Y&R Transcript Monday 11/11/19
Episode #11742 ~ Victor catches Adam off guard; Cane receives a surprise guest; Chelsea finds herself in danger.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Devon: But when it comes to the bulk of what katherine left me, I'm gonna give it to cane.
Cane: Chance?
Simon: This is your final warning. Do you really want to risk your life, your son's life, over some money?
Chelsea: Hope's farm. Isn't that a great idea? You can finally show connor where you grew up. I mean, it's your roots.
Adam: There is something that you're not telling me.
Adam: Dad, I don't want anything to do with you. Or your family.
Victor: You mean that?
Adam: I do, because they're not my family. They never were.
Nick: I'm nicholas newman, and I'm very proud to announce my candidacy for city council.
Jack: Where's your old man stand on this? Is he supporting your candidacy?
Nick: Haven't really talked to him about it, but my mother's the one who convinced me to run and to do it on my own.
Nick: Yeah, I don't want to get too locked into talking points. I think I'm at my best when I'm just speaking honestly and from the heart, and I think the voters appreciate that. Great, then we're on the same page. Cool, I will see you at the coffee house before the debate. Thanks, jack. Bye. Hey, mom
Nikki: Hello, darling. Mwah! How's our candidate doing?
Nick: Well, I think I just shook a baby's hand and kissed the mother on her head, but, other than that, everything's great.
Nikki: [ Laughs ] Well, my sources tell me that you are really connecting with your voters.
Nick: Well, it's just the dimples.
Nikki: Well, it could be more than that because you are working very hard for those votes, except for one. You haven't even told your father you're running for office.
Victor: Well, I must say, I'm a little surprised to see you here after our last conversation.
Adam: Well, I didn't think you'd mind a visit from your grandson.
Victor: Oh, connor's always welcome here.
Adam: Mm. I don't think I'm ever gonna get him out of your game room to start our road trip.
Victor: Oh? You're going somewhere?
Adam: Yeah, that's actually the other reason I came by. I need a favor.
Victor: Huh. Which is?
Adam: I want to take connor to the farm.
Victor: Oh. Your mother's farm in kansas?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Huh.
Adam: I know you own it now, so I was hoping that you would let us spend a little time there.
Victor: Well, why the sudden interest in that farm?
Adam: I would like to show my son where I grew up. He's never gonna get to meet his grandmother, so I thought taking him there would give him a good sense of, uh, who she was.
Victor: And this is all right with chelsea?
Adam: It was actually her idea.
Victor: Really?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victor: She coming along?
Adam: Well, she has to work, and, um..
[ Chuckles ] Nick's campaign.
Victor: Uh-huh. Well, son, I must say, I'm a little amazed that, after all that has happened in the past few months, that chelsea would allow you to take the boy out-of-state.
Adam: [ Clears throat ]
Abby: [ Sighs ] Oh, hey! Glad that I found you. I need to go over a few things with you.
Chelsea: Sure.
Abby: Um, the part that the plumber needed, it finally came in, so he's gonna be fixing that leak, but I have to interview new staff, so I need you to take care of him. Chelsea?
Chelsea: Sorry, what?
Abby: Are you looking for that handsome hotel guest, mr. Black?
Chelsea: Have you seen him?
Abby: No, I haven't, but why are you so obsessed with him? What's going on with you two?
Chelsea: Oh, I -- I told you, nothing.
Abby: Oky, well, you've been acting really weird since he got here. Is there a problem?
Chelsea: No, there isn't a -- what's nick doing here?
Abby: Having a drink with his mom?
Chelsea: Why here?
Abby: [ Laughs ] I don't know. I'm guessing because his girlfriend and sister are co-owners. Do you have a problem with that?
Cane: Damn it, chance!
Chance: What's the matter, cane? Did I come at a bad time?
Cane: We've been looking for you for months, and you turn up and bust me in the jaw? What are you so pissed off about, anyway?
Chance: I don't know, theft, lies, the biggest scam I've ever seen. Does any of that ring a bell?
Cane: Oh -- [ Scoffs ] Okay, so -- so you think, what? What do you think?
Chance: You screwed devon out of $2.5 billion, because it sure seems that way.
Cane: Okay, okay. No, it doesn'T. What are you talking about?
Chance: So this isn't amanda sinclair's room? The lawyer I supposedly hired to contest katherine's will?
Cane: Wait, what do you mean, "supposedly" hired?
Chance: I've never met the woman. She's a complete stranger to me, but obviously not to you.
Cane: Oh, please. Jill introduced me to her.
Chance: My grandmother's not here, you are, in the hotel room of the woman that made you a billionaire. Explain that to me.
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Cane: The problem is, you don't have all the facts.
Chance: It's hard to gather intel when people refuse to answer your questions.
Cane: Oh, really? Who's not answering your questions?
Chance: My grandmother, for one.
Cane: So you -- you've already spoken to jill?
Chance: Tried, but she wasn't feeling real chatty, which is a dead giveaway she's hiding something.
Cane: Oh, okay, so now you think that she's involved in this?
Chance: I'm asking, straight up. I want to know what the two of you have to do with this scam.
Cane: Nothing.
Chance: Tell me what you know.
Cane: [ Scoffs, laughs ] Okay. Devon gets this letter from this attorney, amanda sinclair, saying that katherine's will is being challenged. Then she comes to town and says that you are the one challenging it, and then she shows us copies of the original pages and says that you gave them to her. Then jill and devon call you, but you don't bother to call them back. That's what happening.
Chance: I've been busy.
Cane: Oh, you've been busy? Okay. Well, so have I. Because I had to go to vegas to try and find you to get some answers, and, instead, I get knocked unconscious, I wake up in a dark room with the original pages of katherine's will on a table that were taken out and replaced with the forgeries that gave devon the bulk of the estate.
Chance: Instead of you.
Cane: There was also a letter from you that said you couldn't see me because you were undercover.
Chance: Let me get this straight. You get knocked out, these new will pages mysteriously show up, and all of a sudden, you're a billionaire. Am I the only one that thinks this sounds sketchy?
Cane: All right, all right, let's just cut the crap here. It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! The pages have been authenticated, they are legit!
Chance: Great, case closed.
Cane: No, it's not closed. Because devon now accepts this to be the truth.
Chance: Well, maybe he'll rethink that when he finds out i had nothing to do with challenging katherine's will.
Cane: Well, let me tell you this. Jill thinks that she might know who did, and now she's gone off to see if her hunch is right.
Chance: Do you want to let me in on the secret?
Cane: She thinks it might colin.
Chance: [ Scoffs ] Your dad, the career criminal. That's rich.
Cane: Yeah, my dad, the career criminal. Yeah, it doesn't matter, okay, who discovered the forgeries. The fact is, the new pages are authentic.
Chance: Tough luck for devon.
Cane: Yeah, that's right, tough luck for devon. It wouldn't have been if you'd shown up sooner.
Chance: Straight up, ashby, if you have something to say, then say it.
Cane: Okay. You could have cleared this up months ago, so why the hell didn't you?
Chelsea: Why would I mind if nick met his mom here?
Abby: I can't help wondering if it's because of mr. Black.
Chelsea: No! No, I just -- I've just been a little stressed lately. I have a lot going on, you know, between the hotel and connor, and now nick's campaign.
Abby: I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?
Chelsea: I'll be fine.
Abby: Are you sure?
Chelsea: Positive.
Abby: All right, let's go say hi to nick, then.
Chelsea: Well, you know what, actually, I forgot that I have a meeting across town with the new linen supplier.
Abby: Well, that's not until later.
Chelsea: Right. But traffic is terrible. Besides, I get to see nick all the time, and it looks like he's in the middle of something with his mom.
Abby: Okay, well, is there a message that you'd like me to pass along to mr. Black, if i see him?
Chelsea: I just wanted to make sure his stay was going well. I'll check in with him later.
Nick: Dad probably knew I was running for city council before I did.
Nikki: Still, it would have been nice if he had heard it from you.
Nick: Mom, I just don't have time to hear a lecture about me putting my time and energy into public service is waste of my talents.
Nikki: That's why you're avoiding him?
Nick: I'm not avoiding him. I'm prioritizing. I'm trying to run a campaign here. I'm sure you remember what that entails.
Nikki: I also remember how important the support of my family was.
Nick: Sure, when they want to give it.
Nikki: So, do you think you can still speak to him? I mean, he is your father.
Nick: Okay, fine. I will talk to him.
Nikki: Thank you.
Nick: I'm just gonna tell him what my plans are. I will not defend my decision, and I'm certainly not gonna beg for his vote.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Adam: Chelsea and I have been able to work through our trust issues.
Victor: So that means you've dropped the idea of running away with your son?
Adam: [ Chuckles ] We both agreed to put our difference aside so we can help connor with his issues.
Victor: That'll be nice.
Adam: Mm. Well, good parents don't let their differences get in the way of doing what's best for their children. But I don't need to tell you that.
Victor: I think going away to the farm would be good for the boy.
Adam: Yeah. I did spend some of the happiest days of my life there.
Connor: Can we go, dad?
Adam: You know, I was just telling your grandpa about our road trip.
Victor: So, you're going to the farm where daddy grew up?
Connor: Yeah.
Victor: Yeah?
Connor: I've never been.
Victor: Oh, it's a beautiful place, peaceful place. I loved it.
Connor: We'll take lots of pictures so you can see what it looks like now.
Victor: Yeah. When you go to the main house, I want you to walk outside and look to the left and see if there's a big old elm tree, all right?
Connor: Do you know where it is, dad?
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I used to climb it when i was your age.
Victor: And, you know, when you look at the elm tree, about 4 feet up the trunk, you'll see my initials. I carved them with my own knife.
Connor: I want to carve my initials next to yours.
Victor: Well... that'd be nice.
Adam: Mnh-mnh.
Victor: You know, I still have the pocket knife with which I carved it. You can use it, with your daddy's help, and then we have my name, initials, your daddy's, and yours.
Connor: Yeah, we can both put our initials on the tree.
Adam: Yeah, we sure can.
Connor: We should carve mom's initials on the tree, too. Hey! Let's ask her to come with us!
Adam: Your mom is busy with her job.
Connor: Can't she take a vacation?
Adam: She just started at the hotel, and I really don't think she's gonna be able to get time off.
Connor: What if I have another nightmare? She was the only one who could make me feel better last time.
Adam: Hey, you know what, if we need to talk to your mom, we can call her. Or we can video chat with her, hmm?
Connor: It's not the same as having her there. Please, dad. It won't be a real trip unless we're all together. Can we at least ask her?
Adam: All right. We can stop by the hotel, all right? But no promises, okay? We'll try.
Victor: And guess what i found. Here's the knife with which i carved my initials into the elm tree.
Connor: Can I see it?
Victor: Yeah. There you go. Don't open it, though. Daddy better open it later on, okay?
Connor: Cool.
Victor: Yeah. Isn't that something? Enjoy your time with your boy, okay?
Adam: I will.
Victor: And don't you forget to take pictures for me, okay?
Connor: I will.
Victor: I want to see them. Okay.
Adam: Well, we better get going.
Victor: All right. Are you going on the trip?
Adam: Yeah, we just have, uh, one stop to make first.
Nikki: I wasn't suggesting that you ask your father for his support or his vote.
Nick: Well, I'm pretty sure he's not going to give me either.
Nikki: Well, you won't know until you speak to him.
Nick: What I do know is that me running for public office does not fit into the grand scheme that dad has for the family.
Nikki: Your father is not opposed to public service.
Nick: Well, he is opposed to me doing anything out on my own.
Nikki: Okay. I know how stubborn he can be, but can't you at least be grateful for the fact that he is still with us?
Nick: Wow, mom. That's a low blow.
Nikki: Did it work?
Nick: Look, I said I will talk to him. I don't know what else you want from me.
Nikki: Okay, okay. Just go easy on him.
Nick: Go easy on him?
Abby: Hey! I wanted to wish you luck with the debate. I wish I could be there, but somebody's got to hold down the fort.
Nick: Oh, no problem. As long as it's not chelsea. Absolutely need her there.
Abby: Nothing could stop her.
Chance: I don't owe you any explanations, ashby -- if that is the name you're using these days.
Cane: That's great, coming from the guy that's been messing with everybody's mind for months. Thanks.
Chance: I haven't done anything.
Cane: No? Well, you went incommunicado, which jut worried your friends and family, didn't it?
Chance: You are neither.
Cane: Well, lucky me. But you know who is? Jill. And it would be nice if you would just give her some answers.
Chance: Right now, my duty is to my job. I can't allow myself to be distracted by this.
Cane: Okay, all right, listen. Whoever hired ms. Sinclair has a legitimate claim to katherine's will because the pages had been altered.
Chance: I have a case to solve. That's why I came back to town.
Cane: Oh, really? So busting in here and hitting me in the mouth, that was just, what, for kicks?
Chance: It sure did feel good.
Cane: Okay. So I'm gonna pretend that was an apology.
Chance: I'll apologize to you if I find out you're clean, but if I don't --
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Cane: What -- what are you doing?
Chance: I'm about to complete my mission.
Chelsea: Yes, mom, I said $5 million. It doesn't matter. I just need you to get it for me.
[ Sighs ] I don't want to say names over the phone, but you know who to ask. Tell him he owes us for that job we did for him. No! No, I can't ask nick. No, and I certainly can't ask adam. Look... I don't have time to explain, okay? I'm on a hard deadline here. Mom, please stop asking questions. I am real danger. And so is connor now.
[ Sighs ] Okay, calm down. Mom, calm down, okay? I convinced adam to take him out of town, but they can't stay out of town forever, and that's why I need this money now. I have to pay this guy off. I know it's not gonna be easy, but I'm counting on you.
[ Sighs ] In the meantime, I'm gonna need you to wire me that $1 million I gave you. Hopefully, it'll buy me some time until you give me the rest of the cash. I don't want to think what's gonna happen if it doesn'T.
[ Sighs ]
Cane: Well, amanda's gonna be back soon, and she'll confirm everything I've told you.
Chance: Shut it, ashby.
Cane: All right, well, look, I know you say that you're not the one who hired her, okay? But what is this -- this case you're working on?
Chance: It's a year-long multi-agency operation that requires my full attention.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Abby: Okay, so "don't vote for me" signs on your opponents' back might be a little too much.
Nick: You think?
Abby: Well, I have a million other ideas.
Nick: That's what scares me.
Abby: Oh, well, I'll call jack, and I will give him my input.
Nick: Yeah, he'll probably like that.
Abby: [ Laughs ] Look, I know that you're not a big fan of my brilliant ideas, but I wish you a lot of luck on your debate.
Nick: Thanks, sis.
Phyllis: Hey! I hear you're facing off against two of gc's finest leaders.
Abby: Well, they're no competition for nick.
Phyllis: Personally, I like the candidate who wants to raise the number of chickens we're allowed in our backyard to, uh, five.
Nick: So four is not enough?
Phyllis: You wouldn't believe the chicken-to-egg ratio. I mean, it's crazy.
Nick: Well, why don't you come by the debate? We'll have an open and spirited discussion on the poultry cap?
Phyllis: Um... yeah, you know, I don't think the public is ready for my brand of honesty.
Abby: Hmm, who is? [ Laughs ]
Nick: What's the matter, you chicken?
Phyllis: [ Gasps ]
Nick: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: A candidate who has a sense of humor. Finally.
Abby: You know what, phyllis, um, I have some questions for you about that very complicated and expensive security system. You had installed.
Phyllis: Well, it does not shock me that you are baffled by our high-tech security system.
Abby: I need to know how to use it. In case I ever need to use it.
[ Laughs ]
Phyllis: Okay. Great, then come to my room, and I'll show you.
Nick: Okay. Seems like this is going great.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: I'm gonna take off.
Phyllis: Okay, good luck.
Nick: Oh! Thanks.
Abby: And now -- now you have lipstick on your cheek. Much better.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] You two play nice.
Simon: Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. Could you tell me how to get to chancellor park?
Nick: Oh, yeah, sure, man. Just go out the entrance, head south for about three blocks. It's on your left-hand side. You can't miss it.
Simon: Cool. I hear it's one of the most beautiful places in genoa city.
Nick: It really is. You, uh, new in town?
Simon: Visiting.
Nick: Okay. Business, pleasure?
Simon: Well, if things work out like I hope, both.
Nick: All right.
Simon: Oh, wait. I recognize you. You're, uh -- you're running for city council, right?
Nick: Yeah, first time in the political arena.
Simon: I hope you have a good woman in your corner.
Nick: You have no idea. She's the best. Hey, enjoy your visit.
Simon: Thank you. Good luck.
Nick: Thanks.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Abby: I read an article in a hospitality trade magazine about a hotel chain based outside of milwaukee. Their servers were hacked, and their entire system was taken over by ransomware.
Phyllis: Mm. It happens.
Abby: It cost them a small fortune in cryptocurrency to regain control of their computers.
Phyllis: Hacking is big business.
Abby: So I've heard.
Phyllis: What do you want to know about our system?
Abby: Well, I want to make sure that this high-priced security software that you had me install is gonna protect against an attack like this.
Phyllis: Our servers are completely secure.
Abby: You're sure?
Phyllis: Yes. I'm sure. Our customers are protected from any sort of attack. There is even a silent alarm behind the check-in desk, just in case it's needed.
Abby: Well, I hope it's not.
Phyllis: I hope it's not, too.
Abby: Still, I would like to see for myself. It's on your laptop, right?
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... relax. The interface is, uh, very complex. It's not user-friendly. I'm gonna have to take you through it.
Abby: Please.
Phyllis: Okay. Abby, all right, so I already, uh, told you how the system works. So I will go over our server protocol. Um.... I'll start with this. So, let's see here. Our finances are protected in a blockchain cryptographically right here. The passwords -- as you can see, they're very, very complex, and if it detects any intruder, the whole system goes into lockdown, and no one can get in.
Abby: You're sure that this software is gonna do its job.
Phyllis: Yes, I am. But we're not here because you wanted a tutorial on our cybersecurity, are we? You just wanted to keep me away from nick.
Abby: Well, you obviously weren't listening the other day when I told you to keep your distance.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, unfortunately, since you don't have a life, you're interested in mine.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Stick around. You can watch me hack into your social security number.
Abby: Cross the line, phyllis. See what happens.
[ Door slams ]
Victor: Glad to see you, son. I understand you have a lot on your plate these days.
Nick: I wanted to come by and see you, see how you're doing.
Victor: Uh-huh. Doing well. Beyond expectations, actually, as the doctor tells me.
Nick: Glad to hear it.
Victor: Yeah. How are things with you?
Nick: Great, uh, new hope is thriving, christian's doing awesome...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nick: He is, uh, starting pee-wee basketball soon.
Victor: Oh, he is? I'd love to come and watch one of the games.
Nick: I will get you the schedule.
Victor: All right.
Nick: I'm assuming you've heard I'm running for public office.
Victor: Yeah. Heard something about that.
Nick: Safe to say, you are, uh, not on board with that?
Victor: Well, let me just put it this way. I generally have nothing against someone, you know, uh, doing something in public service.
Nick: How about for me, specifically?
Victor: Well, you want me to be honest with you, I always hoped that you would aim a little higher than that.
Nick: Does it bother you that I didn't consult you, or that i may, you know, harm the newman family name if I lose?
Victor: Well, you can't harm the newman family name because you've decided not to use that name.
Nick: Well, if I win, i wanted to do it on my own merits, not because, you know, I'm a newman.
Victor: Are you ashamed of being a newman?
Nick: Never. Very proud of who I am. I want you to be proud of me, too. Even if that means, you know, going out on my own from time to time.
Victor: Son, you have always known that I'm very proud of you, okay? And I'm perfectly aware that you have a lot of potential. I just want you to achieve all you are capable of achieving.
Nick: And I get to decide what that is. I know I'm gonna disappoint you from time to time, which I'm okay with. The question is -- are you okay with it?
Phyllis: Hey!
Amanda: Uh, hello.
Phyllis: I heard you were sticking around.
Amanda: Did you?
Phyllis: Yeah. Well, it's no secret that you're representing nate in his medical board hearing. Um... I approve.
Amanda: You approve? You barely know me.
Phyllis: Mm, I can see a fellow barracuda a mile away.
[ Chuckles ] And nate's gonna need one if he wants to keep his license.
Amanda: Yes, well, that's the plan.
Phyllis: Good. If you need a character witness, I'm happy to oblige.
Amanda: I had no idea that you and nate were so close.
Phyllis: My daughter is a newman, and nate saved her grandfather's life, so... I'm grateful.
Amanda: Okay, well, if we need you, I know where to find you. Uh... cane, what's going on? Who's this?
Phyllis: Chance.
Amanda: Chance chancellor?
Chance: You must be my lawyer. Nice to meet you. Now, if you would, please excuse me, I'm working on a case.
Amanda: Uh, excuse me. This is my suite.
Chance: Right now, it's ground zero for a federal sting operation.
Connor: Mom!
Chelsea: Hey, uh, what -- what are you doing here? Hey.
Adam: Uh, we came to see you. Is that a problem?
Chelsea: No, of course not. I -- I just thought that you'd be on the road by now.
Adam: Well, connor wanted to stop by and...
Connor: You have to come with us, mom!
Chelsea: What?
Adam: I told him we'd ask.
Connor: Please.
Chelsea: Oh, sweetheart, um, I wish I could, but I can'T. You need -- you need to go. Now.
Connor: I don't want to leave without you.
Adam: Connor. Look, why don't -- why don't you go sit over there, okay? And I'm gonna talk to your mom for a second, all right?
Connor: [ Sighs ] Okay.
Adam: What's going on?
Chelsea: I don't know what you're talking about.
Adam: Yes, you do. Just tell me. What is going on, chelsea? Who is that guy?
Simon: Excuse me. Excuse me. Do you mind if I borrow ms. Lawson for a moment?
Adam: Yes. I do mind.
Victor: Now, son, I know that we don't always see eye to eye,
Nick: We've our share of disagreements in the past. I'm sure there's gonna be plenty more. I just want to make sure that, uh, this doesn't affect our relationship going forward.
Victor: Well, you know, I'm not about to change, right? I always tell you the truth.
Nick: With all the lies in our family, I'd be a real hypocrite if I complained about you telling the truth.
Victor: Even if it's something you don't want to hear?
Nick: I can deal with that. Just as long as you understand I'm not always gonna take your advice.
Victor: Understood.
Nick: Then we're good.
Victor: Oh, well, I'm glad we cleared the air.
Nick: Me, too. I should get going.
Victor: All right.
Nick: I'm supposed to meet jack before the debates.
Victor: Mm, now, wait a minute here. You don't even know who I'm gonna vote for.
Nick: That is between you and the ballot box.
Victor: Oh, yeah? I want you to know that I'm not gonna give a penny to your competition.
Nick: I'll consider that a victory.
Victor: All right. By the way, um... have you seen connor lately?
Nick: No, why?
Victor: Did you know that adam was gonna take him to the farm in kansas?
Nick: No, I wonder if chelsea knows that.
Victor: Uh, apparently it was her idea.
Amanda: So if you didn't hire me, who did?
Chance: I don't know. And, right now, I don't care.
Phyllis: Why are the feds using my hotel as ground zero? Please, tell me. I'm part owner of this hotel. I'm head of security.
Chance: The suspect just entered the premises a few minutes ago.
Phyllis: So, my -- my guests are in danger. I need to let them know.
Chance: The last thing that you need to do is to send everyone into a panic. The target is under surveillance. We won't make our move until he leaves the hotel.
Phyllis: How do you know he won't get away?
Chance: You do realize I do this for a living?
Simon: Oh, I'm sorry, i should have said it's hotel business I need to discuss with ms. Lawson. I think it would be best for everyone if we went somewhere to settle this matter.
Adam: Okay, well, whatever it is you need to speak with chelsea about, it can wait. We're in the middle of something. Look, all right, enough stalling, chelsea. Tell me, what is going on with you and that guy.
Chelsea: Nothing. He's just a guest.
Adam: I can see how scared you are. Does this have something to do why you want me and connor to go out of town?
Chelsea: Just go, okay?
Adam: Tell me, are you in danger? Is connor in danger?
Simon: Chelsea. I'm afraid I've run out of patience, and you've run out of time.
Adam: Look, buddy, chelsea might be afraid of you, but I'm not. So why don't you tell me who you are and what you want.
Simon: I see your little boy over there. I didn't realize he was such a handsome kid. You must love him a lot.
Chelsea: Yes, I do.
Simon: Then let's go talk, shall we?
Adam: You get the hell away from her!
Simon: Hey!
Adam: You get the hell away from her. And, you know what, whatever this has to do with, you keep my son the hell out of it.
Simon: Okay. You and those legit agents out there have given me no choice.
Adam: All right, all right. Let's take it easy.
Simon: I want everybody out of this hotel, everybody but you, chelsea, and her little boy.
Adam: You're gonna have to shoot me before I leave this hotel without my family.
Simon: You want to be a hero? Okay, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Nikki: Oh, you did come by. I'm so glad. I'm sure you were happy to see nicholas.
Victor: He and I had a very productive meeting.
Nick: We both got some things off our chest.
Victor: Right.
Nikki: Can you stay, have tea with us?
Nick: Sorry, I can'T. There is something I need to take care of before the debate.
Nikki: We'll be watching.
Nick: Thanks, dad.
Victor: Good luck, my boy.
Nick: Bye.
Nikki: All right, bye, sweetheart. Looks like you two had a good talk.
Victor: Yeah. We were honest with one another.
Nikki: Well, he was worried that you would disapprove about his decision to run for city council.
Victor: Running for office is not what I had in mind for my son's career, but... having said that, I hope he kick the opponents' butt.
Nick: Hey, chels, it's me. I'm headed to the debate. I'll see you there. If we have some time before it starts, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.
Amanda: Can we please talk about katherine chancellor's will now?
Chance: It's got nothing to do with me.
Amanda: Aren't you even a little bit curious why someone was impersonating you?
Chance: Right now, I've got more important things to worry about. But a word of advice -- how about, next time, you do your due diligence, counselor?
Phyllis: Oh! Ouch!
Phyllis: Hey. Did you catch your man?
Chance: Not yet.
Phyllis: Okay. I can help you.
Chance: It's above your pay grade.
Phyllis: Okay, listen, james bond, I'm head of security here. I have access to the schematics in the building. Also a bird's-eye-view into --
Chance: Thank you, but I've got this.
Phyllis: Wow, you're arrogant.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Most people find me charming.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Damn it. Where's your surveillance equipment?
Phyllis: In my room.
Chance: Lead the way.
Abby: I'm sorry, everyone's gonna have to just step out for just a few minutes. Um, the top of the tower and crimson lights are in walking distance, so please go have a drink on us. It'll just be a few minutes. Tell them to bill the grand phoenix.
Simon: Lock it.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Simon: Move away from the door. Get away from the door!
Adam: Look, simon, right? Another minute of this, you're gonna be in big trouble. So you should really think about what you're doing.
Simon: Oh, I have. Very carefully. I came to genoa city to collect something that belongs to me. Now, I plan on doing that, getting out of here, and bypassing going to jail.
Chelsea: Simon, please --
Simon: Chelsea, stop! You brought it on yourself! If you'd have just done what i asked, we would not be in this... unfortunate situation. Now we just got to figure out a way to resolve this.
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