Y&R Transcript Monday 11/25/19

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/25/19


Episode #11750 ~ Jack Abbott takes a stroll down memory lane.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Good morning.

Traci: Why, yes it is a very good morning, indeed.

Jack: Oh? Why is that?

Traci: I have two surprises for you.

Jack: From the glint in your eye, I'm guessing they're good surprises.

Traci: I'll let you be the judge.

Jack: Okay, what's the first surprise?

Traci: Okay, first, ashley is able to leave paris a little ahead of schedule, and so she will be arriving here early to spend the holiday with us.

Jack: Oh, that is fabulous news! We'll actually get to spend some time with her.

Traci: Yes, I'm so thrilled that she'll really get a break this time, and it will be so good for all of us to spend this holiday with dina.

Jack: Yeah, each holiday becomes more important now.

Traci: Yes.

Jack: So, what's my second surprise?

Traci: Well, come with me. Our family memoir. It's finished.

Jack: Wow.

Traci: I was wondering if you would read it before we let anyone else see it, and maybe you could tell me what you think. Um, tell me what you think i ought to tweak or add.

Jack: I would be honored. In fact, I'm gonna dive into it right now.

Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh! Fantastic, because billy and i are gonna go ashley at the airport, and, when I get back, i want your honest opinion.

Jack: You shall have it.

Traci: Good. Now, I know it's a little daunting, it's -- well... but there are no surprises.

Jack: I know with absolutely certainty... I will treasure every sentence.

Traci: Okay.

Jack: Preface.

The book you're about to read

was a labor of love from start

to finish.

My brother jack and I worked

tirelessly together to put our

shared history down in words...

to capture our triumphs and our

failures, our pain and our joy,

and the part each one of us

played in the creation of our

family tapestry over three


We are the abbotts...

and this is our story.

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Jack: When his marriage to

dina ended, john vowed to be

the best father possible...

to provide all the love and

stability that jack, ashley,

and I needed.

In turn, he became our family's

touchstone -- the person we

all wanted to make proud.

The one whose approval we

sought even when we weren't

sure we deserved it.

John: Look at you, you're -- you looked relaxed, you're at ease... this trip has done you a world of good.

Jack: Oh, it did, dad. It really did.

John: Well, where have you been, and what have you done?

Jack: Oh, I've been every place, I've done every thing. Now... I'm ready to get back, put my nose to the ol' grindstone.

John: Now, jack, I hope that you've come back with a different outlook.

Jack: Don't I seem different?

John: Yes, I just hope it's real because I do not want to see you eaten alive by this -- this organization that newman has brought to jabot.

Jack: So, how is the great man?

John: Please, jack. Everything around here has been going well.

Jack: Dad, dad, I didn't come back just to create problems.

John: Well, I certainly hope not.

Jack: Dad, I wouldn't have come back if I didn't have my head together. And a few ideas about the future.

John: I'm not sure what that means.

Jack: It means you don't have to worry about me.

John: [ Laughs ] Jack, the day that I don't have to worry about you -- well, now, that's the day they can put me six feet under.

Jack: Dad, I'm serious.

John: So am I. But, you know, somehow, I suspect that there's something going in that little mind of yours you don't wish to reveal.

While our mother chose to leave

genoa city to create a new life

for herself, she did return

more than once over the years,

hoping she and john might find

a way to mend the broken pieces

of their relationship.

Dina: I'd like to think that, jack, but traci's been anything but warm and friendly to me since I got back here.

Jack: Or maybe you're just being a little bit paranoid.

Dina: Maybe, but I still think she's my number-one stumbling block.

Jack: And you came to me to see if I could help you turn her around.

Dina: You are a bright boy, jack.

Jack: Okay, I'll see what i can do.

Dina: I knew I could count on you.

Jack: Now, look, even if i can turn her around, it doesn't mean she's going to influence dad's decision.

Dina: Oh, I hope you're right, jack. You have no idea how badly i want to be mrs. John abbott again. But, more than that, I want to be a mother again. I know that's what your father would love.

But it wasn't meant to be.

There were too many issues to

resolve, too many complicating


too many people who were

against the reunion.

Jill: Jack, got a minute?

Jack: For you? No.

Jack: Now, now, now. Don't be a sore loser.

Jack: What the hell are you talking about?

Jill: I'm talking about your father.

Jack: And...?

Jill: And I'm moving my things into his house today. We're spending the holidays together.

Jack: You've got to be kidding me.

Jill: On the contrary, I'm very serious. Well, the both of us were gonna be alone for the holidays, and that didn't make much sense. Not when two people know each other as well as your father and I do.

Jack: I cannot believe my father would go along with a scheme as transparent as this.

Jill: Who said anything about a scheme, jack?

Jack: I know you, jill! I know how you operate.

Jill: Look, as much as i would love to stay and gloat, I do have packing to do. Oh, jack, by the way... if it hadn't been for our conversation earlier, I never would have had the nerve to suggest moving in with your father. You really motivated me. Thanks, jack. Or should I say...son.

Regardless of who our father

was involved with over the

years, one thing never

changed -- his devotion to his


He was the constant guiding

force in our lives until his

dying day.

Jack: The night mom left us, you made me promise I would always look out for my sisters. You said, "jackie boy... "this family is the most important thing in the world to me." It's my turn now. I'm gonna look out for you. And, dad, this family... is the most important thing in the world to me. And my love for you, dad... is unwavering... and undying.

Dina: You know, son, I-- I'm aware that my memory will come and go, mostly go. And when it does, jack... when I become terribly difficult for you to handle... I just want you to know that I love you now...

[Voice breaking] And always. Always.

Jack: And I love you.

Dina: Oh! My boy... oh, jackie...

Jack: You will always be a part of us. A part of me.

One could make the case that

jabot cosmetics was

john abbott's firstborn.

He poured his heart and soul

into the family business.

Despite a tumultuous journey,

the company stands strong

today -- a testament to our

father's vision and enduring


Victor: Now, what I really want to tell you is that if you intend to perform over here, you and the loyal few, you're gonna have to be part of a team, part of a unit. If that doesn't meet with your expectations, you and I better talk because, otherwise, there's gonna be nothing but conflicts and problems.

Jack: Listen, newman --

Victor: And -- wait a minute -- that I will not tolerate.

Jack: If you think I came back here to tear this thing apart... take it off your mind, okay? I did not come here to do further damage to a company my father worked his entire life to put together. I am here. I am here to stay. And I guess that means, for the immediate future, anyway, you and I are gonna have to find a way to work together.

Victor: Well, jack... it'll more in your hands than in mine.

Jack: I'll remember you said that. Well, this has been a lovely chat. I got to get back to work.

Jack: I'm not gonna let victor newman or anyone else get in the way of jabot's success.

Jill: You are so out of control when it comes to victor!

Jack: You want to see me out of control, you keep pressing this idea of killing the glow line.

Jill: Oh, is intimidation the only way you can make a point these days?

Jack: I don't like my ideas being sabotaged.

Jill: Oh, excuse me, the rest of us are not allowed to disagree with you.

[ Glass clinking ]

Ashley: Round's over!

John: Now, listen, you two, we are going to have a constructive discussion, or ashley and I will make the decision ourselves.

Jill: Please tell me you're not entertaining the idea of raising our ad budget. It is insane, john!

Jack: It is equally insane to think we can compete with the newmans without the glow line. A line, by the way, that you voted for!

Jill: That was against my better judgment! Besides, I don't believe in throwing good money after bad, especially after what I've told you about their plan to cut their prices! John, we should take our lumps and go home.

John: Thank you, jill. Now, you made your position very clear.

Jack: It's a very weak position. We need to move decisively now.

John: Jack, you've also made your position very clear. Now, if you two don't mind, I would like to hear from ashley.

Ashley: I feel... that we should in no way drop the glow line.

Jack: There, I rest my case.

Ashley: However... I also feel that we should not increase the ad budget. We're not gonna do anything crazy, jack. You hear me? Nothing crazy.

Each of us cares deeply about

jabot's success.

One family member after another

has seen his or her name

emblazoned on the C.E.O. Office

door, but, for some of us, it's

harder to separate our place

in the company from our

identity as an abbott,

and that desire to hold onto

control has sometimes come at

a steep price.

Ashley: What is it? What, you're evicting me from my own home?

Jack: It's an amendment I had added some time ago to jabot's corporate bylaws, the rules that govern our little company. It's a small change but an important one. I had it highlighted there. It's really only one clause. "Only a blood abbott can hold the title of C.E.O. Of jabot."

Ashley: You can't do that.

Jack: It is 100% legitimate. Unlike you, I'm sorry to remind you.

Ashley: You son of a bitch!

Jack: You're not taking my job from me, ashley. Not ever.

After much turmoil, jack has

resumed his place at the top,

having merged jabot with

ashley's company and working

with kyle at his side.

Something tells me, dad would


One cannot mention the abbotts

without acknowledging the


Our families are intertwined in

marriages, by children.

There are long-standing

friendships and, most

notoriously, the unparalleled

rivalry between jack and

victor newman, which has

spanned decades.

Victor: This sheet of paper, it's the key to your entire future, jack.

Jack: You're trading me the company... for my wife.

Victor: You're talking to me, jack abbott. I know that this is what you've been hoping and praying for since the day that you married nikki. So stop your moral indignation, all right? It's too obvious. That is my final proposition, take it or leave.

Jack: You really surprised me, newman. I figured you'd offer me a percentage, you know, 5%, 10%, possibly 20%, but the whole company.

Victor: I can offer you 5%, 10%, 20%, 80%. I am negotiating with the lives of nikki or my children. This is my final offer. Jabot in exchange... for nikki and the children. I want you to get your things, and I want you to get out!

[ Ominous music plays ]

Jack: Victor.

Victor: [ Gasping ]

Jack: Victor!

Victor: [ Muttering ]

Jack: God, what you have done to my life. What you have done to my life. I'm not just talking about a baby now. I'm talking about my wife. I'm talking about my family, my sister, my father. I'm talking jabot. I'm talking everything you've done to me and my family.

Victor: Jack, I'm telling you it was an accident! The last thing I wanted to happen is for me to be responsible for the loss of your child, you understand that?

Jack: All I know is my son is dead! He's dead! Because of you.

Jack: You like this chair... you want this chair?

Jack: Have a seat. On me.

[ Wind blowing ]

Lately, there are signs these

two might be ready to put down

their swords.

Jack: I don't know why I'm opening up to you.

Victor: Perhaps it's time to lay off the scotch.

Jack: I thought you'd want to know my deepest, darkest secrets. Isn't that you specialty, capitalizing on your enemy's weaknesses?

Victor: [ Laughing ] Oh! No, I only do that when I feel threatened, jack.

Jack: Gee, I'm glad we had this talk. It makes me feel so much better.

Victor: Who would imagine that you and I would ever have this kind of a discussion, huh? So things are good for you?

Jack: Yeah, on the surface, I have everything a man could want.

Whether this is a paradigm

shift, or a moment of calm

before yet another storm,

only time will tell.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Take a look at the many

branches of our family tree,

and you'll see a long string of

marriages and broken


But our hearts lead us where

they may, and when we fall, we

fall hard -- even if it was the

last thing we expected.

Nikki: We did talk about getting married, didn't we?

Jack: And it slipped your mind, did it?

Nikki: Things have been so hectic lately.

Jack: Nikki, I get the feeling you're giving the runaround again.

Nikki: Jack --

Jack: I love you, damn it, and I want you to be my wife. I don't know how many times I've told you that in the last few weeks, but I've never meant it more than I do right now. With my dad okay, I couldn't be a happier man, except, possibly, if you'd agree to spend the rest of your life with me. Now, if that's not what you want, you have to tell me.

Nikki: It is what I want.

Jack: I can't keep coming over here and laying my heart on the line like this --

Nikki: Jack, yes. I'm saying yes.

Jack: Yes?

Nikki: Yes.

Jack: You mean that?

Jack: [ Laughs ] Yes. I mean it.

Jack: Oh!

Nikki: [ Giggles ]

Jack: Something happened to me today that brought it all back to the surface.

Nikki: What happened? Tell me.

Jack: This woman visited me in the office.

Nikki: What woman?

Jack: Name was suzanne cook.

Nikki: Who -- who is that? A business associate?

Jack: I'd never met her before. She brought a baby with her, nik. This beautiful little boy, a couple of months old.

Nikki: Well, what did she want?

Jack: She wanted me to see the baby.

Nikki: I don't understand.

Jack: I didn't, either, at first. It turns out, this little boy was born with a severe heart defect. Doctors only gave him a month, maybe two. That is, until a donor came along. And this baby was born prematurely, whose parents had agreed to donate any usable organs that another child might live. And he, uh... had a heart transplant.

Nikki: Oh, my god. So this... this baby, this woman's baby...

Jack: He's alive today because of our son. That little boy, who -- who didn't make it.

Nikki: Oh, jack...

Jack: He's a terrific kid. Big, beautiful blue eyes, this perfect little face... bright, alert. His name was john.

Nikki: John?

Jack: His mother let me hold him in my arms.

Nikki: Oh...

Jack: It was amazing. It was like I was holding my own son. If he had lived. This beautiful, precious little baby... it was somehow part of me. Part of us.

Sometimes, we're drawn to the

same person over and over,

because the connection we feel

is too deep not to try again.

Phyllis: Well, I was thinking, you know, since we've gotten over our rough patch and we're friends again, how about going for a drink?

Jack: Gee, phyllis, I hate to rain on your parade. We're not friends again.

Phyllis: We're not?

Jack: We're working together. You are contracting your services to jabot.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know that.

Jack: And that's what it is.

Phyllis: Well, it could be more.

Jack: I don't think so. Business and pleasure --

Phyllis: So you admit, there's pleasure.

Jack: I will admit, it could be a lot of trouble.

Phyllis: Not if we're careful.

Jack: That's exactly what I'm being right now, very careful.

Phyllis: Oh, come on, jack. How long are you gonna keep up with that hard-nosed attitude?

Jack: I think we can relate with each other cordially, but i think we need to limit our relations to professional ones.

Phyllis: Wow. Jack abbott, you have changed. You used to be so much fun.

[ Sighs ] All right. Have it your way. You don't know what you're missing. Bye.

Jack: [ Sighs ] I do know what I'm missing, phyllis. Boy, do I.

Phyllis: Listen, I realize you're worried. I understand that. But don't let your imagination go crazy. We shouldn't stop trying to have a baby because of some vague concern of yours.

Jack: This is a hell of a lot more than a vague concern.

Phyllis: I learned my lesson.

Jack: No, obviously, you haven'T.

Phyllis: I will not be stupid again, jack.

Jack: What if there are complications?

Phyllis: I'll stop the therapy.

Jack: Come here, sit down. Listen to me. Listen to me. You have already admitted you weren't conscious for most of what happened, I was. I was there for every terrifying minute of it. I almost lost you! To go through something like that again, I --

Phyllis: You won't have to.

Jack: You don't know that! You heard the doctor, there are no guarantees.

Phyllis: The doctor said he would keep his eye on me.

Jack: What, 24 hours a day? What if you weren't in his office when you had your last attack? What if you were out on your own, in your car somewhere? There would be a different ending to this story.

Phyllis: Oh, jack, come on, please! Life is full of "what ifs." I mean --

Jack: You be blasé about this all you want. I know what I heard the doctor say. If one more minute had passed... there could be have irreparable damage to your organs. That's it, kaput. You'd have been gone, phyllis.

Phyllis: What are telling me? What are you saying to me?

Jack: I can't be part of this.

Phyllis: I cannot believe this. So you just want to throw in the towel because of one setback?

Jack: This is not a small setback. And I have you now. I can hold you, I can kiss you, I can spend the rest of my life with you --

Jack: No, jack, jack, jack, something is missing!

[ Sighs ] We don't have a baby. We won't have a baby!

Jack: We have each other. We have each other. That's enough. That's enough for me.

Jack: Nicholas sends his greetings.

Phyllis: I'm sorry.

Jack: I expected so much more.

Phyllis: If I could take this all back --

Jack: No, I mean, I thought you could do better than "I'm sorry." Something more original, maybe.

Phyllis: Oh, god, jack.

Jack: You didn't have anything planned? A speech, maybe? I mean, you had months to prepare.

Phyllis: Everything I thought about saying sounds meaningless right now.

Jack: Oh, come on, humor me. Now that I know the role I play, maybe I can understand it better.

Phyllis: The role...?

Jack: The fool, the idiot, the trusting one...

Phyllis: No, jack --

Jack: And nicholas was the guy, the other guy. Come on, you've had a lot of time with this. What were you going to tell the fool when he finally found out?

Phyllis: Listen, listen. You aren't a fool, you never were a fool.

Jack: Oh, no, I think I was. I think I played the part pretty damn well. You called, I came running. You cried, I mopped up the tears. You needed a man's arms around you, and the other guy's arms weren't available, so the fool stepped up, and you got his.

Phyllis: If anybody was a fool, it was me. I was a fool. Anybody who sleeps with a married man is an idiot. I know you hate me, and i understand that, but, see, we could get past this stuff. People do this. And that -- that... thing with nicholas, it -=- it just -- it just...happened, jack.

Jack: That "thing." That thing with nicholas didn't just happen. See, first, you have to take off your clothes...

Phyllis: Listen, I never meant to hurt you.

Jack: You know what, you're absolutely right. Anything you say right now would be meaningless.

Phyllis: Listen, I don't even know if I'm the right person to help you through this. But I'm here. And I'm staying. Unless you want ashley or -- or traci...

Jack: No, no, no, no, I -- I don't want anybody else. Look, I -- I know I keep saying this over and over again... I couldn't do this without you, red.

Jack: As for your question, I'm doing fine. I've just been mesmerized by traci's memoir.

Traci: And you haven't yet got to my very favorite part, which is the part that speaks to the ties that bind us together forever. Let's see. Oh, here it is.

Jack: Okay.

Traci: There. Try that.

Jack: Whether young kids

at home, mature adults living

on their own, or those who have

moved on from this life, our

children have blessed us in

ways we couldn't begin to

fathom when they were born.

Jack: Those were your grandfather'S. He gave them to me a long time ago, and it's time I pass them on to you. He was the best of the abbotts. We all are trying to live up to his legacy, all trying to live to his example. Sometimes, we mess that up. But we never stop trying.

It is our hope that this next

generation of abbotts will

understand that there is no

greater gift than the bond that

they share.

Whatever obstacles might come

their way, whatever issues

might tear them apart, there is

always a way back to each

other -- always --

to a home where they will be

accepted and supported.

Jack: Everything we've done to each other for the last year, it's wrong. It's completely wrong. You can't wish a brother away. And...abandoning and hatred and...barring you, none of it makes any sense. You're my brother.

Billy: [ Coughs ]

Jack: You will always be my brother. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Traci, you were so young when mother left us. You ever think about that time?

Traci: [ Chuckles ] Sometimes. But, slowly, there were more days in my life without mother than there were days with her. And, besides, nobody ever talks about a mother who leaves. I mean, this was this unspoken horrible thing that we pretended never happened. And, jack... it was a different time then. It was a time when nobody thought it was even a little bit off... that a father call one of his daughters..."my beauty."

Jack: I never knew you felt that way.

Traci: Oh, my god, jack!

Jack: You know that dad loved you every bit as much as he loved ashley.

Traci: Mm. Yes, yes, of course.

[ Sighs ] I know. It's just one of those things that you...carry with you.

Jack: Yes, that abbott clause...was written to keep phyllis from making a claim on the company, but the darker truth is... I didn't want to have to compete against you. There was a part of me, a part of me I'm -- I'm not at all proud of, that couldn't accept the possibility that -- you would outshine me, be a better chief executive than I was. So I secured my position by making sure you couldn't compete. That is the truth. And, for that, I am deeply, genuinely sorry.

Billy: I got to say, that took a hell of a lot of courage to admit.

Ashley: Something our big brother has an abundance of.

Jack: Not always.

Traci: But always when it counts. Here. Try that.

Jack: Thus, our story will

live on...

not only in these pages, but...

but in our traditions,

in our memories,

in our hearts.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Jack: Wow. Wow.

Billy: Well, that's a hell of an accomplishment.

Ashley: Everything was just so exquisite, every single word.

Traci: Oh, thank you so much. You guys are making me cry.

Jack: Well, why should you be any different than the rest of us?

[ Laughter ]

Ashley: Happy tears.

Billy: Yeah, no, I just got a little something in my eye, I'm fine.

Ashley: Me, too.

Jack: Hey. I think we need to celebrate.

Ashley: Yes! We do.

Billy: Yes.

Traci: Right this very minute?

Ashley: Yes!

Billy: Yes, we should.

Jack: Uh, first, though, there's something I have to do.

Jack: Listen, first, I want to recognize traci for the extraordinary accomplishment that this book is.

Billy: Yes, trace.

Traci: Aww.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: Uh, working as her researcher was a truly humbling experience, to say the least.

Ashley: Oh, you humble, huh?

Jack: Yes, believe it or not.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: In this one highly specialized instance.

Kyle: Good to know it's possible.

Billy: Yeah, just don't get used to it.

Traci: Oh, now, now, you guys...

Jack: Yeah, okay... listen, I always knew that writing a book was a major undertaking. I never had any idea how major until I saw the dedication and creativity and sheer number of hours that traci put in to writing this book.

[ Applause ]

Traci: Thank you, everyone. And a round of applause for the world's greatest co-writer.

Billy: Yeah!

[ Cheering ]

Jack: Listen, seriously, I -- I want to commemorate this moment. Writing this book was my idea. You did all the work, but --

[ Laughter ] I thought it would be a great thing for future generations, but I personally...

[ Voice breaking] Have learned so much from it. I look at my mother and my sisters and my niece... my brother and my son... and I feel... our shared family history. I feel this connection through john and dina abbott. They have shaped all of our lives. I just want each of you to know how very special you are to me. You are part of me. Part of who I am. And that's never going to change. And I am so grateful for every moment we have had in the past, for every moment ahead. Let's grab a glass. To us... to all of the abbotts, those who have come before us, and those yet to come.

[ Laughter ]

Ashley: To us.

Jack: To us.

Billy: Cheers.

Traci: To us.

Abby: Cheers.

Kyle: Cheers.

Traci: Cheers.

[ Laughter ]

Billy: Good stuff, huh?

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