Y&R Transcript Friday 10/11/19
Episode #11721 ~ Victor and Nikki make a pact, Elena worries about Amanda, and Jill loses her cool.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Victor: I either acquiesce and name you C.E.O. Of newman enterprises, or I lose you.
Victoria: I don't see it any other way.
Victor: This is yours.
Amanda: Portions of katherine's last week and testament did not reflect her true intentions.
Devon: Cane? He's the one who was meant to get my share of katherine's estate?
Cane: No, this is crazy.
Devon: I know that you don't believe that chance is capable of doing anything underhanded --
Jill: We have no proof that he hired this sinclair woman! We only have her say-so!
Cane: I'm looking for chance.
Adam: Is he lost?
Cane: See, he hasn't returned any of jill's calls, and she's kind of worried about him. So, uh, do you know where he is, because I'm trying to get in touch with him.
Adam: Good luck.
Jill: [ Sighs ] This just doesn't make any sense. Chance has to be somewhere.
Cane: Well, he can't hide forever. You know, I thought my best chance at finding him was tracking down adam newman, since they run in the same circles in vegas, but, uh...
Jill: What did he do, clam up?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, he, uh -- he wouldn't share anything with me. But you will not believe who he was with.
Jill: Who?
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Cane: [ Chuckles ] Uh, phyllis.
Jill: What does she want with adam?
Cane: Oh, I don't know, but you know her. She's probably working some angle.
Jill: Well, then there's just one thing for you to do. Use her.
Elena: You haven't moved since I left.
Devon: That's not true at all. I did move. I made some coffee. Would you like some coffee, honey?
Elena: Hi.
Devon: Hey. How you doing?
Elena: Oh. Amanda sinclair.
Devon: Yeah. I'm just doing some research.
Elena: Yeah? You find anything useful?
Devon: Not yet. Not yet. I still don't know if she's the one who's playing me, or someone's using her to get to me, or if it's chance or someone pretending to be him. I figure, the more I know about amanda, the better off I am.
Elena: Why don't we hire someone to do all this for you? That way, you don't have to be so involved, and you can use your time to do other things.
Devon: [ Sighs ] I mean... I'm already involved, honey. I don't want to put it somebody else. I'm fine, though, really.
Elena: I wish there was something I could do to help you.
Devon: Well, there's not much anybody can do, but I did find out at the statute of limitations on contesting a will ran out years ago. So even if the pages are legit, it can't be enforced.
Elena: So why is everyone making so much noise about it?
Devon: I mean, maybe chance just wants to get the truth out there, allegedly.
Elena: So then it's not a real threat. You can just ignore amanda and all this "fake will" insanity.
Devon: I can'T.
Victor: Hey, doc! Did I forget we had an appointment?
Nate: Your wife invited me. She had some questions about your last exam.
Victor: And I'm sure you gave her the right answers, right? There's nothing worry about, my baby.
Nikki: There's no harm in hearing the details from our physician.
Victor: Mm. I hope you don't think that i pressured dr. Hastings to give me a positive prognosis so i could go back to work at newman.
Nikki: No, that is not what I was thinking.
Nate: Yeah, I would never let a patient pressure me into doing anything that would be detrimental to his health.
Victor: See, there's one man left in the universe who cannot be bought. Now, I don't blame you for thinking that I might have pressured him to do so, but there's no longer a need to do that. You know why?
Nikki: Why?
Victor: I've walked away from my position as C.E.O. At newman enterprises.
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Sorry, I got here as soon as I could.
Victoria: How did your therapy session go?
Billy: Yeah, no, it was -- it was good. How did it go with victor?
Victoria: Do you have to ask?
Billy: He didn't budge, did he? Victoria, I'm sorry, you deserve better than that.
Victoria: And I got it.
Billy: What?
Victoria: Dad reinstated me. You are looking at the permanent C.E.O. Of newman enterprises.
Billy: Are you kidding me? What are you doing? You're just sitting here. You should be dancing on the table in celebration. I mean, this is exactly what you fought for.
Victoria: I know. I know, you're right. But now that it's happened, i feel a little guilty celebrating.
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Victoria: When my father pulled out that chair and offered it to me, it just felt like I was watching a part of him disappear.
Billy: Yeah. I can imagine that would be hard for both of you. But, look, your dad's not going anywhere. I mean, he loves you, he clearly trusts you more than he does his other kids, but he is going to show up and check up on you "when he's in the neighborhood."
Victoria: Mm, you're probably right.
Billy: Not "probably." I am right. But that could be a good thing. I mean, you might need his advice. Or even if you don't need his advice, maybe it'll be -- you know, it'll be there to listen to. Help you along the way.
Victoria: Is it absurd that i find that reassuring?
Billy: Your father picked you to lead newman enterprises into the future, okay? You need to -- you need to revel in that. You did it.
Victoria: We did it.
Billy: No, this is all you.
Victoria: No, you encouraged me and you believed in me.
Billy: You did not need my help for any of that.
Victoria: I will always need you.
Billy: Come here. Mm!
Victoria: This is a day that I am gonna remember for the rest of my life, the day that I got what I wanted, ever since I was a child.
Billy: Yep.
Victoria: You're happy for me, aren't you, billy?
Devon: If you look right here, it says that amanda started practicing law in 2011, but any other search I do about her, n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n bio, no internet presence whatsoever.
Elena: Hmm. You know, if I didn't know you, I'd think you were stalking her.
Devon: I'm not stalking. I'm not stalking anybody, I'm just -- I'm doing opposition research, honey.
Elena: Knowing your enemies.
Devon: That's -- yes, exactly.
Elena: Smart. What's this? Going on a business trip soon?
Devon: No, I'm not. That is the flight information for tucker's assistant, who I'm having flown out here so she can hopefully fill in some gaps and disprove amanda's claim that tucker paid off katherine's attorney to alter the will.
Elena: Wow. This is a lot.
Devon: Well...
Elena: You know, all work and no play makes devon a dull boyfriend.
Devon: Baby, I don't mean to be dull, I really don'T. And I don't mean to obsess over all this. I just want to find out what the hell's going on and get to the bottom of it.
Elena: Yeah, but why? What's the point, if you just said the statute of limitations is up? So why even bother?
Devon: Because if katherine really wanted her money to go to someone else and not me, then what am I really supposed to do right now?
Elena: Okay, so you're saying you're willing to go along with the newly discovered will pages, even if you're not legally obligated to.
Devon: Yeah, I mean, I feel like I'd be morally obligated to. Wouldn't I need to honor my grandmother's wishes?
Elena: Are you really willing to give up all your money?
Devon: I don't know. I don't know, but I know I'm not gonna make any decisions about it until I get some definitive answers.
[ Knocks on door ]
Cane: Mm.
Phyllis: You didn't respond to my text.
Cane: Well, that's because i didn't feel like answering it.
Phyllis: Don't play hard to get. It's not your style, cane. Ooh!
Victor: Well, my people already have a release ready to announce the change.
Nate: It's the end of an era.
Victor: Yeah, the beginning of a new one, you know? Victoria's a very, very capable young woman. She will be a formidable C.E.O.
Nikki: Oh, victor. Mm! You made the best possible choice for you and for your daughter.
Nate: I have to agree. I signed off on your return to the executive suite, but, uh... in the long term, on a more relaxed schedule, it's better for your health.
Victor: Isn't that amazing, how many people I made happy with just a simple choice?
Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Well, nate, I think I can take it from here. Thank you so much for coming by. I know you have a lot of other patients you need to tend to.
Nate: Yes, I do.
Nikki: Thank you so much for taking the time to come by.
Nate: Not a problem. I'll see you at our next appointment.
Victor: Thanks for coming in, nate. You bet.
Nate: I'll, uh, see myself out.
Victor: All right. Thank you.
Nikki: Bye-bye.
Victor: Why did you want me to be alone with you?
Nikki: So that I could show you how proud I am for you making the best decision for victoria and for you.
Victor: And...?
Nikki: I know you well enough to know if you are genuinely thrilled about something or if a part of it is just a masquerade. Now, your life changed dramatically today.
Victor: So you wonder how i really feel about retirement, right?
Nikki: Newman enterprises has defined you. All of us. Our everything.
Victor: Well... let me be very succinct about what I feel. I loathe the idea of retirement.
Billy: I am happy for you. I'm thrilled for you. I'm over the moon. You rose tthe top of your family's corporation, and you did it on your own. Nobody handed that to you. And you're gonna take this company farther and higher than your father every imagined. It's the start of a new generation, a new chapter for newman enterprises.
Victoria: I know that you meant every word you just said...
Billy: I did.
Victoria: But I can tell that there's something else on your mind.
Billy: No, vick, I'm thrilled.
Victoria: Billy.
Billy: Okay, fine. You know, I'll say this just so we can move on from it, okay?
Victoria: Yes, please. Good.
Billy: All right, when i first walked in, I saw you -- you looked a little bit sad.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Okay, and... look, dr. Clay, my therapist, would be very excited that I am speaking my truth to you because, the truth is, you being a little bit sad made me a little bit excited.
Victoria: Mm, that's very dark. Please tell me more.
Billy: I thought maybe your dad refused to reinstate you as C.E.O., Which would mean that i would then convince you to come and work with me over at jabot, where we could, you know, do it together, brainstorm together. Do all those amazing things together. But some dreams are not meant to come true.
[ Sighs ] I stuck my foot in my mouth, didn't I? I shouldn't have said anything. Victoria. What are you doing? What? Where are you going?
Victoria: You're coming with me.
Billy: Oh. All right. I'm not gonna say no to the new C.E.O. Of newman enterprises.
Phyllis: Nice. It's really a five-star setup here.
Cane: Yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah.
Phyllis: Not as nice as my place in genoa city, but... I'm sorry, do you want one of these?
Cane: No. I'm good. Thank you. Yeah.
Phyllis: You know what they say about vegas...
Cane: No, what do they say?
Phyllis: Well, every hour's happy hour. So you can join me. That's right, you have to stay sharp and focused because, my guess is, you haven't found chance yet. You have to keep up your guard.
Cane: Mm. I like this, I do. I like how you think that you can just come here and expect me to bring you up to speed on where, uh, chance is. But when I came to you and asked you to help me find adam, well... you gave me nothing.
Phyllis: Okay, well, when you came to me, we were both holding back, but... listen, let's just be honest with each other. I think we can help each other.
Cane: I already was. I told you why I was here.
Phyllis: No, you never told me why.
Cane: Yeah, I did. I did. I said to you that jill was worried about chance because he hasn't called her back, so she asked me to come and find him.
Phyllis: Well, you also said-he dropped a bomb in your family.
Cane: Did I? Really?
Phyllis: Yes, you -- I don't want to get into your personal family business. It's --
[ Sighs ] I could help you with your search, if you would just clue me in.
Cane: Okay. And why do you care whether or not I find him?
Phyllis: Because chance is a friend of adam's, and... any friend of adam's is a friend of mine. Is that not good enough?
Cane: [ Chuckles ] No. No, you'll have to do better than that.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Cane: So... why don't you tell me why you're interested in chance, or you can go straight back out that door.
Victor: Newman enterprises was more than a place I went to work. It's the embodiment of all my ambitions, all my dreams.
Nikki: I know. And you're leaving it in very good hands. Victoria knows how much it means to you and to me.
Victor: Baby, I have no qualms about handing the reins over to her. I adore her, I love her. She's very capable. She's a hell of a C.E.O. But when I thought of retirement, honestly, I thought of leaving the building feet-first.
Nikki: Oh!
Victor: On the last working day. You know? Now to think that this whole damn company that I built from the ground up is gonna move forward without me...
Nikki: Darling, it is because of all of your efforts and sacrifices that the company will continue to thrive.
Victor: My baby... things are gonna be different, you know?
[ Exhales sharply ] I mean, hell, I'll have time on my hands! What the hell am I gonna do? Look in the mirror? A stranger look back at me. No problems to solve, no deadlines to meet, no business deals to make. No people to have arguments with.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: Can you love a guy like that?
Nikki: I'm sure I can.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Nikki: You know, maybe i should step back from the real estate division.
Victor: Why would you?
Nikki: To spend more time with you. We could travel.
Victor: Oh, well, wait a minute. Does running the division give you joy?
Nikki: Yes, it does.
Victor: Well, then you stay!
Nikki: I remember something you told me a long time ago.
Victor: What?
Nikki: A businessman is never afraid of change because changes bring opportunity. Darling, this is just another change, a chance for you to shine. I can't wait to see what you're gonna be up to next.
Victor: All right, well...
[ Sighs ] If I have to change, then so be it. As long as I have one constant by my side.
Nikki: Oh, always. Always.
Victor: Here, my baby. Do I have play golf now?
Elena: Hey, I have got to get going.
Devon: Okay.
Elena: But can you please promise me that you will go outside and get some fresh air and try to ease your mind?
Devon: Yes, honey, I promise I will.
Elena: You know, you could also do it right now, take a break.
Devon: I can't take a break. I can'T. I have to lock down some more information.
Elena: All right. You're disobeying doctor's orders.
Devon: That's not what I'm doing. I'm just postponing them.
Elena: All right, well, I'll be checking on you.
Devon: Yeah? You promise?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Okay.
Elena: I love you.
Devon: I love you more.
[ Knocks on door ]
Jill: Hi.
Devon: Hey.
Jill: Sorry for just dropping by, but I thought maybe you'd like an update.
Devon: I would, yeah. Please, come in.
Jill: Okay, okay. So cane is in vegas. He still hasn't located chance...
Devon: Okay.
Jill: But he's willing to keep trying.
Devon: [ Sighs ] Yeah, all right. Good luck with that.
Jill: Oh, devon, I understand why you wouldn't trust cane's motives.
Devon: I mean, yeah, over the years, he's done some pretty sketchy things. And when it comes to finding out the unadulterated truth...
Jill: Which is what we want!
Devon: Right, but do you think if cane discovers that the pages of the will that say he gets billions of dollars were faked he's gonna rush back here to share that information with us, walk away from all the money? I mean, it's pretty damn naive of you to think that.
Phyllis: I think adam made a mistake leaving genoa city. I want him to come back.
Cane: Because...?
Phyllis: Because he's helping me, um, with some... unsettled debts. And he doesn't want to go back.
Cane: Okay, that's probably because he knows that everyone in genoa city is happy that he's gone.
Phyllis: Not his son.
Cane: Okay, so you're telling me that his son is a not good reason to get him to go back home?
Phyllis: Well, he believes his son is better off without him.
Cane: Oh.
Phyllis: I need leverage. He's not saying a word about chance, and I figure I could use his association with chance to get him to go back to genoa city.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Cane: Excuse me. Oh. It's, uh...
Phyllis: Who is that?
Cane: Jill. She wants un update.
[ Sighs ] All right, well, uh, i suppose you can see yourself out then, right?
Phyllis: I gave you what you wanted. You're kicking me out?
Cane: Well, what did you expect?
Phyllis: Quid pro quo.
Cane: Well, I didn't promise you anything, and you come here and you tell me that, you know, your plan is trying to get adam to go back to genoa city and wreak havoc. That makes me less interested to want to help you than before.
Phyllis: Cane. Cane. You can't do this on your own.
Cane: Oh?
Phyllis: You need my help more than you know.
Cane: I'll see you later, okay?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: All right, are you gonna tell me what you're bringing me here for?
Victoria: I'm gonna show you.
Billy: Oh, you're gonna show me?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
[ Laughs ]
Billy: What are johnny and katie doing here?
Victoria: I asked hannah to bring them here.
Billy: Look at that. They're going for it. I mean, if swinging was an olympic sport, that's a gold medal right there.
Victoria: Listen. I know that you're disappointed that we're not gonna be partners at work, but we are partners in a much more important project.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Our life. Look, our little family is getting more and more perfect every day. We have great jobs, we love our work, and we're lucky to have our jobs, but, at the end of the day, when we come home, we remember what really matters. This is the stuff that counts. This is the stuff that lasts. This is our legacy. We're partners in the best possible way -- partners in parenting, partners in love, and that's enough for me. I hope it's enough for you, too.
Billy: It is. And I owe you an apology.
Victoria: For what?
Billy: For ruining your big day.
Victoria: You didn't ruin anything. Just look at those kids and tell me I'm right.
Billy: You're right. 100%. And I have a great idea. How about we go play with our junior partners?
Victoria: I thought you would never ask.
Billy: Yeah, well, last one at the swings has to push.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: Devon's been home all day scouring the internet, hungry for more information about amanda, but, no matter what he finds, it'll never be enough.
Nate: Well, if he's got to do battle, he wants to know who he's up against.
Elena: Yeah, and I get that, but it's like nothing else matters. He's let everything else go, and he's just focusing on this one thing that he can't control.
Nate: He's not worried about losing the money, is he?
Elena: I don't think so because the law is on his side. But maybe... maybe it's because tucker might have broken the law and funneled that money to devon in the first place, or maybe it's --
[ Sighs ] I don't know.
Nate: Go ahead, I'm listening.
Elena: Maybe it's because amanda looks so much like hilary, and it's bringing up a lot of emotions for devon.
Nate: A few for you, too?
Elena: [ Scoffs ] Me? Stressed out about an exact doppelganger of my boyfriend's dead wife, whom he adored? No, because that would make me insecure or crazy.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, uh, good thing you're not. But, if you were, I'd say something like... devon is wild about you. It's easy to sanctify the dead, remembering the good things about them. Hilary wasn't perfect. And she didn't always bring out the best in devon. You do. And he knows that. You have nothing to worry about.
Elena: Well, I guess it's a good thing I didn't need this pep talk.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: So, what do you think is getting under devon's skin?
Nate: I think you're onto something with your theory about devon's biological father. Maybe devon worries that tucker didn't have enough faith in him to think he'd make it on his own, that he'd need the money to become somebody that people can look up to. That kind of stuff messes you up.
Elena: Yeah, how can it not?
Nate: I can see it messing with you, too.
Elena: Here's my question -- how do I help him?
Jill: Well. I've been called many things in my time, but never naive.
Devon: Well, what part of any of this makes sense to you, jill?
Jill: I'm just waiting to hear the truth, devon, the same as you. And I'm really sorry that you have to go through this, I truly am, but I'm having a hard time not taking offense at your attitude.
Devon: What's my attitude supposed to be? You want me to be happy that cane's running around vegas trying to prove that he's the rightful heir to katherine's estate?
Jill: See, this conversation has taken a turn that I hadn't anticipated. I just came over here to give you some information.
Devon: Well, that's not what you did, you came over here to try and reassure me about cane.
Jill: I understand why you wouldn't trust cane, all right? What happened between him and lily was very regrettable.
Devon: And which time are you talking about? He's done a lot to her.
Jill: Let's not get off the track here, okay? Let's just put cane's history aside for one moment.
Devon: Sure.
Jill: Because there are some questions that need to be answered.
Devon: Like what?
Jill: [ Sighs ] Like, number one... what happens if this isn't a scam? What happens if these really are katherine's final wishes?
Devon: Well, there it is right there. Now we're getting to what this is about. You want to make sure that there is no hard feelings if cane becomes a billionaire because i think you have this all figured out, don't you?
Jill: If you're gonna start throwing accusations around, why don't you start with your father, your biological father? Tucker mccall, remember?
Devon: I do remember, and you seem really quick to believe amanda's stories.
Jill: You know, whichever version of this will is legitimate, I have no skin in this game. I don't get anything out of this.
Devon: I know that, but cane sure does, so why don't you tell him to back off?
Jill: I'm not doing this for cane, I'm doing it for katherine.
Devon: Okay, that's fine. You tell yourself that.
Jill: [ Gasps ] Oh. Okay. I'm done.
Devon: Jill, hang on a second.
Jill: Finding the truth does not have to be this acrimonious. Oh! He's all yours. Good luck.
Victor: All right. Thank you. Well, the die has been cast, my darling.
Nikki: Who was that on the phone?
Victor: My pr team telling me they just released the announcement. It's going global as we speak.
Nikki: Ooh! Well, get ready to be inundated with congratulations for handing the reins over to victoria.
Victor: Oh, oh, I hope there won't be too many of those.
Nikki: Why not? Don't you want people to show their appreciation for everything that you've done?
Victor: I don't like to take a victory lap.
Nikki: Well, that's because you were always planning your next move.
Victor: You're right.
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: You know, when i think that I was about to hand the reins of the company over to adam... how could I have thought that? It would have been a dreadful mistake. I still regret even suggesting it.
Nikki: It's good to know where you stand. You'll never have to ask yourself "what if?" Where adam is concerned ever again.
Victor: Never again. You're right.
Devon: Is there a sign on my door inviting people to come by unannounced?
Amanda: I was just wondering if you had a chance to locate mr. Chancellor. If you're busy, then --
Devon: As a matter of fact, yeah, I'm -- I'm very busy. I am. And, you know, you come to town and upend my whole world, and now you expect me to track down your disappearing client? That's something you should probably do yourself, right?
Amanda: I'm not here to fight with you.
Devon: Okay. What are you here for then?
Amanda: Finding mr. Chancellor is the key to everything. He has the answers to everyone's questions.
Devon: Does that include you? You have questions? You starting to doubt this, too?
Amanda: My opinion has nothing to do with this.
Devon: Oh, the hell it does. None of this makes sense to you, either. You think we're both getting played. Tell me I'm wrong.
Cane: Hey, I, uh -- I got a text from chance.
Jill: Finally. What a relief, my grandson is all right.
Cane: Yeah, I put out some feelers, and one of them actually paid off.
Jill: So, where is he? What's he doing? What's your next move gonna be?
Cane: Well, the next thing to do is meet, and then, hopefully, soon we'll have some concrete answers, for better or for worse. I mean, I just hope that devon doesn't blame the messenger.
Jill: I just came from seeing him, actually.
Cane: How'd that go?
Jill: Not great. But, you know, how is a man supposed to react when he finds out that there's a strong possibility he's been living a lie?
Cane: Yeah, but it's not his fault, is it?
Jill: That's very true. But the bottom line is, katherine's final wishes have to be respected, and we can only hope that devon, in his heart of hearts, agree with that.
Cane: But, either way, life just goes on, doesn't it?
[ Sighs ] I just can't wait till this is over.
Jill: Yeah, well, if it turns out that the new will pages are the real deal, then we have to decide whether we're gonna cross that bridge or burn it down.
Cane: Mm. All right, listen, I have to go. Okay?
Jill: All right. Call me if you hear anything.
Cane: You can count on that.
Billy: To us.
Victoria: To us. Partners in perpetuity.
Billy: We need to do this more often.
Victoria: What do you mean, sneak off to a hotel room for a little afternoon delight?
Billy: Mm, yeah. Team building.
Victoria: [ Giggles ] Well, I guess we'll have to, if you're gonna step up at jabot and I'm taking over at newman. It's gonna be hard to find the time.
Billy: Yes, but it is going to be important that we do.
Victoria: Oh, I know. We can make it part of our mission statement.
Billy: No kids, no board meetings, no interruptions.
Victoria: Just us.
Billy: Mm. Me and you.
Victoria: Yes. And our wildest fantasies.
Billy: I like the sound of that.
Victoria: [ Giggles ]
Billy: Where do I sign up?
Victoria: Right here.
[ Giggles ]
Victor: Oh! Are you trying to tempt me
Nikki: Mm. It's an idea, but it is a beautiful day outside, and i thought we could take a walk down the stables and feed the horses.
Victor: I think that's a great, and I'll join you in a minute, all right?
Nikki: Don't keep me waiting too long.
Victor: No, I won'T. I have a surprise for you.
[ Laughing ] Oh! Yeah, it's me. Call off the surveillance of adam. Just let him go. He'll never come back.
Elena: I guess we should get back to the hospital.
Nate: Hey, don't let this situation with devon drive you crazy.
Elena: [ Sighs ] I just wish there was something I could do to help him.
Nate: That's what makes you a great doctor. But you also need to know when it's time to let go.
Elena: [ Scoffs ] And how am I supposed to do that?
Nate: Nobody knows which pages of this will are legit. There's nothing to do but wait.
Elena: What do you think devon should do?
Nate: Me? I'm staying out of it.
Elena: It's never crossed your mind?
Nate: [ Sighs ] Of course it has, but... not my donkey, not my farm. What about you?
Elena: Me? I won the lottery when I fell for devon, but it had nothing to do with his money, you know, because here's this guy who was homeless. He was in and out of foster care. He had nothing, and he was given this money by his grandmother who adored him, and he's done nothing but good with it. The man is changing the world, a little bit every day. He's paying it forward, like neil wanted. But I'm worried about him. And I'm worried about all of those people that he could be helping with that money. And he deserves answers. Now.
Nate: And if it's not the answers he's hoping for?
Elena: I think it's the not knowing that has him feeling so stuck.
Nate: Yeah. He feels the situation is out of his control. But it's all gonna be settled soon, one way or the other.
Elena: And then what?
Nate: Life goes back to normal.
Amanda: Perhaps I haven't made myself abundantly clear. I have a client, and I will take the utmost care to protect his interests to the best of my abilities. That will only change when or if new information comes to light.
Devon: There's something else going on here. I can see it in your eyes.
Amanda: The only thing you are seeing is my irritation and frustration.
Devon: No. No, no, no, no. That's not it. That's not it at all. You're wondering what the hell you've gotten yourself into.
Amanda: You have no idea what I'm thinking.
Devon: Why don't you tell me the truth?
Amanda: I have said everything that needs to be said. If you happen to locate mr. Chancellor, I would appreciate a call. Have a good day, mr. Hamilton.
Cane: Chance? Chancellor, where are you?
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Sharon: You came here for coffee and a second date?
Abby: Dizziness? Nausea? Food aversion? Do you think there's any chance you might be...?
Lola: Pregnant?
Amanda: I cannot wait for this whole case to be over. I shouldn't have let that old jerk get me into this.
Devon: What old jerk? You can't be talking about chance, so who the hell are you talking about?
Traci: If there is some kind of connection between mother and stuart brooks, I'm going to find it.
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