Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/19/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/19/19


Episode #11747 ~ Phyllis fishes for intel; Nate's career is in jeopardy; Summer keeps a secret from Theo.

Provided By Suzanne

Summer: Perfect.

Theo: Good to know what you think of me.

Summer: What? No. Theo -- theo. Heh. I did not mean that how it sounded.

Theo: Good, because it sounded like you think I'm a big phony.

Summer: No! No, no, no, no. I just meant that I know how much you like living the good life. You know, hanging out with people who can afford champagne and private jets hasn't always come easy to you. You've had to work your tail off to keep up with that crowd.

Theo: And now the abbotts can pay my way?

Summer: No, now they can help you pay your own way. I mean, I'm sure that this paris job comes with a really good paycheck.

Theo: And you think that's why I'm considering it?

Summer: [ Scoffs ] I mean, why not? I mean, yeah, money isn't everything, but it helps take the pressure off of you. And if you take this paris job, then -- you know, then you can enjoy life and relax. Not be so...hungry.

Theo: Being "hungry" gives me my edge. I like my edge. I got the feeling you did, too. You didn't mind it the other day when we got back to the hotel room.

Summer: Okay, stop it. We're in public.

Theo: Oh. I just thought of another pro for taking the job.

Summer: What's that?

Theo: You can throw me a farewell party.

Summer: Okay. That's a good idea.

[ Sucks teeth ] Let's see. I could rent out society or the grand phoenix. I can invite everybody, and it'll be huge!

Theo: Uh, I was thinking of more of a small, intimate affair.

Summer: Okay. How small?

Theo: Just you and me.

Summer: Perfect. A celebration for two.

Theo: Hey! Where you going? I haven't even made a decision.

Summer: No, I know. I just have to meet with my mom, then I got to get back to work. But let me know when you make up your mind. I will support you either way.

Kyle: I've known summer a long time.

Mariah: Yeah, I know. And we've had a ton of laughs. You know, there was that time that she wrecked your bachelor party that I threw for you and lola by starting a fight with abby. That was great.

Kyle: That wasn't her fault.

Mariah: No. Nothing ever is. Because that's how she operates. Sweet and innocent and snowflake-y, and then you wake up [Snaps] And she's ruined your marriage.

Kyle: Whoa. That's not gonna happen. Lola and I are solid.

Mariah: Yeah. Your vastly different views on theo not withstanding.

Kyle: I-it's a slight difference of opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. It is a possibility that I'm overreacting.

Mariah: You think?

Kyle: I'm admitting it, aren't I? And I'm surprised you're standing up for theo after he tried to screw you over.

Mariah: I believe in second chances. Hey.

Kyle: Hmm?

Mariah: I got one. And I did way worse things than theo has ever done.

Kyle: Ahh, don't be so sure about it.

Mariah: Look, I know the two of you partied hard in new york with some questionable characters -- like zoe. But unless there's something else that I don't know about theo... wait, is there?

Kyle: It's a feeling I have. In my gut. Telling me not to trust him.

Mariah: Wow. You and billy are a lot alike. Because he's treating you the exact same way you're treating theo.

Kyle: The situations are completely different.

Mariah: Look, if you want to be a jerk, just be honest about it. But billy is refusing to let you live down your mistakes, and you're doing the exact same thing with theo.

Amanda: Now, this is much better. The energy -- just right.

Nate: For what?

Amanda: Practicing what you're gonna say to the board.

Nate: You want me to give my speech here?

Amanda: Well, on the patio, yes. Let's get some coffee first. Hi.

Lola: Nate! Hi!

Nate: Lola! How are you doing?

Lola: I'm great.

Nate: Amanda, this is, uh, lola abbott. Lola, this is amanda sinclair.

Lola: Nice to meet you.

Amanda: You, too.

Nate: Amanda is a lawyer. She's representing me at a hearing with the medical board.

Lola: This man is the most incredible doctor in town. In the state. Maybe in the world.

Nate: Lola is a former patient.

Lola: Uh, okay. Former patient whose life you saved. Thanks to dr. Hastings, I was able to marry the man of my dreams.

Nate: Sounds like everything's going well with you and kyle.

Lola: I couldn't be happier.

Abby: Hey! I thought you left to catch your flight.

Chance: Phyllis told you I was leaving town.

Abby: Maldives. Very romantic spot.

Chance: So I've heard.

Abby: I'm sorry to see you leave so soon. I was hoping that we could get reacquainted.

Chance: Yeah. Duty calls.

Abby: I hope your dedication means that I won't be getting any future visits from any of simon black's business associates.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: If it makes you feel better, I do have a team watching the hotel 24/7.

Abby: Oh. Well, how long are you gonna keep that up?

Chance: Until we track down all the major players in his organization.

Abby: You sound very confident.

Chance: I don't spend this much time and effort on an operation to have it fail.

Abby: I assume you'll be back for simon black's trial?

Chance: He put a lot of people through hell, including a child, and I want to see him pay for that.

Abby: Well, you're more than welcome to stay here. Free of charge.

Chance: It is getting crowded at the chancellor house. I-I might take you up on that.

Abby: Great. So, uh, what did you want to talk to me about?

Chance: I want to make you an offer.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Amanda: Taking away nate hastings' medical license would not only be depriving this good, decent man of a career that he has spent years building, but it will be depriving this community of a dedicated and caring physician who has devoted his life to saving others. If it weren't for dr. Hastings' brilliant medical insight and his devotion to his patients, people like victor newman, nikki newman, lola abbott, would not be here today. Victor newman told you himself that dr. Hastings' number-one concern was the well-being of his patients. Dr. Hastings puts his patients first, above all else. Including himself. Don't punish him for that. I'll wrap up there. I will insist that they rule in your favor, and I will end on a strong note. So, what do you think?

Nate: I think I'm brilliant for hiring you. Thank god I was able to convince you to take my case.

Amanda: Well, your powers of persuasion are almost as good as your medical skills. Which is good, because you are going to need them when you speak to the board. Let's see what you got.

Nate: You really want me to do this here?

Amanda: Well, you only have a couple of hours before you have to do it for real.

Nate: Thanks for making me feel less nervous.

Amanda: I'm sorry. It's no pressure.

Nate: Heh.

Lola: Are you sure you're not stalking me?

Theo: If I were, wouldn't I be at society? I mean, you live there, right?

Lola: Yeah, it sure feels like it. But today is my day off. I just got back from the spa.

Theo: Nice.

Lola: It was. All of my endorphins were released.

Theo: Well, would this be a good time to run something by you?

Lola: Sure. What's up?

Theo: Something just happened that caught me completely by surprise.

Lola: Tell me.

Theo: A guy I hadn't heard from in ages called me out of the blue. I thought it was cool. You know, catching up with an old friend. Until he asked me for money for his new start-up.

Lola: Theo, I'm sorry.

Theo: Apparently word's gotten out that I'm related to the abbotts. And now I'm picturing all those people who blew me off when I was just theo vanderway now wanting to be my friends.

Lola: I know how you feel. My own father had zero interest in me until I married kyle. And then he showed up at the wedding, and again a few weeks ago. All he wanted was money.-Theo: Man, that sucks on so many levels.

Lola: But my father is a jerk. That has nothing to do with the abbotts. They welcomed me into their family, just like they're welcoming you.

Theo: You know, it's like a-a door has opened to all these possibilities. But I'm afraid what will happen if I go through it. And what I'll miss out on if I don'T. You know, if I enter that world, there are people who think I'm trying to take advantage of the abbotts.

Lola: If you're talking about kyle --

Theo: I can't control how kyle feels. I want to know, if I walk through that door, what will you think of me?

Summer: Man. This place is dead. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like that.

Phyllis: No, you're right. We have no customers, no bookings, no hope.

Summer: Come on. It's not that bad.

Phyllis: No, it's worse. I'm gonna have to... call theo. To imbue some sort of life into this place.

Summer: Well, he might not be available.

Phyllis: Oh. [ Chuckles ] Right, right. Did jack give him a trust fund?

Summer: No. But, um, I think he might be taking advantage of some of the opportunities that the abbotts are offering him.

Phyllis: Dina mergeron's grandson.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: He must think that he won the lottery.

Summer: You know, I don't know. He seems more, uh, overwhelmed than overjoyed about the job offer that ashley gave him for paris.

Phyllis: Wow. Is he home packing?

Summer: You would think.

Phyllis: He's turning her down?

Summer: No. I don't know what he's gonna do.

Phyllis: Huh. How do you feel about him moving to paris?

Summer: Well... I mean, I think it's a great opportunity for him.

Phyllis: No, but for you.

Summer: Ashley didn't offer me a job.

Phyllis: Well, she may have done you a huge favor. By making you put your relationship with theo on hold.

Summer: Why? You think that i want him to leave?

Phyllis: Well, it doesn't sound like you encouraged him to stay.

Summer: I was just being a supportive girlfriend.

Phyllis: Mmkay. We'll go with that.

Abby: What's it doing?

Chance: A diagnostic check on your security system.

Abby: The one phyllis installed?

Chance: My it guy said it's state-of-the-art. If there are any irregularities, it'll catch them.

Abby: How long does it take?

Chance: We'll have the results any minute.

Abby: Thank you. I-I really appreciate you doing this for us. I know how busy you are.

Chance: Oh, when it comes to stuff like this, a hotel that's had two major incidents in two months, it's definitely gonna catch my attention.

Abby: I do have a question for you, though. Agent chancellor. Heh. Why are you talking to me about this and not the head of security?

Chance: My instincts told me that you would be more receptive to the idea.

[ Computer beeps ]

Chance: Damn it. I'm too late.

Nate: I accept full responsibility for my actions in regard to victor newman's case. I violated hospital and board regulations. But I was acting in the best interest of my patient. I always put my patients first. I hope you will allow me to keep doing that in wisconsin. Because medicine is my life, and genoa city is my home. If you don't let me continue to do what I do best in the place i love the most, then it won't just be my loss. It will affect every person i didn't get the chance to save. Well? What'd you think?

Amanda: It was good. We definitely don't need any more revisions, that's for sure.

Nate: But?

Amanda: But you could use a slight tone adjustment.

Nate: Okay. So, what did you have in mind?

Amanda: A little less "three weeks left to live" and a little more "I am the world's greatest."

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Bragging is not really my thing.

Amanda: Well, I think you need to step outside of your comfort zone if you want to win over the board.

Nate: I think it's important I be myself.

Amanda: I agree. So why don't you think about how you felt when you ran into lola abbott just a few minutes ago.

Nate: It was great seeing her looking so happy and healthy.

Amanda: Because of you. Because you saved her life. And countless others.

Amanda: You need to make it clear to the board that they have to keep allowing you to do that. That there is only one acceptable outcome at this hearing.

Nate: I'll try.

Amanda: No. You will do it. So stand up, give me those last few sentences again. And this time, I want to see some passion.

Lola: I was furious when I found out the stupid amount kyle paid for that purse. I told him how I felt about expensive gifts, and he bought it for me anyways. It was like he wasn't listening, or he did and just chose to ignore me.

Theo: Well, obviously you worked things out.

Lola: Yeah, we did.

Theo: Great story. Classic kyle. But what does it have to do with my question?

Lola: Okay, I'm getting there. You're right. Classic kyle. Caring. Thoughtful. Considerate. But I couldn't see any of those things. I was too busy ripping into him for not knowing who I really was.

Theo: Well, it sounds like there might have been some truth to that.

Lola: No. Theo, it wasn't about kyle. It was about me. I overreacted because I thought he wanted me to become someone who I wasn'T. Or worse, that I would actually become that person so he wouldn't dump me. Do you get what I'm saying?

Theo: Totally. You didn't want to lose who you are just to fit in.

Lola: And I am living proof you don't have to.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] So, any tips for surviving a seismic shift in your socioeconomic status?

Lola: You know, embrace the opportunities this new life has to offer you, and allow yourself to enjoy the advantages that come with it.

Theo: And how do you keep all those shiny opportunities from changing you?

Lola: Well, you're like me. You have a strong sense of who you are. Hold onto that, and you will always be you.

Theo: That's exactly what I needed to hear.

Summer: If anybody wants theo to take this job, I thought it would be you. You never thought that he was right for me.

Phyllis: Um... please don't try to convince me that theo is mr. Right. I'm calling bull on that.

Summer: I enjoy spending time with him, you know? We have a lot of fun together.

Phyllis: Good. You have fun together. Great. Fun. Fun. It loses its appeal, and then you want to move on.

Summer: Oh, my god. I'm not trying to get rid of theo. I just think it's a really great opportunity. And not just the job. This is a ood chance for him to get away from kyle and all the crap that's gone down between the two of them.

Phyllis: Kyle should be the one to go to paris.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay, like that's ever gonna happen.

Phyllis: That is a great idea. And lola, she could go, too. And she can open up a little bistro, and they can live in a pied-ā-terre overlooking the seine and walk around the champs d'elysee like newlyweds.

Summer: Okay, except for the fact that kyle's, I don't know, who life is here. His job, his family, his friends. And he's looking for a new house. I'm sorry. Why should he be the one to give up all of that?

Phyllis: Why do you continue to support him and defend him when he's done such horrible things to you?

Summer: You know, this has been really fun chatting, but --

Phyllis: Summer, I'm not done. I'm not done. Sit right back down here.

Summer: No.

Phyllis: Summer!

Abby: Okay, if there's no problem with our security system, then why are you so upset?

Chance: There's no issue with your current software because it was re-installed overnight. All of the information from the original installation was wiped.

Abby: So, are we dealing with a cover-up?

Chance: It looks that way.

Abby: And if you had logged onto the system yesterday, what would you have found? Are we talking about credit-card fraud? Identity theft?

Chance: Possibly. [ Sighs ]

Abby: If my customers are at risk, then I am liable.

Chance: I'm afraid that's the least of your worries.

Abby: Wow. Wow. My day just keeps getting better and better. Okay. Lay it on me.

Chance: Worst-case scenario, someone installed a back door into your wi-fi system.

Abby: Allowing them to do what?

Chance: Allowing them remote access to any device connected to your wi-fi.

Abby: So anyone that was logged onto our wi-fi, th-they could have been hacked?

Chance: Hotel guests, lounge patrons, staff, you.

Abby: And whoever has this information can do whatever they want with it?

Chance: I'm afraid so.

Abby: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I could just strangle whoever did this.

[ Sighs ]

Lola: Ow, ow, ow!

Kyle: Ooh! I thought your spa day was supposed to relax you.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: It did, I swear. I got all the fancy skin treatments.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Lola: Um... released all the toxins in the sauna.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Lola: Unfortunately, the masseuse was a no-show.

Kyle: Well, I'm happy to step in, but you might need a professional to help get rid of these huge knots in your shoulders.

[ Laughs ]

Lola: Head chef at society is my dream job, but it comes with lots of pressure.

Kyle: Mm.

Lola: Doesn't help that I'm on my feet all day.

Kyle: Neither do my issues with theo. Those just add to your stress.

Lola: Well, you're making up for it now.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'm gonna stop.

Lola: No! Please, don'T.

Kyle: I'm gonna stop being so paranoid. I told you I would give theo a chance, but I've been waiting for him to screw up. That wasn't fair. Not to him, and especially not to you.

Lola: I am so glad you realize that.

Kyle: [ Snorts softly ] Carrying around all that anger hurt us more than theo ever could. And it wasn't helping my relationship with my dad. So...I'm done being a jerk. I'm going to give theo the chance to prove he can be the guy he says he wants to be.

Lola: Sometimes you impress the hell out of me, kyle.

Kyle: Mmm. This is about to be one of those times.

Theo: I've been thinking about your offer a lot, ashley. I've made a decision. I'm in.

Amanda: You were amazing. Direct, sincere, passionate. I'm convinced that the board will rule in your favor.

Nate: If they do, a lot of the credit goes to victor.

Amanda: Yes, he came through, just like he promised.

Nate: Victor newman is a man of his word.

Amanda: And very persuasive. I think he gave the board some insight into how you were convinced to go along with his plan to fake his death.

Nate: I hope so. If I lose my license --

Amanda: Unthinkable outcome. So we're not gonna think about it. Two espressos to go, please.

Nate: I want to thank you.

Amanda: Maybe you should wait till we know --

Nate: No, I-I want to do it now. Before we know the board's decision. Because win or lose, I want you to know, I appreciate how hard you fought for me. I'll never forget how passionately you spoke on my behalf today.

Amanda: Well, it's easy when you believe in your client.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Amanda: Mm.

Nate: [ Sighs ] Dr. Hastings. Thank you for delivering this news personally, dr. Norris.

Amanda: Congratulations, dr. Hastings!

Abby: Thank you for the head's up about our security system.

Chance: I'm sorry I can't stick around longer to look into things further.

Abby: It's okay. I can handle it from here.

Chance: I'd wish you luck, but I have a feeling you're not the one that's gonna need it.

Abby: [ Chuckles quietly ] Well, um, I hope everything works out in the maldives. And I hope to see you again soon.

Chance: You take care of yourself.

Abby: You, too.

Chance: Bye.

Phyllis: Did you find out anything new about chelsea or simon black?

Abby: No. But I did find out something very interesting about you.

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