Y&R Transcript Friday 10/4/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/4/19


Episode #11716 ~ Cane peaks Phyllis' curiosity and Rey and Sharon address unfinished business.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Sharon: I think it's good adam's gone.

Rey: I know this hasn't been easy for you.

Sharon: Well, it's helped a lot that I have you to talk to.

Devon: So, cane? He's the one who was meant to get my share of katherine's estate?

Amanda: Mr. Chancellor wanted the truth to come to light so that katherine chancellor's actual wishes would be realized. And to expose the fact that mr. Mccall altered her will to benefit you.

Devon: Your client has a lot of explaining to do.

Cane: Where was his last known location?

Devon: He was in vegas with adam.

Victor: I think, on the whole, things turned out well. But I have now created a rift between those in our family who were in on the plan and those who were kept in the dark.

Michael: Nikki, you look fantastic!

Nikki: Oh, well, thank you so much.

Michael: Hey! Are you and victor going out tonight?

Nikki: No, no. We're staying in. Just a little family get-together.

Victor: Instead of the funeral we had planned.

Michael: Well, if I ever had the choice between being feted by my family or eulogized at my own funeral, I would pick the party any day.

Nikki: Heh. It'll be nice to just relax and enjoy each other without all of the pressure we've been under.

Michael: Yeah. I'm sorry I added to that sense of doom by issuing that arrest warrant for victoria. But, uh, I didn't think I had a choice after the evidence showed up in her office.

Nikki: Well, michael, it didn't "show up." It was planted.

Victor: I know we put you in a difficult position.

Nikki: Thanks to adam.

Michael: Well... any second thoughts about letting him go?

Victor: Absolutely not.

Michael: I hope you're at least keeping tabs on his whereabouts in case he decides to launch another attack against your family?

Victor: I'll handle this my way, michael.

Lola: What can I get my favorite detective?

Rey: Honesty. Justice for all, no matter how much money you have in your bank account.

Lola: Hmm. You know, I was thinking more along the lines of a seafood stew, a flan...

Rey: Yeah. Sorry.

Lola: Don't be. I know the situation with victor newman must be driving you crazy.

Rey: You know, it's the secret and lies that really bother me, especially since they came from my boss, who gave me so much grief about the way that I handled the J.T. Case, and not being so forthcoming about mia attacking you. Although he allows the entire police department to get roped into this newman murder-mystery dinner theater. A-and look. There goes one of the stars of the show now, basking in the spotlight. I guess helping fake someone's death really increases your fan base.

Lola: Rey... [ Sighs ] Summer is as much of a victim as anyone else. You know, all she knew was that her grandfather was dead, and that her aunt got arrested for it. I mean, if you're angry that your boss misled you, think about how she feels. Her family lied to her day after day.

Rey: Fine. Whatever.

Lola: Oh. Sit up straight. Show me -- show me those pearly whites.

Rey: Why?

Lola: Go say hi.

Rey: She's got her phone out, she's scrolling through her messages. She's probably expecting someone.

Lola: Okay, so you can deduce all that from all the way over here?

Lola: Come on! Go test your theory, detective rosales. She's smiling. That's a good thing.

Rey: Maybe she's smiling at you.

Lola: Oh, come on. No one smiles at me like that. Unless I've served them food. But just get over there. Go. Come on.

Rey: Shhh! Be cool.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Elena: I just hate the fact that you have to cancel all of your appointments to meet with this amanda sinclair.

Devon: Oh, you and me both, honey.

Elena: I mean, it's clear she's involved in a scam. The only question is if she's in on it. I mean, she showed up to your last meeting with photocopies of bogus will pages and terrible excuses as to why chance can't be there. When you have bigger, more important things to deal with. I think you should just blow it off.

Devon: You're really riled up about this, huh?

Elena: If it affects you, it affects me.

Devon: Baby.

Elena: You know what you should do?

Devon: What should I do?

Elena: You should hire a team of lawyers to talk to this amanda sinclair and show her what she stands to lose if she keeps up with this scam. Show her who she's dealing with.

Devon: I think that you missed your calling, and you should have been a lawyer yourself. That's what I think.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] No, I just come from the school of, "if you don't start any problems, there won't be any problems."

Devon: Oh.

Elena: And right now, we just need to fix the problem.

Devon: I know. I agree with you. But we need some answers right now. And, unfortunately, I think amanda sinclair might be the only one who has them.

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Abby: I can't decide whether I like you better in scrubs or out of them.

Nate: You're leaving me speechless.

Abby: Well, it's all part of my plan. I have been waiting for this all day.

Nate: Where would you like to go tonight? The world is your oyster.

Abby: Well, if you're up for it, we've been invited to a house party.

Nate: A house party?

Abby: My father's house. I-it's nikki's party. They invited us over to the ranch for some drinks. I thought we could stay there for a while, and then we can do whatever you want.

Nate: How long is "a while"?

Abby: I thought that you would want to go. Gives you a chance to check up on your patient.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Nick: Hey, have you guys seen summer? I thought she might be here with phyllis.

Abby: Uh, she was earlier. Did you try jabot?

Nick: I tried. No luck.

Abby: Don't worry. She'll come around. She always does.

Nick: I hope you're right. Are you two heading to the ranch?

Nate: Uh... we'll be there.

Nick: All right. I'll see you there.

Abby: You won't regret it.

Nate: I'm sure.

Cane: Hey, nick.

Nick: Hey, cane. What's up?

Cane: Hey. Um... have you heard about this lawyer that looks like hilary's double who's claiming that katherine's will has been forged?

Nick: Yeah. Devon said you two were trying to figure out what's going on. Have you learned anything?

Cane: She's claiming she was hired by chance, which is making me think there might be, like, a link between chance and adam.

Nick: Yeah, it's worth investigating.

Cane: Yeah, it's just that devon said that adam has left town. So I'm kind of thinking, you know, he may be trying to reconnect with his old friend. You know, and if I could find adam, you know, it might lead me to chance.

Nick: Yeah, I wish I could help. But adam's the last person i want to talk about right now. But good luck.

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Lola: Uh, hey, summer.

Summer: Yeah?

Lola: How are you doing?

Summer: Um... I don't know. You know how us newmans are. There's always somebody coming back from the dead. I don't know. I guess I should be used to it by now. But it's just the lying that really guts me.

Lola: I'm so sorry.

Summer: Thanks.

[ Cellphone rings ] And now I have to deal with everybody pestering me to try to make it better, so...

Lola: Well, if you want to talk or scream or eat your feelings...

Summer: Thank you. Hey. Hi, dad.

Mariah: Your best table for two, please.

Lola: Oh, you can't be here.

Mariah: What? Why?

Lola: Well, 'cause your mom's here.

Mariah: I know.

Lola: Yeah, but -- but rey is here, too.

Mariah: And?

Lola: Well, if you bail, then sharon is free to hang out with rey.

Mariah: I can't flake on her.

Lola: Well, it's not flaking if I kick you out. And I have the right to refuse service to anyone, and today I choose you.

Mariah: I'm honored.

Lola: Go.

Mariah: Uh...

Lola: Oh, wait! No, no, no, no, no!

Mariah: What?

Lola: You can't go through there. We'll have to go through the kitchen so nobody sees you.

Mariah: What -- are -- you're gonna owe me big time.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Wait. She knows.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Work your magic.

Cane: Ms. Sinclair. Hey. Um, listen, in case I didn't make myself clear to you the other day, I'm not really on board with whatever you're trying to pull. You know, and whoever's trying to make me look like a money-hungry fraud is just gonna destroy your reputation in the process. So if I were you, okay --

Amanda: With all due respect, mr. Ashby, I don't need to take advice from you or anyone else.

Devon: What's going on here?

Cane: Nothing. No, I'm just, uh, telling ms. Sinclair here that it's probably in everyone's best interests if she drops the case.

Devon: Okay. Well, I'm sure you made your point. So if you'll excuse us.

Cane: All right. 'Scuse me.

Devon: Yeah. I'm sorry about that.

Amanda: What, the ambush?

Devon: I didn't have anything to do with him coming to talk to you. If I have something I want to say to you, I have no problem saying it myself. All right? Are we cool?

Amanda: Well, that remains to be seen.

Devon: Well, let me try and make things cool, then. All right? 'Cause I'm -- I'm well aware that it's mostly my fault that we started off on the wrong foot. It's just you, coming into my apartment, looking like hilary, talking about my grandmother's will, it was a lot for me. And, you know, those were two parts of my life that I thought were dead and buried.

Amanda: I can see how that would be difficult.

Devon: Right. And assuming that you're out to scam me may have been unfair.

Amanda: "May have been"?

Devon: Yeah. I-I -- I just -- I need some more proof before i believe that this claim is legit. But I am willing to consider the possibility that you're working on good faith.

Amanda: Wow. Well, that is mighty big of you, mr. Hamilton.

Devon: Listen, I have a lot of questions about how this whole thing went down, and I'm sure you do, too. And I think the best way for us to get any answers is to work together.

Michael: I was just telling your folks how glad I was that, uh, paul was able to exonerate you as quickly as he did.

Victoria: Well, thank god he didn't stop digging until he got to the truth.

Billy: I'm sure your workload's a lot lighter now that adam's out of the picture. You know, no blackmail, no frame-ups.

Victoria: It feels good to be free, doesn't it, michael?

Billy: You can be your own man again. Maybe even uphold the law.

Victoria: By the way, how are kevin and chloe?

Michael: Oh, great. Great. Uh...bella's in kindergarten, and kevin is working for the gcpd again.

Victoria: Oh, I'm so glad that it all worked out.

Michael: [ Inhales ] Well, I should be going.

Nikki: Oh, no. Michael, can't you stay? We'd love to have you.

Michael: Oh, you know I'd love to be here, but -- mwah! -- Lauren, work, promises to keep.

Nikki: Ohh.

Michael: Victor.

Victor: Thank you for coming, michael.

Nikki: Thank you for everything.

Michael: Well. All right.

Victoria: Goodbye.

Michael: Bye.

Victor: Thank you, michael.

Billy: Before I forget, congratulations on the brilliant plan to bring adam to his knees. How'd that work out for you?

Victor: Some things take time to resolve themselves, you know.

Billy: Yeah. Well, with adam out of town, god knows where, I would watch your back if I was you.

Victor: You know, in retrospect, I wish I'd been able to seek your sage advice, billy boy. You're trying to put your own life together, aren't you? I mean, how did that go?

Billy: It's going well, actually. Thanks for asking.

Victor: Really? Wow. Keep up the good work. Hope nothing happens to shatter your illusion.

Lola: Uh... hello? What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?

Rey: [ Sighs ] Has anybody ever told you that you are a pest?

Lola: Wow. Rey, you know, you will thank me later when the two of you are back together.

Cane: Hey, uh, detective rosales. Hey. We haven't formally met. I'm cane ashby.

Rey: Oh. How can I help you?

Cane: Hey, uh, I'm trying to see if there's a connection between chance chancellor and adam newman. I know you were investigating adam when you worked for nick.

Rey: Yeah. That was a long time ago. That trail went cold.

Cane: Okay. Well, do you have any idea where, maybe, I could start looking for him, or who I could talk to, or...?

Rey: They had a mutual friend in vegas, riza thompson.

Cane: Riza thompson.

Rey: Yeah. But I wouldn't expect much. When I spoke to her, she wasn't very forthcoming. But good luck. Excuse me.

Cane: Okay. Thanks.

Rey: Hi.

Sharon: Hi.

Rey: I saw you when you came in. Looked like you were waiting for somebody.

Sharon: Would you believe it? I got stood up.

Rey: Their loss. You mind if I join you?

Sharon: I think you should. We wouldn't want to disappoint the chef, since she's been cooking this up all night.

Abby: Hi. You look gorgeous.

Nikki: Hi, sweetheart. Thank you. You, too.

Abby: Hi, daddy.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Nikki: Hi.

Victor: Now, wait a minute. There is not a bottle of tequila in that bag, by any chance?

Nate: Uh, afraid not.

Victor: Well, wait a minute. This is a social occasion. This is not a check-up, is it?

Nate: I was promised a chance to examine my patient, so I'm gonna hold you to it.

Victor: Hmm! You're gonna take me away from my own party?

Nikki: I think we can survive a few minute without you.

Victor: Well, if you insist.

Abby: Mwah! I promise, we will be here when you get back.

Victor: Thank you.

Billy: Can I get you a drink? You want champagne or something?

Nick: I'll take a beer. Thanks. Hey, what'd you do to nate? He looks like he's going to a funeral.

Abby: Well, it's not what I did. It's what we all did. He hates that we went to such extremes to protect dad from adam.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Join the club.

Abby: See, that's the thing. It's not his club. It's ours. We're used to the rules and the games and a certain amount of drama.

Nick: Not sure that's a good thing.

Summer: So, how long have you been living here?

Phyllis: Um, since adam went out of town.

Summer: Does he know?

Phyllis: Yeah, he gave me the keys.

Summer: Why?

Phyllis: 'Cause he trusts me.

Summer: That's a little creepy.

Phyllis: [ Stammers ]

[ Sighs ] We're not gonna talk about that. We're not gonna get into that. Hey, we are going to drink expensive wine and pig out on junk food -- like the junkiest of junk. And we're gonna watch the trashiest of tv shows. And maybe we can call somebody over, and they can give us facials and foot massages. I have a new app for that.

Summer: Uh, yeah. I don't know.

Phyllis: Oh, well. I'm sure that's exactly what the newmans are doing right now at their party.

Summer: I'd pay money to see that.

Phyllis: Thank you for choosing to be with me tonight. Thank you. I'm sure they put a lot of pressure on you to be with them.

Summer: Oh, they're just trying to make it up to me after what happened.

Phyllis: Oh, what happened? You mean shattering your heart in a million pieces and telling you that your grandfather died when he hadn't? Oh, wow. All of this is just their brainwashing plan to keep you in line.

[ Sighs ] They lie, and they twist the truth, and they devastate you. But it's all for the good of the family, and it's for a good cause. And then they give a party, so they're gonna wipe away all those hard feelings. "Caviar darling? Oh, you don't like caviar?" "How about a car? Because everybody likes cars."

Summer: Okay, mom, that's not fair.

Phyllis: Oh, really? They're fair? They make up their own rules, and then they break them.

Summer: Okay, I didn't come here for this.

Phyllis: I'm sorry. Okay? Listen...

[ Sigh]I'm sorry. I don't want to do this to you. I just -- I want to validate you on you standing up for yourself, and you taking a stand, and you calling them out on what they do. I want to validate you for that.

Summer: I should go.

Phyllis: Okay. I'm gonna be good. I'm not gonna talk about them anymore, I promise.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] It's not just the topic of conversation, mom. It's being in adam's lair, where he plotted to take christian away from my dad, where he plotted to try to murder his own father, and who knows what else? I mean, do you know what else, mom?

Phyllis: How would I know anything?

Summer: You praise me for taking a strong moral stand, but you're sitting here house-sitting for a criminal. What are you thinking?

Amanda: I have to say, this is a much nicer way of doing business than how we started.

Devon: I thought you were enjoying trying to put me in my place.

Amanda: Well, it -- it did have its moments. But I didn't appreciate the automatic suspicion or the ugly accusations. I had no intention of manipulating you.

Devon: Well, I'm sure it hasn't been easy walking into rooms and having people look at you like you're a ghost.

Amanda: It's clear that hilary... was a very special person. A lot of people cared about her.

Devon: They really did. And I know you said you watched a few episodes of the "gc buzz," but that's just the tip of the iceberg, and... if you want, I would be more than happy to tell you a little more about her.

Amanda: I would like that. Very much.

Phyllis: I mean, look at this place. First-class amenities. That gorgeous view. I mean, how could I say no?

Summer: Uh, it's pretty easy. It's, uh, one syllable. It's two letters.

Phyllis: Oh, come on. It's not that big a deal. It doesn't mean anything.

Summer: To you, maybe.

Phyllis: Listen, after what adam did to me, he owes me. I mean, I'm the one taking advantage of him, really.

Summer: Oh, my god. Does it not bother you at all that he tried to kill my grandfather?

Phyllis: There's no proof of that.

Summer: You're defending him now?

Phyllis: Victor didn't die. He didn't even come close. It was a hoax.

Summer: Oh, my god.

[ Huffs ] Adam has done horrible, unforgivable things, and you're making excuses for him just like abby and dad make excuses for grandpa.

Phyllis: [ Crunching ]

Summer: Everybody is living in this weird gray area where there's no right from wrong. There's just what they can get away with.

Phyllis: Mmm. What they can get away with. You dipped your toe in the gray area, too, didn't you, summer? No judgment.

Summer: Wow.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What?

Summer: You're even making excuses for me now.

Phyllis: That's what we do. I am a mother. I make excuses for my children.

Summer: Well, maybe, if your expectations and your standards had been just a little higher, I would have been a better person.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Oh, wow. It's my fault. That is rich.

[ Knock on door ] I have to get that.

Summer: Yeah. I'm sure that you do.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. We're not done talking about this. We're gonna finish this as soon as I get rid of this person.

Cane: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey, cane.

Cane: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey, it's not a great time right now.

Cane: Yeah, well, I just need a couple of minutes. I just want to talk to you about adam.

Summer: Well, you know what, you guys have fun. I'll see you later.

Phyllis: Uh, summer -- summer. Summer! Come back here!

Cane: Looks like your schedule just cleared up.

[ Snickers ]

Billy: I was even able to convince victoria to take an hour off of work this afternoon.

Nikki: Good. She needs to get out of that office.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: I saw this morning everything that she's having to deal with. It's just --

Victoria: My mother and i agreed not to speak about that tonight. It's being handled. And there is no reason for my father to worry.

Billy: Or get involved.

Victoria: Exactly.

Victor: Well, I just got a clean bill of health.

Nikki: Wonderful news! Have you heard back from summer?

Nick: Yeah. She's spending the evening with phyllis.

Nikki: Will chelsea be joining us?

Nick: She didn't want to leave connor. He's still pretty messed up 'cause his dad left town.

Victor: Well, to be honest with you, I disagree with that. I mean, that boy should know that he's surrounded by a big, loving family right here.

Nick: I am sure chelsea will accept your invitation at some point.

Victor: Please encourage her to do that, okay? Because otherwise connor will never see the ranch.

Nick: It's chelsea's call to make.

Abby: If chelsea has a problem with dad, she should take it up with him. Not use her son to make a point.

Nick: Well, I didn't ask for your opinion, abby.

Victor: I think your sister is right. If chelsea has something to say to me, she should say it to my face. That, by the way, goes for all of you. I know you have something on your mind in regard to me, and just say it. All right? Let's clear the air.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Cane: Hey, when was the last time you heard from adam?

Phyllis: Uh, since he gave me the keys to this place.

Cane: Yeah?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Okay. Did he, uh, mention where he was going?

Phyllis: Why are you interested?

Cane: Uh, I'm just trying to find someone. You know, I'm kind of thinking he might be able to kind of point me in the right direction.

Phyllis: I wish I could help you.

Cane: Did he leave anything, you know, laying around? Like a -- I don't know. Like a computer or some phone bills or...?

Phyllis: Secret messages written in code?

Cane: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Cane: Yeah. That's funny. Um...

Phyllis: Uh, listen, if you told me what you were after, maybe I could help.

Cane: Um... do me a favor. If you hear from him, let me know, okay? Um... I don't want to take up any more of your time. Thanks for the offer for the snacks, though.

Sharon: Well, I'm really glad you're back on the force. That's where you belong.

Rey: [ Inhales deeply ] Yeah. But it's not the same without you. You ever think about taking another job besides running crimson lights?

Sharon: Eh, it crosses my mind. But I really like having all my free time. You know, I can travel at a moment's notice.

Rey: Ah, you thinking about taking a trip to see the fall foliage? You know, there's a couple places up north that are hitting their peak colors soon.

Sharon: Listen to you. Last year, you were a novice, and now...

Rey: Yeah, well, I had a good teacher. I figure if nature's gonna go through all that trouble to put on this spectacular show, who am I to miss it?

Sharon: Yeah.

Rey: You know, seeing the leaves change brings back some memories. Makes me think of you.

Sharon: Is that a good thing?

Rey: It's the best.

Victoria: Do you want the truth?

Victor: Nothing but the truth.

Victoria: I am completely frustrated by the situation. I know that you are so relieved because adam somehow grew a conscience and begged for forgiveness, but there are consequences, dad. I was arrested, and I was put in jail for what he did.

Victor: Yeah, but you were cleared.

Victoria: Not in the court of public opinion, I wasn'T.

Victor: Who gives a damn about public opinion?

Victoria: I care about that. I had to pick the kids up from school today, and another mother congratulated me on getting out of jail again.

Billy: You didn't say anything about that to me.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm used to people's assumptions about the newmans -- that we're corrupt, that we use our money as a get-out-of-jail-free card, that we get away with things that others don'T.

Victor: Sweetheart, let me tell you something. Ever since I've run this company and been in this town, there have always been people who said bad things about us, about our family, about me. Okay? Who gives a damn what they think?

Victoria: What am I supposed to tell my children about our family's reputation?

Nick: I don't have an answer for that. I mean, faith is coping, mostly 'cause she's away at boarding school, but summer is hurt and angry. And connor is confused and heartbroken.

Victor: Okay. I understand that completely. But let me ask you -- would connor be better off if his father were in prison now?

Nick: That's not the point.

Victor: Well, then, what is?

Billy: The point is, your clever little scheme hurt everyone who didn't deserve it. Everyone but adam.

Victor: Well, you couldn't be more wrong, billy boy.

Devon: And -- and that's -- that's the kind of woman that hilary was. You know, she -- she touched a lot of people's lives, and she achieved a whole lot in a very short amount of time.

Amanda: Well. A force.

Devon: Yeah. And I thought it was important for you to know more about her so you can see how vicious it would be for somebody to exploit somebody like that.

Amanda: I can't imagine mr. Chancellor doing something so insidious.

Devon: Well, how well do you know mr. Chancellor?

Amanda: He has a sterling record -- a soldier, a public servant.

Devon: Right. Which makes me wonder if the person you're really working for is chance.

Amanda: You are grasping at straws, mr. Hamilton. Trying to avoid facing the uncomfortable truth.

Devon: Well, you think maybe you're avoiding the fact that you might be getting played?

Amanda: Sooner or later, you're gonna have to face the truth, and the fact that you are living off of the fortune that belongs to someone else. Have a good night.

Victor: Thank you all for your honest opinions. But I've got to tell you that I am adam's father, okay. As far as I'm concerned, he has paid more of a price than any of you. He's been humiliated, cut off from his family, and he'll probably never see us again. Who knows?

Nick: Well, that's what happens when a criminal goes on the run. Don't try and twist this into a noble sacrifice.

Abby: Look, no one forced us to make the choices that we made.

Victoria: No one wanted adam to get away with attempted murder.

Abby: I believe wholeheartedly that adam should be behind bars. But dad did what any of you would do -- he protected his child. And what matters is that we saved dad's life, and we should feel good about the decision that we made together.

Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.

Nikki: You wanted their honest opinion.

Victor: Yes. And I'm very glad that you all spoke up. It's always good to clear the air.

Nick: All right. Uh... I'm gonna go. I want to check on christian and see how chelsea's doing.

Nikki: Oh, darling, already?

Nick: Yeah. Sorry, mom. I got to go. I love you. I'll call you in the morning.

Nikki: Oh...

Nick: See you, dad.

Victor: Goodbye, son.

Billy: We should probably go relieve hannah.

Nikki: Oh, no. Can't you stay for dinner?

Victoria: Mom, some other time. Mwah!

Nikki: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Victoria: Bye, daddy.

Victor: Bye, sweetheart.

Abby: Dinner?

Nate: I'm gonna need to take a rain check.

[ Sighs ] Call me if anything comes up.

Victor: I shall do that. Thank you for coming, nate.

Nikki: Nate, you have been a lifesaver.

Nate: Comes with the job. Take care.

Victor: Thank you. I shall.

Nate: You ready?

Abby: [ Sighs ] Bye, daddy. I love you.

Victor: I appreciate what you said, okay?

Abby: Bye, nikki.

Nikki: Bye, darling.

Abby: Thank you.

Cane: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You want to tell me what you're doing with adam's phone?

Michael: After you tell me why you're calling it. You want to find out what happens when you aid and abet a fugitive?

Sharon: I could have paid for mine.

Rey: Well, I'm old-fashioned. Gentleman pays for the date.

Sharon: Is this a date?

Rey: That's for you to judge.

Sharon: Well, I guess it depends.

Rey: Can I walk you to your car?

Sharon: I thought you'd never ask.

Nikki: Don't be discouraged. Adam did a lot of damage. But he's gone now. And we will recover. It's just gonna take some time, you know?

Victor: I wish I could be as optimistic.

Nikki: Darling, you've seen how far your children are willing to go for you. And they would do anything to protect you from adam.

Victor: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: But how are they supposed to feel knowing that everything you did was for adam's sake?

Victor: I'm adam's father, and, you know, he never lived down the fact that I didn't raise him. He's bitter about that. And I -- I'm trying to understand that. So he deserves more of me than my other children do. I've been there for them since they were babies. Not for him. You know?

Nikki: Well, I think the one thing we did learn is that all of your children need you very much.

Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart. What would I do without you, hm? My baby.

Nikki: [ Sighs happily ] Oh, I don't know

Victor: Come here.

Lola: Tonight's special is a shrimp mojo criollo. It is a citrus marinade with garlic and oregano. You will love it.

Michael: Are you gonna tell me why you were trying to reach adam, or should I just assume the worst?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Oh, come on, michael. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Michael: Heh.

Phyllis: I am house-sitting for adam, and, um... I can't figure out his kitchen appliances. That espresso machine. It talks to you.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Well, the refrigerator, you have to have a phd to understand it, it's so smart.

Michael: I'm sure you'll make do.

Phyllis: Why do you have adam's phone?

Michael: Oh, he, uh, sent it to me by courier, along with the access code.

Phyllis: Why would he do that?

Michael: This was his arsenal. Every incriminating photo, text. All the leverage he accumulated since the day he arrived.

Phyllis: Did he have dirt on you or someone you love?

Michael: Not anymore.

Phyllis: What was on it?

Michael: He wiped it clean. Was there anything in particular you were hoping to find?

Phyllis: Well, it could have been a veritable treasure trove of dirty secrets, right?

Nate: Why do you need to know if I'm still victor's physician?

Cane: Uh, I'm just kind of curious to know if, uh -- you know, did he mention where adam might have flown off to, or...?

Nate: Okay. I'm done. Whatever you're up to, keep me out of it.

Cane: All right. Listen, I'm sorry. I-I don't want to make --

Nate: You need to know about victor, go to the source. 'Scuse me.

Nate: Hey.

[ Sighs ] Tell me something. What would you prescribe for a case of chronic cold shoulder?

Elena: [ Sighs ] You lied to me about victor.

Nate: I'm sorry.

Elena: [ Snorts softly ] You did for victor what you wouldn't have done for any other person in this world.

Nate: Yeah, I wish I could say it was the first time.

Elena: What is it about this family? Is it the money? Is it the name? Is it the girl?

Nate: I wanted to help. Victor is a very persuasive man. He was in danger.

Elena: But what about you and your reputation? Don't you matter just as much?

Nate: I'm an honest person. I don't dishonor the promises i made when I became a doctor. But... that family, they have a way of making everything life or death. And after that, a million different ways to rationalize it.

[ Sighs ] And I hate it.

Phyllis: Give my love to lauren.

Michael: Sure.

Cane: Trent. Hey, mate. It's, uh, cane ashby. Yeah. It has been a while. Um... listen, I'm doing this research project for, uh, jill, and, uh, I'm kind of on this deadline. So I was kind of wondering, can you fuel up the company jet and fly me out to vegas? Uh-huh. Yeah, that's right. Tonight.

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Phyllis: We'll play with chips, but we're not playing for money.

Devon: Your ego and your ambition have become serious liabilities. You're no longer employed by any division of hamilton-winters in any capacity.

Victoria: You're not getting away with it this time, dad.

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