Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/8/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/8/19


Episode #11718 ~ Phyllis gets the last laugh, Amanda faces a tough critic, and Billy and Kyle fight for the corner office.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on  "the young and the restless"...

Nikki: You want to go back to work?

Victoria: Dad --

Victor: You were a great C.E.O.

Victoria: I am a great C.E.O., And I do not deserve to be demoted on a whim. You're not getting away with it this time, dad.

Jack: I want you both to run jabot together.

Theo: Oh. Look what I, heh, made you do.

Phyllis: How about chief executive in charge of security. Has a nice ring to it. Here's to the beginning of a beautiful partnership.

Phyllis: I mean, of course, the key benefit is the protection against ransomware attacks, which apparently have risen about 200% for businesses like ours. And that's the ones we know about. I'm sure there are more. So...

Abby: This hotel is brand-new. As is all the software. Why are we already talking about enhancing security?

Phyllis: W-well, because the threats are rising, like I -- we have to be a step ahead of the bad guys.

Abby: Also, why are you floating the idea of keyless entry? You were fine with key cards when you were personally supervising the building of this place.

Phyllis: What are you implying?

Abby: I'm not implying anything. I'm telling you -- I don't trust you. And I can't take anything you say at face value. And, quite frankly, I'm not comfortable with any of this.

Phyllis: Well, I'm very comfortable with you being uncomfortable.

Victoria: [ Knocks softly ]

[ Sighs ] Good. You're here.

Billy: Hey. Sorry I had to jam out on nick's event. But I got to say, they're doing great work for new hope.

Victoria: [ Exhales deeply ] You know, I went along with everything that he asked, just as I always do. Heh. I spent a night in jail. I even allowed the public to put a target on my back. No one has been as loyal or worked as hard or cared as much about that company as I have.

Billy: Slow down. Slow down. What happened?

Victoria: I knew he was gonna come back when he was ready, but I assumed that, when the time came, he would have the decency to discuss it with me first.

Billy: Victor's stepping back in as C.E.O.

Victoria: Well, you wouldn't guess how I found it out. A reporter asked me to comment on the rumor.

Billy: Oh, vick.

Victoria: Caught me off guard. It was really classy of him, wasn't it?

Billy: I'm sorry. I'm sure that must have hurt. I just don't understand what his problem is. I really don'T.

Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Who knows why my father does the things that he does?

Billy: So, what does that mean for you now?

Victoria: [ Exclaims ] I didn't stick around long enough to find out. I just had to get out of there and regroup. I didn't want to say anything that I would regret.

Billy: Good. You did the right thing. You have a lot to think about. And at the end of the day, I'm sure that you are gonna come to the same conclusion I have.

Victoria: Which is what?

Billy: Resign from newman. Come and work for us here at jabot.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Devon.

Devon: Theo. Hey, man. Have a seat.

Theo: Hey. Thanks for making the time to meet with me.

Devon: Absolutely. Said you wanted to, uh, discuss power communications.

Theo: Oh, the division poised for major growth.

Devon: That's -- that's always great to hear. I've had a lot on my plate recently, so I haven't been able to be as hands-on as I'd like.

Theo: Well, I've been making connections, building relationships. That's what it's all about. That's how you bring a new level of clientele. You know, you understand.

Devon: Of course I do.

Theo: Uh, if I may be candid for a moment...

Devon: Please.

Theo: I'd like to paint a clear picture of the upside potential I see -- and some of the obstacles.

[ Sighs ] A big part of my role coming in was to help mariah succeed. Now, that's been going okay. For the most part. Uh, she's great. I mean, a real kick in the pants. Feisty, you know?

Devon: Yeah.

Theo: And we've worked out a lot of the early kinks. But... well, prime example -- I've made inroads with several young actors who are about to break out. You know, laid the groundwork to add them to power's roster. Then mariah ignored my advice and jumped the gun on social media.

Devon: Mm.

Theo: Ticking off some of the key people on their management team.

Devon: Okay. Go on.

Theo: There is a clear, distinct protocol. You know, a right and a wrong way to approach these things. You know, managers and agents and their egos. You know from the music side how that goes.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Theo: They take a lot of courting, a lot of finessing. I tried to make that clear to mariah. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised I even needed to, but... hey, whatever. You know, it's done. No point in rehashing it.

Devon: Mm. But there are steps that we can take to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Theo: Oh, we absolutely can.

Jack: Hey, there, summer.

Summer: Hi.

Kyle: How's it going?

Summer: Um, it's, uh... you know. Heh.

Jack: Still shaken up a bit, I'm sure.

Kyle: Yeah, after what your granddad and the rest of the newmans put you through.

Summer: Yeah. Yeah. Uh... what can I say? It's victor's world, and we're just living in it. Heh. Uh, it just looks like you guys are headed to a meeting, so I'll just go.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Jack: Oh, forgive me. I got to take this.

Kyle: Yeah.

Jack: Jack here.

Kyle: Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

Summer: Yeah. What's up?

Kyle: Why don't we meet at the grand phoenix later? Maybe grab a drink and catch up on things?

Summer: Yeah. That sounds like a plan. All right. Now go be a kick-ass executive, and show them that you deserve to be running this place for real. Okay?

Victoria: You just said that I need to think things through and not make any rash decisions.

Billy: I did. But my gut is telling me that you don't need to be at newman anymore.

Victoria: Well, that gut of you has gotten you into some pretty big jams.

Billy: Not this time.

Jack: Yeah, exactly. Victoria! I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Victoria: Well, today is just full of surprises.

Kyle: You still available to meet about jabot collective?

Billy: Actually, I have a new agenda -- to convince victoria to join our executive team here at jabot.

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Kyle: I thought victor took a step back on account of his illness. Is he suddenly cured?

Victoria: He claimed he's feeling better.

Jack: Last I talked to victor at any length -- this was before the whole adam nightmare -- he talked like a man who had come to peace with where he was in his life. He was content to turn things over to the next generation, confident he was leaving the company in the best of hands.

Victoria: It was.

Billy: Damn straight it was.

Victoria: Look, I always realized that dad would return to work once his health stabilized. I just assumed that I would be consulted.

Billy: Look, let's just say it like it is, okay -- victor doesn't accept the fact that anybody else can run his company the way he does, let alone better.

Kyle: Well, what if the day comes when he has no choice? I mean, victor has spent his whole life in control. Sure, it's gonna be hard for him to relinquish it. But if he's not the same man he was, or if his condition takes a turn for the worse, don't you want to be there to help him face it as gracefully as possible, spare him any embarrassment?

Billy: So, what's she supposed to do? Stay at newman, twiddle her thumbs until the company needs its butt saved again? No. And victor? You don't owe him anything. And he is not gonna retire.

Jack: I'm inclined to agree with billy. Victor is a man with a will of iron. If he intends to do this, why should victoria spend the best years of her career in a holding pattern?

Victoria: Just so you know, coming to jabot was not my idea. It was billy'S.

Billy: And one of my best in a long time. And, look, victor has made it nearly impossible for victoria to stay on. Newman's loss is jabot's great gain.

Abby: Thanks.

Phyllis: Okay. So, my only "motive" is creating a seamless travel experience for our guest. I mean, what are you implying, that I'm getting some kickback from our security upgrades?

Abby: Well, it wouldn't be the first time you played me. Opening night...

Phyllis: Here we go. Mmkay.

Abby: ...When you parlayed the information that you learned about zoe drugging the sangria, and you turned it into a 25% stake in this hotel.

Phyllis: Yeah, you should be happy I did. That would have been a P.R. Disaster for this hotel. I saved your entitled butt.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Yeah. Yeah, you are such a hero.

Phyllis: Okay, abby, listen. You don't have to like me. That's not the condition of our arrangement. If you don't like me, too bad. You're gonna have to suck it up and deal with me.

Abby: Just you? Or you and adam?

Theo: This is a business where things happen fast.

Devon: Right.

Theo: Mariah can't keep up. She doesn't have the instincts yet.

Devon: Well, theo, she had the instinct to keep you around 'cause of your talent.

Theo: She knew she could benefit from my expertise.

Devon: Yeah. Even though she also knew that you were out for her job and ready to stab her in the back. And I warned you about this last time you tried to pull it. I'm not gonna stand for it.

Theo: Okay, I-I just want to see power communication grow and thrive. To expand the business in a competitive market.

Devon: Right. But I'm very satisfied already with the way mariah's running the business. And I want her to be able to focus on the work, knowing that her people are behind her. So, with that being said, you're out.

Phyllis: Suppose we get back to my proposal.

Abby: Suppose you answer my question.

Phyllis: What does adam have to do with my being the head of hotel security?

Abby: The mere fact that you are even friends with that guy. He tried to kill my father, and he got away with it. And now he is out there somewhere, I'm sure, plotting ways to come at me and my family. Meanwhile, you're living in his penthouse, and you are enjoying the hell out of all of the chaos this has created. Well, let me tell you something -- I am not gonna stand by and let you two screw me over.

Phyllis: If I wanted to screw you over, it definitely wouldn't be by making a few bucks out of our hotel-security upgrades. You'd never see it coming.

Abby: I'll take that as a threat.

Phyllis: You take it however you want.

Abby: I'm warning you, phyllis. Do not underestimate me.

Phyllis: Wow! Abby, I really wish that you were enough of a challenge to justify this conversation we're having.

[ Chuckles ] Really. Adam is out of your league.

Abby: People capable of murder? That league?

Phyllis: Your brother and I, we deal on a whole different level. It's like we're paying 3d chess when all you lightweights are playing checkers.

Abby: If this is all so boring to you, maybe you should have just left town with him.

Phyllis: You're gonna have to deal with me. You're gonna have to suck it up. Sorry. I'm gonna tell the security folks that we're moving ahead.

Phyllis: Hello. I'm phyllis summers. I wanted the honors.

Amanda: Amanda sinclair.

Phyllis: Yes. I've heard a lot about you.

Amanda: Mm.

Phyllis: So, how's your stay?

Amanda: Well, so far, it's lovely.

Phyllis: Great, great. You have everything you need?

Amanda: Yes. It's a very well-appointed hotel.

Phyllis: Good to know. What's your favorite amenity?

Amanda: Well, I would have to say the dedicated makeup area in the dressing rooms.

Phyllis: Yes, yes. I like that, too. Because no woman wants to put on their eyeshadow in a steamy bathroom.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Yes, you can definitely tell that those suites were designed by a woman, that's for sure.

Phyllis: Yes, yes. This woman, thank you very much.

Amanda: Oh, wow. Great job. Kudos.

Phyllis: Thank you. Um... I understand that you've been working with chance chancellor.

Theo: Devon, come on. Uh, this is how mariah and I operate. Friendly competition. We push each other. You know, it's the kind of energy that makes stuff happen. When you talk to her about this, she'll tell you.

Devon: No, I just told you how it's gonna be.

Theo: But mariah runs power. Isn't it up to her?

Devon: It's not, actually, because I own the company. So, after I tell her about this discussion, I'm pretty sure she's gonna agree with my decision.

Theo: Oh, I-I get it. You want to give mariah a chance to do this on her own. Sink or swim. You know, it'll give me more time to focus on my work with lp.

Devon: Okay. You're not getting it, theo. Um... you -- you have an interesting skill set. You have some good experience, and you have a fair amount of talent. And I really thought I was making a good decision when i brought you in to supervise ana. But it turns out I was wrong, because your ego and your ambition have become serious liabilities.

Theo: Okay, if -- if I could just --

Devon: No. Theo -- theo. You no longer work for lp, either. Okay? You're no longer employed by any division of hamilton-winters in any capacity. You understand that?

Jack: Billy, you and kyle are in charge here. I don't need to weigh in on staffing decisions.

Billy: We're talking about the "c" suite, jack.

Jack: Duly noted. And if either of you decides to jump ship, yes, I would like some say in your replacement. But this is different. If you want to hire victoria or warren buffett or the man in the moon, you'll get no objection from me. So, I will leave this in your capable hands. Good to see you, victoria.

Victoria: Billy, I appreciate your support, but I'm still trying to process my dad's decision to return to work, along with all of the other things that have happened over the past few weeks. And, yes, my feelings are bruised, but I'm not going to make an impulsive move.

Billy: You know he's never gonna respect you the way you deserve.

Victoria: Thank you. Thank you for your faith in me. But I can't talk about this right now.

Billy: What?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Bringing victoria into upper management is not --

Billy: She'll say yes. And when she does, it'll be a game changer.

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Billy: Tell me why you wouldn't want to bring someone of victoria's caliber onto our team?

Kyle: In what capacity?

Billy: She just finished running a multi-national company 10 times the size of jabot.

Kyle: Not this one.

Billy: Okay. Her skill, her leadership, her management skills, not to mention her innovation --

Kyle: Let's get something straight -- you're not my boss, which means you don't get to make unilateral decisions. We're equals, billy. That means we run things by each other.

Billy: There is not a company out there that wouldn't hire victoria. I had to act fast.

Kyle: Don't lie to make a point. Victoria just said she's not ready to even think about moving in --

Billy: Whatever position we put her in, she'll be brilliant. I can see her, on day one, making big changes in our new corporate direction.

Kyle: Wha-- th-that's my area. The work I've been doing to keep jabot relevant with the younger demographic.

Billy: It's been great. Nobody's taking away the work that you've done for jcv.

Kyle: Do not marginalize the work I've brought to this company. I've been working for jabot long before I returned to genoa city.

Billy: At a satellite office, straight out of school, learning the ropes.

Kyle: Fresh out of harvard. At an office in manhattan, the epicenter of fashion in this hemisphere.

Billy: Yes, and I have been here, at the worldwide headquarters, sitting at this very desk [Raps desk] Addressing the big picture.

Kyle: Right. Uh, right. You spent a few months as C.E.O. Until you embezzled from the company to cover your gambling losses. Also, the last time I checked, your board seat and mine come with one vote apiece. So don't pull rank. Cut it out.

Billy: Kyle, you're an up-and-comer. And I'm really excited about you. Where you go from here -- entirely up to you. So keep working. Sky's the limit, kid.

Kyle: Don't you ever call me that again.

Billy: What? Up-and-comer? Would you prefer go-getter? Maybe eager beaver?

[ Cellphone rings ] I got to take this. Kyle. Good talk. Carl, hey. It's billy. Yeah, thanks for getting back to me. And close the door on your way out, please. Yeah, I just wanted to touch base on that deal memo.

Theo: Guess who's back?

Lola: Theo! Wow. Don't sneak up on me like that.

Theo: Well, I didn't see any knives in your hand this time.

Lola: Oh, okay. So you thought you were safe. Hmm. You know, coming back to the scene of...

Theo: Yeah.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] I have never seen anyone hit the deck that hard over the sight of just a little bit of blood.

Theo: [ Shudders ]

Lola: Oh, whoops. Does the word do it to you, too?

Theo: Hey, you said you'd keep my secret.

Lola: You understand my dilemma, though. Ooh! After all, you are someone whose livelihood depends on clicks and followers online. Social media is kind of made for those moments.

Theo: Thrives on it. Schaden-- whatever.

Lola: "Freude." The word is schadenfreude. Taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune. Wow, theo. Can you imagine the memes?

Theo: [ Snorts ]

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: Fortunately for me, you're a good person. You know, I -- I actually don't know too many of those. People who would refrain from posting something humiliating, like me fainting dead away. Yeah. An image like that would go viral in no time. You know, generate thousands of hits. Launch a million hilarious memes. Immortalized on the web as a giant baby over a little blood. You know, you're probably the only decent --

Lola: [ Chops ]

Theo: Uh...the only, uh... k-kind, uh... [ Gags ] The on--

Lola: [ Laughs ]

Theo: I take it all back! You, lola rosales abbott, are a rotten human being.

[ Laughs ]

Abby: Hi.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Hi.

Abby: Meeting someone?

Summer: Yep.

Abby: It would have been nice if you had come by the ranch last night.

Summer: I'm sorry. It's gonna take me a minute to get over being lied to.

Abby: [ Sighs ] Look, how many time do we have to say this? It was for my father's protection.

Summer: You let me think that my grandfather was dead. All of you did.

Abby: [ Sighs ] And I'm sorry. But he's alive, so -- so why can't we just be happy about that?

Summer: I am happy, abby. But stop acting like I need to just get over it. If you were in my place, we'd have to listen to you whine for months about how you're always kept out of the loop, and always the last to know anything.

Abby: Devon, hi!

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Oh!

Devon: How you doing?

Abby: My family and I, we owe you the biggest apology. I am so sorry. And I'm not even gonna try to explain why we felt the need to lie to the public about my father dying.

Devon: Abby -- abby, you don't have to apologize, really. I'm not mad at you. Knowing victor, I assume you didn't have much of a choice.

Abby: I-I just keep thinking about how it must have felt. I mean, losing neil so recently.

Devon: Yeah. And hilary. It's -- it's -- they're all difficult memories. But I'll get past it with some time and distance.

[ Murmurs ]

Amanda: I'm not sure where you're getting your information.

Phyllis: Well, it's a small town. Word travels. Chancend I used to be friends. And, um, I'd like to get in touch with him. I lost his contact information.

Amanda: Well, if you're friends, I would suspect that you have other, more personal avenues to get that information.

Phyllis: Strangely enough, I do not.

Amanda: I can't be too careful.

Phyllis: Nope. You can'T.

Amanda: [ Sighs ] I am not up for another argument.

Devon: Neither am I. The other day, when I invited you out, I just wanted to have a civil conversation.

Amanda: And now I wonder why. What was it that you thought would come of it?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Theo: Oh, thank you. I needed that.

Lola: A stomach lurch?

Theo: Uh, a good laugh. Another opportunity to look ridiculous. You know, it keeps me humble.

Lola: Wait. I-I'm sorry. You? Humble? Wow, that'll be the day.

Theo: I'm good at pretending like I've got it all together. That nothing phases me. Clearly not the case.

Lola: Oh, yeah, no. Clearly.

[ Chuckles ]

Theo: Another one of my secrets.

Lola: You have so many secrets, theo. How do you keep them all straight?

Theo: Not easy being me. No, I spend so much of my time building my brand, maintaining a certain image, you know, I rarely ever just hang out like this. Laugh. I had in my head a whole idea of who you were.

Lola: The total buzzkill. The enemy of the fun.

Theo: Oh, I can admit when I'm wrong. But now I know a secret of yours, too. I've glimpsed your little evil streak.

Lola: [ Clicks tongue ] Hardly evil.

Theo: Oh, pranking me? That was definitely "shunder-frooda."

Lola: Uh...

Theo: Schaden-fort-knee? Schutti-frutti? Schanden-sprieken-zie

[Speaking gibberish]

Lola: Please stop. You're killing me.

Theo: Man, I wish I met you before kyle did. Uh... all I meant was --

Lola: I know what you meant.

Theo: We were having a nice conversation.

Lola: You were working me, theo.

Theo: No. [ Stammers ]

Lola: I told you that I would help you with kyle when the moment was right, but you just seem to push things a little too far.

Theo: It's not easy being as perfect as you are. Look -- lola, please, don't go. I'm sorry, okay?

[ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ]

Summer: And then abby was all, "who cares if we lied? Get over it." I ju-- I cannot with her. Like, my feelings don't matter just because grandpa's alive now?

Kyle: Mm. Back to business as usual.

Summer: Ugh.

Kyle: Literally.

Summer: Why? What does that mean? What don't I know?

Kyle: Mm... guess you'll hear about it all over the news soon enough. C.E.O. Position at newman. Victoria's out. Victor's back in.

Summer: Already? Wow. That's a -- pfft. That's a shock.

Kyle: Know how she found out?

Summer: Huh?

Kyle: From a reporter wanting a comment.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Wow. That's, um... that's pretty cold.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Even for victor.

Summer: I'm not happy with victoria right now, but I still would never wish that on her.

Kyle: Then, to make matters worse, billy immediately tried to hire her away from newman.

Summer: What?

Kyle: He obviously wants them to run jabot together.

Summer: Okay, well, he can't do that. Jack just put you and billy in charge.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. And he left it up to us to decide about victoria.

Summer: Wait. What happened?

Kyle: Mm. She told billy she wasn't ready to make a decision about her future. But he thinks I'm a neophyte next to her. He'd love to give her my job and have me twiddle my thumbs somewhere.

Summer: Well, he can't do that. Jack will not let him just push you out like that.

Kyle: If billy goes behind my back, who knows what could happen? He was acting all snide and superior. He even called me "kid."

Summer: Oh, my god. I hate when people do that. It is so obnoxious.

Kyle: If victoria leaves newman, I don't know what that means. For you or me.

Summer: You have to talk to your dad. You have to remind him all that you've done for the company. Kyle, you've worked your booty off. And you've put it on display to even sell suntan lotion.

Kyle: [ Chuckles softly ] Worked pretty well, too.

Summer: It was a memorable booty, I will say. You know this company. Victoria does not. You are ready for this, kyle.

Kyle: Billy messed up royally when he was in charge. He's shown unbelievably bad judgment.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: And still, I can tell my dad thinks he's the better executive, which pisses me off.

[ Scoffs ]

Summer: When is jack going to realize that you are just as capable as billy, but without all the issues?

Kyle: Who knows? Maybe he never will.

Summer: It's kind of like me feeling like an outsider. You know, will my family ever trust me?

Kyle: You deserve better, summer.

Summer: You're right. So do you.

Devon: I was just trying to let you know what you've gotten yourself into, that's all.

Amanda: That's not why you shared with me how wonderful your wife was. Why everyone loved her so much. You told me that touching story so that I would let my guard down, admit who knows what, and give you some kind of ammunition.

Devon: Oh, okay. So, ammunition. Well, you know, you have no actual legal documents, and you've never even seen your client, so you have nothing. Literally nothing at all. And I'm just trying to find out what you're really after.

Amanda: You want to hold onto that money that badly? Enough to use your dead wife's memory?

Devon: I'm a reasonable man. But I do have limits.

Phyllis: That's great. All right. Thank you very much.

Amanda: I'm sorry. You know, about earlier. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Phyllis: Oh, that's okay. You don't know me. I figured it was worth a shot.

Amanda: And, um, thank you for not going on about my resemblance to hilary like everyone else. It's getting a little tedious.

Phyllis: It's not my style.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I prefer to do the last thing anyone expects.

Theo: [ Sighs ] Hey. What's going on?

Abby: Theo, hey. What can I do for you?

Theo: Have you seen summer? She said she was meeting kyle.

Abby: Summer left a while ago.

Theo: Oh. Um... how'd she seem?

Abby: Oh, like her usual, snarky self. Gave me attitude and then walked out.

Theo: Uh, any idea where she was --

[ Cellphone rings ]

Abby: I'm sorry. Um... hello? Thank you. Okay, bye.

Nate: Abby, hey. Got a sec?

Abby: Nate, hey! Oh! I am so glad to see you. Everyone has been so hostile today. It's nice to see a friendly face.

Nate: Yeah, my, uh, day has been pretty troubling, as well.

Abby: You know, everyone keeps dumping on me because my father is alive. Can you believe it? I mean, what is wrong with people?

Nate: Faking a family member's death may seem normal to the newmans, but for the rest of us --

Abby: Wait. "Us"? No, you -- you were a part of this.

Nate: No, I was willing to go against my ethics to save a patient's life. That's how it was presented to me. That's how victor convinced me to go along with it.

Abby: Oh, and suddenly you sound so judgmental.

Nate: Because he never felt adam was a real threat. Because it was just a game between the two of them. Because I have principles.

Abby: Oh. Oh, and I don't?

Nate: [ Stammers ]

Abby: You know what, don't answer that. Yeah, I wouldn't want you to compromise your principles any further. So why don't you just leave before I drag you down even more?

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Theo: The stuff your boyfriend was saying -- uh, i couldn't hear him, but it seemed pretty harsh.

Abby: Unbelievable.

Theo: You want to talk about it?

Summer: I do not care what billy says. You have nothing to be insecure about. You are super gifted, kyle.

Kyle: Back at you. But will we ever get to dazzle the business world before we're, like, old and decrepit?

Summer: Heh. Who knows? You know, I kind of hope that billy succeeds in getting victoria over to jabot. That way, when they fall flat on their smug faces, they will realize how indispensable you are.

Kyle: Well, I couldn't have done a tenth of what I have without you.

Summer: It's like I keep telling you, we --

Kyle: Make a great team.

Summer: Looks like you're just gonna have to take me on your meteoric ride to the top.

Kyle: Try and stop me. I...better get going. Lola's gonna --

Summer: Yep. Thank you for this.

Kyle: You, too.

Billy: I'm sorry to put you on the spot with jack.

Victoria: You're forgiven.

Billy: It's just, I know what a huge asset you would be for us at jabot. And you'd have your freedom. Nobody holding you back. And, if you haven't figured it out yet, I would really love to work with you again.

Victoria: I know.

Billy: But I have the feeling you don't feel the same way.

Victoria: I want to be completely honest with you.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: And with myself. When I had to hear from someone else about dad taking his job back because he didn't come to me first, it -- it threw me.

Billy: I could tell.

Victoria: It just brought up all of this old stuff about dad not valuing me as much as my brothers, and not respecting my accomplishments.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: You make working at jabot sound very attractive. Like a dream situation.

Billy: It would be.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] But I have to -- I have to say, I love your enthusiasm, but I just can't get caught up in it.

Billy: Not in the right head space to make a life-altering decision.

Victoria: You were listening. That's awesome.

Billy: I'll put the lid on the pitches. For now.

Victoria: I'd appreciate it.

Billy: And I will be here for you, supporting you, loving you, whatever decision you make.

Victoria: Thank you.

Kyle: Hey, babe.

Lola: Perfect timing.

Kyle: Mm.

Lola: I'm about to wrap up. How was your day?

Kyle: Eh, we'll talk. But I need to do this first. Whatever happens with the job or anything else, I can handle it. As long as I have this.

Theo: Why don't we grab a drink? You can take a little break. I'm happy to just listen to you vent.

Abby: Honestly, theo, you're the last person I would want to do that with.

Nate: They teach you that at yale, too?

Amanda: Excuse me?

Nate: Digging into the opposition. Making it personal.

Amanda: For the record, devon approached me.

He made it personal. One of the first things that you learn as a lawyer -- it's not a popularity contest. It's a job. Just like your job is to heal people. Except I guess in your case, "first, do no harm" turned into "lie to the public and throw your reputation out the window." I'm sorry. Did I just draw my own conclusion and then attack you based on those conclusions? Oh.

Phyllis: Deal me in.

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