Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/9/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/9/19


Episode #13719 ~ Victoria pleads her case to Victor, Phyllis tracks down Adam, and Cane makes a surprise appearance.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Adam: I need to let this place, this life go.

Phyllis: Deal me in.

Billy: Victor's stepping back into C.E.O. Resign from newman. Come and work for us here at jabot.

Summer: Jack just put you and billy in charge.

Kyle: Mm, and he left it up to us to decide about victoria.

Kyle: Mm, this one looks pretty good.

Lola: It's all right.

Kyle: Which means you don't love it. Neither do I. How many houses have we looked at this morning? 15, 20? And none of them are right. Maybe we've just wasting our time.

Lola: Are you saying that you want to stay here?

Kyle: I'm saying I want us to have what we deserve. We've worked for it, we've earned it, and I'm not gonna settle for anything less.

Lola: Oh, okay, I see. So we're clearly not talking about houses anymore. We're talking about jabot.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Billy: So, how many hours did you sleep last night?

Victoria: I don't know. Two, maybe?

Billy: I didn't want to bring this up in front of the kids, but you can't let your father's decision torture you, vick.

Victoria: What's keeping me up isn't my father's decision to toss me aside as C.E.O. I should have seen that coming. I just keep imagining a future without my dad and his precious legacy.

Billy: Any chance that future involves coming to work at jabot with me?

Mariah: Hello.

Theo: Oh! Mariah! Thanks for meeting me.

Mariah: I think this is the earliest in the morning I've ever seen you. I assume that you're usually sleeping in because you've been out the night before partying, so... this must be serious.

Theo: Yes. I've decided to leave power communications.

Phyllis: Better luck next time, guys. Well, that was an impressive performance, spider.

Adam: Well, the cards were running my way.

Phyllis: Don't be modest. I saw a least a dozen times you had nothing, and you went all in.

Adam: It is cheating too look at other players' cards, phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh. Cheating? Cheating. That's an interesting choice of words from a guy who's called himself "spider." Seems like that name would belong to a guy who drives a motorcycle and has tattoos all over his body, wears leather...

Adam: You finished?

Phyllis: No. I could talk about the name "spider" all day. But we have more important things to discuss.

Adam: Look. [ Groans ] I am a little tired, so... maybe some other time.

Phyllis: No. I didn't come all this way to get dismissed by someone who needs his sleep.

Adam: What do you want?

Phyllis: Answers. Last time we spoke, we believed that victor was dead. And now that he's risen from the dead, once again, what do you have planned? I want in.

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Mariah: So you quit? How come?

Theo: Power communications wasn't a good fit for me.

Mariah: Mm, well, that's a recent development. I thought you were gonna help take the company to the next level.

Theo: Oh, and I would have, no doubt. But with my client list growing the way that it has and everything that I have going on with the grand phoenix and jabot, it just felt like I was spreading myself too thin.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] God, you're a piece of work, theo.

Theo: What?

Mariah: This little story you're trying to spin. Oh, come off of it. You are not leaving power because you want to. Devon fired you for trying to throw me under the bus. So why don't we start again from the top, this time without the bull?

Kyle: So, yesterday, the first thing billy does, after my dad promotes him, is to offer victoria a seat at the table. Never spoke to me about it. Hell, he barely even acknowledged I was in the room. He treated me like an errand boy. So you know what that says about my dad's great plan at making us partners?

Lola: Well, I think --

Kyle: It says that billy has no intention of treating me as his equal. This is clearly a power grab. Billy wants to be C.E.O. With victoria by his side. It's as simple as that.

Lola: May I say something?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'm ranting, aren't I?

Lola: You and billy need to sit down and figure out the boundaries of your new roles, which is exactly what jack wanted you both to do.

Kyle: The tricky thing is, any company would want victoria in a top job. She's a clear asset.

[ Sighs ] If I try to push victoria out, it looks like I'm putting my ego ahead of the company.

Lola: Are you?

Kyle: No! It's just one of those situations where I'm damned if I do, damned if I don'T.

Lola: I don't believe that. Billy has shown his true colors. Use it to your advantage.

Billy: Jabot would soar if you came on board. And, I mean, the timing is perfect.

Victoria: It would be fun.

Billy: Fun? Come on. It would be much more than fun. We would make a great team. We already do. So say yes.

Victoria: I can't, billy.

Billy: Why not?

Victoria: Look, for one thing, I would be third or fourth in command at jabot, and after running a company as large as newman...

Billy: It would be a step back. I understand that.

Victoria: Are you disappointed?

Billy: A little bit.

Victoria: I'm sorry.

Billy: No. Don't be sorry. It was a nice fantasy, though. You and me, conquering the world.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, I did consider it when you said, and it is very tempting. But I've finally come to the decision that I need to stand my own ground. I have been victor newman's good and obedient daughter for long enough. Dad might think that he has the last word, but... I'm gonna show him that it's not over until I say it is.

Adam: Well, I'm sorry, phyllis. Could have saved you the trip. I am not planning anything.

Phyllis: I find that hard to believe.

Adam: [ Sighs deeply ] I like living here. I get to make my own hours. I don't have any responsibilities. I get 24-hour room service, and I'm -- I'm raking in plenty of cash.

Phyllis: This is chump change compared to what you could be making.

Adam: Well, it suits me just fine. Oh, and, best of all, in vegas, I'm spider. I'm just a guy who plays a decent hand of poker. I blend in here. I'm anonymous.

Phyllis: I know it's very, very enticing to disappear. I've done it a couple times myself.

Adam: Mm.

Phyllis: The problem is, you're not spider. You're adam newman.

Adam: I used to be.

Phyllis: It's who you are. You cannot ignore who you really are. This is a break. This is a vacation before you go back to genoa city. It's what you want, deep down. I know it is. You can't ignore this. Pack your bags. We have unfinished business.

Adam: You are a wonder, phyllis. I mean, barging in here, like you have the right to tell me what I'm supposed to do.

[ Scoffs ] You know, it'd almost be worth going back to genoa city just to see you in action every day. Almost.

Phyllis: Why are you resisting this?

Adam: Because it isn't what i want. Despite all your efforts to convince me otherwise. Why is it so important to you?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Adam: What, do you miss me?

Phyllis: And if I said yes?

Adam: Well, half of me would probably believe it. The other half would be wondering what you intend to get out of this.

Phyllis: Revenge! Revenge! Payback! We were a good team. Adam, you know we were a good team. We had victor and the rest of them running.

Adam: Until we didn'T. And, need I remind you, there is a jail cell waiting for me in genoa city.

Phyllis: No. No. Listen to me. Listen up. Victor is never, ever going to make michael press charges. And that pharmacist who doctored the pills, she's been proven a serial liar. And no one is ever gonna know that you switched the medication. So you have no excuse

Adam: Okay, how about this one? I have absolutely no desire to interact with you. Or anyone about anything that doesn't involve a deck of cards.

Phyllis: All right. You asked for it. One round of five-card draw, and we will make the stakes very interesting this time.

Theo: I wanted to get to you before devon did, say goodbye on friendly terms.

Mariah: Mm-hmm.

Theo: I didn't lie, either. I meant everything I said to you.

Mariah: Except you conveniently left out the part where you were fired.

Theo: All right, devon overreacted. I wasn't attacking you or undermining your position.

Mariah: [ Sighs ] You know what's funny, theo? I used to be just like you. I lied as easily as I breathed. I used to pick fights when i knew I was wrong. And I was all about myself. But then, one day, I looked around, and that's all there was. Just me, alone, on an island. So you need to get a clue. Because you may be able to fool all of these groupies and sycophants who think you hung the moon. But the people who you really want to impress... they see right through you.

Theo: Congrats. In all that hard-won wisdom. I'm sure you'll put it to good use.

Mariah: You could, too, if you just got out of your own way.

Theo: Thank you, but I'm doing just fine. I always find a way to win in the end.

Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Wow. If you think that this is what winning looks like... I just feel sorry for you.

Lola: The way I see it, if billy tries to push you out, it'll eventually backfire on him.

Kyle: How do you figure?

Lola: Well, jack takes a lot of pride in jabot being a family company, right? He reached out to ashley to make the merger happen, and he was so excited for you and billy to run the company together. So if billy tries to undermine you, your dad's not going to be happy about it.

Kyle: So give billy enough rope, in other words.

Lola: If you do your work, focus on the bigger picture, and stay out of the company's politics, you'll come out smelling like a rose. A smart, very strong, handsome C.E.O. Kind of rose.

Kyle: Mm. Sounds so easy.

Lola: Well, it'll be easy or as hard as you want it to be, baby.

Summer: Hey. Got here as quick as I could. What's going on?

Theo: Um... I'm out. No more power communications, no more lp.

Summer: How did that happen?

Theo: Um, I attempted an end run around mariah and devon, and, well, let's just say he didn't appreciate it very much. Said something about how my talent wasn't worth putting up with my ego.

Summer: Wow, you must have really pissed him off.

Theo: Well, I took a shot, and it didn't work. Well, life goes on.

Summer: So you're okay with this?

Theo: Mm, with power and lp off my plate, the sky's the limit. I can push my other projects, set up meetings with major companies. What do I need with all this small-time crap?

Summer: [ Scoffs ] You just don't get it, do you?

Theo: What?

Summer: Devon is one of the good guys. If you can't work for him, you can't work for anybody. Get over yourself, theo.

Phyllis: If you win... I will leave, no questions asked, and you get to be spider for the rest of your life.

Adam: And if by some miracle, you win?

Phyllis: You drop the attitude, and you have a real conversation with me. I want answers. We have a bet.

Adam: We do, phyllis.

[ Clears throat ] But I got to tell you, you are a little out of your league. I watched you play last night, and I could read all your tells, you know, when you had a good hand, when you were bluffing...

Phyllis: Okay. Well, do you want to bet, or do you want to talk?

Adam: [ Clears throat ]

Phyllis: All right.

Adam: I mean, not that you don't have some skills. Why not -- instead of going to genoa city, why not move to vegas?

Phyllis: No, thanks.

Adam: Don't dismiss that idea. I could teach you a few tricks. We could live the high life here in vegas. We could take these yokels for everything they got. Doesn't that sound like a better idea than going back and hanging around people that we can stand, and they hate us right back?

Phyllis: No. I have a child in genoa city. So do you.

Adam: Mm.

Phyllis: Wow, you want to talk about tells? There was one right there. You miss connor, don't you? I'm sure he misses his daddy. Isn't that enough reason to go back to genoa city?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Summer: Theo, you are smart enough to get people to do what you want without pushing their buttons or manipulating them.

Theo: You're making a lot of assumptions about me.

Summer: I'm just trying to help you, okay? Life is not just one big reality show or a social media feed.

Theo: [ Scoffs ] That's ironic, coming from someone who jumped at the chance to become an influencer, who loves to be the center of attention.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, with everything that's been going on with my family, I've taken a look at myself and started to figure out what i need and what I want, and i realized that I need to have higher standards.

Theo: And you're suggesting i do the same.

Summer: I've seen the other side of you, theo. I know that there is a sweet, caring, sensitive guy underneath this party-boy façade that you put on. So why can't you let people see that side of you?

Theo: Thanks for the insight. You know, I don't know which i enjoyed more, the insults or the condescension.

Summer: You're taking this the wrong way.

Theo: No, I think I've got a pretty good handle on it. I'm not as evolved as you are, I don't measure up to the new-and-improved you.

Summer: Theo, you're taking this the wrong way!

Theo: You know who you're starting to remind me of? Kyle. That's not a compliment.

Adam: Nice try, phyllis.

Phyllis: Excuse me?

Adam: Using connor to try to distract me, throw me off my game.

Phyllis: That's not what i was doing. I'm just simply mentioning there's a little boy in genoa city that might miss his father.

Adam: Okay, well, connor is better off without me, and i have made peace with that. Now... are you gonna bet, or are you gonna fold?

Phyllis: You're bluffing.

Adam: It's gonna cost you everything under your chin to find out.

Phyllis: Okay. So this is it?

Adam: I'm afraid it is.

Phyllis: Call.

Adam: Mm. Thank you for stopping by, phyllis. Have a safe flight home. Full house.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Wow. Okay, I could have sworn you were bluffing.

Adam: [ Clears throat ] Okay. So, are we done here?

Phyllis: Not quite. Four of a kind. That beats a full house. I win.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Did you cheat?

Phyllis: Oh, come on, adam.

Adam: The odds against drawing four of a kind --

Phyllis: Are staggering.

Adam: Yeah.

Phyllis: Good thing I don't care about odds. All right, so... I win. You... need to tell me everything. Every question I ask, you need to answer. We're gonna start with victor.

Victoria: You and I need to have a conversation.

Victor: You made quite a statement with the gift you left me.

Victoria: Yes, that was a gesture made in the heat of the moment.

Victor: Hell of a gesture. You think differently about it now, or what?

Victoria: You're waiting for an apology, aren't you?

Victor: Yes, I am.

Victoria: After what you did to me, pushing me out of the C.E.O. Position. And I had to learn about it from a reporter...

Victor: That was very unfortunate, but what you just did... the least I can say about it is childish and petty.

Victoria: And I assume that you are hoping that I'm gonna apologize and gladly move into my old job as C.O.O., Your loyal lieutenant. That's not -- that's not happening.

Victor: You and I were a hell of a team together, you know that.

Victoria: And you think you can just push the reset button and I'm gonna fall in line? I deserve better than that from you, dad.

Victor: Are you here to negotiate?

Victoria: No. This is me telling you what i want. I'm here to lay out my terms.

Victor: I'm all ears.

Summer: Oh, hey, guys!

Lola: Hi.

Kyle: Hi, summer.

Summer: Hey. I'm just headed to jabot. It's a big day today.

Kyle: Mm, wait up, and we'll go together. I'm just dropping lola off.

Summer: Okay.

Lola: I will look at more real estate listings when the breakfast rush is over. We'll find something, I promise. And I know that you guys are swamped at jabot, and kyle is ready to jump right back into work and kick some serious butt.

Kyle: Mm.

Summer: Mm, is he now?

Lola: [ Chuckles ] But, if you wouldn't mind, can you make sure that he takes a break every once in a while?

Summer: I will try, if he'll listen.

Kyle: He'll listen.

Summer: Oh.

Lola: Okay, well, I better get back to work. Oh, um, babe, if you can wait a minute, I'll make you your favorite sandwich to go.

Kyle: Mmm.

Lola: Do you want want, too, summer?

Summer: Oh, um, yeah, sure! Thank you.

Lola: Perfect. I'll get to it.

Summer: Okay. Well, that was sweet. What lola said.

Kyle: She takes care of me.

Summer: Somebody has to. So, you're taking no prisoners at jabot, huh? Somebody did a 180 since yesterday.

Kyle: Yeah, let's just say i figured a few things out.

Summer: You're in charge. I can feel it.

Kyle: Mm.

Summer: It's good. It suits you.

Kyle: Thanks. I do know what I want. I just don't think it's going to be as easy a landing as lola does.

Phyllis: Why did victor let you go?

Adam: You would have to ask him.

Phyllis: No, I'm asking you. That's our bet. You promised you would answer every question I had of you, and you would tell the truth.

Adam: Uh, why did pops let me go? Because... I learned he faked his death on my own.

Phyllis: How did you do that?

Adam: What different does it make? I figured it out. So I paid him a visit, we talked, it got ugly, it got heated... but, in the end, it is what we needed. We both needed.

Phyllis: What did you both need?

Adam: Closure. I acknowledged and apologized for my behavior, and I hoped that he could forgive me someday.

Phyllis: That was it?

Adam: [ Sighs ] Look, I am giving you the condensed version because I'm absolutely exhausted, phyllis. But, yes, I told him that I was leaving genoa city for good, and he allowed me to go on my way.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. That was genius. Wow. You played on his sympathy.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Mea culpa. And you knew he would let you go because he always does, and you set him up perfectly.

Adam: Set him for what, phyllis?

Phyllis: Oh, don't play stupid with me. I know exactly what you did. You played on his defenses. His defenses are lowered now, adam, and you know it. You are just waiting so you can swoop in and rip away newman enterprises and destroy it. And let me tell you something... I support that. And I am here to help you in any way I can.

Adam: [ Scoffs ]

Victor: Okay, I'm listening.

Victoria: You built this company. You have sustained it through so many challenges. You've brought it back from the brink countless times. And I've watched you, and I've learned, and I have tried to emulate you as best as I can. You were my hero. You still are my hero.

Victor: I find that very hard to believe at the moment.

Victoria: But it's true. And you know what else is true? Even heroes -- even the greatest men and women, even victor newman, come to a point in their life, in their career, when they have to take a step back, and they have to hand it over to the next generation.

Victor: I've done that, in almost every respect with you.

Victoria: Yes, I know. You've willingly given me everything that I want, except for the one thing that matters the most. That chair.

Victor: I'm not ready to step down.

Victoria: But I am ready. I am ready to be the permanent C.E.O. And I have been for a long time. Dad, I have poured my heart and my soul into you and into this company. I went to jail to protect your plan. And my reward, my pat on the head was to be shunted aside, without any warning? To ask to behave like the good and adoring daughter, like I always am. That ends now. You have made the wrong call for yourself and for the company. Your health should be your first priority. You're still suffering from a serious illness. And I know that you've made peace with adam, but I think his betrayal has taken its toll on you. I see that. Mom sees that. Everyone sees that, except for you. And you do what you always do. When you feel like you're losing control of something, you cling on to the one thing that feels safe to you, the company.

Victor: Listen, if I wanted to be psychoanalyzed, I would call a shrink.

Victoria: I belong in that chair. I should lead newman into the future, and if you refuse to acknowledge that, then consider our relationship over.

Victor: I see.

Victoria: And, fair warning, dad. If I walk out of that door empty-handed, I am gonna focus all of my energy in starting my own business. It's not gonna be like nicholas at dark horse. I'm not gonna steal your business from the shadows. I'm telling you right here and now, I'm gonna come after you with everything that I've got. Because I am your daughter. I inherited your drive and your determination, and I might have even inherited a little bit of your ruthlessness. So, I promise you, you're gonna spend every minute of every day fighting me, and you're gonna lose. Those are my terms. Take it or leave it.

Summer: You know, what lola said was spot-on. Billy does not see you as a threat right now. So you got to go along with everything, slow play it all, until he makes a mistake, which he will because he always does.

Kyle: Well, now that I have two smart women giving me advice, how can I lose?

Summer: Well, I got some more advice for ya. You got to live your life. Go find your dream home with lola. Don't get so caught up in this company or the competition that you forget what really matters. I did, and I've been paying for it ever since, and you don't have to. Understand?

Kyle: Yes, I do, and thank you. Hey, summer!

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Your sandwich.

Adam: Nice scenario, phyllis, but I am out of the revenge business.

Phyllis: The hell you are.

Adam: [ Sighs deeply ] I told you. Again and again and again. I don't care about my father's business. Okay? Let it nourish him, let it smother him, I don't care.

Phyllis: The smothering part is what I'm interested in.

Adam: Sounds like your problem, not mine.

Phyllis: So do you mean to tell me that it doesn't bother you at all that your father faked his death, put you through hell, gave a press conference and said, "I'm just kidding." None of that bothers you? You don't want payback?

Adam: No, it sounds like you have never gotten over your anger. And you've never gotten over what victor has done to you. It still hurts, and it still burns.

Phyllis: You don't care at all.

Adam: He's not my problem anymore.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Phyllis: Well, this is interesting.

Victor: So this is it, then? I either acquiesce and name you C.E.O. Of newman enterprises, or I lose you. My daughter. Perhaps forever.

Victoria: I don't see it any other way, do you?

Victor: It's a hell of a quandary...

[ Sighs ] Giving up running this company, my company... ...or losing you.

Victoria: I didn't want it to come to this, but... it has. And unless you can show me the respect that I deserve and the respect that I have earned... you and I have nothing left to say to each other.

Victor: [ Sighs ] I see. You fight for what you believe in. You fight for what you want. You laid down your terms. And you don't back up. You're my daughter. You're your father's daughter. And I'm proud of you.

Victoria: But that's not why we're here, dad. You haven't answered my question.

Victor: This is yours.

Victoria: What?

Victor: I accept your terms. This is yours.

Victoria: Do you mean this?

Victor: With all my heart.

Victoria: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for entrusting me with your legacy. This places means so much to me. It's a part of me, just like it's a part of you. And I promise you -- I promise you, it will continue to thrive, dad. I won't let you down I won't let you down, and I'm always gonna come to you for advice. All the time.

Victor: I know you will. You are your father's daughter. You're tough.

Victoria: Yes.

Victor: And you come to me for advice any time you want to.

Victor: [ Sniffles ]

Victor: But I trust you. I love you.

Victoria: I love you.

Victor: And I now hand over the reins to this company... to you.

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