: Chance. Hey. What brings you by?
Chance: Here to protect and serve. Did you ever catch the person that was stealing from your hotel rooms?
Abby: [ Groans ] The police haven't made any headway, and the hotel cannot afford any more bad publicity.
Chance: As promised, I'm here to help.
Abby: Can I afford you?
Chance: With a thief running around, making off with your guests' jewelry? You can't afford not to have me here.
Abby: Well, what will the rest of the world do without you?
Chance: Suffer, no doubt. But I'm here now, at your service.
Abby: An offer I can't refuse.
Chance: Smart lady.
Abby: You said that you were leaving town after you wrapped up your last top-secret mission.
Chance: I'M... staying put... for the time being.
Abby: The world's loss is my gain. I'll take you up on it.
Chance: Good. Let's put our heads together. Let's come up with a plan to catch this thief.
Victoria: Nick! Hi!
Nick: My sister's here. Hey. What's up?
Victoria: Hi! Join me!
Nick: Sure.
Victoria: Um, I'm just, uh, sitting here. I just closed a big deal, and i feel like celebrating, um, unless -- I mean, are you waiting for chelsea?
Nick: No. I'm solo.
Victoria: Uh-oh. What happened? I know you. Tell me.
Nick: [ Groans ] It's, uh -- it's connor. You know, he's had a setback. He's having anxiety issues. He's not sleeping.
Victoria: Oh, that's awful. I'm sorry.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah.
Victoria: You know, that little boy is lucky to have you. So is his mother. After everything she's cost you and all she's done, and you still stick with her -- I can only hope that she has as much love and respect for you that you have for her.
Nick: I know you don't like her.
Victoria: No. I mean... it's my sisterly duty to hate anyone that hurts you, even if you don't or can'T.
Nick: Thanks, but --
Victoria: I know -- I know this has nothing to do with me. I know that, but... I warned you. I mean --
Nick: Look, chelsea -- chelsea is not the problem. It's adam.
Nate: Does this mean you're seriously considering relocating to genoa city?
Amanda: Is it that much of a surprise?
Nate: I did my best to sell you on the idea on thanksgiving, but, uh, I thought a high-powered attorney would carefully weigh out the pros and cons of a life-changing decision like uprooting herself.
Amanda: Well, what can I say? I like to mix things up.
Nate: Like the way you shut down your practice in madison without knowing where you'd land.
Amanda: That's a long story.
Nate: If you do decide to put down roots here in G.C., I hope you'd trust me enough to share it.
Amanda: Well, it would be much simpler if the only thing that I had to worry about was finding someone to help me move furniture.
Nate: Well, what's holding you back?
Amanda: This face. And I quote, I am a cold-hearted bitch that you, my friend, should stay away from.
Nate: Elena told you that?
Amanda: Maybe she's right to warn you to stay away from me.
Devon: Well, those are the truest words to ever come out of your mouth.
[ Sighs ] Nate, you ging out together?
Devon: So, what the hell is this? What are you guys doing in public hanging out together?
Nate: Well, she's my attorney, whom I just paid for saving my career.
Devon: Well, she's really good at her job, too, because she just convinced me to give all my money to her client.
Nate: She was dragged into the middle of this, thanks to colin.
Devon: Well, I wasn't aware that she was the victim here. She just told you that elena was right to warn you to stay away from her, right?
Elena: Okay. Let's go somewhere else, huh?
Devon: No, hang on a second. Hang on one second. Nate, you know the truth. Seems like you're really cool with it. You know that she came here to defraud me and that someone hand-picked her to mess with my head 'cause she looks like hilary. You know that.
Amanda: I have bent over backwards apologizing and explaining that I had nothing to do with that. I thought that we'd moved on.
Devon: I thought you went home.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: She's tricking you, nate.
Amanda: I've heard enough. Excuse me.
Nate: Talking to her like that does not make you right.
Devon: Man, who the hell are you to defend her to me? She was bought and paid for. What are you getting out of it?
Nick: I mean, how does adam get away with it? He tries to kill our father, he tries to destroy this family, and what does dad do?
Victoria: He forgives and he moves on.
Nick: I cannot do that.
Victoria: Well, neither can I.
Nick: He's never gonna stop until he gets what he wants.
Victoria: What is that?
Nick: Everyone's heart and heads on a platter.
Victoria: What does that have to do with chelsea?
Nick: Look, she's just got a lot on her plate right now. She feels responsible for what went down with simon black and that connor was taken hostage and then my campaign, and she's just -- you know, she's kicking herself. She feels like she's to blame.
Victoria: Well?
Nick: She's vulnerable, and you know what it's like to be with someone who's in that space.
Billy: Hey, man. Uh, could I grab a scotch, neat, please?
Nick: Somebody who's made mistakes but is trying hard to live a good life for the people they love. But then something happens -- something that is out of their control. And they do something that maybe they didn't ever think they'd imagine. And you want to try and help them, but there isn't anything you can do. And you don't know which way it's gonna go in the end.
Victoria: I do. Billy's going through something. He left jabot. He walked away for all of the right reasons. But now...
Nick: It's getting real. It's sinking in.
Victoria: I think things are gonna turn around for him. He left here just a little while ago to go talk to jack and get some advice.
Nick: Well, that's a smart move.
Victoria: Yeah. I think sometimes all you need to do is talk with your brother to make everything fall into place.
Billy: [ Chuckles softly ]
[ Sighs ]
Billy: Thanks.
Amanda: Scotch, rocks, please.
Billy: Sorry for staring.
Amanda: Let me guess. You knew hilary.
Billy: Yeah.
Amanda: The similarity is uncanny, I hear.
Billy: I'm billy...abbott.
Amanda: Amanda sinclair.
Abby: I am doing a social-media blast.
Chance: Do you think that'll trap him or her?
Abby: You tell me. "A certain 'a'-lister was spotted at the grand phoenix here in town for the opening of the hall of gems at the museum. Traveling incognito, but we were blinded by the light from a massive rock on her finger after her recent engagement to her wealthy investment-banker boyfriend."
Chance: You're good.
Abby: Mm. I have my talents. And... post. Now we sit back and wait. Ooh, watch.
[ Gasps ]
Chance: Whoa. So many responses.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Chance: That's quite the skill set.
Abby: Well, it can be dangerous in the wrong hands. I mean, it's not as exciting as crawling through ducts and leaping from the ceiling to catch a criminal, but...
Chance: It takes a good team.
Abby: Mm. It's just a matter of time before this guy gets wind of what we're doing. Okay. Are we ready?
Chance: Fake jewels are in the safe in our fake celebrity's room.
Abby: And the camera?
Chance: Inside the safe, motion-activated so it'll turn on as soon as they open it -- catch 'em in the act.
Abby: Great. And we are putting phyllis' tech to good use.
Chance: We've dangled the bait. Now we wait on the bite.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Nick: Chelsea...
Chelsea: He needs me.
Nick: Connor or adam?
Chelsea: That's not fair. Connor needs both his parents right now.
Nick: Okay. Is it fair to me... that you're leaving me and christian?
Chelsea: I'm not leaving you.
Nick: Alright. Look, I understand... why you're doing this. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. And I love you too much to let you walk out that door without letting you know exactly how i feel about this.
Abby: This -- this is your job as a special agent -- sitting around, watching surveillance footage? It's like watching paint dry.
Chance: It's like this 90% of the time. You have to stay alert -- wait for your big moment.
Abby: What's the most exciting case you ever worked on?
Chance: That's classified.
Abby: Well, change the names to protect the innocent.
Chance: [ Chuckles softly ] Okay. There was this one case, and it was crazy because I got caught in the middle of it. I was in L.A. To see a friend, and there was this big office party. It was for new year's, and, long story short, there was a bank in the building, and there was a team of terrorists that was hell-bent on robbing this place. They took over the tower, took hostages, including my friend. I managed to get away. Against all odds, I hatched a plan to take them down.
Abby: Wait a second. I've seen that movie.
Chance: What? They made a movie out of it? Wow!
Abby: Okay, that is not fair. I want you to tell me a true story.
Chance: The truth is a stakeout is hour after hour of watching, fighting to stay awake, suffering through the heat or the cold, sharing a space that isn't big enough for one person, bad pizza, cold coffee, public bathrooms that are unfit for man or beast.
Abby: Sounds hellish.
Chance: Oh, I'm not even doing it justice. It's nothing like being here with wall-to-wall, top-of-the-line of everything.
Abby: With an... alluring partner.
Chance: Mm. So, you're sitting there for...ever with no shower... on almost no sleep. Your only source of entertainment's a guy in a cheap suit that's waiting on retirement, and you're waiting on mr. Right to make his move. And then...there he is, right in your cross hairs. And then it all goes so fast. For a few moments, it is actually like you're watching a movie. And you take him down. Job is done, you get a couple hours of sleep... starts all over again.
Abby: Well, now that I know about what you do... tell me more about you.
Elena: So much for getting away from the stress of our lives.
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: You want to just go somewhere else?
Devon: No.
Elena: Okay.
Devon: No.
Nate: Got a minute?
Elena: Nate. Not now, please.
Devon: Actually, let's let him talk. Maybe he's come to his senses and he'll explain to us why he's defending amanda.
Nate: I don't think you're looking at the big picture.
Devon: Okay. You think that the scam hurt her as much as it hurt me? 'Cause I think the second she realized she looked like hilary, she should have dropped the case right then and there.
Nate: Because of something out of her control?
Elena: I told her the same thing.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Devon: Excuse me one second. This might be something about colin. Hello?
Nate: What's going on with colin?
Elena: He escaped.
Nate: How did that happen?
Elena: [ Scoffs ] Same way anything happens. People didn't listen to the warning signs, and somebody trusted him -- kind of like you're doing with that woman.
Nate: She has a name.
Elena: She also has hilary's face.
Nate: When are you gonna let that go?
Elena: About 15 minutes after she leaves genoa city. Have you even thought about how much this is affecting devon to see you two together?
Nate: You don't actually think I'm heartless, do you, elena?
Elena: I don't know what you are anymore, nate, but your heart is not in the right place. I hope she's worth it.
Well, look what we got here. I don't think I've ever seen you in here before.
Amanda: I came here to be alone, so if you'll excuse me...
Oh. Playing hard to get. It's cute.
Billy: Hey.
Amanda: Don'T.
Billy: Hey. Excuse me. I think the lady was perfectly clear.
We were having a private conversation.
Billy: Yeah, look. Uh... everybody's trying to be cool here, but seems to be that you're not listening, okay? She said no.
Amanda: Hey, mr. Abbott, don't worry. I-I-I got this. Hey, why don't you go back to your drink or, better yet, head outside -- get some fresh air, clear your head?
Pfft! And what if I don't?
Billy: Then we all stop being polite.
Chelsea: Please don't make this more difficult than it already is. This decision -- it is not about me and adam. You have to know that.
Nick: Yeah. It's about connor. But --
Chelsea: You really think adam would manipulate this situation?
Nick: You know how I feel about my brother. I know what he's capable of. He's done unspeakable things, chelsea. But the only thing that matters is doing what is best for connor. And he needs you, so to go him... and do what you can for him. But just know that I'm here... and I will support you any way that I can.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ]
Abby: See anything?
Chance: Not yet.
[ Sighs ]
Abby: Well, some liquid adrenaline.
Chance: Thank you.
Abby: I always wondered what would make a person choose such a dangerous profession.
Chance: Well, that's a long story.
Abby: I'll bet. So, what do you major in in college to go into law enforcement and then become a military hero/secret-agent man?
Chance: That's top-secret information.
Abby: Oh. Well, you know what I think?
Chance: Hmm?
Abby: I think they sent recruiters into your eagle scout meeting when you were a kid.
Chance: Alright. Who told you?
Abby: Ooh, I will never squeal, so you better spill.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Requirements for becoming a supercop -- you must excel at riflery, archery, golf.
Abby: Oh, golf? Really?
Chance: Yeah. You got be well-rounded.
Abby: [ Laughing ] Interesting.
Chance: First aid, bird-watching, criminal profiling.
Abby: Ooh.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Bird-watching comes into effect when --
Help! I've been robbed!
Abby: Wait. How is this possible? Uh, please, ma'am, um, let's go somewhere quiet, and you can tell me everything.
Chance: [ Sighs ]
Nate: When devon looks at amanda, he sees hilary. I don'T. And whoever hired her, it was a cruel thing to do to both devon and amanda.
Elena: Okay. So, you're saying that she's suffering? I'm sorry. Please enlighten me, nate. What was the worst part for poor, pitiful amanda? Was it getting all of that money by helping to siphon it from your cousin, or was it setting up the trust funds for the twins? Or could it be saving you from the medical board, which, of course, made you her greatest defender?
Nate: That's not fair.
Elena: What do you know about fair? Is any of this right to you?
Nate: She's a perfectly lovely woman.
Elena: Oh, here we go.
Nate: And I know you're just trying to defend devon.
Elena: This is not just about devon.
Nate: Amanda did not come here for a nefarious reason.
Elena: She was brought here by cane's sleazy father and probably cane himself.
Nate: And if it weren't for her, I might not have my license.
Elena: There are plenty of lawyers, nate, and none of them look like hilary and most of them are probably upstanding citizens.
Nate: So, you want me to believe that amanda is the enemy, that I should avoid her because she looks like hilary. But I'm sorry. I can'T. And you and devon and everybody else will just have to deal with it if she decides to put down roots here.
Elena: So, you're saying that's an actual possibility now?
Nate: It is.
Elena: And let me guess -- you're the one encouraging it.
Nate: [ Sighs ]
Elena: [ Scoffs ] You really need to think this through before you continue down this path, knowing what it does to devon, because you are choosing sides.
Nate: Hey. What if I'm the one who's right?
Nate: [ Sighs heavily ]
Amanda: Well, that was interesting.
Billy: [ Exhales sharply ] You okay?
Amanda: Of course. It's not my first put-a-drunk-in-his-place episode.
Billy: Yeah, nor mine.
Amanda: Can I buy you a drink as a thank-you for having my back?
Billy: Maybe next time. I should -- should get going.
Amanda: Next time it is.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Victoria: Hey. Hey, it's me. Uh, I had to swing back by the office. I just wanted to hear how things went with jack. Listen, I know you're not where you want to be right now in your life, but just try to be patient. I know everything's gonna come together in the best possible way, and it's gonna be a brand-new life for you -- for both of us. I love you.
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