Y&R Transcript Monday 10/21/19
Episode #11727 ~ Devon loses patience with Amanda, Abby is blindsided, and Jill shares disturbing news.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Devon: I need to know who's behind this fake will. Because there's people in my life that I care about that have now turned up missing, and they could be in danger.
Lola: He seems extremely sincere about wanting to make up with you, have a friendship with you again. And to me, that is a great thing.
Kyle: No, it's not. Theo knew exactly what he was doing, and you can't let him. Stay away from him!
Nate: We have, uh, different perspectives. We're too far apart.
Abby: Is this your way of saying that it's over?
Abby: Enjoy. Thanks for coming in.
Nate: I considered staying away, but [Sighs] I couldn't live without your spinach empanadas.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Nate: I've been thinking a lot about our last conversation. Took a turn so fast, it left my head spinning. I've been thinking a lot about the things I said. Or should have said differently. And I was wondering if you would give me another shot at it.
Abby: Come on. Let's go somewhere quiet.
Jill: Okay, so, cane is on his way back from las vegas, and he's bringing the original pages of the will with him.
Devon: Did chance give him those pages? And is he bringing him back with him, too?
Jill: No, devon. Cane says he's coming alone, and he will explain everything once he gets here.
Devon: Oh, I'm -- I'm sure he will. It's more -- more vague excuses and innuendos, isn't it?
Jill: Oh, for god's sakes. At least we will see the actual pages in question, won't we?
Devon: Yeah, we will. The ones that magically fell in his hands when he was named the heir to her estate.
Jill: You know something? Cane may have made his mistakes, okay, but this kind of criminality -- this is not his M.O.
Devon: Well, none of it makes sense to me.
Jill: Gee, isn't it a shame that tucker couldn't fill in some of the blanks for us.
Devon: It is a shame, jill. But I told you -- he's on some spiritual retreat.
Jill: Oh, that's so convenient, isn't it? It's a little suspicious, though.
Devon: I agree. And I think that chance or cane or whoever's behind this is using tucker's absence to create doubt. It's obvious to me that they will do whatever it takes to get their hands on katherine's money. And by "they," I mean her.
Jill: Oh, no, no, no. Devon. Not gonna do any good.
Devon: I'm -- I'm a reasonable man, but I've reached my limit, okay?
Adrian: I made an unfortunate real-estate investment because I trusted the wrong people. It got heated. Hence the shiner. But I let that go, because life is not about money. It's about finding your passion. Following your dreams. Chasing down that one thing that makes you feel alive. Excuse me. I see my son. Hey, son.
Rey: I see you're chasing down that one thing that makes you feel alive.
Adrian: Oh, it's not like that.
Rey: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Lola told me you were still in town. I didn't think you had the gall to stick around, but here you are. Hustling wealthy women to foot the bill.
Adrian: Kicking your old man when he's down, huh? It's true, I've had a few financial setbacks recently.
Rey: Those seem to follow you around.
Adrian: Luckily my family came through for me in my time of need.
Rey: What family?
Adrian: My new son-in-law.
Lola: Are you working late tonight?
Kyle: I don't know. Every day at jabot lately is like a box of chocolates.
Lola: [ Snickers ] You didn't really just say that.
Kyle: Yes. Yes, I did.
Lola: Well, I'm sorry that i don't have time to make us a proper breakfast today, but... fuel.
Kyle: Mmm!
Lola: To get you through to lunch.
Kyle: Well, thank you.
Lola: Oh, no. Don't thank me for that. It's pathetic. [ Laughs ] Can I at least make us some toast?
[ Cellphone rings ] Hey, rey. What's up?
Rey: You know how you thought adrian was just passing through town?
Lola: Yeah.
Rey: Well, I just saw him at the bar at the grand phoenix, looking way too comfortable.
Lola: How can he even afford to hang there? Did he pull off a heist or something?
Rey: I wish. I could arrest him for that. Look, lo, adrian told me that...
Lola: [ Scoffs ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: [ Inhales deeply ] Yeah. Thank you for letting me know.
Kyle: Hey, you know where my tablet is?
Lola: You gave my deadbeat father money?
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
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Lola: [ Slams notebook ]
[ Sighs ] I knew my father was going to hit you up for cash. I told you that right before i ran into the bathroom to hurl. And that is exactly what he did!
Kyle: He said he was in trouble.
Lola: God! He's always in trouble, kyle! That's how he got to you, didn't he? Said it would crush me if anything bad happened to him.
Kyle: I thought it was the best way to keep the peace, and keep him away from you.
Lola: Yeah. I'm sure you were hoping that he would use the money to get a one-way ticket out of town. But instead, he is living it up at the grand phoenix right now, as we speak.
Kyle: He is?
Lola: Yes. That is why rey was calling. You know, don't take this the wrong way, but you can't just give my father a wad of cash with no strings attached and expect him to do the right thing.
Rey: In what world do you think it's appropriate to beg kyle for money?
Adrian: I didn't beg. I explained my situation, and he offered.
Rey: Yeah, your problems aren't his problems.
Adrian: He's part of the family now.
Rey: Yeah, because lola loves him. You're part of the family because of biology, nothing more.
Adrian: Blood is thick, rey.
Rey: Yeah, not thick enough to keep you from walking out on us. And I'm the one who always had to clean up your mess. You were never a father to lola.
Adrian: I want to be now.
Rey: Yeah, because she married a rich guy.
Adrian: Because I love my daughter.
Rey: Yeah. You're a stranger to her.
Adrian: I'm trying to change that.
Rey: Well, it's way too late. And the nerve of you to talk to me about family -- you know what, adrian? Never mind. You -- you do you. It's only a matter of time till you've created another mess that you're gonna have to run away from.
Adrian: That's it, rey? You're the one that's walking out now.
Rey: I wouldn't break any laws while you're here.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Theo: Hey, there.
Summer: Hey. I was just calling to see if you're staying out of trouble.
Theo: Hey, like I told you, I'm a new man.
Summer: Oh, well, I hope not so new that you're old and boring.
Theo: Never.
Summer: Hey, um, I have a full day today, but I was thinking of going out later, if you want to join me.
Theo: I have to take care of some business first, but I'm in.
Summer: What kind of business?
Theo: Oh, just an unexpected opportunity.
Devon: Hey, amanda, if you're here to tell me that cane has the original pages of the will, I already know it.
Amanda: I was just here for coffee.
Devon: Okay. Well, I'm curious what you're gonna do now that you have them. Are you gonna give them to the press? Are you gonna try to embarrass me? Try to force me into honoring some nonsense like this? 'Cause I'm here to tell you, that's not gonna happen. It really is not gonna happen, okay?
Jill: Devon --
Devon: No. You have nothing. You literally have nothing.
Amanda: Then what are you so upset about? And why are you trying to bribe me to leave town? At humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you. And part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums and still not get prescription drug coverage. But with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for as low as a $0 monthly plan premium in many areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals, so call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan could save you money. There is no obligation, so call or go online right now.
Devon: I want you gone because of your conflicting stories and your stupid excuses and your lack of evidence to back up any of your claims. And I'm upset because you're trying to undermine my credibility and put a stop to all the damn good I'm doing with this money.
Amanda: I am just trying to honor katherine chancellor's wishes.
Devon: That's not what you're doing. That's not what you're doing at all. You're trying to make a mockery of them, and you have no case. You have no case at all, because it's too late to contest the will. So I'm done. I'm done with this whole thing. I'm done with you. I'm done with chance, the old man, whoever he is. And either you're in on it or you're being played, and either you don't care or you're too damn proud to admit you're being scammed.
Amanda: Save the drama. You have your inheritance. And it's up to you if you want to hold onto it, even though it rightfully belongs to someone else. But we both know why you are getting all worked up. It's because I look like your deceased wife.
Devon: There it is. There it is right there. And I thought you were completely unaware of the fact that you resembled her when you were hired, 'cause you've been acting so offended anytime someone's accused you of using your looks to get to me.
Amanda: I have no control over the way that I look. And what possible motive would i have for taking advantage of it?
Devon: Oh, wow. I don't know. What do you think? Money?
Amanda: [ Sighs ]
Devon: It's money. It always is. And I know I'm right about everything I've said. You really thought that you can come to this town and have me give my inheritance to cane so you can collect millions on legal fees? That's what you thought?
Amanda: You're right. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Because as sick as you are of me, I am even sicker of you. And you.
Jill: Ditto, honey.
Amanda: And everyone else in this damn town.
Devon: All right. Well, that's it. It's done.
Nate: Now that I've had time to think about it, I'm not sure our issues had anything to do with what happened with victor.
Abby: Really? 'Cause that seemed like a big part of it.
Nate: We definitely have different perspectives about what happened, but, uh... I've been trying to sort through why we were so quick to walk away from each other.
Abby: And what did you come up with?
Nate: My, uh, romantic history hasn't always been smooth. I lost somebody in a painful way. And you had gone through a devastating breakup right before we started dating. So it's natural for you to have your guard up. Maybe when I saw you ready to jump ship, I jumped, too, because I needed to protect myself emotionally.
Abby: You jumped first. You broke up with me. Or was that not your intention?
Nate: I just wanted you to try and see things from my point of view.
Abby: Exactly. You wanted me to react to my dad's situation the same way that you did, and... when I didn't, it was like i failed some kind of test.
Nate: It wasn't a test.
Abby: No. You regretted going along with my dad's plan. And you wanted me to regret it, too. And any other sort of reaction was unacceptable. But I need to be able to feel the feelings that I want to feel.
Nate: I-I just wanted you to feel something -- okay, I didn't mean that the way it sounded.
Abby: No, it's -- heh. It's okay. It's honest. But I think the issue is between us. I don't think it has anything to do with my past relationships. I -- I think it's the way that we see each other. So let's just -- [ Sighs ] Let's just get it all out there.
Nate: [ Sighs ] The lie about victor. It was too easy for you. Too easy to dismiss other people's pain.
Abby: Okay. Ouch.
Nate: Summer was left completely in the dark, and you told her to get over it and be happy her grandfather was still alive.
Abby: Summer, um... summer can be dramatic, and make everything about her.
Nate: She can? Do you hear yourself right now?
Abby: [ Sighs ] Part of being a newman is solidarity. My f-father, when he makes a decision, that's it. The family, we react as one.
Nate: Summer wasn't the only one who was lied to. I had to deceive devon and elena. I put my career on the line to protect victor. Again. But, turns out, he didn't need protecting.
Abby: No, that's not true. Adam was trying to kill him. His life was in danger.
Nate: There were a lot of ways he could have handled the situation. Confront adam, or go to the police. Instead, he chose to drag me into some twisted father/son sting operation, and you expect me to get over that like it doesn't matter. But it does. It matters to me.
Abby: I understand how you feel. I do.
Nate: But?
Abby: But I also understand why my father did what he did. And... I'm always gonna be loyal to my family.
Nate: So where does that leave us?
Abby: You're a good guy, nate. And I love that about you. But... [ Sniffles ] I just -- I can't feel like I'm always trying to pass some moral-purity test.
Nate: And I can't feel like i have to throw away my conscience to be with you.
Lola: [ Exhales loudly ] I'm sorry for getting so wound up. I'm not blaming you for anything. You were just being your kind, compassionate self. Trying to look out for me and help my father. And I'm so embarrassed that he even put you in this position.
Kyle: I-it's okay. You come with your family, and I come with mine. The abbotts have their fair share of drama and scandal, too.
Lola: Well, your dad's not running from his latest fling's husband.
Kyle: But my aunt rigged a paternity test to steal the family company from him.
Lola: Okay. That's messed up. It's a draw.
Kyle: Ahh, I just wish he understood how much he's hurting you.
Lola: There's no point in wishing for something that's not going to happen.
Kyle: He won't stay long. You and rey want nothing to do with him. He'll realize there's no incentive for him to hang around.
Lola: Well, what do we do until then?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] You hang on to me. There's nothing he can do to us.
Adrian: I told the guy, "you'll get your pet alligator back when I get my money."
[ Laughter ] Now, of course, I let the damn thing go, because what am i gonna do with an alligator? So, he shows up with the money. And they guy may have just gotten one of these beloved alligators' distant cousins.
[ Laughter ] I love this town. Uh, next round's on me.
All right.
Theo: Uh, excuse me. Uh, mr. Rosales?
Adrian: Maybe.
Theo: I'm theo vanderway, an old friend of kyle abbott'S.
Adrian: Oh! Any friend of kyle's is a friend of mine.
Theo: Oh, I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to meet at the wedding.
Adrian: Ah, it was a crazy day.
Theo: Indeed. Kyle's definitely a lucky guy.
Adrian: You got that right. And lola's my pride and joy.
Theo: Kyle's, too. She's had a profound impact on him. And I'm looking forward to getting to know her better, as well. Hey, uh, I was gonna grab a cocktail. Can I buy you a drink?
Adrian: Well, I owe those guys over there a round of drinks. But what the hell? That can wait. What are you hoping to get out of me?
Theo: Mm, just more stories like the one you just told.
Adrian: More stories like that may be worth a couple of drinks.
Theo: Well, it'd be my pleasure.
Adrian: Two scotches, neat.
Lola: Here are the specials for tonight.
Abby: Thanks.
Lola: Are you okay?
Abby: I don't know.
Lola: What's wrong?
Abby: [ Sighs ] It's over with nate. Like, really over.
Lola: What happened?
Abby: He just, um.. he couldn't get past this thing with my father. I'm -- I'm not gonna cry. I'm not. Because, you know, he didn't want to make it work, and I can't change who I am.
Lola: Are you sure you can't find some common ground?
Abby: No, he just -- he wanted to prove that I was wrong. He sees himself as this paragon of virtue, and he expects me to adhere to his moral code of conduct.
Lola: I'm so sorry.
Abby: It's fine. I-it's my fault, really. Like, I should have -- I should have realized earlier that it wasn't gonna work out. But instead I let him break down my walls -- walls that were working, by the way. But I -- I am never gonna let that happen again.
Lola: Oh, abby --
Abby: I'm just saying that, I'm not gonna let anyone tell me how I should feel. I need to be with someone who accepts me for who I am.
Adrian: I love lola and her brothers more than anything. But I couldn't see them as much as I would have liked after their mother kicked me out.
Theo: That must have been hard.
Adrian: It was. The toughest thing was hearing about their lives secondhand. I treasure every detail I get from her and lola's grandmother like it was gold.
Theo: What was lola like as a kid?
Adrian: Headstrong, I'm told. Independent. She liked to race her brothers on her bike. Where all the little girls were going to dance class, she took tae kwon do.
Theo: Really? I can see it.
Adrian: Yeah, she took to it like -- with the same focus and determination that she brings to her cooking.
Theo: Oh, should someone warn kyle?
Adrian: It'd warn any man against crossing my baby girl. So...did you and kyle grow up together?
Theo: No, no. We met a few years ago. Kyle grew up in a very different world than me. You know, living in the abbott manor, groomed for the executive suite.
Adrian: Must be an intimidating family to walk into.
Theo: Mm.
Adrian: Huh. Do you think they've accepted lola?
Theo: Well, from what I can tell, they're crazy about her.
Adrian: Does kyle get along with his family?
Theo: Definitely. Though he did have some rough years with his dad.
Adrian: Oh. You wouldn't know it. They seemed so close at the wedding. Hmm.
Summer: So, sending influencers to fashion week was a good move?
Kyle: Phenomenal. It definitely goosed last month's sales numbers. Can't wait to show them to billy when he gets back from los angeles.
Summer: Oh, what's he doing in L.A.?
Kyle: Making an appearance at the opening of one of our new jaboutiques. And I only found out about it after the fact. Just another example showing how much he respects me and sees me as his partner.
Summer: Well, you are his partner, so he better get used to it. You were running this place when jack and billy were gone, and you did a damn good job.
Kyle: The numbers don't lie, right?
Summer: Right. So don't let billy get to you. Just play nice for the time being, show your dad that you're a team player, and in the end, you're gonna wind up on top, because you're a hard worker, and you've got good instincts.
Kyle: Thank you.
Summer: Yeah. No problem. Don't let it get to your head. So, uh, were the sale numbers on on fashion accessories alone or all across the board? Ah, real-estate app. Are you and lola still looking for the perfect place?
Kyle: Mm. Yeah. I'm trying to narrow it down to neighborhoods in good school districts.
Summer: School districts? Meaning, like, kids?
Kyle: Yeah. [ Sighs ]
Summer: Wow.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jill: Everything all right?
Devon: Yeah, everything's fine. I was just filling elena in on what's been going on. And my hope that that was the last time I'll ever have to be in the same room with that amanda lady.
Jill: You know, I'm a little less confident than you are that this is all over.
Devon: Why do you say that? You heard her.
Jill: Yeah, I heard her. I heard her. And, god knows, I don't have any ulterior motives here, and I believe that you and i both want to honor katherine's wishes.
Devon: Well, of course we do.
Jill: But here's the thing. And this is really hard to say. Uh... I think you have to start accepting the possibility, however remote, that these pages that cane has in his possession are real.
Cane: Hey. Hey. Hey, you okay?
Nate: Uh, yeah. Sorry. Um... this thing, whatever it was, with abby...
Cane: Okay, what do you mean, "whatever it was"?
Nate: It's done.
Cane: Really?
Nate: Like, uh, "burnt to a crisp" done.
Cane: Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that.
Nate: Yeah, me too. Whatever. It's -- I should get over it. How are you? Did, uh, you find chance?
Cane: Uh... no. Well, I mean, he actually -- he kind of found me, in a way.
Nate: So, that's good news?
Cane: Um... I don't know. I mean, I thought I hit a dead end, you know, but, uh, apparently I-I didn't, and I'm not really sure now how I feel about it, so...
Summer: Wow.
Kyle: Mm, you said that already.
Summer: N-no, it's just... whoa.
Kyle: Wh-- "whoa" what?
Summer: "Whoa" wow.
Kyle: You say that like it's a bad thing.
Summer: No, I'm not. It's just... you know... waaaaah!
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Thanks. I know what a baby is.
Summer: [ Laughs ] I -- I mean, are you guys, like, trying? Or is that too personal of a question? I don't know.
Kyle: We're thinking about the future. Down the road. Way, way down the road.
Summer: Wow.
Kyle: Can we just get back to looking at house?
Summer: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Uh... um... oh, wait. This one's in a good neighborhood.
Kyle: Hmm.
Summer: Here, wait. Let me -- let me see. Okay. All right. Okay. The stats on this one... great schools -- check. Short commute to work -- check. And, uh, the price?
Kyle: Check.
Summer: Huh. Should we go take a tour of it?
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Summer: Hey, do you remember when we used to run around the neighborhood and go look at houses?
Kyle: You were a good sport.
Summer: Yeah, you were a show-off.
Kyle: I was not.
Summer: Oh, my god. Yes, you were. You were training for, like, the hot-guy olympics. And another thing to thank you for was shin splints.
Kyle: Okay. Less complaining, more house hunting.
Summer: All right, fine.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Summer: Ooh, what about this one? Oh, wait. No, never mind. It's too close to the road.
Kyle: Too close to the road.
Summer: Yep.
Kyle: Yep.
Summer: Okay. Here, wait. This one.
Kyle: Mnh... craftsman isn't really my style.
Summer: No, me, neither.
Kyle: Ooh. More mid-century modern?
Summer: Ooh, yes. Hey, do you remember that house that we used to run by? It was on the corner of the street, and it overlooked the park?
Kyle: With the big windows that we used to peek through?
Summer: Yeah. It had a big, open floor plan and an amazing chef's kitchen. That one might be perfect for you guys.
Kyle: Okay. Add it to the list.
Summer: Okay.
Kyle: Thank you for helping me out.
Summer: Yeah. Anytime.
Theo: Not a problem. I'll catch you next time you're in town.
Lola: Seriously?
Theo: What?
Lola: Do I need to hire a security guard for the door? You can't just walk into my kitchen.
Theo: Oh. I didn't think you'd mind.
Lola: Think again.
Theo: My apologies. I was supposed to meet a client for dinner, so I was gonna request something special.
Lola: Once again, theo, not a thing. I'm not a wedding deejay. I don't take special requests.
Theo: Okay. Got it. My client had to cancel, anyway.
Lola: Are you still talking? Why are you still here?
Theo: Because, secretly, you really enjoy my company.
Lola: No, I don'T.
Theo: You admire my persistence.
Lola: Nope.
Theo: My perseverance and indomitable spirit.
Lola: What?
Theo: Oh, my dad used to say those were two of the keys to life. Some kind of martial-arts thing.
Lola: Yeah, those are tenets of tae kwon don.
Theo: Oh, yeah?
Lola: Yeah. Along with courtesy, integrity, and self-control.
Theo: Well, I've got two out of the five.
Lola: Uh-huh. Okay. So why are you really here? What do you want from me?
Cane: I've been leaving you messages.
Amanda: Yes, I know. I'm sorry. It's been a busy day.
Cane: Mmkay. Well, here they are. The original pages from katherine's will.
Amanda: How? Chance gave them to you?
Cane: No. It was actually more cloak-and-dagger than that.
Amanda: So you haven't spoken to him?
Cane: No.
Amanda: [ Sighs ] I'm getting really tired of being strung along.
Cane: Yeah? Well, at least we can look at the big picture, which is, uh, this confirms what you've been saying as true. We just have to get them authenticated, right? So, this is what you've been looking for.
Adrian: ...Something like that. But it was a work in -- in progress, you know? Excuse me. Hello, son. Too soon?
Kyle: Yeah, not sure if it'll ever be the right time for that.
Adrian: What's the matter? Have I done something to upset you?
Kyle: Yeah, in case I wasn't clear before, the money I gave you was a stopgap so you could figure out your next move.
Adrian: I'm working on that. And I plan on paying you back as soon as I get back on track.
Kyle: On track in miami?
Adrian: Well, not right away. I was hoping to reconnect with my daughter.
Kyle: Nope. Bad idea. Your very presence here is hurting her.
Adrian: [ Sighs ] I wouldn't want to do that.
Kyle: Doesn't seem like you really care about what she wants.
Adrian: Look, I've made a lot of mistakes. What father hasn't? You and your father weren't always on the best of terms, right? But you healed the rift between you. That's what I'm trying to do with lola.
Theo: I want to fix things with kyle, that's all. You know, I feel like I made a little bit of progress the last time the three of us talked.
Lola: Are you messing with me? Because just so you know, I'm not gullible, theo, and I do not like people who play head games with me.
Theo: I'm not playing games.
Lola: If your goal is to fix things with kyle, this is not the way to go about it. Showing up in my kitchen uninvited, while I am working.
Theo: [ Murmurs ] Hey, you're right. I'm sorry. I was just goofing around before. Look, the truth is, I've had a crummy couple of weeks. I've gotten knocked down a few pegs. Actually, a whole bunch of pegs. And when you cut your finger the other day, and I -- well, you know...
Lola: Fainted?
Theo: Yeah. [ Sighs ] What I was gonna say was, you could have dunked on me. Told everyone about it. But you didn'T. You cut me some slack because you're a nice person. It made me realize I don't know many genuinely nice people.
Lola: That's kind of sad.
Theo: Yeah. Maybe. But talking with you made me feel good when there wasn't much for me to feel good about. So, that's it. There it is. Oh, look. There's my date. We good?
Lola: Yeah, we're good.
Summer: So, we sent influencers to fashion week, which caused a huge spike in our sales, and kyle had this great idea that we could maybe do the same thing with art festivals.
Theo: Huh. That's actually a good idea.
Summer: Yeah. If you have, uh, any clients that might be the right fit...
Theo: I might.
Summer: You know, kyle's really killing it at his job lately. Although he doesn't think that billy's taking him seriously. He -- and I'm going on about kyle again. I'm sorry. I just want him to get the recognition that he deserves. That's all.
Theo: Mm-hmm.
Summer: You know that I'm over him, right?
Theo: I think you guys work well together, and it's smart to keep him as an ally.
Summer: You know, I also helped him look at houses for him and lola today. And get this -- in neighborhoods with good schools.
Theo: Schools?
Summer: Mm-hmm. Where they're gonna raise little kyle and lolas.
Theo: Wow.
Summer: That's exactly what I said. So you're really okay with all of this?
Theo: For sure. You know, if his wife is cool with you guys working together, why wouldn't I be? I'm ready for everything between the four us just to be chill.
Summer: Oh, my god. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that.
Theo: I took your words to heart. The way I was dealing with kyle, walking around with a big chip on my shoulder... it wasn't working for me.
Summer: Well, to be honest, it wasn't really working for anybody. But it seems like you've really turned a corner.
Theo: I am serious about taking things in a new direction.
Kyle: Okay. I've got 10 houses on the list, and we can either cut them or keep them. What do you think about this one?
Lola: It's beautiful. And big.
Kyle: Room to grow.
Lola: [ Sighs ] How about this one?
Kyle: You like the craftsman.
Lola: Yeah. It's so cute. I love it.
Kyle: Me too. It makes the cut. What about this one? It's on the corner of the street overlooking the park. Big yard. Chef's kitchen.
Lola: It feels a little too formal.
Kyle: I can see how you'd feel that way. But summer and I thought you'd like it.
Lola: Summer?
Kyle: Yeah, she saw the housing site open on my computer.
Lola: Right, right. Um, I can see why you guys like it. You both grew up in big houses with way more space than you need.
Kyle: Wh-- my family worked hard for what they have. And there isn't any extra room. Have you seen how many abbotts live in that place?
Lola: Yeah. You know -- you know what I mean.
Kyle: Well, we work hard, too. If we can afford a house at that price, then I don't see the problem.
Lola: There is no problem. It's just... it's not me.
Kyle: Okay. Well, that's why we're doing this. To find a house that works for both of us.
[ Sighs ] I'm a little burned out. Let's start at this fresh again in the morning.
Lola: Sounds good.
Kyle: Don't worry. We're gonna find the perfect place.
Amanda: This is what I was waiting for. But it's too late. If I had received them sooner, then perhaps I could have gotten devon to make some kind of concession. But he's dug in. He's made it clear he won't even look at the pages.
Cane: Well, that's probably because, deep down, he thinks that what you're holding in your hands is the truth.
Amanda: We can't challenge this will in court because the statute of limitations has run out. The case is blown. Any leverage we had is gone. And I am starting to get a bad feeling about all of this. Like I am being used. I was sent here because of the way that I look for reasons that I don't even want to know.
Cane: Okay. Look, I don't really know the ins and outs of law, but I'd like to think that those pages at least will help you get compensated for the time you put into this case.
Amanda: Devon's not gonna budge, even if they are real.
Cane: Hey. Listen...
Amanda: Just let it go, mr. Ashby.
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