Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/23/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/23/19


Episode #13729 ~ Sharon and Rey embark on a fresh start, Phyllis makes a power move, and Nick and Chelsea struggle with a tough decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Sharon: Is this a date?

Rey: That's for you to judge.

Cane: So you analyzed the handwriting, and you have determined that... they are katherine's initials on the pages.

Yes, those initials are authentic.

Esther: Then it's true!

Jill: Katherine left... all that money... to you.

Adam: Knock yourself out. Try not to wreck the place. What's going on with my son? How did he break his arm?

Nick: Well, he was at the park, and he threw himself off the jungle gym, claiming he was invincible. You still think you don't need come home?

Phyllis: Let's see what my partners at the grand phoenix are up to today. Hmm. Privacy -- it just ain't what it used to be.

Chelsea: Oh, thank god you're here.

Nick: We had some trouble getting out of vegas.

Adam: How is connor?

Chelsea: Exhausted. He fell asleep on the couch last night. I let him stay there.

Adam: [ Sighs ] God, that poor kid must have been freaking out.

Chelsea: Not half as much as I was. The doctor just kept reassuring me that -- that he's gonna be okay, you know, but... I just --

Nick: Hey. It's gonna be okay.

Chelsea: [ Voice breaking ] I know. I know, it could have been a lot worse, but I just --

Nick: But it wasn'T.

Chelsea: I know, I know, but I was here by myself, and it just --

Nick: We're here now. We're here.

Chelsea: [ Sniffles ]

[ Sighs ] Thank you for coming.

Adam: I want to see my son.

Chelsea: Whoa. We need to get a few things straight first.

Mariah: Hey. You are looking at the power broker who just signed becca C.

Sharon: Who?

Mariah: The second runner-up on "singles mingle," the hot, new reality show.

Sharon: Oh...

Mariah: You know what, it's fine because by the time I'm done with her, everyone is gonna know her. She's gonna be just as big as the kardashians. And guess what the best part is?

Sharon: I give up.

Mariah: She came to me. Yeah, I mean, how amazing is that? I have clients knocking on my door.

Sharon: Wow! You're gonna be turning people away soon.

Mariah: Just the thought of that is insane.

[ Laughs ]

Sharon: By this time next year, you're gonna be as famous as the people you represent.

Mariah: Yeah, I guess I'm doing something right, despite what theo vanderwhoozit thinks.

Sharon: Well, you're always gonna have haters.

Mariah: I'm not gonna let him get to me.

Sharon: It's so good seeing you this happy.

Mariah: Yeah, if only it was contagious.

Sharon: Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if everybody felt as good as you do?

Mariah: I'd settle for just you.

Cane: There's no esther today?

Jill: No, she claims that she has to watch bella.

Cane: [ Sighs ]

Jill: When the going gets tough, esther turns chicken.

Cane: Yeah, well, she probably doesn't want to hurt devon.

Jill: You think I'm looking forward to it, to telling him that his grandmother did not leave him her fortune?

Cane: Listen, uh, I've been thinking about this, okay?

Jill: [ Chuckling ] Oh...

Cane: Maybe we should, uh, fill her in what we've learned.

Jill: What? Absolutely not.

Cane: She's going to find out eventually, you know?

Jill: Well, it's not gonna be from us. This is a family matter. I do not trust her. She dragged my grandson into this and smeared his good name.

Cane: Yeah, and it's up to us to tell devon the news.

Jill: [ Sighs ] Oh, god. That is the way it should be.

Cane: Okay. Well, let's do it. Call him.

Jill: Okay.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Devon: Hello, jill.

Jill: Hi, devon. So, I'm sitting here with cane. He's back from vegas. We're in the grand phoenix.

Devon: Mm, I'm happy to hear that he got home safely.

Jill: Yeah. Yeah, um... and there is something that we need to talk to you about.

Devon: Jill, if this is about the will...

Jill: Well, as a matter of fact, yeah, it is.

Devon: Okay, I don't want to talk about it.

Jill: Yeah, I know, but --

Devon: Jill, I've already told you, I've made up my mind, okay?

Jill: Devon, listen to me. We have proof that katherine's will was falsified. Devon, are you there? He hung up on me.

Cane: Do you think he heard what you said?

Adam: Why did you insist i come back here if you're not going to let me see connor?

Chelsea: I am gonna let you see him, but you can't just go charging in there. He's hurt and angry and sad.

Adam: All right. I know that. Thanks to me.

Chelsea: I truly believe that you're the only person who can help right now. That's why I asked nick to bring you back.

Adam: Okay, then... let me see him.

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Mariah: Spill the tea. How's life?

Sharon: Good. I just had a nice visit with faith.

Mariah: Yeah? How is she handling the "victor's dead -- just kidding!" Situation?

Sharon: Like a trooper. She actually said it's not the craziest thing grandpa's ever done.

Mariah: Oh, wow. Wow, I wish I was half as mature as her when I was her age. Actually, I wish I was half as mature as her now.

[ Both laugh ] But, you know, nobody else is coming back from the dead, so... she has nothing else to worry about.

Sharon: Yeah. With victor retiring and adam leaving town... that's enough newman family drama for one week.

[ Laughs ]

Mariah: So, how are you online psych classes that you've been taking going?

Sharon: Challenging, but good.

Mariah: Well, I'm sure you're gonna ace them, and you are gonna breeze the rest of your master's degree program.

Sharon: Hope you're right.

Mariah: So, we covered victor, adam, faith, grad school. Is there anything else you want to mention, or should we just... get real?

Sharon: Define "real."

Mariah: Where things stand with a certain detective.

Sharon: Oh! Oh, honestly, I -- I don't know.

Mariah: But you want them to stand somewhere.

Sharon: Um... you know what, I don't think that he does.

Mariah: Did he say that?

Sharon: No, that's just it. I mean, I haven't talked to him. I haven't heard from him since our last date.

Mariah: So call him.

Sharon: I don't think so. You know, it just feels kind of weird.

Mariah: Mom, you have to take risks, and you have to put yourself out there.

Sharon: Well, thank you for that advice, but, you know, sometimes life just takes you in another direction, and you just have to go with it.

Mariah: Yes. I agree. You definitely need to take what life hands you.

Rey: Coffee to go, please.

Jill: Well, the nerve... he hung up on me. His grandmother would be appalled. Well, maybe she wouldn't be appalled, but she'd want this thing settled.

Cane: Well, that's gonna be tough if we can't get him to meet with us.

Jill: He needs to see the report the forensics expert gave us.

Cane: All right, listen, even if he does, he's under no legal obligation to abide by the authentic pages of the will.

Jill: What about his moral obligation?

Cane: Would that be enough to make you give up billions?

Jill: We're not talking about me, we're talking about devon, okay? And I'm sure that right now his conscience is telling him to do the right thing.

Cane: And what do you think that is?

[ Cellphones chime ]

Cane: [ Sighs ] Well... I guess we're about to find out.

Connor: Dad. You came back.

Adam: Hiya, peanut. I heard you were asking for me.

Connor: Do you hate me?

Adam: No, connor. No. No, no, I could never hate you. I love you.

Connor: Then why'd you leave?

Adam: [ Sighs ] Well... because I thought that you were better off without me in your life.

Connor: I wasn'T.

Adam: Yeah. Yes, I can -- I can see that now. And I can see how much you really need me.

Connor: Lucky I broke my arm.

Adam: That's not the only reason that I came back, okay?

Connor: [ Sighs ] You swore you were gonna stay. Then you took off. Why should I believe anything you say?

Adam: I know. I know, connor, and... you know, I don't blame you for not trusting me, but I promise you that, this time, I'm staying.

Connor: That's just another lie.

Adam: No, look, I'm gonna prove to you that I'm telling the truth. But, you know what, in the meantime, you can't go throwing yourself off a jungle gym thinking that you're invincible, connor.

Connor: Why not?

Adam: Because you're not. No one is invincible.

Connor: You said --

Adam: You're right, I did say that grandpa was, and, you know what, I was wrong. He can be hurt. He can be hurt just like the rest of us. And the last thing that I want is for you to be hurt.

Connor: Too late.

Adam: Listen, I'm gonna make it up to you.

Connor: How?

Adam: By being there for everything. Everything -- soccer games, baseball practice, bike rides, homework... you give me a chance, and I will be the dad that you deserve. Hmm?

Connor: You mean it? You really want to be a part of my life?

Adam: More than anything.

Connor: Then let me live with you.

Adam: I would love for you to live with me, but it's your mom's call.

Connor: Why?

Adam: Because I trust her to do what's best for you.

Connor: Please, mom.

Chelsea: Okay. You can stay with your dad.

Nick: Chelsea.

Connor: Yes! I'm gonna pack!

Nick: Look, I think we should talk about this.

Adam: Well, uh, you heard her, nick.

Nick: I know how worried you are.

Chelsea: I know, but you don't know. You weren't there. You didn't see him jump off that jungle gym. You didn't see him lying there in excruciating pain. I -- I can't get the image out of my mind.

Nick: Yeah, I know he's going through a very rough time.

Chelsea: If this is what it takes to help him, then I have to do it. I can't -- I can't let anything else happen to him.

Nick: What happened at that park is not your fault.

Adam: Listen, I'm not the one who let him think his grandpa was dead...

Chelsea: Stop it, please. Stop, both of you.

Adam: Listen, you're right. We need to focus on what's best for our son, and I think that him staying with me will show him that I'm gonna stick around. And that I'm committed to being his father.

Chelsea: This is temporary, adam. I'm not giving you custody.

Adam: I totally understand that. Okay, well, um... I'm gonna go get stuff ready at my place, and I'll, uh, give you some time to say goodbye. Do you want to bring him by, or should I come back and pick him up?

Nick: We will bring him.

Adam: I'll see you later.

Chelsea: I can't believe that just happened.

Nick: Neither can I.

Elena: Hey.

Nate: Hey! This is a nice surprise.

Elena: Yeah. Mind if I join you?

Nate: Not at all.

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Nate: Must have a big night planned, hitting the caffeine this late in the day.

Elena: I'm actually heading back to the hospital later.

Nate: Oh, rosie got you pulling another double?

Elena: I volunteered.

Nate: Hmm.

Elena: "Hmm," that was nice of me?

Nate: I'm sure whoever you're filling in for thinks so.

Elena: And you don't?

Nate: I can't help but wonder if you're avoiding going home.

Elena: [ Sighs ] Devon keeps telling me that he's done with this whole will situation, but he can't let it go. And I've tried to help him, but I think because I never knew katherine or hilary, he thinks i just don't understand.

Nate: I'm sure he doesn't mean to shut you out.

Elena: I know, but I still feel helpless. So I feel like I need to do something useful.

Nate: That's why you're working so much?

Elena: I think I can do more for my patients than I can for devon right now.

Jill: Thank you for seeing us, devon.

Devon: Yep. Let's make it quick.

Cane: Okay. We know this isn't easy for you. Okay.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Devon: Come in.

Amanda: I assume that this about --

Jill: What is she doing here?

Devon: I asked her to come here.

Jill: She has nothing to do with this.

Devon: Well, she represents chance, and you guys are claiming that you have proof to what chance is saying is true.

Jill: Well, we do. We do, but I'm not saying another word in front of her.

Devon: I assumed that the three of you were all working together now.

Jill: Not in any way, devon.

[ Scoffs ] We only want to speak with people who care deeply about your grandmother.

Devon: She's gonna stay because I want her to bring my message back to whoever it is she's representing.

Amanda: I told you, I work for chance.

Jill: I still find that so hard to believe.

Cane: Okay, listen. What is the message?

Devon: The message is, I want to see irrefutable proof that the will pages were forged, and if you guys can't provide that for me, then I'm gonna be done with this.

Cane: Agreed. All right. These are the original pages from, uh, katherine's will. I got them in vegas. Uh, they're the same as the photocopies that ms. Sinclair showed us.

Devon: Okay. So how am I supposed to know that these are real?

Cane: Because of this.

Devon: And what is this?

Jill: That is a report from a forensics expert.

Cane: Chemical testing was done on the pages from katherine's will that were read that stipulate you get half of her estate. Uh, it seems they were on a different bond from the rest of the document, while the others are a perfect match. We also had a handwriting analysis done on the will that was read, and it turns out that the, uh -- her initials were forged, and... those ones aren'T.

Jill: What it comes down to, devon... the pages that cane found, they represent katherine's wishes.

Rey: Hello.

Sharon: Hi!

Rey: Mariah.

Mariah: Hi, rey.

Rey: Am I interrupting?

Mariah: Nope. No. I was, uh, just leaving, actually.

Rey: Oh, am I chasing you off again?

Mariah: No, I, um... I have, um...

Rey: Yeah, another meeting.

Mariah: No. I have, um... I got to go to... cardio boxing.

Rey: Ooh!

Sharon: Cardio boxing.

Mariah: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's, uh -- it's great. Awesome workout. Really leans you out, eventually, and, uh, I, uh -- I got to go to it now. Okay, bye.

Rey: Bye. Yeah. Part of me thinks she wants us back together again.

Sharon: Well, she means well.

Rey: Does that mean you don't like her playing matchmaker?

Sharon: No, no, I just -- you know, we're both adults. We can decide whether we want to see each other.

Rey: That's a good point.

Sharon: So, you know, if you've changed your mind about us going on a second, second date, then...

Rey: Changed my mind?

Sharon: Yeah, I mean, because I didn't hear from you, so i just assumed...

Rey: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Work has been insane, and my dad got back into town, bringing on a whole set of problems.

Sharon: I understand.

Rey: Good, because i definitely haven't changed my mind. Unless you have.

Sharon: No. No, I think, actually, we should probably both put something in our calendar...

Rey: Yes.

Sharon: ...Before mariah comes up with some crazy plan.

Rey: Yeah, like locking us in a restaurant after hours or sending us on a hot-air balloon ride?

Sharon: Or locking us into a dark basement.

Rey: That's her idea of romance?

Sharon: Well, it's mariah.

Rey: Well, if that's the case, what are you doing tonight?

Sharon: I'm going out on a date with you?

Nick: I never though in a million years you'd go along with it.

Chelsea: I have to do what's best for connor.

Nick: By handing him over to that manipulative bastard?

Chelsea: I know how hard it was for you... to get adam to come back here, after what he did to your dad.

Nick: You know, he claims he wasn't trying to kill my dad, he was just trying to scare him, but that doesn't change the fact that my dad almost died. And now connor's gonna go live with him.

Chelsea: Adam would never hurt connor.

Nick: Everyone he touches gets hurt.

Chelsea: My son is in pain, nick. And I need it to stop.

Nick: Yeah, of course. I don't want to make this harder for you. If this is what you feel like you have to do, then you know I'll support you.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Nick: I'll, uh... I'll go get him, then we'll drive him over to adam'S.

Chelsea: No, I -- I think I need to do this alone.

[ Door unlocking ]

Phyllis: Adam!

Adam: I'm home!

Phyllis: What -- you -- wait a second, even the newman jet couldn't get you here this quick.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Phyllis, I don't have time to figure out what you're talking about.

Phyllis: No, I texted you. Obviously chelsea got to you first.

Adam: I wonder where she figured out how to find me.

Phyllis: Well, I figured you'd want to know that your son needed you.

Adam: Wow. That's really sweet. Thank you. But now you've got to leave.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. The home depot has on-trend styles,

Phyllis: Where am I supposed to go?

Adam: You co-own a hotel, phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah. The grand phoenix, would you believe, is booked up?

Adam: Uh, no.

Phyllis: Come on, there's a spare room upstairs.

Adam: Phyllis, you can't stay here. I've got someone else moving in.

Phyllis: Oh! What's her name?

Adam: Ha, ha. It's connor, so... if you don't mind...

Phyllis: Oh, no, adam. You kidnapped connor? Oh, no, I just -- I... I mean, that's obviously what happened because chelsea and nick would never go along with this.

Adam: Actually, they are packing his things as we speak.

Phyllis: Wait a second. Wait a second. Chelsea is allowing you to raise her son?

Adam: Connor is also my son, which is why chelsea agreed to let him live with me.

Phyllis: What did nick say?

Adam: Uh, my brother didn't get a vote.

Phyllis: I can't believe that chelsea's going along with this.

Adam: Well, she knows how much I love my son and how much he needs me.

Phyllis: Well, I'm really happy for you. I hope everything works out.

Adam: [ Groans ] It will.

Phyllis: I don't think you realize that I'm the only real friend you have in this town.

Nick: All right. Car's all packed up.

Connor: Great. Let's go.

Chelsea: Are you gonna say goodbye to nick?

Connor: Bye, nick.

Chelsea: Connor.

Connor: Sorry.

Nick: That's all right. Man, going to live with your dad, it's pretty cool. I can tell you're super pumped.

Connor: I can't wait to get there.

Nick: I know. You're gonna have the best time. But just know, we're still planning on seeing you a lot, okay? And we still got ice cream every wednesday night. And you know I'm not gonna miss any of your games, right? And if you need anything, i don't care what it is or what time of day it is, you call, all right?

Connor: Sure.

Nick: Come here. You be a good boy.

Connor: Can we go now?

Chelsea: Yeah. Thank you.

Amanda: Why didn't chance send these to me in the first place instead of the copies?

Cane: I don't know, but only he can tell you that.

Jill: You'd think he would have, if he's your client.

Amanda: I am not the only one he is dodging, jill. He's a real man of mystery, your grandson.

Jill: Mm. Well, we, um... we have the pages, and they've been authenticated, so that's all that matters.

Amanda: Maybe to you, but i think I'm owed an apology.

Jill: [ Scoffs ] For what?

Amanda: For all the times that I was called a liar since i stepped foot in this town. I mean, these prove that I was telling the truth. Perhaps I should thank you for that much.

Jill: I didn't do it for you. And if you think I'm gonna apologize --

Cane: Let's just stick to the information here in the report. Listen... everyone wanted to know katherine's true intentions, and now we do.

Jill: Devon, this doesn't mean that she loved you any less.

Cane: Meeting you and having you in her life, it just -- it was the world to her.

Devon: And yet...

Cane: This is the last thing I expected, okay? I mean, I was more than happy with katherine putting me in charge of chancellor industries.

Jill: I know, and we all came to appreciate what she left us. That's why these pages were such a shock.

Cane: Devon, I can't believe that this is real.

Jill: But it is real, and now we've got to figure out where to go from here.

Cane: There's nothing legally that we can do.

Jill: This is a moral and an ethical decision. So... what happens next --

Devon: What happens next, jill, is up to me.

Elena: [ Groans ] I'm so sorry, nate.

Nate: Abby and I see life differently.

Elena: I feel horrible for trying to force you to fix things with her. I really thought you guys would work it out.

Nate: Well, now I know for sure we can't, and I can move on.

Elena: You know, if you want, there is this cute resident i can hook you up with.

Nate: Don't you have to get back to work?

Elena: Not for a while, and i have her number.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Nate: The hospital?

Elena: No, devon.' "New developments with the will. I could really use you here."

Nate: That doesn't sound good.

Elena: No, it doesn'T. Um, I got to go.

Nate: I'll come with you, just in case you need backup.

Elena: Let's go.

Rey: I should probably go home and change. What do you wear on a second, second date?

Sharon: You know, what you're wearing's fine. Casual, sexy...

Rey: Ah! Well, if that's what we're going for, you... nailed it.

Sharon: Wardrobe settled. Where do we go?

[ Cellphone chimes ] Uh, maybe mariah can suggest someplace.

Sharon: What?

Rey: I got to take this. You and mariah figure out where we're going tonight.

Mariah: Hey.

Sharon: How was, uh, cardio boxing?

Mariah: What? Oh! Yes. It was, uh -- it was awesome. Yeah. I just think I pulled something. How did things go with rey?

Sharon: Really well. We're actually planning, uh, where we're gonna go our date, tonight.

Mariah: You're going on a date tonight?

Sharon: Wasn't that the idea behind you pretending to leave?

Mariah: Yes! Yes! Absolutely. Well, I -- I'm so happy. Are you happy? Please tell me you're happy.

Sharon: I'm very happy.

Mariah: Oh, good. I knew things would work between the two of you. I did.

Sharon: Yeah, I wasn't so sure. But, you know, now with adam out of the picture... I, um -- I think that rey and i could have a real shot at something.

Phyllis: Nice touch.

Adam: I'm not staging the place, phyllis. This is actually for real.

Phyllis: The way you feel about your son, that maybe the only real thing about you.

Adam: Hm. I think there's a compliment in there somewhere.

[ Clears throat ]

Phyllis: Connor's a lucky kid.

Adam: Well, I just hope i haven't screwed him up too much.

Phyllis: Nah, kids bounce back. As long as they know that have someone who cares about them in their corner, they're okay.

Adam: Yeah, I guess summer didn't turn out that bad.

Phyllis: I think there's a compliment in there somewhere.

Adam: Ha, ha.

[ Clears throat ]

Phyllis: Connor will, too.

Adam: It is nice to know there's one person who doesn't think I suck as a dad.

Phyllis: Well, the most important person, your son, thinks you're aces.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Adam: Hey! Come on in.

Connor: Hi, dad!

Adam: Hey. Here, let me help you with that.

Chelsea: What are you doing here?

Adam: Uh... she was just leaving.

Phyllis: Yeah. So, hey, connor. I'm gonna tell you something. Listen to him, all right? Because he knows what he's doing.

Adam: Hey. I got your room all ready for you.

Connor: Can I check it out?

Adam: Yes! Sure. Right up there.

Connor: Bye, mom.

Chelsea: Bye, baby. Make sure you brush your teeth, okay? And -- and, uh, no video games, connor, till after your homework!

[ Sighs ]

Adam: I will make sure he follows the rules, I promise.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I can't help worrying.

Adam: Yeah. Listen. I know that I have him let him down, but I promise you, this time is gonna be different. Okay? I'm gonna be the father that -- that our son deserves. Be a man that he can look up to and -- and respect.

Chelsea: I feel like I should help him get settled in.

Connor: Dad, come play video games with me!

Adam: I'll be right there, bud! Listen. I got this.

Chelsea: Adam... our son cannot take any more trauma.

Adam: I know, and there won't be any. I promise. Okay? You have my word.

Chelsea: If you break it...

Adam: I won'T. Listen, thank you for doing this. I promise you that it is gonna be a good thing for connor.

Chelsea: It better.

Adam: It will. All right, buddy, what games did you bring, huh?

Devon: My grandma didn't leave me the money.

Elena: Oh, honey.

Nate: Are you sure?

Devon: Pretty sure, nate. Cane and jill had proof, and it's a report right there.

Elena: I'm sorry, honey.

Devon: It's --

[ Sighs ] You know, if she would have left it to someone she was related to, like tucker or mackenzie, i could totally understand that, I really could, but she didn't even pick somebody decent. She picked damn cane. It's a guy that's broken my sister's heart over and over again. That's who she picked.

Nate: This has got to be killing you, man.

Elena: What can we do?

Devon: There's nothing anybody can do.

Elena: Okay, well, how did you leave things with jill and cane?

Devon: I didn't give them any answers.

Elena: It's a huge decision. I think you should take all the time you need.

Devon: I mean, inheriting that money changed my whole life, so now if I have to give it all back...

Jill: That was difficult.

Cane: I hated hurting devon like that.

Jill: What do you think he's gonna do?

Cane: I don't have any idea. So we'll just have to wait to see what his heart tells him to do.

Jill: If he doesn't do anything, are you gonna let it go?

Devon: When katherine left me this inheritance, I didn't know why. I had no idea. And then I finally allowed myself to believe that it was a sign in her faith in me, and i wanted to honor that, so i started donating it and started giving it to charity, and... all of that now just feels like one big lie.

Elena: No, every dollar you gave to charity was done with pure and honest intentions.

Nate: She's right, man. You didn't know somebody messed with the will.

Devon: Well, I sure do now, and I don't know what to do about it.

Nate: I can only think of one person who would.

Devon: Neil?

Nate: If he were here, what would he say?

Amanda: That was not the agreement. I said no. No!

[ Scoffs ] I'm gonna have to call you back.

Phyllis: You didn't have to hang up so quickly on my account.

Amanda: It was a private conversation.

Phyllis: Huh. Okay. Well, if you're gonna stay here, you better get used to my being around.

Amanda: You're part owner, yes. I know.

Phyllis: That. And, as of today, I'm moving in. Say hello to your new neighbor.

Nick: This is temporary.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I want my sweet boy back.

Nick: I know.

Chelsea: If I didn't do this, I would have lost connor forever. I can't let that happen.

Nick: It won'T. I promise.

Connor: Even with a broken arm, I beat you!

Adam: [ Laughs ] Well, we're gonna have a lot of rematches, now that you're staying with me.

Connor: Dad....

Adam: Mm-hmm?

Connor: When you left, I was afraid you were never coming back.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Listen. I screwed up, big time. But not for one second did I ever stop loving you.

Connor: [ Sighs ] I know.

Adam: Yeah? Because I don't ever want you to think that your dad doesn't want you.

Connor: As long as I'm living here, I never will.

Adam: So, what do you want to do next? Hmm? Anything you want.

Connor: Hmm. How about you sign my cast?

Adam: What? The first? I'm honored, connor. Of course. All right. This is gonna be so great, with us living here together again. After all these years...

Connor: I've missed you, dad.

Adam: I missed you, too, son. But, from now on, we're gonna be inseparable.

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