Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/21/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/21/19


Episode #11749 ~ Jill reunites with Colin; Amanda lets her guard down; Devon smells trouble.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Abby: Don't do this, please!

Chelsea: Run, run!

Chelsea: I mean, I'm scared, too.

Nick: Of simon?

Chelsea: He could send people to come after me or the people I love.

Billy: This family company, the family legacy, it can be a lot, and it can really do your head in. And, to be honest, I haven't always dealt with it very well. And apparently I'm not dealing with it very well now, either. But... [ Sighs ] I'm gonna be better.

Chance: Someone installed a back door into your wi-fi system.

Abby: Allowing them to do what?

Chance: Allowing them remote access to any device connected to your wi-fi.

Phyllis: Well, don't keep me in suspense. What kind of juicy tidbit did you unearth?

Abby: Drop the act, phyllis.

Chelsea: What's going on? What have you done now?

Phyllis: Oh, of course you'd assume it was me.

Chelsea: Who else?

Abby: I had chance take a look at our security system. He did it as a favor to me. And he found out some fascinating information. The whole system had been reset.

Chelsea: When?

Abby: Last night.

Chelsea: Why?

Abby: Oh, I have a theory. That software upgrade that you did had some "special features" that you didn't want us knowing about.

Phyllis: Like what?

Abby: I don't know. Something that gave you back-door access into personal devices, including ours?

Chelsea: Holy crap!

Abby: And when you figured out you were about to get caught, you wiped the system to cover your tracks.

Chelsea: Wow. I really wish I could say I was shocked, but I'm not. Everyone knows nothing is beneath you.

Phyllis: Okay, okay. Can I say something? I did nothing wrong.

Abby: Right.

Phyllis: No, I just reset the system as a routine maintenance process.

Abby: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Chelsea: Yeah, I'm not buying any of that.

Abby: Chance said there was nothing routine about it. We are not idiots.

Chelsea: It's way too convenient.

Phyllis: Okay. Even if I could do something like that, why would I? I don't care what's on your devices.

Abby: Oh, please. You are so transparent, it is laughable. You would do anything to squeeze out chelsea and me and gain control of this hotel. If that means spying and exploiting our personal information, then so be it.

Nick: No, thank you, michael. I appreciate you making this happen for me. No. The less you know, the better. No, don't worry about it. It's nothing for you to be concerned about. And I'm not gonna interfere in the case whatsoever. There are just some things that need to be said.

Simon: Well, well. Nicholas newman. I must admit, I was intrigued to learn you'd come to visit me. I can only imagine what this could be about.

[ Keys clacking ]

Jack: Brilliant. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Traci: Well, kids, don't try this at home.

[ Both chuckle ]

Jack: Every sentence, perfection. How -- how many pages? Wow! Am I impressed.

Traci: Well, you know, once we started, I just couldn't stop. In fact, I-I put this pad by my bed at night. When I'm sleeping, if I wake up overflowing with ideas, I have a place to jot everything down.

Jack: So, where are we in the family chronology?

Traci: Uh, well, let's see. Um, john and dina's early life, that's finished. Our childhood is done. Uh, you, ashley, and I have graduated college and are starting our careers and our young-adult lives. The rest of it should go pretty quickly. I mean, there's a lot less research to do.

Jack: S-so, ballpark, how many weeks till we're done?

Traci: Weeks? No, no. I-I would say days. Days at this pace.

Jack: You've been writing like a madwoman.

Traci: Well, yes, I have. Because we are so fascinating and inspiring, jack.

[ Chuckles ] It won't be long. I will have a rough draft.

Jack: And then what?

Traci: Well, then I'll take some time to celebrate, like I always do when I finish a project of this magnitude, you know? And once I've had a chance to unwind a little bit, I'll start thinking about what my next project will be. See what ideas percolate. How 'bout you?

Jack: Long-term?

[ Sighs ] I have no idea.

Traci: What? I thought for sure you'd go back to running jabot.

[ Knock on door ]

Victoria: Come in.

Billy: Hey. You got a sec?

Victoria: Hey! Well, for you, I have an entire minute.

Billy: Oh, what a lucky man I am.

Victoria: Besides, I'm really glad that you dropped by. I wanted to thank you again for the phenomenal party that you threw for katie and me.

Billy: Come on. You two are my girls. I'm gonna do anything for you. It's the least you deserve. So, are you, uh -- you ready for some big news?

Victoria: Yeah. Go for it.

Billy: Um... as you know, I've been doing some soul searching, trying to understand why I've been treating kyle the way I have been, why I've been so hard on him. You know, trying to figure out what my problem is.

Victoria: Have you come to any conclusions?

Billy: Uh... my last session with dr. Clay really shook something loose in me. And I have the answer. I know what I need to do.

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Jack: Now, why would you jump to that conclusion?

Traci: Well... [ Scoffs ] Jack, I know that you stepped away from jabot so that you could channel all your energies into our project, our -- our family history. But -- [ Sighs ] A-and of course, that's fantastic. It's given you the chance to have a much-needed sabbatical. But come on! This was a passion project. Jabot is your life's work.

Jack: Well, it has been. And -- and, yes, jabot will always be some part of my life. But when I put billy and kyle in charge, that was a vote of confidence on my part.

Traci: Well, yes, of course. And I'm not suggesting that you would undermine their decisions.

[ Sighs ] But from what I understand, they're not getting along very well. You know, they're -- they're locked in some sort of power struggle, and... well, that can't be good for them or jabot.

Jack: I'd like to think they can figure out a way to get past that.

Traci: And what if they don't?

Jack: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Are you sure about this?

Billy: Is that your nice way of, uh, saying you think I'm making a mistake?

Victoria: No, not at all. It's -- it's just --

Billy: You just didn't expect this.

Victoria: No. I mean, not in a million years.

Billy: Frankly, neither did I. But what do you think?

Victoria: Well, it's certainly bold.

Billy: Well, you know me, right? Go big or go home.

Victoria: Any doubts?

Billy: Zero, vick. I don'T. This just feels right.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Okay. I guess that's all I needed to hear.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I love you. And I wish that I could stay here all day.

Victoria: Well, that makes two of us.

Billy: Now the hard part. Wish me luck, okay?

Victoria: I always do.

Phyllis: Okay, enough with the conspiracy theories. I never used the technology that I put in place for personal gain or to stick it to anyone or anything else for that matter. Got it?

Chelsea: What you claim you intended and what you've done are two vastly different things.

Abby: Even now, you can't admit the truth.

Phyllis: You're losing your mind.

Abby: Oh, excuse me?

Phyllis: Honestly, you are. Instead of making a fight with me and condemning me for something I didn't do, how about you praise me for something I did do.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Okay, yes. I'll bite. Please enlighten me. Tell me what you deserve so much gratitude for. And take all the time you need.

Phyllis: Oh, I don't need any time. I don't need any time. While simon black had you all at gunpoint, my technology was saving the day. I was the one communicating to the police and to chance. I was the one who was calling up the blueprints and monitoring all the cameras. That was me. I wasn't having a meltdown like some people.

Abby: Oh, my god. You know that was part of the plan. The meltdown was part of the plan. I was communicating with chance, too.

Phyllis: Okay, fine, fine. We're both heroes. Which [Exhales] Makes me resent all the more why you're ripping into me, because chelsea is the reason we were all in this position in the first place. Because of your dirty dealings with simon black. But she gets a free pass, right?

Abby: No. She certainly does not.

Nick: I thought it was time you and I got together and straightened some things out.

Simon: Mm. Not the most hospitable place for a chat. These accommodations aren't nearly as luxurious as the grand phoenix. But one finds a way to get by. You meet the right people, like the gentleman who escorted me in, and then you get a decent cup of coffee. Or a phone call whenever you need it. I find, in this life, most things can be negotiated.

Nick: Your negotiation with chelsea. That didn't go as planned.

Simon: [ Chuckles ] It did not. Very disappointing.

Nick: Well, I assume you consider that to be unfinished business. Well, I'm here to inform you that it's over.

Follow me to a place I know with endless possibilities

Nick: You screwed up when you came after chelsea. Nobody comes after the people I care about -- nobody. But now that I know what's going on, from this point forward, you answer to me. You will not mess with chelsea again. You will leave her alone, and anyone she cares about, especially her son.

Simon: I'm locked up. I'm not a threat to anybody.

Nick: Don't give me that. We both know you got eyes and ears outside of here. People that will do whatever you want. Like that guy parked in the gray car down the street from my house. Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice that? So cut the crap. And you listen to me, 'cause I'm gonna say this one time, and one time only. One -- when I get home, that guy watching my house in the car, he's gone, and he never comes back. Two -- you ain't going to the police and talking to them about that money you think chelsea owes you. Your conflict was with calvin, and that ended the day he died. Chelsea is no longer a part of this. End of story. And three -- and I want you to hear me on this one -- if you even think of messing with anyone in my family, anyone that I love or care about, I will use every resource at my disposal to make you suffer. And I'm a newman. That means I got a lot of resources. You understand me?

Simon: Chelsea needn't fret. I want this chapter to be over as much as you do, believe me. When you walk out that door, you'll never hear from me again.

Nick: Well, for your sake, and anyone you may care about, I hope you mean that.

Simon: I do. I swear.

Nick: Good. Guard! I'm done here.

Abby: Make no mistake, I'm upset with you, too. All of those times that you talked about simon black, i mean, I knew something was off. But you didn't come to me or to nick, even when you knew things were getting too dangerous.

Chelsea: I owe you and everyone involved an apology.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I really thought that I could handle things on my own. I thought simon would just be on his way before things got out of hand.

Phyllis: But that didn't happen, did it?

Chelsea: Don't start with me, phyllis! My son is paying the price for my bad choices. Don't you think that's punishment enough? Don't you think I would have liked to be able to protect him from being traumatized? You honestly think I'm happy about all this? The fallout for the hotel, for nick's campaign. But at least I own what I did, unlike you.

Abby: Thank you.

Chelsea: God!

[ Sighs ]

Abby: Thank you, chelsea. Yes. Yes, I appreciate that. And I know that you have a lot going on at home. So why don't you just take the rest of the day off, decompress, and we'll talk when things calm down.

Chelsea: I really appreciate that, abby, and I'm gonna take you up on it.

Phyllis: I have a lot going on, too, if you'll excuse me.

Abby: Oh, no.

[ Chuckles ] No, no, no, no. I'm not through with you yet.

Billy: Hey, sis.

Traci: Billy! Oh, what a treat. I never get to see you this time of day.

[ Chuckles ] Hi, honey.

Billy: So good to see you. Is jack here? I wanted to, uh, talk to him.

Traci: Oh.

Jack: He is, indeed.

Billy: Hey.

Traci: I was on my way to the post office, so you can have him all to yourself.

Billy: Mm.

Jack: Well, you know what, while you're gone, enjoy yourself for a little bit. You deserve the break.

Traci: I might just do that.

Billy: Wow.

Traci: Um, before I go, though, I'm gonna need a little sit-down with you, if you have some time. I want to ask you some questions. You know, for your chapters of our family memoir. I need to know about, um, boarding school, and the time that you lived with dad in new york.

Billy: Fair enough. As long as you don't forget my legendary gambling exploits and my subsequent banishment to hong kong.

Jack: Perhaps some of us would like to forget that.

Billy: Oh, you know. All part of growing up.

Traci: Yes, it is.

Billy: Yeah, hit me up any time you want to talk.

Traci: Excellent. I look forward to it.

Billy: Bye.

Traci: Mwah! All right. See you.

Jack: Have fun, sis. Hey. Can I fix you a drink?

Billy: Uh, no. I'm good.

Jack: Okay. Uh, what's going on?

Billy: Uh, jabot. Specifically, my position at the company, and how it can't continue the way that it is.

Jack: Okay. You want me to reduce kyle's responsibilities, and that's why you're here.

Billy: Nope. No. That's not it, actually. But don't feel bad, because, uh, I don't think that you would expect me to say this.

Jack: Okay. E-enough with the lead up here.

[ Billy chuckles ] What brings you by? What's going on?

Billy: I've had an epiphany, jack. And, uh, being the C.E.O. Of a beauty-and-fashion company is... not what I want in my life anymore. So I resign. Effective immediately. What does help for heart failure look like?

Jack: Resign?

Billy: Yes.

Jack: From a job you fought to get back.

Billy: I-it's not what, uh -- what I feel like I need to do anymore, jack.

Jack: Okay. What do you need to do?

Billy: [ Chuckles ] I don't know. I don't know. But that's the beauty of it.

Jack: Okay, th-this has got to be about kyle. I know you two have had your differences recently --

Billy: Yeah, we have. Yeah, we have. You're right.& We have been oil and water at work. But, you know, that's on me. That's -- that's not on kyle. Kyle has been great. He's been copacetic. He's like... he's keeping the business afloat, and he's doing really good. This is about me. This is... you know, me, uh... doing a deep dive into my behavior. Trying to figure out why I've been treating kyle the way that I have. And -- and now you're -- you're looking at me like I'm crazy, and like "there goes my baby brother, making another rash decision that he hasn't thought about." But I have, jack. I have -- I-I've worked really hard to try and find the answers here, and --

Jack: [ Stammering ] W-wait. Billy, slow down. There's got to be something driving this. There's got to be a reason for this.

Billy: There is, jack. And it's honestly -- it'S... it's really quite simple.

[ Sighs ] I convinced myself my heart's desire was to sit in the big chair at jabot. And because of the way I screwed up last time, I-I felt like i really needed to prove myself to victoria, to you, to the family, to the company. But mostly to myself, jack. And [Sighs] Despite all the success and -- and, you know, trying really hard to enjoy that part, I was making kyle's life miserable. And aside from the accomplishments, I'm -- I just don't feel fulfilled.

Jack: Billy, you've been through a lot lately.

Billy: It's not about delia. And it's not about adam. Okay? This is about me [Sighs] Feeling unsatisfied in my life. And, you know, turns out that therapy can, uh, really work for you if you put the effort in. I see, jack, now, that, uh, carrying the family legacy is just not what I want in my life. And for years, I have tried my best to make dad proud, and to earn...your approval. And I've been putting this enormous pressure on myself to, uh, follow in the footsteps. But I'm not dad. And I'm not you. All I can do is be myself.

Nick: Hey. How'd your interview with the police go?

Chelsea: Well, I came out of there and had to sit in my car for 15 minutes until I could stop shaking. You know, just having to relive that horrible experience with simon.

Nick: I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

Chelsea: Well, the good news is, no one asked me about the money that I inherited from calvin that simon was trying to extort from me. That's a good sign. It means he hasn't ratted me out. Yet.

Nick: He won'T. Simon's not a threat anymore.

Chelsea: How can you be so sure?

Nick: Because I went and paid him a little visit at the jail this morning. I told him, if he made any more trouble for you or anyone else i cared about, he's gonna regret hearing the name newman.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] And you really think that could be the end of this?

Nick: Yeah, I do. And it wasn't a moment too soon. That creep had a guy posted outside of our house.

Chelsea: What?! Since when? How did I miss that?

Nick: You've had a lot going on. But he's gone. It's nothing to worry about.

Chelsea: I didn't mean to drag you into my mess.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: Chelsea, you didn't drag me into anything. I am in this. And I did it for you and for me and for our kids, so we don't have to sleep with one eye open at night.

Chelsea: You're being so kind and so strong, even after I've let you down so badly.

Nick: I've said it before. We're in this together.

Abby: Once you get the other bids from the other vendors, we will schedule a meeting and compare them all. Great. Thanks.

Phyllis: Listen...

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: I am sorry.

[ Clears throat ]

Abby: For what?

Phyllis: Getting defensive.

Abby: You're always defensive.

Phyllis: I am. That's true. I am. Force of habit. Um... let's just, uh, push the reset button and start this day new.

Abby: Just like that?

Phyllis: Just like that.

Abby: You know it's not that simple.

Phyllis: It could be. Abby, chelsea apologized to you, and you were gracious.

Abby: Sincerity helps.

Phyllis: You don't think I'm sincere?

Abby: Chelsea apologized for her actions and the harm that they caused. You -- you're apologizing for your less-than-stellar personality.

Phyllis: I-I'm sorry, did you not appreciate the words that I chose? Would you like to write it down, and I'll just sign it?

Abby: You have the self-awareness of a gnat.

Phyllis: Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something!

[ Sighs ] Chelsea's staggering lack of judgment put everybody in this hotel in mortal danger. What did I do that was so unforgivable?

Abby: Chelsea made a mistake. Chelsea's actions caused terrible consequences inadvertently. You -- you, on the other hand, you made a calculated move to sabotage both of us and this business. You installed software that opened this hotel up to all kinds of liability.

Phyllis: I would never do anything like that.

Abby: Really?

Phyllis: Ever.

Abby: [ Laughs ] You know what? Even now -- even now, even now that your treachery has been exposed, I still can't trust you, because you're still lying to my face. Which leaves me no other recourse. You're fired, phyllis.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: Um... fired? I'm sorry. That's not happening.

Abby: This isn't up for debate.

Phyllis: You cannot fire me, abby. I have a contract. I will sue you.

Abby: I would love to see you try.

Phyllis: Don't push me.

Abby: [ Snorts softly ]

Phyllis: I mean it, abby. Don't push me. You have no proof that I customized that software, or I reset it for some nefarious reason. You have no just cause for termination. You will lose in court. Is there anything else I need to make clear to you?

Abby: You're gonna wish that you left while you still had a chance.

Phyllis: I will leave. But only because I cannot stomach looking at your face anymore. And I will be back. You count on it.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

[ Stomps foot ]

Jack: I have been reflecting on my own life a bit lately.

Billy: Yeah, of course. That's why kyle and I were named co-C.E.O.S.

Jack: I guess what I'm saying is, I... I understand where you're coming from.

Billy: So you -- you accept my decision?

Jack: That's a more complicated question.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: Billy, not long ago, you were in a very dark place, and by some miracle, you have managed to find your way out.

Billy: Mm.

Jack: You re-dedicated yourself to victoria, to your kids, to your own well-being. And I couldn't be any prouder. And dad would be proud, too.

Billy: Thank you, jack.

Jack: So, I have to ask -- are you sure this is the right time for you to leave?

Billy: 100%.

Jack: Wow.

[ Sighs ] Company's gonna miss you.

[ Billy laughs ] Your ingenuity, your drive, your ambition --

Billy: Listen, I-I -- I love that company. I do. I am very invested in its success. I love this family. It's just not the same for me as it is for you or ashley, or even victoria at newman, for that matter.

Jack: Promise me you will keep your seat on the board.

Billy: Absolutely. It's just the day-to-day. I got to say adios. You know, watch the sun come up. And watch it go down.

[ Sighs ] And I'm gonna discover what my life looks like.

Jack: Yeah. Well, I guess there's nothing left to say but I -- I wish you well. I guess all that's left is telling the family and, well, the executive team.

Billy: Mm. Yeah. Um, there's one thing I got to do before I do that, okay?

Jack: Okay.

Billy: Thank you.

Chelsea: I have an idea. Your favorite red. We could open this and light a fire and try to focus on going back to the way things were before everything got so... ugly.

Nick: Heh. That sounds so nice.

Chelsea: I want to be be your soft place to fall. Someone that you can rely on no matter what. I know you used to feel that way about me.

Nick: I did. And I would love that again, for everything to feel like it's fine. But I don't know how we're gonna make that happen just by cozying up with a bottle of wine. We need to take a long, hard look at what's going on with us and deal with it head-on. My derm just let me in on a little anti-aging

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I'm relieved you're willing to do this.

Nick: Talk things out?

Chelsea: Well, get things off your chest. You've handled all of this so well -- almost too well. I'm sure, deep down, you're angry and -- and hurt and frustrated.

Nick: Yeah. I'm -- I'm all those things. But I'm also scared and confused. I'm just really grateful that you and connor and everyone else who was trapped inside that hotel got out safely.

Chelsea: That makes two of us.

Nick: But the thing is, chelsea...

[ Sighs ] As great as we are together... and I am so in love with you... we have a lot of problems, you know, when it comes to trust.

Chelsea: That's fair.

Nick: When I didn't confide in you about my dad being alive, that hurt you. And I'm so sorry. But meanwhile you were keeping that dirty money a secret from me.

Chelsea: I am mortified. I mean, uh, I got nothing. No defense. You have every right to be livid with me.

Nick: I'm not searching for an apology.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Feels like I owe everyone an apology today.

Nick: Look, our problems, we are equally to blame for them. But we have fallen into this unhealthy pattern where we wait till all hell has broke loose before we talk and are honest with each other.

Chelsea: Yes, it's true. And it's like we rationalize our decisions by telling ourselves that we're just being protective and selfless, when really we just end up blindsiding each other. I mean, we have to stop doing that.

Nick: Yes, we do.

Chelsea: I love the family we've created here. I love you. We just have to put aside the fear and be transparent. That's what commitment means, you know? Just being honest with each other about everything -- the good stuff and the bad stuff.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh! I'm so sorry. [ Chuckles ] I'm so sorry. It could be connor.

Nick: No, no, no. You should -- you should get it.

Chelsea: [ Groans ] Hey, sweetheart. Is everything okay? Oh, I'm sorry. You had another nightmare during your nap? Do you remember what it was about? That does sound scary. I know. He is a very bad man. Of course. Sure. Sure I will. Um... just hold tight, okay? Connor's having a rough moment.

Nick: Yeah, you should -- you should go to him. He needs you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

Traci: I can't believe it. Billy's actually walking away from jabot? Well [Sighs] Now that you've told me his reasons, I have to say, good for him.

Jack: I somehow knew that would be your reaction.

Traci: Jack, I can relate, that's all. I mean, I-I'm the only abbott sibling who pursued a career outside of jabot.

Jack: And made a mammoth success of it.

Traci: Well, if he needs a pep talk, I'm happy to oblige.

Jack: Well, thanks. What he's doing is scary, and I'm sure he'll be glad to know he's got a sounding board.

Traci: It strikes me that billy's chapter of our book just got a lot of new material.

Jack: It would seem so, wouldn't it?

Traci: Mm-hmm. Uh... I've been so caught up in my reaction, I haven't asked you, jack. How are you feeling about this?

Jack: I don't know. I mean, I-I want billy to be happy, yes.

Traci: Of course. But it is a big change. I get it. You're trying to process how this is going to affect jabot.

[ Cellphone chimes ] First billy, now this. I don't believe it!

Billy: Babe?

[ Clears throat ] You're looking at a free man.

Victoria: Great. I-I assume that means that jack took the news well?

Billy: He was, uh, a little bit taken aback at first. Of course he was going to be. But once I explained to him what I was feeling, he was very supportive.

Victoria: Good! How does it feel?

Billy: Weird.

Victoria: I'll bet.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] But in the best way. I feel like I've got a weight lifted off of my shoulders, and I can kind of see what life could -- could be like. You know, unemployed, of course, but, uh, I think it's a really great opportunity.

Victoria: Well, congratulations.

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: I'm thrilled for you.

[ Groans happily ]

Billy: Yeah. I'm thrilled for me, too.

Victoria: Yeah. So, uh, what happens next? What are your plans?

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Simon: Thank you, sir. Finally, you answer. For as much money as I'm paying you, I expect better representation.

[ Laughs ] Yeah. Yeah, never better. Listen, I want you to set up a meeting with the feds. I have some information i think they would find useful regarding colin atkinson.

Abby: Chance, hey. It's me. Abby. [ Chuckles ] I bet you didn't think you'd be hearing from me so soon. Um... I know that you're on your way to the maldives, but I just -- I wanted to thank you for saving my hotel. Twice. From simon black and phyllis summers. They've both been handled, and it's all because of you. Don't be a stranger, okay?

Nick: Is this seat taken?

Phyllis: It is now.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

[ Groans ]

Phyllis: Nothing a double bourbon won't cure.

Nick: [ Snorts softly ] Why do you say that?

Phyllis: I don't know. Because you could be doing a million things right now, and you ended up here alone at a bar. Just like me.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] That's a good point.

Phyllis: Drinks are on me.

Billy: Honestly, I don't know what I'm gonna do next. But, uh, that's kind of the point, right?

Victoria: I see.

Billy: I know one thing. At least I think I do. I don't want to be in big business anymore, at least not for a while.

Victoria: Well, you haven't always been a corporate player.

Billy: No. No. I've had bars. I've had restaurants. I've run a magazine.

Victoria: You've worked construction. You taught some of your fellow beach bums how to sur.

Billy: God, I love you to remember all the colorful chapters.

Victoria: Well, there have been so many of them.

Billy: There has -- there has been. But I really do think that this is an opportunity, vick, to just, you know, see what comes next, spend some time with the kids, you know, do something that brings me joy.

Victoria: I love it. I think it sounds perfect. And I'm gonna back you up, whatever you decide to do. Just -- just ask. Anytime.

Billy: You're the best. You know that?

Victoria: You're welcome. So, now that you've cut yourself loose...

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: ...What are you gonna do with the rest of this spectacular day?

Billy: Well, first I want to celebrate with you.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. And then what?

Billy: And then jack and i are going to make kyle the happiest guy alive.

Traci: Well, whatever it is, you're not very happy about it.

Jack: Ashley offered theo a job in her office.

Traci: In france?! Are you kidding?

Jack: Oh, I wish I were.

Traci: Did you know anything about this?

Jack: I didn't say anything about it 'cause I didn't think anything would come of it. This is how her text reads -- "making arrangements for theo in paris. He told you, right?"

Traci: Obviously he didn'T.

Jack: Theo accepted a job overseas without such as a word to me.

Traci: Well, m-maybe he meant to tell you, jack, a-and ashley just beat him to it. O-okay, or maybe he wants to tell you, and just can't figure out how to. You know, because he's afraid that it's going to seem --

Jack: Awkward. That I might disapprove. That it might be disrespectful. All of the above.

Traci: I'm sorry that you're taking this so --

Jack: I thought of this as an opportunity to get to know our nephew.

Traci: Did you really want to get to know him because you're interested in who theo vanderway really is? Or is this more about dina?

Jack: [ Sighs ] I don't know. But I guess now we'll never know.

Traci: Oh, "never" is a long time, jack.

Jack: [ Stammers ] Well, you've got to admit, it's at least inconvenient.

Traci: All right. Not necessarily. He's not gone yet.

Jack: God, this day started so normal, so calm. Now I feel like the earth is moving beneath my feet. Billy's leaving jabot. Theo's leaving the country.

Traci: Oh, jack, I'm so sorry. I know this is a lot. I-it's so much to adjust to, especially because you haven't had time. Look, you have never been one to shy away from a challenge. So, what are you gonna do about this, jack?

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