Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/1/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/1/19


Episode #11713 ~ Victor reveals a dangerous plan, Devon points the finger at Cane, and Phyllis defends Summer.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Amanda: "I leave the rest of my fortune, amounting to $2,475,000,000 to... cane ashby."

Adam: Connor is better off without me, so... I'm going. And I'm leaving my son behind.

Chelsea: You let me believe that victor was dead. How could you not tell me? My son is upstairs in his room going through hell right now, so don't say that you did that to protect us, nick. You did this because of your sick need to exact revenge on your brother.

Adam: I hope that you canforgive me someday.

Nikki: Victor! Michael's coming! I just saw him making his way from the garden.

Victor: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Nikki: Victor, you've got to get upstairs. Joan's gonna be letting michael in any second.

Victor: It's all right, my darling.

Nikki: What do you mean, it's all right?

Victor: It's all right.

Michael: Nikki?

Victor: Michael, we're in here.

Nikki: Oh, my god...

Michael: You're alive.

Victor: I am, indeed.

Chelsea: I need to get out of here. I need some air.

Nick: Chelsea, please don't go like this, can we just --

Chelsea: Stop.

Nick: Let's talk about it, okay?

Chelsea: Talk about it? I think we've covered all of our bases. You lied to me about victor, connor thinks his grandfather is dead, and now he's even more devastated because his father is leaving town out of the blue.

Nick: Look, it wasn't like that.

Chelsea: All you cared about, all your family cared about was this stupid plan to take down adam.

Nick: If you'll just let me explain.

Chelsea: I don't want to listen. You made your choice. You broke my trust. And now my son is in pain. There's nothing you can say or do that's gonna change that.

Phyllis: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Phyllis: Thanks for meeting me.

[ Sighs ] How have you been?

Summer: Uh, not great. I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch with you lately.

Phyllis: You've been shutting me out.

Summer: I've just been a mess over grandpa dying. And, uh, I mean, I'm sure that you're all "good riddance," but... when you showed up here, trying to force mother-daughter time on me, I just -- I couldn't handle it, so I'm sorry.

Phyllis: I'm sorry. Listen, that wasn't the best way to handle things. I'm just so worried about you, that's all. All right, honey? And let's just forget about my feelings about victor, okay? This is about you. I just... love you so much. And I know you're hurting, and I just want to help you. I just want to be here for you, okay?

Summer: Thanks.

Phyllis: In fact... listen, I want to go to the memorial service with you, all right? Just to be there for you, if you need a tissue or a shoulder to cry on or someone to hold you hand.

Summer: Okay, mom, uh... look, no offense, but I have to ask -- is there another reason why you want to come? One that has nothing to do with me?

Devon: So cane... he's the one who's meant to get my share of katherine's estate?

Cane: No, this is crazy. All right?

Jill: Well, I have to agree. I mean, as much as katherine loved you, I don't think that she intended for you to be her primary beneficiary, no offense.

Cane: No, no. None taken. I mean, katherine never implied that she was gonna do anything like this, and nor do I expect it, okay? Listen, all right, I only came here today for moral support, and that is it.

Amanda: Well, I am just happy that you're here.

Brittany: Well, I sure would like to see the evidence that supports this outrageous claim.

Devon: You got to be kidding me.

Brittany: This is a photocopy.

Jill: What?

Devon: Do you really think you can get away with this? There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture.

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Rey: Oh. I was hoping I would catch you here.

Sharon: Good to see you, too. What can I do for you?

Rey: I was hoping you could help me.

Sharon: With what?

Rey: Adam.

Michael: It really is you.

Victor: [ Chuckles ]

Michael: You're all right. You didn't die.

Victor: Come here.

Michael: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: Obviously there's a great deal we need to explain.

Victor: The deceit was necessary.

Michael: Your death may have been a lie, but somebody tampering with your medication...

Victor: That was real.

Michael: This was all an elaborate plot to smoke out adam. I know that's who you believe did this. I --

Victor: When I realized what he had done, I knew what I had to do.

Nikki: Victor, we're running out of time.

Nick: Time for what? Why are you being so mysterious?

Victor: I wanted to wait till victoria was here before I got into it.

Nick: Is this about a change in your medical condition?

Abby: You said nate was here to explain things?

Victor: We found out in my latest blood tests that the medication in my blood had unexpectedly doubled.

Abby: What? Why?

Nick: Is this why your side effects have gotten worse?

Victor: Yeah.

Nate: I know it can mean only one thing -- victor's medication had been tampered with. He'd been taking twice the prescribed dosage of a very powerful experimental drug.

Abby: Who would do such a thing?

Nick: Who else? Adam, right? This is all part of his war with dad.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Victor: Yeah. He came here the other day, wanting to call a truce.

Nikki: Yeah. It struck us as very odd. And then, later on, we realized that that was just a way to get in the door so that he could switch the pill bottles.

Abby: You could have been killed.

Victor: Yeah. I could have been killed, indeed. That was his intention. And I want him to believe that he succeeded.

Nikki: Our job is to make that as believable as possible.

Victor: So we will let the world know that I was ill and that I took medication, and someone tampered with the medication in order to cause my demise.

Nick: And you want to let adam think he killed you?

Victor: Yes.

Nikki: We're setting up a trap to make him pay for his crime, along with any other crimes that he's bound to commit while he's trying to cover up for this one.

Abby: Why not just have him arrested?

Nick: There's probably no real evidence that connects him to the pills. There's more to this, right, dad? I mean, this is a test. To see if there's any hope for adam, if he has any regrets, what he tried to do to you.

Victor: You're right, son. I am... really hoping that there's something to salvage in this man.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, why don't I just save us all some time and answer that question right now?

Nick: No, dad, look, I get what you're trying to do. You're his father. But I just think you're gonna be disappointed in the end.

Nikki: Regardless of how we all feel, this is how your father wants to handle it. Now, I'm on board. I hope we can count on you two, as well.

Victor: This can only work with your support.

Nikki: We're gonna need someone on in the inside of the investigation, as well.

Victor: I know. Why don't you make the call? Assuming... you're all in agreement?

Abby: It'll be a challenge, but... I'm in.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah, sure, whatever it takes.

Victor: Doc, how about you?

Nate: I should say no. What you're proposing is a serious ethical breach. But we can't allow adam to get away with this.

Victor: Okay. I know I'm asking a lot. I know that. But you must keep this a secret. I don't want summer to know about this. I am worried about the fact that she might then go to phyllis.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I absolutely hate the idea of letting summer think you're dead. I mean, it's gonna devastate her.

[ Sighs ] I'll -- I mean, I'll do it. Chelsea, too. I don't want her to feel like she's stuck between us and connor's dad.

Nikki: Thank you, darling. Now, in a few short minutes, summer will arrive, and so will adam... following my request to have a family meeting.

Abby: Wait, what about victoria?

Nikki: I've left several messages.

Summer: Thanks, joan. Hey, guys. Hey.

Nick: Hey.

Nikki: Hi, summer.

Summer: Hi.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Summer: I got your text. Is -- is everything okay? Are you here with abby, or are you here as grandpa's doctor? Hey.

Nick: We all have questions, but dad wanted to wait till we all got here to explain.

Abby: We made a good-faith effort to get ahold of victoria, but obviously dad and nikki want to discuss this immediately, right, dad?

Victor: It is because it is a time-sensitive matter, all right?

Nikki: I don't know if we should do this if everyone is not here.

Adam: Do what?

Michael: My god, the risks you took.

Victor: At the time, I had no other options.

Michael: And adam setting up victoria to take the fall? Was that part of the calculus? Hmm. It's not often anyone puts one over on you.

Victor: You've got that right.

Michael: So, uh, why reveal yourself now, at this stage of the game?

Nikki: I would like to know that myself.

Victor: And I will explain everything once the others are here, all right?

Nick: [ Sighs ] I know you're upset.

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Try livid.

Nick: It -- can you just try and see this from my perspective?

[ Cellphone chimes ] It's my mom. She needs to see me at the ranch right away.

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] By all means, go.

Nick: I'll be back as fast as I can.

Chelsea: Don't bother. I'm due at work soon.

Nick: You have no idea how sorry I am.

Chelsea: You better do. You don't want to keep them waiting. What does victor always say? "Family first."

Amanda: I know it's not exactly what you were expecting.

Brittany: Why are you wasting our time? Without pages that we can authenticate, there's no point in even having this conversation.

Amanda: I will be receiving the originals from my client.

Cane: When?

Amanda: Soon.

Jill: How precise of you.

Amanda: The reason I kept this meeting was so that mr. Hamilton wouldn't have to wait any longer to learn the truth about the details regarding his situation.

Devon: Don't make it seem like you're doing me any favors.

Amanda: I'm doing my job. Mr. Chancellor wanted the truth to come to light so that katherine chancellor's actual wishes would be realized, and to expose the fact that mr. Mccall altered her will to benefit you.

Devon: Oh, you make it sound like such a noble cause, amanda, but your client has a lot of explaining to do. Like, why are you the only person he's been in contact with? Why can't he send you the real pages of the will? Is it because it's not real? Could that be it?

Amanda: I understand that this is very emotional for everyone involved.

Jill: You don't understand a damn thing. You didn't know katherine, you don't know these men standing here. But I know that I can't trust a word that comes out of your mouth because my grandson would never dirty his hands with this.

Amanda: You can keep that copy. When the originals arrive, I will be in touch about having them authenticated.

Brittany: If and when that time comes, I'll have my own expert ready to do an analysis.

Amanda: I would expect nothing less. So, I think we are done here?

Devon: No, we are not done here at all. We're just getting started.

Summer: Mom, you hated grandpa. You hated him, for good reason. But, still, okay, before i invite you to his private service, I have to find out what your intentions really are.

Phyllis: Okay, I swear, I'm not going there to cause a scene. I'm not going there to blurt out my opinion of victor newman. I understand your feelings. I haven't been very tactful in the past. This would be all about you.

Summer: Really? All about me? Okay, so, uh, what about adam? Would you be there to comfort adam, too? Oh, come on, you had to have known he was invited.

Phyllis: No, I didn't know that. Why would the newmans want him there?

Summer: Yeah, I know, I had& the same reaction, but, apparently, the rest of the family thinks that grandpa would have wanted them to make the gesture.

Phyllis: While they cross their fingers and hope he doesn't come. Adam left town. I got the feeling that it was for good.

Summer: Okay, so adam may have killed my grandfather, and he just gets to leave town?

Phyllis: Adam has not been arrested, summer.

Summer: I don't care! He is a monster. Look at all the things that he has done since he's been back in town.

Phyllis: Okay, I want you to listen to me. Adam is a lot like his father. He's a very complicated man, and, yes, he has -- he has done some unforgivable things, just like his father. But just like you see a lot of good in victor, I see a lot of good in adam. I understand adam. And I have seen a side of him that very few people have seen.

Summer: Oh, my god. You know, I really don't want to hear this right now, okay? Maybe adam will disappear forever. Maybe. Maybe the police will track him down and will throw him in jail. I don't know, but, either way, you should be happy that he is out of your life. Every single one of us is better off without him.

Rey: Have you heard from adam since the last time you saw him here?

Sharon: No. I haven'T. Why? What's going on?

Rey: Well, all I can officially say is that, earlier today, there was a development in the investigation into victor's death.

Sharon: Meaning there's new evidence that points to adam?

Rey: We need to speak with him, but we haven't been able to locate him.

Sharon: When adam and I had that last intense conversation, at the end, he told me "goodbye," but... you know, at the time, I thought he was talking about our relationship. Now, looking back...

Rey: You think there could have been something more?

Sharon: What if he's planning on leaving genoa city behind?

Victor: Thank you all for coming.

Abby: What's this about?

Nick: And what's michael doing here?

Paul: That's a very good question.

Nikki: Hello, paul.

Paul: Nikki, everyone.

Michael: Obviously, victor chose to clue me in. And, I must say, I'm impressed with all your performances. Especially yours, paul.

Paul: Did you tell everyone the news?

Michael: No, I haven't had the chance. Why don't you do the honors?

Paul: The pharmacist that sold victoria the double dosage pills was apprehended trying to leave the country. She admitted it was adam, and not victoria, who bought them, and she was paid to incriminate victoria.

Victoria: Oh, well, thank god.

Victor: Thank you, paul. You couldn't have given us a more welcome update.

Nick: Chelsea told me that adam's leaving town. Since there's no legal way to stop him, I figured the best we could hope for is that we get to get that loser out of our lives for good.

Victoria: Well, we have enough evidence to nail him.

Michael: It'll be my pleasure to prosecute him.

Paul: One step at a time. We need to pick him up first.

Victor: You won't find him.

Michael: Why is that?

Victor: When he found out i was still alive, he came to pay me a visit, and he was obviously a changed man. He apologized for everything he had done.

Michael: [ Sighs ]

Victor: And he said he was going to leave town.

Paul: Where is he now?

Victor: I let him go.

Devon: Now, I know that you're trying to make this sound like this is just business as usual, but you and I both know this claim, it all just sounds ridiculous, okay? And maybe you don't care. Maybe you're just trying to make a buck, or maybe you have your own agenda. I don't know, but... you need to really think long and hard before you decide to pursue this any further.

Amanda: Are you threatening me?

Brittany: Absolutely not.

Devon: All I'm trying to do is make sure you understand how much you're taking on because you're attacking the legitimacy of my inheritance, and you're accusing a man of tucker's stature of forgery and fraud.

Amanda: Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to rush to his defense. The other day, you said that you were unable to reach him. Has anything changed?

Devon: No, it hasn'T.

Amanda: Have you ever wondered why that is? An important man, the head of international conglomerate, just goes off the grid? No warning... you know, some may construe that as the behavior of a guilty man who knows he's been found out.

Devon: Mm, so what does that say about your awol client?

Amanda: Mr. Chancellor has nothing to gain, so there's no reason to question his motives. Mr. Mccall, on the other hand...

Jill: All right, that's enough. I refuse to listen to any more of these ridiculous allegations.

Cane: Ms. Sinclair, let me -- let me see you out. Come on.

Amanda: Okay. Ms. Hodges, I'm sure we'll be speaking again soon.

Nikki: How could you let adam walk away? That was never part of the plan.

Victoria: I cannot believe this.

Victor: I got to tell you that I got what I wanted when adam came to see me. I saw change in him. I saw it in his eyes. I don't think he's beyond redemption.

Michael: So you let him get a head start on the authorities who you knew would want him for questioning without consulting anyone.

Victor: Well, to be honest with you, adam slipped out as my back was turned.

Nick: So you didn't go after him or call security?

Victor: Son, I hope that your brother, wherever he ends up, will start a new life for himself.

Paul: You know, as poetic as that may sound, adam has committed some very serious crimes. He bought drugs illegally, attempted murder... the only reason I agreed to this scheme was to see justice done.

Victor: Paul, I really appreciate everything you have done. I really do. And I appreciate all of your indulgences. But adam is gone. And if you pursue him, I will not cooperate.

Paul: Victor, this is ridiculous. You are wrong about adam. He hasn't changed. I guarantee it... that you're gonna regret this.

Victor: I really am sorry that I put all of you through this, okay? And, michael... there's one more thing that I ask you to do. I hope you will cooperate with me.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] All right. What can I do to take your mind off of everything? Hot-fudge sundae? Uh, shopping spree in new york? Spa day? All of the above?

Summer: That's a very generous -- generous offer, but, no, it's not necessary, mom.

Phyllis: Not necessary? Come on, it's my prerogative to make my daughter feel better okay? You don't get to decide. Hey, chelsea!

Chelsea: Hi, there.

Summer: Hey.

Chelsea: Uh, you left the house early this morning.

Summer: Yeah, I just have a lot going on.

Chelsea: Yeah, I know the feeling. My schedule's packed. What do you need?

Phyllis: Whoa. Nice attitude. Is it because of adam?

Chelsea: Meaning what, exactly?

Phyllis: Well, surely he informed you that he's leaving town.

Chelsea: He did.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, it must be very upsetting, how it affects your son, connor.

Chelsea: Yes, I'm very worried. This has all been very painful, but I don't care to discuss it further.

Phyllis: Uh, well, okay. Great.

Chelsea: Um, if you'll excuse me...

Summer: I really wish you wouldn't have upset her like that.

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] That was not my intention.

Summer: Oh, my god. Really, mom?

Phyllis: Okay, let's not talk about adam anymore, please. Please. What were we talking about? Ah! A spa day! How about a massage? You want a massage? I mean, you could use one, just saying. My treat.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Brittany: If you hear from chance or tucker, please let me know right away.

Devon: Oh, I absolutely will. And, brittany, thank you, again, for everything.

Brittany: Oh, of course. I'm just so sorry you have to go through this.

Devon: Hey, it's -- it is what it is. I just wish that it was over with.

Brittany: Well, if chance's attorney keeps pushing this half-assed documentation that she brought in today, I like our odds.

Devon: [ Chuckles ] Well, let's hope she doesn't come up with any more surprises.

Brittany: You know, this whole thing just seems so bogus to me. If the alleged authentic pages claim to give a greater portion of katherine's estate to mac, I might buy it. But cane's not even her blood relative. Talk soon, okay?

Devon: Okay. Thanks.

Cane: I don't believe any of this.

Jill: I don't, either.

Cane: I mean, the idea that katherine would leave me a billion dollars is crazy.

Devon: Sure is.

[ Cellphones chime ]

Jill: Oh! Breaking news.

Chelsea: Guys? Come check this out.

Michael: Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. My name is michael baldwin. I am the district attorney of walworth county, and I am here to make a major announcement about the victor newman case. The charges against victoria newman have been dropped because, in short, there was no murder.

Summer: Wait, grandpa?

Michael: Mr. Newman will take it from here.

Victor: Thank you, michael. As you can see, I'm very much alive. The threat to my life was real. That's why I and my family had to come up with a story that i died.

Devon: This is unreal.

Victor: I'm very relieved...

Jill: Boy, were they convincing.

Victor: ...That the threat to my life has been eliminated, allowing me to come out of hiding and address all of you. I've got to tell you that I was overwhelmed with the concern and the support that you have shown my family. That touched me. And I would appreciate it if you would respect my family's privacy. No questions at this time. Thank you.

Sharon: It was all a cover. Did you have any idea?

Rey: None. Did you?

Summer: Wait, he's alive? Grandpa's alive? How did I not know this?

Chelsea: Here. Here, here, here.

Summer: Why didn't anyone tell me?

Phyllis: I don't know. Did you know about this?

Chelsea: No.

Phyllis: I'm sure nick was a part of it. He must have told you.

Chelsea: No, I found out like an hour before I got here, really.

Phyllis: Oh, and you didn't have the decency to say anything when you walked in.

Chelsea: Don't start with me, phyllis. This is hard enough as it is.

Phyllis: Oh, things are gonna get a lot harder and uglier for certain people right now.

Summer: Wait, mom. Wait.

Phyllis: I'm going over there. Don't try to stop me.

Summer: No, I'm coming with you. Mom!

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Oh, my god.

Victor: Thank you for your help, michael.

Michael: Well, I had no choice. I couldn't prosecute victoria for a crime she didn't commit. Unfortunately, the person who should have been charged was allowed to vanish into thin air.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Michael: If the police were to check on the whereabouts of the newman jet...

Victor: They would find it in the hangar, where it has been all day and will remain. It was adam's decision to flee. I neither helped nor encouraged him.

Michael: All right, then. I'm gonna go back to my office and tend to cases I can actually prosecute.

Victor: All right.

Michael: Nikki.

Nikki: Thank you, michael.

Victor: Thank you for your help, okay? Thank you.

Michael: Good to have you back.

Victor: Thank you.

Sharon: Victor is alive. Thank god. But the lies...

Rey: You had me working on a phony murder case?

Paul: But there was a real attempted murder. Victor created this ruse hoping to force adam into a confession.

Sharon: He just said the threat was eliminated. Did adam turn himself in? Was he arrested?

Paul: No. Apparently, victor had a huge cathartic conversation with adam, and... he allowed him to slip away.

Rey: Okay, so -- so he's -- he's still at large.

Paul: For now.

Sharon: Um, I have to call nick.

Rey: What -- what -- what the hell, paul? I mean --

Paul: Oh, believe me, I am as frustrated as you are.

Rey: Yeah, somehow, I doubt that.

Paul: Look, you get whatever you're gonna get here, and you meet me at the station.

Sharon: And, what, you didn't think I could keep a secret?

Nick: The fewer people who knew, the better.

Sharon: The better for whom, nick?

Nick: Look, I couldn't tell you then, but I can explain everything now.

Sharon: That's a conversation for later. Right now, I'm worried about our kids.

Nick: I told noah a while ago.

Sharon: You did? What about faith?

Nick: We couldn't trust the younger kids with this.

Sharon: Faith has been heartbroken. She was planning on coming home from boarding school to go to her grandpa's funeral.

Nick: Yeah, I tried to call faith before dad went on tv, but she didn't answer.

Sharon: I'll handle it.

Victoria: Hey. You okay?

Nick: Yeah, everything's great. How are things on your end?

Victoria: Billy's with the kids. He's trying to shield them from this insanity.

Summer: Grandpa? Oh, my god. I had to see you in person to make sure you're really here.

Victor: I'm so sorry, my sweetheart.

Summer: [ Cries ]

Victor: I'm so sorry.

Nick: I tried to call you before the press conference so you wouldn't be blindsided, and then afterwards, but, both times, it went to voicemail. I'm so sorry.

Phyllis: Yeah, really? You're so sorry. Too little, too late.

[ Scoffs ] Look at you all. I can't stand to look at any of your faces. You make me sick. How dare you do this to my daughter.

Jill: [ Scoffs ] Isn't this just typical victor? He leaves town on some quest or another, everybody thinks he's dead or he's gone for good, and then he just pops back up, like nothing happened.

Cane: What, are you implying this is more of the same?

Jill: I am implying that he is an unpredictable son-of-a-bitch.

Devon: Well, as glad as I am that victor is alive and well, I still need to figure out my own situation. And, jill, I know that you don't believe that chance is capable of doing anything underhanded, but I got to tell you...

Jill: Because he's not.

[ Scoffs ] I mean, we have no proof that he hired this sinclair woman. We only have her say-so. Oh, devon, he's a good man. He's got a good heart.

Devon: People change, jill. People change all the time. But let's say that you're right. Let's say that you're right for a second. Either he didn't hire amanda, or he did because somebody else convinced him of this story, which means he's the victim of a scam, and somebody else is responsible. I have to wonder who that is. Who stands to gain something here?

Cane: Hang on a second. Hang on -- are you actually saying that you think I'm involved in this?

Devon: You're obviously the one who benefits most from this alleged other version of katherine's will. You invited yourself here today, for whatever reason...

Cane: Okay.

Devon: So, yeah, dude, I -- I have plenty of reasons to wonder about you.

Jill: Cane would never do such a terrible thing.

Devon: He already did. He showed up to town pretending to be a chancellor. Remember that?

Cane: All right, listen, i know your nerves are raw, okay? And I know I've done some pretty underhanded things in the past, all right? But I don't have any grudges against you. Listen, bud, I -- I would never abuse katherine's legacy like this, after she was so kind and decent to me. Do you understand that? Yeah?

Devon: Sure. Yeah.

Cane: Yeah?

Devon: Yeah, I do.

Cane: Okay.

Devon: Andi shouldn't have -- I shouldn't have gone there, I apologize.

Cane: That's okay.

Devon: I'm just -- this whole thing is messing with me, and I'm looking for answers. I'm sorry.

Jill: I know, and it's so frustrating that I can't reach chance. He's never been out of touch for this long. What if -- what if something's happened to him?

Cane: All right, look, why don't I just go and find this guy myself, okay?

Devon: What about your job?

Cane: I'll take a leave of absence.

Devon: Why don't I just hire a private investigator?

Cane: No, no, no, no, no. I want to do this for you, and i want to do it for everybody who loved katherine, okay? Just -- let me just put an end to this once and for all, okay?

Jill: Oh, my god, if you're willing to do this, I think it's wonderful.

Cane: All right.

Devon: Where are you gonna start?

Cane: I don't know. I mean, all we have to do is just -- where was his last-known location?

Devon: He was in vegas with adam.

Sharon: I love you, too, sweetie. Bye-bye.

[ Sighs ]

Rey: How is faith handling the news?

Sharon: She's thrilled victor's alive, incredibly relieved, but...

Rey: She still has questions.

Sharon: Tons, which she can ask nick.

Rey: Well, I'm sorry for both your sakes that the newmans kept you in the dark.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] What about you? I mean, you were trying to do your job in good faith, and paul had you spinning your wheels, working on a case without all the facts. You must feel betrayed.

Rey: I don't think I'll ever get used to the way that family operates.

Sharon: After all these years, nothing should surprise me, and, yet, I didn't see this one coming.

Rey: Mnh-mnh.

Phyllis: How screwed up are you people? You put my daughter through hell, for what?

[ Scoffs ] Did it ever occur to any of you what this would do to her?

Victoria: Of course it did.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, it sure seems that way.

[ Scoffs ]

Summer: I don't get why you lied to me. I'm not a child.

Victor: Sorry, sweetheart, but that's the way it had to be.

Phyllis: Don't call her "sweetheart" or dismiss any of her questions. You didn't tell summer because you didn't want her blabbing to me. Am I right?

Abby: Well, the thought occurred to us.

Nate: The more contained we could keep the secret, the better chance we had of pulling it off.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: We know how your mother feels about your father, not to mention how close she is with adam.

Summer: So you just lied to me. You lied to me and you let me grieve?

Nick: What can I do to make it up to you? Just name it.

Phyllis: You can't do anything for her. I can't believe that you did this to your daughter, that you put her in that position. You did it so you could get what you wanted. To get rid of adam. Mission accomplished. Congratulations. I bet you feel great. Are you ready to go? Let's go. Ready?

Summer: Yeah.

Nick: Summer.

Victoria: Nicholas! Nick! Nick, just give her some space.

Nikki: When we talk to her later, we'll find a way to make things right.

Victor: So, this has been a long and rather terrible journey, but... thank god it's over with now.

Nick: I mean, is it, dad? Is the pain and suffering where adam's concerned ever really over?

Victor: [ Sighs ] I certainly hope so, son.

Spider, you in?

Adam: I call.

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