Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/5/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/5/19


Episode #11738 ~ Jack keeps the peace; Mariah romances Tessa; Adam plays with the truth.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on  "the young and the restless"...

Connor: I like it like this. The three of us.

You have 24 hours to give me the money your dearly departed husband owed me.

Jack: It's true. Theo is dina's grandson.

Tessa: Visiting and, uh, living somewhere is different.

Mariah: Would you relax? It's perfect. It's home.

Sharon: You put your heart on the line. You found love. I couldn't be happier for you.

Mariah: All right. One surprise anniversary party coming up.

Mariah: Can't you get somebody else to clean up?

Sharon: I guess I could. Is that your subtle way of volunteering? I could really use the help around here.

Mariah: You're not serious, right? Because you know what tonight is.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh. I almost forgot. Yes! I have to put in that big order for coffee beans.

Mariah: No, no, no.

Sharon: Kidding.

Mariah: You know what, we're gonna discuss what constitutes a joke at a later date. But tonight, at my anniversary party, I would really like you to keep the funny to yourself.

Sharon: Okay. Will do. I'll be there.

Mariah: Okay. And if there's any opportunity to make a speech or say a few words, could you just corral your thoughts? Because I know tessa and I got off to a rocky start. But tonight, I just really want to focus on the good.

Sharon: My lips are sealed.

Mariah: And you're sure she's gonna like the surprise?

Sharon: [ Scoffs ] Yes. She is going to love this.

Kyle: You weren't a fan of theo when you first met him. Listen to your instincts. He's the same person he was when he got to town. Finding out you share dna doesn't change who you are at your core. It just changes how you see someone. Look, all I'm asking is that you dig a little. Find out who he really is.

Chelsea: Abby! Hey. I was just thinking about you.

Abby: Yeah? What's up?

Chelsea: Heh... uh, simon black, the guest that checked in earlier. Have you by chance spoken to him again?

Abby: No. Why do you ask?

Nick: Yeah, why? Should I be worried?

Jack: Kyle, theo is family. And as you know, family for me has always been sacrosanct.

Kyle: I just think you're getting so caught up in the connection to dina's past that you're romanticizing this connection to theo. You're turning a blind eye to who he really is.

Jack: Or maybe you're allowing your rocky history with theo to cloud your judgment.

Kyle: It validates my concerns. You cannot ignore his past, dad.

Jack: He was a different man when he was with dina. Look, we lose nothing in taking a chance.

Kyle: I just hope I don't have to say, "I told you so."

Jack: Kyle, I've got a meeting I've got to get to. Can we talk about this later?

Kyle: Yeah. Good night.

Chelsea: I heard the guy is connected. A big investor. So I thought maybe he mentioned what brought him to genoa city.

Abby: Oh. Not to me, but you can check his reservation on the computer if you're interested.

Chelsea: Oh, I mean, that's okay. I mean, just as a good hotel manager, it's always important to know what's bringing your clientele through the door, so... uh, which brings me to my next question. Are you here to see me?

Nick: No.

[ Laughter ] I'm here to see jack. Uh, I'm gonna get his take on me running for city council.

Chelsea: Oh, yeah?

Nick: Yeah. He's got a lot of experience in politics.

Abby: Well, he's the guy to turn to if you're looking for sage advice.

Jack: Oh, this looks like an interesting conversation. You're already trying to win their votes?

Nick: Yes.

Chelsea: Hi, jack.

Abby: We were just talking about you.

Jack: Oh? How did I do?

Abby: Okay. For a campaign advisor.

Jack: That's why I'm here.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: Oh, I should get back to work. Excuse me. I'll see you at home.

Nick: Okay.

Chelsea: Bye.

Jack: See ya.

Chelsea: Bye.

Abby: Is everything okay with chelsea?

Nick: Yeah. Why?

Abby: I don't know. I'm just curious. She seems a little off.

Nick: You know, I think she's just exhausted with work and going back and forth to see connor. I mean, she's trying to spend every minute possible with him.

Abby: Got it.

Nick: No worries. She's gonna get her schedule dialed in soon.

Abby: All right. Well, if you'll excuse me, i have to get back to work. Bye.

Jack: See ya. Okay. Level with me. How do you really feel about this?

Nick: Chelsea is doing what every good mother should do. She is completely investing in her son, and I support her.

Jack: Yeah, but it's adam.

Nick: Do I think he's gonna try and use this to play on chelsea's emotions? Yes, I do. But he's gonna fail.

Connor: No!

Adam: Connor? Hang on, buddy! I'm coming.

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Tessa: Oh. It's a little empty. Where's the dinner crowd?

Mariah: I don't know. I guess it's just us.

Tessa: Did you... do something?

Mariah: No. I promise. I did nothing.

Tessa: Not even a special surprise...for our anniversary?

Mariah: You remembered.

Tessa: Of course I did. It's been a year since we moved in together.

Mariah: Well, in honor of that, uh, very special day, I'm gonna ask you to do me a favor.

Tessa: Name it. Uh...

Mariah: Wear these.

Tessa: A blindfold and some headphones?

Tessa: Just humor me. You're gonna go chill in abby's office. You're gonna put on these headphones with the music already queued up. And when the music is over, you're gonna come out and join me.

Tessa: [ Inhales ] Well, one thing about you is that you never disappoint. So I will do anything for you. Including whatever this is.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Tessa: Oh. Oh, no.

Mariah: Happy anniversary, tess.

Tessa: Hap-- happy anniversary. Oh! Oh, I love this song.

Mariah: Tessa? Can you hear me?

[ Louder ] Can you hear me?

[ Snapping ] See me? No?

Lola: Mariah, I, um... what have you done?

Mariah: Tessa is in for the biggest surprise of her life.

Lola: Wait, she doesn't know?

Mariah: No, she has no clue. She can't see or hear anything. And so I'm gonna put her in abby's office, and we're gonna get to work, okay?

Lola: We don't have much time.

Mariah: Is everything done on your end?

Lola: Yeah. Every dish that has ever curled your toes.

Mariah: Perfect. Perfect. And, uh, what about the decorations?

Kyle: Look no further, ladies. The master decorator and party planner extraordinaire is here. She o-okay?

Mariah: Yeah, she's fine. Tessa doesn't know it yet, but she's about an hour away from having her mind blown.

Kyle: Mm.

Mariah: I'll see you guys in a minute.

Tessa: Hmm? Oh.

Mariah: Go slow. Okay. This way. Come on, now.

Tessa: Okay. Oh, gosh. It's so dark.

Kyle: Hey, baby.

Lola: Hi.

[ Tessa yells ]

Adam: You feel better now?

Adam: You know what always used to calm me after a nightmare was a little bit of water or some juice, okay? Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna stay right here. Okay? I'm gonna stay by your side. You want me to read to you? I can find a little story that you like. Okay. No problem. Look, we'll just sit, okay? We'll just sit. Daddy's here. It's gonna be okay.

Nick: Well, you do know how I feel about adam.

Jack: You're right to be on guard.

Nick: But this is about connor and chelsea. And being the bigger man, and doing what is best for them, and for christian.

Adam: No, I've tried everything that I can think of. He won't talk. He won't let me leave his side. So I am out of ideas.

Chelsea: Just, uh, tell him to hang in there, I love him, and -- and mom's on her way.

Nick: What's going on?

Chelsea: Hey. Um... it's connor. I've got to run. If abby comes looking for me, just --

Nick: Oh, she'll understand.

Chelsea: Okay.

Nick: Go.

Chelsea: Thanks.

An official message

from medicare.

Kyle: Need a hand? I think we're running out of time.

Mariah: Is this your way of telling me that I'm doing everything wrong? Because if you would like to take over, then, please, be my guest.

Kyle: Oh, I do have a reputation to uphold.

Mariah: Is there anything that you can't do?

Kyle: Make a certain new family member disappear. But I'm working on that. Don't ask. I promised I wouldn't talk about it tonight.

Mariah: You know, you can talk to me any time, because I owe you one.

Kyle: Yeah, you do. 'Cause you don't know the first thing about decorating.

Jack: So, tell me what your plans are. How far do you want to take this thing? You want to stop at city council, or do you have bigger plans for a higher office in the future?

Nick: Yeah, I haven't thought that far ahead. I just want to try an be as useful as I can, and do as much good as possible for genoa city.

Jack: Where's your old man stand on this? Is he supporting your candidacy?

Nick: Haven't really talked to him about it. But my mother's the one who convinced me to run, and to do it on my own.

Jack: That's probably good advice. It's sending out the right message. You're not using newman connections. This is not a vanity project. You're gonna stand taller, and separate yourself from the family history.

Nick: Well, that independent image is gonna bump into a hard, cold reality very soon. I mean, the newman name, its legacy, all the mistakes I've made... I mean, that alone is enough to convince me that this could be an exercise in futility.

Jack: There is no one in all of politics that is completely without baggage. It's all in how you handle it.

Nick: They're gonna call me an elitist, privileged.

Jack: And you're gonna prove to them that you're your own man. You always have been. You could have taken a cushy job in the family company. Instead, you cut yourself free, started your own business. And it was a great success. Yes, you inherited a lot of money. You gave it away to charity. And now you are developing affordable housing for low-income families. You're giving the people of genoa city the chance to have a safe place to live.

Phyllis: [ Clapping ]

Adam: Glad you could make it.

Chelsea: Yeah. What happened? Is he okay?

Adam: I don't know. He woke up screaming, and I ran to him.

Chelsea: Did he say anything?

Adam: He said nothing.

Chelsea: Uh, could he have seen something that scared him, like a movie?

Adam: No, nothing.

Connor: Mom!

Chelsea: Hi, buddy. Ohh! [ Smooches ]

Connor: I knew you'd come.

Chelsea: What's going on, my little man? Here, let's sit down. Let's sit down. What is going on? Your dad tells me that you had a bad dream? How scary was it?

Connor: Worse than that time we first moved in with calvin.

Chelsea: Ohhh. I'm sorry. That's no good. But everything's okay. I'm here now. There's nothing to worry about. Plus, what do we do, usually, when we feel scared or worried?

Connor: Magic eyes.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Yeah! It's been a while, though. Do you remember how it goes?

[ Rhythmically ] "What do you see with those magic eyes? What do you see that's fun? Try to name all the things you love. Let's say them one by one."

Connor: Video games.

Chelsea: Yes!

Connor: Christmas eve.

Chelsea: Oh, that's a good one.

Connor: And monster trucks.

Chelsea: Okay.

Connor: Movies and popcorn.

Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Oh, I like that.

Connor: Mom. Dad.

Chelsea: What are mine? An empty beach. Uh, flying a kite.

[ Gasps ] Ooh! Warm sand between your toes. Wishing on the shooting stars. A hand to hold. The cool side of a pillow.

[ Chelsea and connor chuckle ] People everywhere

Jack: Phyllis. Would you like to weigh in? How do you feel about nick announcing his candidacy?

Phyllis: I think it'S... great. Seeing my two favorite ex-husbands talk and, you know, make things happen in my hotel.

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: You care to join us?

Phyllis: Oh, I don't really have the stomach for politics.

Nick: But you always have an opinion, though.

Jack: Oh, does she ever. Well, listen. Good luck. And not with the election. Uh, you got that in the bag.

Phyllis: Wait, with me?

Nick: [ Chuckling ] Thanks.

Jack: Well...

[ Sighs ] I'll talk to you later.

Nick: See ya.

Jack: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Bye, jack. I saw your announcement.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: "A new man for a new city."

Nick: That's clever.

Phyllis: Uh-huh. Feel free to use it. Free of charge.

Nick: Yeah, I'll let you know. You don't seem too keen on this idea. Why?

Chelsea: He asleep?

Adam: Like a baby.

Chelsea: Poor little guy.

Adam: How did you make everything okay?

Chelsea: I'm his mom. He needs me.

Adam: I know that. But -- and forgive me for bringing this up, but it was just a couple days ago he was screaming about not wanting to go back home with you. And now, tonight...

Chelsea: He knows I'm gonna love him no matter what. He knows there's nothing he can say or do to ever push me away. It's unstoppable, unshakeable, unconditional love. I mean, that's why he as acting out the other day, and that's why he insisted on living here with you. He's testing you. He's testing your love for him. But he knows things are never gonna change between us.

Adam: [ Clears throat ] Look, chelsea, I know that you weren't completely on board with connor living with me. And I realize that probably hurt you. And I just want you to know, that was not my intention.

Chelsea: I know. Thank you.

Adam: Yeah. And the two of you, it's like... you were so symbiotic. You know, you need him. And he needs you. You guys make each other... I don't know. More complete.

Chelsea: He's my world. I mean, do you have any idea what could have sparked this? Has he said anything?

Adam: No. There's been nothing as far as I can remember. There's been nothing.

Chelsea: Could it have been, like, a video game? Has he mentioned anything happening at school? Or -- or someone outside of school. Has anybody said anything to him?

Adam: No. He hasn't mentioned anything to me. But it sounds like you are worried about something specific. And, chelsea, if it's about our son, I need to know what it is.

Mariah: Hey!

Sharon: Hi.

Rey: Happy anniversary.

Mariah: Thank you so much. I'm so glad you guys could come.

Rey: Where's tessa?

Mariah: She's in abby's office. So, go in, get a drink. Uh, relax. Yeah.

Rey: Okay. Let's do it.

Mariah: Go, go, go.

Abby: Hey.

Mariah: Hey.

Abby: I'm not late, am I?

Mariah: No. You're right on time. And if I haven't said it a hundred times before, thank you so much for letting us use your restaurant for the night.

Abby: Well, I don't know how you two managed to stay together after everything you've been through. That doesn't happen every day.

[ Timer rings ] Oh! It's time. Guys, places! Places! Go, go, go! Go! Hey.

All: Happy anniversary!

Tessa: [ Exclaiming ] Am I dreaming? Did you do all of this for us?

Mariah: Well, with a little help from our friends.

Tessa: Just when I think i have you all figured out.

Mariah: The best is yet to come.

Tessa: Mm.

[ Applause ] Wow!

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: Listen, I'm not saying you shouldn't run.

Nick: But?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I'm just afraid that politics will change you.

Nick: You know, it's interesting.

Phyllis: What is interesting?

Nick: I would have thought that you more than anyone would be down for change.

Phyllis: I thought you re-discovered yourself after you walked away from dark horse.

Nick: How?

Phyllis: Uh, okay. You stood to get all your properties back and make millions, thanks to me, and you turned all of that down. You said you didn't want money. Money didn't make you happy. You just wanted to be happy. I thought you were. Why do you want to mess that up?

Nick: I can't be happy in politics?

Phyllis: You're too good. And if you get elected -- when or if you get elected, then you have to be a different man. And you have to cater to others and their agendas and all the things that they want you to do. And you -- you want to help people. You have so many ideas for helping people.

Nick: And I can do that. I can help thousands of people with the decision-making process. I can do it from the inside.

Phyllis: You're not possibly this naive, are you?

[ Sighs ] And -- unh-uh. I'm not gonna go there.

Nick: Say it.

Phyllis: No.

Nick: Say it.

Phyllis: You're victor newman's son. You have done a really good job not being him. And I am just afraid that, after you've spent a lifetime making your own rules and blazing your own trail... that, finally, it will be politics that turns you into your father.

Kyle: Hold on a second, people. Let's give credit for this successful coupling where credit is due. If we're going to raise our glasses, let's drink to me.

Lola: Wow! What did my husband just say?

Sharon: Yes, remind us. Exactly what did you do?

Abby: Seriously, kyle.

Kyle: It's true. If it had not been for my prodigious talent at matchmaking, these two lovebirds would have never fallen in love.

Lola: Okay. Forgive my husband's modesty.

[ Laughter ]

Kyle: And it all started on a warm summer night.

Mariah: Hey, to be fair, kyle, tessa and I knew each other way before that night.

Tessa: Yeah.

Kyle: But you had not clicked until that magical night on the rooftop of the athletic club, where they barely watched a sci-fi film under the stars, because they realized they only had eyes for each other.

Lola: Wow.

Kyle: You're welcome.

Lola: I didn't know that you wanted all the glory for bringing them together.

Kyle: I'm only saying that if the two of you start a family, naming the kid kyle would be a fitting tribute.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: Okay, how much has he had to drink?

Kyle: I have a lot invested in this relationship, abby. The long nights spent with mariah as her relationship therapist.

Abby: You?

Mariah: There was a lot of quid pro quo going on there, okay?

Kyle: Is it my fault the course of true love is never smooth?

Tessa: But somehow we all made it through.

Mariah: Mm.

Lola: Okay, I just have to say something. You two are the best friends a girl could have. From spreading the word about my food truck, helping me figure out the riddle that is mr. Kyle abbott...

[ Abby chuckles ] ...Being there by my side through the bachelorette and my wedding. And, let's face it, everything else. So, I am so proud to have you both in my life. Congratulations on finding love and making it last.

Sharon: Okay. I guess it's my turn.

Mariah: Mom?

Tessa: Oh, you really don't have to.

Sharon: Uh, no. I really do.

[ Abby and lola chuckle ]

[ Sighs ] I had my doubts in the beginning.

Mariah: Yes, you did.

Sharon: But I have never been happier to have been proven wrong. I am so impressed and enchanted by your love. This relationship has changed both of you. It's taken the rough edges off of you. It's made you more forgiving, more trusting, and mature and creative. Thank you for making me eat my hat.

[ Light laughter ] Um... I couldn't be happier to raise my glass to tessa and mariah.

Rey: To tessa and mariah.

Kyle: Hear, hear.

Abby: Proving that true love does exist.

Mariah: Cheers!

Rey: Cheers! There you go.

Tessa: Thank you, all of you, for making this such an unforgettable night.

[ Sniffles ]

Mariah: Well... it's not over yet.

Tessa: It's not?

Mariah: No. We have actually reached the entertainment portion of our night.

Abby: Tessa, are you singing?

Tessa: Uh... uh, I don't think so. Am I?

Mariah: Nope. Nope, she's not. I know, uh, tessa is usually the one that sparkles in the spotlight, but tonight, for one night only, for a very, very limited engagement... it's me.

Tessa: [ Gasps ] Seriously?

Mariah: I hope you're up for one more surprise. Even if it is very, very cheesy.

Tessa: I'm ready if you are.

Holy mother of thin.

Mariah: With your indulgence, here goes nothing.

[ Abby chuckles ]

Mariah: You're my candy corn and cupcakes on halloween.

[ Laughter ]

Kyle: Oh, okay.

Mariah: My everyday ice cream for the in-between. You've got my heart leaping on a trampoline.

[ Laughter ] If you were royal, you would be my queen.

[ Guests murmur ] Because, tessa, my sugar sweet tessa, you've made a mess-a of my heart.

[ Laughter ] Tessa, there ain't no less-A. You ripped my whole coolness apart. With a bridal bouquet and a friendly shove, we were destined forever, we're hand in glove. My heart overflows with hot lava love.

Abby: Ooh!

Abby: Ooh!

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: When I oversleep, it's you I'm dreaming of. My tessa. Honey-voiced tessa. Happy anniversary, my love.

[ Guests clapping ]

Tessa: That's the sweetest thing ever.

Mariah: Yeah, I know. It's all your fault.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: Okay, happy anniversary -- first anniversary to this beautiful couple. Here's to many more.

Sharon: Hear, hear.

Abby: Cheers!

All: Cheers!

Adam: Do you have any idea what might have caused connor's nightmare? 'Cause if you do, please tell me so I can help, chelsea.

Chelsea: There is something.

Adam: Okay. Then what is it?

Chelsea: Video games. Video games. You know, he goes online, and I supervise him as much as I can, but there's only so much I can do.

Adam: Okay, so, what, you think some other player has been sending him messages, or he's looking at something that is too violent?

Chelsea: I don't know. Maybe.

Adam: Okay. Well... [ Sighs ] I will keep an eye out for it.

Chelsea: Okay. Thanks.

Adam: Yeah. Anything for connor. Of course.

Chelsea: You know, I just need to make sure he feels safe. I need to make sure he is safe.

Adam: What are you -- are you implying that you don't think he's safe here with me?

Chelsea: No. No, actually. I didn't -- heh. I didn't mean that at all.

Adam: Okay. Well, then, why don't you please explain?

Chelsea: I -- heh. I didn't mean that. I meant, I don't want you to get caught up, you know, if this happens again and you can't console him if he's had a nightmare. Although I have no doubt you would have come up with a solution eventually.

Adam: Look, I understand. I'm a little rusty at the fatherhood thing.

Chelsea: No. Listen, I-it -- it took me a lot of trial and error to try to figure out how to calm him down when he's feeling overwhelmed, I promise.

Adam: I thought it was just "mother magic."

Chelsea: Well, yeah, obviously. I mean, it's a lot of that. But it -- you know... I can give you a secret if you want. You want to learn it? Magic eyes?

Adam: Yes.

Chelsea: Okay. So, it goes, "what do you see"...

Adam: "With those magic eyes?" Oh, my god. They -- they are magic, aren't they?

Chelsea: Yeah. Um... so, uh... so, it goes, "what do you see with those magic eyes? What do you see that's fun?"

Adam: Mm-hmm. "Name everything that you love."

Chelsea: "List them one by one."

Adam: "One by one." That's right.

Chelsea: There you --

[ Laughs ] "Let's list them," yeah, "one by one." That's good. You got it.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: And then he lists all of his favorite things. It really helps with his anxiety. You know, helps distract him. Gets his mind off of whatever it is that's worrying him.

Adam: Well, thank you. And I know that I have said this before, but I really want to work with you on the parenting thing. Not against you.

Chelsea: I believe you.

Adam: Good.

Chelsea: Great. Um... all right, well, I should be going.

Adam: Yeah. Of course.

Chelsea: Um...so... just let me know if he needs anything, day or night, okay?

Adam: I know where to find you.

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: Okay.

Phyllis: I'm dead serious.

Nick: [ Scoffs ] I can tell.

Phyllis: Then why are you laughing?

Nick: Because what you said has been my biggest fear my whole life. That I'd turn into my father. And maybe I've come close a few times, like when i tried to impersonate J.T.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: What pulled you back from the brink?

Nick: I hated the way it made me feel. I swore I'd never feel like that again.

Phyllis: Then don'T. Promise me. Please.

Nick: I promise you. I'm never gonna turn into my father.

Phyllis: Well, then, great. Well, all I can do is wish you luck. You definitely have my vote.

Nick: Well, I'm counting on it.

Phyllis: Okay.

Abby: Don'T...even... think about it.

Phyllis: Wow. You know, with all of you who are accusing me of trying to make a play for nick, I may just have to give in to peer pressure and hit that. Again.

Rey: Thank you.

Sharon: Doubts about tessa? I had nothing but. I was worried that she was just using mariah, and would break her heart. That their involvement was nothing more than a game to her.

Rey: What changed your mind?

Sharon: Mariah's unwavering devotion. And realizing that there was nothing I could say or do that would change her mind. So I watched, and I waited and worried, and then... nothing happened.

Rey: They're happy, hm?

Sharon: They're... they're really... good for each other.

Rey: But?

Sharon: Um... nothing. I, uh -- I'm -- I'm really, really happy for them. I am. Uh, it's just, you know, here's mariah in this serious and committed relationship, and... and...you know, it's -- noah's halfway around the world, and faith's at boarding school, and...

Rey: These are good things.

Sharon: Yes. No. I know. Don't get me wrong, they are. It's just... okay, look, it -- it's not them, all right? It's me.

Sharon: I don't really know how to put my finger on this, but I just feel like my life is getting smaller and bigger at the same time. I mean, personally, professionally.

Rey: What happened to that master's program you were doing online?

Sharon: Oh. Um... you'll be happy to know that I'm very close to getting my degree.

Rey: There you go. That's great. Right? Man, I remember all those nights you stayed up studying when we were living together. Bet you must be happy you're almost finished, huh?

Sharon: Yeah. Even though my classes will be over, I will never stop learning. You know, every time I think i have things under control, or i finally understand everything...

Rey: You get hit with a brand-new set of changes.

Sharon: Exactly. Another growth experience. Better things.

Rey: Better things? What do you say we work towards that?

Sharon: How?

[ Coins clinking ]

[ Music plays ]

Rey: May I have this dance? There. That feels better already.

Mariah: We made it.

Tessa: First anniversary. And a hundred more to come.

Mariah: Ooh. I like the sound of that.

Tessa: We do make beautiful music together.

Mariah: Did you ever think --

Tessa: No. I thought love was something that happened to other people. You believe in me. And no one's ever trusted me like you do.

Mariah: Well, no one has ever looked at me or touched my heart the way that you do.

Tessa: Call me crazy, but it feels like, the more that I love you, the more I'm me.

Mariah: Because this is right.

Tessa: You stood by me when I was far from my best.

Mariah: I knew there was more to you than your history and your mistakes.

Tessa: You are easily the best thing that's ever happened.

Mariah: I know.

[ Both laugh ] Well, me and, uh... and that delicious cake that lola made. So good.

Tessa: So good. What do you say that, uh, we continue this celebration at home?

Mariah: Mm... I don't know. I'm pretty tired.

Tessa: Mm. Well, I think I am definitely willing and able to sweep you off your feet.

[ Both laugh ]

Mariah: [ Giggling ] All right. Are you seriously keeping that? No! No, no, no. We're tossing it when we get home.

Tessa: Oh, I'm hanging it up. I'm hanging it on the wall.

Mariah: We're tossing it when we get home.

Tessa: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Mariah: That's not fair!

[ Both laughing ]

Chelsea: Hey. Sorry I had to rush off like that.

Nick: Chelsea, you never, ever have to apologize for being there for your son.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Nick: How's connor doing?

Chelsea: He's fine. Now. He had a nightmare.

Nick: Adam couldn't handle it?

Chelsea: He was in over his head.

Nick: Oh. Well, I'm glad he called you. He really needs you.

Chelsea: I hate this.

Nick: I know.

Chelsea: I -- [ Scoffs ]

Nick: I know. Connor and I both know that you would move heaven and earth for him.

Chelsea: I knew you'd understand.

Nick: Any idea what caused the nightmare?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Not really. But... I do know, I have to fix this.

Nick: Fix what?

Chelsea: I do believe he had a bad dream, but... what if connor's pulling a fast one? Pulling at my heartstrings, getting me to go over to his dad's house late at night, making me work with adam so we can make him happy again.

Nick: You think he's manipulating you?

Chelsea: What kid doesn't want his parents to be together. Maybe connor thinks he can make us one big, happy family again.

Nick: Well, it could be. But...

Chelsea: But what?

Nick: I don't know. You think that's coming from connor...or from adam?

Adam: What do you see with those magic eyes?

Connor: Dad?

Adam: Hey, bud. Is everything okay?

Connor: I like it when mom is here.

Adam: Yeah? So do I.

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