Y&R Transcript Monday 10/7/19

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/7/19


Episode #11717 ~ Victor makes amends, Nick plans for a fresh start, and Jack and Traci revisit history.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: The most important thing we can have and give is love. And hope.

Devon: Where do I sign up for it?

Jack: I want to write down the story of our family, and i need your help to write it.

Chelsea: What I will never understand is how you could do this to connor. You let this charade continue, and what is worse is you actually encouraged me to tell connor that victor had died. How could you do that?

Victoria: People are not 100% sure that this threat against dad's life is over. I'm very concerned that this company is in big trouble.

Nikki: Honey, you will find a way out of it, you always do. I have complete confidence in you.

Nick: Adam was a real threat to your grandfather, to everyone in this entire family.

Summer: Yeah, including me! I should have known what was going on! You treated me like I was an outsider, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive that.

Traci: You know, for somebody who has never written a book before, you certainly have grasped the most important concept, and that is coffee.

Jack: The most important part is teaming up with a world-class writer. Thank you again for agreeing to write the family story with me.

Traci: Mwah!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Jack: Oh! I'll get that. I got it, mrs. Martinez!

Jack: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Jack: You okay?

Summer: Um, I'm actually the opposite of okay. You remember when everyone thought that my grandpa was dead, and I was consumed with grief, and you told me that i can lean on you for anything? Well, I was hoping that that offer still stands, even though my good ol' gramps is still alive.

Jack: Of course the offer still stands. Get in here.

Victoria: I assure you that i have a very firm grip on the reins of newman enterprises. This company was running smoothly before people believed my father was dead, and it's running just as smoothly now. No, our project will not be affected by the latest news, so this is not the time to jump ship. Great. Great, thank you. You have made the best decision.

[ Sighs ]

Billy: That smile makes me smile.

Victoria: [ Laughs ] Well, i salvaged a contract with one of our real estate developers.

Billy: That's my girl. Turning things around already.

Victoria: Well, it's just one small project, but there were several other bigger contracts that were lost after my dad's press conference.

Billy: Hey, you're righting the ship, and your father should be bending over backwards to thank you.

Victoria: Well, I am not gonna hold my breath waiting for that, but it does make me realize that I still got it.

Billy: Oh, you still got it.

Victoria: [ Giggles ]

Nikki: Was that nate I just saw drive away?

Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. Just gave me a physical.

Nikki: Oh, I thought he did your vitals last night. Are you not feeling well?

Victoria: No, baby, I'm feeling great, you know. In fact, I'm feeling better ever since I've been taking the right dosage of medication.

Nikki: Well, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling well, darling, but we still have a long road ahead.

Victoria: Oh, don't I know it, all right? I mean, don't I look 100%? If not -- if you see some strain in my face, I think it has to do with the fact that we have a lot of turmoil around here the past few days, you know?

Nikki: And that's understandable. The children are upset. The grandchildren are struggling with the way we handled things.

Victor: I know, I know, I know. That is why it is time to make a bold move, you know? That's why nate gave me a physical, to make sure that I'm up to it.

Nikki: Up to what?

Devon: Hey, honey.

Elena: Hey.

Devon: How you doing?

Elena: Good.

Devon: Long night?

Elena: No. Actually, it was a pretty quiet night. How was yours?

Devon: I, uh... I was hoping I'd hear something from cane about chance by now, but...

Elena: Babe. I know resolving this will situation is your top priority, but this is important, too -- the ribbon-cutting of the new hope building will be a nice break after a hard couple of days.

Devon: I know. I know that. I'm just frustrated still from how everything went with amanda yesterday because I really thought I was getting through to her, but she refuses to even consider the possibility that her client isn't on the up-and-up.

Elena: Well, there's nothing you can do about it now. So maybe you should try to ease your mind and focus on today's celebration.

Devon: I do know you're right.

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: We both could use a break from the stress. We're not the only ones, either.

Nick: Hey. You should start getting ready. The new hope event starts pretty soon.

Chelsea: I know. I'm not going.

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Chelsea: I know you're counting on me going to the building dedication, but... I think I need to keep connor home from school today, spend some time with him.

Nick: Yeah, okay.

Chelsea: He's not doing well, nick. He's worse than yesterday. He's hurt and angry and barely speaking to me. I need to find a way to get through to him, channel all of my energy on making sure my son is okay, and that doesn't leave a lot of room for anything else.

Nick: It's probably the right thing to do. Um... if it helps, and if you want me to, I'm willing to skip the event today and stay home with you guys.

Chelsea: No. No, you have to be there. You worked really hard on this project. You should celebrate your accomplishment. I've got it covered.

Nick: All right. Look, uh... I know you're worried about connor, and I am, too. And I know I'm the cause of his pain. So if it'll make things easier, I don't have to be around here today at all.

Chelsea: That's probably what's best.

Nick: All right. I just don't want you to have to deal with this alone.

Chelsea: I'm his mother. It's my job.

Nick: I know, but I was thinking, it might be helpful to talk to someone who's not as intimately involved in the situation and who has experience dealing with these kinds of things.

Chelsea: Who?

Nick: Sharon.

Nikki: You want to go back to work?

Victor: Yes, my sweetheart. You know, the disease may have taken a lot out of me, but i must tell you that, mentally, i feel sharper than ever.

Nikki: Well, that's wonderful, but --

Victor: I mean, what a better way to restore a sense of normalcy in our family than for me to take back the helm of the company?

Nikki: Darling, if you're doing this to reassure the family, I would reconsider. Now, their anger about what happened with adam will dissipate in time. But you have to focus on your health. That is what is most important.

Victor: I have that under control, okay?

Nikki: Sometimes, I worry. I worry that you bend the facts to fit what you want to tell yourself.

Victor: Sweetheart, I do not suffer from illusions. I know what I'm doing, and i wouldn't do this if I didn't think I was ready for it.

Nikki: What about victoria?

Victor: Well, what about victoria? She knew that I would come back one day.

Nikki: Well, yes, in theory, but she has been a very good C.E.O. How is she gonna feel?

Victor: Well, hopefully as a valued member of team, of which I'm the captain.

Nikki: She was arrested to keep your secret from adam, and now you're gonna take her job?

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not gonna take her job, all right? I never handed over the company to her. She temporarily was the chief executive. Now she'll be chief operating officer. My right hand, all right? This is about business, not family.

Nikki: Oh, it's one and the same, and you know it.

Victor: No, it's not! I need to take care of something before nick's event, so I'll see you there. Okay?

Billy: What do you say we celebrate with a double mocha before we go to the building dedication?

Victoria: That sounds good, but then I'm gonna have to get right back to the office.

Billy: I would expect nothing less.

Victoria: There is so much damage control to do. Not that I mind. I'm up to the challenge, but... the fallout after dad's press conference made everything a disaster.

Billy: Your father is lucky to have you in charge.

Victoria: Well, thanks. I mean, we've had our tussles, but I've learned a lot from him. The most important being that when you get knocked down, you just pick yourself up, and you go back to work.

Chelsea: Sharon? Of all people.

Nick: Just hear me out. Connor's struggling, and nobody knows what he needs more than you, his mother, but it could be helpful to talk to someone who's completely objective and has studied psychology. Sharon's worked with a lot of traumatized children when she was working as a victim advocate.

Chelsea: I'm not resisting because of her qualifications, and it's not like we're sworn enemies, or anything, but still, I --

Nick: I know. I know, it could be awkward and uncomfortable. But if it helps connor, isn't it worth a shot?

Chelsea: Well, it's not just about my history with sharon. She has her complicated past with adam, who's at the core of all of this. So no. Thank you, but no, thank you. I'm his mother, I will find a way to fix this.

Nick: I get it. I understand. Obviously, your call. All right, I, uh... I should get going.

Chelsea: Well, good luck.

Nick: Thanks.

Chelsea: There's got to be someone else.

Traci: Oh, summer, I am so, so sorry for what you've been put through.

Summer: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, it's, uh -- it's been hard and surreal.

Traci: I bet. Listen, I'm gonna leave the two of you alone for a few minutes, okay?

Summer: Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Jack: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Jack: Sit down, sit down. Talk to me. Tell me what's going on.

Summer: Um... I'm just feeling really overwhelmed right now. And I've been trying to hold it together, and I was doing better earlier at work, but...

Jack: It's hard trying to hide your emotions.

Summer: Yeah.

Jack: No one would blame you for that. This is an overwhelming situation. For what it's worth, I am very angry at victor right now for putting you in this position.

Summer: This whole thing was his plan. And it's not just him that I'm mad at. Adam -- adam tried to kill him, and he just gets to split town, and now my mother is living in his penthouse. I mean, that's just -- that's just bizarre.

Jack: Phyllis never ceases to amaze me.

Summer: Jack, the entire family was in on this secret, except me. And my dad was willing to do that to me. He was willing to put me through this.

Jack: Honey, I'm sure, in their minds, they would never intentionally hurt you.

Summer: I -- I had to mourn my grandfather. I thought that I lost him. I fell apart thinking about having to go through life without him.

Jack: I know, I know. None of this is fair.

Summer: I guess nothing really should surprise me anymore with the newmans, but... they just want me to act like nothing's happened, like everything's back to normal. I just can'T.

Jack: I'm sure they'd like to be let off the hook.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Yeah, you know, grandpa got everyone together last night at the, uh -- at the ranch to clear the air, but I could-- I couldn't go.

Jack: I don't blame you one bit. I don'T. Look, in my book, you don't mess with people's emotions, people that you love. You don't do that.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Summer: You know what, i totally barged in on you. I'm sorry, I should --

Jack: No, no, no, no. You stay right here. I'm not expecting anyone. Stay. Victor! Welcome back to the land of the living.

Victor: Hello, jack.

Summer: I'm sorry, what are you doing here?

Victor: Sweetheart, you didn't come to our house last night, so I'm coming to see you.

Summer: Well, I'm not really sure that I want to speak to you right now.

Victor: Well, why don't we try to make things right?

Devon: Hey, guys. Hey!

Victoria: Hey.

Devon: Thank you for coming.

Victoria: Oh, we wouldn't miss it.

Billy: Yeah, what you and nick are doing, it's, uh, really a great thing.

Devon: Oh, well, nick's been the one who's the driving force behind making new hope relevant again, and I'm just glad he brought me on board, so...

Elena: He's being modest.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: I guess.

Nick: Hey, guys.

Devon: There he is.

Victoria: Hey! Congratulations.

Billy: Big day.

Nick: Thank you. Thank you. Uh, can I talk to you for a second?

Victoria: Sure, uh, excuse us.

Devon: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah.

Nick: I just, uh, wanted to see how you're doing after our, you know, family meeting yesterday.

Victoria: Well, I should ask you the same thing. How are chelsea and connor?

Nick: Things could be better.

Victoria: Well, we need to stay positive and hope that things will improve. Adam is out of our lives now, so things should get easier.

Nick: Well, I'm glad to be rid of him, but I'm really questioning our methods.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I know.

Nikki: Nicholas.

Nick: Hey, mom.

Nikki: I'm so proud of you.

Nick: Thanks, mom.

Nikki: I thought you'd be too busy at work to be here.

Victoria: No! I would never miss nick's big day. Where's dad?

Nikki: He's meeting me here.

Victoria: Oh. Is everything okay? I mean, is he feeling all right?

Nikki: He says he's feeling better than he has in a long time. Um, could I talk to you for a second?

Victoria: Very popular today, aren't I?

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Sure.

Nikki: Um --

Victor: Oh, but in just a minute, that's one of our partners who's threatening to sever ties, and I would love to get some face time in with him.

Nikki: Oh! Oh, of course.

Victoria: Okay, thanks, mom.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Sweetheart, I'm very sorry if I'm interrupting, but this is more important.

Summer: Uh, well, we weren't talking about work. I was actually leaning on jack because, in case you haven't noticed, things have been incredibly difficult for me lately.

Victor: Okay, and I'm very glad that you found someone to confide in.

Summer: Yeah. Me, too. Me, too, because jack's been really supportive, and he listens to me, and he actually cares about my feelings. So at least I have one person in my life like that.

Victor: Sweetheart, the last thing I want to do is hurt you now.

Summer: [ Scoffs ]

Victor: But something happened that, um... required a rather drastic response.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] You know what, just -- just forget it. Just forget it, right? Because the more that I think about it, the more that i realize that you actually did me a favor. I felt deep, intense pain when i thought that you died, and finding out that it was a lie... I think that was worse. And I really don't want to feel that way again, so I think the only solution here, right, would be to, um, trust you less and to love you less. That way, the next time that you betray me, it's not gonna hurt this bad.

[ Door opens, door closes ]

Jack: Wow. You bungled that.

Victor: Yeah.

[ Sighs ] I certainly did. But, uh, jack, unless you know the whole story, I would kindly ask you to spare me your judgment.

Chelsea: Thanks for coming on such short notice. I really appreciate it. I know it's asking a lot.

Sharon: Working with you is going to take a little getting used to.

Chelsea: I know. It's strange.

Sharon: Uh, yeah.

Chelsea: I just want to do what's right for my son.

Sharon: That's why I'm here, too. This is not about us or anything that's happened in the past.

Chelsea: No. This is about connor.

Sharon: And I only want to help.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: Like it or not, I am involved. Summer came to me for support. I am not about to butt out. Look, you're gonna have to make things right with her.

Victor: What do you think I was trying to do, jack? I let her vent her anger.

Jack: Oh, very generous of you. I think you're gonna have to do more than that. You know, when I found out -- when I thought you were dead, I actually had a reaction of my own.

Victor: Sure did. Why, because you were afraid you wouldn't have a chance to attempt to best me anymore?

Jack: No, believe it or not, I was sad that you were dead. I mourned you. Yes. I mourned you! Then I went to the ranch to try to comfort nikki, who, in retrospect, was terribly strong and composed. Well, I guess she knew you were alive. I even went to society to have a shot of tequila in your honor.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned. You want me to reimburse you for the drink?

Jack: My point is, your little charade triggered real emotions in people. When I found out you were alive, I felt I'd been suckered. I understand why summer is angry.

Victor: I was protecting my family, jack, including summer. I didn't have the luxury to worry about people's hurt feelings.

Jack: You know, I thought somehow, in our conversation, we had turned the corner, that maybe we had a better understanding, that I'd seen the other side of you. I guess I was wrong.

Victor: Well, maybe you were.

Jack: You approached this the same way your approach everything else, like a general, determined to win at any costs. Charge on! Don't worry about the collateral damage.

Victor: Kindly spare me your judgment, all right?

Jack: If you hate adam so much, there was an easier way to deal with this.

Victor: You know, the problem, jack, is that I don't hate my son. I don't hate adam, I really don'T. If that had been the case, this would have been solved a long time ago. I was protecting my family, and that's all the explanation I'm gonna give you, all right? What I did is no one's business. Especially not yours.

[ Door opens, closes ]

Chelsea: Calvin's death was a huge blow to connor. And then adam leaves, just as the two of them are getting close again, and then he discovers that his grandfather's alive, after he thought he was dead. It's just too much.

Sharon: Yeah, that's a lot to handle, especially for a boy so young.

Chelsea: He's shutting me out. I'm trying to convince him that I'm just here to help, and he won't even talk to me.

Sharon: Well, everything's just been so chaotic. I imagine he's trying to figure out a way to gain control of the situation again, and cutting off communication is one way of doing that.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, given all of these people keep lying to him and abandoning him, I guess that makes sense.

Sharon: Connor's just trying to protect himself emotionally. That's why he's not engaging.

Chelsea: But I fear that's just gonna make him feel more alone, more isolated.

Sharon: Why don't I try to talk to him, see if I can get him to open up?

Chelsea: Okay, yeah, I -- I guess that can't hurt, right?

Sharon: Yeah. Maybe you could go up there with me, and just remind him who i am, and then give us a little time alone?

Chelsea: Okay.

Sharon: Hey. I know it's not easy, asking for help. And doing so doesn't make you less of a parent. It makes you someone who's willing to do anything to help her son. Even if that thing is me.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Billy: I know we just got here, and this is a special event, but there's something at jabot that I got to take care of.

Victoria: That's okay. With jack taking a step back, i know you have to deal with every problem that pops up. Nobody understands that better than me.

Billy: You also understand that it feels pretty good to be back in charge again.

Victoria: And if you leave now, you can avoid small talk with my dad.

Billy: Two birds, one stone. I'm on a roll today. And I will make it up to you when I get home, okay?

Victoria: Okay, sounds good.

Billy: All right. Bye.

Victoria: Bye.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Nick: Dad.

Victor: My boy, that looks like a pretty impressive project.

Nick: Thank you. Genoa city needed more low-cost housing. I'm happy to be able to provide it.

Victor: Mm-hmm. How about the funds in your coffers?

Nick: We're okay, thank you.

Victor: Oh, yeah? You don't need newman enterprises to add a little?

Nick: Well, I'll talk to vick about it.

Victor: Dad, there you are. I'm being asked to comment on a rumor that you're returning to the company as C.E.O. Well, dealing with the fallout from your press release announcing that you faked your own death was bad enough. I feel like we should just nip this in the bud. This isn't happening. It's true? It's not a rumor?

Victor: No, it's not.

Traci: Uh, we rarely get a visit from victor. Is everything okay?

Jack: It wasn't exactly a pleasant visit. Hopefully, the things I told him about summer got through that thick head of his.

Traci: On the other hand, it's kind of a comfort to know that all families have their challenges.

Jack: Oh, no. I know we've had our troubles, but thank god we're not the newmans.

Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh! Jack!

Jack: Actually, that's a good title for our book.

Traci: [ Giggles ] Oh, no, no, no, no. I think that we can find something a little bit more uplifting.

Jack: Okay, well, then let's talk about the abbott family.

Traci: Okay.

Jack: See what we can discover.

Traci: Okay, um... speaking of family struggles, i think the first thing that we have to do is decide what should and shouldn't be in our book.

Jack: Wait, no, in my opinion, we should put everything in there, warts and all.

Traci: Oh, mother, as well?

Jack: Okay, I've thought about that. Is it fair to her that we tell her story without her input for the next generation? I think, as long as we treat her whole life with respect and there's an acute sense of fairness there, we can write anything.

Traci: Hmm.

Jack: Look, if anyone is going to look bad in telling mother's story, it's gonna be me.

Traci: Jack... what do you mean by that?

Jack: Eh... I was too judgmental. I wasn't fair to her. I wasn't very understanding. I blamed mother for a lot of things, when the truth was, we're a lot more alike than i wanted to admit.

Traci: Well, if you mean strong-willed and a bit defiant, I guess I would have to agree with that.

Jack: We were both searchers when we were young, always looking for something else, something bigger and brighter and more exciting, and... that was my M.O. For a long time, and I think a lot of people were deeply hurt by my constant need to chase the next shiny thing.

Traci: Are you talking about paramours?

Jack: I think there are a lot of similarities between dina's affairs and my romantic history. We were both desperate to find someone to understand us, and we didn't always go about it in the healthiest way.

Traci: Well, jack... I -- I don't think that I've ever put any of this together before now.

Jack: I don't think mother ever intentionally wanted to hurt dad. I think she just didn't want to be limited or confined.

Traci: I wish there was some way that she could hear you say that now. I think that would mean so much to her.

Jack: In my heart, I want to think she knows.

Traci: Mm.

Elena: You are great with those reporters, but why do you keep downplaying your involvement with new hope?

Devon: I'm just telling the truth. I've always been more of an advisor.

Elena: But your name has opened a lot of doors.

Devon: Yeah. I mean, I'm just happy to be honoring neil's wishes and doing something good for the community. This is nick's project. He's been doing all the work. We actually almost didn't have the ribbon-cutting today because we had some last-minute permit issues with the city, and he cut through the red tape in hours.

Elena: Wow. Sounds like a natural-born politician.

Devon: That's exactly what i said.

Elena: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: And then he shot down the idea, but...

Elena: Hm.

Victor: This news was not supposed to have come out until after we talked.

Victoria: Well, it did because you've been telling people that you intend to return to newman as C.E.O. Without having respect enough to tell me first. Do you know how humiliating that is, dad?

Victor: I talked to one person. It's the head of hr. Now the former head of hr.

Victoria: How long have you been plotting my demise?

Victor: I made that decision this morning.

Victoria: How do you think that you can take control of the company when you're sick, dad?

Victor: I feel fine.

Victoria: A few good days does not mean that you're back to full strength. And I'm afraid that if you return to the company... you might suffer a relapse.

Victor: Don't you worry about it, it's not gonna happen.

Victoria: Running newman enterprises is very stressful, even for someone at the peak of their health.

Victor: But, darling, if anyone knows how stressful it is to run newman enterprises, you're looking at him. I know what I'm capable of.

Victoria: We all know what you're capable of.

Victor: My darling, i understand that you're upset. It's to be expected.

Victoria: I want to know what led to this decision. Was I not convincing enough when I allowed myself to be thrown in jail to protect your plan? Have I not been putting out fires left and right after your press conference? Have I not been the picture of loyalty, dad?

Victor: You were a great C.E.O.

Victoria: That's right, I was a great C.E.O. I am a great C.E.O., And I do not deserve to be demoted on a whim.

Victor: I don't make decisions like this, on a whim.

Victoria: I can't believe that I didn't see this coming. You only put adam in charge so that you could rub his nose in it. And now he's gone, so I'm out because I serve no purpose to you anymore. Is that what it is?

Victor: That is not true.

Victoria: You will never accept that adam is not worth it, not worth the time and energy, not worth your love and your second chances because all he ever does is hurt you in the end. How could I be so blind to the fact that you just keep using me and letting me down? This is embarrassing, dad. I'm sorry, nicholas.

Nick: Nice work.

Victor: She'll get over it.

Nick: I wouldn'T. It's not right.

Devon: If you'll excuse me, guys, it's time for us to say a few words, man.

Nick: Yep.

Victor: I wish I'd spoken to her before she found out from somebody else.

Nikki: Oh, please. Don't tell me you think that would have helped.

Chelsea: Oh, no. It didn't go well?

Sharon: Sometimes, it takes more than one visit before a child will feel comfortable confiding in another person, but we did talk, mostly about baseball playoffs, but... you know, it may not sound like much, but it was a conversation.

Chelsea: You didn't broach the subject of his dad?

Sharon: I did, um, well, as gently as I could, but he shut me down, too.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] This is bad. I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Sharon: I think we just need to be patient.

Chelsea: Yeah. Right.

Sharon: You know, I can't help feeling a little bit responsible for the damage that adam has done. If I hadn't convinced him to come back to genoa city...

Chelsea: This isn't your fault. No. And I don't blame myself for trying to reunite connor and adam. Adam had a chance to do things right, and he torched everything, and now he's gone, and we're left trying to pick up the pieces.

Sharon: Well, I'm sorry you and connor are going through this.

Chelsea: Maybe I should just take connor, leave town for good.

Sharon: Was that a spur-of-the-moment thought, or are you actually considering leaving town?

Chelsea: Genoa city was getting along just fine without me.

Sharon: You can't leave now. That would break nick's heart, and he couldn't go through that again.

Chelsea: This whole thing with victor and adam has been really tough on all of us.

Sharon: Yeah, but... nick is really good for connor, and, with adam gone, he's a solid father figure to him.

Chelsea: Nick lied to me and caused connor a lot of unnecessary pain.

Sharon: I can understand why leaving town would seem very tempting, and no one knows better than that having the newmans in your life can really mess you up, but... nick loves you. And he loves connor. And I believe you guys can get through this.

Chelsea: Maybe you're right.

[ Keyboard clicking ]

Traci: Okay, okay. You're -- you're kind of -- personal space. You're breathing down my neck.

[ Laughs ]

Jack: I love this. I love this. It tees up the whole story perfectly.

Traci: Well, jack, I'm gonna rewrite it like 800 times so, please, don't get attached.

Jack: Can you just take a compliment?

Traci: [ Sighs ] It's just -- I'm not sure if it's right.

Jack: Okay, so.. so read it, out loud. Let's see what it sounds like.

Traci: Okay.

[ Clears throat ] "We loved each other. We detested each other. We fought. And made up. Throughout all our highs and lows, the ties that bind never broke. Because we're a family. That might not mean much to some, but, to us, it's everything.

Jack: I think it's perfect.

Traci: [ Giggles ]

Devon: These apartments will offer people a fresh start and opportunities to make a better life, and I really couldn't be more honored and excited to be a part of it. So thank you very much.

[ Applause ]

Nick: I'd like to thank you all for coming. This event means quite a bit to me personally, as I hope it does the entire community. We named our nonprofit "new hope" because life isn't always fair. In fact, at times, it's decidedly unfair. And, sometimes, the only thing that keeps people going is hope. Hope is the reason why we keep fighting. Whether we're fighting for something or against despair, at some point in our lives, we all get knocked off our perch. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, and sometimes, we don't know what we're gonna do next. But that is when you dig deep, you look inside, and you find a reason why to get up out of bed in the morning. And that's where hope comes in. I'm gonna do that by providing affordable housing for low-income families. It's a chance to take control of their lives, to help them discover what their next steps are gonna be. New hope has done that for me. It's given me a new sense of purpose. It wasn't that long ago I was out there in the business world. I was making deals and turning a profit. There's nothing wrong with that, but that is my family's way. I felt the need to get on a different path, and it's the path I'm currently on. And I am loving it. It's this work that has given me a new hope, and I sincerely hope and pray that this building pays it forward. And that's it, that's all I got. I want to thank you all very much for coming, and, on behalf of devon and myself, thank you very much for your support.

[ Applause ]

Devon: That was a great speech.

Nick: I kind of winged it.

Devon: Yeah?

Nick: Yeah.

Devon: It was inspiring.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: And no need for a teleprompter, right?

Nick: Dude, no. Hey, we already talked about that. Not gonna happen.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Nikki: You need to find a quiet spot somewhere and call victoria.

Victor: Sweetheart, we need to give victoria time to sort this out.

Nikki: Oh, don't make excuses. You need to call her.

Victor: I am sick and tired of people telling me what the hell to do. I'm the patriarch of this family.

Nikki: And I am the matriarch. Adam is gone, and you need to pull this family together instead of pushing it further apart.

Victoria: You're not getting away with it this time, dad.

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