Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/28/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/28/19


Episode #11753 ~ Cane faces the music; Adam and Chance discuss their past; Chelsea's loyalties are tested.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Abby: That software upgrade that you did had some special features that you didn't want us knowing about.

Phyllis: Like what?

Abby: Something that gave you back-door access into personal devices, including ours.

Chelsea: Holy crap!

Roz: Help! Somebody help!

Abby: What's wrong?

Roz: We've been robbed!

Connor: Every night, when the monsters are chasing me, i scream at them to stop. Monsters can't get me if we're all together, right?

Colin: Does it really matter who did what to who? Devon voluntarily gave up his fortune. Nobody forced his hand.

Cane: You stole katherine's money from me?

Colin: Got to go.

Jill: [ Screams ]

Elena: Devon, maybe we should let the authorities handle this.

Devon: Well, chance has already made it clear that the cops have done everything that they can do.

Elena: Okay, but cane's father's been arrested, and we now that tucker isn't responsible for altering katherine's will. Isn't that enough?

Devon: No, it's not.

Elena: What more do you want to know?

Devon: I want answers, honey.

Elena: You might not like what you find out.

Devon: Well, if I don't, then I will deal with it.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Elena: Come in.

Amanda: I thought this case was over, but agent chancellor told me that he has even more surprises for us. Can't wait to hear the latest developments.

Chance: Not everyone's here yet.

Amanda: Who's missing?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Devon: Maybe it's the man who conned us.

Chelsea: I'm gonna check in at the hotel.

Adam: I'll let connor know you'll be back soon.

Chelsea: He had another rough night.

Adam: Hey!

Chelsea: Hey!

Adam: How you doing?

Connor: Okay.

Chelsea: Did you get any sleep?

Connor: A little.

Chelsea: Um... did you dream about the monster?

Connor: He's not chasing me anymore.

Adam: That's good.

Chelsea: Yeah! Maybe he's gone.

Connor: He's inside me. The monster's trying to eat me up.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Sharon: Hi, adam.

Adam: Sharon. I am so glad that you answered.

Sharon: What's wrong?

Adam: I need you.

Theo: Let's have our next strategy meeting tomorrow, 9:00 am sharp. And come with ideas -- not stale, recycled ones. I want fresh, epic, iconic. Okay, different idea --

Kyle: How's he doing?

Summer: See for yourself.

Theo: Everyone up for a little early happy hour with the boss? Hey.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: All right, I just spoke to the robbery victims, rose and shirley.

Abby: Roz and sherry?

Phyllis: Yeah, whatever. They're super unhelpful. They can't even give me an accurate description of their missing jewelry.

Abby: Well, keep working on it.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What have you found out?

Abby: Nothing.

Phyllis: What are you doing?

Abby: Everything else. Since chelsea hasn't been around much lately. And it's about to be thanksgiving, in case you haven't heard, which the holiday brings a much-needed infusion of guests, so go do your one job as head of security, and I will do all 50 of mine.

Phyllis: Abby, what do you expect me to do? We have uncooperative victims, and we don't have any video footage of said robbery.

Abby: About that. Explain to me why your brilliant security cameras went down right when the robbery took place.

Phyllis: What are you accusing me of?

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Sharon: How's connor?

Chelsea: Exhausted. He's so afraid of the nightmares, he doesn't want to go to sleep.

Sharon: So more of the same. Has anything else happened?

Adam: There's been, um, a new development.

Chelsea: A frightening one.

Adam: He said the monster is inside of him now, and it's eating him up, and he was saying that his stomach hurts.

Sharon: Did you take him to the doctor?

Adam: He couldn't find anything physically wrong with him.

Chelsea: The doctor thinks the monster and connor's stomach ache are connected.

Adam: And that's why we called you.

Sharon: Okay. I'll talk to him. But I think it's better if you leave us alone.

Adam: Sure. No problem.

Chelsea: Okay. Yeah, I'll go get him.

Theo: You know what, booze has no business at a corporate bonding event. How about...games? I'll take you all out in a game of laser tag. All right, well, I'll see you in the lobby in 30. That gives you plenty of time to come up with five ideas for a new custom emoji, hmm?

Summer: Hm. Laser tag.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: We can't deny that that's corporate-friendly.

Kyle: I'll hold off on nominating him for employee of the month.

Summer: Oh, come on. A jabot emoji? That's -- that's an amazing idea.

Kyle: Yeah. Makes me wonder if it's theo'S.

Devon: So chance has already filled me in on everything that happened in the maldives, but i would like to hear it straight from the source.

Amanda: Wait, cane is one who was pretending to be you?

Cane: No, it was my father. He, uh -- he admitted it.

Devon: Well, that doesn't make you innocent.

Chance: We only had enough evidence to arrest colin.

Amanda: What evidence?

Chance: I was able to persuade atkinson to confess that david sherman and tucker mccall never changed katherine's will.

Amanda: What?

Chance: They never even met.

Amanda: How did you get colin to confess?

Chance: You were on the right track when you asked if my money-laundering case was connected to katherine's will being challenged. Turns out, simon black and colin atkinson both worked in the currency-exchange business, and, fortunately, criminals like to brag to each other. Cane's dad couldn't resist flexing about the massive will scam he pulled off.

Amanda: So when you arrested black, he flipped on his former associate.

Chance: Leniency trumps loyalty, especially when someone's facing a long prison sentence, which atkinson will be as soon as my team gets him back here.

Amanda: That bastard. He used me to pull off this con. But at least everything can be made right now.

Elena: Not everything.

Devon: Colin hid the money, and no one will tell us where it is.

Chance: We're hoping atkinson will realize it's in his best interest to tell us everything he knows.

Devon: He's not the only one who can help you.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Chance: I have to run. I'll let you know as soon as colin's in the states.

Devon: All right. Thank you.

Amanda: How did colin get his hands on all that money?

Devon: Oh, he didn'T. The trust funds that you helped cane set up for his kids have been untouched.

Cane: I, uh -- I did it before I knew my father lied about the will.

Devon: Well, he's saying otherwise.

Cane: Well, that's because he's a consummate liar.

Devon: There's one thing that he's telling the truth about, and that's that he didn't do this alone. So why don't you tell us why you shouldn't be locked up with your lying, thieving father?

Abby: At the very least, you're incompetent.

Phyllis: And this is coming from our tech wiz who doesn't know a server link from a sausage link.

Abby: But I do know that a brand-new security system should actually provide security.

Phyllis: The one I installed works just fine.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] Unless you count the "reset" that you did before chance ran his diagnostic on the system, or the missing robbery footage.

Phyllis: That was routine, and after meeting, uh, cleopatra and anne boleyn upstairs, I'm wondering if they did something to the cameras and there was actually no crime committed at all.

Abby: Why would someone lie about being robbed?

Phyllis: I don't know, they're weird. They're grown women who spend their free time dressing up like dead queens. It's strange.

Abby: Great. So now we're victim-shaming. Very productive.

Phyllis: The whole thing is sketchy, that's all I'm saying.

Abby: The only thing sketchy around here is you.

Phyllis: All right, abby, you caught me.

Abby: Walk away, phyllis, before all of your dirty laundry is aired.

Phyllis: Oh! That's been done, like, a million times.

Abby: Why don't I buy you out? Or you can keep your 25%, and i will just write you a big, fat check every week.

Phyllis: I'm gonna take a hard pass on that. I like it here too much. And all the guests love me.

Abby: That's really sad. That's sad, that the only people that enjoy your company are strangers that you meet at work. But, hey, maybe if you weren't such a lying, conniving bitch, you'd have some actual friends.

Phyllis: Wow. And maybe if you didn't have that nasty streak, all the men that you've fallen in love with wouldn't have dumped you or cheated on you, or both.

Abby: Do you one job, phyllis. Or don'T. I don't think it'll make any difference at this point.

Phyllis: Chance chancellor. Room for one, or did you bring a criminal with you this time?

Chance: Do you ever get tired of being the person everyone crosses the street to avoid?

Phyllis: I don'T. It's win-win.

Chance: How do you figure?

Phyllis: I have the sidewalk all to myself.

Chance: It's a good thing I'm not your enemy.

Phyllis: Mm. Yeah, but I do know some things about you that could hurt you. You and adam in vegas...

[ Giggles ]

Abby: Hey. I didn't think you were coming in today.

Chelsea: Well, sharon asked us to give her some time alone with connor.

Abby: Oh. How's he doing?

Chelsea: He's struggling.

Abby: I'm sorry. But I am really glad that you're here.

Chelsea: Yeah, I got your text about the robbery. What can I do?

Abby: Damage control. We need to come up with a pr campaign that lets everyone know that the grand phoenix is grand and safe.

Chelsea: Spiked drinks, hostages, and now a jewel thief. Let's just hope there's not another crisis on the horizon.

Sharon: Oh, you got your threes! So, I heard you haven't been feeling well lately.

Connor: I had a stomach ache.

Sharon: Mm. Well, I hope you're not sick for thanksgiving.

Connor: Dad said even if i don't feel like eating, we'll watch the game together.

Sharon: Father-son time. That's nice.

Connor: Mom watches with us.

Sharon: Well, I bet you're happy when the three of you get to spend time together.

Connor: It's cool.

Sharon: So, things have been better since your mother's been staying here?

Connor: Mostly.

Sharon: What has not been better?

Connor: The monster. He's mean and scary. He used to chase me. Now I feel him in my stomach.

Sharon: And he's making your stomach hurt?

Connor: Mom and dad say they'd protect me, but they can'T. The monster's stronger than them. It can break down the doors and the windows, and nothing can keep him out.

Sharon: Connor, you're safe. I promise.

Connor: No, I'm not. The monster wants to eat me up inside.

Sharon: No, no, listen. I'm not going to let the monster hurt you, I promise you.

Connor: I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Sharon: We don't have to. What do you say we play another game instead?

Connor: Okay.

Cane: Devon, if I were guilty, chance would have arrested me.

Devon: We all know he can't do that without hard evidence.

Cane: Because there isn't any.

Devon: No, because you're a pro at covering things up.

Cane: I am innocent, and I swear that to you.

Elena: Why would your own father implicate you?

Cane: Okay, so when my father gets backed into a corner, he does whatever it takes to save himself. You remember he kidnapped my kids. Do you remember that?

Devon: Yes, I do. I do, yeah. So you're saying that he's pointing the figure at you now out of desperation.

Cane: It's the only explanation that I have.

Devon: I have another explanation. I think you partially blame me for your marriage falling apart, so you wanted to take something from me that had a lot of emotional significance. That's what I think.

Cane: I would never desecrate katherine's memory like that. I wouldn't do it.

Amanda: No, even if cane did everything that you're accusing him of, the pages that he found in vegas were authenticated by a forensic expert.

Devon: Right, the one that jill hired, and who was right by jill's side when she found them?

Elena: And had more than enough time to give colin a heads up.

Cane: Listen, I don't know anything about this, I don'T. I was there when jill met with the expert, I was. But I don't know anything about paying anybody off. I mean, you can ask jill. She believes me.

Devon: I did. I did ask jill. She's in chicago right now talking to her attorneys.

Cane: Listen. I know that you're upset with me.

Devon: You have zero clue of how I feel because katherine's wishes have been completely disrespected, and her legacy is now in the hands of the last person that she'd ever want to have it.

Cane: I'm sorry about that.

Devon: Well, you know what, you can screw your apology because I'm not gonna sit back and just let this happen.

Chance: You're bluffing.

Phyllis: You sure I'm bluffing?

Chance: I don't know what you think you know...

Phyllis: Oh, I know a lot. About you and adam and what happened... in vegas. No?

Chance: No.

Phyllis: You're worried, aren't you?

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: That's why -- that's why you're helping abby try to prove that the security system I installed, that I did it for illicit reasons, right?

Chance: Because everything's about you. I'm just doing a favor for a friend, no ulterior motive.

Phyllis: Well, too bad you didn't find anything.

Chance: Oh, don't worry. I have computer experts at the agency who can find even the slightest hint of an unlawful breach.

Phyllis: Well, glad I didn't do anything wrong.

Chance: Then you have no reason to worry.

Summer: Okay, what is your problem? Yesterday, you were complaining that theo had no ideas, and, today, he comes up with a great one, and you accuse him of stealing it.

Kyle: I'm just saying, it's possible.

Summer: Okay, no matter what he does, you're always gonna think the worst of him.

Kyle: I'm not the only one who had doubts about him working here.

Summer: Okay, I will admit that, in the beginning, I was skeptical of him fitting in here, but you cannot deny the fact that he's working his butt off to do a really good job.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. That's called sucking up.

Summer: Stop it!

Kyle: What, telling the truth?

Summer: No, you're constantly trashing on the guy. It's not his fault he turned out to be your cousin.

Kyle: That's not the only thing I have against him.

Summer: I know, it's his past and his reputation -- blah, blah, blah. Just get over it, and give him a fair shot.

Kyle: I told lola I would, but I know theo. He's always working an angle. How do you think he got me to pay his way out of trouble in new york? Then he came to town and realized I moved on and found another way to get his ticket punched.

Summer: Meaning me?

Kyle: You, phyllis, abby, mariah, devon -- the list of people he uses is endless, and even when he gets opportunities, he's looking for a short cut. It's how he lives his life. All flash, no substance.

[ Knocks on door ]

Theo: Sorry to interrupt. These are rough ideas for the emoji. I'd love your input.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Really?

Theo: Yeah, I want to get this right, you know, live up to your expectations.

Cane: Devon, I was a lousy husband. But I'm not guilty of what you're accusing me of.

Devon: Well, it's not just lily, is it? You've been scamming people since the first day you came to town, starting with when you conned jill and katherine into believing that you were phillip chancellor iii, and, even after they found out you were lying, they still treated you like family, which just taught you, hey, I can keep conning people because I'm always gonna get away with it.

Cane: You know, your grandmother was... she was more generous and forgiving than I deserved. Which is why I fell for colin's con, because I thought given her and my relationship, it was plausible.

Devon: And now you have the nerve to play the victim card with me. Which I probably shouldn't be surprised about because you've been doing it your whole life. And people just keep believing what you say and giving you more chances, but I'm not gonna be one of those people this time.

Cane: I swear to you, losing lily, it changed me as a man. That's why I left chancellor, it's why I started working with these ex-cons.

Devon: No, no. You started working with ex-cons because you thought that'd help you win lily back. That's why you did that.

Cane: You know what, maybe in the beginning, that's what it was. But it took me a long time to reconcile that lily was never gonna come back to me. I live with it every day. Which is why now I'm trying to make up for my screw-ups and just be a decent role model for my kids. And I would not throw all that away by stealing your money, I promise you that.

Devon: So, why should i believe what you say?

Cane: Because you want the truth, and that's the truth.

Elena: He's right, devon.

Devon: You believe what he's saying?

Elena: What's important is that you finally know that katherine chose you to carry on her legacy.

Devon: Yeah, you're right, but I'm not just gonna let this go. I want justice for what happened.

Cane: And that's what I want.

Amanda: Okay, I -- I think I'm just gonna let you guys work this out yourselves. I got all the answers that i needed.

Devon: Well, hang on a second. Where are you hurrying off to? You in a rush to get a cut of the billion-dollar payday?

Amanda: [ Scoffs ]

Chelsea: Any leads on the missing jewelry?

Abby: No, and if we don't find it soon, we're gonna have to cover the cost out of our pocket.

Chelsea: Phyllis' stupid security system is useless.

Abby: Almost as useless as she is.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Oh, um... sharon's asking me to come home. I hate to leave you with all this.

Abby: No, just -- just go. I've got things under control.

Chelsea: Are you sure?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Thank you.

[ Telephone rings ]

Abby: [ Sighs ] Front desk. Another room was robbed?

Chance: Can I have a beer, please? Whatever you have on draft.

Adam: Agent chancellor. Wow, I'm surprised to see you. I would have though you would have moved on to your next big case.

Chance: What happened in vegas was a game-changer.

Adam: Indeed.

Chance: In case I haven't said it lately... thanks again. I owe you.

Adam: We helped each other out.

Chance: [ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chance: At least let me buy you a drink.

Adam: Uh, I appreciate that, but, um, I would really not like to be reminded of what went down in nevada.

Chance: I hear you.

Adam: My focus right now, it needs to be on my son.

Chance: How's he doing?

Adam: Hm. For a kid who was held at gunpoint?

Chance: I'm really sorry he got caught up in things that night.

Adam: Yeah. Me, too.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I, um...I have to go.

[ Clears throat ] Let's not talk about this again, all right? Let's leave it buried in the desert, where it belongs.

Amanda: I had nothing to do with this scam. I'm truly sorry that you got hurt.

Elena: Yeah, we can all see how badly you feel for devon.

Amanda: I'm a victim, too.

Devon: I don't think you're innocent in any of this.

Amanda: I'm an attorney who thought she was taking a legitimate case.

Devon: Did it ever matter, though? Because you walked away with a huge retainer. Not to mention the bonus you got for setting up the trust fund for your partner's kids.

Chance: And that's the only work she did for me.

Devon: I don't believe a word you're saying. I think you guys have been working together since the beginning, and you didn't come here looking for answers. You've had them the whole time.

Cane: You're blaming the wrong people.

Devon: I don't think I am.

Amanda: Well, I am tired of defending myself. I have done nothing wrong.

Devon: Prove it to us, amanda. Show us the -- the payment records between you and colin. Maybe we can find a bank trail that'll lead us to katherine's money.

Amanda: I've already told agent chancellor everything that I know.

Devon: Tell me.

Amanda: I've never met colin atkinson. I had nothing to do with his plan to defraud you or katherine's estate. I came to genoa city with honest intentions, and I have no idea why you don't believe me.

Elena: Are you kidding me? Why don't you look in the damn mirror if you can't figure out why devon doesn't trust a word you say.

Amanda: You can't blame me for the way that I look.

Elena: You know, if you had a decent bone in your body, you would have left town the moment you realized how much pain you were causing devon.

Phyllis: What's the matter?

Abby: We've been robbed. Again.

Phyllis: Hilarious.

Abby: No, I'm not joking, phyllis. There's been another robbery.

Phyllis: All right, I'm taking care of all security, so if you're trying to put the fear of god into me --

Abby: I'm not messing around. I just got another call. Valuables are missing from a guest's room.

Phyllis: You're not joking?

Abby: No! I'm not. We need to call the police.

Phyllis: Why?

Abby: Because a crime has been committed, and this victim isn't trying to keep it a secret from their husband.

Phyllis: Okay, I agree. Call the police, definitely, and I'm gonna see what my security footage has picked up.

Abby: Oh, yes, yes, please, play amateur sleuth with your worthless spy equipment. I -- I am gonna actually do something.

Phyllis: Not without me, you're not.

Adam: Connor reacted the same way when we tried to get him to open up about the monster.

Chelsea: Do you have any idea what's going on with him?

Sharon: I think connor might be suffering from ptsd. The monster in connor's dreams represents the real-life nightmare he experienced.

Adam: So... to him, it's as real as what happened that day.

Sharon: He had no control over those events, and he feels the same way about the monster.

Adam: How do we fix this?

Sharon: Well, I had a professor who specializes in childhood trauma, so I'll reach out to her and see what she thinks.

Chelsea: What do you think?

Adam: We want the truth.

Sharon: I think that connor could benefit from intense therapy, either cognitive behavioral, which the idea is to change the patient's feelings and emotions by changing their behavior, or parent-child interactive is another option, but you would both need to work closely with connor and his therapist for it to be effective.

Adam: [ Clears throat ]

Sharon: And he might need medication along with any treatment, just to less his anxiety.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] What have I done to him?

Sharon: Chelsea, blaming yourself won't help connor, or you.

Chelsea: It's hard to hear these things.

Sharon: I understand, but we need to identify the problem before we can do anything about it.

Adam: All right, well, we really appreciate everything that you've done, sharon.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sharon: I'll get back to you as soon as I have more information.

Adam: Thank you.

Sharon: Hang in there.

Chelsea: Thanks. What are we gonna do?

Adam: We're going to do whatever it takes to help connor.

Chelsea: At least sharon gave us some options.

Adam: I don't think any of those are gonna be enough.

Chelsea: What are you saying?

Adam: I'm saying... we have to take things a step further.

Chelsea: Oh, my god. Are you suggesting we put our son in a mental hospital?

Lola: Wasn't expecting to see you until tonight.

Kyle: Well, I couldn't wait that long.

Lola: That's sweet. But why are you really here? I can tell that something's bugging you.

Kyle: I don't want to bother you.

Lola: Hey, we are supposed to share our problems. I intend to give you an earful later about the sub-par yams that were delivered here this morning.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I -- it's theo.

Lola: He has been at jabot less than a week.

Kyle: And he's already pulling his theo bull.

Lola: What, showing up and doing his job?

Kyle: All he does is strut around and act like he's a marketing genius.

Lola: Please tell me you haven't shared that opinion with anyone.

Kyle: Summer thinks I'm rooting for him to fail.

Lola: I wonder where she got that idea.

Kyle: She's wrong. If he's good for jabot, I'll be the first to welcome him to the team. But if he hurt my family's company, I'm going to make him pay.

Theo: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Theo: Uh, did you get a chance to look at those emoji mock-ups?

Summer: Uh, no, not yet.

Theo: We could go back to my office and do it together.

Summer: You know that I want to keep things professional when we're on the clock.

Theo: Hey, strictly business.

Summer: Okay, then, in that case, I will send you my notes.

Theo: Well, I look forward to your input.

Summer: So, uh, how are things -- how are things going?

Theo: Great. You handed me an excellent team, smart, well-trained, hyped.

Summer: What management tools are you planning to implement?

Theo: Whoa. Swerve. I've been here a hot minute, and you're already doing an employee review?

Summer: Nope. I'm just curious.

Theo: Yeah, but not about how I'm gonna run the department. You want to know if I'm taking my job seriously.

Chelsea: No way. We are not putting our son in a mental facility.

Adam: Chelsea...calm down.

Chelsea: I won't allow it, adam. And I still have full custody.

Adam: I am not trying to take away your parental rights or make any unilateral decisions. I'm trying to do what's best for our son.

Chelsea: Putting him in a -- in a mental institution? That will terrify him.

Adam: No, no, no. That is the last thing that i want, okay? But we have to do something.

Chelsea: What he needs is to know that we are here for him, okay? He needs to feel safe, and he needs to feel loved. That's it.

Adam: And I want to explore every possible option. And I want to choose the best one.

Chelsea: The best one is not locking him in some hospital.

Adam: That is not what I'm suggesting! Okay? But he needs more than just love.

Chelsea: Right, and sharon is looking into options for us. She's researching things for us.

Adam: Okay, weekly therapy sessions? That might not be enough, either.

Chelsea: Okay, we'll get him daily. We'll schedule him daily sessions, adam. We'll have somebody move in here, we'll have somebody on-call, 24/7. Whatever it takes.

Adam: We need to be committed to helping him.

Chelsea: What do you think i am doing here practically every waking hour?

Adam: He needs more than that, chelsea.

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ]

Adam: You need to move in.

Amanda: Back off, elena.

Elena: I'm not done yet.

Amanda: Well, maybe you need to pick that up with colin. Both of you.

Elena: Why, because you're so innocent in all of this?

Amanda: Hallelujah, I think she's got it.

Elena: [ Scoffs ] You used your resemblance to hilary to help colin steal devon's inheritance.

Amanda: You can't blame me for your boyfriend's willingness to just hand over his fortune.

Elena: [ Scoffs ]

Devon: Okay, all right. Honey, honey, it's fine. It's fine. Really, all right? I should have gone with my instincts. I never should have trusted the two of you.

Cane: If I was guilty of what you're accusing me of, why would I show up here? I would just disappear with the money.

Devon: You weren't gonna do that. You weren't gonna leave your family behind. You wanted to have everything, cane. You wanted your kids, you wanted the money, and I'm sure you're probably trying to get lily back, too. And I wonder how she's gonna feel when she finds out what you did.

Elena: Probably the same way nate did when I warned him to stay away this cold-hearted bitch.

Amanda: You did what?

Elena: Just looking out for devon's family.

Amanda: Are you really that insecure in your relationship? Or maybe you're just worried about losing your access to the money. I know that you said that you don't care about that, but maybe this is all just an act.

Elena: Oh, are you calling me a gold-digger?

Amanda: If the shovel fits.

Devon: Hey. Don't talk to her like that.

Amanda: Don't tell me what to do.

Cane: All right, enough. Enough! It's enough. If we keep attacking each other, the only person who wins here in colin. Do you understand that?

Lola: I get it. You want to protect your family's company. Just don't be so quick to make theo the enemy.

Kyle: Yeah, it's easier said than done when there's so much at risk.

Lola: Give him a chance to show you what he can do. If he's up for the job, which he might be, everyone at jabot will know soon enough.

Kyle: Beautiful and smart.

Lola: And persuasive?

Kyle: [ Groans ] I'll back off. But I give cousin theo a month before he crashes and burns.

Summer: Theo, I wasn't criticizing you.

Theo: No, you were curious about what I had in the works. So let me tell you. I'm working on an app that creates filters to put on photos of jcv products. It should create a lot of buzz. Also, a digital channel for our subscription clients to post unboxing videos of themselves opening their monthly packages. I was thinking of making it a contest, you know, having our customers vote on their favorite, winner gets free products.

Summer: Those are both really good ideas.

Theo: You sound surprised. I thought you had faith in me.

Summer: No, I -- I do, I just --

Theo: Don't?

Summer: No, theo. I --

Theo: Hey, it's cool. I just have one question. Who's doubting me here? My boss or my girlfriend? When you have an answer, let me know, hmm?

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: One robbery with no evidence. It's crazy. I mean, it happens. But twice in a week, it's weird.

Chance: Hey.

Abby: Hi.

Chance: My trip was great, thanks. Caught the bad guy, wrapped up my case. All is good.

Abby: I'm sorry, I -- I just found out there's been another robbery.

Chance: Do you ever consider maybe going into another line of work?

Abby: More and more lately.

Chance: What did the police say?

Abby: Not much.

Chance: I've got some friends down at gcpd. I could... light a fire under them.

Abby: I was -- I was hoping to keep this quiet. The last thing we need is another public scandal.

Chance: I was going to leave town, but, um... I could stick around, help you out.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

[ Laughs ] Yes. Yes. You'd be my hero.

Cane: Hasn't colin hurt us enough? He's damaged our reputations, he's made us question our judgment. And he's sullied our memory of katherine. That's what he has done.

Amanda: Cane's right. Blaming each other is not the solution.

Cane: So I have a solution.

Elena: Let's hear it.

Cane: In the spirit of the coming holiday, I am going to give you all something that you'll be thankful for.

Devon: And what's that?

Cane: I am going to track down the missing money, and I am going to return it to the person that katherine always wanted to have it.

Abby: Jewelry was taken from safes in both rooms, and -- get this -- phyllis' brilliant security system captured nothing.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Chance: Excuse me. This is agent chancellor.

Colin: Hey, mate. How are things stateside?

Chance: Atkinson?

Colin: Come on, how many aussies have you arrested lately?

Chance: How did you get access to a phone? Where are you?

Colin: Oh, I can't tell you that. I thought I'd call up my favorite sparring partner. You know, you gave it your best shot, but... well, I was always a few steps ahead of you. Can you believe that those pesky transport agents forgot to lock my cuffs? Now I'm on the lam!

Chance: You're not gonna get away with this. I will track you down.

Colin: Oh, good luck with that. Oh, by the way, I really do have a plane to catch, so, uh... I got to go.

Colin: Atkinson! Atkinson!

Chelsea: You want me to live here permanently?

Adam: Just -- just until connor feels better, okay? Living with both of his parents, that is gonna help him heal way more than any medication or therapist.

Chelsea: You don't know that.

Adam: Chelsea. He has told us that he likes it when we're all together. And everything that he is going through right now is because of adults that have put their concerns above his. And I think if we show connor that his needs come first, that that will make a difference.

Chelsea: I agree, but, i mean, we can do that without me moving back in.

Adam: We really need to show him that we're a team. You can't do that if you still got one foot at nick's house.

Chelsea: Nick.

Adam: Yeah. He's not gonna like it.

Chelsea: No, he isn'T. Is that why you're suggesting it?

Adam: [ Sighs ] I meant it when I said the days of fighting with my family are over. Okay? The truth is that I would have asked you to move in sooner if it wasn't for nick.

Chelsea: Because you have so much respect for our relationship.

Adam: Because I know you would have questioned my motives. Okay? But connor's issues... they are not going away, and this -- this is what's best for our son. So it's time to make a tough decision. I mean, who comes first, chelsea? Nick...or your son?

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