Y&R Transcript Monday 11/4/19
Episode #11737 ~ Nick mounts his campaign; Kyle's world is rocked; Chelsea covers her tracks.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Jack: Eric vanderway. Born to dina and stuart, raised by ralph and margaret.
Theo: My dad and you may have been half-brothers?
Jack: Listen, I'm gonna ask that you take a dna test so that we can compare your dna with dina's, make sure she's your grandmother.
Lola: He was afraid he was gonna lose his old drinking buddy, but he seems to have gotten over that.
Kyle: That's what he wants you to think!
Nikki: Still no word from chelsea?
Nick: Well, like you said, uh, she could got, uh, you know, stuck at the hotel.
Simon: You have something of mine, miss boudreau, and I'd like it back.
Chelsea: I don't care if the money's been properly washed. I just need it in my hands today.
Kevin: I can't do that. The feds were investigating the bank. They closed in, they seized all assets and accounts.
Chelsea: Oh, god.
Chelsea: Nick, I am so sorry I missed your press conference. I really wanted to be there, but something came up. Um, I'll explain when I see you.
Abby: I'll be sure to pass along the message, and if there's anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please let us know.
Simon: I certainly will.
Abby: Great. Hey!
Chelsea: Hey.
Abby: Someone was looking for you.
Chelsea: Oh?
Abby: A very handsome guest. He was looking for the manager.
Chelsea: Did he say why?
Abby: He said he wanted to thank you for making his stay so pleasant.
Chelsea: Aww. So sweet.
Abby: Yeah, I told him i would pass along the message.
Chelsea: Did he say anything else?
Abby: He said the business that brought him into town was a little more complicated than he thought.
Chelsea: Oh, so he'll be staying longer.
Abby: He is not leaving until it's all wrapped up. Good for us, right? [ Laughs ]
Chelsea: It's great. That's really great.
Kyle: Hey. I'm not sure why you insisted i come home. We could have talked at the office.
Jack: I thought it better we do this here.
Kyle: If it's about theo, it's not gonna change how i feel.
Jack: I had to tell theo the truth.
Kyle: You could have left this alone. You chose to tell a guy I can't stand that we might be related.
Jack: I'm not going to apologize for doing what i thought was right.
Kyle: We've been past this. So unless you have something new --
Jack: I do. I have the results of theo's dna test.
Kyle: Have you shown him what they are?
Jack: I thought I'd share them with you first.
Mariah: How's studying going?
Sharon: Oh, I got distracted.
Mariah: Flowers on a random monday -- I wonder who they could be from.
Sharon: Gee, I can't imagine.
Mariah: "Thanks for the best halloween treat ever. Love, rey." Well, that must have been some date you guys went on last night.
Sharon: Considering that it didn't end until this morning.
Mariah: Oh, my gosh, you took the next level to the next level.
[ Giggles ]
Sharon: You know, he must have ordered these the minute i left the hotel room.
Mariah: I haven't seen you this happy since...
Sharon: Since the last time I was with rey?
Jack: I have the results of the test.
Kyle: Just tell me what they say.
Jack: It's true. Theo is dina's grandson.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Now we know.
Jack: You want to maybe talk about this?
Kyle: There's nothing to say.
Jack: I disagree.
Kyle: No, you wanted to find out if theo's dad was your half-brother. You got your answer.
Jack: But it isn't the answer that you wanted.
Kyle: I'll survive.
Jack: Kyle, talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking.
Kyle: That you should go and tell theo the good news. You two can celebrate together
Lola: Kyle, don't be like this.
Jack: You know what, it's -- it's okay. This is upsetting for all of us. I will give you time to process this, and then let's talk about this.
Lola: Babe, please.
Kyle: I told you not to pursue this. You are going to find out I was right.
Abby: Last month's numbers are in, and they are even better than I expected. The grand phoenix is turning out to be a real money-maker. Makes me regret bringing on you and phyllis. I could have kept all the profits to myself.
[ Giggles ]
Chelsea: Maybe you could have a bigger percentage of them.
Abby: You have a plan to get rid of phyllis?
Chelsea: Well, what if you, um, bought my share of the hotel?
[ Both laugh ]
Abby: Funny. You're not serious, right?
Nick: Serious about what?
Abby: Oh, chelsea was just joking about me buying her out. You were joking, right?
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Nick: Well, of course chelsea was kidding. She's not selling her stake in the grand phoenix. She said this is the best investment she's ever made.
Abby: The numbers prove it.
Nick: Even if you weren't raking it in, she loves working with everyone here. Well, I guess not everyone.
[ Laughter ]
Chelsea: Yes. You and chloe are the best.
Abby: We make a great team. So no more talk about anybody buying anybody else out, okay? Let's talk about you! It's official, you're running for city council?
Nick: Yeah, made the announcement this morning.
Abby: I saw the press conference online -- a very impressive speech. You got my vote.
Nick: Thanks, sis. I really appreciate the support.
Abby: I, um -- I need to make sure that we have another happy guest, so excuse me.
Chelsea: Hey. I'm really sorry. Did you get my voicemail?
Nick: Yeah, you, uh -- you said you had a lot going on. And I get here, and you and abby are joking around.
Chelsea: I really wanted to be there, nick.
Nick: Why weren't you?
Abby: No need to ask if you and sharon had a good time.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] We had a fantastic time.
Abby: Good. I love to hear that my guests are happy.
Rey: Yeah. Well, I didn't run into the one person who could have ruined my stay, so five stars from me.
Abby: Well, you don't need to worry about adrian.
Rey: He checked out?
Abby: This morning. And I hate to say it, but... he didn't pay his bill.
Sharon: Rey's just so... easy to be with. You know, no games or hidden agendas.
Mariah: So, like a normal relationship.
Sharon: Yeah, but not boring. You know, last night was the opposite of boring. It's just so refreshing to be with somebody who's, you know, honest and sweet, and also sexy.
Mariah: Okay, mom.
Sharon: No! All right, all right. I'm just -- I'm just filling you in, sharing why I'm excited.
Mariah: I know. I know, I just -- keep it pg, okay?
Sharon: Well, you know, this is your fault. I mean, you're the reason why rey and I have had this second chance. I mean, if you hadn't been pushing us together, this might not have happened.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Well, I'm -- I'm glad things worked out.
Sharon: Are you?
Mariah: Yes! Of course. It's just --
Sharon: It's what?
Mariah: Look, I am behind you and rey, 100%, I promise.
Sharon: But...?
Mariah: Now that adam's back, I'm just wondering if he's gonna screw things up for you guys. Like he did before.
Kyle: You think I was out of line.
Lola: [ Sighs ] This is hard. And I feel for you. But the way that you spoke to your dad, kyle, that was hard.
Kyle: I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around the idea that theo and I are related.
Lola: I know, but you're gonna have to figure out a way to deal with it.
Kyle: Okay, so some random guy who I've never before is my dad's half-brother, and now i have to welcome theo into our family?
Lola: What are you afraid of?
Kyle: I -- I don't know, my whole family being turned upside-down by a manipulative opportunist?
Lola: Kyle, could you consider for one second that this might actually mean something to theo other than a chance to take advantage of the abbotts?
Theo: The abbotts, of all people... I mean, 9 million people in new york city, and, what, kyle and I become friends? What are the odds? And then I -- I come here, ending up working with you and abby. I mean, this is insane.
Jack: I stopped trying to figure out the capricious ways of the world a long time ago.
Theo: Are you sorry that it turned out to be me?
Jack: I'm glad the truth came out.
Theo: I'm sure kyle is, too. Just thrilled.
Jack: He just needs some time to process.
Theo: Yeah. Yeah. The rest of his life. So, where do we go from here?
Jack: I don't know. I don't know that there are any how-to books on handling this, but I figured we'd work through it together.
Theo: Well, winging it is my specialty.
Jack: Okay, then you take the lead. I mean, god knows we have a lot of pictures of the abbott family around here. I could tell you stories about dina....
Theo: There is something you could do for me, and I'd like to do it as soon as possible.
Chelsea: I really wanted to be at your press conference. But all these problems kept popping up, and I'd put out one fire, and then another one would start, and... abby wasn't here, so I couldn't leave.
Nick: Well, why didn't you just call or text and tell me what was going on?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I was so involved with what i was doing, I just lost track of time, and by the time i realized how late it was... you had already finished your speech. But, oh, my gosh, I watched it on my tablet. You killed it! You knocked it out of the park!
Nick: Thanks. Everyone seemed to be pretty happy with how it went.
Chelsea: Good. See? So -- maybe it's better I wasn't there, you know? Everybody could just focus on you and your agenda.
Nick: Are you bailing on me?
Chelsea: Never. Never. I just think -- I just think maybe it's best i stay more in the background, you know, until you get your campaign off the ground.
Nick: No, chelsea. How is it gonna look if my significant other isn't there to endorse me?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I am always behind you, 100%. But if you put me front and center, you're really taking a risk. I mean, what if that costs you the election?
Nick: I don't know how many more times I can tell you this. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed at all to have you by my side.
Chelsea: But you're not the one I need to impress.
Nick: Once everyone gets to know you, they're gonna love you as much as I do. Which is a lot.
Chelsea: That's very sweet.
Nick: Now, I know your job and connor is your priority. But, honestly, I'll take anything you can give me right now because I don't think I can do this without you.
Chelsea: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you today. But I'll, uh, make it up to you later, I promise.
Nick: Oh, yeah.
Chelsea: [ Giggles ]
Nick: Actually... you can make it up to me right now.
Rey: Okay, what's -- what's the damage?
Abby: $3,000. The credit card that he used when he checked in was declined, and when the front desk clerk called him to get a new card, well, he said he was gonna bring one down, and then -- well, then he left. We never heard from him again.
Rey: That S.O.B. Never changes.
Abby: I hate to lay this on you.
Rey: I'll write you a check.
Abby: No, of course not. You're not responsible for your father's actions.
Rey: Well, why should you have to take the loss?
Abby: It's part of the business.
Rey: Let me at least pay for some of it.
Abby: Rey, I'm not accepting your money.
Rey: Okay. Well, thank you. But if adrian does come back into town, I'm gonna throw his ass in prison for theft.
Abby: You're a good man, detective rosales.
Rey: Too bad I didn't come by it honestly.
Sharon: I basically told adam that I'm not interested in a relationship with him.
Mariah: And that's different from all of the other times that you've done that, how?
Sharon: Because I'm different. Because of rey. You know, he honestly trusts that I am not going to allow adam to be a threat to our relationship.
Mariah: He is a master manipulator. Adam's already roped you into helping out his son.
Sharon: He pleaded with me to help connor. I said no.
Mariah: Wait, but i thought --
Sharon: Rey encouraged me to change my mind. That's how much faith he has in me.
Mariah: Why would you risk losing such a great guy? There are dozens of licensed therapists in genoa city who could help out adam's son.
Sharon: That's what I told him, but connor and I, we just have this relationship.
Mariah: Which adam is using to his advantage.
Sharon: That can't happen unless I let him, and I won'T. It is not happening. History is not going to repeat itself.
Mariah: Sounds like you've got this under control.
Sharon: I do, so there's nothing for you to worry about. Now, let's talk about you. What's going on in your life?
Mariah: I am throwing a little get-together tonight, and I would very much like for you to come.
Sharon: Of course!
Mariah: And bring rey.
Sharon: Sure!-What's the occasion?
Theo: Ever since you told me we might be related, I've been thinking about something, and... now that I know it's true... this is really important to me. I'd like to meet my grandmother.
Jack: Theo, I know you have a lot of questions. I'm afraid dina won't be able to give you the answers you want.
Theo: I know that she's got alzheimer's --
Jack: My sister traci and i tried to talk to her about your dad. She couldn't tell us anything about the baby she gave up. The idea that that baby has a-son is something she wouldn't understand.
Theo: I don't expect her to explain why she gave my dad up for adoption. I just want to meet her. Look, I know that my dad would want me to have the chance that he never got.
Jack: I'm very sorry about that.
Theo: Look, I promise, I won't upset her.
Jack: You sure you're ready for this?
Theo: Yeah, you know, I've already missed out on so much, and -- and who knows how much longer my grandmother has?
Jack: Okay. I'll see if dina's up for a visit.
Theo: Thank you.
Lola: You assume theo wants something from your family.
Kyle: Because I know him. He's always working an angle, trying to get somebody to back his crazy schemes or pay his bar tab.
Lola: You two used to be friends. Maybe this is a sign that you should be again.
Kyle: No way. I was in a bad place when I met him. It was a blip, a mistake. The guy's a mess. You should have heard him the night he found out we might be related. He couldn't wait to taunt me with it, talking about "uncle jack."
Lola: You both received some shocking news. You weren't thrilled with it. I'm sure theo was ticked off by your reaction.
Kyle: Okay, so now I'm the bad guy?
Lola: No, that's not what i meant. I'm just saying, if you could keep an open mind, maybe you and theo could find some common ground.
Kyle: Yeah, that's never gonna happen.
Lola: Kyle, I know that theo made some bad decisions in the past, but he seems to be trying extremely hard to become a better person!
Kyle: Give me a break, lola!
Lola: Oh, my god. That night that I felt dizzy, he came, and he cared. He brought that soup!
Kyle: No, he wasn't doing that to be nice! He's sucking up to you because he knows it'll drive me nuts, and you're falling for his act!
Lola: Okay, so I'm either stupid or naive?
Kyle: That's not what I said, lola.
Lola: Well, that's what it sounded like, kyle! You know, I don't care how you feel about theo. You have no right to treat me like a fool.
Kyle: Wait -- lola! No, lola!
[ Door slams ]
Kyle: Damn it!
Lola: I have to get back to the restaurant.
Kyle: Lola, wait. Don't leave like this.
[ Sighs ] I -- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you.
Lola: I get that you're frustrated.
Kyle: And this whole thing with theo is really messing with head, but I never would want it to come between us.
Lola: I don't want that, either.
Kyle: There's no way in a million years I'd ever think you're stupid. I just felt like you were defending theo. I thought you'd be on my side.
Lola: I am on your side. That's why I'm trying to find out a way for you guys to work things out.
Kyle: You have the biggest heart. It's always looking for happy endings. That's one of the reasons I love you.
Lola: Mm, it also drives you crazy.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Please, just -- keep your eyes open where theo's concerned.
Lola: Cross my big, giant heart.
Kyle: I love you.
Lola: I love you, too.
Kyle: So, we good?
Lola: We are. But you do owe someone else an apology.
Dina: Thank you so much.
Jack: Is that comfortable?
Dina: Oh, yes, it is.
Jack: I made some of your favorite tea.
Dina: Oh! Hibiscus, I hope.
Jack: Hibiscus.
Jack: [ Giggles ] Thank you.
Jack: There you are.
Dina: Oh, thank you. Mm, yummy, yummy, yummy. This is a lovely home.
Jack: Thank you. It's been in our family for years.
Dina: Well...
Jack: It's nice that you can visit us.
Dina: Well, it feels good to get out and meet new people.
Jack: Speaking of that, i have someone I want you to meet.
Dina: Who?
Jack: Dina, this is theo vanderway.
Theo: It's nice to meet you, dina.
Dina: Oh... did you say "vanderway?"
Jack: Yes. Does that name mean something to you?
Dina: [ Voice breaking ] Oh.
[ Breathes deeply ]
Chelsea: She wants to interview us here?
Nick: Yes. Her name's pat. She works at the chronicle. She's been doing stories on our families for years, and she is very fair. She doesn't have that tabloid spin. And I know it won't take long. So if you'll do this for me, I would really appreciate it.
Chelsea: How could I turn you down when you look at me like that?
Nick: So you'll do it?
Chelsea: Ugh, fine! Just remember, this was your idea.
Nick: You are gonna be great. Ah, showtime.
Abby: I think this is who you're looking for. The amazingly brilliant candidate who will win the next city council election.
Nick: Thanks, sis.
Abby: Just make sure you have your victory party here.
Nick: Done. It's great to see you, pat.
Abby: I have to go. I have to go meet with the esports organizers. I'm not sure where phyllis.
Chelsea: Oh, I'll keep an eye on things.
Abby: All right, great. By.
Nick: Bye. This is my girlfriend, chelsea lawson.
Nice to meet you. I'm anxious to get to know nick's partner in crime.
Nick: Oh, she's the best. Let's, uh -- let's sit down over here. Where should we get started?
Tell me why you're running for city council.
Nick: Well, it's simple. I believe the people of genoa city deserve to have someone on their side, and i would like to be that person.
What makes you a good advocate for working folk?
Nick: I think everyone knows I've led a very privileged life, but there is more to me than my trust fund, especially I've given most of it away.
Chelsea: And now he's devoted himself to new hope.
Nick: Running my own non-profit has been the most satisfying work of my life, and it made me realize that I want to do more for my community, and the way I do that is by running for office. Look, I was born and raised in genoa city. I've lived here my whole life. I have done everything in this city from pouring drinks to having a big desk in a corner office. I've talked to people from all walks of life, and they're all saying the same thing. They want an opportunity to make a good living. They want good schooling for their children and a place to raise their own families, and everyone has a right to that, and I'm gonna fight like hell to make sure that happens. I want genoa city to be a place that people are proud to call home.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Mariah: Do you think that tessa's gonna be upset that i surprised her? Because I know some people hate surprises. Do you think she's gonna hate it? I should cancel it, shouldn't I? I should. I should.
Sharon: No, no. Mariah, stop. She is going to love that you're throwing a celebration for your anniversary.
Mariah: You really think so?
Sharon: Yes! I just can't believe you two have been living together a whole year.
Mariah: I know. I didn't think that we would make it. You know, all the stuff with her sister and J.T.
Sharon: You know, that was a real test of your love. You stood by tessa through all of it. Now here you are, a year later, stronger than ever.
Mariah: It's crazy. Me, in a long-term, healthy relationship. I didn't even have a friend before I came to genoa city.
Sharon: I'm so proud of you. You know, you -- you put your heart on the line, and you found love. I couldn't be happier for you.
Mariah: All right. One surprise anniversary party coming up!
Rey: So, what would you give your brother for a piece of good news?
Lola: Depends, brother. What kind of good news?
Rey: Four-course dinner good.
Lola: Mm, I'd have to hear it first.
Rey: Dad left town.
Lola: Yeah, okay. He'll come back.
Rey: Not unless he wants his butt thrown in jail.
Lola: Oh, no. What did he do?
Rey: He stiffed the grand phoenix for 3 grand.
Lola: He did?
Rey: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]
Lola: Oh, my god, no, of course he did. What am I saying? Bailing on his responsibilities is his go-to move.
Rey: Now abby's the one he screwed over.
Lola: I can't believe he did this to abby.
Rey: She refused to let me pay the bill.
Lola: Well, maybe I can have her take it out of my paycheck.
Rey: No, no. Why should you have to clean up our dad's mess?
Lola: [ Sighs ] Because i don't care, as long as he stays away! You know, I already have enough to deal with without worrying he's hanging around, causing more trouble.
Rey: What else is going on?
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Dina: Eric? I-is that you?
Theo: Yes. Yes, it's -- it's me, eric.
Dina: [ Laughing ] Oh! Do -- do they love you?
Theo: Who?
Dina: Your parents. Your parents.
Theo: They do. They do. Very much.
Dina: Tell me about them.
Theo: They're good people.
Dina: Yeah?
Theo: Kind and caring. They're devoted to making sure i always feel safe and loved.
Dina: [ Sniffles ] Well, family should take care of each other. That's -- that's what they're supposed to do, look out -- look out for each other. I wish -- I wish I'D... I'D...
Jack: You wish what? Dina?
Dina: I'm getting very, very tired.
Jack: Okay, okay. You rest right here, and I'll take you home in a second, okay?
Dina: Mm-hmm.
Jack: I think that's all we're gonna get out of her today.
Theo: [ Sighs ] It was way more than I was expecting.
Jack: Yeah. Me, too. You want me to stick around? We can talk some more.
Theo: No. I'm good for today.
Jack: You sure about that?
Theo: Yeah. Yeah. Hey, thank you, jack, for... for this. I really appreciate it.
Jack: You're welcome.
Jack: Dina, you ready to go? I'll take you home.
Dina: Do I know you?
Jack: I'm jack. I'm your son, mom. I'm family. Let's go. Here you go.
Rey: I'm not leaving until you tell me what's bothering you.
Lola: [ Sighs ] For the 10th time, it's nothing. I've just had a lot on my plate these days.
Rey: No, no, no. You told me you had enough to worry about, like it was something specific.
Lola: It's just...life... work... house-hunting. And kyle's been dealing with some family drama.
Rey: Is that work or personal?
Lola: A little bit of both.
Rey: Well, whatever it is, don't let it come between you two.
Lola: No, I promised him i wouldn'T.
Rey: Good.
Lola: But enough about me. How are you and, uh, sharon doing?
[ Chuckles ]
Rey: We're doing good. Scratch that, we're great.
Lola: Aww! Rey, that makes me so happy! I have had everything crossed for the two of you.
Rey: Yeah, well, it worked. I'm off to see her now.
Lola: Well, go! Go!
Rey: Mwah!
Lola: You don't want to keep her waiting.
Rey: Okay, okay. [ Laughs ] I'll catch you later.
Lola: Bye! Hi.
Theo: I guess you heard.
Lola: Yeah.
Theo: I'm sure kyle had some choice words to describe how he feels about the news.
Lola: I want to know how you're feeling.
Kyle: Hi.
Jack: Hi. I wasn't expecting to find you-here.
Kyle: I owe you an apology. I was kind of a jackass earlier.
Jack: Yeah, you got some pretty rough news.
Kyle: Could have handled it better.
Jack: Well, it's a big adjustment for all of us.
Kyle: Guess it's bigger for some than others.
Jack: Well, we'll have to be more patient with those who are struggling.
Kyle: Did you tell theo?
Jack: I did.
Kyle: He stake out a bedroom yet?
Jack: His response was more subdued.
Kyle: Mm. Once the initial shock wears off, I'm sure his theo instincts will kick in.
Jack: What I saw was a young man who had just gotten life-changing news. Everything he thought he knew about himself had changed.
Kyle: It won't take him long before he turns that to his advantage. That's his specialty.
Jack: I've seen how theo operates. I did not get the sense that he hoped to gain anything from this.
Kyle: Trust me, dad. It won't be long before he starts asking you for things.
[ Scoffs ]
Jack: He already did.
Kyle: I knew it. What'd he want? A credit card, new car?
Jack: He wanted to meet dina.
Kyle: Please don't tell me you --
Jack: I wasn't sure it was a good idea at first, but it went quite well. For both of them.
Chelsea: Nick will listen to every person he represents because he truly believes every voice matters.
That is quite an endorsement.
Chelsea: Well, it's easy to support somebody you believe in.
Nick: Thanks. Well, uh, if you have any other questions, uh, please let me know, but... I'll walk you out.
Chelsea: Bye.
[ Sighs ] Not now, simon.
Simon: Hey, you should be thanking me. I waited till your boyfriend left.
Chelsea: Yeah, well, he's gonna be back any minute.
Simon: Oh! Okay, uh, I'll get right to the point. You have 24 hours to give me the money your dearly departed husband owed me.
Chelsea: You can't be serious.
Simon: As a heart attack.
[ Laughing ] Sorry. That was a bad choice of words.
Chelsea: There's no way I can get you that much money that quickly. You know how...delicate a transaction like this is.
Simon: Well, if calvin were alive, he would tell you I'm not an unreasonable man.
Chelsea: Good, because I'm gonna need -- I'm gonna need a week, maybe two, to make this happen.
Simon: Okay. I'll extend your deadline. You have 48 hours.
Chelsea: And what if I can't come up with the money?
Simon: Let's not go down that road unless we have to, okay? My drink's ready. It was nice chatting with you.
Rey: Well, I'd better not send you any more flowers until after your finals.
Sharon: I'd daydream about you anyway.
Rey: I'm bad for you.
Sharon: You are so good for me.
Rey: Mmm.
Sharon: So, what's new?
Rey: You mean since I left you this morning?
Sharon: Well, you couldn't have flown to miami and back.
Rey: Yeah, more like it flew to me.
Sharon: What happened?
Rey: It's a long, ugly story.
Sharon: Okay, well, tell me it has a happy ending.
Rey: Yeah. This chapter. But that's not why I came to see you.
Sharon: Oh?
Rey: I was wondering when we could go out again.
Sharon: Well, your timing is perfect. Mariah is having an anniversary party tonight for her and tessa. I was thinking you could be my plus-one.
Rey: I'd love to.
Sharon: Just think -- this time next year, we could be celebrating our anniversary.
Rey: I'm looking forward to it.
Mariah: Hey, babe. Yeah, I'm so sorry. It's just, um -- it's a really busy day, but, uh, I'll see you tonight. Okay. Bye.
Theo: I don't want to put you in the middle of this.
Lola: I don't know if you noticed, but I can take care of myself.
Theo: You've made that very clear.
Lola: Okay, so talk to me. Jack showed you the dna report. Then what?
Theo: There was only thing I wanted to do -- meet my grandmother.
Lola: Dina?
Theo: What, did you think i was gonna ask for my own trust fund?
Lola: No, I just -- how did it go with dina?
Theo: [ Sighs ] She thought I was my dad. I went along with it.
Lola: That must have been really difficult.
Theo: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. I don't know what I was expecting, but.... not that. You know, I -- I felt this connection with her, and it was amazing. And then it was gone. She was gone. You know, I -- I feel like i lost something I never even had. Like, I know that's stupid...
Lola: No, hey, it's not stupid at all.
Theo: I was looking at the family photos at the abbott house, and...
Lola: What?
Theo: I had a family. Parents, grandparents, my own pictures, my own memories... I thought I knew who I was. Now... I'm not so sure.
Jack: I wasn't sure it was a good idea to bring the two of them together, but it actually worked out quite well.
Kyle: I don't see how dina got anything out of meeting theo.
Jack: I think she got a sense of peace from it all. When she was looking at theo, i think a lifetime of questions about what happened to that little boy she gave up were answered.
Kyle: Mm. I'm glad something good came out of it. I still don't trust theo.
Jack: It's all theo asked for.
Kyle: Dad, he's not above using my grandmother to score points with you.
Jack: She's his grandmother now, too.
Kyle: Just the thought of that is insane.
Jack: You're gonna have to find a way to accept this, just like the rest of us.
Kyle: Does that man you're gonna keep reaching out to him?
Jack: At her most lucid, dina said one thing today. Family has to look out for each other. That's what families are for. Theo is family now, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he feels welcome.
Nick: I mean, you really won pat over.
Chelsea: Really?
Nick: Yeah. You seemed a little nervous at first, but then you killed it.
Chelsea: Yeah, I think I let my nerves get the best of me there for a minute, but... you know me, I always find a way to land on my feet.
Nick: You're a boss at it. And now I got to go be a boss at new hope.
Chelsea: All right. Well, I'll see you at home.
Nick: Yes, you will.
Chelsea: Kevin. I need your help.
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