Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/2/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/2/19


Episode #13714 ~ Nikki takes matters into her own hands, Chelsea stands her ground, and Jack makes a power move at Jabot.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Michael: The charges against victoria newman have been dropped because there was no murder.

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

Summer: Grandpa?

Victor: As you can see, I'm very much alive. The threat to my life was real. That's why I and my family had to come up with the story that I had died.

Sharon: I was the only one who really understood adam. Something in me needed to believe that I could restore his soul.

Rey: Has that changed?

Sharon: Yeah. Now I know I can't help him.

Jack: Something's missing in my life. I have to figure out what that is and set a new course.

Billy: All that stuff with adam is behind me. I'm not gonna let him or my feelings control me anymore.

Kyle: The merger with ashley's company is complete. Everything is going smoothly.

Billy: So far.

Kyle: I know you were against it. But it was a good move.

Billy: We'll see.

Kyle: Two-to-one odds we'll double our profits by next quarter. Not that I'd actually bet on it.

Billy: Okay, you two can relax, all right? Using gambling terminology is not gonna get me running to my bookie.

Summer: Well, we just want to make everything as easy as possible for you to come back to work, is all.

Billy: Thank you. I appreciate that. But I am stronger than ever, and I am, uh, committed to being here.

Jack: I'm glad to hear that.

Billy: Hey. Uh... summer and kyle were just, uh, bringing me up to speed.

Jack: Oh. Good to see you all working well together.

Summer: Yep. Some families aren't so lucky.

Jack: Yeah, I heard about victor's latest version of "the end justifies the means."

Summer: I don't know why anything he does surprises me anymore.

Jack: Well, the mustache isn't the only one capable of pulling of a surprise.

Victor: There's just so much garbage on the internet.

Nikki: I know. I wish you'd stop looking at it.

Victor: One article is worse than the other.

Nikki: Well, victoria is handling the media.

Victor: Yeah, but they want to know from me what really happened, what the threat to my life was all about, to justify what I did.

Nikki: Hey, if you hadn't have let adam believe you were dead, you probably would have ended up dead.

Victor: Yeah, but they don't care about that, okay? I need to explain to them exactly what happened. Otherwise they're gonna speculate that newman enterprises is struggling because of what happened.

Nikki: Darling, tomorrow there will be a new scandal in the headlines, and nobody will be talking about this.

Victor: I guess the one good thing in all of this is that adam is no longer a threat to our lives.

Nikki: Well, I'm glad he's gone. But you are still facing a very real threat that hasn't left genoa city.

Paul: Rey.

Rey: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Paul: I assume this is about victor.

Rey: You blew me off at the station.

Paul: I said everything I'm gonna say on the matter.

Rey: [ Sighs ] You owe me more than that.

Paul: I don'T. I think you need to remember the chain of command, here, detective.

Rey: You ripped into me when I bent the rules in the hellstrom case. Now here you are doing the same thing. What's up with that, chief?

Chelsea: I thought you left.

Nick: I was hoping we could talk. How you doing?

Chelsea: Not great. I wish you would have given me a head's up that victor was about to announce to the world that he's alive and well.

Nick: Yeah. It was a surprise to me, too.

Chelsea: It's sheer luck that connor didn't see it. And now I have to come up with a way to explain to that little boy that his grandpa actually isn't dead.

Nick: Let me help you with that.

Chelsea: How?

Nick: I'll tell him the truth. That we did this to save his grandfather's life. And together, we can -- we can make him understand that.

Chelsea: Why should i convince him to believe anything you say when I have zero trust in you?

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Paul: I may have bent the rules. But as the boss, that's my prerogative.

Rey: As the boss, you're supposed to set an example for the rest of us. We look up to you. We expect you to do the right thing.

Paul: I did what I thought was best under the circumstances.

Rey: When I bent the rules on the hellstrom case, you told me going rogue was not gonna be tolerated.

Paul: This was essentially an undercover operation. I don't have to explain my actions to you, detective. But I will point out that going along with victor's plan doesn't even compare to putting the lives of three women in danger.

Rey: Oh, so you don't think anybody got hurt by what you did? Sharon's daughter -- tons of people mourned victor's death.

Paul: I weighed all the pros and cons. And pretending victor was dead was our best shot at nailing adam.

Rey: Yeah, well, your plan failed. At least when I crossed the line, we busted J.T.

Paul: We don't have an arrest yet. But adam is gone, and victor's life is no longer in danger.

Rey: I don't believe for one second that that dirtbag's gonna stay away. And I don't think you do, either.

Nikki: Here, darling. Now that you're taking the correct dosage of your medication, you're not suffering with those horrible side effects anymore. But that doesn't mean that the disease is not a threat to your health.

Victor: [ Sighs ] I feel fine, my darling.

Nikki: But, darling, it doesn't mean that you're cured.

Victor: Yeah, but I'm taking my meds, I'm on a diet, and exercising.

Nikki: And that's all great. But your well-being is very important, also. So please stop reading all that nonsense about the family.

Victor: Well, I can't ignore what what may potentially happen to newman enterprises.

Nikki: Victoria's got everything under control.

Victor: She has a lot on her plate, sweetheart.

Nikki: You wouldn't have put her in charge if you didn't have faith in her.

Victor: I know.

Nikki: Well, then, let her do her job.

Victor: Yeah, but I'm not gonna turn my back on newman enterprises, sweetheart.

Nikki: I have a feeling you're not just concerned about the business. I think you're worried about what this has done to the family.

Victor: I certainly am. I haven't heard from summer.

Nikki: She's very upset that we let her grieve unnecessarily.

Victor: And no one is sorrier about that than I am, I promise you. Somehow I'm gonna have to get through to her.

Billy: Okay, jack. What's the surprise?

Jack: All in good time.

Kyle: Ohh, way to mess with us, dad.

Jack: Oh, I just need to get a few things ironed out before i reveal anything.

Billy: Well, I hope it's nothing like victor's surprise.

Jack: Torturing my family has never been my stock-in-trade.

Billy: He has made a career out of it.

Summer: Okay, hey, um, can we just...change the subject?

Jack: Summer, I'm sorry.

Kyle: If we're done here, summer and I have some work to take care of. We need to go over the latest social-media metrics.

Summer: Oh, okay. Yeah.

Billy: I guess I'll head back to my office, as well.

Jack: Before you go anywhere, I want to know -- how are you doing? Really?

Summer: Hey, uh, do you want to work in my office or yours?

Kyle: Those metrics can wait. You need to get your feelings about victor faking his death off your chest.

Summer: I'm fine.

Kyle: Really?

Summer: Yep.

Kyle: Because if someone in my family did that to me, I'd want to kill them for real.

Sharon: I'll see you in a few days, baby. Love you, too. Bye-bye.

Mariah: It's supposed to cheer you up.

Sharon: I don't think anything could do that.

Mariah: How's faith?

Sharon: Faith said she's glad to be away at boarding school. It just breaks my heart that she's happy to be away from home.

Mariah: She basically said the same thing to me.

Sharon: I don't know what makes me angrier -- that faith was lied to, or that noah was forced to be a part of the lie.

Mariah: Oh, my gosh. He's so over any of the crap that comes with being a newman.

Sharon: I wondered why he stayed away for so long. And then I realized, the drama that surrounds that family literally drives people away.

Mariah: Well, sometimes people who are driven away keep coming back.

Billy: I'm good.

Jack: Yeah? I imagine seeing adam get away with trying to kill victor must have brought up a few things.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. It did.

Jack: Was the urge to gamble among them?

Billy: That's not on the list.

Jack: You sure? Look, if you need time before you come back, I get it. If you need to go back to rehab --

Billy: No, I'm good there. I'm okay.

Jack: I know what it's like to struggle with addiction. You know you can talk to me.

Billy: I can't do this anymore.

[ Clears throat ]

Jack: Do what?

Billy: [ Sighs ] I didn't go out of town because I was gambling. I didn't check in to rehab. I was dealing with something much more destructive.

Jack: Does this have something to do with the dreams you kept having about delia?

Billy: Yeah, but it went far beyond nightmares and hidden messages. I had a break with reality.

Jack: I'm not sure what that means.

Billy: Well, to be honest, I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

[ Sighs ] Look, there was a lot of pain and -- and, uh, rage inside of me, and I think, over time, it created this alter ego, I guess. And this person was wanting to do things that I would never do. Some pretty bad things, jack.

Jack: What kind of things?

Billy: I almost killed adam.

Summer: Well, I got to be honest. You probably know me too well.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Summer: On the inside of this cool exterior, I feel like a complete mess right now. All thanks to my grandfather's miraculous resurrection.

Kyle: You've done a great job holding it together. Coming to work, posting on social media, not dodging the press.

Summer: Mm.

Kyle: I'm impressed.

Summer: I don't think I could have gotten through this whole experience without you. I mean, you were there for me when I thought that my grandfather was dead, and you're here for me now, to help me navigate through these weird mixture of emotions. Of feeling angry and glad that he's alive.

Kyle: That's what friends do.

Summer: You're the only one that I can really& count on right now.

Kyle: What about theo?

[ Sighs ] I thought you guys were close.

Summer: Yeah, he just doesn't know my grandpa or my family. Not the way that you do. I mean, don't get me wrong, he -- he did what he could.

Kyle: Why do I get the feeling that wasn't enough?

Mariah: I hope you're not avoiding talking to rey because I'm here.

Sharon: Last time we spoke, you encourage me to stay away from him.

Mariah: That's because when you got back from your trip, you were determined not to be defined by your relationships, and I was being supportive. Or did you and rey have another falling out?

Sharon: No. Actually, things have been really good between us.

Mariah: Then what's the problem? Please, please don't tell me that you're still hung up on adam.

Sharon: I was never "hung up" on him. I just wanted to help him be the person that I thought he could be. But rey helped me realize that was a losing battle.

Mariah: Great. Now that the embodiment of evil is out of your system, and your handsome, wholesome ex is standing 10 feet away, it seems like this is the perfect time for a fresh start.

Sharon: That's exactly what i told rey.

Mariah: Then what's stopping you?

Sharon: I meant for myself, not the two of us.

Mariah: Why can't it be both? Rey!

[ Mouthing ]

[ Clicks tongue ]

Sharon: I can't believe you just did that.

Rey: Hi.

Sharon: Hi.

Nick: The last thing I ever wanted to do was to hurt you.

Chelsea: You know, I used to run cons, so I can handle being on the other end of one. What I will never understand is how you could do this to connor.

Nick: I was hoping adam would step forward before we had to tell him.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, but when he didn't, you let this charade continue. And what is worse is, you actually encouraged me to tell connor that victor had died. How could you do that?

Nick: I don't know what else to say. I can't take back what I did.

Chelsea: Would you if you could?

Nick: Adam was guilty. He confessed to dad before he left town.

Chelsea: Mm. And that's how you justify this?

Nick: I wasn't gonna let him get away with trying to kill our father.

Chelsea: But he did. After everything you put your children through, adam still just walked away. And now connor has to deal with that, too.

Nick: I screwed up. But adam did try to kill my dad. And adam's the one who walked out on connor. I am right here, chelsea, willing to do whatever it takes to make things right.

Chelsea: I know how much you care about connor.

Nick: As much as one of my own kids.

Chelsea: But you can't be the one to help him through this, because he's gonna be devastated when he finds out that you lied to him about his grandpa being dead.

Nick: I was trying to protect him, along with summer and faith.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm sure they're really hurt and disappointed, just like connor's gonna be.

Nick: Well, I'm gonna find a way to make it up to them. And I'm willing to step up for connor if you'll let me.

Chelsea: It's not about what I want. It's about what's best for my son.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Chelsea, come on. We have been -- we have been through so much. We can get through this. I know it.

Chelsea: I'm not so sure.

Nick: This is what we wanted. To be together. To raise our boys together. To be a family. And we're so close to making that happen. Please don't give up on us.

Chelsea: I'm not. But I need to do this alone.

Nick: Chelsea --

Chelsea: Nick, please. You should go. You should go to new hope. You have a new building opening soon.

Nick: Okay.

Chelsea: Mnh-mnh.

Nick: I'll see you later.

Jack: I had no idea things had gotten this bad.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, to be honest, I wasn't sure what was happening, either. This, um, person inside of me got control of my life. And it was a part of me. You know, the worst part of me. But it just kept getting stronger and stronger, and at a certain point, I lost all control.

Jack: And you tried to kill adam?

Billy: Fortunately, something stopped me, and adam doesn't know what I did.

Jack: Thank god for that.

Billy: Definitely had some angels looking out for me. Including victoria.

Jack: Wait, victoria knows about this?

Billy: Oh, yeah. She's the one that saved me. She got me out of that dark place.

Jack: This had to be terrifying for you.

Billy: It was. But that part's over.

Jack: You're sure?

Billy: Yeah. You know, it was a hard battle, but in therapy -- for real this time -- and I feel good.

Jack: And all of that rage that you felt for adam?

Billy: I got a lot to live for, jack. And I'm not gonna let him take anything else from me.

Jack: Well, the fact that he's out of town is probably gonna make things a bit easier for you.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. But it wouldn't matter if he was still here. Look, I know that I got to deal with all the pain and anger that I shoved deep down, and I know that I'm never gonna stop missing dee. But like I said, I'm getting better, and I feel better than i have in a long time. So... [ Clears throat ]

Jack: You're right. Something has changed. It's like the old billy's back.

Billy: I wasn't sure he'd make it.

Jack: I'm glad he did.

Billy: Me too. Thanks, brother.

Mariah: I'm gonna leave you two alone, because I have a meeting. So, I'm gonna talk to you later. Uh... bye, rey.

Rey: Bye.

Sharon: She is not very subtle.

Rey: No.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] So, how are you?

Rey: Well, I'm not so thrilled that my boss had me investigating a bogus case, or that most of the newman family knew what was going on and I didn'T.

Sharon: You must be upset that adam left town.

Rey: That S.O.B. Almost killed victor. And instead of turning him in, he lets him walk away. Once again, adam newman gets away, suffering no consequences for his criminal behavior. This is when you tell me that I'm being too hard on him. What a tough life adam's had and all that.

Sharon: You have every right to be angry.

Rey: That bastard should be in a jail cell. Instead, he's probably living it up on a tropical island.

Sharon: You're right.

Rey: Do you know where he is?

Sharon: No. No, I believe adam deserves to be punished.

Rey: You're not gonna defend him?

Sharon: I can'T. Especially when I'm partially to blame that he took thing so far.

Chelsea: I need to talk to you.

Connor: It's more bad news. I can tell. You have that serious look on your face.

Chelsea: No. No, sweetheart. It's not bad news. It's actually great news. Um... but it might be a little bit confusing.

Connor: Just say it.

Chelsea: It's about your grandpa. He didn't die.

Connor: What?

Chelsea: He's alive.

Connor: That's not possible.

Chelsea: It's true. It's true. Look. Here you go. Look.

Connor: When can I see him?

Chelsea: Uh, soon. I promise. I'll go with you. Ho-hold on. Connor, wait. Sweetheart... this is a lot to take it. Um... but isn't it just a wonderful gift, you know, having your grandpa back?

Connor: We have to tell dad. Let him know he can come back.

Chelsea: What?

Connor: I know he said he was leaving because he wasn't a good enough dad, but it wasn't true.

Chelsea: Connor, it's complicated --

Connor: He's a great dad, and I know he loves me.

Chelsea: Of course he loves you.

Connor: The day he came here to say goodbye, I could see how sad he was. It was because he thought his dad had died.

Chelsea: Sweetheart, I-I wish that were true --

Connor: It is! This place reminded him too much of grandpa. That's why he left. I have to call him. No, I want to see him. I'll tell him in person grandpa's alive and he can come home. You have to take me to him.

Chelsea: Honey, I can'T.

Connor: Why not?

Chelsea: I don't know where he is. I-I -- I wouldn't even know where to begin to look.

Connor: I don't believe you.

Chelsea: Connor, if I found him, it wouldn't matter.

Connor: How can you say that?

Chelsea: Because he knew that victor was alive, and he left anyway.

Connor: You're lying.

Chelsea: I'm not lying. I swear.

Connor: Yes, you are! Why won't everyone stop lying to me?!

Chelsea: Co-- [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Victor: Summer, my darling, this is your grandfather again. I know you're upset with me, but I wish you would call me back. All right?

Nikki: Give her a little more time.

Victor: I'm not a patient man, my sweetheart. But I'm not gonna give up. I know she will call me back.

Nikki: What about adam? Are you giving up on him?

Victor: He and I have said all we have to say to each other.

Nikki: Does that mean you won't be reaching out to him? Because I'm sure you could track him down if you wanted to.

Victor: He made his choice.

Nikki: He's still your son.

Victor: I know, I know, I know. But I think his leaving genoa city is good for all of us. I just hope that he makes a good life for himself somewhere else.

Nikki: I don't know if he deserves it.

Victor: Well, despite everything, I think the decisions I've made have paid off.

Paul: I disagree, victor.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Victor: What's the problem?

Paul: Other than the integrity of my entire police force being compromised?

Victor: Wait a minute. You agreed to go along with my plan.

Paul: That's because you assured me it would result in adam confessing to everything he did.

Victor: He did.

Paul: He did?

Victor: Yes.

Paul: And you let him go? The whole point of this scheme was to build an air-tight case against adam. I staked my entire reputation on your word. Now what do I get? I get an entire city and a mayor who are on my back for helping you perpetrate a lie.

Victor: Okay --

Paul: And, as an added bonus, the gcpd has one more false arrest to its record.

Victor: All right, now. Victoria being arrested was not part of the plan.

Paul: And neither was letting adam walk away scot-free.

Victor: What was done is done.

Paul: I'm just saying -- no more deals, no more favors.

Nikki: We understand.

Paul: I'll show myself out.

Victor: Do that.

Paul: One more thing. I am truly glad you are still with us.

Victor: Thank you.

Chelsea: Connor, I'm not lying.

Connor: Then help me find dad and convince him to come home.

Chelsea: If he wanted to be here, he would be.

Connor: Give me your phone. I'll call him myself.

Chelsea: Uh... no. I-I don't think that that's a good idea.

Connor: Why not?

Chelsea: Because I'm afraid you'll get hurt.

Connor: You don't care about my feelings!

Chelsea: Connor, th-- connor!

Summer: I don't have to guess what that was about.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] It's just all too much for him. I mean, he doesn't even know half the story.

Summer: Yeah, welcome to the club.

Chelsea: I'm gonna go talk to him.

Summer: Hey, why don't -- why don't you let me try, okay?

Rey: You're not responsible for adam's actions.

Sharon: You're right.-He is. But he hasn't been held accountable, not the way he should have been.

Rey: That's not your fault.

Sharon: Well, I made excuses for him that allowed him to justify doing cruel and hurtful things. Me defending him only gave him permission to bully and torment the newmans, and maybe even poison his own father.

Rey: That's on him. Not you.

Sharon: Well, now that I've taken a step back, I can see the real adam. I know that he'll cross any line and push any limit to get what he wants, no matter the cost.

Rey: I was afraid his hold on you was so tight, you'd never be able to see him for who he really was.

Sharon: I just don't like to give up on people. But, you know, I think it's good that adam's gone.

Rey: Hopefully it stays that way.

Sharon: For both our sakes.

Rey: I know this hasn't been easy for you.

Sharon: Well, it's helped a lot that I have you to talk to.

Rey: I'm glad.

Sharon: I feel like I owe you something.

Nick: Hey, sharon. Glad I caught you. Can we talk?

[ Knock on door ]

Jack: Come in.

Jack: Oh, good. Both of you. Come on in. Close the door. Have a seat.

Billy: What's going on?

Jack: I want to discuss the management situation at jabot.

Billy: [ Sighs ] All right. Well, I knew it was only a matter of time. So, what's ashley want? C.E.O.? C.O.O.?

Jack: Ashley is very happy running our european operations in paris. Has no plans to take over or take over anyone's job.

Kyle: Then what's wrong with the setup we have now? Company's doing great.

Jack: Kyle, I'm very, very happy with the work you did billy and I had to step away.

Kyle: I was happy to. And I'm looking forward to my new position as your right-hand man.

Jack: I don't think that's gonna happen.

Kyle: Hmm. I don't understand.

Jack: I see you in a different role now. But I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first. I'm going to be stepping back from the company.

Sharon: Rey and I were just in the middle of something.

Nick: It's about faith.

Rey: You go ahead.

Sharon: Okay. Thanks. Um, why don't we go on the patio?

Nick: Thanks.

Sharon: So, what about faith?

Nick: First, let me start -- I owe you an apology.

Sharon: The person you should really be apologizing to is our daughter.

Nick: She has no interest in talking to me right now.

Sharon: And I'm sure you understand why.

Nick: How is faith?

Sharon: Well, fortunately or unfortunately, she has learned to develop her coping mechanisms.

Nick: [ Snorts softly ] She's a strong kid.

Sharon: I'm gonna see her this week, so maybe I can get a good read on things.

Nick: She's lucky to have you.

Sharon: You're a good dad, nick. You just screwed up.

Nick: I know. I --

[ Sighs ] I just couldn't stand the idea of adam getting away with -- not gonna do that. Uh, I messed up. You're right. And I'm trying to focus on the good here, and that is, my dad is still alive, and adam is gone.

Sharon: Victor survived. But what you did could leave scars that might never go away.

Billy: You all right? Did something happen?

Jack: No, I'm fine. Better than I've been in a long time.

Kyle: If you and the company are both in a great ace, why step down now?

Jack: I didn't say step down. I said step back a little.

Kyle: What does that mean?

Jack: I will no longer be involved in the day-to-day operations of jabot. I will stay on in an advisory capacity, and weigh in on the big decisions.

Kyle: But you won't be running the company?

Jack: No, I won'T.

Billy: I mean, I don't understand. It seems a little bit of an odd timing-wise. You just brought ashley back into the fold.

Jack: I'm terribly proud of where jabot is right now. I'm even more proud of this family and where we are. I think dad would be, too.

Billy: And I agree. But why not continue that legacy?

Jack: I want to. Just in a slightly different way.

Billy: How?

Jack: I want to immortalize john and dina's life. Not just for posterity. For the abbott family. And traci's gonna help me. I want to tell the story of john and dina from the beginning to the end. The good, the bad. The triumphs, the disasters. Everything that led up to jabot and the beginnings of the abbott family.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] That's a big undertaking.

Jack: It is. That's why I want to step back from jabot and give this my full attention.

Billy: I mean, jack, if this is what you want to do, we support you 100%.

Kyle: Absolutely. You don't have to worry about things here.

Jack: Well, it's clear I'm leaving the company in good hands.

Kyle: No worries there.

Billy: Yeah. Rest easy.

Jack: This is just the spirit of cooperation I was hoping for. Because I want you both to run jabot -- together.

Nikki: Have you heard back from summer?

Victor: No, sweetheart. I haven'T.

Nikki: I know this isn't how you wanted things to turn out.

Victor: [ Sighs ] I think, on the whole, things turned out well, but I have now created a rift between those in our family who were in on the plan and those who were kept in the dark.

Nikki: We'll get past it. Our family is not going to fall apart. Because now I have a plan.

Chelsea: What did connor say? Did you get him to open up?

Summer: Um, I don't think he's feeling super talkative today.

Chelsea: Did he say anything?

Summer: Uh, well, we bonded. I mean, I don't know. I think it helped him to feel better that he wasn't the only one that was lied to.

Chelsea: This hasn't been easy on you, either.

Summer: Connor and I agree that it really sucks being jerked around by the people that supposedly love you.

Chelsea: How do I help him?

Summer: Respect his feelings. Let him be angry. He's entitled to.

Nick: So are you.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Yeah, you're right. I-I really am.

Nick: Summer, just wait. I didn't get a chance to apologize to you yesterday.

Summer: An apology is not going to fix this.

Nick: What would?

Summer: I don't know if anything can.

Nick: Look, I'm so sorry you're hurt, but please try and understand. Adam was a real threat to your grandfather -- to everyone in this entire family.

Summer: Yeah, including me. I should have known what was going on.

Nick: I made a judgment call.

Summer: To tell abby and victoria and even noah, but not me.

Nick: It wasn't like that.

Summer: [ Exclaims ] You treated me like I was a child. You know, actually, even worse -- you treated me like i was an outsider. And I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive that.

Nick: Please tell me that i haven't wrecked everything.

Billy: But you want us to work together?

Jack: You think you can manage that?

Kyle: Yeah, absolutely.

Billy: Yeah. For sure.

Jack: Good. It's time for the next generation of abbotts to move jabot forward. I hope you're up to the challenge.

Kyle: I am.

Billy: Uh, yeah. Jack, look, I know that it's been a rough couple of months for me, but I am here, and I am committed.

Jack: You both bring a wealth of experience, as well as great new ideas on product development and marketing. You are the face of jabot now. And the only way this is gonna work is if you cooperate.

Billy: I agree. And I'm confident that we can be competitive and productive.

Kyle: I'm down.

Jack: Well, I'm obviously leaving the company in the right set of hands. Thank you, guys.

Billy: So, who gets the office?

Sharon: Your dad told me he's been trying to get ahold of you. Well, just call him as soon as you feel ready. Okay. I'll see you soon, faith.

Mariah: Hey. How did it go with rey?

Sharon: It was going fine. And then nick showed up.

Mariah: Ugh! Do all the newman men want you to be unhappy?

Adam: Seems that way sometimes.

Mariah: Don't let them do that to you. Get in there and finish where you left off.

Sharon: I don't know. Maybe nick showing up was the universe's way of telling me that I missed my chance with rey.

Mariah: The universe can bite me.

Sharon: [ Laughs ]

Mariah: I'm serious. Get in there and fight for your happiness. Go!

Nick: Your silence speaks volumes about where I stand. With you and everyone.

Chelsea: What did you expect, nick? You played with people's emotions. You -- you made your children grieve unnecessarily.

Nick: I hated hurting them. But adam needed to be exposed, to show everyone what he's capable of. At least now he's gone, away from our children. Far away. That's got to be some consolation.

Chelsea: Not to a little boy who doesn't know who to trust anymore.

Nick: He can trust me. And so can you. So, please, just don't shut me out. Give me a chance.

Chelsea: Even though that's what you did to me? Shut me out?

Nick: Please, chelsea. Come on.

Chelsea: Nick, I just --

[ Sighs ] I know you're trying to fix this, but I need some time alone. So please respect that. Summer was right. This sucks.

Victor: I think a family get-together is a great idea.

Nikki: It'll give the kids and the grandkids the chance to say what's on their mind. Get everything out in the open so we can start to heal. PVictor: And move on.

Nikki: Yeah. It's time to do that.

Victor: You know, I think this will remind everyone that a family that is united is stronger.

Nikki: Good. I'll start making calls.

Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart. Oh, baby...

Nikki: Hmm?

Victor: Before you do.

[ Sighs ] I just want to remind you how much I love you. And I couldn't have done this without you, you know. You've been a rock to me. And to the family.

Nikki: Darling, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Because you are the love of my life.

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