Y&R Transcript Friday 11/1/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/1/19


Episode #11736 ~ Nikki is faced with a tough decision; Amanda takes on a new challenge; Chelsea meets a handsome stranger.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nate: The state medical licensing board has opened an inquiry into my role into helping falsify victor's death. If they rule against me, they could revoke my license from practicing medicine here in wisconsin.

Chelsea: Calvin was involved in some questionable business dealings, but I didn't know about any of that until after he passed away. What I do know is that money can't go anywhere until it gets a good wash. You're the only person I trust to handle it properly, so... will you do it for me?

Nick: Tammy and a few others think I should run for city council because a seat opened up. Everything I've ever said, everything I've ever done is gonna become public knowledge.

Chelsea: What about my past? I mean, I haven't exactly led a perfect life.

Nikki: Oh! What's this, candy?

Victor: What?

Nikki: For breakfast, no less.

Victor: Wait a minute. Now that I'm retired, I can eat anything I want, right? Isn't that how it goes?

Nikki: True. Okay. Yes, indeed.

Victor: Right?

Nikki: Well, in that case, take two, they're small.

Victor: I'm gonna surprise you. I might even watch the price is right." Come on down! You know?

Nikki: Well!

Victor: I like that.

Nikki: Drew carey will be thrilled to know that victor newman is one of his viewers.

Victor: All right. Where you off to?

Nikki: Uh, nicholas wanted me to stop by. He has something he wants to talk to me about.

Victor: About what?

Nikki: If it's what I think it is, we can expect things to get very busy, very fast. Oh, I got to go.

Victor: What -- wait a minute. What's that supposed to mean?

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Hey.

Nick: Big day today.

Chelsea: I know.

Nick: How do I look?

Chelsea: Confident. Sexy. Debonair.

Nick: Mm. What are you doing?

Chelsea: I'm taking your clothes off, councilman.

Nick: Uh, chelsea?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm...

Nick: You know I am always down for this, but I cannot be late to my own press conference.

Chelsea: Don't worry, this won't take long.

Nick: Well, how do you know that?

Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Relax. We're not having sex.

Nick: Oh, well, what are we doing, then?

Chelsea: We're getting out of this ridiculous outfit.

Nick: This ridiculous outfit was a custom-made suit from italy. I had it made when I started dark horse, and I love it.

Chelsea: The suit is great. You can wear it one night when you take me dancing.

Nick: I thought you said --

Chelsea: You are about to announce your candidacy for city council. You need to be showing the people of genoa city that you are there to work for them, get in the trenches, and fight alongside them. You show up in a custom-made italian suit, no. Sending the wrong message.

[ Sighs ] Trust me, nick. I'm right about this.

Amanda: So he's in the same location? Good. Good. That's very good. Oh, well, I'm glad that everything worked out. We'll be in touch. Right on time. Hello, nate.

Nate: Amanda.

Amanda: Let's get started.

Nate: You don't waste any time, do you?

Amanda: Well, if I'm gonna take your case with the medical board, we don't have a lot of time to waste.

Nate: Okay, so, what do we tackle first?

Amanda: Well, whenever I sit down with a perspective client, I like to figure out a way to win. After all, I have a perfect record to protect.

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Nate: There's a part in there that's not --

Amanda: I'm sorry, I wasn't ignoring you, I just wanted to interpret this letter on my own.

Nate: So what do you think? And don't feel the need to sugarcoat anything. I don't need to be handled.

Amanda: I appreciate your honesty. We will definitely make a much better team if we're straight with each other.

Nate: So...the letter.

Amanda: Yes, they are serious.

Nate: No doubt about that.

Amanda: This letter is their version of events, so now I need to hear yours.

Nate: I already told you.

Amanda: Tell me again. Don't leave anything out.

Nate: [ Clears throat ] I lied for my patient. I, um, helped victor newman perpetuate a fraud by faking his own death. And if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn'T. That's it.

Amanda: Okay, so, my first instruction to you -- never tell anyone that story ever again except me.

Nate: Understood.

Amanda: I also asked you to not leave anything out.

Nate: I haven'T. What happened is pretty straightforward.

Amanda: Not according to what you told me yesterday. You said that your decision may have been influenced by your personal relationship with abby newman. Is that still true?

Nate: I wouldn't have said it if it wasn'T. Why? Does it matter?

Amanda: It could. I'm just surprised. Are you really the type of man who would throw everything away for a woman?

Nick: So what you're saying is, the suit makes me look too slick.

Chelsea: Let your opponent try to spin some phony image. You just be you -- honorable, down-to-earth nicholas newman.

Nick: In other words, not my dad.

Chelsea: I didn't say that.

Nick: Well, in case you were thinking it, let me reassure you, I love where my relationship is with my dad right now, but there aren't two people in this world who are more different than me and him. Better?

Chelsea: Much.

Nick: The announcement will be at the coffeehouse, just a few select invites, along with just enough media to put the word out there. I don't want to seem stuffy or over-the-top.

Chelsea: I agree.

Nick: And you were right about the suit. It's a good call.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm. I told you. It's unfortunate, though, because you did look really sexy in it.

Nick: Well, I could put it right back on.

Chelsea: No!

Nick: I'm kidding.

Chelsea: You are going to be a huge success today.

Nick: Let's hope so.

Chelsea: You can relate to people. You've got a huge heart. The voters are gonna feel that. They'll be lucky to have you.

Nick: Well, I got to win first.

Chelsea: Oh, come on. Who's gonna vote against you?

Nick: Well, let's see. The person who I'm running against, you know, their family could vote against me. Uh, anyone who sees the newman name and runs for the hills. Also anyone who knows about my past and decides that that disqualifies me.

Chelsea: Or my past.

Nick: Hey, come on, we talked about that. Your past is a non-issue for me. What I'm really concerned about is people are gonna take one look at the absolutely stunner next to me and say the wrong person is running.

Chelsea: The right person is definitely running.

Nick: Well... I just don't want you to worry about it, okay? Will you promise me?

Chelsea: Okay. I promise.

Nick: All right. I should get going.

Chelsea: Yeah. Me, too.

Nick: I'll, uh, see you at the coffee house later?

Chelsea: Yes. Absolutely. I need to stop by the grand phoenix, check in with abby, and I need to call connor.

Nick: Yeah, he wasn't trick-or-treating last night. How come?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Connor is still getting used to living with adam. Frankly, so am I. Um, but I will text you on my way. Does that work?

Nick: Yeah, great.

Chelsea: Do you say "break a leg" in politics?

Nick: Well, you do now.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, go work on that campaign and, uh, keep me posted -- oh! Hello!

Nick: Oh! Hey.

Nikki: So it's true. I -- I was hoping this was why you invited me over.

Nick: Yeah. I'm running for city council today, announcing it.

Nikki: Nicholas, that is wonderful! I'm so proud of you.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Nick: Thank you, and I can thank you and chelsea for convincing me to do it.

Chelsea: Well, chelsea is gonna be late. Bye, nikki.

Nikki: Bye-bye.

Chelsea: Bye.

Nick: Bye.

Chelsea: Good luck.

Nick: Thank you.

Chelsea: You got this.

Nick: So you're really happy about this?

Nikki: [ Scoffs ] I couldn't be any happier.

Nick: All right, well, another reason why I wanted you to come today was not just to announce that I'm running but also to see if you will help manage my campaign.

Nikki: Oh! Nicholas --

Nick: Mom, honestly, I can't think of anyone better. So...will you do it?

Nikki: Absolutely not.

Nate: How long have you known me, amanda? Five minutes?

Amanda: A little longer than that, but go on.

Nate: To answer your question, no. I'm not the kind of man who throws everything away for a woman. But I won't deny abbywas a factor.

Amanda: Okay.

Nate: Along with several other considerations I'd be happy to lay out for you in detail.

Amanda: That statement i made, it really pissed you off, didn't it?

Nate: I wouldn't go that far.

Amanda: I got under your skin, and you responded the way that I was hoping you would.

Nate: So you did this deliberately?

Amanda: If I'm gonna go to war with someone, I need to know the type of man I'm defending.

Nate: Did I pass the test?

Amanda: You're still mad, aren't you?

Nick: Yes or no.

Amanda: What I saw was a man who is not afraid to tell the truth, or defend himself. A straight shooter. How's that?

Nate: [ Sighs ] So what else do you need to know?

Amanda: Your background. Is this your first issue with the medical board?

Nate: Yes.

Amanda: Any other malpractice or other legal issues?

Nate: I have a clean record.

Amanda: Except this.

Nate: I know my career is on the line, but you don't have to spell it out for me. I'm sorry, uh... I'm a little on edge.

Amanda: It's understand.

Nate: No, it still doesn't give me an excuse to put it on you.

Amanda: Thank you.

Nate: So what's next?

Amanda: Uh, victor newman.

Nate: [ Sighs ] What about him?

Amanda: Take me back to the moment that you decided to help him with this deception. Help me understand -- no. Make me understand.

Nate: [ Sighs ] I love being a doctor. It's the only thing I've ever wanted to do for as, uh, far back as I can remember. I used my god-given skill to heal people. Now, I don't mean that to sound noble or superior. And I'm, uh, far from perfect, either as a doctor or a man. But I was always taught and always believed that the patient's welfare comes first. And victor was my patient. So when he came to me with this plan, I was, uh, reluctant. I was hoping he would change his mind. But he was determined. And I, uh, finally decided to go along with it.

Amanda: Did abby encourage you?

Nate: Not directly, no.

Amanda: But she didn't try to talk you out of it, either.

Nate: I know you want to pin this on my relationship with abby, but it was more than that. Victor was already a very sick man. The medication he was taking was experimental to begigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi there were no guarantees it would work. Then, uh, came the real complications.

Amanda: Victor's son adam.

Nate: The two of them were at war with one another, and it got uglier by the day. So adam decided to send a message by altering victor's meds, which would have had catastrophic results if we hadn't caught it in time. That's when victor decided to send his own message.

Amanda: He wanted adam to believe he was dead, hoping that he would reveal what he had done.

Nate: Yep. I know I should have called the police or tried hard to talk victor out of it, but... it was that nagging voice in the back of my head that kept saying, "this man is your patient. His health is your top priority, and he is still in danger." So I agreed to lie and present a false case through the authorities. I'm guilty of all of that.

Amanda: Because, as you saw it, your patient's life depended on it.

Nate: I wish there was another way to describe it, but that's the truth.

Amanda: That you knowingly put your entire career on the line for a man's life. That's your defense, nate. That's what we're gonna sell. Hard.

Nick: That's a pretty harsh "no," mom.

Nikki: Let me explain. I have my reasons. But I want you to know I'm so honored that you asked me.

Nick: Honored enough to turn me down.

Nikki: Tell me this -- are you running as nicholas newman or as a member of the newman family?

Nick: I'm my own man, you know that.

Nikki: And that is why I'm turning you down. I mean, I'm proud of our name, I'm proud of our family, but you and I both know what kind of baggage comes with that.

Nick: Yeah, chelsea and i were talking about that earlier. My plan is just to get out in front of it, answer all the questions before they're asked.

Nikki: And she agrees?

Nick: Yeah. She even came up with the idea to lose the fancy suit, you know, to seem more like a man of the people.

Nikki: Smart girl. I would have said the same thing.

Nick: You still can.

Nikki: Nicholas. I love my job at newman. I don't want to give it up. And even I took a short leave of absence to help you with your campaign, can you imagine what the press would do with that? The next thing we would hear is that newman enterprises is taking over local government, and you don't need that. Not after how hard you worked to try to distance yourself from the family's identity. And now is not the time to retreat from that. In fact, it's time to double-down on it.

Chelsea: Good morning.

Excuse me.

Chelsea: Oh. Hi.

[ Laughing ] I'm sorry. Hi! Can I help you?

Sorry, I can see you're working

Chelsea: No, that's okay! That's okay. What can I do for you?

My name's simon black.

Chelsea: It's a pleasure. I'm chelsea.

Oh! You don't need to introduce yourself. You are chelsea boudreau. You may not know me, but I am most certainly aware of who you are.

Nate: You seem pretty confident I can beat this.

Amanda: Did I mention I've never lost a case?

Nate: Once or twice. So, what's our next step?

Amanda: I go to work on building your defense.

Nate: Okay. I can, uh, talk to devon so you don't have to deal with any --

Amanda: No, no. Don't worry about devon. The way I see it, there is only one person who's crucial in you retaining your medical license. That's the man who started this scheme in the first place.

Nate: You want to talk to victor?

Amanda: Of course.

Nate: I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Amanda: Ready for what, nate? This is your career on the line, and he's the one who put you in this position.

Nate: Listen. I haven't been able to sleep for three nights. And when I do drift off, for an hour or two, victor newman in the man in the middle of my nightmares. I got to be honest with you. I'm afraid of what I might say to him.

Amanda: Which is why I'll be doing all of the talking. So let's go. You're angry, and you have every right to be. But you need him, nate. He's your best chance at winning.

Nate: [ Exhales sharply ]

Nick: Mom, everything you're saying makes sense, up to a point.

Nick: That point being?

Nick: Me letting you off the hook so easily.

Nikki: So you're gonna be a terrier about this, are you?

Nick: Look, I'm gonna be my own man in this, and I know what that costs. The newman name opens up a lot of doors. The newman money can do a lot of things. And I'm fine with all that, but if it costs me the amazing, fantastic nikki newman...

Nikki: Okay, nicholas, stop.

Nick: Mom, come on. You've run for office before. Your advice would be indispensable to me.

Nikki: And you're not playing fair.

Nick: Who, me?

Nikki: Your amazing, fantastic mother is very flattered. And I'm happy to take your calls at any time if you have questions, if you just want to talk somebody. But I'm gonna do that unofficially. Trust me, my name should not come within a country mile of your campaign letterhead.

Nick: So there's no convincing you?

Nikki: But it was a very sweet try.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] All right, well, I hope this doesn't mean you're not gonna come to my press conference.

Nikki: Oh! I don't want to cause bad optics for you.

Nick: You are the mother of the candidate. You would just be there to cheer me on. And, frankly, I could use another friendly face there. With you and chelsea, I might just be able to get through it.

Victor: Thank you. Well, now. If it isn'T...

Kevin: [ Sighs ] Victor. Congratulations. I give you an 8.5, maybe even a 9.

Victor: Really? I beg your pardon?

Kevin: At first, I was flattered thinking that chloe and I had inspired you.

Victor: Mm.

Kevin: And then I remembered this wasn't your first trip to the fake-your-own-death rodeo.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] I wouldn't be glib about that, if I were you.

Kevin: Well, that is a sincere compliment.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: The only reason i didn't give you a perfect score is because adam didn't leave town permanently.

Victor: Nor did chloe. Well, now, those were the terms of our agreement. I would keep quiet about her being alive, and she would never show her face in this town again.

Kevin: Well, I figured once adam made his miraculous return and michael got the deal for chloe that our arrangement would be null and void.

Victor: Oh. You're lucky she's a lousy shot.

Kevin: You know about that?

Victor: [ Chuckles ]

Kevin: Of course you do. You know everything. Well, look, I -- I assure you, chloe's gotten it out of her system. She will not go after adam again.

Victor: How have people treated her since she has come back?

Kevin: Well, we were nervous, but everybody's been pretty welcoming.

Victor: Uh-huh, and no one was upset about being deceived by her?

Kevin: Chelsea was, but -- but she got over it.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: Why? People giving you flak?

Victor: Been some repercussions, uh-huh.

Kevin: If there's anything i can do to help you make things right, I owe you.

Victor: I don't need your kind of assistance, kevin.

Kevin: I -- I wasn't suggesting anything shady. I've got my job back at the police station. I'm one of the good guys now.

Victor: Wow. That's like the fox guarding the chicken coop, right?

[ Cellphone rings ]

Kevin: Excuse me one sec. Well, it took you long enough. I left you, like, 7 messages. That can't be right. No, no, no. If you're joking, it's not funny. Damn it.

Chelsea: I'm sorry, mr. Black.

Simon: Oh, no, no, no. Please, call me simon.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Simon. If we've met before, I honestly don't remember where or when.

Simon: We've actually never met. Though I do know you by reputation. You're the owner of this place, right?

Chelsea: No. I'm not the majority stakeholder. Abby newman is in charge. I'm just along for the ride.

Simon: Yeah, well, I really don't care if there are 1,000 owners. You're the only one I'm interested in.

[ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: Oh, that's -- well, that's very flattering, simon, but if there's any business you'd like to discuss --

Simon: No. I think we should keep this all very personal.

Chelsea: Well, I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much.

Simon: Agh.

Chelsea: Agh, yeah. So if there's anything else i can do for you...

Simon: Actually, yeah, there is. It's the reason I came. You have something of mine, ms. Boudreau, and I'd like it back. So perhaps you could sit down and we could talk about it.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Amanda: Mr. Newman.

Victor: Well, my goodness. They've talked about your similarity to hilary, but this is astonishing. Please, have a seat.

Amanda: Yes. You are not the first person to point out my resemblance to devon hamilton's late wife, mr. Newman, but if anyone in this room has come back from the dead, it's not me.

Victor: So I assume that is why you came by to see me.

Amanda: Yes. Yes, it is.

Victor: Nate, I heard about the medical board's decision. I am deeply sorry about that. I'm glad you've reached out to me. I will do anything to help nate, okay?

Amanda: Well, we are in the process of building our case.

Victor: Mm.

Amanda: I'm very confident that we will succeed, but I am not gonna downplay the help that we're gonna need if dr. Hastings is to come through this unscathed.

Victor: Dr. Hastings is my personal physician, and hence, he is irreplaceable.

Amanda: Well, I'm glad to hear that we have your support, then.

Victor: Yes.

Amanda: The first thing that we are gonna need from you is a statement for the hearing, detailing --

Nate: You know, victor, none of this would have happened if you hadn't cooked up your crazy scheme to smoke out adam. I'll own my part in it, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life. But everyone else is just collateral damage so you can teach your son a lesson.

Amanda: Now is not the time, nate.

Victor: Does this mean you don't need my help?

Nikki: Councilwoman diamond.

Nick: Uh, she's gonna make sure you call her tammy.

[ Laughs ] It's nice to finally meet you, mrs. Newman.

Nikki: Well, I understand you're the one who convinced nicholas to run for city council in the first place.

I might have twisted his arm a little, but eventually he decided he's the man for the job.

Nikki: I couldn't agree more.

Well, time to prime the press.

Nikki: Mm.

Nick: [ Exhales sharply ]

Nikki: So, are you nervous?

Nick: I mean, I don't know why I should be. I know exactly what I want to say today. I know what I plan to do if I'm elected.

Nikki: When! When you're elected.

Nick: When I'm elected. I guess I'm just sort of awed by this whole thing. I mean, it's not like I've never done anything good before. New hope has given so many families a chance to take theirvery proud of that work. But this -- I mean, this is taking everything I've ever done to a higher level, and I guess I'm feeling some responsibility not to let anyone down.

Nikki: Oh, nobody would ever think that. Look at all the people who love you, who believe in you.

Nick: I do hope they have faith in me, but, if I'm being honest, when I look at my life objectively, from the outside, it could seem like... you know, like I'm a job-hopping dilettante who is in this political phase, and he could lose interest in a couple months.

Nikki: That is ridiculous. I know you're in this for the long haul. You've got a fire in your eyes i haven't seen in quite a while.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] I am passionate about it. You know, when I think about the jobs I've had, the careers I've launched, most of them were to rebel against my father. You know, to let him know that I'm different. I'm not like the rest of the newmans, and it started with me buying crimson lights.

Nikki: Yeah. He was not thrilled that you were more interested in cappuccinos than corporate finance.

Nick: Culminated with me trying to beat him at his own game, with dark horse. I spent so much of my life trying to define who I wasn't, and it took me forever to finally figure out who I was. And what makes me happy is not pouring drinks or even building affordable housing. What I really want to do is i want to help people, improve their lives

Nikki: And that is exactly what you say to prove to those doubters that you are up to the task.

Nick: [ Inhales sharply ] Yeah.

We should get started.

Nick: Can I have, uh, just a couple more minutes? I really want to wait till chelsea gets here.

Nikki: Maybe she got delayed.

Nick: She's gonna be here.

Simon: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. I'm confident we can resolve this issue cleanly, simply, with no mess left behind. Ms. Boudreau.

Chelsea: Uh, yeah, sorry, what?

Simon: Did you hear what i said?

Chelsea: I did. I did hear what you said. I'm just racking my brain trying to think of what I could have that belonged to you, considering I'd never heard of you or seen you until just now.

Simon: Well, I find that very surprising because your late husband calvin and I, we were very close.

Chelsea: You were friends with calvin?

Simon: Mm, more like a colleague, business associate. Although I do regret not sending you my condolences after his untimely passing. But you've given me a reason to make up for that.

Chelsea: I don't know what you mean.

Simon: [ Chuckles ] I think you know exactly what i mean. You see, calvin, he understood obligations. And he always saw to it that those obligations were fully satisfied.

Chelsea: I still don't know what you mean.

Simon: The storage unit, ms. Boudreau. You see, when calvin passed away, an associate of mine went down there to collect what we thought was calvin's final obligation paid in full. Instead, all we found was an empty room. Imagine our disappointment. S You let him walk. I guess haVictor: No, no. Let hito suit your nate: Do I want your help?

Nate: Do I want your help?

Amanda: Yes. He does.

Nate: What I want, victor, is for you to understand there are consequences when you decide to play god. We're not just some chess pieces you can move around to suit your purposes. We're people with lives and relationships and careers that you obviously don't care about in the least.

Amanda: Nate, can I speak to you for a second?

Victor: No, no. Let him finish.

Nate: Your son adam tried to kill you. But adam didn't pay for that. There was no justice. You let him walk. I guess having the last name newman still has its rewards.

Amanda: You're not helping, nate.

Nate: I was just your doctor who signed on because I thought you were in danger. And now I might lose my license to practice medicine in wisconsin because you felt your money and power made you above the law. I don't know if you and abby talked about how our relationship ended, but it had to do with you and your scheme. You got to rise from the ashes unscathed, but I could lose everything.

Victor: You done?

Amanda: God, I hope so.

Victor: Now, you kindly listen to me.

[ Inhales sharply ] I know that I've done a great deal of damage to your career. I'm deeply sorry for that. I'll do anything to help you win this case against the medical board of wisconsin. I will take the blame for it all.

Nikki: Still no word from chelsea?

Nick: Well, like you said, uh, she could have got, uh, you know, stuck at the hotel.

Nikki: Perhaps. Although, I can't imagine what could be more important than being here.

Nick: What are you implying?

Nikki: Well, chelsea has said all the right things, but do you know that she truly is happy that you're running for public office?

Nick: Why wouldn't she be?

Nikki: Only she can answer that. I'm just saying that when somebody you love asks you to publicly support them, you show up.

Nick: Mom, come on. Her job at that hotel is to make sure that every guest, every single minute of the day, is happy. If there's a fire to be put out, she can't leave until every flame is extinguished.

Nikki: Hey, if you're confident of chelsea's support, I'm sure you're right. I don't want to give you any doubts before your speech.

Nick: Which is why I want to give her a few more minutes to get here.

Nikki: I think you're making a mistake. You asked for my advice, and I'm giving it to you. I overheard a couple of the reporters say that they're gonna have to move on to another commitment if this doesn't wrap up soon. You don't want to miss out on that publicity. That's why you invited them here.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'm coming.

Thank you.

Nick: Let's do it.

Nikki: Yeah.

Nick: Hello. Thank you very much for coming, and, uh, especially for being so patient. We've gotten a bit of a late start this morning, so let's just skip the formalities. I'm nicholas newman, and I'm very proud to announce my candidacy for city council.

[ Applause ]

Chelsea: I'm very sorry, simon, if something that belonged to you has gone missing. But you're mistaken if you think I have whatever it is --

Simon: Is that so?

Chelsea: Yeah. I'd be glad to look through some of calvin's old paperwork. Maybe there's a clue that can point you in the right direction.

Simon: Hmm.

Chelsea: But, other than that, I don't know what to tell you. Oh, perhaps try reaching out to calvin's other acquaintances.

Simon: Well, if you're so sure, I guess there's nothing left to discuss. I am so sorry if I've wasted your valuable time.

Chelsea: Not at all. I wish I could have been of more help.

Simon: Nah. Incidentally, I forgot to mention what a beautiful place this is. It's a real gem. You really landed on your feet since calvin's untimely demise.

[ Sighs ] Such a sad reminder that life can be too short. Can't it? Are we done pretending now, ms. Boudreau? I fervently hope we are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to let my associates now that we've spoken. We'll pick this up later. We'll get down to all the dirty details. It's been a pleasure.

Chelsea: [ Gasps ]

Kevin: What's going on? Who was that guy?

Chelsea: It doesn't matter. I have to talk to you about the money I gave you.

Kevin: That's why I came here. There's been --

Chelsea: No, kevin, I need the money back. I need it all back right now. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Hy-a-luronic acid.

Victor: Ms. Sinclair, a pleasure meeting you. Hope next time our conversation won't be quite as contentious.

Amanda: Thank you, mr. Newman.

Victor: And I promise not to make references to your similarity to hilary.

Amanda: I appreciate that.

Victor: You're your own woman.

Amanda: Thank you.

Victor: And, nate, again, I'm deeply sorry about what happened. Maybe one day, you will appreciate the choices I made after you've had your own children.

Nate: Maybe.

Victor: All right. We'll be in touch. Thank you.

Amanda: Have you gotten that out of your system?

Nate: Pretty much.

Amanda: Do you realize how disastrous that could have been?

Nate: Victor had it right. Some things need to be said, no matter what.

Amanda: Well, in the future, when you ask me to represent you, let me represent you. That means, when I tell you that I am doing all of the talking, I mean it.

Victor: Find out everything you can about the lawyer called amanda sinclair, all right? Thank you.

Nick: When you hear the name newman, I'm sure you think of board rooms and big business dealing, and I've had my fair share of experience in both. I'm extremely comfortable speaking the language of the corporate world. But that is not why I'm doing this, to benefit special interest groups. They have more than enough. I'm doing this for the families that were finally able to get up off the streets and into their own homes, for the single mothers who have two and three jobs and are working paycheck to paycheck just to get food on that table and a roof over their head. And for those kids who are graduating high school, and they're smart enough to go to college but they just can't afford it. And for the senior citizens who quite often have to make a very difficult decision on whether or not to buy medication or food. That's why I'm doing this. I love those people, I love this city. I'm very proud to be from here. And I promise you, I will do everything I can to make this place a better place to live for everyone who calls it home. And that's it. Um, thank you very much for coming and for listening. Um... to my opponents, I wish them good luck, and I will see you on the campaign trail. I'm gonna do this for genoa city. Thank you.

[ Applause ] Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[ Sighs ] Thank you. Thank you.

Nikki: You were fantastic.

Nick: Thanks, mom.

Nikki: I'd vote for you, even if you weren't my son.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Nikki: You okay?

Nick: Yeah, chelsea, uh -- she never came.

Nikki: I know.

Nick: I know she knows how important this was to me, and i know she wanted to be here. I just got this feeling that something's wrong, I can't shake it.

Chelsea: Look, I know this isn't the timeline we discussed, but I'm terminating our investment right away. I need to be liquid, extremely liquid, now.

Kevin: Okay, chelsea, if you'd just let me --

Chelsea: I don't care if the money's been properly washed. I just need it in my hands today.

Kevin: I can't do that.

Chelsea: What do you mean, you can't do that? Of course you can do that. It's my money. I was always gonna get it back, minus your fee, of course. I'm just changing the timing.

Kevin: It's gone.

Chelsea: What?

Kevin: The money is gone.

Chelsea: Of course it's not gone.

Kevin: Chelsea, I need you to listen to me.

Chelsea: No. No, it can't be gone.

Kevin: I'm sorry.

Chelsea: What happened? What did you do?

Kevin: I didn't do anything. The bank that I was working with --

Chelsea: Bank? What bank? Where?

Kevin: It doesn't matter. They were on the level. I've worked with them before. Never any problems.

Chelsea: I don't care about any of that. What happened to my money, kevin?

Kevin: The feds. The feds were investigating the bank. They closed in, they seized all assets and accounts.

Chelsea: The government took my money?

Kevin: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry.

Chelsea: Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] Look, I know you trusted me, and I feel terrible. I wish there was a way that i could fix this, but... I can'T. I swear, I wish I could, but... I can'T.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Theo: It's nice to meet you, dina.

Dina: Did you say "vanderway?"

Kyle: Is she okay?

Mariah: Yeah, she's fine. Tessa doesn't know it yet, but she's about an hour away from having her mind blown.

Kyle: Hmm.

Simon: You have 24 hours to give me the money your dearly departed husband owed me.

Abby: Please tell me there's not trouble brewing.

Chelsea: Let me handle it, abby.

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