Y&R Transcript Friday 11/15/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/15/19


Episode #11746 ~ Nick's campaign takes a hit; Adam opens up to Sharon; Devon receives a distress call from Jill.

Provided By Suzanne

(The second half is missing, due to congressional hearings; we'll get it from On Demand this weekend)

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: Billy has gotten control of his feelings, and he's reclaimed his life.

Nikki: I'm not sure you should shrug off your concerns about billy.

Chelsea: That creep just made this personal, and that was a huge mistake.

Adam: I am not through! Whoa, whoa, wait!

Abby: [ Screams ] Stop! I can't take it anymore!

Phyllis: Now, chance! Now!

Chelsea: Run! Run!

Paul: Good bust.

Chance: I've been chasing simon for months now.

Nick: You couldn't talk to me?

Chelsea: I was trying to protect you and your dreams. Your opponents are gonna use this against you.

Nick: I don't want you to worry about that.

Chelsea: But I do. Because I know what this is gonna cost you.

Phyllis: They're all checking out, and we don't have any reservations.

Abby: Well, we have to do something. Because if this keeps up, I don't know if we'll be able to recover.

Rey: So, we're wrapping up the investigation, and as soon as we're done, I will get you the report for your insurance company. Abby? You listening to me?

Abby: [ Sighs ] No. I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm just watching my business fall off a cliff. That's the 12th cancellation today.

Rey: I'm sorry.

Abby: Yeah, well, hostage situations aren't great for tourism.

Rey: I wish we could have done more before everything blew up.

Abby: Whoa. Are you kidding me? No, no, no. You guys -- you and your guys, you saved the day. You're heroes in my book. If anyone is to blame, it's our head of security.

Rey: Well, you should give phyllis some credit for stepping up when things went south. If she hadn't have been monitoring that room, we wouldn't have gotten anywhere.

Abby: Okay. She had one brief moment of competence.

Rey: Give yourself a little credit, too, for distracting the guy while chance took him down. If there's any heroes, it's the two of you.

Abby: Okay, well, the words "phyllis" and "hero" do not belong together. If she had been doing her job, i wouldn't be scrambling to try to save my hotel again. My head of security often gets distracted.

Adam: Oh, please, why don't you make yourself at home, phyllis?

Phyllis: Thank you. I am.

Chance: I think he was being sarcastic.

Phyllis: Oooh! My gosh. Lighten up. If I waited for one of you to offer me a drink, I'd be here all night.

Adam: The problem is you being here at all. Okay? It's been a long couple of days. So if you don't mind...

Phyllis: I -- I mind. I mind. It's been a long couple days for me, too. And look, chance is here. And you didn't think that I was gonna let you keep him all to yourself, did you? I mean, that's not fair.

Victoria: Okay. Yeah, that'll work. Send me the contracts, and I'll sign off tomorrow morning. Okay. Oh. Are you comfortable?

Billy: I am very comfortable. And I am done with work for the day. How 'bout you?

Victoria: Sorry.

Billy: Sorry? It's kind of late. What's up?

Victoria: Well, I have a video conference with some of the partners in mumbai.

Billy: When?

Victoria: Pretty soon.

Billy: Burning the midnight oil again, I see.

Victoria: Yes, well, I do run a slightly larger company than you do, so our hours tend to be a little bit longer. Get out from behind my desk, buddy. I've got work to do.

Billy: Yes, ma'am. What was that? What just happened right there?

Victoria: Uh, I had a remote control installed so that if i need privacy, then I-I don't have to get up and shut the door.

Billy: Oh, really? It's kind of like you knew that I was gonna stop by.

Nikki: So, how did nicholas act when adam showed up at his house?

Jack: Cordial, if a little icy. Obviously there's no love lost there. They were on their best behavior for connor's sake.

Nikki: [ Clicks tongue ] That poor little boy.

Victor: You know, I've been leaving messages for both of my sons all day. My grandson went through a terrible ordeal. I wish one of them would tell me how connor's doing.

Jack: Well, I'm sure they'll be in touch with you. Listen, they've been through a couple pretty crazy days -- for different reasons, obviously. But if you'd like me to call them...

Victor: That certainly will not be necessary.

Jack: So, we are all grateful that connor is home safe with adam, but there are some practical considerations we need to think about.

Nikki: Yes. [ Sighs ] Nicholas' campaign.

Jack: Chelsea's connection with this simon black is going to be difficult to explain.

Nikki: Please don't even get me started on that.

Jack: Well, it's out there, nikki. It's in the news.

Victor: Well, now, from what I gather, you two have your work cut out, don't you?

Nick: I already told you, I'm not gonna comment on my personal life. If you want information on simon black, then you can contact the police. I said no comment! Look, my campaign is gonna release a full statement within the next couple of days. Yes, I plan on moving forward with the campaign. I believe, on election night, we will have something to celebrate. I said a statement is --

[ Sighs ] Uh, thank you very much for your interest.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Chelsea: Another reporter?

Nick: Yeah. And after that, there will be another one, and another one after that, and there will be more texts and e-mails. This is getting out of control.


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Abby: So what happens next? I mean, how do we keep something like this from happening again? Was this guy on a most-wanted list? Is there a way his name could have been flagged when he registered?

Rey: No. And no.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Rey: Listen, I know you want to hang this on phyllis. But truth is, simon black was always a step ahead of everybody.

Abby: Mm.

Rey: Till he wasn'T.

Abby: Well, it's just my luck that chelsea was hooked up with a guy like that. Look, I don't even want to talk about that right now, because it just makes me too angry. I -- I need some information that will help me get phyllis out of here for good.

Rey: [ Sighs ] Listen, abby, my hands are tied. We're still building a case against simon. We're looking into his connections, possible co-conspirators. Chance's team gave us everything they have, but for right now, everything's zipped up tight.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Rey: By the way, uh, arturo texted me. Wanted to make sure you were okay.

Abby: That was very nice of him.

Rey: Hey, kevin. I've been looking for you.

Adam: So, run this by me again. You came over to my place because you wanted to talk to chance?

Phyllis: I have to take my opportunities where I can find them.

Chance: You were following me?

Phyllis: Get over yourself, cloak-and-dagger. I simply saw you arrive, and I thought I'd come up and say hello.

Chance: Hello.

Adam: And goodbye. Chance was actually just on his way out, too. I have connor upstairs, and I got to check on him.

Phyllis: Aw, you're such a good dad. I mean that, really. You're such a good dad. I just have a few questions. And what's a couple questions among friends, right?

Chance: So we're friends now?

Phyllis: Oh. Well, I thought we were friends. Compatriots? I mean, we did team up to take simon black down and save my hotel. And I am all about saving my hotel. And I figure, as the head of security, I have to be watchful of threats from without and... within.

Chance: All right. You finally said something interesting. What threats from within are you talking about?

Phyllis: You're a really smart guy, chance. I think you know exactly who I'm talking about.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Chelsea: Just let it go to voicemail.

Nick: It's not gonna make a difference. There's news vans parked outside. I can't go anywhere. The story's not going away.

Chelsea: I know. I know. We just need time to -- to think.

Nick: Yeah, 'cause the questions are only gonna get tougher.

Chelsea: What do you mean?

Nick: Well, right now, the press is focused on simon and his connection to your late husband, and whatever laws calvin may have broken. But we both know that is not gonna be the end of it.

Chelsea: They're gonna want to know about me, too.

Nick: [ Sighs ] It's not just the press, chelsea. Police are gonna want to know, too. And if they ever find out you tried to move that dirty money...

Chelsea: I could go to jail.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Maybe that's where I belong.

Nick: Chelsea, come on.

Chelsea: I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

Nick: Now is not the time to worry about blame, okay? We're gonna get through this.

Chelsea: You're being overly generous.

Nick: Well, I mean it. I mean... [ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ] It's kind of funny.

Chelsea: What?

Nick: When I started this campaign, I figured, you know, the hardest questions I'd get would be about me impersonating J.T. And going after my father. But now the press seems to have forgotten all about that.

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