Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/6/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/6/19


Episode #13739 ~ Phyllis connects the dots; Rey steps up for Sharon; Kevin and Chloe go undercover.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Phyllis: Poor abby. You have no idea what I'm really up to.

Chelsea: What if I can't come up with the money?

Simon: Let's not go down that road unless we have to.

Chelsea: Kevin. I need your help.

Theo: This is why you and I hit it off the first time we met. We have the same grandma. Some of the same genes.

Kyle: I thought you'd be on my side.

Lola: I am on your side. That's why I'm trying to find out a way for you guys to work things out.

Kyle: Keep your eyes open where theo's concerned.

Jack: Family has to look out for each other. That's what families are for. Theo is family now, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he feels welcome.

Traci: You know, it's not too late to cancel.

Jack: Cancel?

Traci: Yeah, we could do this another time.

Jack: Why would we suddenly ditch this?

Traci: Well, jack, what I'm saying is, you know, we could ease into this situation a little more slowly if that would be better. We don't have to host a party where theo's the star attraction just yet.

[ Sighs ] The family's getting used to this.

Jack: Meaning kyle is just getting used to this.

Traci: Not just kyle. We just found out that we have a half-brother we knew nothing about. This is a lot, jack.

Jack: The only way you and i are gonna get to know anything about eric vanderway is through his son. And in the process, we'll get to know theo better.

Traci: [ Sighs ] I suppose.

Jack: Look, I-I realize kyle has issues with theo. But when I brought mother home, he was great with her.

Traci: Well, from what you've said, it all sounds very moving.

Jack: It was moving. It was wonderful. When he told mother that the child she gave up for adoption was raised by loving parents, she was profoundly comforted. It was as if, all these years later, she was able to close that chapter of her life.

Traci: Hmm. Well, that is something that i wish I had been here to see. It was very kind of theo to give her that gift.

Jack: I think we ought to give this young man a chance. Beneath that devil-may-care facade is, I think, a better angel.

Traci: Okay. Well, from everything you've told me, I'm willing to give theo the benefit of the doubt. But I am not the one you have to persuade.

Jack: As far as I'm concerned, kyle is going to have to find some way to accept this.

Lola: Ta-da! I am done for the day.

Kyle: This early?

Lola: Yeah. My staff can survive without me for one night so I can go with you to jack's get-together for theo.

Kyle: Mm. There's not enough booze in wisconsin.

Lola: Oh, I heard that.

Kyle: Don't you have some grease traps back in the kitchen that need mucking out? I'd be happy to roll up my sleeves, put on some gloves and pitch in.

Lola: Very funny.

Kyle: What if I kind of wasn't kidding?

Lola: If you convince yourself that you're going to be miserable, you probably will be.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Okay, having the guy crash our wedding was bad enough. Now I'm supposed to put on a smile and welcome him to the family?

Lola: Here's a thought. Maybe put on a genuine smile?

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: Just set aside your grievances for one night and give the man a chance. If for no other reason than 'cause your dad's asking you to.

Kyle: Yeah. Believe it or not, I've been sitting here for the past hour trying to muster up the enthusiasm.

Lola: What is that thing that yoda said? Mm. Right. "Do or do not. There is no try."

Kyle: Oh, pulling out the heavy artillery, we are.

Lola: Heh.

[ Sighs ] Look... we all have things that we don't want to do that we have to. It's called being an adult.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: As much as I love you, babe, you're going to have to suck this up and deal with it. So, let's go.

Mariah: Whoa! Whoa, whoa!

Theo: Sorry.

Mariah: No offense, but i don't really want whatever that is all over me.

Theo: Double macchiato.

Mariah: Nice. But another close call like that, and your phone's gonna end up at the bottom of a lake.

Theo: Got it. Sorry. I didn't see you standing there. I'm kind of in a hurry. On my way to a "family" thing. How weird is that to say?

Mariah: Strange. I always thought you were raised by wolves. Coffee, please. Black.

Theo: Oh, I guess you haven't heard the news. It turns out, I'm kyle's cousin. Which, well, sort of makes me an abbott.

Mariah: What? Oh, my gosh. That's why he was in such a weird mood last night.

Theo: Poor guy. He's a bit dismayed, to say the least.

Mariah: Here's a thought. Maybe don't give him a reason to be. Startling thought, I know.

[ Sighs ] Hey, kyle. It's, uh -- it's mariah. I just heard the news about theo. Please call me back. Okay. Bye.

[ Sighs ] Hey. You got a quiz coming up?

Sharon: [ Sighs ] I wish. It's my last final exam for my online master's program.

Mariah: Wait, you're that close to being finished?

Sharon: Well, I decided to take a full course load so that I could get my graduate degree by new year's, and now I'm wondering if that was such a hot idea, to load myself up.

Mariah: But once you pass this test --

Sharon: Well, if I pass.

Mariah: ...You're gonna be finished with school!

Sharon: Yes. [ Sighs ] And there will be a lot of rejoicing. But in the meantime...

Mariah: You're a little bit overwhelmed?

Sharon: Try a lot. Why? I-I thought you were getting mostly a's in your classes.

Sharon: I am, but as well as I'm doing, I just don't feel prepared for this at all.

Mariah: You know what? Fear not. Because you officially have a study partner. We are gonna tackle this together.

Abby: I have to duck out early to go to this thing at my uncle jack's house, but if there's any way you could contact the plumber, I'd really appreciate it. The leak isn't too bad yet, but I'd like to get it fixed before there's too much damage, and then we have to call a painter in. Chelsea? Heh...

Chelsea: Uh, yeah. Yeah. Uh, follow up with the painter. I got it.

Abby: No, the plumber. Wait, did you not hear anything that I just said? Why are you so preoccupied?

Chelsea: No, I -- I-I didn't realize that I was.

Abby: Okay. Heh. What is going on with you and that guest? You had a million questions about him yesterday.

Chelsea: Don't give it another thought. In fact, I'm pretty sure mr. Black will be checking out later today.

Abby: Okay. Just, please tell me there's not trouble brewing. We really can't handle any more bad publicity around here.

Chelsea: Let me handle it, abby. I always do.

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Mariah: I don't know what you're so worried about, 'cause you've got this down cold.

Sharon: So far, so good.

Mariah: All right. On to the next chapter.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Oh, um... that gathering you hosted last night to celebrate your anniversary with tessa, that was so lovely.

Mariah: A year. I still can hardly believe it, you know? I never thought that I could make something last so long without screwing it up. But tessa and I, you know, we love each other for who we are right now, today.

Sharon: That's a perfect attitude.

Mariah: Tessa, you know... it's so easy with her. We respect each other. And we have so much fun together. It's -- it's kind of insane.

Sharon: I'm so happy for you, honey. You finally found the one.

Mariah: There is this tiny little thing that, uh, does bug me a lot, though. Every so often, there'll be a day where I don't hear from her. Like today, for example. It's been hours since a call or a text.

Sharon: Is tessa doing a shift at society?

Mariah: No. All I can figure is, maybe she's writing a new song, and she gets so caught up in the creative process, the rest of the world has to wait.

Sharon: You two know each other so well.

Mariah: All right. As, uh, interesting as my love life is, we should stop procrastinating and get back to work, because this next chapter looks a lot tougher. It's on "the origins of egocentric thinking in the pre-operational stage."

Sharon: Okay. If we're gonna get into that, I'm gonna need some caffeine first. I'll be right back.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Oh, where is kyle?

Lola: Um, he's in the car on a work call, but he'll be in soon.

Jack: Okay. I was worried he was skipping out on us.

Abby: If kyle's having a hard time adjusting to a new family member, I get it. I'm not the biggest theo fan myself.

Jack: Okay, I think we all need to look at theo in a different light. He came to this town a free agent. Did know any-- well, he knew kyle. There was no one there to guide him, no one to show him the lay of the land. He had no relatives, no one he was close to. All of that has changed. I think we as abbotts owe it to theo to make him feel welcome in this home.

Traci: Okay, well, I only know theo in passing. But I think, honey, you know him better than anybody. So, what is he like? I mean, is kyle right to be this worried?

Lola: Uh, you know, it's no fair putting me on the spot that way. I'm still fairly new to the family myself.

Abby: Quick. Someone do a dna test on this woman. Lola rosales abbott does not keep her opinion to herself.

Lola: Fine. Um, there is some friction between kyle and theo. Everyone knows that. But... jack is right. You know, things have changed. And they're not changing back. One of them needs some growing up to do...and that is all I'm going to say about that.

Mariah: Piaget's four stages. Name them and the age breakdown. Go.

Sharon: Sensorimotor period, birth to 2 years old. Pre-operational thought, 2 years old to 6 or 7. Concrete operations, 6 or 7 to...13?

Mariah: Lower.

Sharon: 11 or 12.

Mariah: Correct. Okay. Last one.

Sharon: Um... formal operations, 11 or 12 to adult.

Mariah: Bingo! You got it. All right. Do you need to know piaget as a historical figure or just his theory?

Sharon: Um, let me check my notes. I think... it's just his theory.

Mariah: Uh, okay. Uh, great. I am gonna go get some caffeine. Uh, do you want a refill?

Sharon: No, I'm good.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: Oh, mariah. Thanks again for doing this. You're a lifesaver.

Mariah: It's my pleasure. I will be back in a sec. I'm gonna hit the ladies' room.

Sharon: I'll be here.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Traci: How are you, honey?

Kyle: Fine. Work is going great. I never thought I'd love being married as much as I love being married to lola. Life is pretty much perfect.

Traci: Kyle, you know that's not what I meant. Okay.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Is there anything that I can do to make the situation with theo a little easier on you?

Kyle: I... lola thinks I should stop fighting it, and -- and maybe she's right. Might make it easier if he wasn't late for his own party.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Jack: I've got that. Theo! Good to see you.

Theo: Good to be here, jack.

Jack: Come on in. Come on in.

Theo: Thank you.

Jack: Everyone, look who's here.

Abby: Theo, good to see you.

Traci: Hi, there.

Lola: Hi, theo.

Kyle: How's it going?

Theo: Pretty darn good. You know, it's not every day someone decides to throw you a bash just for existing.

[ Abby and traci chuckle ]

Jack: Well, we want you to know you are welcome in this house. Here.

Theo: Thank you.

Abby: Well, we throw parties for pretty much everything around here. 4th of july barbecues, engagements, christmas, thanksgiving...this.

[ Chuckles ]

Traci: I think what abby's trying to say is, we are a close-knit bunch, and we love to celebrate.

Lola: I can attest to that.

Theo: Well, it sounds awesome. Uh, seriously. I can't wait to be a part of it all.

Jack: Well, why don't we start with a drink. What's your poison?

Theo: Uh, I'll take a beer if you got one.

Jack: Indeed I do.

Abby: Ooh. I will have one, too.

Jack: Oh, good.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Don't I know you from somewhere?

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I know you too well already, pal.

Theo: Aww.

Chelsea: That party shouldn't be too large. If you don't mind just confirming the reservation for me? Thanks.

Simon: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Chelsea: Do we really have to do this here? Out in the open?

Simon: Yeah, I prefer, for the time being, we meet in public. You're likely to be feeling a bit desperate right about now, and that can cause people to act rashly.

Chelsea: I see.

Simon: Just give me what i want and I'll be on my way, and this thing will all be over.

Chelsea: Your deadline is unreasonable. You have to be more flexible.

Simon: Oh, I've been flexible enough. And word to the wise -- I'm not known for my patience.

Kevin: Chelsea boudreaux?

Chelsea: Can I help you?

Kevin: Are you chelsea boudreaux?

Chelsea: I am.

Chloe: The owner of this establishment?

Chelsea: Uh, co-owner. I'm sorry, what is this about?

Kevin: I'm agent keane. This is agent moore. We're here on official government business.

Chelsea: Uh, what type of business?

Kevin: We're looking for a man named simon black. We believe you can help us.

Chloe: In fact, we're counting on it.

Chelsea: Simon black?

Chloe: It may be an alias.

Kevin: Six feet tall, salt-and-pepper hair, hazel eyes, slim build.

Chelsea: I've never seen him.

Kevin: Mr. Black's connection to you is through your late husband, calvin boudreaux. They were business partners.

Chloe: So to speak.

Kevin: Our investigation revealed that mr. Black worked the back channels for mr. Boudreaux -- taking money gained from illicit dealings, laundering it, taking his cut.

Chloe: He may appear charming, but he is ruthless. No one you want to mess around with.

Kevin: If you know anything about him, it is in your best-interest to share that with us now.

Chelsea: Listen, you're throwing around a lot of baseless accusations. My husband was no criminal. I've never heard of this simon person, and calvin never even mentioned his name.

Chloe: Okay. Well, you've been warned. Don't make us ask for help twice.

Kevin: Here's my card. If your memory improves, call that number any time, day or night.

Chloe: Meanwhile, we'll be keeping an eye on you.

Mariah: Okay. Next chapter. Let's hit it.

Sharon: Um... that's it. We're done.

Mariah: What do you mean?

Sharon: While you were getting coffee, I checked my notes, and it turns out the final is only on those last few chapters.

Mariah: Are you kidding me?

Sharon: Yeah. I'm -- I'm ready now. I mean, at first, I thought it was too high of a mountain to climb on my own, but you got me there.

Mariah: Are you sure? I mean, we could go over what we just covered.

Sharon: Well, thanks for the offer, but, um, you know, I'm in good shape. Think I'll just go home and relax and have a glass of wine. Maybe I'll go to sleep early. I'll be fresh for tomorrow.

Mariah: That sounds like a brilliant plan.

Sharon: Why don't you try tessa again? See if she's available.

Mariah: Yeah. I'll do that.

Sharon: Thanks so much.

Mariah: Of course. It's my pleasure. Hey, and don't worry about a thing. You're gonna ace this. Okay?

Theo: So, turtle bay, huh? For how long?

Traci: Wow. Uh... I would have to think about that. How long did steve and i live there?

Jack: Maybe 25 years?

Traci: Yeah, you know what, I think that's right. Around there. Um... and then we sold that apartment when we were divorced. Now I have a little flat in soho, and that's what I use when I'm there, when I'm in town working.

Theo: Well, the reason i asked is, it's possible we were in the same general vicinity around the same time.

Traci: What?

Theo: Yeah.

Abby: Wait, you had a place in midtown east?

Theo: Ha! No. I couldn't afford that neighborhood in a million years. Well, I mean, back then, anyway. But...before I met kyle, I was trying to get my foot in the door, so I worked as a waiter to pay the bills. Catering companies, restaurants, that sort of thing.

Lola: Wow! No way!

Theo: Yeah. And I was looking at a novel of yours last night and, get this, one restaurant I worked at was right around the corner from your publisher. Armand's bistro? Chichi little french joint. They used to always take authors out to fancy lunches there.

Jack: You know this place, traci?

Traci: Very, very well. I was a regular there.

Theo: [ Laughs ]

Traci: Wouldn't that have been something, if you had waited my table?

Theo: Well, I sure hope not, 'cause I was a total klutz. You probably would have wound up wearing your lunch.

[ All chuckling ]

Lola: You know, I do remember the first time I worked at a really nice restaurant. I think I lasted about a week.

Theo: Uh... wait, wait. Don't tell me. It's because you kept telling the chef you could cook his dishes better than he could.

Lola: Eh... yep, that was it.

[ Laughter ]

Theo: We would have made some team.

Kyle: Wouldn't you love that.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

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a mattress is more than

Theo: Uh, my influencer business has been slowing down lately. But... so, yeah. Maybe I ought to think about going back to being a waiter. You know, I mean, the tips add up, plus you get free food and drinks after work. Hey, any openings at society?

Abby: Oh? Oh, no. No, no, no, no. I have seen your bar tab, and i cannot afford to lose you as a customer.

[ Laughter ]

Traci: So -- [ Coughs ] Excuse me. When you were in new york, where did you live? What area?

Lola: Hey.

Theo: A few different places.

Kyle: What's up?

Lola: I'm leaving.

Kyle: Wait, why? Because I made a joke.

Lola: Kyle, it wasn't a joke, and you know it.

Kyle: Lola, I-I --

Lola: This is probably not easy for theo, but at least he's trying his best to be humble and charming and likeable. Meanwhile, you're standing there fuming. I don't want to be around you when you're acting this way.

Kyle: Baby, come on.

Lola: I already told you how I feel, okay? I won't embarrass you. So I will make my excuses and go. But I am going.

Kyle: S-stay. Please.

Lola: Kyle, forget it. I will not stand around quietly as you bash your father and theo. It's unfair for the rest of us who are making an effort. So just do better.

[ Kyle snorts softly ] Hi. Uh, sorry to interrupt. Um, but I have to go, I'm afraid.

Jack: Oh.

Traci: Oh.

Lola: Thank you for your hospitality.

Jack: I'm sorry. How come?

Lola: Um, I got a text from work. Duty calls, I am afraid. You know, perks of being a boss.

Traci: I'm so sorry that you have to leave so soon.

Theo: Me too.

Abby: Well, do you want me to call someone in so you can stay?

Lola: Thank you, but I have to be the one to deal with this one. Have a good night.

Jack: Thanks for coming by. Take care, theo.

Rey: What is all this?

Sharon: [ Sighs ] I'm trying to prep for my very last final ever, hopefully.

Rey: I ran into mariah, and she said you were done studying.

Sharon: I wanted her to think that. I could tell that tessa had something planned for them tonight, and I didn't want to be in the way of that, so I just said we were done.

Rey: Which, clearly, you're not.

Sharon: No. At the rate I'm going, I'm gonna be here all night.

Rey: I'm so sorry to hear that.

Sharon: You know that low-key evening you were talking about, would you mind if I took a rain check? I really need to get back to this.

Rey: Yeah, yeah. I got your rain check right here. Let's get to work. What, you really think I'm gonna let you struggle with this all on your own? I know how to study. Come on, let's -- let's do this.

Simon: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Did you see what just happened? Those were federal agents. They are looking for you. You're lucky if they didn't already spot you lurking around. Yet.

Simon: Yeah, that is lucky.

Chelsea: They showed me your picture. I said I didn't know who you were.

Simon: Well, that was very decent of you.

Chelsea: I didn't do it for you. So, what are you gonna do? I mean, they made it very clear they are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Simon: Ah, I've managed to stay one step ahead of the authorities for a long time now. Years.

Chelsea: Look, I'm building a life here. I don't want to see you ruin it.

Simon: Okay. Well, here's a suggestion. Pay me what you owe me...

Chelsea: Oh, my god.

Simon: ...And I'll be gone before you can blink.

Chelsea: Why are you still sticking around here? What are you, nuts? What, you're just reckless?

Simon: Because I like money.

[ Chuckles ] You stole from me, chelsea. And now you're gonna make me whole again.

[ Snaps ] Oh.

[ Sighs ] Uh, calvin sent me a photo a while back. I-I treasure it as a memory of my deceased friend. Perhaps you'd like to see it. It's here somewhere. Oh. Here it is.

Chelsea: Th-- that picture is from this morning.

Simon: Is it? Oh. Huh. Must be thinking of a different picture.

[ Laughs ] Oh, god. He so cherished that boy. I'm sure you do, too.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] We saw him leave.

Chloe: So, did it work?

Chelsea: That thief is messing with the wrong woman.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

[ Lock buzzes ]

[ Scoffs ]

Tessa: That one's for you.

Mariah: This is just... wow.

Tessa: You like it?

Mariah: It's amazing. It's totally decadent. Wonderful. I'm so sorry that I kept you waiting.

Tessa: Well, you're here. Nothing else matters.

Mariah: Look at this place!

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: It's absolutely beautiful. It'S... it's the height of romance.

Tessa: Well, getting together with our friends was super cool last night. But I thought that we should have some special alone time. I mean, if we're gonna do this anniversary up right. You mean so much to me, mariah. I'll never stop being grateful that we found each other.

Chelsea: You two were great. Totally convincing.

Chloe: Was it enough to get rid of the guy?

Chelsea: I don't know.

[ Sighs ] I don't know. We're -- we're gonna have to wait and see.

Kevin: I know I owe you for what happened with the money you trusted me with.

Chloe: What happened with simon? Why are you so angry?

Chelsea: I don't know if our ruse worked, but right now, I don't really care. That creep... just made this personal. And that was huge mistE.

Jack: So, how did you even get started in the influencer world?

Theo: I was in the right place at the right time, and happened to spy an opportunity.

Jack: And you said things are starting to slow down?

Theo: Yeah. Audiences are fickle. You know, they crave new voices, fresh approaches. You know, one week you're up, the next, you're down. That's the nature of the beast.

Traci: Wow. That sounds like a roller-coaster ride.

Theo: It can be, at times.

Abby: Do you enjoy it?

Theo: You know... [ Sighs ] It's like anything else -- it is what you make of it. You know, though there are worse ways to earn a living.

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: So, what comes next? I mean, talk about the future. I mean, are there other mountains to climb in the influencer world, or is it time to start looking for other places to take your talents?

Theo: Well, um, working with influencers may not be my end game, but that's okay. You know, if the business goes under, I'm not worried. I tend to land on my feet.

Abby: I've noticed that about you.

Jack: I-I didn't mean to offend. I just -- I don't know that much about your business.

Theo: No offense taken. But, actually, on that note, i do have a conference call scheduled in an hour, so i should probably get going.

Traci: Oh, no! I hope that we didn't scare you off.

Theo: Well, I'm not gonna lie, this is weird.

[ Jack and traci chuckle ] All of it is gonna take a little getting used to.

Abby: For all of us.

Theo: But there is one thing I want all of you to know, and that is, I'm fine. Always have been. You're being welcoming and generous, but the truth is, there's nothing I actually need. I'm not some miserable orphan who cries himself to sleep. I wasn't the adopted one. That was my dad. And even though both my parents are gone now, I can honestly say, I had a fantastic childhood. So, I'm letting all you off the hook. I'm not trying to fill any holes in my life. You don't owe me anything. And I think we should just, you know, play this by ear.

Jack: The last thing we want to do is pressure you in any way. And, yeah, playing it by ear seems to be the best choice.

Traci: Amen to that.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] Well, thanks for a great party. I really enjoyed it.

Traci: Uh, can we walk you out?

Theo: Uh, yeah. Sure. Absolutely.

Abby: Um, bye, theo. Have a good one.

Theo: Uh, you too, abby.

Jack: That right there.

Theo: Kyle.

Kyle: Bye.

Traci: Thank you.

Jack: Go ahead.

Kyle: Please tell me you didn't fall for all that.

Chelsea: I don't know if our ruse worked or not, but right now, I don't really care. That creep just made this personal. And that was a huge mistake.

Phyllis: Who is that guy? And why are you so mad at him, chelsea?

Rey: Two down. Two to go. We got this. What's next? Psychology.

Sharon: Me telling you how grateful I am. When you first walked in that door, I wanted to put my head down on the table and bawl.

Rey: And look at you. Now there's a smile on that face. Which is all the thanks I need. You are going to ace this thing. You'll see.

Sharon: You know, hearing you say that, I'm starting to think it could be a possibility.

Rey: You're starting to? What are you -- are you still worried about this test? Because, from what I've seen, you could recite this stuff in your sleep.

Sharon: You know, it's not just the test. I'm at the finish line. Once they post the grades saying that I do pass, I will have my master's in psychology. Then it will be time to figure out how to put what I've learned into practice. And I do get that jolt in the pit of my stomach, wondering, how good of a therapist will I be? You know, it's one thing to be book-smart, but to be a professional...

Rey: Yeah. I understand. This is a -- it's a major step. But you are a natural at this, sharon. When chelsea and nick came to you with connor, you connected with him right away. You were able to help him. And, don't forget, I saw you work with victims when you were on the force. You have instincts and experience you can't learn from any book. It's got to come from inside. Hey. Right here. That's what you got. That's your secret weapon.

Theo: Hey, you. Thought you'd be in back, taking care of that crisis.

Lola: Oh, I already handled it. I am fast.

Theo: At least it's over with. The party, I mean.

Lola: Did you have a good time?

Theo: Well, you missed my little speech right before i left. I told the fam they don't owe me anything. I'm fine.

Lola: Fine? The last time we spoke, you said you were feeling lost.

Theo: Well, I had some time to absorb it all. You know, I'm a distant cousin at best. What's there to get worked up about?

Lola: So you're not viewing this as an opportunity?

Theo: Uh, no.

Lola: Theo, we're talking about one of the wealthiest families in the state. You're gonna pass up the chance to get on the inside?

Theo: I create my own success. That's how I've always rolled. It's worked for me so far.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Lola: I need to take this. Excuse me.

Theo: No problem. Uh, beer, please. Hey, summer. Guess who? Uh, I hope it's going okay down in georgia. Um... look, not to be needy or anything, but... I'm dealing with some major. And...I could really use you back here.

Kyle: Why throw open the doors to that guy? He's barely family. And on top of that, it's an insult to grandpa. Does no one care that theo is only related to us because dina cheated on him?

Abby: You know, I'm not a fan of theo, either. But my mother exists because dina stepped out on john. So if that's what you want to focus on, find someone else to complain to.

Kyle: [ Stammers ]

[ Sighs ] Summer. Hey, it's me. Listen, you need to come home asap and get control of your boyfriend.

Chelsea: You can retire those suits. No more games. Simon is not getting a dime from me. I'll see his ass in jail.

Chloe: Where is this coming from?

Kevin: What the hell did he say to you?

Chelsea: Up until now, it's been between simon and me. He just dragged my son into it. He threatened connor. So now... he burns.

Simon: You stole from me, chelsea. And now you're gonna make me whole again.

Phyllis: Well, okay. This could get good. It's time to find out a little more about the handsome mr. Black.

[ Keys clacking ]

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