Y&R Transcript Monday 10/28/19
Episode #11732 ~ Jack and Traci uncover a scandal; Adam confronts Billy, and Nick eyes a career change.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Adam: I would love for you to live with me, but it's your mom's call.
Connor: Please, mom.
Chelsea: You can stay with your dad.
Jack: An invitation to the senior prom after party at the abbott house! Could this be the wonderful, terrible night mother was referring to?
Traci: If it is, whatever went on between mother and stuart brooks happened right here, at a party in this house.
Theo: I attempted an end run around mariah and devon, and, well, let's just say he didn't appreciate it very much. Said something about how my talent wasn't worth putting up with my ego.
Theo: Yeah, I heard you. Thanks. For nothing.
Summer: Ooh. Mm, you seem cheerful.
Theo: Well, I just lost another influencer to a rival agent.
Summer: I'm sorry.
Theo: I do all the work, i discover these people, go out of my way to make them interesting, and then they dump me, one by one.
Summer: Well, you could look at the bright side. With fewer clients, you now have more time to devote to the ones that you do have.
Theo: Like who?
Summer: Uh, like me, jerk.
Jack: Here, let me take your coat. I am jack abbott.
Oh! Doris tillington.
Jack: And this is my sister traci abbott.
Traci: Thank you so much for coming.
Oh, you're quite welcome. But, I must say, I'm not quite sure why you wanted to see me.
Traci: Well, um, jack and i have been pouring over dina's high school yearbook, and from what we can tell, you were the girl who knew everything about everyone.
[ Laughs ] You mean I was a gossip. Well, guilty as charged, but, you know, it's been so many years since I -- since I've been in touch with dina. I'm not quite sure what help i would be.
Jack: We have very little to go on, doris, so anything you can think of, anything you can remember, could be invaluable to us.
Mariah: Hey.
Nick: Hey. Hey back!
Mariah: I heard that you took a little trip.
Nick: Yeah. I'm sure sharon told you, yes, adam is back in town. Connor's been having a rough time, so I went and convinced adam to come back home.
Mariah: That's very civilized of you, considering. Are you okay with that?
Nick: Well, like I said, I did it for connor.
Mariah: That wasn't my question.
Nick: Doesn't matter. That's my answer.
Adam: Connor seemed good today, didn't he?
Chelsea: He did.
Adam: Yeah. You know, we have this rule. There's no video games before breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Did you see how fast that kid cleaned his plate? Is everything all right?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Sure doesn't seem like it.
Chelsea: No, I -- I guess i was just a little surprised that you invited me to breakfast.
Adam: Why wouldn't I?
Chelsea: Adam, we haven't been particularly close lately. Far from it.
Adam: Well, that was then. This is now. I know connor is still getting settled at my place, and you're still adjusting to him being gone, so it just makes sense.
Chelsea: It make absolute sense, but...
Adam: But what?
Chelsea: I'm not gonna apologize for the way things were. I mean, you were pushing to see connor, and that made things difficult for you, but I was trying to do right by my son.
Adam: Fair enough.
Chelsea: Right, see, that's what I mean. You're being very fair. You could have used this situation as payback to try to, you know, punish me for what i did, but you haven'T. So I guess I just can't help but wonder -- why?
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Theo: Would you please give me a break? I'm not taking you for granted, I've just hit a rough patch. Between my clients bailing and getting fired from lp...
Summer: What? Oh, does theo need a pep talk?
Theo: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Summer: What, do you want me to roll out one of those "you can do it! Hang in there, pal!" Motivational speeches? Would that turn that little frown upside down?
Theo: Actually, I think it would.
Summer: Oh, seriously?
Theo: It's not like I've never stepped up when you had a bad day.
Summer: [ Sighs ] Well, yeah, that's a good point.
Theo: So let me hear it! Motivate me.
Summer: Okay.
[ Clears throat ] All right. So you may be down, theo, right? But you are never out because you are the man. The man who never gives up, right? He never surrenders, and that is why your life is gonna change for the better any day now. And, who knows? Maybe even today.
Jack: We want this family history to be complete and realize that some of what we learned could be uncomfortable.
Traci: Yes, the whole truth, and nothing but.
I understand.
Jack: So, we know that our parents were involved all through high school.
Jack: But, recently, we found a letter that dina wrote to another classmate.
Traci: Stuart brooks. Does that name sound familiar at all?
[ Sighs ] I don't know, I -- you know, it's been so long ago.
Jack: We also ran across a note that stuart wrote to dina. About an after-prom party that was held in this house.
Traci: Yes, and the tone of this note was rather curious, even a little mysterious.
Jack: Our sense was that this was a significant evening. Our mother referred to it as a "wonderful and terrible night."
Jack: Please, if -- if you could just try to remember --
[ Laughs ] I am trying, I -- I'm sorry, I --
Jack: No, no, no. Please. I'm -- I -- please, don't apologize. If you don't recall anything... it's just these last couple of years, we've watched our mother slip further and further away from us...
Jack: And it's been heartbreaking. We were hoping that this project would be one last attempt to get to know, to get to understand our mother a little better while she's still in our lives.
Traci: Yes, it's why it's so important to us. We realize that dina could leave us at any moment without telling her whole story.
Oh. My husband faded from my life in much the same way, and there's no describing the pain and the sadness that you feel when you reach out to someone that you love, and... and they stare at you like a you're complete stranger.
Traci: Yes.
Jack: Yeah.
I haven't been completely honest with you. I thought I owed it to dina to keep quiet, but now I see that I can't do that anymore. My memory of that time is quite vivid, and, yes, I knew stuart brooks. And I know what happened on prom night. I don't imagine I'll ever forget it. You know, but I have to warn you. You might not like what you're going to hear.
Jack: We meant it when we said we wanted to know everything. No matter what. Please. We're ready to listen.
Mariah: So you volunteered to bring adam home. Must have been hard.
Nick: Well, I need to swallow my own feelings about adam to make things right for connor.
Mariah: But now that he's reunited with his son, I mean, wouldn't it feel great to just scream "I hate you, adam!"
Nick: It's not gonna prove anything.
Mariah: No, it's not gonna prove anything, but it might release some of this bile that must be rolling around inside of you.
Nick: Adam's not gonna care, okay? And I'm not gonna go on some rant. What I can do is protect the people I care about from that son of a bitch, and that goes double for chelsea.
Mariah: And you will. Because you always show up for the people that you care about.
[ Claps hands ] Amen to that.
Nick: Well, hello, councilwoman diamond.
I couldn't help overhearing your very intelligent friend extolling your virtues about you being one who stands up for others. I agree. If it includes the citizens of genoa city.
Nick: Really? We're back to that?
Mariah: Back to what?
Nick: Tammy seems to think she's got my future mapped out for me.
Not just your future. The city's future. I remember putting on a brave face
Mariah: Okay. You have to tell me what that was about. So that lady wants you to run for office?
Nick: City council.
Mariah: When did this all happen?
Nick: My name's been in the news recently. We opened up the new hope building. I made a speech that some people liked, and, for some reason, they think that qualifies me for public office.
Mariah: Maybe it does.
Nick: Well, look, I'm flattered that people think i can make a difference, but i have a job, and I like it, and I'm pretty good at it. Why would I want to give that up for something I don't think I'm qualified for?
Mariah: Because you'll never know unless you try. So you're gonna do it?
Nick: No.
Mariah: What -- I'm gonna keep trying to convince you.
Nick: I expect nothing less.
Adam: Well, connor needs both of his parents now. You know, his well-being is the only thing that matters, so... it really doesn't serve anyone's purposes by us keeping score on who's the better person.
Chelsea: Wow.
[ Chuckles ] I'm really glad you're stepping up to be the father connor deserves, but...
Adam: But what?
Chelsea: But you get to go home with him, and I'm left just being the other parent.
Adam: Well, chelsea, I was the other parent for a long time.
Chelsea: I know. But we've been together his entire life, and now --
[ Sighs ] I walk into his bedroom, and he's not there, and...
[ Sighs ]
Adam: Look, I know this isn't easy, and I am sorry, but this is just what is going on right now.
Chelsea: I know. I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to --
Adam: No, I know. I know.
Chelsea: [ Exhales sharply ] And I want you to know that i really appreciate today.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: And I promise i won't mention anything to connor about moving back in with me.
Adam: I think that that is for the best.
Chelsea: Okay, well, I need to go home, so... let's go into the game room so i can say my goodbyes.
Adam: No. You go ahead. I'll give two a little alone time, okay? We're gonna get through this. I promise. (Dad) aaaah! When you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. That's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. It's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. The call is free, and there's no obligation. You see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. That's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. They're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn'T. Depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or co-payments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more. You can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. Plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're travelling. With humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. You can chose from a wide range of standardized plans. Each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money. So how do ya find the plan that's right for you? One that fits your needs and your budget? Call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. It's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! And see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer.
Theo: "Rah, rah, rah!" Is that what you think I need right now?
Summer: Mm, you should see me with a set of pom-poms.
Theo: I'd buy a ticket to that.
Summer: I bet you would.
Theo: [ Chuckles ] You know, you could do a video with professional cheerleaders. It could be a good way to get you into the fitness space.
Summer: Mm, changing subjects, huh?
Theo: Nope, just keeping it light.
Summer: Oh, light, yeah. That's what we are. I tease you, you tease me back.
Theo: Nothing serious, right?
Summer: No, if we were any more serious, I think the world would tilt on its axis, spin out of orbit, and plunge into the sun.
Theo: Sounds pretty dire.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Theo: Better we keep it shallow then, huh?
Summer: But if I were to be slightly, remotely sincere, I would tell you that you always will find a way to turn any situation to benefit you. And this situation is no different.
Theo: I appreciate your confidence in me. Were you expecting kyle?
Summer: Uh, no. Of course not.
Theo: Me, either. I only come here because I dig his wife's cooking.
Kyle: Thanks for suggesting we hang out. It's been a while.
Mariah: Yeah, I figured with lola out of town visiting the new baby that you could use the company.
Kyle: Oh, I can always use your company.
Mariah: Aww. No, I just pictured you, you know, wasting away on the couch eating pizza out of the box. It was really scary.
Kyle: Wait a minute. I can do that?
Mariah: Hey! No, no, no! Sit! Sit. So, do you miss your beautiful wife?
Kyle: Like crazy. Lola will get back tonight, and I can't wait.
Mariah: So you're still in the honeymoon phase, I take it.
Kyle: Does it ever have to end?
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Well, has anything changed since the big day?
Kyle: Mm, nothing's really changed. But, you know...
Mariah: No, I don'T. What?
Kyle: Well, when you're just dating someone and things get too hard, you know you can always just...break up, right? Well, that was me for a long time.
Mariah: Mm. When the going got tough, you got going.
Kyle: But that's over now. Commitment actually requires commitment.
Mariah: [ Gasps ]
Kyle: So lola and I might have our little fights ever now and then, but leaving's off the table. We have to make up. There's no alternative. And, besides, making up is always awesome.
Mariah: Okay. That was -- that was tmi, my friend. But, no, I know what you mean. Living in a studio apartment with a person you love is a lesson in forgiveness, giving and getting. Can I ask you question?
Kyle: Mm, sure.
Mariah: Is there a reason that you're telling me this?
Theo: Looks like we found a party to crash.
So, prom night, dina was dating john, your father, but stuart brooks developed a crush on her, a major crush, in an english class that they had together.
Traci: Oh, that would be mr. Landis' class. They were studying "hamlet."
[ Laughs ] Well, they weren't just studying it. No, no, no. Students had to get up in front of the class and do a scene. And stuart was dina's scene partner. Hamlet and ophelia. Oh... and the chemistry between them& was...
[ Sighs ] Well, everyone could see it. But dina -- dina is the one who felt it. Well, she was only human, after all.
[ Laughs ] Stuart was handsome and charming and... now, john was, too, and dina was devoted to him. But she admitted to me, and a few friends, that... there was just something about stuart that... she couldn't let go.
Jack: Can you tell us about what happened at that party?
[ Chuckles ] Well, I was in this very room. Watching dina and stuart steal looks at one another. It was like watching two people who were so absolutely connected that you couldn't believe that they couldn't be together.
Jack: And then...?
And then... they snuck off.
Jack: "Snuck off."
Jack: Where?
Well, we didn't follow them.
[ Laughing ] No! But I think it was pretty obvious, they wanted to be alone. They wanted to be together. Well, she didn't have to spell that one out.
Jack: So...?
So... the next day at school, dina -- well, dina seemed different. Very different. And when I ask her about it, at first, she wouldn't say anything. But then she admitted to me that... she and stuart had made love that night. Oh, and then she felt terribly, terribly guilty about it. And she swore to me that it was a one-time thing and it would never happen again. And, as far as I know, it never did. And dina and your father were back together again, and... I -- life went on.
Jack: And that's it. That's it? That's the wonderful and terrible night that mother referred to so emotionally?
Traci: Jack. I don't think doris is finished with the story. I'm assuming there's more to it?
After graduation, dina decided not to go to college. She opted to take a year abroad. Now, all of her friends were surprised, but... no, she was determined to go.
[ Sighs ] After that, she just sort of dropped off the map. Oh, she promised to keep in touch, but nothing. Not even a postcard.
Traci: So total silence.
Jack: Uh, forgive me. Why is that important?
Traci: [ Sighs ] Jack. I think what doris is trying to tell us is that this was no ordinary year abroad. This was a cover story because our mother was pregnant.
Billy: I heard you were back in town.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, what can I say? I'm like a boomerang. Toss me away, but I always return.
Billy: I'm glad you find it funny. Unfortunately, no one els around here is laughing.
Adam: I came back for my son. He was hurt, in case you hadn't heard. Poor guy was acting out because he was worried about losing his father.
Billy: Oh, so you returned to be the father to connor that you always wanted to be? Is that what your story is, adam?
Adam: [ Sighs ] Sounds like you have your doubts, billy.
Billy: About you suddenly being a family man? I mean, we are talking about the guy that tried to kill connor's grandfather and then frame his aunt victoria for murder.
Adam: Look, I don't have to defend myself to you. I have made mistakes with connor, and I'm working on making that up to him. What's your excuse?
Billy: Excuse for what?
Adam: Well, didn't you go to rehab to straighten yourself out? I mean, I guess that's one way of making it up to your family. But I never did hear the whole story. What did you go for? Was it gambling? Did you develop a drinking problem, or something? Or was it something else? Let's call it... murderous tendencies. Do they even have a rehab for that? I sure hope so. No matter what I wore, I worried someone might see
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jack: I suppose it's possible. In dina's day, young women of certain means would travel abroad, or pretend to travel abroad, to go off the grid to cover their condition, but... you know, some women traveled just to travel.
I don't believe that's why dina did.
Jack: Do you have proof that she was pregnant?
No. Absolutely not. She never said anything. She just returned from her trip, picked things up with your father, and that was it.
Jack: Then how can you be so certain of this?
Because she changed her plans for college instantly. And this letter to stuart, there's a lot between the lines. No, there's no way of knowing for sure, but... but dina's friends and myself, I believe that that's -- that's the only explanation that makes sense.
Jack: There is another possible explanation. That child could have been john'S.
No. It's not possible.
Jack: How is that not possible? They were together all through high school.
Yes, but dina was adamant that she and john were saving themselves, and that's something they used to say back then. No. No, if there was a child, it wasn't john'S.
Traci: [ Sighs ] I don't understand why there was no mention of it. You know, we have been through mountains of dina's papers. Mountains. And there was not one word about a baby. Why?
I can't answer that. Well... perhaps dina felt so ashamed that she couldn't write anything down.
Jack: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry --
Traci: No. No, no, no. You've told us everything you remember, and we're so grateful.
[ Chuckles ] I wish I could have remembered more.
Jack: No, you -- you've been a great help, and we won't take up any more of your time.
Traci: [ Clears throat ]
I hope dina has made peace with what happened, and... I hope you can, too.
Jack: Thank you. I'll show you out.
Thank you.
Traci: [ Sighs ]
Jack: Wait, what are you doing?
Traci: Oh, uh, I can't believe I didn't remember this before! We have all these boxes, these boxes from mergeron that dina brought back from france.
Jack: Yeah, and we went through them, very carefully, trying to find something to use against graham.
Traci: Yes.
Jack: Nothing in there mentioned a pregnancy.
Traci: No, but we do have this. This -- here it is! This is the inventory from mergeron, and this includes a whole bunch of books. Books, and, at the time, I found it so peculiar that she would have this on the list, but now it all makes sense.
Jack: What book?
Traci: Right here.
Jack: A copy of "hamlet?"
Traci: And not just any copy of "hamlet." The kind a student would have.
Kyle: Hey, a little early for a party, theo. Mariah and I were having a conversation.
Theo: Well, that's cool. I just wanted you to pass along a message to your wife.
Kyle: What's that?
Theo: Tell lola that the quality of the finger food at happy hour has been slipping since she left town. So her loyal customers want to know when she'll be back to perform her culinary miracles.
Kyle: She gets home tonight. She'll be back in the kitchen tomorrow.
Theo: Outstanding. And she's feeling better, right? I saw her a couple times after she got light-headed. She seemed okay to me.
Kyle: Yeah, why don't you guys have a seat?
Theo: Are -- are you sure it's okay? We don't want to interrupt if it's important.
Mariah: No, we were just catching up.
Summer: Okay.
Kyle: Lola's fine.
Theo: Good to hear.
Kyle: I'll tell her you asked about her.
Theo: Oh, no need. I'm just happy she's feeling better.
Mariah: I'm sorry, but -- this seems almost...nice. You two aren't actually friends again, are you? Are they?
Summer: Don't ask me.
Kyle: I wouldn't say friends, exactly.
Theo: On the other hand, a fight isn't likely to break out, either. So I guess you'd call that progress, hmm?
Kyle: Some would say.
Theo: Well, here's to progress.
Summer: Oh!
Chelsea: God, nick, this is so hard. And it's just gonna stay that way.
Nick: Look, chelsea, this is brand new, all right? And, right now, it feels like connor's never gonna want to come home to you. But I promise you, eventually, his attitude will change.
Chelsea: Well, I appreciate you saying that, but we both know there are no guarantees. I mean, this is my life now, connor with adam, and I just have to accept it.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Is there anything I can do?
Chelsea: No, unfortunately. Oh! Sorry. I meant to tell you, before you came home, um, councilwoman diamond's office called, said they have materials for you, in case you've made your decision? What decision? Is this about new hope?
Nick: Not exactly.
Chelsea: What does "not exactly" mean?
Nick: It's nothing.
Chelsea: Nick... don't do this to me again. Don't shut me out.
Nick: No, no, no. I'm not shutting you out. It's just -- tammy and a few others think i should run for city council because a seat opened up.
Chelsea: Wow. And you're considering it?
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Chelsea: Well, are you?
Nick: I'll tell you what I've been telling everybody else. I got a lot on my plate right now with new hope, and I'm very happy with the work I'm doing there.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. You want to do it.
Nick: Did you hear what i just said?
Chelsea: I -- I did hear you. But I've become a really good listener lately, and... you want this, newman. You want this bad.
Billy: All right, adam. What are we doing here?
Adam: Look, I think we could save each other a lot of time and a lot of energy if we just laid everything out on the table. I mean, that's how they do it in poker, right?
Billy: Yeah, they do. Although I haven't played in a while, but you know that.
Adam: Are you really gonna have me spell it out for you, billy? Okay. Here goes. I might have once thought that it was victor behind the wheel that night, at the curve where delia died. I am responsible for that, and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life.
Billy: Assuming you have a conscience.
Adam: Well, you can believe it, you can not believe it. But if you want to stop playing games, I suggest you stop playing this one, and you admit what we both know -- that it was you hat was behind the wheel that night. That it was you that tried to kill me. (Man) I'm craving...
Traci: Oh! Here it is! Here it is! Here it is! I was right! Kind of old and battered, just like a student would use for class.
Jack: Is something written in it?
Traci: Let's see. Nothing in front. Nothing in the back.
[ Gasps ]
Nick: Chelsea, all the city council talk is extremely premature.
Chelsea: Stop it. When you're with other people, you can play mr. Humble, okay, and pretend that this isn't for you, but it's just us here, now, and I think we've earned a little bit of honesty.
Nick: Okay. Uh, I'm ambivalent, you know? On one hand, it's very flattering to be considered, but I just don't know if it's for me.
Chelsea: I think it might be. I mean, fighting the fight and talking the talk, and then taking action once the talk doesn't work anymore -- I mean, that's kind of who you are. Maybe this is meant for you. You want this, nick. I could tell in your eyes when you told me about it. So I want it for you, too.
Nick: Okay, I think I do want it. It sounds cool to me. But, honestly, I was concerned that maybe you wouldn't be okay with it, but.. but if you support me on it, I guess that means a lot.
Chelsea: Yeah. I'd always be in your corner, no matter what you decide.
Nick: I mean, when people first started talking about this to me, I thought they were crazy. But then I had this woman, uh, one of my new tenants at new hope. She came up to me, she had tears in her eyes, and she just said how grateful she was that she finally had a home she could share with her mother and her children. And it felt amazing to be able to help people in that way. And that you are behind me on this? That means everything to me, chelsea.
Chelsea: Well... I think tammy's waiting for you to call her back.
Billy: That's a pretty good guess.
Adam: That's all you're gonna say? I mean, I accuse you of trying to run me down, and you're gonna give me nothing?
Billy: What do you say we just leave it at that?
Adam: No, I don't think so, billy.
Billy: What do you want?
Adam: I want the truth.
Billy: Yeah?
Adam: Because I saw the lights. I saw the car coming at me. And I'm thinking, that's it. That's the end. Next thing I know, I'm waking up with the monster of all headaches, but I'm still breathing, so how do you... miss me?
Billy: Well, I did need to get my eyes checked, so thanks for the reminder.
Adam: That's hilarious. You know what I think? There was someone else out there with us that night.
Billy: Well, who could that be?
Adam: Maybe it was someone who was out there to protect me.
Billy: Well...
Adam: But since I'm not genoa city's most popular citizen, I'm thinking it was someone who was out to protect you... from yourself.
Billy: And you want me to tell you who that is?
Adam: That's right.
Billy: [ Sighs ] The easter bunny.
Adam: You continue to not make me laugh, billy.
Billy: Well, then take this seriously. This is between the two of us. You want to try and drag someone into this, you're not gonna get any help from me.
Adam: Okay. Then just the two of us, then.
Billy: Okay. So you want to sit here and compare battle scars, we can do that. But I think that's a waste of time. Especially when there's more important things on the table.
Adam: Such as?
Billy: Where do we go from here?
Jack: Exactly what we've been looking for -- a decree of adoption. It was a boy.
Traci: With dina listed as mother... and over here it's blank for father.
Jack: Which means we have a half-brother out there somewhere.
Traci: What's his name? Who are his parents?
Jack: Here. See for yourself.
Summer: Oh, whoops, I got to go.
Theo: Mm, where to?
Summer: Um, atlanta.
Mariah: Okay, I'll bite. Who or what is in atlanta?
Summer: Uh, it's a tv shoot because jabot has wardrobe and accessories placed on a show, which will be great publicity for the good guys. And I'll just be observing on set.
Mariah: Well, I would like to be my normal, cynical self, but that's actually very, very cool.
Summer: Oh!
Mariah: Look at us with our big, impressive grown-up jobs.
Kyle: Mm.
Mariah: Except for you, of course.
Summer: Oh, come on. That's not nice.
Theo: It's okay. I can take it. I might be down, but I am never out. And I am definitely not broke. Check, please! Last round's on me.
Kyle: What's the occasion?
Theo: I'm just trying to buy back our friendship.
Traci: The baby's name was... eric. Eric vanderway. Hmm.
Jack: Adoptive parents raised him in chicago.
Traci: Oh! And canceled checks -- "for the care of eric..." oh, my god. Jack, it's true.
Jack: Eric vanderway, born to dina and stuart, raised by ralph and margaret. We have to find him.
Theo: Thank you.
Nick: Yes, she call me back. Thank you. This is crazy. And when I tell tammy I'm in, it's gonna get a whole lot crazier.
Chelsea: Yeah. You're gonna have to put together your campaign staff, start meeting with voters.
Nick: And prepare to live under a microscope.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Nick: Everything I've ever said, everything I've ever done is gonna become public knowledge.
Chelsea: Well, come on, i mean, you're running for city council, not congress.
Nick: Chelsea, local politics can be a blood sport, and whoever is running against me will look under every rock to find dirt. And it won't take much effort with all the media coverage against me and the rest of my family. There's gonna be a lot of explaining to do.
Chelsea: I didn't think of that.
Nick: The only thing I can do is, uh, you know, be honest, tell the truth. Sometimes, it's funny how that works because that's the last thing you want to do.
Chelsea: Well, what about my truth? My past. I mean, I haven't exactly led a perfect life.
Nick: Don't worry about it.
Chelsea: I suddenly am starting to worry about it. I mean, I would hate to be the cause of you losing the race.
Nick: You won't, chelsea. Everything you've done is way in the past. The only thing that's gonna matter to them is that I put on that J.T. Mask and threatened my father. That's the only thing they're gonna talk about. But what I got to do is admit to my mistakes and try get out in front of any bad news they can dig up. What's gonna matter is what we do from here on out. Do you believe me?
Chelsea: I believe you.
Nick: Good.
[ Cellphone rings ] It's tammy. Tammy, I'm in.
Adam: Where do we go from here? I was just about to ask that myself.
Billy: And?
Adam: No, please. You first, since I'm the one that almost died.
Billy: But you're free. I mean, you dodged a bullet.
Adam: Well, I dodged a car, too, if you're keeping score.
Billy: The point is, you're with your son. I mean, you get to build a new life together. Likewise. I want to build a new life with two of my three children, raise them with your sister. That's all I want to do.
Adam: Okay, so... what do you suggest we do, billy?
Billy: Go on with our lives, adam. No revenge. No payback. We just move forward.
Adam: But moving forward would mean that we would have to trust each other.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] No argument here.
Adam: Which means we stay out of each other's business. You go your way, and I'll go mine. Agreed?
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