Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/31/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/31/19


Episode #11735 ~ It's time for tricks and treats in Genoa City.

Provided By Suzanne

Abby: [ Sighs ] So, tonight was a nightmare. Is it just me, or were people extra crazy? I know it's halloween, but the costumes and the cocktails, it loosens people's inhibitions too much for my taste.

[ Sighs ] I am exhausted. I think I am just gonna crash in an empty room. Do we have any available.

Rey: You look stunning tonight.

Sharon: Thank you.

Rey: There's just --

[ Sighs ] There's just something missing.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] What is that? I didn't know that third post-reconciliation dates usually involved jewelry.

Rey: Yeah, I know. But I saw it, and I just... I knew you had to have it.

Sharon: I don't know what to say.

Rey: Say that the night doesn't have to end yet.

Phyllis: I don't need adam's $10 million.

[ Sighs ] Oh, it's not gonna be long until my name is plastered across every single building in this town. Phyllis summers. Phyllis summers. Phyllis summers. And all those losers... will look up and see your name. And it will cast a shadow over all of their small, puny lives.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] I'm so happy. I thought I lost the chance to be with you like this.

Rey: Ah. You underestimate your allure.

Sharon: Well, you were pretty immune to me for a while.

Rey: Yeah. But I never stopped wanting you.

Sharon: I'm so glad that you trust me again.

Rey: I would do anything for you, sharon. And risk anything.

Lola: Thank you for being such a good sport about mariah and tessa's party tonight. I know that this is really not what you had in mind.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] If I had to talk to that guy dressed as spicoli for another second, I --

Lola: I might have really had to "save ferris."

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: I know that this thing with theo was on your mind.

Kyle: Well, I'm pretty sure mariah knew something was wrong.

Lola: Yeah. She asked me what was up, but i didn't say anything, because we don't even know if it's really true yet.

Kyle: Well, if it turns out we are cousins, there will be no separating myself from him, ever.

Lola: I don't know. It's not that hard to be estranged from your relatives. Look at me and my dad.

Kyle: But my dad is pretty passionate when it comes to keeping family together.

Lola: How about some brain candy to take your mind off of it? And we can watch an '80s movie to go with our costumes.

Kyle: Hmm. Sure.

[ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ]

Nick: [ Yawns ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Indistinct talking on television ]

Sharon: Phyllis summers' office. You're here? Now? Y-yes, ma'am. Sparkling water is waiting, and the flowers are fresh and -- okay, bubbles. Do your thing. You need to tickle her tonsils. Oh, no! Oh! Perk up! Please! Oh! Oh, gosh. I hate to do this, but...

Phyllis: My schedule. Mm. Too bubbly. Please take out half the bubbles, and without making it stale.

Sharon: Um... how do I remove half the bubbles?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Do I look like a scientist?

Sharon: In an action movie, maybe.

Phyllis: Book me a wax.

Sharon: Eyebrow or...lip?

Phyllis: There is only one mustache in this town, and it ain't me.

Sharon: Brow. Of course.

Phyllis: Tomorrow is summer's birthday. I'd like you to make a reservation at l'arpege.

Sharon: In paris?

Phyllis: No, on old town road.

Sharon: But they're booked for months.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Make it happen, or make yourself available for job interviews.

Sharon: Yes, ma'am.

Phyllis: Thank you, everybody, for joining me for this clearly momentous occasion, my first day as C.E.O. Of newman enterprises. It just shows, if you work hard enough and don't take no for an answer, flip on your friends in court, commit felonies, and adopt a revenge-at-all-costs attitude, dreams do come true.

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

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Phyllis: Show the abbotts in, please.

Jack: Thank you. Uh, thank you for letting us see you.

Phyllis: Not everyone gets the privilege. You have five minutes. Don't bore me.

Jack: We want to create a line of designer accessories named after you.

Phyllis: I like it. So far.

Kyle: We have some talented artisans who would be honored to be a --

Phyllis: What are you doing here?

Kyle: Uh... e-excuse me?

Phyllis: I cannot work with a boy who broke my daughter's heart.

Kyle: Uh, but I just --

Jack: We understand.

Kyle: We do?

Jack: Yes. You're fired.

Kyle: What?

Phyllis: Your services are no longer required. Bye, kyle.

[ Snaps ]

Jack: He'S...

Phyllis: Gone. Disappeared. Kaput.

Jack: Oh. Uh... all right, then. Anyway, the tag line for the phyllis summers accessory line would be your initials -- "ps, I love you."

Phyllis: I wish i felt the same way. This isn't working for me, jack. Goodbye.

[ Snaps ]

[ Sighs ] Sharon, show the newmans in for the staff meeting.

Sharon: Ma'am, they're already here.

Phyllis: Well, I'm sure it's very difficult having a non-newman run newman enterprises. Or I should say a former newman. Everybody makes mistakes. But I believe this is the dawn of a new era for newman enterprises, one that no other C.E.O. Could achieve. And, yes, I am talking about you, victoria, to be clear. As we move into the future, I expect the newmans to give 100%. You can give 50%, abby. And everyone who doesn't do this can disappear. You know what I'm talking about, nikki. Adam! I want to make you my second. You're not like the rest. It's you and me against the world. Look at me, please. Adam. Why is nobody looking at me?

Victor: All right. Shall we get started, then?

Phyllis: I'm invisible.

Victor: First order of business --

Nick: Before we do get started, there's something i would like to bring to everyone's attention. As you know, I have devoted my life to public service and charity. And an extremely sad case has been brought to my attention.

Victor: My son, this is not the time to talk about charity, okay?

Nick: It's about phyllis.

Phyllis: Phyllis?

Nikki: Her fall from grace was so tragic.

Abby: Was it, though?

Victor: Well, it couldn't have happened to a nicer gal, right?

Nikki: All right, now, you two.

Adam: It is odd. Just a couple months ago, she was running dark horse.

Abby: And she was a part of the grand phoenix.

Victoria: And now she's destitute, and she's living on the streets.

Phyllis: Why are you smiling?

Adam: Yeah, I'm not really sure what I ever saw in her. She was so hell-bent on revenge, she ended up destroying herself.

Victor: Mm.

Adam: So glad I could pull myself out of that spiral.

Nick: I heard she was panhandling out of a hat.

Victoria: An obnoxiously large hat.

Phyllis: The hat is from the runway in milan.

Nick: Well, I was wondering if we might, uh, possibly get some money from the newman foundation and... help her out.

[ Laughter ]

Nikki: Oh, my god! We're newmans. We don't help anybody.

[ All chuckling ]

Victor: Now, let this be a lesson to all of us. Any of us, like phyllis, can be on top one moment, and then disappear the next.

[ Snaps ]

Phyllis: [ Gasps ]

[ Slaps arms ]

[ Television playing ]

Victoria: He was such a good man. I'm gonna miss him so much.

[ Nikki crying ] Shh. It's all right.

[ Crying continues ] Don't cry. I really -- I know it's hard. We'll be able to get through somehow. It's okay. I know. I know.

[ Nikki sobs ] Mom, please.

Nikki: What are you doing here?

Nick: What happened?

Nikki: It's victor. He's dead.

Nick: How'd he die?

Nikki: You already know.

Nick: I didn't kill him.

[ Knife clatters ] Mom? Vick? What are you doing here? Grieving my father? You hated him. You said you'd be happy when this day came.

Phyllis: He did horrible things to me. But I forgave him. The question is, have you?

Nick: What are you talking about? I loved him.

Phyllis: You can't even face him. Not even now.

Abby: Don't do this.

Nick: I have to.

Abby: Just go.

Nick: I can'T.

Abby: I tried to warn you.

Nick: [ Huffs ] Adam. You said it was dad.

Nikki: I said it was victor.

Nick: But it's not.

Victor: Victor jr. The only son worthy of my name.

Nick: You don't mean that. Chelsea.

Chelsea: Victor, connor has decided to start using the name victor. To honor his father's legacy.

Victor: Oh, that's a wonderful tribute. You tell him that I'll be his father from now on.

Nick: I'll be there for connor, too. I'll raise him as if he was my own son.

Chelsea: Have you lost your mind? I just lost the only man I've ever loved.

Nick: You don't love adam.

Victoria: We all loved adam.

Abby: He was so kind to my mother after her miscarriage.

Nick: He caused it!

Victor: He cleared me of all charges.

Nick: He tried to frame you!

Victoria: I will never be able to thank him enough for saving delia's life.

Nick: He ran her over!

Victoria: You've always been jealous of adam.

Nick: I'm not jealous of adam!

Abby: Even now, you can't find one nice thing to say about him.

Nikki: Even after you killed him.

Nick: But I didn't!

Rey: I'm gonna need you to come down to the station with me.

Sharon: I'm sorry. I have to be honest about what I saw. He did it.

[ Crying ] He killed his own brother!

[ Handcuffs rattle ]

Nick: No! No. Look, he's not even in it. Adam faked his own death again. And somebody had to help him! Chelsea? Chelsea? Chelsea! Chelsea!

Chelsea: Nick? Hey. Hey. Are you okay?

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: It sounds like you were having a nightmare.

[ '80s music playing ]

Lola: My first thanksgiving with your family.

Kyle: It's gonna be great.

Lola: Do I look okay? Traditional enough?

Kyle: You look beautiful.

Theo: Wassup, nerds? A little square for the occasion.

Kyle: Well, you've never been to an abbot family thanksgiving, so...

Theo: Uh, it's not gonna be quite what you're expecting this year.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: What do you mean?

Theo: Oh, think less turkey, more tequila. Come on. Get in here, pilgrims. Time to party!

[ All exclaiming ]

Kyle: Where's my dad?!

Theo: Uncle jack had to go out of town on business. Couldn't let the place go to waste.

Kyle: This isn't your place!

Theo: You're right. It's ours, cuz.

Kyle: How -- how can you just trash the house without a second thought?

Theo: Well, things can be replaced, and money means nothing to me.

Kyle: Yeah. Right.

Theo: What? Could I wreck the house if it did? Come on. Think about it.

Kyle: You don't have any respect. For anyone. Or -- or anything!

Theo: My man needs a drink. We're on day three of this shindig, so you've got some catching up to do. Here. Uh, nah. Lo? Come with me. We'll put that pie in the kitchen. Comfort food will definitely come in handy later.

Kyle: I -- [ Sighs ]

Abby: Kyle, darling!

Kyle: Abby! Abby --

Abby: Hi! Mwah! Mwah! Fab party, isn't it?

Kyle: Wha-- not -- not really. Dad -- dad would be furious.

Abby: Ah. It's a good thing he isn't here.

[ Chuckles ]

Kyle: How -- how long have you been here?

Abby: Um... I don't know.

Kyle: [ Stammering ] What about society? Or the grand phoenix?

Abby: What about them? You know, I was talking to theo earlier, and it dawned on me -- I am working day and night, and for what? You and me and theo, we're gonna inherit all of this, so why am I busting my butt?

Kyle: Uh, because you're smart and am-ambitious, and -- and you work hard at what you do.

Abby: [ Laughs ] No, I -- I am just gonna marry some rich putz. And you need to find your trophy wife. I don't know what you're doing with that food-truck girl.

Kyle: You love lola.

Abby: Doubtful.

Kyle: But are -- are you wearing dina's coat?

Abby: Oh! [ Chuckles ] I dipped into the goodies a little bit early. It's all a part of the inevitable windfall.

Kyle: Wait, abby. Abby!

[ Huffs ]

Lola: Hey, is smashing a beer can on your forehead considered fun?

Theo: Dumb jocks love it. They can do it for hours.

Lola: Okay, yeah. I-I -- I think I've had enough for one night.

Kyle: Yeah, me too. Yeah, you -- you ready to go?

Lola: Mm-hmm.

Theo: Wait, you're not even gonna wait for the queen bee? Summer likes to show up fashionably late 'cause she thinks we care.

Kyle: You do care.

Theo: When it works to my advantage.

Kyle: Hey, she -- you --

Theo: What? Still not over summer?

Kyle: No, I ju-- I just -- I just don't want to see her get hurt.

Theo: Uh, you're the one who hurts her. I'm the one who makes it all better.

Kyle: Well... I'm about to make things unpleasant for you.

Lola: Stop it! Can't you just get over her? Why can't you just get over it?!

[ Crying ]

Mariah: Ooh! Volcanic blunder, my dear.

Kyle: Yeah, stay out of this, mariah.

Mariah: You know, I wish I could. But when one of my friends is sad, so am I. You know what, if he doesn't see how special you are, then he doesn't deserve you.

Kyle: I-I-I love lola. I -- [ Sighs ] We're happy together.

Mariah: Oh, really? 'Cause she doesn't look very happy to me. Hey, guys! Does this chick look happy to you?

All: No!

Mariah: Thank you.

Lola: I can't do this right now!

Kyle: No, lola! Lola!

Mariah: Hey, hey, hey! Dude, just let her go. You're just gonna mess it up with your man brain.

Theo: Hey, don't knock a man brain till you've tried it.

Mariah: Wrong tree, stud.

[ Crashing ]

Jack: What is going on?!

[ Cups clatter ] Kyle!

Kyle: Don't look at me! Look at your nephew.

Theo: Can we just chill?

Jack: No, we cannot chill.

Theo: I've, uh -- I've got this under control.

Jack: No, no. I am in control. You may be related to me. You are no longer welcome in this house.

Theo: I hate to break it to you, uncle jack, but it hasn't been all play since you've been gone. I fit in a little work.

Jack: What? What is this?

Theo: I had you legally declared incompetent, and myself appointed your guardian.

Jack: What -- you're insane!

Theo: I've decided you should go live with dina.

Jack: I'm not going anywhere.

Theo: Doesn't feel good to be forced out of your own home, does it? I think this could be good for you. You and grandma can work on your issues. Maybe solve that existential crisis that's been bringing you the blues. Gentlemen?

Jack: "Gentlemen"? Do something about this!

Kyle: [ Stammers ] How do I stop it?

Jack: I should never have left you in charge at jabot.

Kyle: Dad!

Jack: You should have warned me about him!

Kyle: I tried! You wouldn't listen!

Theo: Hey, don't worry about it, man. Family takes care of family. You can move back in here.

Kyle: [ Scoffs ] That's never gonna happen.

Theo: Oh, it'd be like old times. Except this party goes on for eternity! Yeah! [ Laughing ]

Kyle: Stop! Get off me! Get off! Get off! Get off!

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Sharon: It's gorgeous, rey.

Rey: I've never seen something so beautiful. And I'm not talking about the necklace.

Sharon: I love it. But can you afford it on your salary?

Rey: Ahh. Not exactly. That's why I stole it. I told you I'd risk anything for you. Here's the proof.

Rey: Did you get it?

Sharon: I got it, baby. I got all of it.

Rey: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: Now, how about a little something for you this time?

Rey: Ah. You know I can't say no to you. But pack it up. We need to get out of here.

Sharon: Um, what's the rush? Victor and nikki just left for the gala.

Rey: What are you doing?

Sharon: What does it look like?

Rey: [ Chuckles ] We shouldn'T.

Sharon: Aww, what are you doing, playing hard to get? Come on. They'll be gone for hours. And you look so sexy right now. I just knew, somewhere deep down, you had a dark side. I just had to keep searching until I found it. Tell me I'm the only one who's seen it.

Rey: You're the only one.

[ Both moaning ]

Sharon: Think about how exciting it will be to make love in victor's house.

Rey: Ooh.

Sharon: And we're stealing from right under his nose.

Rey: Ooh. That's too risky, baby. Come on.

Sharon: You said you would risk anything for me.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

[ Loud noise ]

Rey: What was that?

Sharon: It can't be them.

[ Loud noise ]

Rey: Someone's here.

Sharon: Okay.

Rey: Go. We'll meet at the place we talked about.

Sharon: This is going to be a night we'll never forget the rest of our lives.

Lola: Rey?! Rey!

Rey: Hey. You meet with sharon?

Lola: She wasn't there.

Rey: Well, that's impossible. She knew when and where to meet.

Lola: I'm sorry, rey. Something seems off, and I am worried that someone followed me home.

[ Buzzer rings ]

Lola: Who is it?

Adam: I have a message for rey from sharon.

Lola: I don't have a good feeling about this.

Adam: Well, I never put too much stock in intuition.

Lola: You hurt my brother, I hurt you.

Adam: Wow, big threats. From a little lady.

Lola: Big enough to give you the what-for.

Adam: Ohh.

Rey: It's okay.

Lola: I'll be in the other room if you need me.

Adam: Sharon wanted me to let you know she's all right.

Rey: Where is she?

Adam: Oh, it doesn't matter, rey.

Rey: It does to me.

Adam: She appreciates your work tonight. We both do.

Rey: The two of you?

Adam: We're always gonna end up together, rey.

Rey: She used me.

Adam: Well, she loved you. In her own way. Just not the same way she loves me.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Rey: You tipped off the cops.

Adam: Well, someone had to take the fall.

[ Whistles ] That's a tough break.

Rey: [ Breathing heavily ]

Sharon: Are you okay? What's the matter?

Rey: Yeah, no. I'm -- I'm -- I'm good. Go back to sleep.

Abby: Ohh!

[ Laughter ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

Kyle: Aww. Smooth move, abs.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: The twirl wasn't the best idea. Halfway through, I got dizzy.

Theo: You mean ditzy.

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: That was a good one.

Lola: Aw, that's our abs, and we wouldn't want to change her for the world.

Mariah: She is the cutest thing this side of lake michigan.

Kyle: Where have you been? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Mariah: Yeah, we were gonna send a search party.

Abby: Well, let me know if you find it.

Mariah: Find what?

Abby: The party!

[ Laughter ]

Lola: Abby, we sent you a text. Did you get it?

Abby: Yeah, but I don't know what "idk" means.

Lola: "I don't know."

Abby: Me either.

[ Laughter ]

Kyle: Wait, wait, wait. Remember that one time abby called 911?

Mariah: Ah, she couldn't find the "11."

Theo: She called me once to ask for my phone number.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Abby: Do you guys hear that?

Kyle: Hear what?

Abby: Never mind. I am just a little fed up with all the laughter. It's not nice to make jokes at your boss' expense.

Theo: Boss?

[ Laughing ]

Abby: Yeah. Uh, chef, waiters, bartender, owner.

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Oooh. Our family owns this place.

Theo: Yeah, jack put it in your name 'cause he knew it'd make you so happy.

Mariah: Because you are just so darn cute when you're happy.

Abby: No, no. I -- I built this place.

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: Sure you did, honey. Sure.

Lola: You know, and the food is delicious.

Abby: I'm a successful restaurateur!

[ Laughter and applause ]

Mariah: Okay. Yeah. Sure.

[ Kyle and theo jeering ]

Lola: Abby, your -- your post is at the hostess stand.

Abby: I'm the hostess?

Theo: We can't all get beauty and brains like me.

[ Laughter ] Hey, why did abby bring a ladder to the bar? 'Cause drinks were on the house.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: That's sexist.

Kyle: Wait, wait, wait. Why did abby tiptoe near the medicine cabinet? So she wouldn't wake the sleeping pills.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: That's not funny! That's not funny!

[ Laughter and applause ]

Lola: Wait, I've got one. Okay. How do you confuse abby? You can't, 'cause she was born that way!

[ Laughter intensifies ]

Mariah: You guys, look, look, look! She's trying to hold a thought.

[ Raucous laughter ]

Abby: Make it stop!

Abby: [ Gasps ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Oh! I've never been so happy to see anyone. And you are somebody. And I see you. Do you see me? Of course you see me. Okay. I'm phyllis summers. Of course you do. Uh, it must have been too many bad oysters. Tmi. 'Kay.

[ Exhales deeply ] It's all good.

[ Exhaling ]

Chelsea: Late-night horror movies. Never a good idea.

Nick: Heh... noted. Phew...

Chelsea: Are you all right?

Nick: I'm fine now. I'm glad you're home.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. I fell asleep at adam'S.

Nick: You're here now.

Chelsea: No place I'd rather be.

Kyle: Theo had my dad committed, and I was powerless, and he was wearing loafers with no socks.

Lola: Ew.

Kyle: And you and i were fighting. I...

Lola: About what?

Kyle: I...can't remember.

Lola: Well, it's over now, and it was obviously a bad dream. That movie was a terrible idea. But how about you come to bed, and I will make it up to you?

Abby: [ Chuckles ] I'm in the hotel. My hotel. And it's quiet. It's quiet! [ Laughs ] Ohh. Oh! Thank god. Thank god. Ah! I'm me! [ Laughs ] It was all a dream. Ohh. Happy halloween.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Inhales, exhales deeply ]

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