Y&R Transcript Friday 11/29/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/29/19


Episode #11754 ~ Victor and Nikki Newman celebrate Thanksgiving at the Newman ranch; Sharon serves Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at Crimson Lights.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on  "the young and the restless"...

Nate: I'm surprised you're not seeing someone.

Amanda: I was thinking the same thing about you.

Adam: My world is too small for you.

Phyllis: I know you haven't changed at all.

Chelsea: You want me to live here permanently?

Adam: It's time to make a tough decision. I mean, who comes first, chelsea, nick...or your son?

Nick: It wasn't easy for her to allow connor to live with adam. She's just doing everything she can to help him, and I have no right to be upset by that.

Victoria: Yes, you do. But I suppose if you keep telling yourself that enough, you'll convince yourself of it.

Nick: Are you sure you won't come with me?

Summer: Oh, no. I promised I would spend the day with theo.

Nick: Yeah, well, I know your grandparents would love to see their granddaughter for thanksgiving dinner.

Summer: I know, but, um, I think that theo has all the family that he can handle right now at the abbotts, and adding any newman family drama would probably make him short-circuit.

Nick: There's not gonna be any drama.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay.

Nick: Look, mom and dad didn't invite adam, which drops the chance for drama down by, like, 100%. Okay, fine. I will, uh, just have to get by without you. You know who else is gonna have to do that? Your very, very young cousins who adore their aunt summer.

Summer: Okay, that -- that is not fair.

Nick: I'm your dad. It's my job to guilt you into family dinners. Is it working?

Summer: Okay, fine. I will stop by for a few minutes.

Nick: All right! I'll take what I can get. So, are you and theo going to the abbotts?

Summer: No, we're actually having just a chill friendsgiving with some other new york transplants, just keeping it low-key, you know... theo has enough on his plate with the new family and a new job.

Nick: Yeah, how's that going?

Summer: Um, he made a really good first impression, it's just -- you know, it's a lot all at once.

Nick: [ Sighs ] New family, new job -- that can be overwhelming.

Summer: Yeah, and speaking of complicated situations, chelsea has been spending a lot of time at adam's lately, so... is she and connor still gonna meet you at the ranch?

Chelsea: I think it will be good for connor to go to your dad'S.

Adam: I mean, after everything the kid has been through... thanksgiving with my family, it's noisy and it's chaotic.

Chelsea: And normal.

Adam: I'm sorry, have you met the newmans?

[ Sighs ] Now, wouldn't it be better if we just give him a quiet, restful day at home?

Chelsea: I think it would be good for him to feel like a normal kid for a day, you know? Play with his cousins, visit with the horses...

Adam: Mm-hmm. And I really want that, too, I do, when he's ready for that, not because it's what nicholas wants.

Chelsea: Okay, this has nothing to do with nick.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: I know my son. I know what he needs, and i fully supported you having a lot of one-on-one alone time with him, but I don't want him to become completely dependent on only you for support. He's got aunts, uncles, grandparents that love him.

Adam: I understand that, I do, but I'm his father --

Chelsea: You and I both didn't have that, adam. I'm determined that our son will.

Rey: All right. Okay, so, we have one more green bean casserole and sweet potato, courtesy of esther, chloe, and kevin.

Sharon: That was so sweet of them to drop that by. You know, people of genoa city never let me down -- on thanksgiving.

Rey: Ah. [ Chuckles ] I love this tradition. Being of service to those less fortunate, it feels good.

Sharon: Yeah, I'm glad it gives me just a direction to focus my energy since my kids won't be here with me this year.

Rey: Oh, so faith decided to go to her boarding school friend's house?

Sharon: And noah stayed in london.

Rey: Well, what about mariah and tessa?

Sharon: They decided to get together with friends. And maybe this sounds a little bit selfish of me, but... we've done this together for the past few years, and so I just miss her.

Rey: I think she misses you, too.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] What are you doing here?

Mariah: Our plans got pushed back a few hours, so I had some time to help out.

Sharon: Oh!

Nikki: Two turkeys, one ham, and enough cornbread dressing to feed half of wisconsin. This completes the desserts. We are going to have leftovers for days.

Victor: All right, my darling, and if that is the case, then we can continue celebrating tomorrow for those who couldn't make it today.

Nikki: Well, that's true.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Victoria, billy, and the kids should be here any minute, and nicholas is on his way, and I'm hoping that he can convince summer into making an appearance.

Victor: And abby is going to stop by before she goes to the abbotts.

Nikki: Well, it's understandable that she wants to see her mother. I mean, ashley will only be in town for a few days, and i understand that dina will be home for the day.

Victor: Oh! Now, what about nicholas? Is he coming with chelsea and connor?

Nikki: He wasn't sure. I get the feeling it will depend on how connor is feeling.

Victor: Oh, well, I think connor should be here, you know? I mean, he should play with his cousins.

Nikki: Well, I agree. I told nicholas that, but... ultimately, it's going to& depend on chelsea.

Nick: The plan is for chelsea and connor to meet me at the ranch.

Summer: But you don't think they're gonna make it?

Nick: Well, lately, there hasn't been a lot of overlap in the plan and what actually happens.

Summer: I'm sure chelsea's just trying to do the right thing for connor.

Nick: Yeah, and I respect that. Just wish adam did, too.

Summer: Well, you don't think that he does?

Nick: I think he's trying to exploit the situation for his benefit.

Summer: Really? I mean, even for adam, that seems pretty low.

Nick: He's very manipulative. Even if that means using his own son. But I'm not gonna let him get away with it.


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Mariah: Hi!

Elena: Hey!

Mariah: I didn't expect to see you guys today!

Elena: Oh, we're here on a lunch break.

Mariah: Oh, I figured. But I bet you wish you could have gone with devon to see ana and jett.

Elena: Yeah, but I'm trying to make the best of it. You know, being a resident, we have to work on holidays.

Nate: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: And you work today, doc?

Nate: Yeah, I volunteered so people with families could spend the day with their kids.

Mariah: Wow. You took a break from your volunteer shift to do some more volunteering. How is it that you're single?

Elena: It defies logic.

Mariah: Are you sure that we don't know anybody for him?

Nate: Oh, no, thank you, ladies.

Mariah: What, you don't trust our judgment?

Nate: My personal life is going just fine.

Elena: Since when do you have a personal life?

Mariah: Wow, I think he's holding out on us.

Elena: Yeah, are you dating someone? Is it stacy from oncology?

Nate: It is not stacy from oncology.

Elena: But it is someone!

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: Okay, let's get your jackets hung up.

Elena: Thanks.

Nikki: Welcome, you two! Hi!

Billy: Hey. Mwah!

Victoria: Hi.

Nikki: I hope you're hungry.

Victoria: Oh, yes, we are.

Nikki: Where are the kids?

Victoria: Oh, we dropped them off at the stable with hannah. They were so excited to feed and brush the horses. I doubt we're gonna see them for dinner.

Billy: They're earning their keep.

Victor: Well, it's more like, uh, "do as I say, not do as i do," kind of a thing, right?

Victoria: Meh.

Billy: Yeah, you made retirement look so good, I thought I'd follow your lead.

Victor: Wait a minute, I'm your role model now?

Billy: Yeah, let's go with that.

Victor: Are you serious?

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: Been decades in the coming, man -- billy boy!

Nikki: Well, I think it's wonderful that you will now have more time to spend with the children.

Billy: I do, too. It hasn't always been that way, but, uh, yeah, it's important time to be with them, especially at the age that they are.

Victor: I think it's a good idea. Now, can I get you two something to drink?

Victoria: Yes, I'll have a pinot noir, thank you.

Victor: A pinot noir.

Billy: I'll have a beer, please.

Victor: All right.

Nikki: I'm going to check on the food.

Billy: [ Clears throat ]

Victoria: I'm very sorry about my dad needling you.

Billy: [ Exhales sharply ] Oh, come on, I'm not gonna take away his favorite pastime.

Victoria: I don't know if this is gonna make any sense or not, but I think he really misses adam today.

Billy: Oh, he probably does, but at least we won't have to check the cranberry sauce to see if it's poisoned.

Victoria: All of this talk about spending time with kids while they're young, I think it just struck a nerve.

Billy: That wasn't a dig, i didn't mean that.

Victoria: Good.

Victor: Here we go. Beer for you, billy boy, and pinot noir for you.

Victoria: Thank you, daddy.

Victor: Yes. Well, look who's coming! How nice.

Nick: Happy thanksgiving, dad.

Victor: Nice to see you.

Chelsea: Thank you for having us.

Nikki: I am so glad you came. I mean, given everything that you and connor have been through lately, I hope that this is an easy, joyful day with family.

Chelsea: We could really use that, thank you.

Victor: By the way, where is connor?

Nick: He and christian found johnny and katie down at the stables.

Victor: Uh-oh!

Billy: You know we're never getting them back in the house.

[ Laughter ]

Victor: Well, let them play, let them have a good time, you know? Right? How nice to see you.

Adam: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Adam.

Adam: What the hell are you doing here?

Phyllis: I'm sorry, am i interrupting a big family gathering?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Is that turkey i smell? Ooh, and pies on the hearth.... oh, no, it's -- it's the same old dreary... bachelor pad.

Adam: Well, if you're talking about this beautiful high-end penthouse with a fully-stocked bar, you're right. Yeah, it's pretty much heaven on earth.

Phyllis: Liar. I am your best option tonight, by the way. And I have supplies.

Sharon: I am so happy that you wanted to help out.

Amanda: No, I -- thank you for having me.

Sharon: Yeah, I'm glad to have extra volunteers.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: Now that is a good look for you.

Amanda: Oh, well, I can also rock a hair net.

Nate: Oh, I'm sure you can.

[ Chuckles ]

Amanda: Well, look at you.

Nate: What, these? These are my holiday scrubs.

Amanda: Mm-hmm, well, I guess we don't have to wonder what you're thankful for today.

Nate: That I get to keep doing what I love? Absolutely. So thank you for that.

Amanda: My pleasure.

Nate: So, uh, why aren't you with family today?

Amanda: Uh... we're not close.

Nate: Oh, I'm sorry.

Amanda: No, no, it's fine. I'm actually really happy to be here.

Nate: Yeah, still, it must make the holidays tough for you.

Amanda: Well, if you really feel bad for me, you can come and help me scoop some stuffing.

Nate: Yes, ma'am.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Looks so good.

Nate: Yeah, it does.

Rey: Let me take these off your hands. Mwah! You can follow me with the rest. Come on.

Lola: Hey there!

Elena: Hey!

Lola: It's so nice of you to help out! Before your shift?

Elena: In the middle, actually. Nate and I are on our lunch break. We should be getting back to the hospital. Guess once he's done chit-chatting.

Lola: That's, uh, nate's lawyer, amanda, right?

Elena: You know her?

Lola: Well, yeah. He introduced us the other day.

Elena: Mm, lucky you.

Lola: Oh. I take it you're not her biggest fan.

Elena: Oh, I would stay away from her. She's a snake. Excuse me.

Adam: You know what I would like from you, phyllis? I'd like an apology.

Phyllis: For what?

Adam: For the last time that you barged into my home and i practically had to throw your ass out of here.

Phyllis: Oh! Yeah, when you were here with chance. I thought we were just three friends, chattin'.

Adam: You don't -- you don't read social cues very well, do you?

Phyllis: Yeah, I read them, i don't really care about them. And in every conversation i have, I know that I can learn something very interesting.

Adam: Well, you didn't learn anything.

Phyllis: Oh, I did.

Adam: No, you didn'T.

Phyllis: [ Giggles ] But I did. I learned that you felt very uncomfortable talking about simon black in front of your federal agent friend, and I also learned that you have this sudden protection over chelsea, and that's odd to me, since you were willing to implicate her in her husband's death.

Adam: Oh, my god! Oh, my god, you did it! You did it! You solved the case of people behaving differently in different situations. That's amazing, phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Adam: Wow.

Phyllis: Anyway... my very, um, beautiful thanksgiving gesture is not about that. It's, um, about me wanting to help a friend in need.

Adam: Well, news flash -- I don't need anything from you.

Phyllis: I feel bad for you. I really do. I mean, your family begged you to come back, they desperately wanted your help with connor, and now they treat you like an outcast, and... I think that's wrong. I just didn't want you to be alone.

Adam: I mean, are you sure you really don't want to be alone today, phyllis?

Phyllis: Okay, let's just agree that alone sucks.

Adam: No, actually, I find my company quite exhilarating.

Phyllis: I'm sure you do, adam. I'm sure you do.

Adam: What, is summer at the ranch, too?

Phyllis: Mm, summer is with her boyfriend.

Adam: Hmm. It's been a while since you had one of those.

Phyllis: Excuse me?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: And your last word is probably gonna be "rosebud."

Adam: [ Sighs ] Do you have any moo shu pork in here?

Phyllis: Um, what's chinese without moo shu pork? Yeah.

Adam: Riesling?

Phyllis: Mm, that's too sweet.

Adam: Okay, well, then you will have a chardonnay.

Phyllis: I'll get the plates.

Nikki: I have some great news to share. Victor's health has improved so much that nate has okayed him to travel.

Billy: That's great.

Victoria: That's good news.

Victor: Isn't that nice? So we thought of renting a villa in switzerland and having all of you join us.

Nikki: I've already asked abby. She said she would love to go. What do you all think?

Victoria: I love the idea. We could finally teach the kids how to ski.

Victor: Yeah! Good idea.

Nikki: Chelsea, do you think connor would enjoy that, as well?

Chelsea: Uh, normally, i think he would love that, especially spending time with his cousins, but, to be honest, he's had a lot of anxiety lately and nightmares. Plus, I worry it's too long for him to be away from his dad. So...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Uh, yeah, it's not something we can give you an answer about right now, but we will definitely discuss it and get back to you.

Victor: All right, son, why don't you and I go down and get the kids, okay?

Nick: Yeah.

Chelsea: You know what, I'm gonna go wash my hands before dinner. Excuse me.

Nikki: Maybe it was a mistake to bring up switzerland.

Victoria: Things have been a little strained between nick and chelsea, with her staying at adam'S.

Nikki: Oh! Yes, of course. I mean, how could they not be?

Victoria: Nick wants to fix things, but there's only so much he can do about connor. I mean, he's the guy who's with his mother. He's not his dad.

Billy: I've been there.

Victoria: But you were wonderful with reed when he was going through everything with J.T.

Billy: Well, I mean, they was a bunch of a land mines, but, eventually, we got through it.

Nikki: It'll be interesting to see how nicholas and chelsea navigate that.

An official message

from medicare.

Rey: Thank you for making so much food.

Lola: I had fun doing it. This is a great way to spend the day.

Rey: Mm. Have you talked to mom yet?

Lola: I was going to call her in a few. You?

Rey: Not yet.

[ Cellphones chime ]

Lola: [ Laughs ]

Rey: Looks like she noticed.

Lola: Eek. Sending us pictures of the pies she made?

Rey: These are "look at what you're missing" pies.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Rey: Oh, wow. She is taking it to the next level -- baby pictures.

Lola: You know, mateo is the cutest baby I have ever seen.

Rey: I agree. I agree. You know, she's not gonna stop until we call her.

Lola: Let's call her in a few minutes.

Rey: That's cute.

Lola: Hey, are you sure that you and sharon don't want to come to the abbotts with us later?

Rey: Hey, you know, we're pretty tired. I think we were looking forward to some quiet time.

Lola: Got it.

Rey: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: My dad and traci are picking up dina to bring her home for the afternoon.

Mariah: Oh, that's so sweet.

Kyle: Yeah.

Mariah: Summer and theo coming, as well?

Kyle: Mm, theo was invited, but he decided against it.

Mariah: Aww. I'm glad you're getting a little break from your new cousin.

Kyle: Mm. Me, too.

Mariah: Maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder.

Kyle: Highly doubt it. It would take a much, much longer break. Maybe I can send him on a business trip to antarctica.

Mariah: [ Laughs ] Well, you know, I don't think there's a big demand for the cosmetics and fashion industry there.

Kyle: Mm.

Mariah: But I understand why you're wary. I just hope you're not be obsessive. You know, there's a reason why there's a whole holiday dedicated to counting your blessings and not your problems. It's because -- shocker -- it works.

[ Laughs ]

Kyle: You're right. And I have a lot of blessings.

Phyllis: You know what really bothers me?

Adam: Pumpkin spice?

Phyllis: Um, well, yeah, but...

Adam: Uh, people that sit on their phones in their car when they're waiting for their parking spot.

Phyllis: Duh, for sure, but --

Adam: Uh, meter maids, the nasdaq...

Phyllis: Why are you doing that?

Adam: I'm just -- I'm trying to get you to stop talking and tell me what bothers you.

Phyllis: Chelsea. Chelsea bothers me, all right?

Adam: Mm-hmm. Of course she does.

Phyllis: Chelsea bothers me. I don't understand why is she so invincible. I mean, her crooked husband dies mysteriously, leaves her millions of dollars, but nothing see here, nothing to look at here. And then simon black comes into town, holds everyone hostage, he's trying to get his stolen money, but nobody finds chelsea to be complicit. Instead, they turn around, they start investigating me. Seriously?

Adam: That's really unfortunate, phyllis.

Phyllis: Yes, it's unfortunate.

Adam: Mm-hmm. You realize, you have nobody to blame for that but yourself, right?

[ Clears throat ] Okay, everywhere chance was, there you were, snoopin' around, and you were the one that installed the security system at the hotel.

Phyllis: So what?

Adam: So you put your little unique touches on it, and then you reset before chance could bust you. But, you know what, that still doesn't mean that the feds can't retrieve the information. After all, the video of nicholas wearing the J.T. Mask eventually surfaced, despite him not wanting it to be out there.

Phyllis: Mm. I'm sure that you know a lot more about that video and how it came to light than nick does, don't you?

Adam: What did you install in the system, hmm? Ransomware, spyware? Try to find something on chelsea and abby's devices that you could blackmail them with? No, let me guess, you tried to plant something to force them out of the hotel, was that it?

Phyllis: Ooh, I'm gonna have to get the measurements for your tinfoil hat.

Adam: I'm right.

Phyllis: Listen. Whatever I did do would have worked if simon hadn't come and held everyone hostage that day.

Adam: Oh, well, I am so sorry my near-death experience was an inconvenience to you.

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. You're not gonna die. You're never gonna die.

Adam: Oh, you sound disappointed about that, phyllis.

Phyllis: I'm not disappointed because you're my friend. And it's thanksgiving, adam! It's thanksgiving. And what am I thankful for? I'm thankful that you are still alive and kicking, even though, most of the time, you're kicking me when I'm down.

Adam: Phyllis... what are you up to? These little cups would make

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nikki: I'm so glad you came, summer, and you're just in time for dessert.

Summer: Oh, well...

Nick: I saved this one for you.

Summer: All right. Ready?

Nick: Yeah! Let's get it.

Summer: Oh! I win!

Nick: Hey! Gah! All right. What kind of pie would you like, your highness?

Summer: What do we have?

Nikki: Pumpkin chiffon or pecan.

Summer: Ooh, anything chiffon works for me. Thank you.

Nick: Chiffon!

Summer: Hey.

Chelsea: Hey.

Summer: Did I, uh, miss anything good?

Chelsea: Uh, dinner was delicious -- so cute!

Summer: [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: Connor is having a blast. I'm so glad he gets to experience a fun traditional family holiday like this. I don't think he remembers coming here when he was little.

Summer: Where are the kids?

Chelsea: Oh, victor is showing them his new pinball machine.

Summer: Oh.

Chelsea: I think he's having more fun than they are.

Summer: Yes, definitely.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Summer: I'm sure he's so happy to have all the cousins together.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Summer: How's connor doing?

Chelsea: Today is a good day. But that's about as far ahead as can I think because I don't know what tomorrow's gonna be like.

Summer: Well, he's a brave little guy.

Chelsea: Yeah. He is. He'll be excited to see you. You are always so good with him.

Summer: Oh, well, I'm gonna smother that kid in hugs when i see him.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Summer: Uh, hey, um... I know that I was kind of tough on you at first, but I'm here for you if you need anything, too.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Nick: What is going on with dad?

Nikki: What do you mean?

Nick: He seems...happy. Like, too happy.

Nikki: And what's the matter with that?

Nick: [ Laughs ] Nothing, it's just... walking down to the stables, we& had a very nice chat, you know. There were no lectures about my failed campaign or chelsea's past coming back to haunt her... he was just really happy we brought connor today.

Nikki: Honestly, I think his priorities have shifted for the better, so just enjoy it. I know I am.

Victor: Well, now, if it isn't my favorite granddaughter. Now, don't tell anyone.

Summer: I've mostly forgiven you.

Victor: Come here. I love you. And happy thanksgiving, all right?

Phyllis: I'm not up to anything. I'm here on a mission of mercy. I told you that.

Adam: Not a fact-finding one?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. No, you made it clear that, all of a sudden, you're chelsea's champion, and chance's ally, and you're not gonna divulge anything about them.

Adam: Yes, I told you, phyllis, I'm out of the scheming business, and I'm done with revenge.

Phyllis: Really?&

Adam: Yep.

Phyllis: Even with your father?

Adam: Especially when it comes to my father.

Phyllis: Good. We have a lot more in common than you think.

Adam: Really? Really, since when?

Phyllis: Since I decided I'm out of the scheming game, too. I'm out of it. I'm gonna work on building myself up instead of tearing others down, and where has scheming and revenge gotten us, except alone on thanksgiving? Alone together.

Adam: I can think of worse ways to spend the holiday.

Phyllis: That's sweet.

Lola: Uh, hey, sharon, do we have any more serving spoons?

Sharon: Yes, I know we do, but I don't know where they are.

Amanda: I think I saw some being washed in the kitchen.

Lola: Thanks, amanda.

Sharon: Um, I'll go help you find them.

Rey: So you know my sister?

Amanda: Uh, no, um... I'm new to town, and nate introduced us when I was doing some legal work for him.

Rey: Ah, you're a lawyer.

Amanda: Yes.

Rey: Well, maybe our paths will cross at some point since I'm a police detective.

Amanda: Oh, well, I'm not that kind of lawyer. I specialize in estates and trusts.

Rey: Right, so it's very unlikely our paths will cross.

Amanda: Okay, well, fair enough.

Rey: We should get back to it.

Amanda: Yeah.

Elena: I thought she would have left town by now.

Nate: Amanda's actually considering staying.

Elena: What? Why?

Nate: She likes it here.

Elena: [ Scoffs ] That is unbelievable.

Nate: Why? She can't help that she has hilary's face.

Elena: Are you actually taking her side over your own cousin's? You know what it does to him to see her face.

Nate: She's more than just her face.

Elena: Yeah, she's also a con artist who helped colin atkinson steal billions of dollars from devon.

Nate: I think she was fooled by colin.

Elena: Oh, my god.

Nate: I know she feels terrible about it.

Elena: What is wrong with you? You're letting her play you.

Nate: I'm just trying to be fair.

Elena: I don't even know what to say to you. I'll see you at work.

Nate: Hey --

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: "A friend is a present you give yourself." What does that mean?

Adam: I have no idea. What'd you want it to say?

Phyllis: "World domination, complete adoration..."

[ Giggles ]

Adam: No, you know what you want, I will give you that, phyllis. When you set your mind to it, you make it happen.

Phyllis: Thank you very much. I would say the same about you, except, it'd go to your head, so.

Adam: Mm. The problem is, getting what you want sometimes isn't always a good thing. I wanted to mess with my dad's health, and... almost ruined both of our lives.

Phyllis: Yeah, okay, well, that was a mistake, but you learned from it, you recovered -- both of you did -- and next time, set another goal. Okay?

Adam: Mm.

Phyllis: I don't think you're a bad guy, adam. I think you deserve to get exactly what you want.

Adam: So do you, phyllis.

[ Clears throat ] Cheers.

Phyllis: Cheers.

Rey: If I don't see you two later, happy thanksgiving.

Kyle: Oh!

[ Laughter ]

Sharon: It meant so much to me to have you here today.

Mariah: Well, I love seeing you like this, you know, running the show and touching people's live. You have the biggest heart, and I am so proud to be your daughter. Every day, but especially today.

Sharon: Aww. I need another hug.

Mariah: [ Laughs ]

Nate: Hey.

Amanda: Uh, hey!

Nate: I'm gonna head back to work. Are you gonna stick around?

Amanda: Yeah. I think so.

Nate: Just today, or long-term?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] You are good. You are. I am seriously considering it.

Nate: Well, I've been meaning to mention, I have a great real estate agent if you think you're in the market. I'll text it to you.

Amanda: Okay. Thank you.

[ Giggles ] Oh, um, I actually have to give you my new number.

Nate: Okay, okay. Put me in your contacts because I hate getting that message, "new phone, who dis?"

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: So, uh, why did you change your number?

Amanda: Uh, it, you know, i think it got on some spam list, and I'm getting all these annoying phone calls. It's just really annoying, so...

Nate: Hmm.

Nikki: Well, I hope you all had enough to eat.

Victor: Mm.

Nick: Yeah.

Nikki: Now it is time for my favorite tradition -- hearing what we're all most thankful for. I am thankful that victor's health has improved, that he's stepped back from work, and is finally enjoying life to the fullest. I am truly treasuring the time that we are allowed to spend together now. You are my everything, my darling.

Victoria: Oh!

Victoria: I am grateful for our parents, and... they're a grounding force of our family. It is a gift to witness the great love that you two have, and your kindness and your patience and your respect that you have for each other is... it's an example for all of us. And I'm also very happy that dad is feeling better now that he's stepped back from work.

[ Laughter ] No, no, no. Not for that reason! Yes, taking the reins at newman has been very exciting, but I'm mostly grateful for you, billy, for being so supportive and being the backbone of our family while I pursue my dream.

Billy: Mm. Well, I am just grateful as hell to have my family back because, honestly, that's -- that's what it's all about.

Nick: I second that. I feel very, very blessed that i was able to bring christian back home. And, dad, thank you for being there and giving all of us what we need. I also feel very lucky that you and connor came back into my life.

Chelsea: Well, thank you for always having my back, letting me know I don't have to go through things alone.

Victor: Well, now, I want to thank all of you for, first of all, being here tonight, saying all those nice things. I am obviously very grateful for all the healing that has taken place this year -- not only the physical healing, but also the emotional healing, you know? But nothing fills my heart with greater joy, and I'm sure yours, as well, than to hear our grandkids run around and shout and scream and laugh, and... it's a joy. Now, noah and reed and faith can't be here, but we will send them our love, all of us. And... for those who can't be here, hopefully they'll soon find their way back to our home.

Nikki: That was perfect.

Nick: I'll, uh -- I'll get you a refill.

Chelsea: Oh.

Sharon: Today was a lot more than just serving a meal.

Rey: Yeah. It was inspiring to see strangers sitting down with each other, breaking bread and sharing their stories, huh?

Sharon: Well, I don't know if you heard, but lola offered someone a job interview.

Rey: Yeah. She was a single mother who reminded her of celeste.

Sharon: Oh, that is so great. I hope that works out.

Rey: There was a true spirit of generosity in this room, and that's because of you.

Sharon: Well, I'm glad you could -- I'm glad you could be here.

Rey: Look, I know your feet are killing you, but... you think you can make it through one dance?

Sharon: Um, I think I could muster the energy.

Adam: So connor had a lot of fun today?

Chelsea: That would be an understatement.

Adam: You know, you made the right call, chelsea.

Chelsea: Well, thank you for trusting me.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Oh! Looks like you enjoyed yourself, too.

Adam: Oh? No. No. No, no, no. It was phyllis.

Chelsea: You and phyllis?

Adam: We had chinese food.

Chelsea: Mm. I bet she served up a big ol' helping of complaints about me.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: And I know she was up to no good with that security system.

Adam: You are probably right. I mean, that is so phyllis.

Chelsea: Anyway...

Adam: Are, um... are you going back to nick's?

Chelsea: Actually, I thought I'd stay here, if that's okay, in case connor needs me.

Adam: Yeah, of course.

Chelsea: Thanks. Um... well, it's been a long day, so I'm gonna turn in.

Adam: Yeah.

Nikki: So, did you enjoy thanksgiving?

Victor: Well, what do you think?

Nikki: Tell me anyway.

Victor: You know... all the struggles and all the painful times that you and i have endured and that you and i have gone through were worthwhile, you know, because, tonight... was the result of all of it, wasn't it? I loved every moment of it.

Nikki: It's always been my dream to be here with you surrounded by all the people that we love. There was a time I wasn't sure if it would happen, so...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Oh, watch my crown.

Victor: I love you, my baby.

Nikki: I love you, too.

Victor: I love you.

Nikki: That's what I'm most thankful for.

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Chelsea: He needs me.

Nick: Connor or adam?

Amanda: Hey, why don't you go back to your drink or, better yet, head outside -- get some fresh air, clear your head?

And what if I don't?

Billy: Then we all stop being polite.

Victoria: How bad is it out there?

Rey: It is pretty nasty. The wind's already knocked down a few trees, and they're expecting it to even get worse tonight.

Victoria: Oh, my god. What's happening?

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