Y&R Transcript Monday 11/18/19

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/18/19


Episode #11746 ~ Nick's campaign takes a hit; Adam opens up to Sharon; Devon receives a distress call from Jill.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Devon: When it comes to the bulk of what katherine left me, I'm gonna give it to cane because that was katherine's wish, and I want to honor it.

Cane: Devon now accepts this to be the truth.

Chance: Well, maybe he'll rethink that when he finds out i had nothing to do with challenging katherine's will.

Cane: Jill thinks that she might know who did, and now she's gone off to see if her hunch is right. She thinks it might be colin.

Chance: Your dad.

Simon: You and those legit agents out there have given me no choice.

Phyllis: Now, chance!

Abby: Don't do this, please! Run! Run! Run!

[ Grunting ]

Adam: And it was all about dirty money from calvin. And who suffered for that? Our son.

Chelsea: You just wanted to help people. That's the whole reason you were running for city council. You're thinking about dropping out, aren't you?

Jack: Guys, I left you in charge because I trust you! You two are gonna have to figure this out! Together!

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Billy: Yes. No, absolutely. Okay, grazi.

Grazi, ciao. Ciao. Mm!

Kyle: You and victoria planning a trip to italy? Love it. Take as much time as you want. I can handle things here.

Billy: Actually, no. I just closed on the new jaboutique in milan.

Kyle: What? You're joking, right?

Billy: I would not joke about that.

Kyle: You just made a huge unilateral decision without telling me or anybody else. Yesterday, you railed at me for the same exact thing.

Billy: No, kyle, this is different.

Kyle: This is different because you're not stepping on my toes this time. Europe is ashley's territory, and she won't appreciate you encroaching on it.

Billy: I'll talk to ashley. She wants what's best for the company, just as much as I do.

Kyle: We all want what's best for the company, billy! But, honestly... what is going on? This isn't about me or even some competition between us. You're on a -- across-the-board great, big power trip. Where's it coming from?

Devon: Well, this is sure a surprise.

Chance: I wasn't sure you'd see if I called ahead.

Devon: I probably wouldn'T.

Elena: Hi, I'm elena.

Chance: Nice to meet you. Chance.

Elena: Yeah, I know who you are. You're all over the news.

Devon: Which is a real interesting way to find out that you're back in town.

Chance: Look, I am sorry about the way this all played out. It's complicated.

Devon: It's complicated. It's been too complicated to return any of my urgent calls or texts over the last few months?

Chance: I was working undercover in a major operation. But I'm here now, and I'd like to tell you everything that i know.

Devon: That'd be wonderful. We're all ears. Why don't you start by explaining why you hired someone that looks like my dead wife to come and talk to me instead of doing it yourself.

Chance: Because I never hired amanda sinclair, and I didn't knock out cane in vegas, although, I did punch him square in the jaw the moment I saw him here in genoa city. And I sure as hell didn't leave him those will pages.

Devon: So this is all a scam, is what you're saying? I've made a life-altering decision that I can't take back now based on a lie?

Victoria: Have you seen this?

Sharon: Mm, that's a shame. I think nick would have made an amazing politician. Any idea why he changed his mind?

Victoria: I think I have a pretty good idea. Nick's decision to focus on his family is just a polite way of saying that chelsea has struck again.

Sharon: Chelsea.

Victoria: You know, the minute she came back to town, i gave her the benefit of the doubt, but what happened at the grand phoenix was a big mistake, and so was her coming back. And now my brother is paying the price.

Chloe: I brought lattes with extra whipped cream. I figured it was too early for alcohol.

Chelsea: Actually, I could use some of the hard stuff today. Have you seen the news?

Chloe: Yeah. But... maybe it won't be that bad. I mean, politics these days, who wants to dive into that pool of crazy?

Chelsea: Nick did. He really thought he could help the people of genoa city.

Chloe: I'm sure he still can. Do good.

Chelsea: Maybe. But this is all my fault. Nick had to drop out of the race because of me. I basically just stomped on his dream.

Chloe: No, but that was not your intention.

Chelsea: It doesn't matter. I mean, he finally found the perfect career, and then my ugly past had to rear its ugly head.

Chloe: You didn't steal that money. It kind of just fell in your lap.

Chelsea: Yeah, but I chose to launder it.

Chloe: And nick decided to drop out of the race. It was his choice. He chose you.

Chelsea: Yeah, and it cost him. But my bigger concern right now is, even though the hostage situation is over... connor and I could still be in danger.

Adam: So, you didn't like that guy?

Connor: I don't know.

Adam: You want to tell me why you didn't feel comfortable talking to him?

Connor: Why do I have to talk to a stranger?

Adam: You know what, you don't have to talk to anybody, if you don't want to.

Connor: What did I do wrong?

Adam: Look, you didn't do anything wrong. You did absolutely nothing wrong. But that guy, he specializes in helping kids that have been through similar situations as you. So we just thought it might help. But if that is not the case, you don't have to talk to him again. Okay?

Connor: Okay.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Your mom and I, we just want you to feel better. So if there's anything that we can do, just tell us.

Connor: I want you and mommy and me to be together.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Is skincriglycerides,

Billy: An opportunity came up somewhat out-of-the-blue, a decision had to be made, and i made it.

Kyle: Yeah, with little to no due diligence.

Billy: Kyle. I have been doing my due diligence for a lot longer than you, which means my instincts are a lot more finely honed than yours. And the problem that I have with you from yesterday, and jack, for that matter, is the fact that you haven't earned your spot at this table.

Kyle: You and I were made equal partners.

Billy: Which means you do not micromanage me.

Kyle: And you don't shut me out! We're supposed to work together, but all I see is you taking us on another ride on the billy express roller coaster.

Billy: I made a judgment call.

Kyle: That was not well-thought-out. This is reckless.

Billy: No, you're overreacting.

Kyle: And you're going way out of bounds to prove something. I don't know what it is, but it's not business. It's about your ego.

Devon: I just -- I don't really understand, chance, because one phone call, or even a text from you, could have stopped me from giving away all my money.

Chance: I'm sorry. I couldn't reach out. My assignment was too dangerous, and revealing my location would have risked other people's lives.

Elena: Okay, so, how did the will pages get into cane's hands? Are you saying that he did this himself? Or was it amanda? Or are they working together?

Chance: I don't know who's responsible. But the way the will pages got to genoa city certainly raises questions about both of them.

Devon: That's something. I can't believe that I signed away everything, thinking I was honoring my grandma.

Elena: You were. You did what you thought was best under the circumstances. And we're not even sure if this is all a lie yet.

Devon: What if it is a lie, though? Why would someone pretend to be this guy if it's not a scam?

Chance: I can't think of a single viable reason.

Devon: That's -- cool.

Elena: Okay, look, we will figure it out. I'll take off work, and I'll stay home with you --

Devon: No, you're not gonna take off anything, honey. You've already done too much taking care of jett.

Elena: [ Sighs ] Are you sure?

Devon: Yes. I'm sure.

Elena: I hate to leave you like this. Promise me you will call me if you need me.

Devon: Yes, I promise you. Okay? Thank you.

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Chance: Look, I want to help you figure this out.

Devon: Well, it's a little too late for that, chance. I don't really want your help. All right? I'm gonna handle this myself.

Chance: [ Sighs ]

Adam: Your mom loves you. And I love you, too, okay? So much. You do know that, right?

Connor: Yeah.

Adam: And even though we're not living together, we're both here for you. We are here for you day or night, whenever you need us.

Connor: She's not here now.

Adam: But, you know what, she's on the other end of that phone. And we can call her anytime we want. And I am right here by your side. Okay? We're a team. You and me, from here on out.

Connor: [ Sighs ]

Adam: You know, we should go do something fun.

Connor: Like what?

Adam: Like get a giant cookie and invite someone over! Huh?

Connor: Who, mom?

Adam: No, not mom. But another friend of yours. Hmm?

Chloe: Kevin feels terrible about putting your money into that bank that was seized by the feds.

Chelsea: I can't blame him. I knew it was a risk, and i didn't have to accept the money to begin with. I could have handed it over to the police when calvin's lawyer showed up with it.

Chelsea: All that cash? I would have done the same thing.

Chelsea: What does that say about us?

Chloe: There's a reason why we're friends.

Chelsea: I mean... are we bad people?

Chloe: Absolutely not. I mean, sometimes, we make... questionable...choices. But we also have a huge capacity for forgiveness.

Chelsea: Mm, that is an overly generous way to put things, and I love you for it.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] I love you, too.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: Tell me why you still think that simon is a threat.

Chelsea: Even if that man is behind bars, he is smart and slippery, and he's gonna want revenge.

Chloe: He is no match for us. Especially when we have actual law enforcement on our side.

Chelsea: I was over-confident, chloe. I put my son in danger. I can never make that mistake again.

Chloe: Hey. You are going to keep connor safe. I have no doubt about that. And kevin and I have your back.

Chelsea: I can't help but worry -- what if simon has dangerous friends on the outside? The problem is, I don't know who they are. So how do I defend us from an unknown threat? Me, connor, adam, even nick. We could all be targets.

Victoria: For the first time in a while, nick was just -- he was finally energized about something besides his family.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] It's just not fair that he had to drop out of the city council race.

Billy: Yeah. Right.

Victoria: Billy, what's going on? You're not listening to me.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I had a rough morning, and it's nagging at me.

Victoria: Did you have another run-in with kyle?

Billy: Yeah. It's not like I'm even trying to get into it with him, it just kind of happens.

Victoria: Nothing just happens.

Billy: I know, but, you know, he pushes my buttons, and... I react.

Victoria: Well, at least your feelings are less intense than the ones that you have for adam.

Billy: Mm.

Adam: There she is! Hi. Oh, big man!

Sharon: Hey, guys.

Adam: Uh, we didn't mean to interrupt, but we were wondering if you could maybe use a little break.

Sharon: What did you have in mind?

Adam: Uh, we were thinking a little visit at our place. Promise it'll be a lot of fun.

Sharon: Really?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Sounds tempting. What do you think?

Connor: Okay.

Sharon: Okay! Then let's do it.

Chloe: The feds and the police will make sure that you and connor are both safe. And I wouldn't worry about adam. He -- he literally can't be killed. I know, I tried. Too soon?

Nick: Hey, chloe.

Chloe: Hi!

Nick: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi.

Chloe: Um... okay, well, uh, I guess I should get to work, and I'll see you there later.

Chelsea: Okay. I'll see you soon.

Chloe: Bye.

Nick: Bye. How's connor holding up?

Chelsea: He had a nightmare last night, but adam took him to a childhood trauma specialist this morning.

Nick: Well, that's good. Maybe someone with the proper training can help him.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, um, but he's still really scared.

Nick: He's not the only one.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I put you through. I just -- I didn't tell you what was going on because I was trying to protect you.

Nick: I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you. I overheard you and chloe talking.

Chelsea: Oh. Um... well, yeah, I mean, I'm scared, too.

Nick: Of simon?

Chelsea: At the very least, he's gonna try to make me look complicit in calvin's money laundering, but what concerns me more is he could send people to come after me, or the people i love.

Nick: Don't be afraid, all right? I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe. I'll hire more security. Whatever it takes.

Chelsea: I hate dragging you into this mess.

Nick: You're not dragging me into anything.

Chelsea: I forced you to drop out of your campaign.

Nick: You don't always have to fight all your battles alone.

Chelsea: It's a hard habit to break.

[ Sighs ] My mother taught me at a very young age -- can't count on anyone, including her.

Nick: I get it. Which is why we need to make sure connor knows he can count on us, to surround him with love and support.

Chelsea: I agree.

Nick: Good. I really think we should bring him home.

Sharon: I like that. What do you think of mine? Mm, not so much. Okay. No, that's all right. I'm -- I'm working on it. I'm still working on it.

Adam: Here you go.

Connor: Thanks, dad.

Sharon: So, what's that in front of your building?

Connor: A wall.

Sharon: A wall?

Connor: To protect us. Me and mom and dad are on this side, and the bad guys are on this side.

Sharon: So your parents protected you the other day, huh?

Adam: And you were so brave. And we're all safe. Everything's okay. And it's going to stay that way. Hmm?

Connor: Can I go play in my room?

Adam: Sure. Yeah. If that's what you want to do.

[ Sighs ] It is really hard for me to figure out what he's feeling.

Sharon: I would just keep reaching out to him, reassuring him.

Adam: Thanks for coming. I appreciate it.

Sharon: It's no problem. Is it okay that I ask where is chelsea?

Adam: Uh, I think she is giving us some space because she feels guilty about putting connor's life in danger.

Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure she feels really bad about that, um, but I'm not that staying away is the best thing for connor. He needs a lot of support right now, and one of those main pillars of support should be his mom.

Chelsea: I would love nothing more than to bring connor home. I just want to wrap my arms around him and never let go.

Nick: Then let's go get him.

Chelsea: I don't think we should.&

Nick: Why not?

Chelsea: Well, first of all, I don't think he'd want to come. Adam is like a hero to him right now. You should have seen the way he was clinging to him yesterday. I'm not gonna rip him away from his father. Not to mention, adam would fight us on it, and, nick, the last thing we need right now is another custody battle.

Nick: Okay. I trust you to do what you think is best for your son.

Chelsea: Thank you for understanding.

[ Sighs ] Now I should get to work. I have to do some damage control.

Nick: You hang in there. We'll talk later.

Chelsea: Okay.

Nick: You know, chelsea, I got to say this... I know you think connor needs adam right now, but I'm concerned with how much time he's spending with him alone. Adam is doing and saying all the right things right now, but how long do you think that's gonna last before he does something that hurts connor, or you? Adam will always be adam.

Chelsea: Adam will always be connor's father.

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: Good job keeping your cool with adam.

Billy: Mm. Yeah, no, uh, I've even surprised myself a little bit. Maybe I'm turning the corner on him. Although, I do think that I'm transferring my anger onto my unqualified co-C.E.O.

Victoria: It's apples and oranges compared to adam. At least this level of anger is a little more manageable.

Billy: I don't want to be angry. To anyone. I don'T. I don't want to have these knee-jerk reactions to kyle.

Victoria: Maybe you went back to work too soon after your, hmm, episode.

Billy: I don't think that's what it is. I don't, but I do need to figure out what the root cause is, and I booked an appointment with dr. Clay this afternoon.

Victoria: Oh, you did?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Well, I am so happy to hear that. You do realize how healthy and well-adjusted that is, right?

Billy: Maybe there's hope for me yet, huh?

Victoria: I've been saying that the whole time.

Billy: Yeah, well, you are the reason I got this far, so... I got to make sure I control my emotions so I don't lose control again.

Victoria: I agree.

Billy: The last thing I want is to end up in a war with kyle. It'll divide the family straight down the middle.

Chance: I hope you know what you just set into motion.

Devon: We'll find out soon enough, won't we?

Chance: Look, if you won't accept my apology, at least allow me to stay. I am on your side here.

Devon: Chance, you can do whatever the hell you want to do, all right? Just let me take the lead on this.

Chance: Yes, sir.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Cane: Hey.

Devon: Come in.

Cane: Thanks.

[ Laughs ] All right, well, I can, uh -- I can guess what all this is about.

Devon: Well, the difference between me and this guy is I'm gonna give you a chance to come clean before I hit you. We call it the mother standard of care.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Sharon: Chelsea may have brought the situation with simon black on herself, but, you know, obviously she didn't mean to. She would never do anything to jeopardize her son's safety.

Adam: Yeah. I know that. I just thought I would let her deal with it in her own way.

Sharon: Connor needs her as much as he needs you.

Adam: Mm-hmm. I do not disagree with that. There's just another... monkey wrench that, uh, is making things a bit awkward.

Sharon: And what's that?

Adam: Connor wants his parents to get back together.

Sharon: Oh! Right.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: It's a difficult line to walk. I have had to navigate that myself, but, you know, I mean, it's normal for kids his age, and, plus, all the trauma connor's been through...

Adam: Well, the hostage situation was just the latest in a long list. I mean, calvin dying, then being led to believe that victor was dead... then me abandoning him... it's just been one thing after another. The rug is, like, pulled out from under him.

Sharon: Yeah, so of course the thought of his parents getting back together would give him a sense of security. You know, it's -- listen, I don't think that you should lie to him or let him that you two are going to reconcile, but I do think you two should get him through this together. It's a developmentally important time in his life, so, you know, no matter what's going on between you and chelsea, you need to give your son the stability that he craves.

Connor: I have this left over from halloween. I promised to give it to mom. When can we see her?

Adam: You know what, why don't we call her right now? Hmm?

Victoria: So, I guess I'm never gonna get to wear my "pick nick" campaign button.

Nick: You know, it wasn't the right time to dip my toe into politics.

Victoria: I'm so sorry that you had to drop out of the race.

Nick: It was the right move to make.

Victoria: But it seems like the city council was such a natural fit. I just wish there was some other way for you to deal with this besides quitting.

Nick: Such as?

Victoria: Hire a pr team. Create a little distance between you and the... the drama.

Nick: Vick, come on.

Victoria: I'm just saying that maybe putting a little space between you and chelsea would be a good thing.

Nate: You needed coffee as badly as I do today, huh?

Elena: I wish I could inject it into my veins like a blood transfusion.

Nate: Yeah, I don't know why the hospital was so crazy this morning.

Elena: I guess it's just one of those days. I haven't even had time to think.

Nate: Something on your mind?

Elena: [ Sighs ] Well, devon and I had a pretty eventful morning, too, when chance showed up at our house.

Nate: Why?

Elena: He came to tell us that he didn't know anything about katherine's will, and he didn't find the original will pages, and he didn't hire amanda sinclair.

Nate: You can't be serious.

Elena: Yeah. And now devon's given up his entire inheritance, and he's a wreck.

[ Scoffs ]

Nate: You know, that's a lot to handle, but devon's tough. I'm sure he'll be okay.

Elena: Yeah, I don't know. And, honestly, I don't know how to help him.

Nate: You've helped him every moment since you two got together. And, by the way, we still don't know all the facts about the will, so... it could still all work out.

Elena: What? How could you possibly say that after he's given away all of his money on the word of your attorney?

Nate: We don't know amanda is to blame.

Elena: I've got a pretty strong suspicion. And if I were you, I would fire her before she ruins your life, too.

Cane: Of course I assumed it was chance who knocked me unconscious in vegas. So, if it wasn't him, then who did it?

Devon: I don't believe you.

Cane: Okay. Listen. I have the same questions as you, all right?

Devon: Mm.

Cane: But it doesn't change the fact that the pages are genuine.

Devon: Of course it does! It brings everything into question! And since you're the main beneficiary to it all, the signs point to you as the guilty party!

Cane: Just slow it down for a second. Just a second, all right? Hy would I make up such a crazy story as being knocked unconscious?

Devon: Oh, I don't know, but I got 2 billion reasons why.

Cane: Okay.

Chance: Hey, guys, let's not jump to conclusion. Let's gather all the facts and figure out exactly what happened.

Cane: Thank you, because i want to find out the truth just like you do.

Devon: Everybody keeps saying that, yet, I'm the only one that keeps getting screwed.

Cane: All right. Well, let me help you get to the bottom of this, all right? I will go and hire the best private investigators I can find --

Devon: You're gonna do that? You're gonna hire your private investigators. That's great.

Cane: All right. I know you don't trust me. All right? But I loved katherine just like you did.

Devon: Well, you forget that I know how good of a liar you can be.

Cane: I am not lying, and i resent the implication, okay?

[ Cellphone chimes ] Okay. It is jill. All right? Maybe she has the answers that we're looking for. Excuse me. Hey. Mm-hmm. (Dad) aaaah!

Nick: You know, I appreciate your encouragement, as always, but I'm sticking to my decision.

Victoria: Okay. I respect that. But I still have to ask if you think that it's worth it.

Nick: I know you're not a fan of chelsea's right now, but she needs me, vick. So does connor.

Victoria: I know. I really feel for that little boy. I know neither of you wanted to see him get hurt.

Nick: Kind of like you didn't want your kids hurt by some of the stuff billy's pulled.

Victoria: Okay.

[ Scoffs ] Ouch. Uh, I'll admit, I know what it's like to help someone battle their demons.

Nick: I didn't mean -- how are you two doing?

Victoria: Oh! We are doing fine. He is putting a lot of effort into staying healthy. In fact, he's at a therapy appointment right now.

Nick: Good. I'm glad he's, uh, trying to figure it out.

Victoria: Yeah. Listen, nick, I wasn't trying to judge your relationship. I just -- I want you to know that I'm always in your corner.

Nick: I know. Thanks.

Victoria: And, who knows, maybe one day you'll run for office again.

Nick: Maybe.

Victoria: I think I'm gonna keep my "pick nick" button just in case.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: I did see adam earlier, and my blood pressure didn't go up. So there's that. But, um... I'm wondering if -- and I'm not sure what the right terminology is -- but I'm wondering if I'm projecting my residual anger onto my nephew kyle at work.

Dr. Clay: Hmm. That's an interesting self-diagnosis.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, well, I'm not armchair shrink, but, um... I'm just trying to figure out why I'm feeling the way I am. I do think that it would still be about -- about delia.

Dr. Clay: Do you?

Billy: I don't know, uh... I mean, I don't know what else i have to be angry about.

Dr. Clay: Maybe we should talk about that.

Billy: About what?

Dr. Clay: The bigger picture. I remember you talking about other times in your past when you felt like you let your family down, or screwed up in different ways.

Billy: You're calling me a screw-up now?

Dr. Clay: [ Chuckles ] Those were your words, not mine.

Billy: Right. No, that does sound like me.

Dr. Clay: You went through periods when you were gambling, had affairs...

Billy: Yeah.

Dr. Clay: Slept with your girlfriend's daughter.

Billy: Okay. Is this actually constructive?

Dr. Clay: It is. If you want to put things in context. A lot of those incidents happened before you lost delia, correct?

Billy: Yeah. I guess.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. So, what are you saying? Uh, you're saying I can't blame everything on my grief? What, you -- do you think I'm sabotaging myself?

Nate: I'm going before the medical board tomorrow. Amanda may be my best hope in keeping my license.

Elena: Any lawyer would be better than that barracuda who helped rip off devon.

Nate: We don't know she's a part of the con job.

Elena: Chance made it very clear that he did not hire her. Come on, nate, do the math.

Nate: Amanda said the client was just a voice over the phone.

Elena: [ Scoffs ] And I don't believe that for a second, and, quite frankly, I'm surprised you do.

Nate: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree n this. Even if I wanted to hire someone else to represent me, it's too late.

Elena: [ Scoffs ] Well. Okay. Wish you luck.

Cane: All right, you know exactly how to handle my old man, okay? You don't let him get away with anything. Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Devon: So, what did jill say?

Cane: She said that she's tracked him down in the maldives, and she's waiting to catch a puddle-jumper to this secluded island where he is hiding out.

Devon: And she hasn't spoken to colin yet?

Cane: No, not yet. But if anyone can get the truth out of my old man, it's jill.

Chance: What island is he on?

Cane: Kuredu. What are you doing?

Chance: Booking the next flight out. Discomfort back there?

Billy: Hey.

Kyle: Hey. So, I made some decisions while you were gone. I'll run them by you before implementing them. I'm gonna order pizza. That okay?

Billy: I'd go with the chicken parm. Look... I owe you an apology. I've been, uh, riding you a little too hard here, and, uh, i just want to tell you that I'm gonna listen, and I'm gonna give all your ideas full consideration.

Kyle: Whoa. Okay.

Billy: No, I'm serious. And I've thought a lot about the shapewear, and, you know, you're right. You did your research, and, uh, I think that it's a risk worth taking.

Kyle: Really?

Billy: Yes, really.

Kyle: Why do I feel like I'm almost to the top of the billy express, and I'm gonna lose my lunch on the way down?

Billy: I don't know. But you're not. The train is pulling into the station.

Kyle: I'll be honest with you, I don't know what to think. I don't know where you were coming from before, and I don't know where you're coming from now.

Billy: Yeah. All I can tell you is that it's not coming from a place of grief or anger or insecurity or ego. Look... this family company, the family legacy, it can be a lot, and it can really do your head in. And, to be honest, I haven't always dealt with it very well, and, apparently, I'm not dealing with it very well now, either, but...

[ Sighs ] I'm gonna be better, okay? I'm gonna try and be better.

Kyle: Okay.

Billy: Okay.

Kyle: Can I ask you a question?

Billy: Just don't ask me about this epiphany, okay? Just, uh... roll with it.

Kyle: All right.

Billy: Okay.

Kyle: You like pepperoni on your pizza?

Billy: No.

Cane: Going to the maldives is a mistake. Jill hasn't asked for your help, and she doesn't need it.

Devon: Well, he's going.

Cane: Come on, devon. Come on.

Chance: I'm sorry, what was that?

Devon: Cane, I don't care what you or jill want, I really don't, because if colin has done what we think he's done, then i want someone with the authority to bring him back to the U.S. And lock him the hell up.

Cane: We don't know what he's done.

Devon: Cane! Cane! I'm tired of listening to you try and stall and justify and explain all this away. This is what's happening.

Chance: Okay, thank you. My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon.

Cane: You don't have to do this.

Chance: It's done.

Chelsea: Let's keep the room discounts on the website going till the end of the month.

Chloe: Okay, that's a good idea.

Chelsea: Yeah. If we can keep this hotel at least half-capacity over the next few weeks, I'll consider that a win.

Chloe: Okay. You know, I -- I'm happy to continue to talk about work stuff, if that's what you want, but... if you want to talk about more important stuff, too...

Chelsea: You saw how things were with nick. I mean, I'm really worried about him, me, but my main focus is connor.

Chloe: Of course. If there's anything that I can do to help, you let me know.

Chelsea: Thank you. He's really just clinging to adam, who, I have to say, has been really, really great.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Speaking of... excuse me.

Chloe: Yeah.

Chelsea: Hey. Is everything okay?

Adam: Yeah, connor's fine. It's not an emergency. But, uh, he's been asking about you. And I thought it would be a good idea for the three of us to spend some together.

Chelsea: Oh, I -- I don't know if that's the best idea.

Adam: Chelsea. He needs both of us. And I know that he has been fixated on us getting back together, and we can deflect all of that. I just want to do what's best for him now.

Chelsea: Of course. Me, too. Um... yeah, you're right.

Adam: Great. Well, we're just hanging out if you want to come over for a little while.

Chelsea: Sure. I'll be by in a bit.

Adam: Thank you.

Nick: Michael? It's nick. I need to see simon black as soon as possible.

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Phyllis: We could do whatever we want. And we're two consenting adults. I mean, that leaves it open.

Abby: What did you want to talk to me about?

Chance: I want to make you an offer.

Jill: Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Colin: A-ha! My fetching, fiery mate! What took you so long?

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