Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/30/19
Episode #13734 ~ Jack and Kyle differ in their opinion; Billy gets a new identity; Nate unexpected connects.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Nate: Faking a family member's death may seem normal to the newmans, but for the rest of us...
Abby: Wait, I -- no, you -- you were a part of this.
Amanda: I've never given up on a client, and... I've never lost a case.
Kyle: Dina had another baby?
Traci: Adopted by the vanderways, and they named him eric.
Kyle: Huh. "E.V."
Theo: That's my dad. Eric vanderway.
Nick: Connor's home is with you, it always has been, and he knows that. And now, out of nowhere, he's begging to stay with adam?
Chelsea: What am I supposed to do without my little boy?
Nick: It's okay.
Nick: Okay, sheriff, you've got this.
Chelsea: Oh! There's our little deputy!
Nick: There you go, take that. You ready for some trick-or-treating?
Chelsea: Oh, he looks ready to me, huh?
Victoria: Is this trick-or-treat central?
Nick: It sure is!
Victoria: Hi!
Chelsea: Hi!
Nick: Whoa! There's a zombie!
Billy: Where? Where?
Nick: Right in front of you, billy!
Billy: [ Growls ]
Chelsea: Wait, is that johnny?
Nick: Dude, you scared the heck out of me.
[ Laughter ]
Johnny: Christian's a sheriff!
Billy: We better stay in line. Sheriff's gonna get us.
Chelsea: Mm.
Nick: You guys look amazing. Those are some serious costumes.
Chelsea: I love that dress.
Victoria: Thank you, ever so.
Billy: It's so in to play undead this year, right? I mean, all the cool kids are doing it.
Chelsea: Okay, that might have gone over the kids' heads, but let's get the jokes out of our system now because adam's on his way over with connor.
Victoria: Is he dropping off? He's not staying?
Chelsea: Correct.
Billy: Do you know what my favorite fruit is? "Neck"-tarines.
[ Laughter]
Billy: [ Growling ]
Nick: Aren't you guys missing one zombie?
Victoria: Oh, yeah.Pkatie went trick-or-treating with some of her classmates, but I have lots of pictures, I'll show you.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Chelsea: Excuse me. It's adam. Hey! Are you on your way over with connor? Adam, I'm sorry. I can't hear you clearly. What's that? Uh, hold on one second. Uh, sorry, it's really loud in there. Um, can you repeat that?
Adam: I said -- we have a problem.
Lola: Look what I made! Eyeball cake pops for mariah and tessa's party, and I did red velvet for the color of blood. What do you think?
Kyle: They're cute.
Lola: Okay, I was going for macabre or spooky, at the very least, but I guess "cute" works, too.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: Look, I know that you're still freaked out about the possibility that you and theo could be related. You hardly slept last night, and you've been stewing about this all day. And, hey, I get it. Honest, I do. This is bizarre.
Kyle: How about terrible? Or nightmare-inducing.
Lola: Still? Maybe you could put it aside for a few hours. Theo wasn't invited to the party, and mariah and tessa have no clue what's going on. So maybe this is a chance to just have a little fun.
Kyle: You say you get it, but you really don'T. We were almost rid of that jerk. Devon had fired him, summer's getting bored with him. There is nothing left for theo in this town. I figured any day he'd be on a plane back to new york and leave us all the hell alone. But if he finds about this, he will latch on to my family like the parasite he is. We'll be chained to that bastard for the rest of our lives.
Amanda: Wait, are you sure it was him? How long ago was this? I'm gonna have to call you back.
Nate: You're checking out.
Amanda: I am belatedly taking your advice and heading home.
Nate: Before you do that, I could use some legal advice.
Amanda: Um... I'll be right with you.
Nick: Why do you have to go pick up connor? Why can't adam bring him here?
Chelsea: He said there was a problem with connor's costume.
Billy: Wardrobe malfunction?
Chelsea: Well, I mean connor's a cowboy. His costume is basically a hat and boots, so there must be more to it.
Nick: Doesn't pass the smell test. I'll go with you.
Victoria: You can leave christian with us.
Billy: Yeah.
Chelsea: Oh, no, I don't want you to miss out on the fun with it. It's fine, I can handle it.
Victoria: Those are famous last words.
Chelsea: Yeah, I understand why you're skeptical, but adam's actually been on his best behavior lately.
Nick: Well, that's when you should worry the most.
Chelsea: Why don't you start making the rounds with christian, and I'll be back with connor as soon as possible?
Nick: Okay. We'll hang out here. We'll, uh -- we'll meet up later.
Chelsea: Okay. Thanks. Have fun.
Billy: Okay! Who's ready to go score some candy?
Johnny: Me!
Christian: Me!
Billy: Yeah? All right! You two with me. Let's go!
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Lola: You've done all that you can. You already warned traci and jack about theo.
Kyle: I'm not sure they actually listened.
Lola: They wouldn't ignore your feelings, kyle.
Kyle: Yeah. At least traci agrees we should consider this carefully. But she's a writer, wants to believe every villain has a redemption arc.
Lola: A villain? Come on, now, that's a little over-the-top, don't you think? I mean, yeah, theo's a little immature and petty sometimes --
Kyle: He has a mean streak a mile wide. I'm trying to protect my family.
Lola: Baby. You need to take a deep breath.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Theo's been trying to miss with me, with us, for months. I mean, have you forgotten how he tried to turn celeste against me, picking a fight at the bachelor party, crashing the wedding?
Lola: He was afraid he was gonna lose his old drinking buddy to married life.
Kyle: [ Groans ]
Lola: He seems to have gotten over that.
Kyle: That's what he wants you to think! His resentment goes way deeper, I can feel it whenever I'm around him.
Lola: Seriously?
Kyle: Yes! I -- I always have to have my guard up because I'm worried about what he's gonna pull next! And if my dad welcomes him into this family, that's the way i will live from now on.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be venting to you. You're not the one I need to convince.
Lola: Where are you going?
Kyle: To talk to my dad before it's too late.
Lola: What about the party?
Kyle: I'll be back.
Lola: [ Scoffs ]
[ Exhales sharply]
Nate: The state medical licensing board has opened in inquiry into my role into helping falsify victor's death. If they rule against me, they could revoke my license from practicing medicine here in wisconsin.
Amanda: Well, are you licensed in any other states?
Nate: Several, but this is where I chose to make my home. I have friends here, family. It'd kill me to have to leave.
Amanda: I followed the story when it was in the press, so i know the basics, but... tell me about your relationship with victor newman. He was your employer?
Nate: [ Sighs ] I was victor's private physician for a time, as well as his wife's, shortly after I arrived here in genoa city.
Amanda: Full-time?
Nate: Yes. Then I accepted a position at memorial hospital and no longer worked for them exclusively.
Amanda: But you were the doctor who diagnosed victor's blood disorder.
Nate: I did.
Amanda: And you were treating him for that.
Nate: We tried several different medications. When they were no longer effective, I recommended an experimental protocol. It was aggressive, but it worked. Victor was improving. There were side effects, but he felt they were manageable.
Amanda: Then those side effects worsened.
Nate: It happened very suddenly. When I saw victor's labs, I knew right away victor's medicine had been tampered with. The levels in his bloodstream doubled virtually overnight. That's when victor suspected his son adam was behind it.
Amanda: In effect, poisoning him?
Nate: That's one way to put it.
Amanda: So the reason for faking victor's death...
Nate: Was to flush out adam as the culprit. I agreed to take part in the ruse because I felt victor was still in danger. I was afraid if his son adam would try again, he would succeed in killing him.
Amanda: You wanted to confirm and remove the threat. Is that how the newmans presented it to you?
Nate: I made the decision to lie, compromised my ethics in order to save my patient's life. Simple as that.
Amanda: Yes, but did the newmans threaten or coerce you?
Nate: No.
Amanda: Did they offer you money?
Nate: No. I wasn't given any financial incentive whatsoever.
Amanda: News reports stated that the authorities were involved. They considered this a sting operation.
Nate: If you're asking whether they recruited me for this, the answer's no. I can't blame the police. The newmans didn't reach out to them until after their plan was set.
Amanda: Is there anything else I should know, especially as it pertains to your motives?
Nate: At the time, I was dating victor's daughter, abby newman. It's possible my decision to participate may have been influenced by our personal relationship.
Amanda: If you could do it all over again, would you make the same choice?
Nate: No, I would not. So, what do you think? Will you represent me before the licensing board?
Amanda: Nate... I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you.
Victoria: Here you go.
Nick: Thank you. Pretty cool of billy to take the first shift trick-or-treating. Once connor gets here, I'll take over.
Victoria: So, how is chelsea handling his move to adam's place?
Nick: She misses him like crazy.
Victoria: Well, I know what that's like.
Nick: She never would have agreed to this if connor hadn't be acting out. When adam left town, it really messed up his kid's head.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Poor chelsea. I still can't get over what you told me about him jumping off of that jungle gym. That's an image she's probably never gonna be able to get out of her mind.
Nick: You just have to do everything you can to keep your kid safe, you know, reassure them that they are loved by both parents.
Victoria: Still, you can't be that comfortable with adam having such an influence over connor, especially after he told christian that you're not his father.
Nick: It's like this constant undercurrent at home, this low-level dread that adam's gonna revert back to type. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a temporary arrangement.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, let's hope so.
Adam: Oh. Well, you always did enjoy bartending.
Chelsea: Where's connor?
Adam: He's upstairs. He didn't want to put on his costume.
Chelsea: Even the hat? He told me he loved his costume.
Adam: No, I told him he could wear something else, and he just made a bunch of excuses. He just flat-out didn't want to go.
Chelsea: Did you say anything to discourage him?
Adam: No, I tried very hard to talk him into it. I told him he'd have a blast.
Chelsea: And what did he say to that?
Adam: He thought I was trying to get rid of him.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] So I just backed off and i called you.
Chelsea: Connor? Can you come down here, please? Connor!
Connor: What?
Chelsea: Hey. What's wrong, buddy? Why don't you want to go trick-or-treating with us?
Nick: Chelsea has full legal custody of connor, and that's not gonna change. Adam's unfit to raise a child, and he has proven that over and over again.
Victoria: He probably couldn't win a custody case -- not that he'd even bother to try again after the way things turned out with christian. But that doesn't mean that he's gonna give up connor without a fight.
Nick: It just means he'll fight dirty.
Victoria: He will try to manipulate chelsea or connor, or both of them.
Nick: Well, chelsea's not sharon. She sees right through adam's games.
Victoria: Regardless, chelsea has an achilles' heel, just like any other mother does. The love for her child, and adam is not above using that against her.
Chelsea: You've always loved halloween. And johnny and christian, they are so excited to see you. Oh! And the police. They closed off hyde park so the front of the coffee house is just a bunch of kids in costumes trick-or-treating and having so much fun.
Adam: That sounds pretty sweet.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: I mean, think about all the candy you're missing out on, connor.
Chelsea: [ Gasps ]
Connor: Who cares about that stuff? I'm not a little kid anymore. I just want to hang out here with you.
Adam: Well, that is up to your mom. This is her night with you. Now you are changing your mind at the last minute...
Connor: It's not fair. You made the plan. Nobody asked what I want to do.
Chelsea: Okay. Okay, if you don't want to come with us, we'll be disappointed, but nobody's gonna force you.
Connor: Can we watch a scary movie?
Adam: Well, not too scary.
Chelsea: Not too scary.
[ Both chuckles ]
Connor: Okay, fine. Medium scary.
Adam: I'd be up for that. Should we make some popcorn?
Adam: Do you have parmesan and spices?
Adam: Oh, that's right. You have a special recipe for popcorn seasoning. What else was in that besides parmesan? It was, uh... it was onion, powder, dill? Was that it?
Chelsea: Ugh!
Connor: You better make it.
Adam: Connor. Everybody's waiting for your mother at the block party. So I can -- I can do it. I can figure it out. Or I can invent something even better. Do you like cayenne pepper?
Chelsea: [ Laughing ] Okay. Fine, I can throw a batch together. It shouldn't take too long.
Adam: Cayenne pepper.
Connor: Gross.
Adam: [ Scoffs ]
Nate: You're turning me down.
Amanda: I consider it a compliment that you asked me to represent you, but... if I stuck around, your cousin devon would not be happy.
Nate: I disagree. He understands how important my career is to me.
Amanda: Maybe he can help you find another lawyer. Perhaps ms. Hodges. You know, someone whose face is not a painful reminder of his late wife.
Nate: I don't want another lawyer.
Amanda: Why are you so insistent about this? Why does it have to be me?
Nate: For one thing, you told me you never lost a case.
Amanda: True, but that does not make me an expert in professional licensing defenses.
Nate: What matters to me is your persistence. I watched the way you handled this situation with katherine's will. You were rock-solid in representing your client, despite the personal attacks that came your way. You ignored all the noise and kept right on going. You faced off against a billionaire and weren't daunted in the least. That's the kind of legal ally i want.
Amanda: Do you anticipate that I will have to face off against a billionaire again?
Nate: I can't be sure where the newmans will come down on this, particularly victor. I was doing what they wanted, but that does not make me one of them. They stick together.
Amanda: My services don't come cheap.
Nate: That is not a concern. I cannot lose my license to practice medicine in this state. Starting over someplace else? No. That is not an option.
Amanda: Can you please take my things back up to my room? Looks like I won't be leaving town, after all.
Nat [ Sighs
Johnny: Mommy!
Victoria: Baby!
Billy: We're not done trick-or-treating, but little zombie boy here needs to make a pit stop, if you know what i mean.
Nick: Oh, yeah.
Victoria: Well, you have a lot of layers on that costume. I'm gonna help you out.
Billy: All right.
Nick: Man, let's see your haul here, cowboy. Man, you are crushing halloween!
Christian: Where's connor?
Nick: You know, that's a good question. Let's check in with chelsea and see what the hold-up is.
Adam: All right, so the werewolf movie's out since we've seen it. Ooh! What about "the blob"? That's always a hit!
Connor: Looks boring.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Chelsea: Oh, is that me?
Connor: Yeah, it's nick.
Chelsea: Oh, um... uh, I have butter all over my hands. I'll call him back in a minute.
Connor: Whoa, look! They have "curse of the demon!"
Adam: I don't know. That sounds pretty cheesy.
Chelsea: Mm, it might be too intense for you, adam. It says right there it's "the most terrifying story the screen has ever told!"
Adam: Oh! I've been warned!
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Remember, we saw it once, connor. It's from the '50s. Remember, we were laughing at the special effects.
Connor: It's perfect, dad. Can we watch it, please?
Adam: Yeah.
Connor: Mom, stay. Watch it with us!
Adam: You're more than welcome to stay.
Kyle: We don't even know if this story about my grandmother is true. Like traci said, we need to take the time to consider all the repercussions.
Jack: There is no proof that eric vanderway is dina's son. Yet. But the fastest way to get that proof is to share what we've discovered with theo and ask for a dna test. As far as traci goes, she's in new york now. She's left this decision to me.
Kyle: Well, what about ashley? Shouldn't she weigh in?
Jack: I spoke to her earlier.
Kyle: And?
Jack: She agrees we need to reach out to this young man, if he just happens to be our nephew.
> Kyle: Please. Don't call him that. God, every time I think about it, my stomach does flips.
Jack: Look, I know you two have had your issues in the past, but I thought things were getting between you two.
Kyle: Only because I've learned to keep my distance, not give him anything that he could use as ammunition, because he will.
Jack: Okay, kyle --
Kyle: Dad. Trust me when I say that theo is not someone you want as a member of this family.
Jack: He may in fact already be, regardless of how any of us feels. Look, you know my history with this family. I would not feel right depriving another person of their family history.
Kyle: Yeah, don't compare yourself to theo. He won't appreciate this family like you do. He'll just try to use us.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Jack: Well, that might be him right now.
Kyle: Wait, what? You're -- you're telling him tonight?
Nick: All right! Who is ready for round 2? We can hit the trail, go get some more candy. Unless you two are so tired you need to go home and go to bed.
Johnny: Daddy!
Billy: No! Heck, no! That's crazy talk.
Christian: More candy!
Johnny: More candy!
Victoria: I guess it's unanimous.
Nick: All right, well, then let's go. Wait. I'm getting a text.
Victoria: Oh, is it chelsea? Is she on her way?
Nick: She's decided to stay there with connor. And adam.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Lola: And here he is in his halloween costume.
Victoria: Oh, how adorable. A little red chili pepper. Billy, look! Look at that.
Billy: Oh, my gosh, what a cutie pie.
Victoria: Look at that little green stem. I just want to eat him up.
Billy: [ Laughs ]
Lola: I know. He's such a sweetheart. He never cries. I slept in the nursery with him while in miami, and he didn't wake me up once.
Victoria: Wow, that's really amazing for a newborn, isn't it?
Lola: I know, right? Arturo and mia lucked out.
[ Laughs ]
Victoria: Yeah. Uh, well, not that you're biased, or anything.
Lola: [ Laughs ] Okay. You know, arturo had just sent me these, and I'm so glad that you guys are here because I was dying to show someone.
Billy: Where's kyle? You're not spending your first halloween together as a married couple?
Lola: Oh, no, we're going out later. He just had to take care of something first.
Victoria: Oh!
Billy: At where, jabot?
Lola: He needed to speak to jack, but it was something about dina?
Victoria: Speaking of cute kids, look at our little creepers -- so cute!
Lola: Oh, my god, I love it! Is that a --
Victoria: Yeah, it's a tiara. She got to be a zombie and a princess, so... it's perfect for her.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: [ Laughs ]
Kyle: I've never been so glad to see a trick-or-treater.
Jack: Kyle, theo is coming by any moment now.
Kyle: Dad, you know... dina kept this a secret all her life. She could have reached out to eric vanderway at any time and chose not to. She didn't want this coming out. We should respect her --
Jack: I have considered all of this. All of it. Here's what I've concluded. Dina kept quiet because she didn't want to cause anyone any pain.
Kyle: Yeah. Exactly.
Jack: Think about who she was protecting -- john, stuart, maybe eric vanderway. They're all gone, and dina is well past caring about what anyone thinks. Listen, we have no reason to feel ashamed of this family connection.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Give it time. I guarantee you, theo will give us plenty of reason to be ashamed. That's his specialty.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Kyle: Dad. Don't do this. I'm begging you, just -- please, for everyone's sake.
Jack: This is happening, kyle. Do you want to stay and help me explain?
Kyle: I want no part in this.
Jack: Wait, wait. Trust me, this is going to wk out okay. Theo! Hi, thanks for coming out. Come on in.
Theo: Not a problem at all. Oh, hey, kyle. I didn't know you'd be here.
Jack: My son and I are having a difference of opinion.
Theo: I've been there.
Jack: Come on in. Have a seat. So, uh... I will get right to the point of your visit. Um, all of these things that you see belong to my mother. Dina abbott mergeron. She is in the later stages of alzheimer's, and my sister traci and I are trying to, uh, get a clearer picture of her early years, trying to put the puzzle pieces where they fit. In that process, we found a letter that she wrote to a friend of hers, stuart brooks, right after they graduated. Does the name stuart brooks mean anything to you?
Theo: No. Should it?
Billy: Did I tell you how delicious you look tonight?
Victoria: Tell me again.
Billy: Mm, I'd rather show you.
Victoria: Well, you'll get your chance. Your costume is pretty amazing, too.
Billy: Oh, this old thing?
Victoria: I don't think you look a day over, mm, 400.
Billy: Oh, don't say "day." What are you talking about? I'm a vampire. That kills the mood.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, what was i thinking?
Billy: Is it the glasses? Is it the hair?
Victoria: [ Giggles ]
Billy: Is it the jacket?
Victoria: I don't know if it's the jacket, per se. But I think it's the way that you are with the kids. And how much they adore.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Nothing is sexier than that to me.
Billy: What about when I'm peeling johnny off the ceiling from all the candy that nick's feeding him right now? You're still gonna think I'm sexy then?
Victoria: I think I will.
Billy: Mm. You know, hannah said she's available tonight.
Victoria: Oh, did she now?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Hmm.
Billy: What if I go talk to her, ask her to take johnny to go pick up katie at her party? She can deal with the sugar high, and then we can have a little adult celebration?
Victoria: [ Giggles ] I think that sounds like a genius plan.
Billy: Okay, then.
Victoria: Okay, then.
Billy: Let me go get that done.
Victoria: You do that.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: [ Giggles ] Nate! Hi.
Nate: Hey, there.
Victoria: Happy halloween.
Nate: I'll take your word for it.
Victoria: Oh. Tough night. Um, I'm sorry. I heard that you and my sister broke up.
Nate: Ah, that's life, i guess.
Victoria: I don't really know the details, but obviously, uh, it happened after we asked you to be a part of my father's plan. I'm sorry if it caused any trouble between you and my sister.
Nate: My relationship was abby was the tip of the iceberg.
Victoria: What does that mean?
Nate: Thanks to the fallout, I may be about to lose something I worked extremely hard for, all because of the newmans.
Victoria: Professional misconduct?
Nate: Yeah, you weren't there when victor pitched his scheme to the rest of us. I voiced my concern about what it could do to my good standing in the medical community, but... the consensus was that faking victor's death would be the best way to stop adam. So I agreed to go along. Now it's backfiring, big time.
Victoria: Well, when is your hearing with the state licensing board?
Nate: Soon. [ Sighs ] The good news is, I have a very tenacious lawyer.
Victoria: I would really want to help however I can, so give me his or her name, and I would be happy to pay for your legal bills.
Nate: Thank you for your offer, but I cannot accept.
Victoria: Why not?
Nate: I have to convince the board that I wasn't bribed or coerced. Accepting newman funds to pay for my defense...
Victoria: Oh, right. It wouldn't fly. Yeah, I got it. Listen, I'm sorry, very sorry that this is happening to you, and I would be happy to help in any way that I can. If you need a witness, i would -- I would be willing to testify. I'm sure my parents would be, too.
Nate: Thank you. My, uh, lawyer may be in touch.
Victoria: Nate, uh... good luck.
Billy: Was that nate?
Victoria: Yeah. Um, it was.
Billy: What's wrong?
Victoria: [ Sighs ] My brother adam. He's the gift that just keeps on giving.
Billy: [ Scoffs ]
[ Wind howling ]
Adam: Aah!
Connor: [ Giggles ]
Adam: Why didn't you tell me that there was an evil clown in this? I'm not gonna get any sleep now! I'm deathly afraid of evil clowns!
Connor: You are not.
Adam: Mm. You want to bet?
Connor: Dad, it's hilarious.
Adam: I'm pretty sure your dad actually had a nightmare the first time he saw this movie, didn't you?
Adam: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Because of the evil clown!
Chelsea: [ Giggles ]
Connor: No way! It was about the monster. I'm not afraid of clowns.
Adam: Well, you are a braver man than I am.
Connor: [ Giggles ]
Chelsea: You're very brave.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
[ Growling, wind howling ]
Theo: [ Stammers ] My dad and you may have been... half-brothers? That's --
Jack: Pretty mind-blowing, isn't it?
Theo: If this is true, you -- you'd be my uncle, and... and kyle... wow, I --
Jack: Kyle would be your first cousin. Pretty astounding coincidence, given how long you two have been friends.
Theo: Yeah, I'll say.
Jack: Listen, I'm gonna ask that you take a dna test. So that we can compare your dna with dina's, make sure she's your grandmother. Should get our results in just a few days.
Theo: Yeah, I -- absolutely. You know, the sooner, the better.
Jack: Good. Thanks. And for what it's worth, I -- I wish I'd found out this information a long time ago. I, uh -- I would have liked to have known your dad.
Theo: I think you would have liked him. Dad was, uh, rough around the edges, but a good guy. Principled, you know?
Jack: I look forward to learning more about him. I can't help wonder if eric vanderway knew about any of this.
Theo: He never mentioned adoption. Even if he did know, I doubt he had any idea who his birth parents were.
Jack: Yeah, adoption's in that era weren't quite as open as they are today. Look, I'm also sorry you won't get to know dina as she was, or get to ask her what was going through her mind when she gave up her infant son.
Theo: It's not so hard to imagine. Like you said, things were different then. She didn't want to be shamed, excluded.
Jack: I'd like to think that young woman would feel some measure of peace in knowing that one day, the two branches of her family would reunite.
Theo: Kyle's not too happy about this, though, is he? He didn't even want you to tell me. That was the "difference of opinion," right? The reason he walked out when i showed up?
Jack: Tell you what, let's try to be patient with each other. This is a lot to digest.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Nick: Johnny's out in the parking lot with hannah. She's gonna let him run some laps before she goes and picks up katie.
Victoria: Okay, well, I'm gonna go help her corral him so that she can be on her way. And then we can be on our way.
Billy: Yes.
Nick: I think I'm gonna grabs some coffee and then head on home with christian. Hey, why don't you go count your candy at the bar there?
Billy: Maybe chelsea's already there?
Nick: Yeah. Maybe.
Billy: Don't let adam get inside your head, nick. And I know that sounds ironic coming from me, but I'm kind of expert on it at this point. It's one thing to keep your eye on him, it's another one to let your issues with him mess with your life.
Nick: Noted.
Billy: I did hear about your news. Running for city council? I think that's a good idea. With chelsea's job at the grand phoenix, you two have something to focus on besides adam. Don't let him knock you off your path you're supposed to be on.
Nick: It's easier said than done.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: What do you got here? I like this one.
You know, the devil has something here. Ready and present.
He's most dangerous when he's being present.
Adam: Hey.
Adam: He's sleeping.
[ Mouthing ] I'll take him upstairs.
[ Tv turns off ]
Chelsea: All right.
Connor: Dad?
Adam: Yeah, bud?
Connor: I like it like this. The three of us.
Adam: I'm gonna take him upstairs, and then we'll talk.
Theo: Hello, cuz. Pretty wild news, huh? But, I mean, in a weird way, it kind makes sense. You know, I mean, this is why you and hit it off on the first time we met. In some deep, subconscious level, we recognized each other. I mean, we have the same grandma, some of the same genes. Well, I mean, if the dna test i just agreed to take comes back the way I assume it will.
Kyle: Even if it is true, it doesn't change a thing.
Theo: What, you don't think so?
Kyle: I'm done putting up with your crap. No matter who your grandmother was.
Theo: So that friendly dinner we had the other night, that was, what, just an act? You were pumping me for information about my dad.
Kyle: Yeah. I was hoping I'd find out there's no way he could have been dina's child. No such luck.
Theo: You know, I think uncle jack would be very disappointed with your attitude. We had a phenomenal talk. He's quite a guy. You know, I can already tell, we're gonna get along great.
Victoria: Oh, my god. Are those --
Billy: Zombies.
Victoria: Wow.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: You thought of everything, didn't you?
Billy: Yeah. They're good, right?
Victoria: [ Giggles ]
Billy: And I just talked to the front desk, and, because of the holiday, they renamed all their rooms. I just booked us one night in the, wait for it --
Victoria: [ Gasps ]
Billy: Transylvania room.
Victoria: You did not.
Billy: Yes. Cheers.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: Ooh, that's good.
Victoria: By the way, this was a genius idea, carving out a little adult time for you and me.
Billy: Well, we deserve it.
Victoria: I feel bad for nick. Adam really screwed up his night, keeping chelsea and connor to himself. Oh, gosh, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
Billy: Look, nick went into this with his eyes wide open. He knows what adam is capable of. But he still brought him back into town because it was the right thing to do for connor. And I think that he believes his relationship with chelsea is strong enough to withstand whatever adam throws at him.-Victoria: Well, I guess we'll see.
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