Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/29/19
Episode #11733 ~ Victor and Adam reach a compromise; Victoria has revenge on her mind, and Phyllis receives a tempting offer.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Jack: A decree of adoption. Which means we have a half-brother out there somewhere.
Theo: I've been a jerk. You know, about giving you crap about settling down with lola. I get why you wanted to do it.
Adam: [ Crying ] All that i wanted from you, dad, probably more than your love, was for you to respect me. I know that's not an excuse for what I did. But I'm sorry. Connor is also my son. Which is why chelsea agreed to let him live with me.
Phyllis: I don't think you realize that I'm the only real friend you have in this town.
Adam: Well, moving forward would me that we would have to trust each other, which means we stay out of each other's business. You go your way, and I'll go mine.
Victoria: Hey. I'm sorry. My meeting ran long, and then I got a call --
Billy: It's okay. It's okay. Thank you for coming by.
Victoria: Of course. What's up?
Billy: Well, I ran into adam yesterday.
Victoria: What happened?
Billy: Well, we didn't exchange blows. At least not physically, anyway, so that's a good thing. Um... he knows that I was the one that tried to run him over.
Victoria: Well, we knew it was only a matter of time before he figured that out.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: How does he plan on using this against us?
Adam: Yeah, hi. This is adam newman. My son connor is living with me now. Uh-huh. Yeah. I just needed to get a copy of his class schedule, and then, uh, any information regarding school activities, field trips, vacation dates, stuff like that. Uh, yeah. That is my e-mail. And then, if you need to contact a parent, you can reach me at this number. All right. Thank you so much.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Victor: You and I have a conversation to finish.
Kyle: [ Grunting ]
Lola: Is this your idea of a welcome home?
Kyle: Uh... it could be.
Lola: You used all of the hot water.
Kyle: Oh. Did I?
Lola: Yes! And my shower was ice-cold!
Kyle: Well, let me warm you up.
Lola: We're gonna be late to work.
Kyle: It would be so worth it.
Lola: Also, baby, I'm turning blue.
Kyle: Oh! Baby, it's time to get serious about finding a house. One with appliances that actually work.
Lola: [ Sighs ] In the meantime... maybe you could just take a shorter shower?
Kyle: Mnh-mnh. I have a better idea. From now on, we shower together.
Theo: This seat taken?
Phyllis: Oh, I'm waiting for abby --
Theo: Well, while you're waiting, I have business to discuss with you.
Phyllis: Uh, I'm not interested.
Theo: It's about your daughter. Have you seen summer's latest post? It's blowing up. No surprise there. She's a creative genius.
Phyllis: I'm 50% responsible for that.
Theo: Oh, I give you all the credit. You're a boss when it comes to style.
Phyllis: I'm also super busy.
Theo: I heard about the e-sports event coming up at the grand phoenix. Sounds like quite a party.
Phyllis: Yeah, I expect to get a lot of publicity.
Theo: I know the perfect person who can help with that. She's the hottest video-game influencer, and, just your luck, she also happens to be my client.
Phyllis: What a shock.
Theo: Mm. Since you're a friend, I'll hook you up.
[ Sniffs ] Smells like a win-win to me.
Phyllis: Smells like desperation to me.
Theo: [ Sniffing ] No, that's not what that is.
Traci: Hey.
Jack: Hey.
Traci: Were you able to get any sleep at all?
Jack: Probably as much as you did.
Traci: I just could not stop thinking about what we learned.
Jack: When I started this project, I never imagined i would find out that I wasn't mother's firstborn son.
Traci: And I can't imagine how dina was able to keep her secret all these years.
Jack: You know this, now, as long as I do. You've had time to think about it. I hope you agree with me. We have a half-brother out there somewhere. We have to find him.
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Billy: At least adam hasn't gone to the cops.
Victoria: That's not really my brother's style. He's more about revenge than justice.
Billy: He didn't seem concerned with either. I mean, he knows that I was behind the wheel, but he thought that we should just put it behind us and move on with our lives. I mean, I guess... I guess we called a truce.
Victoria: Which isn't worth much.
[ Sighs ] Oh, god. I hate that your life is in my brother's hands.
Billy: I don't like it, either, but what am I gonna do? We just have to hope that he never brings up our little encounter on the road again.
Adam: I didn't think there was much more to say after you told me I "failed to find my humanity."
Victor: There's still time, son.
Adam: Need I remind you that I am the son whose latest revenge plot could have killed you?
Victor: I forgave you for that.
Adam: Dad, we have been through this. Hurting and forgiving each other, it never works. Why do you want to keep putting ourselves through more torture?
Victor: If you feel that way, why'd you come back?
Adam: I came back for my son, because he needed me.
Victor: Uh-huh. Isn't that what I taught you?
Adam: [ Chuckles ] There it is. There it is, the real reason that you're here -- so you can get the satisfying "I told you so."
Victor: So, I hear that connor moved in with you.
Adam: I'm sure you heard that from nick.
Victor: Yeah. How's that going?
Adam: Uh, it's going great, actually.
Victor: Mm.
Adam: I'm planning on convincing chelsea that we should make this a permanent arrangement.
Victor: You think that's for the best?
Adam: The best thing would be to take my son and move him as far away from genoa city as we can get.
Victor: Now, why do you say that, son?
Adam: Because he hates this place and everything about it. Just as much as I do.
Theo: The only scent coming off me is the sweet smell of success.
Phyllis: Really?
Theo: This is what being on top looks like in the 21st century. Always thinking, throwing out ideas, brainstorming. Every minute, another flash of genius. Blink and you miss it.
Phyllis: Ooh. I thought I was looking at the picture of unemployment.
Theo: Are you talking about what happened with power communications and lp? I quit that job. It's too confining.
Phyllis: Yeah. A constant paycheck must be stifling.
Theo: I am much better on my own, okay? I can do my own thing. Not just here, by new york, L.A., Miami.
Phyllis: That's a lot of ground to cover.
Theo: Oh, and it is just the beginning. Once I hit all the domestic markets, my plan is to take my brilliance abroad.
Phyllis: Wow, you are pretty confident for a guy who just lost multiple gigs.
Theo: Well, I am a pro at keeping a lot of balls in the air.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Well, watch that, because if you try to juggle too much, you may just lose...your balls.
Theo: Y--
Phyllis: Good day.
Traci: Jack, I have been thinking a lot about what we discovered. And I disagree. I think we should let this go.
Jack: You have always valued honesty.
Traci: I still do.
Jack: Why wouldn't you want to know the truth now?
Traci: [ Scoffs ] Jack, we -- we're talking about charging into somebody's life and turning it upside down.
Jack: Don't you think you would want to know --
Traci: What if eric vanderway doesn't know he's adopted?
Jack: You don't think he would want to know?
Traci: It's not our place to tell him.
Jack: Well, the person who should, can'T.
Traci: Please, let's just talk to her first.
Jack: Even if she can register what we're saying to her, it could upset her. Why would we want to do that?
Traci: I feel like you're trying to force me to agree with you, and I don'T.
Jack: I'm trying to do the right thing.
Traci: So am I!
[ Huffs ] I think I need some air.
Jack: [ Stammering ]
Traci: Uh, I'm gonna go just go take a walk.
Lola: Look at this cute photo of mateo on his first visit to the beach with mia and arturo.
Kyle: Mm. Almost as cute as you are.
Lola: You know, next time I go visit, you're coming with me.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Kyle: Hey, dad.
Jack: Hey, son. Any chance you could stop by the house? Uh, there's something I want to talk to you about.
Kyle: I can stop by on my way to the office.
Jack: Perfect. See you then.
Lola: What's up?
Kyle: He didn't say.
Victor: You cannot possibly believe that chelsea will allow you leave genoa city with her son.
Adam: Well, she let him live with me. Bet you never thought that would happen.
Victor: That's part of custody, you know. But for you to leave town with connor? Even if she agrees to that, I won't allow it.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] And what makes you think that you're gonna get a vote in that?
Victor: Adam, that boy needs the stability of an entire family behind him.
Adam: Did you just call the newmans stable? Really?
Victor: I've lived a little longer than you have, okay? There's a lot of love and a lot of loyalty in this family.
Adam: Right, which is all conditional. And I'm not interested in earning the right to be accepted. And I don't want that for my son.
Victor: What about what connor's mother wants?
Adam: Look, all I have to do is remind chelsea what you're all capable of.
Victor: If you're talking about a car nearly killing you, I had nothing to do with that.
Adam: You know, that is the first honest thing you've said since you walked in here. It still doesn't change anything. Okay? Our problems, they go back much further than that night.
Victor: And I'm here to tell you that I'm willing to forgive you.
Adam: I'm not gonna waste another minute trying to repair something that is not fixable. All of my energy is going into making the relationship with my son work, and there's nothing else that matters to me.
Victor: Did you mean it when you said no more vendettas?
Adam: Dad, I don't want anything to do with you. Or your family.
Victor: You mean that?
Adam: I do. Because they're not my family. They never were. Now... if you don't mind.
Victor: [ Sighs ]
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Billy: [ Sighs ] Are you still worried about adam?
Victoria: I know you said he wants a truce, but even his presence, it has an effect on all of us.
Billy: Right. Especially me.
Victoria: When adam ran down delia, he ripped a hole in your life so big that I thought it was gonna swallow you, billy.
Billy: And it almost did.
Victoria: Then you found a way to be happy, and let go of the grief. Now he's showed up again and all of those feelings and emotions are coming back. You know, it was hard for me watching you go through that psychological battle with yourself. I thought I was gonna lose you again.
Billy: Hey. I almost thought I was gonna lose myself, okay, but I didn'T. Because of you.
Victoria: Okay. I think, from now on, we should just focus on ourselves.
Billy: Yes.
Victoria: And on our bright future and our family.
Billy: Super bright.
Victoria: So bright.
Billy: And it's -- and it's, like, the best holiday of the season coming right around the corner.
Victoria: Are you sure you're up for it?
Billy: Are you really gonna ask me that? It's -- it's dress-up, it's halloween, and it's candy.
Victoria: I know. The kids love their zombie costumes. But if you want to skip the festivities, I understand.
Billy: No. Not a chance. Dee would not be happy with me if I missed out on all that fun.
Victoria: It was her favorite holiday, wasn't it?
Billy: Yes. And she would want her brother and sister to have as much fun as she did.
Victoria: Are you sure?
Billy: If I can face down my real demons, I can handle some fake ones.
Kyle: Hey. What's up?
Jack: Hey. I, uh -- I wanted to ask you about your friend theo.
Kyle: [ Snorts ] What about him?
Jack: Well, I'm just kind of curious about him. You know, where'd he grow up? Where'd he go to school? Did he have any siblings? Is he maybe close with his dad?
Kyle: Why are you suddenly so interested in theo? Did -- did he pull something? I swear, if he posted something about jabot --
Jack: No, no, no. No, no. Nothing like that.
Kyle: There must be a reason you're asking me about him. So, did he upset summer?
Jack: No, no. Theo hasn't done anything.
Kyle: Then why all the questions?
Traci: Kyle! Hi, honey.
Kyle: Hey, aunt traci.
Traci: Um, what brings you by?
Jack: Oh, I had some, uh, business I had to discuss with him.
Kyle: Yeah, but so far all he's done is pump me for information about theo vanderway.
Traci: What? Your friend's last name is vanderway?
Kyle: Yeah. Why?
Traci: You might as well tell him.
Kyle: Tell me what?
Jack: You and theo might be related.
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Victor: I'm so proud of what you have done here since you've taken over the company, okay?
Victoria: Are you okay?
Victor: Yeah, I'm okay.
Victoria: I just feel like maybe something's bothering you.
Victor: [ Sighs ] No, I'm fine. I mean, you know, I'm feeling better every day.
Victoria: Mm. You just don't really seem like yourself. So if it's no the illness, then, um, it has to be adam. What has he done?
Victor: Why do you assume he has done something?
Victoria: Because I know adam. Adam is adam, and he's back in town now, and it's only a matter of time before he comes after someone that I care about.
Victor: Let's not talk about him, my darling, okay? Please?
Phyllis: Connor here?
Adam: It's a weekday in october.
Phyllis: Yeah. That's right. Uh, you were taking him to school, dropping him off. Your first time. How'd it go?
Adam: I walked him all the way into his classroom.
Phyllis: Ah, very sweet. You're a good dad.
Adam: Well, he was a little nervous, so I just wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.
Phyllis: Oh. Great. Well, I'm sure you were looking at all the kids, giving them that "I got you" look.
[ Chuckles ]
Adam: I told him that I had his back, and I'd be there for him if he got into any trouble.
Phyllis: Very sweet that you have connor's back. Very sweet that he knows that.
Adam: Yeah.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Adam: I want to be the father that connor deserves.
Phyllis: Okay. So... it's time to put your number-one-dad trophy on the shelf. It's time for us to get back to business.
Adam: Phyllis [Clears throat] I want you to write this down, okay? 'Cause I'm getting really tired of repeating myself. I am dedicating myself to raising my son.
Phyllis: You're a working parent. That's what you are. That's what it's called. I've been doing it for years.
Adam: That's great. Congratulations. I am still not interested in working with you.
Phyllis: I know the only thing that equals your love for connor is your hatred for your father.
Adam: Listen --
Phyllis: Adam, now is the time to take him down.
Adam: I am sorry, phyllis. I have sworn off all my personal vendettas.
Phyllis: But you know that victor's family is not what he prizes most. You know it's newman enterprises. You know that he cares about newman enterprises more than anything else in the world. Now is the time to take it over and destroy this man. You were going to do this with me.
Adam: Mm.
Adam: Not anymore. So you're gonna have to find someone else to crush pops with you. Or, you know what, you can just move on with your life. You know, maybe find a positive way to fix your life.
[ Ice clinking ]
Lola: Have you moved from this spot since I left town?
Theo: Why would I? Best view in the joint.
Lola: Well, I hope my staff took care of you while I was away.
Theo: Abby's lucky you came back. She was about to lose her best customer.
Lola: Theo, you won't be able to afford the booze or the food if you don't find a job real soon.
Theo: How is this not a real job?
Lola: Sitting on a barstool?
Theo: Okay, I made a business pitch this morning from this very spot.
Lola: Well, good luck. I hope it works out.
Theo: Hey! Not so fast. You haven't even shown me pictures of your nephew.
Lola: Funny.
Theo: I'm serious. You must have taken a million while you were in miami.
Lola: [ Chuckles ] At least. But if you want to see the pictures, you're gonna have to wait, 'cause some of us have real jobs.
Theo: Welcome home.
Lola: This isn't your home.
Theo: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: Dad, if you're pranking me, this isn't funny.
Jack: We don't have all the information yet.
Traci: Well, some of us had more information than others. I cannot believe you didn't tell me that theo's last name was vanderway!
Jack: You were hesitant to find out more information.
Kyle: Okay, what the hell is going on? Is -- is theo trying to pull some scam against our family?
Jack: What we've discovered has not got to do with anything theo has said or done.
Traci: Right. Your dad and I discovered this all on our own.
Jack: Yeah, traci and I have been working on this history of the abbott family for future generations of abbotts, and in our research, we discovered your grandmother has been keeping quite a secret.
Kyle: You got this information from dina? No offense, she's confused about a lot.
Jack: Dina didn't tell us anything. We found documentation among her papers. Her adoption records.
Kyle: Dina had another baby.
Traci: Yes. A boy. Adopted by the vanderways. And they named him eric.
Jack: Do you have any idea what theo's father's name is?
Kyle: Man, I-I -- I don't know. I'm not even sure if theo ever told me. His dad was some kind of union rep. He died when theo was in high school.
Jack: Well, if he was our brother, we're not gonna get to meet him.
Kyle: Th-there's no way theo and I are related. It just -- [ Stammering ]
Traci: Okay --
Kyle: There have to be a hundred vanderways out there.
Traci: Let's just drop this for now.
Jack: B-b-b-- before we set it aside, where did theo grow up? I mean, I know you met him in new york --
Kyle: He's from chicago. What?
Jack: The couple that adopted dina's son was from chicago.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Theo: Right. Look, it's not gonna go that way, okay? I'm sorry.
Kyle: Hey.
Lola: Are you okay? It looks like your dad just gave you some really bad news.
Kyle: I-it's -- it's definitely not good.
Lola: What?
Kyle: And I'm hoping it turns out to be some weird coincidence.
Lola: If you're trying to make me go crazy, you're doing a hell of a good job.
Kyle: Theo and I might be cousins.
Lola: What? How?
Kyle: I -- [ Sighs ] Through my grandmother. There's a slight chance a baby she gave up for adoption... could be theo's dad.
Lola: No way.
Kyle: Yeah. That's what I said. It's -- it'S... it's not possible. I don't care what my dad says. Theo and I are not related. It's just -- I -- it can't be true.
Lola: What if it is?
Victoria: Um, look, daddy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just get really overprotective about the people that I love.
Victor: Oh, my sweet love. So now you understand how I've been feeling all these years, you know?
Victoria: I didn't mean to be insensitive.
Victor: [ Sighs ] I just wish that you and the rest of the family would give adam another chance.
Victoria: But how do you know that he's not gonna come after you or any of us again?
Victor: [ Sighs ] He's focused on raising his son.
Victoria: Okay. Well, I wish I had as much faith in him as you do.
Victor: Oh, sweetheart. He's my boy. But I promise you one thing -- if he comes after you or the rest of the family, I'll -- I'll protect you. Okay? He better not step out of line.
Victoria: What else did adam say?
Victor: Oh, we said all there is to say.
Victoria: You know, sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if you had just stayed out of each other's lives.
Billy: Work's good. Family's good. I mean, everything's good.
Dr. Clay: I'm glad things are going well for you.
Billy: I was even able to see adam and victor and control myself. Walked away form the both of them them without throwing a single punch.
Dr. Clay: That's good to hear.
Billy: You might even lose me as a patient, doc.
Dr. Clay: Oh, if only it were that simple. I am very pleased with the progress you're making. But you went through something very serious.
Billy: Yeah. I mean, I'm not -- I'm not gonna backslide. I'm never going to that dark place ever again.
Phyllis: I get it. You want to put the nice-guy act on for your son. It's a waste of time. I'll tell you that right now. Because your kids, they want you to be your -- your most authentic self.
Adam: Mm. Well, thank you for the parenting tip.
Phyllis: Well, it's a life lesson. You can't deny who you are.
Adam: I am connor's father. Period.
Phyllis: Under that super-dad cape... is a rebel. A brilliant, brilliant rebel. You cannot suppress who you are.
Adam: Listen, if you need someone to help you walk on the dark side, I have kevin's number. I will give it to you --
Phyllis: I don't want kevin's number! I don't want his number! He's not a match for me. You are. You're brilliant, and you said you would do this with me.
Adam: Truly, I'm -- I'm very flattered. But...I'm out --
Phyllis: Oh, I don't -- I don't buy it.
Adam: ...Of the doom-and-destruction business.
Phyllis: I don't buy it.
Adam: You're gonna have to find someone else to help you crush the good and decent people of the world, phyllis. Okay?
Phyllis: But no one is as brilliant and -- and diabolical and annoying as you.
Adam: Hmm. You have always said the nicest things to me, phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey, come on. You want to be responsible for this frown that's on my face right now?
Adam: If I turn that frown upside down, will you leave me alone?
Phyllis: What do you have in mind?
Adam: I think I have a way to make you smile.
Phyllis: I knew it! The grand phoenix is mine! I knew it. You can have the bigger office.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: A corner office.
Adam: What do you want more than anything in the world?
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Respect. Admiration. The grand phoenix.
Adam: You can use this and buy it all. Now go away and do not come back.
Phyllis: $10 million?
Victoria: I'll send you the contracts as soon as everything's finalized.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart. I am sure that you have negotiated a solid deal.
Victoria: Well, I learned from the best.
[ Smooches ]
Victor: Thank you, my love. Anything else you want to go over?
Victoria: Oh, no. I think that covers just about everything, unless you have any questions.
Victor: How's billy boy?
Victoria: I think that's the first time you've ever asked me about him and meant it. He told me that he met with you the other day.
Victor: He did?
Victoria: Yeah. It sounds like you had a good talk.
Victor: Yeah. Considering the past conversations we've had, yeah.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thank you.
Victor: For what?
Victoria: For giving him a second chance.
Victor: You know, when i think of the kind of pain he must have suffered after delia's death... I understand that he lost himself in grief.
Victoria: He's doing his best to work through it.
Victor: I certainly hope so, you know. I don't want him to waste a second opportunity.
Victoria: Well, he can'T. He has too much at stake.
Victor: That's right. And he better remember that. Because if he screws up again, I won't be so forgiving.
Dr. Clay: I have every reason to believe you'll continue to make progress. But you need to keep working. Stay in therapy.
Billy: I mean, I do feel like the worst of it is behind me.
Dr. Clay: That's why it's important for you to voice all your fears and concerns.
Billy: Aren't you sick of hearing about all my problems?
Dr. Clay: That's my job.
Billy: [ Huffs ] Okay. What would you like to talk about?
Dr. Clay: You've told me what led to your break with reality, how you weren't sleeping. Um, the increased agitation you felt.
Billy: I had some rough days. And nights.
Dr. Clay: Have you had any more of those?
Billy: No. I mean, besides being woken up at 6:00 in the morning by my children, no.
Dr. Clay: Well, that's a refreshing change. But a dissociative fugue is a serious disorder. One that doesn't go away with just a few sessions.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Which is why you think I need to keep seeing you.
Dr. Clay: I want to help you develop healthy coping skills. So if you ever do feel yourself sliding back to that place, you'll be able to manage your pain more effectively.
Billy: Well, I thought i dealt with it a long time ago.
Dr. Clay: When you suffer a loss like you did, the grief never completely disappears. The smallest thing can trigger it. Something physical, something emotional --
Billy: Or, in my case, seeing six feet of adam newman.
Dr. Clay: The word fugue comes from the latin "to flee." Your mind couldn't cope with re-living the trauma of the loss of your daughter. It needed to disconnect. To flee from the psychological pain you were experiencing.
Billy: That didn't work so well.
Dr. Clay: Grief isn't something you can fix. I want to try to help make it bearable.
Billy: You have. I mean, you really have. I-I -- I don't feel like I'm crawling out of my skin anymore. Um...besides being woken up by my kids, I'm sleeping uninterrupted. Finally feel at peace. And I finally feel free of the rage that was locked inside of me.
Dr. Clay: You're making great strides.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Look, I know that I got a lot of work to do. But I do feel like I can be the person that victoria and my children need me to be.
Kyle: Having a baby with some random guy while she's dating my grandpa is kind of mind-blowing, even for someone as free-spirited as dina.
Lola: But the odds that kid is theo's dad --
Kyle: Mnh-mnh. There's no way. No way theo and I share one single drop of blood.
Lola: Well, there's one way to find out. Theo's at the bar.
Kyle: How does that conversation go? "Hey, dude, theo, have you been secretly hiding that you're my cuz?"
Lola: Baby, I was thinking something a little more subtle. You know, try to find out if his father's name is the same as the one on the adoption certificate?
Kyle: Eric vanderway.
Lola: Okay. Maybe I can get him to talk.
Kyle: Why do you think he would open up to you?
Lola: I know you don't buy it, but I genuinely think theo wants to be my friend.
Kyle: That's because you always want to see the good in people.
Lola: Like you?
Kyle: Look, theo and i share nothing in common. I'll prove it to you.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Theo: Hey, bro. What's up?
Kyle: Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat.
Theo: Really?
Kyle: Yeah. I meant what I said last week. If you want to be friends again, I'm willing to give it a try.
Theo: You buying?
Kyle: Yeah. I'll foot the bill. You provide the entertainment.
Theo: Let's do it.
[ Knock on door ]
Billy: Oh, hey. I can come back if you're busy.
Victoria: Oh, no. Come in. I think we've covered everything.
Victor: Keep up the good work, my sweetheart. Okay?
Victoria: I will.
Victor: You're doing a wonderful job.
Victoria: Thank you.
Victor: You do the same, billy boy.
Billy: Plan on it.
[ Sighs ] Nothing like a little pep talk from the old man.
Victoria: Only one "billy boy." That's progress.
Billy: That's true. I'll take that.
Victoria: How was your session?
Billy: [ Sighs ] Ooh, intense. Barrel of fun.
Victoria: Translation -- you don't really want to talk about it.
Billy: It's, uh -- it's kind of scary, discovering just how far down the billy rabbit hole I actually went.
Victoria: I was just talking to dad about how you've been working really hard to put all of that behind you. I believe that there's only good times ahead for us. And lots of candy.
Billy: Lots and lots of halloween candy.
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: You're the funniest guy I know.
Adam: The check is real, phyllis. You can take it to the bank. Literally.
Phyllis: You're giving me $10 million out of the goodness of your heart?
Adam: Well, some people say friendship is priceless. I tend to disagree with that.
Phyllis: You're buying me off in a friendly way?
Adam: I am giving you the key to your dreams. Use it. Use it to buy the phoenix. Or you could buy half the town. Or better yet, you could hire a wrecking ball, and you could aim it right at newman tower. Whatever floats your boat, okay? Live your best, most evil life on me. Just do it without me.
Adam: [ Sighs ] That's great.
Phyllis: You're not getting rid of me that easy.
Traci: That was a disappointment. Not that we expected to get anything out of mother.
Jack: Mother has kept her secret locked up in her brain.
Traci: Jack, I-I think this is a sign that we really should let this go.
Jack: No, even if dina wanted to forget that she gave a child up for adoption, what if her son or grandson wanted to know her while he still had the chance?
Kyle: How's it going?
Theo: Good. Uh, ish. You know how it is. The social-media biz is up and down.
Kyle: Yeah, I'm kind of surprised you hung around in genoa city so long. New york city is way better for your career. Even chicago. That's where you're from, right?
Theo: Oh, born and raised. Wait, is that what this free meal is about? You trying to get rid of me?
Kyle: No, no, no, no. Lola just got back from visiting her family. Her trip made me think about you, being away from home.
Theo: Well, it's not much of a home anymore. Everyone's gone.
Kyle: Yeah, you told me about your dad. He was a union rep, right? Before he passed?
Theo: I can't believe you remember that.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I lost my mom when I was young. I know how it can affect you.
Theo: Yeah, I miss the old man.
Kyle: I still think about my mom every day.
[ Snorts softly ] I was lucky, though. I was her only kid, so I still have a lot of her stuff to keep her memory alive.
Theo: That's cool.
Kyle: What about you? Do you have anything of your dad's?
Theo: Uh, well, this. The union gave it to him on his 25th anniversary. Um...meant a lot to him.
Kyle: Yeah, I bet it does to you, too.
Theo: Well, I'M... sometimes I look at his initials, and... brings back a lot of good memories.
Kyle: [ Chuckles softly ] Can I see it?
Theo: Oh, sure.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Huh. "E.V."?
Theo: That's my dad. Eric vanderway.
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