Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/27/19
Episode #13752 ~ Nick and Chelsea struggle with their new reality; Theo invades Kyle's territory.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: Being a C.E.O. Of a beauty and fashion company is not what I want in my life anymore. But I really do think this is an opportunity, vick, to just, you know, see what comes next.
Victoria: I love it. I think it sounds perfect.
Jack: I think it's time for summer to get a promotion, to head of marketing.
Billy: Who do you have in mind to take summer's position?
Jack: Theo.
Nick: We have fallen into this unhealthy pattern where we wait until all hell has broke loose before we talk and are honest with each other.
Chelsea: Our son is suffering because of the choices I made.
Adam: We have an opportunity to do better. Let's not screw that up.
Chelsea: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Chelsea: You all packed?
Nick: Yeah, I got everything I need. I mean, it's just one night.
Chelsea: I'm gonna miss you.
Nick: I'm gonna miss you, too.
Chelsea: What do you got there?
Nick: Uh, some delivery from an office supply store, but i don't remember ordering anything.
Chelsea: Don't open it.
Nick: Why not?
Chelsea: It's probably nothing important.
Nick: How do you know that?
Chelsea: Well, I mean, how can office supplies be that important?
Nick: Why are you trying to stop me from opening this?
Chelsea: No, I'm not. I just --
Nick: It's from you, isn't it? Well, now I absolutely have to open it.
Chelsea: Wait, no, nick, i mean, you're gonna be late for your flight.
Nick: I have time, and, since it's from you, I am dying of curiosity.
Adam: Another nightmare? You want to talk about it?
Connor: Makes my stomach hurt when I think about it.
Adam: Well, you remember what we talked about the other night? Dreams are scary, but they're not real, right? So when we talk about it, it can make them even less scary.
Connor: That's what mom said, too.
Adam: Well, your mom is very, very smart about these things. Hm?
Connor: Can she come over? I want to tell her about it, too.
Adam: Connor, your mom's very busy right now.
Connor: Please, dad, I know it'll help.
Billy: Thank you much. There you go, my darling.
Victoria: Thanks. Oh, aren't you having any?
Billy: No, I got to take off. I got a meeting with dr. Clay.
Victoria: How's that going?
Billy: It's going fantastic. It's a lot of fun, figuring out what to do with the rest of your life.
Victoria: Well, I'm sure that we will find something for a man with your special skills.
Billy: Oh, yeah? What exactly are you speaking of with these special skills?
Victoria: Your ripped body.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: You're fast on your feet.
Billy: Oh, wow.
Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry, i was only talking about, you know, after we put the kids to bed last night.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Bye.
Victoria: [ Giggles ] Bye.
Billy: Keep thinking about me. We'll find the perfect match, okay?
Victoria: We already have.
Billy: I love you.
[ Clears throat ]
Lola: First day of school, huh?
Theo: Yes, only, at this school, they pay you.
Lola: You nervous?
Theo: Uh, no. This new gig, running jabot's social media, is right in my wheelhouse. Piece of cake.
Lola: Well, that gallon of coffee you've already had today might say otherwise. This is a big deal, theo. It's okay to admit it.
Theo: Yeah. Maybe. All right, I guess it really is, you know? When I was out there by myself, doing my own thing, if I messed up, it was, hey, get the next one. But this is the big leagues now. You know, a new job with a huge company where practically everyone I report to is a member of my new family? So...nervous? Yeah. That about nails it.
Lola: Well, I think it's adorable.
Theo: Okay, now you're making me sound like a puppy.
Lola: I don't think you have anything to worry about. You're going to walk into jabot today, and you will just crush it.
Theo: You think so?
Lola: I know you will.
Theo: I can always count on you to say the right thing. Oh, and you can save the coffee for the other customers. I better get going.
Lola: Well, good luck.
Theo: Thank you. Oh, and, uh... this little, uh, pep talk you just gave me? Just between us, okay?
Lola: Who would I tell?
Kyle: Good morning! I have a surprise for you.
Summer: Oh, yeah? Okay.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. Ta-da!
Summer: [ Gasps ] Oh!
Kyle: Ooh!
Summer: Summer newman, vice president of marketing.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Summer: [ Laughing ] Oh, wow! Who would have ever thought, right?
Kyle: Well, you've earned it. I'm proud of you.
Summer: Thank you. All right, let's see your new cards.
Kyle: Mm. Kyle abbott, chief operating officer.
Summer: Mm.
Kyle: Doesn't quite have the "pop" I was hoping for.
Summer: Okay, no, no, no. You do not get to sulk about your demotion, especially when it's your dad coming back to take the big chair.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I know. You're right, I get it. It's my dad's chair for as long as he wants it.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: By the way, where is jabot's new superstar? Theo's late for his first day. There's a stunner.
Summer: Oh, actually, he's not late. He wanted to learn about company culture, so I gave him some homework. And, technically, he reports to me.
Kyle: Yeah, well, theo could study company culture for 10 years and still not get it right because jabot is professional and team-oriented, and... he's just getting started. Forget I said that. I promised to have an open mind about theo, and I will keep that promise.
Summer: Mm-hmm. Wow. That is what I call mature leadership.
Kyle: Mm.
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Adam: Why don't the two of us show your mom that we can get through this together? I mean, we're a team, right? That's what teammates do.
Connor: I guess so.
Adam: Okay. So tell me about your dream.
Connor: It's the same as before. Something's chasing me.
Adam: Can you see what it is?
Connor: It's big, scary, and when it got too close, I woke up. My stomach started hurting. Why is this happening to me, dad?
Adam: Oh, buddy, I don't know, okay? But we're gonna figure this out. And people like sharon can help us, too. You like her, don't you?
Connor: She's okay, but i miss my mom.
Adam: I know, okay? I know you do.
Connor: [ Groaning] It hurts real bad now. Why won't it stop? I just want it to stop!
Theo: Hey, boss.
Summer: Hey! Wow. You clean up well for the corporate world.
Theo: Thanks.& You might want to consider giving me a better parking spot, though. My car's so far away, I'm almost outside of city limits.
Summer: [ Chuckles ] All right, I'll look into it.
Theo: You know, being family, I expect a little better. My hope is that the other perks make it worth it, like, uh, you and me taking a long lunch and charging it to my new expense account.
Summer: Okay, okay. Here's the deal, theo. When we play, we play. But this is not play time, okay?
Theo: Aye, aye, captain.
Summer: Okay, I'm serious. This is work. So you need to learn to follow the rules around here. This isn't like when you were freelancing for jabot collective.
Theo: Okay, I was just having a little fun, and I get it. But the good news is, I can take whatever you guys throw at me. The only thing uncle jack will be regretting is not hiring me sooner.
Summer: Wow, nice to see that you are humble as ever.
Theo: Who needs to be humble? I'm in the right place at the right time. I'm about to prove all the doubters wrong. I'm gonna show them I can do this.
Kyle: Hey, what doubters are we talking about?
Theo: Oh, you know, just a few people who have yet to join club theo.
Kyle: Mm.
Theo: So, here I am.
Kyle: Here you are. Welcome to jabot.
Theo: I was just getting a few things straight with my boss over here.
Kyle: Well, you have a lot of bosses. Don't forget that.
Theo: Hmm.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I... ordered it before, you know,
[ Sighs ] Before everything. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I mean, I forgot i even bought it. I obviously would have canceled the order otherwise.
Nick: It's -- it's all right.
Chelsea: It's not all right. It's just a reminder of you having to end your campaign.
Nick: Look, it's, uh... it's a very sweet gesture, and I appreciate it.
Chelsea: I was trying to make it up to you, the fact that i missed your campaign announcement speech, you know? I wanted to show you that i fully supported you running for office.
Nick: I never doubted that.
Chelsea: I felt so guilty because it was the same day that simon black showed up at the grand phoenix demanding that I give him all this money.
Nick: Well, it doesn't matter now.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Give it to me. I should have just been honest with you from the beginning. Then this all could have ended much differently. I mean, maybe you could have convinced me to go to the authorities, maybe you could have distanced yourself from me and been able to salvage your campaign.
Nick: I wouldn't have done that.
Chelsea: I know you wouldn't because you always put the people you care about first.
[ Sighs ] Which is why I made the mistake of thinking I could handle him by myself. I really thought I was protecting you.
[ Sighs ] Anyway... uh, this trip sounds like fun.
Nick: I don't know if it's gonna be fun. It's just a, uh, conference for, uh, you know, affordable housing, just some developers getting together and exchanging some ideas.
Chelsea: I know, but you love that.
Nick: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. This is how I'm gonna be able to do some good in this city. Uh, what are you doing with the rest of your day?
Chelsea: I have to go to the hotel, try to repair my relationship with abby. I've been doing that a lot lately, trying to repair things with people, but I have no one to blame but myself. Right? I think it's better, to say it out loud. Don't you think?
Nick: Yeah. It's definitely good to talk things out.
Chelsea: So, your flight doesn't leave for a while?
Nick: No, it doesn'T.
Chelsea: Mm. And I don't have to be at work for a little bit, either.
Nick: What'd you have in mind?
[ Cellphone rings ]
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nick: Who is it?
Chelsea: Uh, it's adam. Do you mind if --
Nick: No, you should -- you should take it.
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Is everything okay?
Adam: Uh, no. It is definitely not. Coughing
Theo: I studied the organizational chart, and I know exactly how many people I answer to, and that's fine by me.
Kyle: Well, good to hear.
Theo: You know, I've got a lot to learn about this place, and I'm gonna be relying on you and summer to make sure I'm headed in the right direction.
Kyle: Okay. You can stop sucking up now.
Theo: Is that what you think this is?
Kyle: I have seen this act before, theo.
Theo: Yeah, but I'm being real about this. I mean, jack hired me because he puts a lot of stock in family. I don't want to make him regret that. You know, I want to step up and be an asset around here. People change. I mean, didn't you? Oh. You don't think I can cut it here. Fine. Fine. I get it. But if there's one thing I do know, it's social media. And, yes, I used to be a hustler, and that was my hustle, but, the point is, I learned. And all that knowledge isn't just gonna go away because I'm now taking a corporate paycheck.
Kyle: Nice pitch.
Theo: Oh, I'm not pitching. I already got the job.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Let's meet your new team.
Dr. Clay: So, you left the company.
Billy: I did.
Dr. Clay: No regrets?
Billy: No, not at all. Being a corporate executive just doesn't feel right anymore.
Dr. Clay: And this had nothing to do with the disagreements you'd been having with your nephew?
Billy: Well, I thought about that, and, uh... no. I mean, what kyle gave me was an excuse to go. You know, the way I was treating him was a reason to leave, and i could have saved us both a lot of grief if I, uh... if I would have just been honest with myself in the beginning.
Dr. Clay: Let's talk more about that.
Billy: Okay. Um, well, it was something that you said. You -- you said if I'm always blaming someone or something else, then it's time to look in the mirror, and... you were right, I -- I was convincing myself that all my problems started after delia died, and, the truth is... well, I was a screw-up long before she was even born.
Dr. Clay: And talking about that now gives you what?
Billy: It gives me perspective. I can see the bigger picture now. You know, it allows me to understand my ambitions, what drives me. On the flip side of that, what my weaknesses are, and why it's so easy for me to let them take over. And I think that's why I can walk away from jabot now without looking back, because I know that there's something else out there for me. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm gonna find it. I have the tools.
Dr. Clay: This all sounds very logical, billy, well-planned, well-thought-out.
Billy: I'm glad you think that.
Dr. Clay: It also sounds like you're looking for a quick fix. You know that doesn't exist, correct?
Billy: [ Sighs ] Christmas trees try so hard.
Theo: Hi. My name is theo vanderway, and I'm jabot's new director of social media. Now, a few minutes ago, I was asked to meet my team. Remember that word. It's "team," not staff. Now, that's an important distinction because I want you all to feel like you have a stake in what we're doing here. Real teammates share the victories and pick each other up when we're down. That's always been how I roll, and that'll be how we roll. Another thing -- there are no bad ideas. None. A lot of great things go unsaid or undone because people are afraid to say them. Well, not here. Here we communicate. Here we pull together. I also want you to remember this. Consider it my personal credo. The secret to getting ahead is getting started. And if you want to see your competition, just look in the mirror. And a goal is just a dream with a deadline. So let's get out there and make it happen, people.
[ Applause ]
Summer: Pretty good.
Kyle: Yeah. Not bad at all.
Summer: Hey.
Theo: Hey.
Summer: Do you want to take a tour of the marketing suite?
Theo: Oh, sure thing, boss. Uh, was my speech okay?
Summer: I think that you definitely caught their attention.
Theo: Mm. How about you?
Kyle: It was great. Impressive.
[ Clicks tongue ]
[ Sighs ] I should have known.
Billy: Well, I don't -- I don't feel like I'm looking for a quick fix.
Dr. Clay: Sounded like you were.
Billy: I just -- I think that I've turned the corner, that's all.
Dr. Clay: Yes, but it's not enough to simply make a list of incidents from your past. You have to analyze each one, understand the underlying reasons for your behavior.
Billy: Okay, um... well, I'm a gambler.
Dr. Clay: That's one part of you, yes.
Billy: And I've sabotaged every relationship I've been in.
Dr. Clay: There's that, too.
Billy: I've made a lot of enemies. I think the biggest one, myself.
Dr. Clay: Why do you think that was/
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Well... if I knew that, I don't think I'd be sitting here, so. I mean, do you know?
Dr. Clay: Well, it's my job to help you figure it out.
Billy: Yeah, I -- I get that.
Dr. Clay: I do have one question, though.
Billy: Okay.
Dr. Clay: And I want you to think very carefully before responding. Do you even like yourself, billy?
Chelsea: So connor's nightmare was the same?
Adam: Pretty much. He was being chased by a monster, and when the monster got too close, he woke up, and now he's doubled over with a stomachache. The doctor's on his way.
Chelsea: Poor baby. Should I come over?
Adam: He's been asking for you.
Chelsea: Uh, hold on a second.
[ Sighs ]
Nick: You going to adam's?
Chelsea: Connor needs me.
Nick: Yeah, I understand.
Chelsea: Um... and, actually, I mean, since you're gonna be gone tonight anyway, maybe I should pack a bag and stay over there tonight.
Nick: Yeah. Do what you need to do.
Chelsea: I'll be right over.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: You think I have low self-esteem?
Dr. Clay: I'm asking you.
Billy: I don't really think I've thought about it.
Dr. Clay: Mm. Sometimes, when people are self-sabotaging, they think they're undeserving. In a romantic relationship, they feel unworthy of love, so they undermine it. At work, they feel unworthy of respect --
Billy: So they blow themselves up. Yeah, I've been there.
[ Chuckles ] Um... yeah. I mean, I slept with my brother's wife.
[ Sighs ] I gambled away the company yacht. I could make a list of the length of my arm of all the people that I've hurt and ways that I got myself fired.
[ Sighs ] But what I have with victoria right now and the kids is... it's great. And I'm not gonna wreck that. I'm gonna make that work, doc, I promise you, if it kills me.
Dr. Clay: I believe you, billy.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Dr. Clay: But didn't you feel just as strongly about your previous relationships? You didn't want to damage them, but you did.
Billy: Okay, so, um... are you saying that I'm never gonna get out from this, that I'm -- I'm always gonna find a way to screw up my life?
Dr. Clay: No, no. What I'm saying is, this pattern won't change until you figure out the root cause.
Billy: Which could be the way that I feel about myself.
Dr. Clay: You still haven't answered my question.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Dr. Clay: Do you like yourself?
Billy: [ Sniffles ] Hmm. I've had a lot of people that love, but I didn't trust it. I didn't trust them because how could anyone love someone like me?
Dr. Clay: See, that's where it starts, billy, with you feeling you deserve the good things in your life.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, you're right.
Dr. Clay: Mm-hmm.
Billy: No, you're right, i mean, I came in here all gung ho to try and find a job that, you know, feels good to me, makes sense to me, but the truth is, what's the point if I don't feel like I'm worth it?
Nick: Billy quitting jabot is a surprise. So, what's next for him?
Victoria: He doesn't know, but he's enjoying the challenge of trying to figure that out. Billy's in a good place. So are we.
Nick: I'm glad. Kind of sounds too good to be true.
Victoria: Honestly, I was worried about the same thing, given our history, but we can't stay in the past, we have to move forward. Why not be optimistic? It beats the alternative.
Nick: Optimism. Yes.
Victoria: Speaking of chelsea...
Nick: We were not talking about chelsea.
Victoria: I know that, but we can if you want to.
Nick: I mean, what can I say? We are in a rough patch lately.
Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry. Is it because you dropped out of the city council race?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Nah. It's more than that, vick. It's like we're on two different tracks going in the opposite direction, and... I don't know. Where everything used to be free and easy, it's -- it's trouble now.
Victoria: I'm sorry.
Nick: Thanks. But you and billy have been there. I also believe that we are gonna get through this.
Chelsea: Hey.
Connor: Mom!
Chelsea: Hi, my baby. Oh! I heard you weren't feeling great.
Connor: Had a stomach ache, but it's better now.
Chelsea: Well, good! I'm so happy to hear that. Huh? What did the doctor say?
Adam: Uh, no fever, but he said sometimes the stress of bad dreams can cause a stomach ache.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: And, uh, what did he say would help?
Connor: Drinking lots of water.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: And the water's in the kitchen, so why don't you go get some?
Chelsea: What else did the doctor say?
Adam: Uh, he said, physically, connor's fine, but the dreams are recurring, and they're getting more intense.
Chelsea: I mean, I thought he felt good. I thought we were doing a good job of assuring him he was safe. I hoped, with time, he would just feel better.
Adam: Yeah. Me, too. But I guess everything that happened with simon black happening so soon after what i put him through by leaving town, it was too much for him to handle. It's like his mind is stuck in panic mode now.
Chelsea: Don't blame yourself. I'm responsible for bringing simon black into our lives. I should have just been honest with you and told you the real reason I wanted you to take connor out of town. Then you wouldn't have been at the grand phoenix when he held us all hostage.
[ Sighs ]
Adam: I think we both have plenty of reasons to feel guilty. But beating ourselves up is not gonna help connor, so...
Chelsea: No. Did the doctor have any other advice, how we can help him? There has to be some way we can help our son.
Adam: He said he's only qualified to diagnose connor's physical ailments, and he suggested that we consult with a child therapist. I mean, of course, we already took him to a trauma specialist, and he hated it, so.
Chelsea: I mean, I guess we could ask sharon again. Connor trusts her.
Adam: Yeah, we can continue working with her, too.
Chelsea: So that's it? I mean, that's all he had to say? This isn't anything we didn't know before.
Adam: Um... well, there was one other thing.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: He said...
[ Sighs ] He said the most important thing were two parents that care about him, two parents that are a united front. There's no substitution for that. At jcpenney, it's black friday forever!
[ Knocks on door ]
Summer: Hey.
Kyle: Huh. Where's golden boy?
Summer: Uh, theo is meeting with his staff. I thought he did really well today.
Kyle: Define "really well."
Summer: Okay. What is your problem now? The team really liked him. They took to him right away.
Kyle: Theo has charisma, I'll give him that.
Summer: And you're saying that's all it is?
Kyle: Did you really listen to that speech? Name one concrete proposal he gave.
Summer: That's not the kind of speech it was.
Kyle: No. That would require setting goals, giving his team direction, something specific to do. "There are no bad ideas." Really?
Summer: Okay, what were you expecting? Theo reinventing the wheel on his first day?
Kyle: No, I expected some kind of plan. Instead, all we got was "rah, rah, rah!" And a mouthful of clichéS. All we were missing were the pom-poms.
Summer: Okay, you are just predisposed to not like him, no matter what he does.
Kyle: And you'll defend him in spite of knowing that, deep down, he's all smoke and mirrors.
Summer: Wow, I really do not like you today.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] You're right. I'm sorry. It is his first day.
Summer: Thank you.
Kyle: Maybe tomorrow he'll dig a little deeper.
Summer: I know that he will.
Kyle: I'd love to see it.
Summer: Oh, really? Would you?
Kyle: Hey, he succeeds, we succeed.
Summer: Oh, okay, talk about clichéS.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I'm gonna head out of the office for a little. If the social media team has a big score, text me.
Victoria: Thanksgiving. You'll be there?
Nick: My trip's just overnight. I will be at the ranch for dinner.
Victoria: Well, what about connor?
Nick: That gets a little tricky. I do want chelsea there, but then she'll bring connor, and then he'll want...
Victoria: Adam, yes.
Nick: I just don't know if dad's gonna be cool with adam showing up.
Victoria: It's not dad that I'm worried about, it's you.
Nick: I can deal with adam for a couple of hours. I mean, this is the day we're supposed to put all our grievances aside, right?
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Nicholas, after everything that's gone on with this family the past year, it would be nice to have a thanksgiving that was about love and healing. Do you think that's possible?
Nick: I don't know. I mean, it's all just --
Victoria: Complicated. So you keep telling me.
Nick: You've always had a way of making me get to the point.
Victoria: That's what sisters do.
Nick: Before I got here, chelsea told me she was gonna stay the night at adam'S.
Victoria: Are you serious?
Nick: I don't like it, either, but I guess I understand why. I mean, connor's had so many problems lately.
Victoria: Well, that's not surprising, considering that one of her associates held him hostage.
[ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I'm sorry, that wasn't fair.
Nick: Chelsea's just trying to do right by her son, you know? It wasn't easy for her to allow connor to live with adam. She's just doing everything she can to help him, and I have no right to be upset by that.
Victoria: Yes. You do. But I suppose if you keep telling yourself that enough, you'll convince yourself of it. Anyway, I have to get to the office, and you have a plane to catch.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Here's to love and healing.
Victoria: Here's to that.
Adam: Chelsea. Look, I just want you to know, I don't have an agenda. I might not like nick, but I do respect your relationship with him. I know that doesn't make it easy for you to be here.
Chelsea: I'm doing this for connor.
Adam: I know you are. And I want you to know how much I appreciate it.
Chelsea: Oh.
Connor: I'm so glad you're here, mom.
Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Me, too. Me, too.
Connor: Can we play a board game, like we did before?
Chelsea: Well, sweetheart, if you're not feeling well, i don't think we should push it, okay?
Connor: But I feel a lot better now. The doctor was right about drinking lots of water.
Adam: Connor, it was nice of your mom to stop by, but I'm sure she's got to go home now, so...
Chelsea: Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something. Um... your dad and I want to make sure that you feel better and you stop having these bad dreams, so I thought maybe instead of going back and forth, I could stay here for a few days, just until things calm down. Would that be okay?
Connor: Please stay, mom! Please!
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]
An official message
from medicare.
Lola: Well, this is a nice surprise.
Kyle: Well, I decided to play hooky from the office so I could hang with my beautiful wife.
Lola: Well, should I make you a cuban sandwich?
Kyle: Ooh! You read my mind.
Lola: Coming right up. Oh, and before I forget, how did it go with theo today?
Kyle: It went.
Lola: Bad?
Kyle: No, he's -- he's just theo.
Lola: Well, you should have seen him in here in this morning, getting ready for his first day. It was kind of cute. He obviously wanted to make a splash, so did he? No complaints?
Kyle: Not today.
Lola: That's my guy.
Theo: Is kyle in there?
Summer: Uh, no, he left to go run an errand. He didn't say where he was going.
Theo: Ah. My guess is, he cut out so he wouldn't have to tell me what a great job I did today.
Summer: [ Chuckles ] I promise that's not why he left. Okay! [ Laughs ] I thought we talked about boundaries at the office.
Theo: I know, I know, but I'm just so pumped after this morning. I mean, the team is great, and they ate up everything I had to say, right?
Summer: Yes. Absolutely. Okay...
Theo: Oh! And I heard you. We have to be professional and serious in these hallowed halls, and we will be, I promise you. Just not right now. This is so great.
Summer: Okay. [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Great, I'll talk to you later.
Billy: Hello.
Victoria: Hello!
Billy: I brought you your favorite gourmet meal -- cheeseburger and chili fries. Figured the hot-shot C.E.O. Was not gonna walk into a greasy spoon, so...
Victoria: Oh! You brought the grease to me.
Billy: And one single rose...
Victoria: [ Gasps ] Oh!
Billy: ...Just to show you how much I love you.
Victoria: It's beautiful! You're in a good mood.
Billy: Well, yeah. Turns out, facing your demons isn't easy work, but, uh, you know, I'm knocking them out.
Victoria: I'm so happy for you.
Billy: Thank you. Yeah, it feels good. It feels like I'm in the right place. It feels like I made the right decision, leaving jabot.
Victoria: Oh, my god. Come here. Mmm! Mwah!
Billy: So...
[ Telephone rings ]
Victoria: Oh! That's my 1:00 conference call. Rain check?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Victoria: Hello! Yeah, go ahead. Um, I can look into that. Mm-hmm.
[ Door closes ]
Connor: You want her to stay, dad, don't you?
Adam: [ Inhales sharply ] Honk! If that's what your mom wants.
Chelsea: It is. Yeah. But, remember, this isn't all just games and parties. I came to help.
Connor: I don't care. I'm just so happy you're here.
Chelsea: [ Giggles ]
Adam: I, uh -- I see you came prepared.
Chelsea: Yeah, I already told nick that I'm spending the night.
Adam: And he's okay with that?
Chelsea: He knows connor comes first.
Connor: Every night, when the monsters are chasing me, I scream for them to stop. Monsters can't get me if we're all together, right?
Adam: Oh! There you go.
Coming up on "the young and the restless"...
Sharon: People of genoa city never let me down on thanksgiving.
Chance: What happened in vegas was a game-changer.
Adam: Indeed.
Nikki: Now it is time for my favorite tradition, hearing what we're all most thankful for.
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