Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/7/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/7/19


Episode #11740 ~ Nikki and Jack combine forces; Theo investigates the Abbotts; Billy plays with fire.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: It was hard for me watching you go through that psychological battle with yourself. I thought I was gonna lose you again.

Billy: Hey. I almost thought I was gonna lose myself, okay? But I didn't, because of you.

Kyle: Dina had another baby?

Traci: Adopted by the vanderways, and they named him eric.

Kyle: E.V.

Theo: That's my dad. Eric vanderway. I thought I knew who I was. Now? I'm not so sure. It's nice to meet you, dina.

Dina: Did you say "vanderway?"

Theo: We would have made some team.

Kyle: Wouldn't you love that?

Nikki: Thank you.

Jack: Well, there is a sight for sore eyes. Hi, nikki.

Nikki: Well, hello! What brings you by here at the crack of dawn?

Jack: Oh, I'm early for a breakfast meeting. What about you? Working on nicholas' campaign there?

Nikki: Ah, well, I've given him a little bit of advice, but he wants to do this without family interference. I assume that's why he brought you into consult?

Jack: Whatever his reason, I'm happy to oblige. And, between the two of us, we bring a wealth of knowledge to the table.

Nikki: Indeed, we do.

Jack: Two completely different perspectives. The, uh, winning candidate, the losing candidate.

Nikki: [ Groaning ] Oh! I figured it was only a matter of time before you brought up our senate race.

Jack: [ Chuckles ]

Nikki: No, I don't think nicholas should run his campaign the way either of us did.

Jack: Eh, too many dirty tricks.

Nikki: And, as I recall, didn't you resign in disgrace?

Jack: Oh, why did I bring this up at all?

Nikki: [ Giggles ] Well, we learned a lot. We're different people now.

Jack: [ Chuckles ]

Nikki: Would you like to join me while you're waiting for your meeting?

Jack: Uh...sure, thanks.

Nikki: Nicholas is so pleased that you support him. I mean, clearly, he is made for public office, and, uh, I do think he's right to distance himself from the family name.

Jack: Yeah, it's probably good advice, given that victor's rise from the dead is still fresh in everyone's mind...

Nikki: Oh, my god. Jack, I am so, so sorry about that.

Jack: Yes, you put on quite a performance yourself.

Nikki: I understand it was important that we deceived people, but I also understand you must be so angry with me.

Jack: Angry, no. Stung, maybe. Truth be told, when I found out victor was still alive and kicking, I did have a certain odd sense of relief.

Nikki: Really? Well, then I will remind you of that the next time you're furious with him.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] I am sorry for what this whole episode, uh, revealed about adam. I'm sorry for what it put all of you through.

Nikki: It put a terrible strain on the family. And I did hate lying to you and to summer. I mean, even victoria believed that her father was dead for a while because we couldn't get ahold of her, and she had just brought billy back, and I know that was a difficult time for them.

Jack: Yeah, from what I hear, it was.

Nikki: So, how is he doing?

Jack: Much better. He seems to be doing a lot better. In fact, the whole family's doing very well.

Nikki: Jack, you can tell me the truth.

Jack: I'm sorry?

Nikki: If you want to talk about it... I know.

Billy: And please hold all the boss's calls. We have, uh, urgent business to discuss.

Victoria: [ Laughs ] Really? What business?

Billy: Yes. Mergers, acquisitions, but mostly just mergers.

Victoria: [ Giggles ]

Jack: When you say you know, I'm not sure what you mean.

Nikki: Theo vanderway, your newly discovered family member?

Jack: Yeah, that's true. H-how do you know about that?

Nikki: Well, victor still has ears and eyes around town.

Jack: That man has too much time on his hands in his retirement. He needs a hobby.

Nikki: Well, I can understand why he would be interested in this. I mean, anything having to do with theo has to do with his granddaughter, and you know how close victor is with summer.

Jack: I understand your curiosity, I'm just not sure i want to discuss this. We're trying to keep everything to ourselves for right now, for reasons I'm sure you understand.

Nikki: I am not pressing you for details. I'm just saying, if you want to talk about it, I can be very discreet.

Jack: Thank you. It would be nice to confide in somebody who isn't family.

Nikki: Well, I'm always here for you.

Jack: All this news is toughest on kyle. He and theo knew each other in new york, and he'd gone there at a very dark place, trying to get over his breakup with summer and wanting to put it all behind him, and... not always in the healthiest of ways.

Nikki: I get the gist.

Jack: Theo was kyle's sidekick and partner in crime. Then kyle came back to genoa city and met lola and wanted to put all of that behind him. And I think theo feels left behind. Of course, now they're family, and I'm left mediating, walking a very fine line, trying to respect my son's feelings, and, at the same time, trying to honor the fact that theo is a link to our family's past, a part of our family history that... was buried, lost forever, until we made this discovery.

Nikki: I can see how important this is to you, and you want to dig into it. But have you thought about what theo wants?

Theo: You've seen my client list, right? Good. The point is, I think you'd fit right in. You're fresh, unique, ready to break out. All you have to do is be you, and I'll worry about the rest. No, I know you've been doing great on your own. What -- so why do you need me? Well, good question.

Kyle: Whoa. You're already leaving? This was for you.

Lola: Thank you.

Kyle: I was hoping I could have a few minutes to prove I'm not actually as big of a jerk as I was last night.

Lola: You don't have to prove anything to me. I know who you are, and I know that this isn't easy for you.

Kyle: So... we're good?

Lola: Yes, of course. I'm sorry I left the party like that last night.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] So how about a little breakfast in bed?

Lola: I still need to get to society, but if you're feeling apologetic, maybe you should give that flower to theo.

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Billy: Mmm.

Victoria: Mmm. I have to work.

Billy: Oh, you just let me do all the work.

Victoria: No, but -- I know. I, um -- it's not that I don't want to, but... I am the boss now.

Billy: Oh, yes, I know. You are the boss lady, aren't you?

Victoria: And I have to set a good example.

Billy: Okay. You just tell me how you want it. You can lead the way.

Victoria: What if somebody comes in that door?

Billy: If you're trying to pour cold water on this, it's not working. It's having the opposite effect for me.

Victoria: [ Giggles ] Okay.

[ Sighs ] I love you.

Billy: [ Sighs ] And I need you to remind me that my wife is amazing and that my life is wonderful and to help me forget that the world is unjust and unfair.

Victoria: Oh, no. Why? Billy, what's going on?

Billy: I talked to my mother, and she informed me that katherine chancellor's will is fraudulent, and that all of devon's money...

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: ...Is cane'S.

Victoria: What?

Billy: And devon decided to honor his grandmother's wishes and give cane billions of dollars.

Victoria: Just like that?

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: After all these years.

Billy: Exactly, because devon's a decent guy, and cane isn'T.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. Well, I mean... if he is -- is the legitimate heir, I mean... you can't really blame him.

Billy: Yeah, I can blame him. Look at devon's year. He lost his wife, he lost his father, and now he's gonna lose his money? Cane should just, you know, refuse it.

Victoria: It's a very complicated situation...

Billy: Well...

Victoria: ...And I don't know why you're getting so worked up about it.

Billy: Because it's cane, and I'm sure he's conning devon somehow.

Victoria: Do you have evidence of that?

Billy: No, but, you know, it's cane, like I said.

Victoria: Well, devon is smart, and I'm sure he made sure everything checked out before he gave up his entire inheritance.

Billy: Well, you know, it's cane, so he doesn't deserve it.

Victoria: But that's not for you to decide, and getting angry about it doesn't change anything, billy.

Billy: Yeah, I know, but that's why I came to see you, to try and funnel some of the energy into a, you know, positive place.

Victoria: So you didn't just come here for romantic reasons...

Billy: Well...

Victoria: I'm your distraction.

Billy: You get me talking, and I get to look into this beautiful eyes of yours, and i feel better, and my blood pressure's lowered about 10 points, so good job.

Victoria: Oh, good.

Billy: Yeah, so how about we try and raise it back up again, yeah?

Victoria: [ Giggles ]

Billy: Can we do that?

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Mm. 7, 8... 9...

Jack: I don't really know how theo feels. This has been a lot for us all to process, the fact that he's a member of our family.

Nikki: How did he find out?

Jack: Well, traci and I made the discovery. We were doing research for a book we're writing about the abbott family, and we spoke to dina, who, unfortunately, is having fewer and fewer moments of lucidity. Anyway, she suddenly blurted out the name "stuart brooks." Yes. That stuart brooks. And she said it in such a way that it brought up all kinds of questions. Eventually, we were dealing with the revelation that she and stuart had a baby that dina gave up for adoption.

Nikki: [ Gasps ] What? Oh, my god, what a bombshell! That is -- I assume you had a dna test.

Jack: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And to theo's credit, the first thing he asked for when he found he was an abbott was a chance to meet dina.

Nikki: Whoa. Well, that's awful sweet. How did that go?

Jack: I informed him about her illness, tried to temper his expectations, but the moment he said the name "vanderway," it was like a light went on in her mind.

Nikki: So she acknowledged that she had a child, that theo was her grandson?

Jack: Not exactly. She mistook him for theo's father, eric. Anyway, it was powerful, it was intense, and I think it had quite an impact on theo.

Nikki: Wow, and for dina, too. I mean... deep down, even if she didn't articulate it... keeping a secret for that long, I mean, that must be excruciating.

Jack: Yeah, you're probably right. She told no one. Still one more reason for her to feel alone.

Nikki: And I'm sure she wondered if her child had been cared for or loved. I mean, that's how I felt when i gave up dylan. Being separated from your child creates an ache that never goes away.

Jack: My mother had more pain in her life than I ever realized when I was young.

Nikki: I suppose we all do, if we make it as far as we have.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] Life is just full of surprises, isn't it?

Nikki: Mm.

Jack: Well, the good news is, theo was raised by two loving parents. He doesn't feel like he missed anything.

Nikki: Well, that's what he says now. You never know, down the road, he could see things in a more complicated way.

Jack: Yeah, you're probably right about that.

Nikki: He has a long journey ahead.

Jack: It's just so much information for him to process in such a short period of time... you're probably right, it's gonna be a bumpier road than i thought.

Nikki: The good news is, he's gonna have you right by his side.

Theo: You've gotten too successful to keep doing it alone, and that's a good thing. Now, picking the right agency for where you are in your career is key. Now, you go with one that's too big, you risk falling through the cracks. You go with one that's too small, and they won't get you to the next level. You know, it's kind of like goldilocks and the three bears, and my agency is "just right." Hmm? I -- yeah, no problem. Give the bigger place a try. But, hey, if they don't give you the attention you deserve, circle back to me, and hopefully I still have a spot for you on my roster. Okay.

Theo: I know, dad, nothing comes easy.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey, jack.

Jack: Hey! I was wondering if you had a few minutes later today.

Theo: Um, I'm pretty booked, but, uh, let me check my schedule. Yeah. Yeah, I think I can make that work.

Jack: Great. Meet me at society. Text me when you're on your way.

Theo: Okay, uh, will do.

Victoria: [ Giggles ]

Billy: Mmm.

Victoria: Okay, listen, we really have to stop because i have a meeting that I have to prepare for in 10 minutes.

Billy: No, no, come on. You can push it.

Victoria: No, but, after that, I'm meeting my mother, and...

Billy: Oh, really? Bringing up the mother. Well-played. Cold water thrown.

Victoria: I'm sorry.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I'll make it up to you, tonight, I promise.

Billy: Mm-hmm. What if I'm not into it tonight?

Victoria: Oh, you'll be into it tonight, I'm gonna make sure.

Billy: Okay. I will keep the fire stoked just thinking about that all day.

[ Sighs deeply ] What could have been.

Victoria: [ Laughs ]

Billy: And you -- you lucked out this time, old man.

Kyle: Theo's a reminder of a time I want to forget. It wasn't until I met you that i realized who I'd become, and i didn't like the guy I saw in the mirror.

Lola: I know. But I also think you're being very hard on yourself. You know, even though i acted tough in the beginning, I knew that I loved you since the moment we met.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You know, once we got together, I started feeling good about the direction my life was going, about the future, about myself.

Lola: And then theo showed up.

Kyle: With a definite agenda. He wanted one thing -- to drag me back to that time, to being that guy, to drive a wedge between you and me.

Lola: He doesn't have the power to do that.

Kyle: He managed to plant some doubts in your mind. We both know that's true.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: Lola, theo being a part of our family changes everything, but I don't know if it will change him.

Lola: It might.

Kyle: If there's another side to him that wants to be a better person.

Lola: You know, I'm not saying there is, I just hope you can keep an open mind.

Kyle: If it were anyone else, I'd be excited that my dad and traci found dina's grandson, to have another cousin to love and support and vice versa, but theo tried to hurt me. And us. So... I'm hoping you're right, that we can turn some kind of corner, but I'm not gonna take it on faith. I can'T.

Lola: I understand.

Kyle: Mm.

Jack: Hey! Your timing is perfect. I just finished my meeting.

Theo: And you caught me between mine.

Jack: Well, thank you for squeezing me in. Have a seat.

Theo: You know, I was kind of surprised by your call, given how we left things last night.

Jack: I know we said we were gonna play it by ear, and I hope you don't feel pressured.

Theo: Oh, not at all. I appreciate you going to the trouble of gathering the family to meet me.

Jack: While the evening didn't go exactly as planned, it wasn't that bad.

Theo: Except for the "kylephant" in the room.

Jack: You know what, the abbotts are like every other family -- we bicker, we fight, we say things to each other that no one wants to hear. But we show up because we are bound in a way that can't be broken. Yes, we fight with each other, but we fight for each other, to the end.

Theo: You're saying you're protective of your family.

Jack: Absolutely.

Theo: And you're worried I'm a threat to it.

Nikki: The real estate division increased its revenue 10% this month.

Victoria: Oh, good.

Nikki: I sent you the numbers.

Victoria: Great.

Nikki: But we are having a little problem with our property in chicago. It's gonna need your attention.

Victoria: Okay.

Nikki: Because it fell into lake michigan.

Victoria: What?

Nikki: What is wrong?

Victoria: I-I'm sorry, I'm -- I'm just a little distracted.

Nikki: By...?

Victoria: Um... billy stopped by earlier, and he's fine. He's great, really. He's been very sweet and attentive lately.

Nikki: But...?

Victoria: But nothing. I mean, not really.

Nikki: Darling, what is the problem?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I already said there's -- there's no problem.

Nikki: Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise to keep it just between us.

Victoria: Billy was upset because he just found out that there's an issue with katherine's -- with her will. It turns out that the majority of her estate was supposed to go to cane and not devon.

Nikki: What? I mean, how can that be?

Victoria: I don't know the details.

Nikki: Well, katherine and cane were close, but, my god, devon was her grandson. This makes no sense.

Victoria: And billy felt the same way, but he wasn't just confused.

[ Sighs ] He was angry.

Nikki: Well, the two of them were never close, so that's understandable.

Victoria: Maybe, but it's like hearing the news triggered this pent-up frustration. I know, I know, I'm probably just being paranoid. I mean, I have no reason to believe that anything's wrong.

Nikki: I'm not so sure about that.

Billy: You're here bright and early.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I like it.

Kyle: Right.

Billy: Yeah, no, it's good. I -- I appreciate, you know, the work ethic.

Kyle: Look, wherever you're going with this, get to the point. I didn't dot an "I" or cross a "t," or my tie is the wrong color.

Billy: I'm not busting your chops, okay? I know you're going through this thing with theo, and I just want to say that you have my sympathies.

Kyle: Really?

Billy: Yeah. I'm as suspicious of theo as you are, okay? I don't know what his M.O. Is, but I don't have a good feeling about it.

Kyle: I'm hoping he doesn't have one, and him being a part of the family is just something I'll have to get used to.

Billy: [ Exhales sharply ] Do you think maybe he targeted you years ago?

Kyle: What?

Billy: You know, back in new york, when you guys were doing your thing, and he attached to you because you're an abbott?

Kyle: I don't know. I mean, we kind of fell into the same circles.

Billy: Yeah, but he does come from more of a working-class background.

Kyle: Yeah, but he made his own way.

Billy: And then, years later, suddenly and coincidentally, he is part of a very wealthy family. I guess dreams do come true.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I don't know if even could have planned that. I mean, my dad and traci were the ones that discovered the truth. He never would have known he was dina's grandson if it weren't for them.

Billy: Yeah, well, I guess I'm more skeptical than others. But I think you're right to keep your guard up.

Jack: Wow, you -- you misunderstood what I said. I didn't ask you hear to issue a warning.

Theo: We both know that kyle has an issue.

Jack: No, that's my whole point. Whatever problems you two have, it's not a deal-breaker, it's something we all have to work through. I want you to be as much a part of this family as you want to be. This is your family.

Theo: I appreciate that, but... like I said last night, I already have a family. My parents are the ones who loved and raised me.

Jack: And no one wants to take that from you. We're all happy you have that, but... I'm talking about filling in some of the blanks. Look... for all of us! The abbotts and the brooks missed out on knowing your father. I don't want to miss out on knowing you. Think about it, we could have gone an entire lifetime without knowing about this connection. I don't want to waste that opportunity.

Theo: I hear you, okay? But, for me, it -- it still doesn't seem real.

Jack: I understand that. Maybe I can help you make it more real, and not to replace your parents or anything like that. Just to familiarize you with the family you've just discovered.

Theo: Okay. Yeah, I'm open to that.

Jack: Okay, cool. So, um... why don't I start by telling you about your grandfather?

Theo: Sure.

Jack: Stuart brooks was a big man in this town. He was a journalist and a publisher of the

genoa city chronicle for, wow, for decades. Very well-liked. Much admired. Real straight arrow.

Theo: Wow. This apple fell pretty far from the tree.

Jack: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: From the stories I've heard, I feel like I'm a bit more like dina. Maybe you can tell me more about her.

Jack: Oh, I could tell you stories about dina for days, if you only had the time.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] I can make the time.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: Dina was an amazing woman for her time. She rebelled against what was expected of a woman back then.

Theo: Being a housewife?

Jack: That was part of it. She loved ashley, she loved traci, she loved me, we knew that. But she had a mind that needed to be challenged. She wanted a bigger life, a more glamorous life.

Theo: Well, now that I can understand.

Jack: Yeah, I do, too. Now. When I was younger, it was a bit harder because she wasn't there a lot of the time that I thought she should be. She was restless. She needed to scratch that itch, and, eventually, she left us. Left the country. It was a pretty tough time for all of us. But, after that, she accomplished so much. She was the head of an international conglomerate in a world where men ruled everything, and she made it a quite success.

Theo: That's impressive.

Jack: Oh, it is impressive. There's nothing predictable, nothing typical about her.

Theo: Well, I hope i inherited some of her entrepreneurial spirit.

Jack: Yeah, it seems to me, you did. Oh, you'd have gotten a kick out of her in her prime.

Theo: I can picture me and gram knocking back whiskey and smoking cigars.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] In her good old days, she would drink you under the table! Listen, uh, traci and I compiled a file for you of, uh, some of your grandfather's family. In here is contact information about your aunts. Let's see -- leslie, laurie, chris, and peggy. All their stuff is in there, and they'd probably love to hear from you, be happy to answer any questions.

Theo: Thanks.

Jack: Also in there are some articles written by stuart and some pieces from business journals about dina at mergeron.

Theo: Interesting reading, for sure.

Jack: I also included the adoption papers for your father. They're yours now, to do with whatever you will.

Theo: Thank you for this.

Jack: I know it's a lot. But my door is always open. When you're ready.

Kyle: You and my dad have two very different perspectives on theo.

Billy: Well, I would say your dad is a little too forgiving sometimes. He sees the past through rose-colored glasses. Me, I see it for what it actually is.

Kyle: Mm, what do you mean?

Billy: [ Sighs ] Okay. A few years ago, uh, I dealt with something like this, except it wasn't a random cousin, it was a random brother. Except the whole thing was a con. Cane lied his ass off, and, yet, the chancellor family welcomed him in with open arms...

Kyle: Ow. Gotcha.

Billy: Yeah. Now he's doing it again. He targeted katherine's will, screwing devon out of $2.5 billion. My mom seems to think it was legit. I don't think so. People say lightning can't strike twice. Well, there you go. Once again, cane is king of the world.

Kyle: Uh-huh.

Billy: But back to theo because it looks like he is actually part of the family, unlike cane. It doesn't mean he's innocent.

Kyle: You may be right, but I'm less worried about theo because we know exactly who he is.

Lola: You look deep in thought.

Theo: [ Sighs ] Yeah.

Lola: How are you doing?

Theo: Jack gave me my homework -- the history of my grandparents.

Lola: That's cool of him. And also very jack. You know, he flew to miami to get my mom to come to my wedding. He's a family man through and through.

Theo: Well, I wish he'd passed along some of those warm family feelings to kyle. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm not trying to open that door.

Lola: No, it's okay. I know it's a lot to absorb.

Theo: Yeah, I'm taking it in bit by bit. But kyle's not making it easy.

Lola: I know.

Theo: And I'm not sure his anger is just about the family thing.

Lola: Well, what else would it be about?

Theo: Well, I mean, clearly, he has a problem with me being around you. He think it's just another way I'm trying to mess with him.

Lola: Is it?

Theo: No. And I hope you don't think that.

Lola: I'm capable of making my own decisions about people.

Lola: Kyle is not proud of the way he behaved last night. He knows that he overreacted, and he should have handled things a lot better.

Theo: Well, I don't even blame him. You know, if I were in his shoes, I might have reacted the same way.

Lola: This is a lot for him to take in, too.

Theo: Well, I get the feeling he thinks I'm not good enough, you know, for him or his family.

Lola: No, I don't think that's it.

Theo: He's always seen me a certain way. You know, like I'm not exactly on his level because I didn't come from money.

Lola: Neither did I, and he married me. Kyle's not like that. I think you're just a little paranoid.

Theo: No, it's there. I can feel it. Again, I'm -- I'm not judging him for it, but... it's a fact. We came from two totally different backgrounds, and we see things differently.

Lola: That's not always a bad thing.

Theo: But he could never fully understand where I was coming from. You know, I couldn't fall back on my family financially when i was starting out. It was all me. So every decision counted, you know? The good ones could propel me forward, and the bad ones could set me back. And when you're doing it entirely on your own...

Lola: The stakes are higher and it means much more.

Theo: Nothing feels better than success, and nothing feels worse than failure.

Lola: [ Sighs ] Okay. Don't tell kyle that I told you this, but when we first started dating and I was running my food truck, he couldn't understand why I was so obsessed with my work.

Theo: Because everything was riding on your shoulders, and you had to hustle for everything you got.

Lola: Yes, I was dealing with vendors and customers, competitors, and the city. Everything needed tending to, and I never slept.

Theo: But you did it on your own. You built a business and a reputation, and look where you are now with the restaurant. You should be proud.

Lola: Thank you.

Theo: My father would have been impressed by you. And so am I.

Kyle: I admit, I was knocked to my heels when I first heard about theo being my cousin, especially because it came at a time when I was trying to cut ties with him. Our lives are moving in a different direction, and i wasn't into partying and being an ass anymore.

Billy: Ah, yes, I know that feeling -- the regret sundae sprinkled with a little bit of shame and embarrassment.

Kyle: Exactly.

Billy: Takes me back to my gambling days.

Kyle: Unlike gambling, I can't quit theo.

Billy: Well, you can keep your distance from him. Best way to make sure that he doesn't take a central role in the family is get through to your daddio.

Kyle: I've made my reservations very clear to daddio. But he's being naive.

Billy: Jack. He's open arms, big heart when it comes to family. That's the way he's gonna be. But some people take advantage of that. Like cane. Just make sure theo doesn't get that far.

Nikki: Well, given your history with J.T., It's natural for you to wonder if billy has anger issues.

Victoria: Billy is not like J.T. He would never hurt me.

Nikki: Well, no, not deliberately, but he has caused a lot of pain over the years. You're the one who does all of the emotional lifting there, so you probably feel it's your responsibility to solve his problems.

Victoria: It's not one-sided. He was my rock during dad's illness.

Nikki: But, darling, if your gut is telling you something is wrong, you can't ignore that.

Victoria: I don't want to think the worst, but billy has -- he's had a few struggles.

Nikki: Well, whatever they are, you -- you can tell me. I'll keep it just between us.

Victoria: It all started when adam came back to town.

Nikki: Yes, I know that brought back a lot of painful memories for billy.

Victoria: It's worse than most people knew.

Nikki: Honey, I may know more than you think. Your father told me that billy was driving the car that nearly hit adam.

Victoria: Oh.

Nikki: I didn't want to bring it up with you until I knew that you were comfortable talking about it.

Victoria: And that was billy's lowest moment.

Nikki: Well, I don't believe that billy truly wanted to kill adam.

Victoria: I don't know about that. I mean... he was battling bitterness and anger for weeks. It was torturing him. He couldn't sleep. He started hearing delia's voice. He was an emotional wreck. And then, finally, he had a total break from reality.

Nikki: What? What do you mean?

Victoria: Mom, I don't know, it was like he was two different people -- the man that I love, the caring father, and this... completely unrecognizable person, devoid of emotion, capable of...

Nikki: Of what? Are you worried it's not over?

Theo: I commend you for being able to hold on to your identity now that you're married to kyle.

Lola: Well, it does help when you're in love.

Theo: Maybe that's why I feel like an outsider. The abbotts either see me as a guy trying to cash in or some kind of charity case.

Lola: Well, I don't know who you're talking about, but you can't control what people think. You can only be yourself and show them who you really are.

Theo: So young and yet so wise.

Lola: Okay, hotshot. My mistake, trying to help you out.

Theo: Hey. Thank you.

Kyle: You really think cane is bilking devon out of his money?

Billy: I don't know 100%, but I do know cane's capable of it, and I don't trust him, just like I don't trust theo. He'll work his way into the family, gain everyone's trust, and then he'll rob us blind.

Kyle: He's definitely a shark when it comes to business, but I'm not so sure how far he'll go when it comes to family.

Billy: Look, there's nothing we can do about him being related by blood. That's a fact. But we can control how we react.

Kyle: I'm on top of it. And I'll stay on top it. Who knows, maybe theo will have an epiphany and not try to take advantage of the situation.

Billy: Huh.

Kyle: Or he'll try to scam us and shoot himself in the foot. Remains to be seen. But... I don't think he's as dangerous as you do. I see him more as A... nuisance that can be handled.

Billy: I think that's a mistake, kyle. Mark my words. He's a threat.

Victoria: You know what, I think maybe I'm overreacting. Billy has gotten control of his feelings, and he's reclaimed his life.

Nikki: Well, if he is in denial, it doesn't help that you're in denial, too.

Victoria: I'm not. Look, he's going to therapy, he's working on his issues. He doesn't want to stew in this anger, and he's taking steps to make sure that he doesn't slip up again.

Nikki: So then why do you still have concerns?

Victoria: I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm still working through my feelings about J.T.

Nikki: I'm not sure you should shrug off your concerns about billy.

Victoria: I shouldn't have brought it up. Billy and I are doing well, and he's in a good place. Forget I said anything.

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