Y&R Transcript Friday 10/25/19
Episode #11731 ~ Lily comes home to settle unfinished business and Jill chooses sides.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Cane: You have determined that they are katherine's initials on the pages?
Those initials are authentic.
Devon: If katherine were alive today, would she feel the same way about the will?
Elena: I think you need to talk to someone who knows katherine and cane better than anyone else.
Devon: You're talking about lily.
Chelsea: We all just want to help.
Connor: No, you don'T. You're a liar, too!
Chelsea: At least you got him to open up a bit. Maybe his outburst helped to relieve some of the pressure building up inside.
Connor: You really want to be a part of my life? Then let me live with you.
Adam: We need to focus on what's best for our son, and i think that him staying with me will show him that I'm gonna stick around, and that I'm committed to being his father.
Chelsea: This is temporary, adam. I am not giving you custody.
Sharon: You're back. I -- I didn't know.
Adam: Yeah, nick -- nick tracked me down. He said connor was struggling and getting in trouble.
Sharon: That's incredible.
Adam: I have let go of all my grievances with the newmans.
Sharon: That's good to hear.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, connor's been through enough upheaval, so... his family is what he needs now.
Sharon: Well, you leaving had a profound effect on him.
Adam: Well, I thought he was better off without me. But now I know that I was wrong.
Sharon: I don't know if you heard, but chelsea asked me to talk to connor while you were away.
Adam: That is actually why I came to see you. Connor has moved in with me. And it's been the best thing that's happened to us in a long time. And I'm determined to do right by my son, so I was hoping that you would continue to work with him. Because I need you to help me help my son.
Cane: Hey.
Jill: Oh!
Cane: [ Chuckles ]
Jill: Oh, ho!
Cane: Sorry.
Jill: Mm.
Cane: Are you okay?
Jill: Yeah, I just think I've had too much coffee.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Jill: I mean, I-I am just sitting here on pins and needles waiting to hear from devon. Have you been in touch with him?
Cane: I have not heard a word.
Jill: Okay, here's the way i see it -- we have irrefutable proof that you were the intended beneficiary of katherine's estate, and we know that tucker defrauded you out of your inheritance. So handing the money over to you is the only possible way to make it right.
Cane: So, basically you're expecting him to give me $2.5 billion when there is no law compelling him to do so. Is that what you're saying?
Jill: Yes, cane. Yes, I do.
Cane: All right. Mmkay.
Jill: Out of his love for katherine.
Cane: Well, forgive me for saying this, all right, but I'm having a hard time buying into this fairy tale. Sorry.
Devon: Hey!
Lily: [ Giggles ]
Devon: Come here.
Lily: Hi!
Devon: Ohh!
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
Devon: Get in here. Get in here.
Lily: Oh, my gosh. Look at you!
Devon: Yeah. Not bad, right?
Lily: No. You're -- you're a mess. You really are.
Devon: Thank you so much.
Lily: I cannot believe how much I've missed you. It's so good to see your face.
Devon: It's good to see you, too. Thank you for getting here so quick.
Lily: Yeah, of course. Anytime. You know that.
Devon: Yeah. There's just a whole lot that's been going on with katherine's will and cane being named the main beneficiary.
Lily: Wait, I thought that was a done deal? Even cane thought it was some sort of con. And the statute of limitations ran out years ago.
Devon: That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's more to the story than you know.
Amanda: Yes, well, one way or another, this all ends today.
Lily: I mean, why would katherine leave money for cane?
Devon: That's a really great question. But that's not the strangest part of this whole thing. You now the attorney that chance hired?
Lily: Yeah.
Devon: She looks exactly like hilary. Like, exactly like her.
Lily: Really?
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: God, that must be weird, seeing someone who looks like her.
Devon: She could literally be her twin. Someone has found hilary's look-alike and sent her here to throw me off my game.
Lily: Okay, so, what does -- what does cane say? I mean, what does -- what does he want?
Devon: [ Stammers ] I mean, you know him. You were married to him for a while. What do you think he wants?
Lily: So, wait, are you... are you saying that you don't believe katherine left him the bulk of her money, that you do, but you don't think he deserves it?
Chelsea: Okay. I'll be in shortly.
Nick: Hey. Everything okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. Just work. Was christian excited for the field trip today?
Nick: You know nothing in this world makes that kid happier than seeing dinosaur bones.
Chelsea: Yeah. He wouldn't stop talking about it this morning. Made me wonder if he was just trying to get my mind off of connor.
Nick: Yeah, maybe.
Chelsea: Poor little guy must be so confused. His best bud not living here anymore.
Nick: Well, it's not forever. We're still gonna see each other a lot. There's gonna be play dates and sleepovers. We're still gonna have dinner together.
Chelsea: Yeah. That's the plan.
[ Sighs ] So, um, what's on your agenda for today?
Nick: Uh, well, I'm gonna check out a potential site for new hope. Sounds like, uh, the grand phoenix is keeping you busy.
Chelsea: Yeah, really busy. I'm actually headed in there short--
[ Sighs ] Whew... this hurts. This hurts so much. And I'm used to connor, you know, being away at camp, or -- [ Sighs ] Or at a sleepover or a weekend away with friends. But this just feels different. This feels so wrong. I mean, I only agreed to let him live with adam because I'm scared for him. I'm scared of the way he's starting fights and acting out. I mean, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that he's okay. I just need to give it time. But right [Sighs] It just feels like everything is out of control.
Nick: [ Sighs, murmurs ]
Sharon: He's such a great kid.
Adam: [ Sighs ] But he needs help. From you.
Sharon: Adam --
Adam: Look -- look. I know that things got rocky between us. But I am really hoping that you can rise above that, and you can think about that little boy, who needs all the help he can get right now. We are weakening our enamel more often than we even realize.
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Nick: You know, I'm no expert, but, uh, I'm sure the reason connor was acting out was a cry for help. And I'm partly to blame for that.
Chelsea: Absolutely not. Why would you even say that?
Nick: Because I just -- I want this blended-family thing to work so badly. I love being with you. Our kids together. And it's just... maybe it was too much, too soon. I just -- I pushed connor too hard.
Chelsea: Nick, you are not to blame for this. Losing adam is what broke him. Not you.
Nick: Well, that's why I bit the bullet and went to vegas. There was no way I was coming back home without adam.
Chelsea: It just shows how great you are with kids. You were willing to do something you didn't want to do, but you did it because it's what's good for connor.
Nick: I hope you're right.
Chelsea: I just need to trust my instincts.
[ Sighs ] I did what I thought was best for my son. Let's just hope adam's doing the same.
Adam: Connor really likes you. He respects you. I don't want to lose the connection with someone that is helping him make sense of -- of all the confusion.
Sharon: Well, there are a lot of good therapists I can refer you to --
Adam: I want you, sharon.
Sharon: I can'T.
Adam: Because you don't trust me.
Sharon: Because working with connor, I would be too close to you. And even though you say you've changed your ways, you know, what if you tried to manipulate me again? I just can't risk that.
Adam: Sharon, all that I want is, I want connor to be happy again. I want him to feel safe and stable. I know that I cannot solve all of his problems, but I know that you can help. I don't want to waste time jumping from shrink to shrink, trying to find the right fit for my boy when there is a perfectly good counselor sitting right across from me. Okay, look, if you want to hate me, hate me. But, please, do not take it out on my kid. He's got enough to deal with having a guy like me as his father. Look, I think that you can make all the difference in connor's life. I just really hope that you have a change of heart.
Devon: I mean, I don't give a damn about cane. He's been scamming people since he came to town. He got here pretending to be somebody he's not.
Lily: Okay, I get that you don't like cane. But I feel like there's something else bothering you. What is it? Just tell me.
Devon: When katherine gave me the money, I always thought it was because she saw something special in me. I wanted to be worthy of that kind of money, and the responsibility that came with it. And I'm the guy, now, that people come to when they need help, and I like that. I like being able to do that for others. It's a part of my identity. And to have to give it away now, to somebody with no morals, for that matter... what do you think I should do?
Lily: [ Sighs ] I mean... [ Stomps foot ] I think you should follow your heart.
Devon: Nate told me I should ask myself what neil would do.
Lily: I mean, yeah, that's -- that's good advice, but at the end of the day, it's your decision. And I will support you no matter what you choose.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Jill: Ah. Are we late?
Devon: No. Come in.
Jill: Hi.
Lily: Hello. Hello, cane.
Cane: Uh, I didn't know you'd be here. You, uh -- you look fantastic.
Jill: As usual. What a lovely surprise.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, it was a last-minute thi--
[ Glass clatters ] Oh, my god.
Devon: Hey. Do you need some water or something else to drink?
Lily: No, no, no, no, no. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Devon: You don't seem like you're fine.
Lily: No, I mean, you -- you -- you told me that, you know, she looked like her, but I-I thought it was like a-a -- a resemblance.
Devon: Uh-huh.
Lily: But, I mean, she looks just like her! That's crazy!
Devon: I know. I know.
Lily: I cannot that you've dealt with the will with someone who looks like hilary. This is insane!
Cane: Maybe you should have taken the time to warn her.
Devon: You don't think I tried to do that?
Lily: No, he did. But nothing can prepare me for that. I mean, look at her face!
Cane: I know. I know, I know.
Devon: Do you want to take a break and go for a walk or something?
Lily: No. No, no, no. I'm -- I'm -- I'm fine.
Amanda: Lily, I just wanted to say --
Lily: No, listen, I, um --
[ Sighs ] I'm really sorry that I reacted the way that I did. I-I'm sure it's not the first time that someone's had a minor freak out when they saw you.
Amanda: It's been difficult being in a place where my face is such a painful reminder to so many people. But I believe that my work here is almost done.
Devon: It is, yeah. It is, because I've gotten some clarity, and I know what I need to do.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] How do I look?
Nick: You look amazing. Is there some reason you got to look this good to go and deal with a broken elevator at the grand phoenix?
Chelsea: I'm actually stopping by adam's first. I feel like I'll be more settled once we figure out the visitation schedule.
Nick: So you're doing all this for connor?
Chelsea: Oh, my god. I'm actually nervous to see my own son.
Nick: It's okay. You just want to make sure you get it right.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I will pull it together. I will be fine.
Nick: Chelsea, you just have to relax. It's not an interview. You already got the job, right? You're the best mom I know. Connor knows that, too.
Chelsea: I don't know what he knows anymore.
Nick: He knows that you've been the one constant in his life forever. And that you two are a team. That you're willing to make the tough choices, even if it means breaking your heart. So just go there and remind him how much love there is between you two, and you'll both be better off. Okay?
Chelsea: Okay.
Rey: If I'm interrupting, just say the word.
Adam: I was actually just on my way out. Sharon, I really hope to hear from you soon.
Rey: [ Inhales deeply ] Everything all right?
Sharon: Yeah. He was just asking me to do a favor for someone he cares about.
Rey: Who's that?
Sharon: It's not important.
Rey: Well, it looked important. But if I'm prying, you know, it's, uh --
Sharon: No, no. Not at all. Um... do you remember when I told you I was lending a hand to nick and chelsea?
Rey: Yeah.
Sharon: It was for connor.
Rey: The little boy.
Sharon: Yeah. He's struggling. And, you know, he's just been through so much already in his short life. He was told his grandfather was dead, and then, surprise, he's alive, and then adam walked out on him --
Rey: Yeah, that's -- that's a lot for a kid to handle.
Sharon: Yeah, it's too much. So when he started acting out at home, and then at school...
Rey: They wanted you to talk to him.
Sharon: Yeah. They wanted me to see if I could get him to open up, get to the bottom of why he's so angry.
Rey: How'd that work out?
Sharon: Well, we've only talked a few times, but, um, you know, it went pretty well. He started to trust me.
Rey: That's huge, though, right?
Sharon: Yeah. I mean, it's nothing earth-shattering. You know, it's a process.
Rey: Well, yeah. But he responded to you. You got through to him.
Sharon: Adam found out about it when he got back home.
Rey: And he wants you to continue helping him. What did you say?
Sharon: I told him no.
Rey: Why?
Sharon: You know why. There's a million reasons why I would never do anything that would put me in regular contact with adam.
Rey: Well, is there anything I can say that would change your mind?
Devon: This is neil's will. And I'm gonna read a little bit of it so you guys can understand how I came to make my decision. "One of life's greatest gifts is having the power to give people opportunities. Your grandmother, katherine, changed your world forever with the money she left you. And I've certainly had my share of benefactors. It's my sincerest wish that you'll pay this generosity forward. Give young people starting out and those without the same advantages as you a leg up. Commit random acts of kindness, and bestow golden opportunities upon others. Make me proud, son. I know you will. So this is the kind of life I've been trying to live. And the way I see it, I have two options here. I can give cane the money and enrich your life, or I can give the money to charity and enrich the lives thousands of people.
Jill: No! Wait just one minute. Katherine never stipulated the money should go to charity.
Amanda: Legally, this is devon's money. He can do with it whatever he pleases.
Jill: How about doing what's right? Devon, you of all people!
Lily: Jill, I think my brother made his decision, so maybe you should just sit down and -- and relax.
Cane: Let him -- just let him -- let him finish, okay?
Devon: Listen. When katherine left me all that money, I quickly realized how much of a burden it was gonna be, all right. And I struggled a lot at the beginning with what I was gonna do with it. So I decided to start donating it. I started giving it to charity. And that felt great. It really did. Then I wanted it to have more of a purpose, so I started hamilton-winters with neil, 'cause I wanted to fund a business that was about equality, about diversity, and i wanted to give artists a voice. And it made me feel like a million bucks every time I gave someone the support they needed to thrive. So, hamilton-winters can stand on its own. But when it comes to the bulk of what katherine left me, -I'm gonna give it to cane. 'Cause that was katherine's wish, and I want to honor it.
Sharon: I think we have a failure to communicate.
Rey: No, I heard you loud and clear. I-I -- I think you should reconsider adam's request.
Sharon: How can you even consider the possibility of that after all the trouble adam caused us?
Rey: Because this isn't about helping adam. This is about connor.
Sharon: Well, there are a lot of other people out there.
Rey: Yeah, but none of them are you. You made progress with him. That kid who's been abandoned by so many people is letting you into his life. You.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I don't know.
Rey: I do. Sharon, you talk about wanting to help people. Well, you could make a huge difference in his life.
Sharon: I know. But someone else could, too.
Rey: Okay, listen.
[ Clears throat ] Cards on the table. I am not worried one bit that you will get drawn back into adam's orbit. Are you?
Adam: Can I get you something?
Chelsea: Water's fine. So [Sighs] Connor's home from school?
Adam: Yeah. I told him to chill up in his room because I was having a meeting.
Chelsea: He doesn't know I'm here?
Adam: Uh, not yet.
Chelsea: Oh. Well, how is he?
Adam: Uh, he's great.
Chelsea: Yeah? He's adjusting all right?
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, he loves it here. We had a burping contest this morning.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Who won?
Adam: Uh, connor.
Chelsea: Ah.
Adam: Said he learned it from you.
Chelsea: Well, that's good. Sounds like he's having the time of his life.
Adam: Well, he could be. You know, if he knew for sure that this wasn't gonna get ripped away from him at any minute.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Adam: He just -- he has this look in his eyes that this isn't gonna last, and it's -- it's not real.
Chelsea: Well, he's been through a lot. Losing you three times in a lifetime is three times too many. So, yeah, trusting that you're actually gonna stick around forever is gonna take a little time.
Adam: Well, I am back. For good. Thanks to you. And, who'd have thunk it, nick. I just -- I never realized how much connor needs me.
Chelsea: He needs both of us. Hy-a-luronic acid.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Adam: [ Sighs ] You can see him any time you want. I will work with you. I'll adjust my schedule if that's what it takes.
Chelsea: Thank you. All right. I'm gonna go see him.
Adam: There's just one thing that I need to ask of you.
Chelsea: Sure.
Adam: Just... just don't mention anything to him about going back to your place?
Chelsea: Why not?
Adam: 'Cause it's a sensitive issue. I just -- I don't want him to think he's gonna get yanked around again.
Chelsea: Sure. Okay. Whatever's best.
Adam: Good. I knew that you would understand.
Chelsea: As long as you understand that nothing and no one is gonna get between me and my son.
Devon: I've looked over the forensic expert's report on the newly discovered will pages, and I believe that they are legitimate. So, you can go ahead and draw up whatever I need to sign to make this official.
Amanda: Uh, of course. Unless there are further questions... I think we can consider this matter closed. Good day.
Lily: Hey. You okay?
Devon: Yeah. I will be.
Jill: Katherine and neil would be so proud of you.
Neil: Oh, thank you, jill. You got what you wanted, so I hope you're happy.
Lily: Okay --
Cane: Can I, uh, have a moment, please, alone with devon?
Jill: Yeah, of course.
Lily: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll -- we'll be outside.
Devon: Okay.
Cane: I wanted to thank you.
Devon: Don't thank me. Thank katherine. 'Cause I have no idea why she'd want you to have the money.
Cane: [ Exhales sharply ] Yeah, I, um -- I'll do everything I can to honor her decision and, uh, be a good steward for her legacy.
Devon: I think that's it. I think we're done. Unless you're expecting a hug or something.
Cane: [ Scoffs ] Heh. No, I don't want a hug. Thank you.
Devon: Mm-hmm. I've always been excited for what's next.
Sharon: I thought you'd be trying to convince me to avoid adam like the plague.
Rey: Yeah, a few months ago, definitely. But you see adam for who he is. You're able to separate yourself from his issues. And that's not because i lectured you or gave you an ultimatum. You made that decision on your own. The big question is, do you want to help connor?
Sharon: Of course I do. I'm so worried about him. But I told adam no because I would have to work with both parents.
Rey: And what did he say?
Sharon: He said that he wasn't going to risk his son's health by being a jerk, and that he only wants what's best for connor.
Rey: And you believe him?
Sharon: I do. Today.
Rey: Mm.
Sharon: But what about tomorrow or the next day? What if the real adam comes back again?
Rey: Look, if it's important for you to help connor, help him.
Sharon: What about adam?
Rey: I am confident that you will be able to handle anything he throws at you.
Sharon: Thank you.
Amanda: Yes. I look forward to it. No, thank you.,
Devon: Hi.
Amanda: Mr. Hamilton.
Devon: Hi. I, uh -- you left before I had a chance to say thank you.
Amanda: Yes, well, I didn't want to inflict mself on you any longer than was absolutely necessary.
Devon: So, how does it feel closing the book on this whole thing?
Amanda: Uh, like any other legal matter. I settle disputes. So when it's all said and done, I get another case, and I start all over again.
Devon: Wow. That sounds pretty clinical.
Amanda: Well, it doesn't pay to get emotionally involved. But, um, how about you? You know, any regrets?
Devon: Just about two billion of them. So, do you mind?
Amanda: Of course.
Devon: I, uh -- I know -- I know that things got a bit contentious.
Amanda: Yes, well, it's part of the job, so i try not to take it personally.
Devon: Still, I'd like to take back all the unkind things that I said about you.
Amanda: Like calling me a con artist, accusing me of playing games with your head, abusing your wife's memory -- those things?
Devon: Those things, yeah. Those things, and all the rest.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] You have a sense of humor.
Devon: Well, I-I didn't mean to be so rude. 'Cause that's really not the kind of guy that I am.
Amanda: I know. You're the kind of man who gives away his fortune because it's the right thing to do. You are definitely one in a couple billion, mr. Hamilton.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: I'm glad, uh -- I'm glad you had the time to see me.
Lily: Yeah. I have a minute.
Cane: Uh, well, in that case, I'll skip right to the point. I know how devon feels about me.
Lily: Well, I mean, it's no secret.
Cane: Right. And he has every reason to distrust me. Because I didn't do right by you.
Lily: Okay, let's just stay in the present.
Cane: Uh -- [ Sighs ] Of course. Listen, what I want to try and say to you is, I know everyone is expecting me to screw this up. But I'm a different man now. And I want to promise you, sweetheart, that our kids -- they will be left wanting nothing.
Lily: Well, they wouldn't have needed anything, even before this strange turn of events.
Cane: Yeah, it's, uh -- it's kind of hard to believe that it's real. Or that you're sitting here.
Lily: Well, I would do anything for devon.
Cane: Listen, um... this might be a little too much to ask. What do you think of sticking around, maybe, for a little bit, and helping me navigate my way through all this?
Amanda: You grow up thinking that you're one of a kind, and then you realize that there is someone out there who looks exactly like you. It'S...
Devon: Yeah, yeah. It, um... it was really impressive, the way you stayed focused on the job in spite of everything, and didn't get caught up in all the drama.
Amanda: Oh, that is not my style. I avoid that at all costs.
Devon: Well, that's refreshing to hear.
Amanda: I told a little white lie earlier. When I said that this was like any other job. It wasn'T.
Devon: Really?
Amanda: Mm.
Devon: What was so different about it?
Amanda: Well, you. I have never met anyone who behaved with such decorum. You will go down in my books as the "man who gave away his fortune..."
Devon: And, hopefully, "gained the world in the process."
Amanda: Yes.
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: Well, I'm sure that your next chapter will be just as amazing as the last.
Devon: You taking off?
Amanda: Duty calls. But I did want to apologize for any trouble or heartache that I caused you.
Devon: Oh.
Amanda: Goodbye. Devon.
Devon: Yeah. I will -- I'll see you later.
Amanda: Those words that your father wrote... you're giving him a lot to be proud of.
Cane: Everyone misses you. And I know devon would love to have you here.
Lily: [ Snorts softly ] Devon is doing just fine. He has an amazing woman by his side. And I have a job that I have to get back to.
Cane: Yeah. Well, you could always find a job here, right?
[ Chuckles ]
Lily: And people that I would miss if I stayed.
Cane: People, huh? So...there's no one that you miss here?
Lily: [ Sighs ] I didn't say that.
Cane: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Well, um... good luck with everything.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: Sure.
Lily: Take care of yourself, okay?
Cane: Yeah. You, too.
[ Cellphone rings ]
[ Sighs ] Hey. Uh... you know what, I don't really feel like popping a bottle of champagne right now, if that's okay.
Jill: No, I'm not, either. Cane, listen to me. Something's not right. I took a look at that letter again, the one that chance wrote and put in with the will.
Cane: Yeah.
Jill: Well, there was this emblem on the flap of the envelope. It's from a hotel in the maldives.
Cane: Okay. Well, maybe it's someplace chance stayed.
Jill: No, the maldives was on my bucket list with colin. We were supposed to spend time there last year before I decided I didn't want any of this endless globetrotting.
Cane: [ Sighs ] Okay. All right. Listen, maybe -- maybe it's just a coincidence.
Jill: Really? Is that what you think? I mean, chance said that he'd been out of touch because he was working undercover. But listen, cane, what if it was because chance has never been involved with this at all?
Cane: So basically you are saying that you think it's my dad.
Jill: I'm not saying anything, not yet. But oh, my god. This is exactly the kind of con that colin would try to run.
Cane: All right. So... what do we do now?
Jill: I'm gonna find colin. We need some answers.
Nick: Hey, what happened?
[ Sighs ] Are you okay?
Chelsea: I talked to adam. I figured out the visitation schedule. And then we went to go speak to connor. I told connor how much we love him, and all he could say was, "don't make me go back there. I don't want to go back there."
Nick: Adam brainwashed him.
Chelsea: No. No, don't say that.
Nick: It's true. Connor's home is with you. It always has been. And he knows that. And now, out of nowhere, he's begging to stay with adam?
Chelsea: I don't know. It killed me, nick. I wanted to say to him, "kiddo, you know I'm not the bad guy here, right? You know I'm not the enemy? I'm not the one who -- who just walked off and left you brokenhearted. I'm your mom. I'm the one that [Sniffles] Helped you get through all of that. And yet you don't want to live with me?"
[ Sighs ] But I couldn't say any of that.
[ Sighs ] I couldn't say any of that, because right now, connor needs to know -- phew -- that no one is taking adam away from him.
Nick: So what did you do?
Chelsea: I promised him he doesn't need to come back here. And I know I'm gonna talk to him. I know I'm gonna see him. And I -- and I know he still loves me and everything, but what -- it's my kid, nick. What -- what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do without my little boy?
[ Sobs ]
[ Cellphone rings ]
Adam: Hello?
Sharon: Hi. I've given the issue a lot of consideration --
Adam: And I'm sure rey had a lot of strong opinions.
Sharon: Well, I make my own decisions, and rey is okay with whatever I choose. But if you would like to know, he encouraged me to continue to work with connor. But if you're going to talk to me like this, with disdain and anger --
Adam: I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Sorry. It's a defense mechanism. Go on.
Sharon: Okay. Well, I can tell you the same thing that I told chelsea. Um... you know, I'm still working on my master's degree. I'm not a licensed therapist yet. And if I feel like connor needs more help than I can provide him, then I've given chelsea a list of names she can call, someone who can step in.
Adam: Understood. Thank you so much. I-I know how complicated things have gotten.
Sharon: Well, don't misunderstand. You know, I'm -- I'm just doing this for connor.
Adam: Of course. Of course. Anything for connor.
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
Next week on
"the young and the restless"...
Jack: A decree of adoption.
Traci: With dina listed as mother. And over here, it's blank for father.
Jack: Which means we have a half-brother out there somewhere.
Adam: No go away and do not come back.
Phyllis: $10 million?
Amanda: I am belatedly taking your advice and heading home.
Nate: Before you do that, I could use some legal advice.
Nick: All right! Who is ready for round two? We can hit the trail, go get some more candy.
More candy!
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