Y&R Transcript Monday 10/14/19

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/14/19


Episode #11722 ~ Jack and Traci make a discovery about Dina's past; Chloe comforts Billy; Nick considers a career change.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: Connor's struggling, and nobody knows what he needs more than you, his mother, but it could be helpful to talk to someone who's completely objective.

Sharon: Why don't I try to talk to him, see if I can get him to open up?

Chelsea: Calvin was involved in some questionable business dealings. That money can't go anywhere until it gets a good wash. You're the only person I trust to handle it properly.

Jack: Then let's talk about the abbott family.

Traci: Mother, as well?

Jack: As long as we treat her whole life with respect, we can write anything.

Sharon: I could have paid for mine.

Rey: I'm old-fashioned. The gentleman pays for the date.

Sharon: Is this a date?

Sharon: Bet you never realized how much paperwork a coffee house can generate.

Rey: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'll give you a hand. Let me -- let me help you.

Sharon: Thank you. Oh!

Rey: Oh, thre we go. I got it. Yeah. I do have to say, it looks a little suspicious. Are you sure this place isn't a front for a criminal enterprise?

Sharon: I promise. We're on the up-and-up, detective.

Rey: Mm. I guess I don't have to ask what you've been up to.

Sharon: Yeah, the joys of accounting are never-ending. How about you? You getting the bad guys, spending nights on stakeouts?

Rey: Actually, I have had my eye on this one guy for the past couple days.

Sharon: Oh, yeah?

Rey: Yeah, so... real smooth, real charmer. He's about 18 inches long, 7 pounds, 10 ounces.

Sharon: Hmm?

Rey: Mia and arturo had the baby. I am officially an uncle.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Ugh!

Nick: What's wrong?

Chelsea: Oh, you know, just searching for a website. "How not to be a terrible mother."

Nick: What happened?

Chelsea: Well, connor refused to go to school this morning. First, he said he was tired, then he said he was sick, then he said all of the kids at school are a bunch of jerks. Oh! Oh! And then he tried to lock himself in the bathroom. Luckily, I'm faster than he is.

Nick: Sorry, chels. I wish I was here.

Chelsea: No.

[ Sighs ] There's nothing you could have done. I'm just at a loss, nick. So I'm hoping one of these online parenting experts knows something I don'T.

Nick: Well, I'm definitely no expert, but... I'm here for you and for connor. I want to help. I want us to feel like we're a team.

Chelsea: I know. But I'm his mom. I feel like I should be able to handle this myself.

Nick: That's the point. You don't have to do it alone. Parenting's a team sport. I love both our boys, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make them happy, safe, and healthy.

Traci: Okay, I think that what we have to do is jot down everything that we want to include in the book.

Jack: Well, I think we need to make jabot the centerpiece. You know, dad starting the company. Do you even remember what his first product was?

Traci: [ Sighs ] Yes. Um, vivre riche.

Jack: Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing! Yep, the first of his many successful lines. There was glo by jabot, the tuvia line...

Traci: And my favorite -- hex, the so-called "love potion."

Jack: If it's all the same to you, I could forget that one. And maybe we don't need corporate espionage in this piece.

Traci: Well, we have had nearly as many C.E.O.S as we've had products.

Jack: Maybe we could leave out some of the turbulent episodes.

Traci: Absolutely not. Jack, that's the most interesting stuff. And if we're going to talk about our triumphs, we're also going to have to take about our tragedies.

Billy: Hey.

Chloe: Hi.

Billy: [ Sighs ] It's still a little weird running into you.

Chloe: I know, it's -- it's kind of weird for me, too.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: But I'm glad I ran into you today.

Billy: There are no coincidences, right?

Chloe: Not on the anniversary of the day that changed our lives forever.

Billy: The day we said goodbye to delia.

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Chelsea: I'm sorry for keeping you at arm's length.

Nick: No, I made a huge mistake by not telling you what was really going on with my dad. And I know it's gonna take a while to get your trust back.

Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, I'm really trying to put all the victor stuff behind us so that we can focus on connor.

Nick: Chelsea, I'm all in.

Chelsea: I really appreciate that.

[ Sighs ] It's just frustrating because I don't know how to help him. So I'm thinking about actually taking him out of school entirely. You know? Maybe all this has been too much on him. New school, new kids, all of this drama with victor, adam leaving...

Nick: I understand the instinct, but I don't think that's a good idea.

Chelsea: Well, I feel like i can take some of the pressure off him by protecting him here at home.

Nick: I believe routine provides stability. When faith was going through all her stuff with the family, her daily schedule was an absolute life-saver. It gave her something else to focus on.

Chelsea: Right. Maybe you're right.

[ Sighs ] I just want him to be a normal kid, you know? I mean, as normal as possible, considering the circumstances.

Nick: Well, if you want, maybe I could reach out to sharon and see if she could come by and talk to connor again.

Chelsea: Sure, yeah. I think that that would be a good idea.

[ Groans ] Well, in the meantime, I have to get to work, which I also feel very guilty about.

Nick: I'm here, all right? Go do your thing. It's important you keep your schedule, too. And let's hope today, uh, gets a lot easier from here.

Chelsea: Yeah, I think, um... today's gonna be a rough day, all around.

Chloe: I never know how i should spend this day.

Billy: Yeah, me neither. It all feels a little off.

Chelsea: Yeah. The only way to feel normal is, uh, playing with bella.

Billy: Well, I know 100% that delia would approve of that. I was playing with johnny and katie this morning, and, yeah, i agree. It just makes me appreciate those two even more.

Chloe: Yeah.

Billy: And then I, uh, squeezed in a quick session with my therapist.

Chloe: Oh, how'd that go?

Billy: Uh... as good as it could possibly go.

Chloe: Yeah, I, uh, put a call into my therapist, as well, and, um, no murderous impulses, so that's progress.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: You?

Billy: Further behind me every day. Although, I have to say, it's nice being able to mourn our daughter not thinking about adam.

Chloe: Yeah, it hurts, but the pain is... I don't know, cleaner?

Billy: The grief is never gonna go away, I know that, but I feel like I'm able to celebrate her life and the light that she'll always be.

Chloe: We have to honor our little girl by making the most of our lives.

Billy: We've been through hell. But we survived.

Sharon: He's gorgeous, rey.

Rey: Yeah.

Sharon: I'm sure you must have some mixed feelings about this.

Rey: Yeah, it was -- it was hard thinking it was mine and then finding out he wasn't because I had spent so many years dreaming about being a dad. You know? I wanted to change diapers and watch a baby take his first steps and teach him how to ride a bike, throw a ball...

[ Sighs ] Those were all things that i felt were missing from my life, but now I'm not so sure.

Sharon: What do you mean?

Rey: Well, when I really think about it, I've already done all those things with lola and arturo after adrian took off. I took the training wheels off of arturo's bike, and I taught lola how to throw a real mean fastball. I felt all those thing that a parent goes through. I worried about my siblings, i picked them up when they were down. I loved them through the good and the bad times. I'm not saying it's exactly like being a parent, but... maybe looking after my brother and sister was my turn at raising kids.

Sharon: You know, they were lucky to have you.

Rey: Yeah, I'm not sure they'd agree, especially arturo.

Sharon: Mm, I don't know. You might be surprised, now that he's become a father himself.

Rey: Well, this baby is here now, and when I look at this picture, all I feel is joy. He is my family, and I am going to be one hell of a uncle to him.

Sharon: You know, not many people in your position would be so generous.

Rey: Maybe you've rubbed off on me. Anyway, I didn't come here to brag to you about my handsome nephew.

Sharon: Yeah, you came here for a coffee, black, with two sugars.

Rey: And to... ask you out on another date.

Jack: I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle our family tragedies on this, the anniversary of one of our worst.

Traci: [ Sighs ] I -- I checked on billy this morning.

Jack: Yeah, so did I. Seemed okay, I mean, in spite of everything.

Traci: Yeah. Maybe you and I could call him together later.

Jack: Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that. Yeah, hey, about the book, um... should it be all about jabot, or should it be more about family?

Traci: Oh! Well, of course, jabot is the anchor of the abbotts, but no, no, we -- we definitely need to pay tribute to all the non-business things -- the abbott breakfasts and holiday traditions.

Jack: We can include both.

Traci: [ Laughing ] We can include anything we want. We have absolutely no publisher breathing down our necks dictating page count.

Jack: Yeah, but then our little history turns into a 1,000-page tome.

Traci: Well, I didn't say it should be 1,000 pages.

Jack: You know, also -- I also think we need to kind of leave it open-ended. "To be continued..." one day, kyle or abby could pick up the story where we left off.

Traci: That's a great idea. Maybe they can write about us for their children to read.

Jack: Yeah. I think I like being the author more than the subject.

Traci: [ Chuckles ] Well, anyway, we're getting ahead of ourselves. We are still on page 1.

Jack: Yeah. So, where do we start this thing? What is the beginning?

Traci: Well, I think the obvious place is start with mother and daddy meeting in high school, falling in love.

Jack: Yeah, it sounds like a logical place to start. Do we have a walnut grove yearbook from that year, or one of mother's diaries from when she was 16?

Traci: I don't know. I'll check. Nope.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Jack: Oh! Oh! It's the memory care facility. This is jack abbott. Oh, okay. I get the picture. I'm on my way now. Mother's been hurt. I'll be back!

Kevin: The washing machine is working its magic.

Chelsea: What?

Kevin: Your green is in the laundry.

Chelsea: Oh. Oh! Great. Well, at least one thing in my life is going smoothly.

Kevin: I'm on top of it. But, uh... money laundering is not something to be taken lightly. You need to be on top of it, too.

Chelsea: I know. And thank you for washing the green.

Kevin: You're welcome. Hey, it seems like you've got a lot going on. Do we need to go over the rules again? Because not only does money have to be squeaky clean, we have to keep our noses clean, too. I don't want either of us to end up behind bars, especially me.

Sharon: You came here for coffee and a second date?

Rey: Maybe just coffee?

Sharon: Let me get that for you.

Rey: Is this your way of turning me down?

Sharon: Yes.

Rey: Okay. [ Clears throat ] Wow, I was -- I guess I misread what, uh...

Sharon: I mean, no -- but, yes. I'm saying no to a second date because technically it wouldn't be that, and if it were just a straightforward getting-to-know-you dinner, my answer would be easier, but... we have been down this road before, and it didn't end well.

Rey: I -- I know. I was there.

Sharon: What happened wasn't fair to you, and I'm taking my share of the responsibility for it.

Rey: Sharon, it takes two people to ruin a relationship.

Sharon: Yeah. Me and adam.

Rey: I was hoping to get through this conversation without his name coming up. You know, I could have handled things differently, too. I'm hoping that maybe now there's a second chance for us, that we could try again? Now that we know what we know.

Sharon: Because we're two mature people, capable of growth?

Rey: I like to think so.

Sharon: And we'll able to avoid the pitfalls from before?

Rey: Yes.

Sharon: You know, we made other mistakes, too. I should have never asked you to move in as soon as I did. I was just thinking with my heart and not my head, and i feel very guilty about doing that to faith.

Rey: I hate that, too. I adore her.

Sharon: Well, she's a tough kid, and she adores you, too, but I have got to protect her more than I did last time.

Rey: I understand. How's she doing?

Sharon: Oh, she'S... liking boarding school. Liking it so much, it kind of hurts my feelings, but, I mean, right now, she needs her distance, and I'm going to respect that.

Rey: Yeah. That still really sucks, huh?

Sharon: Yeah, it really does. You know, the house just feels kind of empty. Guess I haven't lived alone in a while.

Rey: Well, living alone could be the thing.

Sharon: For someone who has co-dependent tendencies, you're right.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Trust me, there are a lot of perks to living by yourself.

Sharon: Like...?

Rey: Like drinking out of the milk carton, or walking around alone in your underwear.

Sharon: You did those things when we lived together.

Rey: Mm-hmm. I do miss seeing that smile first thing in the morning.

Sharon: I miss you bringing me coffee in bed.

Rey: Mm.

Sharon: And warming up the shower for me.

Rey: Yeah. I miss certain things about that, too. I think nick's trying to get your attention.

Sharon: Oh. He can wait.

You're nick newman, right?

Nick: Uh, depends. Who's asking?

I recognize you from the new hope building dedication. I'm one of your new tenants.

Nick: Oh, welcome to the building. Uh, do you mind my asking, is everything okay with your apartment? If there's anything wrong, let me know, I'll get it fixed. It's a new structure so there's bound to be some kinks to work out.

Just the opposite. The place has been a truly blessing. It kept my mom, my kid, me under one roof. So thank you.

Nick: Oh! Thank you.

You're a popular guy around town these days.

Nick: Councilwoman diamond.

[ Chuckles ] We've done enough business over the years. Call me tammy.

Nick: Tammy it is. Uh, new hope thanks you for the city support. It means a lot.

Mm. Ever thought about making decisions versus asking for support?

Nick: I don't follow.

There's a councilman stepping down.

Nick: Right. Yeah, I don't think so. I kind of like what I'm doing.

Sharon: You got my vote.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Think about it. You could do a lot of good.

Nick: Okay. Thanks.

Sharon: Our friendly neighborhood councilwoman might have a point.

Nick: I've got enough on my plate right now. And, honestly, my priority is connor.

Sharon: Yeah. How is he?

Nick: Not great. He tried to get out of going to school today. He's not talking a lot. Chelsea's going out of her mind. I was wondering if maybe you could come over after school and talk to him again?

Sharon: Yeah. I can make that work. Um, should I just come over to your place later?

Nick: Yeah, it'd be great. Thank you.

Rey: Everything okay?

Sharon: Yeah. I'm just doing a favor for nick and chelsea.

Rey: I'll leave you to it, then. But I am going to call you later about our who-knows-what-number date.

Sharon: I'll hold you to that.

Rey: Mm.

Kevin: The money is ready to be deposited off-shore, okay? But the majority of the funds need to stay there for an extended period of time.

Chelsea: Got it.

Kevin: No, no, I'm serious about leaving it there. You can only take out the absolute minimum any time you want to make a withdrawal so that we don't raise any red flags.

Chelsea: I know the drill, kevin.

Kevin: Okay! I'm gonna take my 10% off the top, if that's cool.

Chelsea: Yeah. It's totally fine. And I am happy to park the cash and forget about it. I mean, really, this is just a security fund. I -- I probably won't even use it.

Kevin: Great. Okay, then.

Chelsea: Thank you, again, for doing this for me. I know you're really sticking your neck out, especially after everything you and chloe have been through.

Kevin: Hey, I'm happy to be of service. And chloe is so glad to have you back in her life.

Chelsea: Well, I missed my best friend. How is she doing today?

Kevin: Why don't you ask her yourself?

Jack: You had us all terribly worried. Turns out, it was just a sprain. You'll be good as new in no time at all. So, here we are! This is abby's restaurant, society? Remember, we talked about that? I'm glad we have this time together. I have some news for you. Traci and I are working on a little abbott family history. You know, all of our favorite stories in one place. I'm sure you've got a few favorites yourself. Anyway, we were thinking about starting things around the time that you and john were first dating, in high school.

Dina: Oh, such beautiful eyes.

Jack: Oh, yeah, he -- he was a great-looking fella.

Dina: Oh, yes, he was a dashing man.

Jack: So what else do you remember about him?

Dina: He was so smart. He became a newspaper man.

Jack: Sorry?

Dina: Dear... sweet... ...stuart.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chloe: Is kevin telling everyone that I'm a mess?

Chelsea: No! No. God, no. He didn't say a thing. It's just -- you know, I think about delia every day, but I especially remember her on this day.

Chloe: Thank you. It's still really hard. But I try to hold on to certain thoughts, like that she's not completely gone, and that a part of her still lives on in connor.

Chelsea: I'm so sorry it had to be that way.

Chloe: No. No, it is a positive thing because I can look into connor eyes, and I can see my little girl. And some people may think that that's strange, but it's something that makes me happy.

Chelsea: Good. Good, and someday, when connor's old enough to understand, we're gonna tell him all about delia and that she gave him this amazing gift of sight.

Chloe: [ Laughs ]

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: What is it? What, is connor okay?

Chelsea: I don't know. He just seems, chloe, really -- really broken right now. You know, I mean, he's had so many people just ripped away from him at such a young age, and some of them came back, miraculously, and some are just gone forever. So he doesn't know who he can trust, he doesn't know who he can count on. It's like the second he lets his guard down, his heart gets broken, and that just breaks my heart, too. I don't -- I just -- I don't know how to comfort him anymore. It's like I don't -- I don't know the right things to say.

Chloe: I don't think that it's words that matter. I think it's the love that he feels. And your strength.

Chelsea: I hope you're right. I just want him to be happy. You know? I just want him to see joy through delia's eyes.

Chloe: He will. I promise you, he will.

Nick: Connor's getting a snack.

Sharon: Has he been any more communicative?

Nick: Not really.

Sharon: Well, I brought some building blocks to play with while we talk. I'm hoping it'll make him relaxed and feel more comfortable talking to us.

Nick: That's a good idea. I'll call chelsea and see if, uh, she wants us to wait for her.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Oh, excuse me for second.

Chloe: Yeah, of course.

Chelsea: Hello?

Nick: Hey, uh, it's me. Sharon's here. What time are you getting home?

Chelsea: I should be home soon, but why don't you start without me? Connor might be more honest without me there anyway.

Nick: Okay. I'll see you in a bit. Connor! Connor! Hey, bud, uh, can you come out here for a second?

Sharon: Hey! Guess what? I was cleaning out faith's closet this morning, and I found this building set, and I thought you might like to have it.

Connor: Thanks!

Sharon: I was thinking maybe we could building together.

Connor: Like what?

Sharon: I don't know, but you could be the architect, and I'll follow your lead.

Connor: Okay.

Jack: We were just talking about when you were dating john. Is that the name you meant to say?

Dina: Yes, john. I loved john.

Jack: Oh, I know you did.

Dina: But stuart...

Jack: Okay, what about stuart?

Dina: [ Stammering ] I don't know. What -- where -- where am I?

Jack: Wait, wait, wait. It's okay. It's okay. Hey, stay with me. We don't have to talk about that any more if you don't want to. We're in abby's restaurant. It's called society. Remember?

Dina: Well, what happened to my arm.

Jack: Oh, you had a little bit of a fall, but you're gonna be just fine.

Dina: I want to go home. Right now.

Jack: Okay, okay. We'll get you home right now.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Billy: Hi. How are you? I'm managing. Thanks for checking up on me. Yeah, and I'll see you and the kids later. Okay. I love you, too.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Chloe: Hi, mom. What are you doing here?

Esther: Hi, honey.

Chloe: You called in reinforcements?

Kevin: Well, I just wanted you to be surrounded by people who love you.

Chloe: I know. Thank you.

Kevin: She just wants to keep working.

Esther: Okay. That's fine. We'll just be here in case you need us.

Chloe: So you're just gonna watch me work?

Esther: Unless you want to take a little break.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Esther: We just haven't been able to spend this... day with each other in -- in so long. I just thought it would be really nice if we could all be together.

Kevin: Strength in numbers.

Chloe: Okay, fine. I guess I could take a break for a little while. And I know exactly where we should go.

Sharon: There. They're protecting the fortress you built. What do you think?

Connor: Yeah. That's good.

Sharon: You know, your dad used to build buildings when he worked for your grandpa.

Connor: Grandpa was dead, now he's not.

Sharon: Yeah. That's pretty confusing, I know.

Connor: You know my dad?

Sharon: I do.

Connor: Have you talked to him?

Sharon: No. Not since he left town.

Connor: Me neither.

Sharon: I'm sure it was a really hard decision for him to make, leaving town. You know, your father's a really complicated man.

Connor: He's a liar.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure that he has always tried to tell you the truth.

Connor: Dad said he'd never leave me again. But he did.

Sharon: He didn't mean to hurt you.

Connor: Then why did he go?

Sharon: You know, it can be hard to understand why people do what they do. But I know that he loves you very much.

Connor: If he loved me, he would have stayed. Everyone lies.

Chelsea: Oh, sweetheart. I'm sorry.

Connor: What are you doing here?

Chelsea: Uh, well, I just wanted to check on you. We all just want to help.

Connor: No, you don'T. You're a liar, too!

Sharon: Sorry. I might have overstepped, bringing up adam.

Chelsea: No. No, it's not your fault. At least you got him to open up a bit. Maybe his outburst helped to relieve some of the pressure building up inside.

Sharon: You know, it might be time to call a licensed therapist.

Nick: Yeah, we'll, uh -- we'll talk about it. Thanks again for coming.

Chelsea: Bye.

Nick: We're gonna figure this out.

Chelsea: I'm scared. For the first time, I looked in connor's eyes, and I saw nothing but adam.

Jack: As I said on the phone, it's a mild sprain. They put a brace on it. She'll be fine soon.

Traci: Well, thank goodness it wasn't something more serious!

Jack: Yeah.

Traci: Jack?

Jack: What?

Traci: Is something wrong? Did something else happen?

Jack: Mother said the oddest thing that I can't make any sense of.

Traci: Well, that's gonna happen as her condition worsens.

Jack: I was telling her about this book that we're writing and told her that we wanted to start with her early romance with john, and she started talking about what a handsome man he was, what gorgeous eyes he had...

Traci: Well, it runs in the family.

Jack: And then, out of nowhere, she mentioned the name "stuart." Said he was a newspaper man.

Traci: Do you think she meant start brooks?

Jack: I suppose it could be him. I mean, he was in the infamous photo from the country club.

Traci: Or she could have just been confused, you know? Stuart could have popped into her mind after you mentioned daddy for any number of reasons.

Jack: Yeah, sad trust is, anymore, we don't know why she says much of anything.

Traci: But it would be so interesting if there was some connection between mother and stuart brooks. I wonder if that country club photo is in here somewhere.

Jack: I saw it somewhere.

Traci: There it is, there it is. Oh, look at that. I've always wondered if there was more to this photo. And this is the perfect opportunity to find out.

Jack: Question --

Traci: Yeah.

Jack: What if we find out something mother doesn't want us to know?

Traci: Jack, we said triumphs and tragedy and everything in between. If there is some kind of connection between mother and stuart brooks, I am going to find it.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Billy: You've got to be kidding me. Hey.

Chloe: Fancy meeting you here.

Billy: I wouldn't be anywhere else, not today. Hi, esther.

Esther: Hi, honey.

Billy: Hey.

Esther: So who tied the ribbon around delia's tree?

Billy: Jill.

Chloe: It's beautiful.

Esther: Yes.

Chloe: It feels right, all of us being here.

Esther: And I hope that delia's looking down right now and smiling.

Billy: Yes, she is. Everything's gonna be a little bit brighter. She had a smile that would light up the world.

Nick: Connor's got a lot of feelings to work through. He's gonna get past this.

Chelsea: What if he doesn't?

Nick: Kids are unbelievably resilient.

Chelsea: I just worry if we don't handle this the right way, he's gonna end up like adam.

Nick: That's not gonna happen. Chelsea, you're his mother. He's got your bravery and strength inside.

Chelsea: Thank you for that. I wish I was as confident as you.

[ Crash ]

Connor: [ Screams ]

Chelsea: Connor?

Kevin: Perfect.

Esther: The tree's getting so tall.

Chloe: Like she would have been if she were still with us.

Billy: You know, I called it. I said this tree was going to be the star of the park, and look at her, in all her glory.

Jack: Looks like we all had the same idea.

Traci: We -- we wanted to pay our respects, but if you would like some privacy, we can come back.

Billy: Please, please. Not at all.

Chloe: Yeah. She would love a visit from her favorite aunt and uncle.

Billy: Thank you for coming.

Chloe: Yeah.

Kevin: Strength in numbers. My idea.

Billy: It's a good idea, kevin.

Traci: Hi. Mwah!

Chloe: You know, delia -- she loved people. She made instant friends wherever she went. Whether it was the delivery guy or the ice cream man...

Billy: Don't forget the meter maids. She got me out of more than a few tickets.

Chloe: [ Giggles ] And if there were kids sitting alone on a bench, you know, that kid would not be sitting there for long.

Billy: No. She had a lot of love to give. She used every minute of her life to do just that.

Jack: Hey, you mind if I say a couple words?

Billy: She loved an impromptu performance.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: Um... I think this tree is a fitting tribute to the little girl we love so much. Roots spreading far and wide, limbs stretching to the sky. Like delia's amazing spirit. It is the perfect symbol for who she was. But let's all remember, her real gift still lives in all of us.

Billy: Amen. And now it's up to us to continue the legacy, just like she would have wanted us to.

Chloe: Yes. We are not gonna let you down, baby.

Billy: No, we're not. We love you, dee dee.

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