Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/14/19
Episode #11745 ~ Victor and Nikki protect the Newman reputation; Victoria and Billy mix business with pleasure; Abby protects her interests.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Jack: I want you to be as much a part of this family as you want to be. This is your family.
Billy: I think jack gave you too much power too soon, and it is my responsibility to keep an eye on the situation.
Kyle: There's no situation! I'm more than ready to take on this role.
Amanda: He has a sterling record -- a soldier, a public servant...
Devon: Which makes me wonder if the person you're really working for is chance.
Abby: Please don't do this! Please --
Chelsea: Run! Run! Run!
Nick: Who was that guy?
Chelsea: I will tell you everything. I just can't right now, if that's okay. I just have to be with my son.
Abby: The grand phoenix is 100% secure. There's no danger, no need to worry. That's right, that's right. And when you post on your social media accounts, on your stories, be sure to talk about how peaceful and calm, how restorative your stay has been. Enjoy the spa. Have a few drinks on us. And if you need anything, anything at all, be sure to contact me or the concierge. Thank you. Thank you so much. You, too.
[ Sighs ] Chloe, hey, I'm so sorry. Are you still there? No, no, the phone has been ringing off the hook. I'm not gonna know more until i talk to the feds and the police, but... no, just tell them I will release a statement in the next couple of hours. Until then, tell them that the grand phoenix is completely safe, that it was a contained event, and the perp is behind bars, where he belongs. No, I promise I will call you as soon as I know more.
Phyllis: And the whole thing was swiftly brought under control by law enforcement, and my trusty partner here!
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: Who put her life on the life. She put her life on the line. She is a hero. A hero. And we'll comp your room -- we'll comp your room if you stay one more night!
[ Groans ] I swear, they're dropping like flies. They're all checking out, and we don't have any reservation this morning.
Abby: Well, we have to do something because if this keeps up, I don't know if we'll be able to recover.
Chance: I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
Amanda: No, I was just, uh, catching up on some work. Please.
Chance: Thank you.
Amanda: So, you said you had some questions?
Chance: I need to know the facts. How were you contacted about handling katherine's will? What was communicated to you, and when?
Amanda: You really want to do this now? I thought you had your hands full with the money launder you just took down at the grand phoenix. Wait. You think they're related?
Connor: Is the bad guy in jail?
Chelsea: He sure is.
Connor: For how long?
Chelsea: Sweetheart, we told you, for a very, very long time. Now, why don't you come sit by mommy, and we'll finish the book, and we'll try to relax and maybe fall asleep?
Connor: I can't!
Chelsea: Connor, come sit by me. What do you see with your magic eyes?
Connor: No!
Adam: You're perfectly safe. We're on the top floor of a very secure building.
Connor: I need my blanket.
Adam: Okay, all right. Let me get it from your room, okay?
Connor: No, my blanket! I need it!
Adam: What is he talking about?
Chelsea: It's his security blanket. He's had it forever. He hasn't asked for it in years.
Adam: Well, after everything that's happened, I'm not surprised.
Chelsea: It's at nick's house. It's in a box in his bedroom. I mean, I'd get it for him, but I don't want to leave him.
Adam: No. No, um... I will go, okay? I'll be right back. Hey. I'll see you soon, big guy, all right?
Chelsea: I'll let nick know that you're on your way, okay? See? Mommy and daddy are gonna make sure everything's okay.
Summer: Hey! I have risen victoriously from the south!
Kyle: Hey! You get in last night?
Summer: No, I actually came straight from the airport.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I mean, you heard about the news, of course.
Summer: Oh, my gosh, yes, about the grand phoenix? God, it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about everything that my mom's been through.
Kyle: If you need to get over there, you can.
Summer: No, no, it's okay. She told me to drop by later. She's doing some very heavy damage control right now. You miss a week, you miss a lot around here.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You're telling me.
Summer: We talking about the major bomb that dropped? Theo being your long-lost cousin?
Kyle: Mm. Dna tests confirmed it.
Summer: [ Shudders ] How are you, uh, handling that?
Kyle: It's been exactly how you imagine it would feel, finding your nemesis climbing up your family tree. But my dad threw him a party, and they even arranged for him to meet dina.
Summer: [ Sighs ] Kyle, I'm sorry. I know how much you love her.
Kyle: You know, I tried to remind my dad of how suspicious of theo he used to be. Now he's just welcome into the family, and dna does not change who a person is.
Summer: Well, I can imagine how theo's taking it.
Kyle: Mm! You should have seen him. He went from suspicious hanger-on to long-lost cousin overnight. And now he's trying to suck up to lola.
Summer: Lola? Why? That's -- that's kind of weird.
Kyle: If he buddies up to everybody in my circle, then i look like the bad guy with a grudge. So... what do I do, summer? Do I give the guy his millionth chance? Just forget everything I know about him?
Summer: I mean, I don't see anything wrong with maintaining a healthy skepticism.
Kyle: You think so?
Summer: Yeah, I mean, theo's given you a lot of reasons to worry. You guys have a history, so... makes sense.
Kyle: I figured you'd be on his side, tell me I'm wrong.
Summer: Well, I mean, you know, it's my -- my best friend/boss versus my boyfriend/co-worker. The only way that I come out of this smelling like a rose is if I do not take any sides.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Is it wrong that I wish you would?
Theo: Hi! I'm theo vanderway.
Ashley: Yeah. Hi! Come on in! We met, actually, briefly, at, uh, kyle and lola's wedding. Apparently, I'm kind of your aunt.
Theo: That's kind of cool.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] And kind of complicated, like everything else abbott.
Theo: Sure. Uh, is jack here?
Ashley: He had a meeting, but it's good because it gives us a chance to get to know each other better.
Theo: Well, I read through the abbott family info packet he gave me, but I still have some questions, and that's why I came by.
Ashley: Okay, well, maybe i can give you some answers.
Theo: My dad's bio parents, stuart brooks and dina? How weird is that to say...
Ashley: It's weird, I know, finding out you have family you never knew about. You and I have an awful lot in common. I think I know exactly what you're going through.
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Jack: Before we get into business, I want to talk about how connor's doing after that insanity at the grand phoenix.
Nick: Chelsea said he's okay. Physically, at least.
Jack: After everything that kid has been through... I hope this guy who held them all hostage does some really serious time.
Nick: Yeah. I'm trying to dig up some info on him right now.
Jack: Police have already done a preliminary investigative report. They found that simon black is somehow involved with calvin boudreau.
Nick: Chelsea's husband.
Jack: Chelsea mention anything about that?
Nick: She said she would explain more later. Last night was so crazy, her first priority is always connor.
Jack: And well it should be, but the sooner we find out what her involvement is with this criminal, the better. We need to get out in front of this thing before the other candidates do, and it leaves an indelible stain on your campaign.
Nick: Well, that's the last thing I'm worried about right now, but I do intend to find out what was so damn important that this guy put all those people's lives in danger.
Amanda: You think the will and simon black are linked, don't you?
Chance: So, if you would, explain your involvement.
Amanda: I received an e-mail from someone claiming to be you.
Chance: Forward that to me.
Amanda: When I asked to meet in person, he told me that he was undercover, that he couldn't risk it.
Chance: What about the retainer?
Amanda: I can provide details of those transfers, as well.
Chance: Sooner, the better.
Amanda: So, I guess it was true. I was used to reveal the original pages of katherine's will, but they were authenticated by an expert. So why the subterfuge?
Chance: That's what I intend to find out.
Amanda: Devon kept telling me that I was being played, but i refused to believe him. I always rely on my experience, my instincts.
Chance: Hey, don't beat yourself up over this. It happens every day, even to highly trained professionals, especially those that are going through personal issues.
Amanda: Yes, well, I will, um -- I will have these pages e-mailed to you before the end of the day.
Chance: I've seen photos of hilary curtis. I believe that is exactly why you were chosen to handle this case. Your likeness could be distracting to those involved, could stir up all kinds of emotional issues.
Amanda: Yes, that was fun all around.
Chance: Well, thank you. If you think of anything else, anything at all that can help this case move forward, let's be in touch.
Amanda: There was one more thing. I did have one phone conversation with "chance."
Chance: What do you remember about that?
Amanda: He seemed a lot older than I had expected.
Chance: Thank you for your time, counselor.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Nate: Amanda.
Amanda: Nate. Hi.
Nate: Are you okay? You look a million miles away. You thinking about the trouble that happened at the grand phoenix last night?
Amanda: Wow, that was crazy, right?
Nate: Yeah, if you need to take some time to decompress, we can discuss my case when you're feeling up to it. I'm glad you weren't caught in the middle of it.
Amanda: Well, I -- I would like to think that if I was ever put in that position, I could take care of myself.
Nate: I hope you never have to find that out.
Kyle: Catch me up. Tell me everything.
Summer: Uh, it was good. I met some important people, made some important contacts.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. How'd the filming of the tv show go?
Summer: It was good! It was really fun. Um, I met the cast, I got to see some behind-the-scenes stuff, and that was cool. But -- oh, my god. Talk about slow. All you do is you sit and then you wait and you wait, and then there's some action.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Summer: And then you sit and you wait, and you wait some more. And it was just endless. And I could not wait to get back here and be productive and shake things up, you know?
Kyle: Mm.
Summer: But how about you? What's been keeping you busy?
Kyle: Uh...expecting delivery of some products from our korean skincare line.
Summer: Oh! Really?
Kyle: But they sent some samples while you were away, and they wanted immediate feedback, so I took the bullet and did the five-step skin care regimen myself.
Summer: You know, actually, now that you mention it...
Kyle: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Summer: You really are glowing.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Summer: No, your pores are, like, non-existent. Wow, talk about that skin tone.
Kyle: Ooh.
Summer: [ Gasps ] You should do it again, and I'll film it!
Kyle: Oh, so you can blackmail me.
Summer: No, I think that we need to how-to video on our website.
Kyle: Yeah, never. Mnh-mnh.
Summer: Oh, come on. I think it'd be good for consumers to see how you get behind our products. No, come here. Come here.
Kyle: Whoa. What are you doing?
Summer: I mean, your skin is just so hydrated. I could drink you. Oh, it's so soft!
[ Laughter ]
[ Knocks on door ]
Lola: Surprise.
Kyle: Lola!
Summer: Hi!
Summer: Oh, I was just admiring your husband's skin.
Kyle: Hey.
Lola: Hi.
Kyle: Is that what I think it is?
Lola: Lunch.
Kyle: Oh!
Summer: Smells incredible.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: Just a little something I'm trying out at the restaurant. I didn't know you'd be back already.
Summer: Yeah, actually, i haven't even been home yet, so i should probably get going. I will see you. It was good seeing you, lola.
Lola: Bye.
Summer: Bye.
Kyle: I was just filling summer in on our new skincare lineup. Mmm. Mm-hmm. Mmm. Thank you.
Lola: For lunch?
Kyle: No. For making me feel grounded. For being my perfect match. I'm gonna need that today.
Lola: What's going on?
Billy: You forget about our meeting?
Phyllis: Okay, well, you can't leave before you experience our state-of-the-art spa.
Abby: Complimentary, of course.
Phyllis: Yes, complimentary, of course, and linger over a delicious meal in our restaurant.
Abby: Also complimentary.
Phyllis: Yes. Yeah, and, you know, the situation that happened last night, that would never happen again.
Abby: Mnh-mnh. No, no. We have the best security team around.
Phyllis: The best, the best. So, um, if you just stay another night, we'll comp it!
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: We'll comp another night, and you get to enjoy all our amenities for free.
Abby: What do you say?
Phyllis: They'll do it!
Abby: You'll stay? Yay!
Phyllis: Great. Great. Thank you. And enjoy! Enjoy. That's --
Abby: Oh, gosh, okay, we just need 50 more of those, and we'll be golden.
Phyllis: [ Groans ]
Chance: You ladies make a formidable team.
Phyllis: When we have to, yeah.
Abby: Please tell us that you have some updates, some good news for us to tell our guests.
Chance: I've been meeting with some other agents, de-briefing them on the situation, making sure that we have enough evidence to keep simon black locked up for a long time.
Phyllis: "A long time" is not long enough for human garbage like that.
Chance: I agree. I want to thank you both, again, for how you stepped up and helped protect everyone. Thank you.
Phyllis: Can you tell that to our guests? Because they're fleeing like rats on a sinking ship.
Chance: I'll be releasing an official statement that contains all the facts, that the hotel was locked down during the incident, that it was brief and contained.
Phyllis: Can you put that in capital letters?
Chance: Whatever you need.
Abby: Thank you.
Phyllis: I know you were in the war, and you're in law enforcement, but what you did last night was very impressive.
Chance: I couldn't have pulled it off without both of you.
Phyllis: Well, that's nice to know.
Abby: How do you like your martinis? Shaken or stirred?
Summer: Oh, my god, mom. It is so good to see you. What the heck is going on?
Phyllis: Oh, you know, it's fine. It's fine, don't worry about it.
Chance: In all of the chaos, there's something important i forgot to mention.
Abby: What was that?
Chance: It's really great to see you again.
Theo: You said you were kind of my aunt?
Ashley: Your half-aunt, technically. I'm not gonna bore you with the gory details, but the man I grew up thinking was my father... was not.
Theo: Gotcha.
Ashley: Yeah.
Theo: Dina, man. She must have led a hell of a life.
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Theo: Breaking the rules, going after what she wanted...
Ashley: Runs in the family.
Theo: Still, you know, it must have been hard for you.
Ashley: Mm-hmm. Had a very huge impact on my life. I spent a lot of time feeling like an outsider.
Theo: I've got "outsider" branded on my forehead.
Ashley: It's really kind of strange, isn't it? You and kyle were in each other's orbits in new york long before you knew you had a deeper connection.
Theo: We used to be tight, you know, from the parties we threw, the nights we tore up the town -- I mean, it was the stuff of legends.
Ashley: And now you're family. Well, from what I understand, kyle's not very excited about that.
Theo: Yeah, he always saw me a certain way, put me in a box, and, as soon as I wanted to try something else or be somebody new, all bets were off.
Ashley: Hmm, how did he view you?
Theo: As the edgy guy he could cut loose with, could make stuff happen, you know, not afraid to get my hands dirty, and always up for a good time.
Ashley: Well, I see you as more of a renaissance man. Well, because you were involved in the music industry, you got devon's attention, right? And then you realized the marketing value of influencers long before people even knew what that word meant. I want to hear more about that.
Theo: You know, people think it's just a fad, but it's the beginning of a revolution, you know, giving the power back to the people. You know, consumers want to see products used and experienced by people they believe in, can reach out to, whose lives are exciting and dynamic, you know? It's -- it's changing the entire world.
Jack: I get it, connor comes first, but we need to know how this is gonna affect your campaign.
Nick: I know.
Jack: Talk to chelsea. Find out what her connection with simon black is. Find out everything. Before the press does. You need to know.
Nick: I'm on it.
Jack: Adam.
Adam: Christian's nanny let me in.
Jack: I'll, uh -- I'll leave. We'll talk soon.
Nick: Yeah, let's do that.
Adam: Jack. Did you find connor's blanket?
Nick: If he needs anything else...
Adam: He just needs his parents.
Nick: How's chelsea? I heard her husband has some connection to the guy who held everyone hostage. Did she say anything about that?
Adam: Look, I just -- I need to get back to connor, so if you'll just hand over the blanket.
Nick: Not until you tell me what you know, and, more importantly, what you're gonna do about it.
Adam: Listen, I don't have time for this.
Nick: What did chelsea tell you? How is she connected to simon black?
Adam: Listen, if you want answers, you're gonna have to ask her for yourself, nick.
Nick: I need to know what's going on.
Adam: And I need to get back to my son, who was held hostage. I mean, when are you gonna get that through your head? This isn't about you, nick. Or it's not even about chelsea. It's about getting connor what he needs to recover from this trauma. So just be smart, and give me the blanket. Because you really don't want to fight with me today.
Chance: So you're majority owner of this hotel? You own society.
Abby: An incredible restaurant and night club. Why do you ask?
Chance: I have my reasons. What made you leave the corporate world?
Abby: I just -- I wanted something of my own. I wanted to stretch my wings.
Chance: Change is good for the soul.
Abby: Well, it's good that some things never change. Look at you, still fighting crime, getting the bad guys.
Chance: I had help this time.
Abby: Me?
Chance: And you kept your cool doing it.
Abby: Oh! What do I get? A key to the city? A medal of honor?
Chance: You sure you haven't done that before?
Abby: What, the hysterical blonde act? Oh, yeah, it is my go-to in any and all hostage situations. That, or my cate blanchett impression.
Chance: Oh, intriguing. I'll have to see that sometime.
Abby: Oh, good luck to you. No one has ever seen it and survived.
Chance: A woman of many talents.
Abby: Oh, you have no idea.
[ Giggles ]
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: I noticed you allocated more resources to jabot collective this quarter than originally discussed. You want to explain to me why?
Kyle: Uh, summer's ready to launch her shapewear line she's been working on with fenmore'S. It's been testing off the charts, and, if we move fast, it could catch fire.
Billy: So this was a unilateral decision.
Kyle: You weren't around.
Billy: It's not your call to make, kyle. There could be a dozen companies just waiting --
Kyle: Okay, ours is better.
Billy: What if it isn't? What if the market is inundated with this product before we can get it off the shelves?
Kyle: The market is growing every day, billy.
Billy: You should have come to me first.
Kyle: I had to trust my instincts.
Billy: I don't trust your instincts. Not with something this big of a risk.
Kyle: Every decision involves a certain amount of risk. This was a small and acceptable one, especially compared to the ones you took when you were C.E.O.
Billy: You better watch your step.
Kyle: Okay. How is what I did riskier than you gambling away jaboat, embezzling company funds?
Billy: You better watch where you step, kid!
Jack: Hey! Enough! This is inappropriate and unacceptable!
Theo: It's time to target consumers individually. Make it personal. Find out where they are and anticipate what their needs will be. And -- I'm talking too much again, aren't I?
Ashley: No, you're not. It's fascinating. I mean, clearly, you have an understanding of the current landscape, and a real sense of what's coming around the bend.
Theo: Well, I guess I'm just never satisfied with the "now." I always want what's next.
Ashley: Well, it makes sense to me that kyle reached out to you when he needed a fresh marketing strategy for jabot collective.
Theo: Which he's probably regretting.
Ashley: Maybe on a personal basis, but business-wise, it was a genius move. Which is why I want to make you an offer.
Theo: Wait. This was a job interview?
Ashley: Come work for me. In paris.
Theo: Paris, france? Are you serious?
Ashley: Yes, I'm serious. I know exactly what it's like to feel like you have to live up to the expectations of being a member in this family, and, yet, you still feel like an outsider. And I can't tell you how liberating it is and exhilarating it is to walk away from it all, to do things your own way, and then you come back on your own terms.
Theo: This is way beyond anything I'd ever imagined.
Ashley: So, what do you say?
Theo: I'm flattered, amazed. I -- I honestly don't know how to respond.
Ashley: Okay. Take a little time to think about it, and then get back to me.
Theo: Paris. Wow.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Adam: Oh, there we go.
[ Sighs ]
Abby: Hey!
Nate: Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to drop by, make sure you're doing okay.
Abby: Hey, yeah, I -- I am. Thanks to him.
Chance: Dr. Hastings, it's good to see you.
Nate: Mr. Chancellor.
Chance: Please, just chance.
Nate: Good to see you're doing well.
Abby: That's right, you two know each other because you were the surgeon when chance donated a portion of his liver.
Chance: Yes. So you're living here in gc now?
Nate: I am.
Abby: He's saving lives, one person at a time.
Chance: That's fantastic.
Abby: Uh, well, thank you for stopping by.
Nate: Good seeing you, chance.
Chance: You, too.
Abby: Well, um, I am absolutely ravenous. I can't sleep, I can't eat. I have so much energy. I don't know what it is.
Chance: Don't tell me you're an adrenaline junkie.
Abby: Well, the most excitement I normally get is the dinner rush at society.
Chance: You should probably get out more then.
Abby: I agree. Do you have any ideas? I would love to repay you for all of your hard work, for keeping us safe.
Chance: That's not necessary. Really.
Abby: Well, um, I could put you up for a few nights until you finish your investigation.
Chance: Thank you, but... you know, if you're serious, there is something you can do for me.
Billy: That's all you got? You're gonna throw my addiction in my face in to order to validate your bad decisions?
Jack: Easy...
Kyle: Just because I didn't do it the same way it's been done a million times before, or I didn't consult you so I could avid your condescending attitude....
Billy: You're unbelievable.
Jack: Kyle....
Kyle: ...That doesn't make me wrong!
Billy: You don't have experience!
Kyle: Okay, you want the research, the numbers? Take a look. It's all right here. This is the reason jcv helped make jabot relevant again.
Jack: He's eager, he's enthusiastic.
Billy: [ Scoffs ]
Jack: These are great qualities, and we can't forget who took the helm of the ship when we had to step away. And you -- don't let your ambition get the better of you!
Billy: You don't have enough perspective to make a shift like this and see every point down the line where it could go wrong.
Kyle: Okay. I'm not exactly new here.
Jack: No, you're not, but you still have to earn your seat at the table. Guys, I left you in charge because I trust you! You two are gonna have to figure this out! Together!
Billy: Hit the reset button on this, and we don't have time to argue about it.
Kyle: This is your idea, figuring it out together.
Billy: We don't have time, kyle, because I'll be sitting here, cleaning up your mess.
Adam: [ Sighs ] I get it now. I get it. This is why you were pushing me to take connor out of town.
Chelsea: I thought I could handle it on my own. I didn't want you involved.
Adam: And it was all about dirty money from calvin. And simon black wanted it back.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: And you couldn't trust me enough to tell me the truth.
Chelsea: I couldn'T.
Adam: Because you thought i would use it against you. And who suffered for that? Our son. Our son.
Adam: I knew that you were hiding something. Something was off. I mean, simon, he wanted his money, and when you couldn't produce it, he turned up the pressure. What did he do? Did he threaten you and connor?
Chelsea: I didn't know what to do.
Adam: And you couldn't come to me? Chelsea. Because you were afraid of me.
Adam: No, look, look -- I am sorry.
Chelsea: You're sorry? For what?
Adam: For making you feel that you had to protect yourself from me. Okay, I am not the enemy, chelsea. When it comes to connor, we have to trust each other. And I'm not gonna judge you. I'm not gonna use anything as ammunition against you. There is nothing that means more to me than connor. And he loves us. Both of us.
[ Sighs ] So we have to work together, and we got to give him the best life that we can. Okay? Just promise me that we will do that.
Chelsea: I promise.
Adam: Good.
[ Sighs ] Now, there's something else that you needed to do. Go talk to nick and tell him everything.
Chelsea: Right now? I mean, what about connor?
Adam: Look, with -- with any luck, he will sleep a good long time, but, right now, nick is worried, and he needs answers.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] The campaign. Oh, my god.
Adam: Just fix it. Fix it with the truth.
Chelsea: Okay.
Chance: That martini you offered, that would be a huge help.
Abby: We're almost famous for them.
[ Chuckles ]
Chance: Any chance I could twist your arm to join me?
Abby: Well, I would join you, even without the torture.
Chance: There's just one witness I need to interview while his memory is still fresh. But afterwards?
Abby: You know where to find me.
Chance: I'll see you then.
Abby: All right. [ Chuckles ]
Lola: Who was that?
Abby: Hey! What are you doing here?
Lola: Checking on you, making sure you're all right. But I guess there was no need. Looks like you're in good hands.
Abby: I'm fine. That was chance chancellor. He led the team that ended the hostage situation.
Lola: You two were really hitting it off.
Abby: Oh, no, we know each other from years ago. He was in the military, and now law enforcement.
Lola: You dated?
Abby: No, he never would have given me the time of day.
Lola: Looks like it's a brand-new day.
Abby: Well, he's definitely....
Summer: Oh, my god! Wait, seriously?
Abby: Oh, yay. Summer's back.
Lola: Uh, I ran into her earlier this morning at jabot. She didn't even stop to drop off her suitcase, ran straight to the office.
Abby: And you know this because...?
Lola: I stopped by to surprise kyle, and there she was.
Abby: Oh. That's got to be low-key annoying.
Lola: Kyle's feeling squeezed out at work. It's good that he has somebody who's got his back, right? No big deal.
Summer: Hey! How's it going, mr. Vanderway? Or should I call you mergeron? Or do you prefer abbott?
Ashley: So, guess what? Theo stopped by earlier.
Jack: Oh, I'm sorry I missed that.
Ashley: We had a very interesting conversation.
Jack: Well, I'm delighted to hear that. Every since we found out he's family, all I've heard is kyle's predictions of doom and desperation. And, by the way, I stopped by jabot. He and billy are going at it like it's some kind of cage match. They have professional differences, they're making them personal. It's ridiculous.
Ashley: And you would never consider doing something as asinine as that, right?
Jack: Okay, I guess I deserve that. Why can't kyle learn from my lessons and stop fighting this so hard? There's plenty of work and love for everyone to have some.
Ashley: Jackie, maybe if you had helped people ease into this transition with a little more grace and a lot more time...
Jack: What's done is done. Eventually, everyone will adapt. Eventually. What'd you think of theo?
Ashley: So smart. I mean, hungry and open to everything. I was very impressed.
Jack: A true mergeron.
Ashley: Mm. In fact, I was so impressed, I offered him a job in paris.
Jack: What -- you did what?
Summer: This is a huge deal of major proportions.
Theo: It's not like anything's changed.
Summer: Huh, nothing?
Theo: Same old theo.
Summer: You grew up in a family of blue-collar workers, but you're actually a blue blood.
Theo: Well, it's only been a few days.
Summer: Oh, yeah, during which, I got some very interesting text messages.
Theo: Oh, yeah? Who from?
Summer: Mm-hmm. I'm not sure. Some guy who said that he needed me. Now, my question is -- were those text messages from theo vanderway, or the new guy?
Theo: Just the same old guy who's always liked you, needed you, wanted you, and misses you when you're away.
Summer: Really? How much?
Theo: [ Moaning ]
Jack: We just found out theo's part of this family. He's barely had time to accept that. We're just getting to know him. Why would you offer him a job in paris?
Ashley: Away from prying eyes, obviously, and people who think he's just a disaster in the making, looking for any kind of hidden agenda or motivation, making him regret that he ever found out the truth. I mean, why would he want to leave all that when he can work for me in paris where his talents would be appreciated and respected, and he doesn't have to live under a cloud of suspicion every day of his life?
Nick: Why didn't you say anything?
Chelsea: I couldn'T.
Nick: You couldn't talk to me?
Chelsea: And involve you in my late husband's dirty dealings in the middle of your campaign? No. I -- [ Sighs ] I was just -- I was trying to protect you and your dreams.
Nick: Chelsea. You come first. Always. You and the boys. You are the most important part of my life.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I really thought that I could handle simon by myself. And I didn't want anyone else getting hurt by my stupid, stupid mistakes. I was ashamed.
Nick: I love you, and there isn't anything you could say to me that will ever change that. You and the boys are everything to me. Don't you know that? If anything happened to you last night... what was I supposed to do? How am I supposed to go on?
Chelsea: Well, how is your campaign supposed to go on? Your opponents are gonna use this against you.
Nick: I don't want you to worry about that.
Chelsea: But I do. Because I know what this is gonna cost you.
Adam: Well, I know how busy you must be.
Chance: Compared to yesterday, I'm free as a bird.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Thank you for coming. And thank you for saving connor's life.
Chance: It was a good outcome. But I am really sorry that he was caught in the middle of it.
Adam: So am I. Seems like we keep walking into messes.
Chance: Yeah. It does.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Adam: Hold on. Just give me a minute. I'll get rid of whoever it is, all right? Phyllis.
Phyllis: Crazy night, wasn't it? Oh! Lookie here. I had a sneaking suspicion that I would find you two together.
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