Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/10/19
Episode #11720 ~ Chelsea makes a sacrifice, Kyle warns Summer about Theo, and Adam is backed into a corner.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Chelsea: Calvin's death was a huge blow to connor. And then adam leaves just as the two of them are getting close again, and then he discovers that his grandfather's alive after he thought he was dead. It's just too much.
Summer: Devon is one of the good guys. If you can't work for him, you can't work for anybody. Get over yourself, theo.
Jill: It's so frustrating that I can't reach chance.
Cane: Where was his last known location?
Devon: He was in vegas with adam.
Phyllis: Well, this is interesting.
Adam: What, are they running specials on flights from genoa city to vegas now?
Cane: Oh, I'm sorry. Is, uh, me being here throwing you off your game, "spider"?
Adam: Hmm. Not at all.
Cane: Yeah? You know, I'm kind of getting the feeling all of a sudden that phyllis failed to mention that I was looking for you.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry. It slipped my mind.
Cane: Oh, really?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Adam: Yeah, along with the fact that you told him where to find me.
Phyllis: Oh, actually, he tipped me off.
Cane: Oh, did I? And then, what, you used that, what -- that computer-hacking skill of yours, is that right?
Phyllis: Lower tech.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Phyllis: I overheard you say you were going to vegas.
Cane: Ahh.
Phyllis: I did a little research.
Adam: Yeah, you could have a nice little side hustle as a P.I., Phyllis. That's really nice. Anyway, so why did you track me down, cane?
Phyllis: He's looking for chance chancellor. Am I wrong?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] We need to talk about what happened.
Connor: No, we don'T.
Chelsea: Let's get you something to eat first.
Connor: I'm not hungry.
Chelsea: Connor --
Connor: I don't want to eat or talk!
Chelsea: Connor, no video games. Put that down right now.
Nick: Connor, wh-- what are you doing home from school? You feeling okay?
Connor: [ Shouts ] I'm fine!
Nick: Wh-- whoa!
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nick: Connor... obviously he's not fine. What's going on?
Chelsea: School called. Said I had to come pick him up.
Nick: What happened?
Chelsea: They said he was being disruptive in class. That [Sighs] He was being disruptive, and the teacher told him to stop, and he started arguing with her.
[ Sniffles ]
Nick: It's gonna be all right.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I keep hoping things will get better.
[ Sighs ] And they just keep getting worse.
Kyle: Ashley reformulated our new night cream.
Summer: Already? Wow. That's pretty fast.
Kyle: Yeah, she's the best. She changed the scent and texture. Our focus groups raved about the product.
Summer: That's great.
Kyle: Now it's ready to hit the shelves. I just need you to get it to beauty influencers first. Create a buzz.
Summer: All right. I am on it. Should I, uh, run any of it by billy first?
Kyle: No. I handled the situation. Beautifully, I might add.
Summer: Well, I think so.
Kyle: Ah, you and lola were right. I have to focus on doing what i think is best for the company instead of getting in petty fights with billy.
Summer: Wow. That's, uh... that's a first.
Kyle: What, me taking the high road?
Summer: Someone taking my advice.
Kyle: I'd be a fool not to.
Summer: Well, that hasn't stopped theo.
Kyle: Eh, don't take it personally. He's never listened to anyone.
Summer: Well, to be fair, my constructive criticism might have come off a little harsh.
Kyle: I'm sure you were just trying to help.
Summer: I guess it's easier to take someone's advice when your career'son fire.
Kyle: Theo's isn't?
Summer: [ Smacks lips ] Not so much.
Kyle: Probably because he decided to take on too many projects. But that's theo. Determined to prove he can do it all.
Summer: Not anymore.
Kyle: Hmm? He get smart, decide to scale back?
Summer: Um... no. He got fired. By devon.
Theo: Together, we'll make social-media magic. All you have to do is say the word.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Theo: I'll send over the docs for you to sign. You won't regret it.
[ Grunts softly ] Vanderway scores again!
Lola: Hi, theo.
Theo: Oh.
Lola: Power-lunching with yourself isn't really a thing in genoa city.
Theo: I set trends.
Lola: Well, set them somewhere else. This isn't your office.
Theo: Uh, the world is my office. Also my playground.
Lola: Nice work. If you can get it.
Theo: Oh, I've got it. And I'm gonna get a whole lot more.
Cane: Yeah, she is right. I am looking for chance.
Adam: Is he lost?
Cane: Uh, no. It's just, you know, uh, see, he hasn't returned any of jill's calls, and she's kind of worried about him.
Phyllis: You expect us to believe that you dropped everything to look for a soldier/federal agent because his grandma is worried? Really?
Cane: Hmph. So, uh, do you know where he is? 'Cause I'm, uh, trying to get in touch with him.
Adam: [ Sucks teeth ] Good luck.
Cane: See, I was hoping i wouldn't need luck, 'cause I was hoping that you might be able to help me.
Adam: I can'T.
Cane: Oh, you can't?
Adam: No.
Cane: Okay.
Adam: No.
Cane: And I'm believing you're telling me the truth today or whatever?
Adam: Well, I guess you're just gonna have to take my word for it.
Cane: Yeah?
Phyllis: That's a mistake.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Phyllis: Hmm.
Cane: Heh.
Adam: All righty. Uh, I need to lock this up. Never know who you can trust. Why don't you show yourselves out?
Phyllis: Wow. He doesn't like to talk about chance, does he?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Kind of getting that feeling.
Phyllis: I, on the other hand, am very, very interested in why you're looking for phillip iv.
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Lola: Seriously, theo. You cannot use society as your office.
Theo: I'm good for business.
Lola: Says who?
Theo: Me.
Lola: Of course. What was I thinking?
Theo: Hey, this is success wrapped up in a pretty package.
Lola: And dripping in modesty.
Theo: Ah, that's for losers.
Lola: You know, winners conduct business behind a desk. Bet mariah could provide you one at power. She might even throw in a chair.
Theo: Mmkay. Hard no on the desk and the chair... considering devon fired me.
Lola: Oh, my god. Theo, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know.
Theo: Creative differences.
Lola: But still, I mean, losing a great job has got to hurt.
Theo: No. It's all good. I'm gonna use it as motivation. You know what I'm talking about.
Lola: Do I?
Theo: Yeah. I mean, you got a sweet gig here, but you had a food truck before abby met you. Before that, I bet you did everything from, what, wash dishes to wait tables?
Lola: I had a few interesting jobs.
Theo: And I bet you had to put up with a lot of crap from the haters along the way who never thought you'd amount to anything.
Lola: Yeah, there were a few.
Theo: And each one made you more determined to reach your goal, right?
Lola: I guess.
Theo: You know it's true. Every time somebody told you you were dreaming too big, you grabbed the next rung on the ladder, and you pulled yourself up. And that's where success comes from. Proving people wrong.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Sharon: Hi, chelsea.
Chelsea: Sharon, hi. Um...
[ Sighs ] I was wondering if you had some extra time today to come over again and talk to connor?
Sharon: You know, I thought about him a lot when I was visiting faith.
Chelsea: How is she?
Sharon: Still trying to come to terms with her dad lying to her about victor's death, but I think I helped her work through some of that anger.
Chelsea: Well, I was hoping, uh, um, maybe you could do the same for connor? He -- he had an incident today at school.
Sharon: Chelsea, I've taken classes and worked as a victims' advocate, but I am not a licensed therapist.
Chelsea: Right. No, I know. Um... I just think, right now, he really needs to talk to somebody he trusts. And... he's still shutting me out.
Sharon: Well, I could come over right now, if you want.
Chelsea: That would be great. Thank you so much.
Sharon: Okay. I'll see you soon.
Chelsea: She's on her way.
Nick: Good.
Chelsea: Thank you for suggesting I call her.
Nick: Well, I feel partly responsible for the way connor's acting.
Chelsea: I let adam back into our lives. I should have known how things would end up.
Nick: You had no way of predicting that he was gonna try and kill his own father, and then run off and abandon his son.
Chelsea: You're right. We never know what adam is capable of. But he always brings chaos and heartbreak wherever he goes.
Nick: And you are not to blame for tat.
Chelsea: I let the one person into connor's life who could shatter it. He trusts me, connor. He trusts me to protect him and look out for him, and I've let him down.
Nick: No, chelsea. No, you haven'T.
Chelsea: You have to see the look in his eyes, nick. He's hurt, and he's -- he's -- he's disappointed. And what I'm really scared of is, I'm afraid that's not gonna go away.
Phyllis: Why are you looking for chance? Don't give me the story that his grandma is worried, because I know jill. She doesn't care about anyone but herself.
Cane: Wow. And those words just fell out of your mouth without the slightest trace of irony.
Phyllis: I've seen your hand, cane.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Put your cards on the table.
Cane: Well, I can't do that, 'cause I always believe that ladies should go first. So? Tell me about adam and chance.
Phyllis: I don't really know much, and that is the truth.
Cane: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Phyllis: I met a mutual acquaintance of theirs in vegas when I was there a few months ago.
Cane: Do you mean riza thompson?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah.
Phyllis: Uh, I saw riza and chance talking, and I don't believe in coincidences, so i figured something was up.
Cane: And then what did they say when you confronted them?
Phyllis: Nothing, because I -- I lost them. By the time I got to the other side of the casino, they were gone.
Cane: So you don't know where chance is right now. Is that what you're saying to me?
Phyllis: No. I got in touch with riza.
Cane: And?
Phyllis: She's not chatty.
Cane: Neither are you, huh? 'Cause you know you could have told me all of this when i talked to you in the penthouse in genoa city?
Phyllis: Why would I do that?
Cane: I don't know. Maybe 'cause I'm looking for chance.
Phyllis: So what?
Cane: I don't know. So, uh... I don't know. So you could have helped me.
Phyllis: So, I should just drop everything and become your girl friday? Cane, that's not my style.
Cane: No?
Phyllis: No.
Cane: Okay. Yet...here you are, rushing to adam's side the moment you thought he was in trouble, huh?
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] I want to get something real straight with you -- I'm nobody's lackey.
Kyle: I didn't mean to sound like a jerk about theo getting fired. Are you worried he's gonna head back to new york now that devon's fired him?
Summer: I don't know. He is not speaking to me right now.
Kyle: Because of the "constructive criticism" you gave him?
Summer: I don't know. I was just trying to help him learn from his experience. But apparently he got mad when I called him cocky and egotistical.
Kyle: I thought he considered those positive qualities.
Summer: Maybe he just doesn't like being called out. I was just trying to help, though.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You have a good heart. But if it's telling you theo's gonna change, you're gonna be disappointed.
Theo: It was my own fault, getting canned.
Lola: No argument from me.
Theo: I forgot rule number one of business -- it's not who you know, it's what you know. Wait. No. [ Muttering ] It's the other way around. Uh... whatever. I-it's important, and I forgot.
Lola: You know, too many of those might have contributed to your memory loss.
Theo: I'm serious.
Lola: Oh, no. So am I.
Theo: Okay. This -- this isn't what tripped me up. I didn't read the room right. I zigged when I should have zagged.
Lola: So that's why you got fired?
Theo: [ Sighs ] Mariah is friends with devon. Of course he sided with her. Well, forget that she has no clue what she's doing.
Lola: Okay, hold on.
[ Sighs ] Mariah is my friend, and she is amazing at her job.
Theo: I'm sure she is a kick-ass friend. I'm not convinced she's qualified to run a major P.R. Company. But she's the one who's buddy-buddy with the boss man, so she came out on top. For now.
Lola: What does that mean?
Theo: Mariah is not the only one who knows how to schmooze the brass. Not a lot of people know this, but it's my superpower.
Lola: Oh, really?
Theo: Mm. I know how to get inside people's heads. Figure out what they're thinking, what makes them tick. And once I do, I make it work for me.
Lola: So you know how to manipulate people.
Theo: Uh... inspire them. Win them over.
Lola: Theo, have you ever, you know, thought about starting a cult?
Theo: Go ahead. Laugh.
Lola: [ Snickering ]
Theo: You just think I'm some dumb party boy. That's cool. That's just one more person I have to prove wrong.
Lola: You know, I don't think you're dumb. At all. I think you're super talented, charming, and way too charismatic for your own good.
Theo: Well, then don't be surprised once I've climbed my way out of this hole I've dug for myself.
Lola: The question is, theo, once you do, will you be able to resist digging the next one? Because that seems to be your thing.
Chelsea: It's so out of character. Connor's never had a problem at school.
Nick: He's a good kid.
Sharon: Acting out isn't unusual for a child who's suffered a big loss.
Chelsea: Adam leaving has really hit him hard.
Sharon: Yeah, of course it has. I mean, he just got his dad back.
Chelsea: I mean, he's been, i guess, a little bit quieter at home, but he hasn't lashed out at nick or me the way he did at school.
Sharon: Well, it doesn't surprise me. You know, he's had one parent that's walked out on him. It wasn't that long ago that he lost his stepdad. I'm sure he doesn't want to risk losing anyone else.
Chelsea: Are you saying he's afraid I'm gonna abandon him?
Sharon: Well, if he feels that way, it's on a subconscious level. He knows you love him. But he might have some underlying anxiety that you're gonna leave him, too.
Chelsea: He's keeping all of his feelings locked inside. That can't be good for him.
Nick: Look, we're hoping connor will open up to you 'cause you're a neutral party, and the psychological stakes will be lower.
Sharon: I'll certainly try.
Nick: We appreciate that. We'll, uh -- we'll take off, okay, and, uh, give you a chance to speak to connor alone.
Connor: Speak to me about what?
Sharon: Hi, connor. I heard you had a rough morning.
Nick: [ Sighs ] You okay?
Chelsea: It breaks my heart to feel that connor can't share his feelings with me. I mean, since the day he was born, I'm the one he could count on. I'm the one that he -- he would go to when he needed someone. I've devoted my entire life to making sure he feels safe and -- and protected.
Nick: You're doing an amazing job.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] But what if -- what if we've lost that special connection, you know?
Nick: Chelsea, you haven'T. Look, sometimes, when kids get hurt or -- or angry, they feel like they got to test their parents' love.
Chelsea: I don't know. He's never done this before.
Nick: Well, he lost calvin. Adam's gone. For a while there, he thought his grandpa was dead. On top of all that, he was being lied to. I mean, that's a lot to deal with.
Chelsea: The world must seem like a very scary and unpredictable place right now.
Nick: It's gonna get better. Just give it time. Give him time. He's gonna realize that you are the same rock that you've always been for him.
Chelsea: You really think so?
Nick: I know so. When connor comes out of this on the other side and sees you standing there, he's gonna appreciate you more than he ever has.
Chelsea: [ Snorts softly ] I hope you're right.
Sharon: Hope you don't mind my dropping by again.
Connor: No. I like you.
Sharon: Thank you. I like you, too. Oh, by the way, faith says hi. I just came back from visiting her.
Connor: Cool. How is she?
Sharon: She's a little confused, actually, about what happened with her grandpa.
Connor: Did they lie to her, too?
Sharon: Yeah, they did. That's why I went to see her. I thought we could talk about everything. I think that helped.
Connor: That's good.
Sharon: You know, I thought about you when I was visiting faith.
Connor: How come?
Sharon: Well, because victor's your grandpa, too, and I thought maybe you had some of the same questions faith had.
Connor: Like what?
Sharon: Oh, I think she was a little bit embarrassed. Some of her friends found out about what happened, and she was worried that they might think she's a dork.
Connor: Hmm. Is that all?
Sharon: Well, she's pretty upset that people she loves and trusted lied to her.
Connor: Like her dad?
Sharon: Yeah. That hurt the most. I'm sure you understand.
Connor: Yeah.
Sharon: Maybe you feel the same way.
Connor: No.
Sharon: You know, it's okay to feel angry.
Connor: I'm not. What happened was no big deal. I'm hungry.-I'm gonna get something to eat.
Adam: You guys realize I left genoa city to get away from you people?
Phyllis: Uh, yeah. Because you weren't the most hated guy in town.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, both of you can go home and flip a coin for the title.
Cane: Oh, wait. See, I can't do that till you tell me where chance is.
Adam: Cane.
Cane: Uh-huh?
Adam: Take a hint. The guy doesn't want to be found.
Cane: See, here's the thing. The guy could be in trouble, because no one in his family can get in touch with him.
Adam: Why? Because he went off the grid? Haven't we all done that? He's a decorated war hero. He can take care of himself.
Cane: Okay. Let me put it this way for you, all right? If you're not worried about chance, maybe you should be worried about yourself.
Adam: Cane, this -- this shtick, it really works better on someone who doesn't know you.
Cane: Well, let me explain it this way, then. Before chance disappeared, he dropped a bombshell on his family, all right? And since the last people who saw him were you and your card-shark buddy, I'm kind of thinking, if you don't point me in the right direction, then people are gonna start wondering about your connection with chance. And I kind of get the feeling, then, that that's the last thing that you would want.
Adam: Mm.
Cane: Right?
Phyllis: What's he talking about?
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"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Theo: Oh, took your advice. Switched to coffee.
Lola: Smart move.
Theo: I keep telling you, I'm a smart guy.
Lola: You know, it's the self-sabotage that keeps throwing me off.
Theo: What? The misunderstanding with devon? Zero impact on my awesomeness or my career.
Lola: Theo, you really don't see the pattern.
Theo: Life throws obstacles at you.
Lola: So why throw more at yourself? You knew that zoe was trouble, but you brought her to town anyway.
Theo: Uh... harmless fun.
Lola: Until it wasn'T.
Theo: How was I supposed to know she was crazy?
Lola: Says the guy who can read people?
Theo: Okay, maybe I missed a few red flags.
Lola: You knew exactly what you were doing when you brought zoe. Just like you knew that it would tick off devon when you tried to undermine mariah. And that you crossed a line when you said that you wish you would have met me before kyle.
Theo: I-I was just messing with you, okay?
[ Sighs ]
Lola: I'm not buying it. For some reason, you keep wanting to tank your life. You know who you remind me of?
Theo: Hm?
Lola: My brother.
Theo: What, the cop?-Lola: No. Arturo. He was engaged to abby, and then he cheated on her with my sister-in-law from hell.
Theo: I would never cheat on someone as hot as abby newman.
Lola: You know, sadly, there was a very depressing logic to arturo's behavior. He thought that he didn't deserve a relationship with abby. So he screwed it up.
Theo: I'm sure you told him that.
Lola: I didn't have to.
Theo: You're a great chef. You suck as a shrink.
Lola: You're not the only one who can read people.
Summer: All right. Word is out. I went with micro-influencers in key markets, and I told online sales to include free samples in our next subscription box.Kyle: Perfect. You're killing it.
Summer: We both are. All right. I think that that calls for a celebration. Now, it's too early for a drink, so how about some coffee?
Kyle: Sorry. I have plans with lola.
Summer: That's all right. You're newlyweds. You should have plans.
Kyle: Well, you deserve a break, too.
Summer: Yeah, I might take a -- take a break.
Kyle: A break from
Summer: I'm not gonna call theo. I've had enough of him for one day.
Kyle: Yeah, he can be a real jerk sometimes.
Summer: And really sweet the next.
Kyle: We talking about the same theo?
Summer: We have had some really lovely talks lately. I feel like I'm starting to get to know the real him. You know, the one that hides behind that bro act that he puts on.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: He's playing you, summer. Getting your hopes up. Making you believe he wants to take things to the next level.
Summer: Okay. Well, he seems sincere.
Kyle: He always does.
Summer: Why? Have you seen him do this with other women?
Kyle: With lots of women. I guarantee, you won't be the last. The thought of opening up to someone for real scares the crap out of him.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, I feel like an idiot for falling for his act.
Kyle: You shouldn'T. He's spent a lot of time perfecting it. I know it's none of my business, but... you deserve way more.
Cane: I wish I could tell you what kind of business adam and chance were involved in, but nobody seems to know.
Phyllis: That doesn't seem shady at all.
Cane: Right? It doesn't seem shady.
Phyllisi don't understand this. Chance is squeaky clean. Why is he involved in something sketchy?
Cane: Wow.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Well, it's strange that she didn't ask the same question of you, right?
Adam: Mm.
Phyllis: No one would ever accuse adam of being a straight shooter.
Cane: No.
Adam: Thanks, phyllis.
Phyllis: I'm being honest.
Cane: Yeah, but, see, I think the cops might be interested, though, if, all of a sudden, this became a missing-persons case, right?
[ Chuckles ]
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Okay. I'm officially bored.
[ Clears throat ] Please show yourselves out.
Cane: Okay. All right. Well, I'm, uh, on the floor below if either of you think of anything that could help, okay?
Adam: Yeah.
Cane: It's been fun.
Adam: I'll keep that in mind.
Phyllis: Unh-uh. I'm absolutely not leaving. I have more questions for you.
[ Door slams ]
Chelsea: Hi. Where's connor?
Sharon: Um, he went back up to his room.
Chelsea: How did it go?
Sharon: We made some progress.
Chelsea: Tell me the truth, sharon.
Sharon: He was a lot more receptive than he was last time.
Chelsea: Really?
Sharon: Yeah. We talked about faith. He's going through some of the same things she is, so I thought it might help him open up.
Nick: Did it?
Sharon: You know, he's still holding a lot back. He's not willing to admit how angry he is about victor faking his own death.
Chelsea: And adam deserting him?
Sharon: Well, we didn't get into that. He felt like he had kind of had enough, and so I didn't want to overwhelm him.
Chelsea: Oh, I hope he wasn't rude to you.
Sharon: No, not at all. He was -- he was so... polite and -- and calm.
Chelsea: Great. Well, I mean, that's something, right? It means he has a handle on his emotions.
Sharon: Uh...
Nick: What? Say it, sharon. It's best we know.
Sharon: Well, there's a difference between controlling your emotions and suppressing them. I mean, if you stuff down too much pain and anger, it can turn into bitterness and resentment.
Chelsea: Like it did with adam? That's what you're saying. That connor's becoming his father.
Sharon: He's a little boy. He's reacting the same way a lot of children would to an emotion that he's not quite sure how to process. Don't worry about it too much.
Nick: Sharon's right. Adam is an adult who chose to do the wrong thing at every turn. And he's using his resentment about not growing up with his own father as an excuse. Connor is nothing like him.
Chelsea: How can you say that? He worships his father. He wants to be just like him. And now he's hiding all of these dark emotions he's having. That's not good.
Sharon: That can be changed. You know, connor's not destined to walk in adam's footsteps. We can break the cycle.
Chelsea: How?
Sharon: By letting connor know that he's never gonna be judged for his emotions, and that he's always gonna be loved no matter what.
Chelsea: Of course. Of course he's always gonna be loved. I-I have to go tell him that right now.
Sharon: Uh, chelsea, go easy on him. Maybe just do a little more listening than talking.
Chelsea: Okay. I just hope he's willing to talk to me.
Nick: Really appreciate you trying to help chelsea and connor.
Sharon: It's no problem. I know what it feels like to worry that the mistakes you've made are gonna cause permanent damage to your child.
Nick: You really think connor's gonna be okay?
Sharon: Yes, I do. Because I won't accept anything less. And I think that chelsea feels the same way.
Lola: Hi. All set.
Kyle: You anxious to spend time with me or get out of here?
Lola: Both.
Theo: You got bad info, babe. Look, I'm still king of the influencer world. That's why I'm calling. I want you to join my team. Sure we can meet up. How 'bout tomorrow?
Kyle: Is he seriously using this place as an office?
Lola: I already talked to him. He's leaving soon.
Kyle: He shouldn't even be here.
Lola: I know. I called him a cab already. Just let it go, okay?
Theo: Dude! Hey! Good to see you, man! Come have a drink with me.
Kyle: Pass. You might want to consider doing the same.
Theo: No way. Hey, I'm celebrating. I just signed a new client. You and summer are gonna love her. Speaking of which, where is she? You guys are usually connected at the hip. Well, I mean, not literally. At least not lately.
Kyle: Shut it, vanderway.
Theo: Hey, easy.
Kyle: Get out before I toss you out.
Lola: Hey, babe, theo's having a rough day.
Kyle: Good.
Lola: Listen, theo, your ride should be here any time. Can you just wait outside?
Theo: Sure. Thank you for feeling my pain. It's been cool getting to know you better these past few days. Especially your evil side.
Lola: Bye, theo. Hey, hey. I thought he was never going to leave.
Kyle: Yeah? Couldn't tell by how you were defending him.
Lola: I wanted you to pay attention to me, not theo.
Kyle: [ Snorts softly ] I'm sorry I wasted one minute on him.
Lola: Well, it's not too late to make up for it.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Lola: Theo didn't give me any details about why he was let go.
Kyle: According to summer, he pulled his usual crap, and devon wasn't gonna put up with it.
Lola: [ Inhales sharply ] I know that mariah was no fan of theo'S. I wonder if she persuaded devon to ax him?
Kyle: No clue.
Lola: Well, I'll ask her next time I talk to her.
Kyle: Who cares? Theo's out a great job. End of story.
Lola: Or it could be the beginning of a new one.
Kyle: Is that his spin?
Lola: No. I just heard the way that he was talking earlier. I think... he knows that he messed up, okay, and this is really motivating him.
Kyle: I seriously doubt that.
Lola: Cut him some slack, babe. This could be the wake-up call that he needs to finally grow up.
Kyle: I swear, I don't know how he does it.
Lola: [ Sighs ] What?
Kyle: Convince people he's about to have some huge epiphany. "All I need is one more chance."
Lola: Hey, I know when I'm being played. I'm not stupid.
Kyle: Of course you do. But theo's good. Even had me fooled for a while.
Lola: Well, today he was sincere. Mostly. And maybe a little buzzed. But he's smart. And he works his butt off. Wouldn't you be excited if he got his act together?
Kyle: Yeah. Sure. Because he was so thrilled for me when I did.
Lola: [ Sighs ] Fair point. Let's just talk about something else.
Kyle: Sounds good. Uh... how about...halloween? There's some cool couples' costumes I was thinking of.
Lola: Or we could finish that "conversation" we were having this morning.
Kyle: This morning? Oh! Yes. Absolutely. But we probably ought to do that upstairs.
Lola: I'll race you.
Kyle: One, two -- hey, hey, hey! No fair!
Nick: How's connor?
Chelsea: He claims we're all overreacting. And it's no big deal. What happened today at school, victor faking his own death, adam leaving.
Nick: Well, at least he's talking to you, you know. Obviously his little talk with sharon did him some good.
Chelsea: I hate that I have to ask someone else for help with my son.
Nick: Chelsea, the fact that you were willing to reach out to sharon despite your history, it proves what a great mother you are.
Chelsea: I appreciate you trying to make me feel better. But my son is suffering. And that means I'm suffering, too.
Nick: I know. I know. Look, maybe -- maybe connor's right, and we're just making too big a deal out of this. Maybe the only thing he needs is some time to process everything that's going on.
Chelsea: But he used to come to me. He used to lean on me to get through things. That's how we got through everything -- together. We were close. And now -- [ Sighs ] Every time I make a move, it just pushes him further away. Like, I just don't know what to do.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sniffles ]
Nick: Maybe take sharon's advice and just love him, and tell him you'll be there for him no matter what.
Chelsea: Yeah, well, that's the promise adam made, and now he's gone, and I am left picking up the pieces of our son's life.
Nick: Well, we're gonna get through this. Together.
Chelsea: But sharon said --
Nick: Sharon said she's not gonna give up. And neither am I.
Chelsea: Connor may need more help than sharon can give him.
Nick: Then we'll get it.
Chelsea: [ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ]
Nick: I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help connor.
Adam: There's a big game in a few hours, so if you don't mind, phyllis --
Phyllis: Answer my questions, and then I will disappear.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Oh, god. I doubt I will ever get rid of you.
Phyllis: I'm gonna keep this simple. Have you been in touch with chance?
Adam: Grab me a bottle of water. Got to stay hydrated.
Phyllis: What's the bombshell he dropped on his family?
Adam: Mmm. Nice and cold. Ahh. You sure you never been a girl friday?
Phyllis: Were you involved? Were you a part of it?
Adam: Look, I'm going to say this once, and then I'm going to kick you out. I have no idea how or why chance blew up his family. And I have no interest in finding out why. I am done with genoa city. My life is here, in las vegas.
Phyllis: Is chance a part of that?
Adam: Goodbye, phyllis.
Phyllis: I'm not letting this go.
Adam: Shhh! You're wasting your time. Just go.
Phyllis: We'll see if I'm wasting my time. We'll see.
[ Door closes ]
Adam: [ Grunts ]
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