Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/3/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/3/19


Episode #11715 ~ Victoria deals with the fallout from Victor's return and Kevin receives a tempting offer.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Anita: While calvin's business dealings were legit, there were some that weren'T. Calvin thought it would be more prudent to keep those particular transactions off the books and the proceeds in a storage unit rather than a bank.

Devon: You need to really think long and hard before you decide to pursue this any further.

Amanda: Are you threatening me?

Devon: You're attacking the legitimacy of my inheritance, and you're accusing a man of tucker's stature of forgery and fraud.

Victor: As you can see, I'm very much alive. The threat to my life was real. That's why my family had to come up with a story that I died.

Chelsea: You played with people's emotions. You made your children grieve unnecessarily. I know you're trying to fix this, but I need some time alone, so please respect that.

Victoria: Yes. Yes, I understand your concerns, but we have a firm handle on the situation. Robert -- robert, thank you so much for calling me back. Um, yes, I realize that the optics are bad, but this is just a temporary setback. Why don't we get a meeting on the books, and then we can sit down and -- he hung up on me. Well, at least he returned my call. Some people haven't even done that.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] I knew victor's reappearance would cause problems with the company. I didn't realize it would be this bad.

Victoria: Mom, I expected a little fallout, but this is a complete avalanche. I just don't see us being able to dig out of this anytime soon.

Nick: How's connor?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] He barely said two words to me when I made him his breakfast.

Nick: Just give him time.

Chelsea: Time doesn't heal everything, nick. That little boy's already been through so much in his life.

Nick: I was thinking maybe i could take him to see his grandpa today.

Chelsea: No. No, it's -- it's too soon for that.

Nick: Look, chelsea, uh... you told me to back off and to give you space, and I -- I don't want to pressure you. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us, so just -- tell me what I can do.

Chelsea: I can't go there right now. I have to get connor to school, but maybe we can talk tonight.

Nick: I wish we could, but my, uh -- my parents are having a family get-together tonight. You're certainly invited.

Chelsea: No. No, thanks. I'm not really in the mood for a newman family gathering right now.

[ Exhales sharply ] I got to go check on connor. I don't want him to be late.

Phyllis: How are you really doing? Because your texts are vague.

Summer: I mean, I'm obviously very happy that grandpa is alive, but... I don't know, I mean, it hurts that the newmans just think of me as an afterthought. Literally everyone was trusted with this deep, dark secret except me. What did they think I was gonna do if I knew?

Phyllis: Well, tell me, I'm sure.

Summer: Okay, but why would i do that?

Phyllis: Summer. Oh, come on. Listen, that's how that family is. It doesn't matter how loyal you are to them, it doesn't matter how much you stand beside them, they shut you out. That's how they are. Did you talk to your dad about it?

Summer: Yeah, dad's apologized. He's trying. But an apology is not gonna fix what he did.

Phyllis: Mm. I see. Well, it's gonna be a real long time before you accept an apology from your dad.

Summer: Okay, no. No, stop. Stop. You don't get to do that. I know what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work.

Kevin: To not-so-fond farewells.

Chloe: To peace and harmony in our fair land.

Kevin: Nice! I like that.

Chloe: Yeah.

Kevin: To not letting the door slam you in the ass on the way out of town.

Chloe: Goodbye, adam.

Kevin: And good riddance.

Chloe: Mmm!

Kevin: Mm.

Chloe: Wait, so he's definitely, positively gone?

Kevin: That's what michael said.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Where to?

Kevin: Hell would be my first choice. Michael didn't know. But as long as he's nowhere near here, I'm happy.

Chloe: I will drink to that.

Kevin: [ Laughs ]

Chelsea: All right. Got everything, bud? Okay, um... just remember what we talked about last night, okay? Some kids at school may be saying some things about your grandpa.

Connor: I don't care.

Chelsea: Right. They might ask some questions, that's all I'm saying.

Connor: Doesn't matter. I don't have any answers, so what difference does it make? They can say whatever they want.

Chelsea: Connor, I know that this is tough on you. You got hit with two big changes in a row. What happened with your grandpa came so soon after your dad left.

Connor: I'm glad he's gone. I wish I had never seen him again in the first place.

Chelsea: Connor... you know you don't mean that.

Connor: Yes, I do. Everything got so messed up when we moved here. I wish we'd never come back.

Chelsea: I know you feel that way now, but we're gonna get through this. We always do, right? Together.

Nick: Hey.

Devon: Hey. All right. We got a lot to, uh, go over before the opening of this apartment building tomorrow.

Nick: You want to talk about it?

Devon: There's nothing really talk to about, is there?

Nick: You are angry that i kept you in the dark about my father.

Devon: I'm probably not the only person left out of the loop.

Nick: Nope. A lot of people are upset with me. They all made valid points. So let's hear it.

Devon: [ Sighs ] Uh... I don't really know what you want me to say. I felt pretty foolish, offered my condolences to you and the rest of your family, for mourning a man that I've known since I was in high school, when victor was very much alive. But that's not really what's bothering me. When you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. That's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. It's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. The call is free, and there's no obligation. You see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. That's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. They're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn'T. Depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or co-payments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more. You can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. Plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're travelling. With humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. You can chose from a wide range of standardized plans. Each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money. So how do ya find the plan that's right for you? One that fits your needs and your budget? Call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. It's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! And see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer. (Sharon) smoking caused my throat cancer.

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Kevin: [ Laughs ] What? What?

Chelsea: Hi.

Chloe: Hey. How's it going?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Uh... I've been better.

Kevin: Yeah, we know adam left.

Chelsea: Yeah. I think everybody knows that now. Adam left, victor's alive. Welcome to life in genoa city.

Chloe: How's connor handling it?

Chelsea: He's angry. He's too young to process all of this...madness, and he shouldn't have to.

Kevin: Look, chelsea, we're not gonna pretend to be upset that adam is gone. He did everything he could to make our lives miserable, but, as parents, we've been there. There is nothing worse than seeing your kid suffering and not being able to fix it. So if you need anything...

Chelsea: Thank you.

Chloe: We mean it, chelsea. And I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands, so if there's anything that I can do to help you out, you just say the word.

Chelsea: Um, actually,

[ Laughs ] Before all hell broke loose, i was supposed to hire a marketing director here at the grand phoenix. How'd you like the job?

Chloe: Uh...what?

Chelsea: Well, I mean, you have the experience, and we've worked so well together in the past...

Chloe: Yes! Yes! I mean, that would be a dream gig for me.

Chelsea: Yeah, well... I mean, I'd have to run it by abby, but I'm sure she'll sign off on it, no problem.

Chelsea: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. And after everything that we've been through... we've worked together before. Our friendship, being friends again, it just means so much to me.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, if I've learned one thing, it's that you need to surround yourself with people who have your back. So...

[ Sighs ] I'm gonna need that now more than ever.

Victoria: We've got deals that were already in place being canceled, meetings for new businesses postponed.

Nikki: Well, it'll all blow over in time.

Victoria: I don't know, mom. With dad's return from the dead and my being arrested for a murder that didn't take place for the second time this year, that's a pretty deadly one-two punch. I keep hearing words being tossed around like "erratic" and "unstable." And, not to mention, people are not 100% sure that this threat against dad's life is over. I'm --

[ Sighs ] I'm very concerned that this company is in big trouble.

Nikki: Honey, you will find a way out of it, you always do. I have complete confidence in you.

Victoria: Thank you, mom.

Nikki: Your father and i are so proud of you.

Victoria: How is he?

Nikki: Um, well, he's upset, of course, over the reaction of his reappearance... but, otherwise, he's all right.

Victoria: You sound a little worried.

Nikki: Well, darling, your father is still a very sick man, and, uh, now that this problem with adam is gone, he needs to rest and regain his strength. Of course, he doesn't see things that way.

Victoria: Well, of course not. He wants to prove to everyone that he is the indomitable victor newman.

Nikki: Well, our job now has to be that he doesn't try to take on the world before he's ready. So I'll make a deal with you. I'll take care of things on the home front, and you continue to protect the company. Sound like a plan?

Victoria: [ Laughs ] That's a very good plan.

Summer: I am not going to let you use this situation with grandpa as an excuse to just gloss over all of our problems.

Phyllis: Why do you always accuse me of having an ulterior motive?

Summer: Because you usually do.

Phyllis: Not in this case. Not -- not when it comes to protecting you. Is it okay for me to be mad at your father? Is that okay?

Summer: Well, yeah. Yeah, okay? I am, too. But it's not like I don't have other people to talk to about this. I -- I have kyle. He's been great. I have theo.

Phyllis: Ugh! Really?

Summer: Yeah, really. He's been a really good friend to me.

Phyllis: I am happy that so many people love you and want to support you. But I am your mother. I'm your mother, and we have a special bond. Listen, I know what it feels like to be betrayed by people that you thought loved you and to be hurt by them. I empathize, okay?

Summer: I appreciate that, and I -- I am really happy that I can lean on you.

Phyllis: You can always lean on me, honey. Always. I'll do whatever I can to help you, okay? In fact... I kind of have a great idea, something that will make you feel better.

At pier 1, the color of the

moment is elegant indigo.

Summer: Hmm, an idea, huh? I'm almost afraid to ask.

Phyllis: Afraid to ask?

Summer: Yeah.

Phyllis: Well... you know, before we found out about victor's astonishing resurrection, we were talking about doing something fun together, you know, like a girls' night. Remember?

Summer: Yeah, I remember.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, how about tonight? I'm free all night. How about you?

Summer: Grandma and grandpa asked the family to come over.

Phyllis: Okay. I see.

Summer: Not that I have any intention of going. I mean, I feel like the last thing I need is a group apology or another bunch of excuses.

Phyllis: Mm. Well, I can guarantee that the time I show you tonight will be way more fun than what's going on with the newmans, for sure. And you can say anything you want about them. I'm the best audience for that.

[ Chuckles ] Or not. Or not. We'll just have fun together. What do you say?

Summer: Sounds good to me.

Phyllis: Yeah. You in?

Summer: It's a date.

Phyllis: It's a date! Okay.

Nikki: I admire the way you've been handling this. Our plan took its biggest toll on you, being arrested, having to spend the night in jail.

Victoria: That was adam's fault, not yours.

Nikki: Well, and now you have to repair the damage to the company.

Victoria: Believe me, mom, it -- it's well worth it to have adam out of our lives. Of course, I did think that he would wind up behind bars for longer than I was.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Your father thought he was doing the right thing when he let adam go, and we have to respect his decision.

Victoria: I do. I do, but I don't agree with it.

Nikki: Well, we all have to come together as a family. That's why we're having everybody over tonight. You'll be there, right?

Victoria: Billy and I will be there.

Nikki: Good. It'll be a fresh start for all of us.

Victoria: Mom, you do realize that it's not as simple as that. One newman gathering isn't gonna fix this.

Nikki: Well, it's a beginning. If we can't get over these hurt feelings, than adam's plan to destroy our family will have succeeded. And I cannot allow that.

Devon: When I found out that victor had passed away, I was sad. I was real sad. I was -- for you, and I was sad for your whole family. But then I started to imagine both of our dads being up there together, with katherine, with hilary, just everybody that I've loved and lost in my life. And it gave me some comfort. It gave me a positive place to go to mentally when I was missing them. And then to find out that just none of it's real... you're getting your dad back made me jealous for a bit because I'm not getting anybody back. It just made me feel like I'm losing them all over again.

Nick: Look, um, devon, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to hurt anyone. It's just -- there was a very credible threat against my father, and adam was behind it.

Devon: I mean, I -- I knew that there was bad blood between him and your family, but i didn't know it had gotten out of control.

Nick: Yeah. He's left town, so we don't have to worry about him anymore.

Devon: So, I mean, it seemed like the plan worked, then. I'm glad to hear that.

Nick: But it's caused some real stress in my household. Chelsea will barely look at me, and summer won't even talk to me, and connor -- I mean, that poor little kid... I practically begged chelsea to just tell me what I could do, anything I could do to fix this, and... she practically ran out of the house.

Devon: Well, maybe that's the problem. Maybe you don't need to ask her what to do. You need to take action and show her how you feel.

Chloe: So, you know what i need?

Kevin: Besides me?

Chloe: Clothes. For my new exciting, very impressive job. So, who wants to go shopping with me?

Kevin: Well, as fun as that sounds, I'm gonna pass.

Chloe: Chelsea...

Chelsea: I would actually love to, but some other time. Um, I need to talk to kevin about something. Something I need help with.

Chloe: Okay. Well, you know that we are here for you, no matter what you need, and thank you, thank you, thank you.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Thank you so much. And get used to hearing that because I'm gonna be saying it a lot.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: Bye.

Chelsea: Bye.

Kevin: Bye. That was a really nice thing you did for chloe.

Chelsea: It wasn't charity. She's a natural for the job. I should have thought of it sooner, actually. That brings me back to you. Um... what I'm about to tell you, it has to stay between us.

Kevin: Well, whatever it is, I'm gonna tell chloe. That's how we roll these days, no secrets.

Chelsea: Okay, fine, um, but then it has to stay between just the two of you. Nick doesn't even know about this. Um... when my husband calvin died, he left me A... sizeable inheritance, approximately $10 million.

Kevin: Holy sh-- lucky you. No. No, I meant -- you know what I meant.

Chelsea: Yeah, um... well, I invested $5 million of it here in the grand phoenix, and I also gave my mother a sizeable portion, but I still have a couple suitcases of cash that I can't touch.

Kevin: Why not?

Chelsea: Uh, well, let's just say calvin was involved in some questionable business dealings, but I didn't know about any of that until after he passed away.

Kevin: Well, he's probably trying to protect you from being charged as an accessory, in case he got busted.

Chelsea: Yeah, well I can't fathom what his motives were. What I do know is that money can't go anywhere until it gets a good wash. You're the only person I trust to handle it properly. So... will you do it for me? Ok everyone!

Kevin: I have to admit, I'm surprised.

Chelsea: That I'd ask you to launder money?

Kevin: No, that you wouldn't do it yourself. No offense, chelsea, but conning people out of money used to be your game. You were good at it.

Chelsea: Yeah. But laundering millions of dollars is kind of out of my league.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] You know what you're asking here, don't you? Chloe and I finally have a chance at a normal life. I just got my job back at the police station. I have a hell of a lot to lose if this goes bad.

Chelsea: Well, I'm counting on you to make sure it doesn't go bad. Okay, look, I know that this is a big ask. And I'll totally understand if you turn me down. It's just -- I can't do this on my own, and I really need this money to provide security for connor and me.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] You don't want to be beholden to anyone. Not naming names.

Chelsea: Well, I mean, this isn't just about nick. This is about everything. This is about what adam did to victor, uh, nick and the newmans telling all of these lies... adam just leaving town. It's just a reminder that nothing is certain in life. Everything can just be ripped out from under you in a heartbeat.

[ Sighs ] That's why I'm asking you to do this, kevin. I really thought that you, of all people, would understand.

Kevin: I do. I do, especially the part about wanting to provide for your kid. We want that for bella, too.

Chelsea: I'll give you 10% of everything you move. That'll make things a little easier for your family.

Kevin: Okay. I'll do it. I will -- invest the money for you.

Chelsea: Thank you. And can you do it quickly?

Kevin: Well, you don't want to move that kind of cash around too fast. It'll raise a bunch of red flags.

Chelsea: Right, but as soon as possible.

Kevin: I will do it at a speed that is safe for both of us.

Chelsea: Great. I will be in touch about the arrangements. I really appreciate you doing this for me. And I'm never gonna forget it.

Kevin: Okay.

Nick: So you're saying actions speak louder than words.

Devon: In my experience, yeah.

Nick: You're a wise man.

Devon: Well, it's -- it's a whole lot easier to tell people what to do with their lives than to figure it out on my own.

Nick: You talking about katherine's will?

Devon: Yeah, among other things. Uh, the attorney that showed up to town, amanda sinclair... is claiming that the part of the will that has to do with my inheritance was forged.

Nick: What?

Devon: Yeah, I don't believe it, uh, but cane right now is looking into who's -- who's behind all of this. So we'll see how it goes.

Nick: Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Devon: I really do appreciate that. I just want this whole thing to be over with as soon as possible, and I don't want to see that amanda's face ever again.

Nick: Sounds like she really got under your skin.

Devon: She looks exactly like hilary, and, I mean, exactly -- exactly like hilary. And whenever I'm around her, it kind of messes with my head. I know that it's not a coincidence. I think whoever is behind hiring her knew that it would unnerve me.

Nick: Well, uh... don't let it, you know? She's not hilary. She's just trying to get the best of you.

Devon: Pretty wise yourself, nick.

Nick: Yeah, it comes and goes.

[ Chuckles ]

Devon: Well, we should get down to business and make sure everyone's ready for the opening of this building tomorrow.

Nick: Yeah, uh, everything seems like it's pretty buttoned-up. The publicity's been handed. You did a great job on the guest list. It's very impressive.

Devon: Thank you very much. Uh, when I looked over the most recent status report, though, i didn't see anything about the final building inspection. I assume that you took care of that.

Nick: [ Groans ] I mean, with everything that's been going on...

Devon: It just fell through the cracks, I understand, but without that inspection, we're not gonna be able to get the permit necessary to open the doors.

Nick: No worries. I got this.

Victoria: What are you doing here?

Billy: I just came by to check up on the enemy.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Seriously.

Billy: I, uh, wanted to see the beautiful woman that I am so lucky to be with.

Victoria: Well, I'm flattered, really, but, uh, with jack stepping away from the C.E.O. Position, I'd think you'd be at jabot, totally swamped.

Billy: Well, jabot will be there in an hour or so when i get back. Just like newman will be here when you get back.

Victoria: What? You expect me to leave? Now?

Billy: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, vick. So come on, grab your stuff. Let's get out of here.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nick: Oh, awesome. Rich, thanks, man. You're a champ. I mean, not on the golf course, but -- you know what I mean.

[ Sighs ] Okay. Give my love to betsy. Thanks. Done. They're gonna do the inspection later today, we'll have the permit before the sun goes down.

Devon: Really? Good job, man.

Nick: Yeah, rich is a good guy, I've known him a long time. We started working in the coffeehouse together when i owned crimson lights, and then also in the underground.

Devon: Wow. Still, it's not normal that you get something like that taken care of with just a phone call.

Nick: Well, when you've lived in the same town pretty much your whole life, you know, you form a lot of relationships, whether it's over pouring coffee or brokering deals.

Devon: So you're a newman and an everyman. That sounds like a political slogan, and you can thank me for it when you run for office one day.

Nick: [ Laughs ] No. No, no. Not this guy. Not for me.

Devon: No? Okay.

Nick: No.

Devon: Well, we'll forget about your political future and just try and get you through the week. I will handle business here, and you take care of business at home.

Nick: Sounds good to me.

Devon: Yeah? You have a plan?

Nick: Uh...yeah. I do. I just hope it works.

Chloe: It is a good thing you texted me. I was spending way too much money on the latest fall fashion.

Kevin: [ Laughs ] Uh, so I -- I just ordered you a double caramel latte.

Chloe: Oh. Must be serious.

Kevin: It is. So, the -- the thing that chelsea wanted to talk to me about was A... a pretty big favor. And I agreed to do it.

Chloe: Well, I'm glad. She gave me an amazing job. I told her, we owe her big-time.

Kevin: Well, you may not feel that way after you hear what it is I've signed on for.

Phyllis: Hey, chelsea! Hey. I want to talk to you. Summer and I were just talking about doing another jabot collective collab.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: And, um, I was thinking, since, you know, those phoenix-inspired jewelry pieces were so popular, you know, the ones that summer commissioned, i think we should just expand that promotion, maybe make some designs of our own.

Chelsea: Sounds good.

Summer: Um, I can make a proposal and send it to your team, and then take it back to jabot to review it.

Phyllis: Okay. Um, well, another piece of business. There's some potentially ground-breaking security software out there. It protects against ransomware, and... I think it's pretty extraordinary. It's definitely better than what we have now. And...once the bugs get ironed out, I'd like to lock down a price and move on it.

Chelsea: We'll see.

Phyllis: And then I was thinking about putting a bowling alley on the seventh floor. Maybe a zoo, I don't know. Earth to chelsea. Are you listening?

Chelsea: So? What are you saying?

Phyllis: I'm sorry, get your head in the game. A lot is riding on the success of this hotel.

Chelsea: I have just as much at stake here as you do, phyllis.

Phyllis: Then act like it.

Chelsea: I am! I will. There's a lot going on, if you haven't noticed.

Phyllis: I didn't mean to be insensitive, I'm sorry. Summer is also a victim of the newman family values.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] It sucks, right?

Phyllis: Summer was born into it. Sorry. I mean, the difference is, you chose it -- living with nick, working with abby... ...believing victor is a grandfather who just wants what's best for his grandkids. You went all-in, and i understand that, but what do you get in return? I mean, if you don't fit into the plan, they just throw you under the bus, and you become collateral damage.

Abby: Who are you to pass judgment on anyone, phyllis?

Phyllis: And you are proving my point right now.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] I am truly sorry that you are hurt, but we did what we felt like we had to do. My father could have died. But he's still with us, and now adam is gone, hopefully for good, and that's a win in my book.

Chelsea: Okay. PI got to get out of here.

Summer: Yeah, I'm just gonna walk out with you.

Chelsea: Great. Oh, um, I hired chloe for the marketing position.

Abby: Fine.

Chelsea: Great.

Summer: Let's go.

Phyllis: My goodness, well, way to clear a room, girl. Your hypocrisy is off the charts, that you really believe you're a good guy. Really? Don't answer that. Don't answer that. I don't want to hear your delusional answer, okay?

Abby: Wait. I'm not finished with you yet.

Victoria: You tricked me.

Billy: I sure did.

Victoria: Some emergency this turned out to be.

Billy: I didn't say it was an emergency. I said it was very important. And it is. Are you complaining?

Victoria: No.

Billy: Good. Because I think you need this. You didn't get home till after midnight last night. You left before the sun came up this morning.

Victoria: I know, it's just that there's so much to do. It's just --

[ Sighs ] So many fires to put out.

Billy: And everything will get done. In the meantime, we'll just... enjoy this, enjoy each other for a little while.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. That sounds good.

Billy: Truth is, I need this just as badly as you do. Maybe even more.

Abby: How is adam these days?

Phyllis: I don't know. How would I know that?

Abby: Just because he disappeared doesn't mean he cut all ties. Have you been in touch with him?

Phyllis: Um... not that I owe you any answers, but I have not spoken to adam since he left. You can believe that or not.

Abby: Hmm. Even if he hasn't contacted you, do you expect to hear from him?

Phyllis: Why would I?

Abby: You were the closest thing that he had to a friend in this town, and it wouldn't surprise me if you were helping him plot some strategic return, just when everyone starts to accept that he's gone for good.

Phyllis: Wow. That's quite a theory, abby. I have no agenda to bring adam back into town. Okay? And, even if I did, I wouldn't be stupid enough to tell you. Excuse me.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Kevin: So... what do you think?

Chloe: Okay.

Kevin: Just like that?

Chloe: We promised chelsea we would help her, and I understand why she's doing this. She's been through hell. And with all of that money... it gives her options in the future. But, most importantly, I trust you.

Kevin: Well, that was almost too easy.

Chloe: How much money are we talking?

Kevin: Millions.

Chloe: And we get 10%?

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Okay. Okay, so... with my new job and your new job and this giant windfall, our family gets out ahead, too. It's a win-win.

Kevin: Well, yeah, when you put it like that...

Chloe: I feel bad for chelsea, though. Here she was, having this new life with nick and the kids, and he kept that huge secret from her. And now she's not telling him what she's doing with the money.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I'm starting to have some doubts about their relationship.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Well, if they love each other enough, they can make it work. And if it doesn't work out, then chelsea has some serious getaway money.

Kevin: [ Scoffs ]

Chelsea: Nick? Nick, I got your message! Why didn't you need me to come home?

Nick: I hated, uh, the way we left things this morning. This distance between us is killing me. And I know it's all my fault. And I'm not expecting to be forgiven anytime soon. But I will do anything to get back to where we were because I love you. And I'm really hoping you'll give me another chance.

Chloe: [ Laughs ] Yes, we're good.

Phyllis: Hey, guys!

[ Clears throat ] I hear congratulations are in order. You are now the director of marketing at the grand phoenix. Congratulations. Welcome to the team.

Chloe: Thank you. I'm really excited, and I'm gonna do a fantastic job.

Phyllis: I know you are because you did a great job at

restless style, when you worked for me. Kevin, I have a question for you. When you worked for adam --

Kevin: Uh, correction, when he was blackmailing me into doing his dirty work.

Phyllis: Okay. Um, did he happen to mention to you what he might do if he left genoa city again?

Kevin: No. He never said a word. Why?

Phyllis: I'm just curious. That's all. We became friends of a sort, and... we did.

Kevin: Mm.

Phyllis: And I'm just interested in what's become of him.

Kevin: Adam doesn't have friends. He just uses people.

Phyllis: No one uses me.

Kevin: Look, if I were you, i wouldn't spend any more time thinking about adam because I'm sure he's not thinking about you. You ready?

Chloe: Mm. Let's go.

Devon: Amanda, hello. This is devon hamilton. Yeah, I was just wondering if, uh, we'd be able to meet later on. How about the grand phoenix? You know what, I'll explain when I see you in person. All right. See you then.

Billy: It's nice to be in the sun again.& It feels new after being in that dark hole for the last few weeks. But you saved me, you got me out of there. And being in therapy and doing the work, it feels good.

Victoria: I know this hasn't been easy for you, but I want you to know how proud I am of you.

Billy: I want you to know how much I regret not being there for you and the kids while i was...

Victoria: No, listen. That's over with now. We made it to the other side, and you and me and the kids, we're all together now, and that's all that matters.

Chelsea: Thank you for the flowers. I'm just -- I'm just not sure what to say.

Nick: You don't have to say anything or do anything. Let's just be here in this moment. I wish there was some way i could remove all of this stress that you have.

Chelsea: I'm not sure that's possible.

Nick: Well, I was thinking about that incredible massage you gave me a couple weeks ago. I mean, you pretty much saved my life.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: So... I could return the favor, if you want.

Chelsea: That does sound appealing.

Nick: Well, if you don't mind...

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Mm. I'm not -- I'm not ready for that.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: Oh, sorry, I -- I didn't mean to push.

Chelsea: I shouldn't have gotten caught up in the moment because that's -- that's all it was. It was -- it was just a moment.

[ Sighs ] It's not gonna be that easy, nick.

Phyllis: Hello, adam. It's me. Didn't expect you to pick up. Boy, you have a lot of people up in arms over your leaving. But you expected that, didn't you? Wherever you are, you need to call me back because we need to talk.

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