Y&R Transcript Friday 9/27/19
Episode #11711 ~ Nick confesses to Chelsea; Adam gives Phyllis an unexpected gift.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Theo: Look what I, heh, made you do.
Kyle: I'll never forget the victor I knew when I was a kid. There's nothing he wouldn't have done for me.
Summer: I'm happy that you still remember him that way. Kyle, I'm really happy that you stuck around tonight.
Kyle: Me, too.
Phyllis: Victor's dead. We should be celebrating that he can't hurt us ever again.
Adam: Is this really what you've become now? A man that would kill his own father?
[ Doorbell ringing ]
Adam: [ Sighs ] Nick. I was wondering where you were. It's been about, uh, 24 hours since you told me what a crap human I am.
Nick: I'm not taking the bait, adam.
Adam: Mm. Well, that is disappointing. I was hoping you could be my verbal sparring partner now that dad's gone.
Nick: I don't want to fight with you.
Adam: Then why are you here?
Nick: It's what our father would have wanted.
Victoria: What is our next move?
Victor: Nicholas is making it right now.
Nikki: He went to see adam.
Victoria: I hope he can keep his cool.
Victor: I have faith in him. And in our plan.
Nikki: I just want this to be over. I don't like pretending that you're dead.
Victor: Well, look at it from a different side, you know -- who gets to attend his own funeral?
Kyle: Thanks for lunch.
Lola: Wow. I guess the honeymoon is over.
Kyle: Sorry. My mind is...somewhere else.
Lola: Yeah, it has been for a couple days now.
Kyle: Victor's death hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. He was such a force. I didn't think anything could bring him down.
Lola: Yeah. Seems like the whole town is in mourning.
Kyle: And now that he's gone, I -- [ Sighs ] It's just made me think about my own life. Realize what really matters.
Lola: Well, that's not always easy at times like this.
Kyle: It is when you don't have to look far.
Phyllis: Social-media policies for the grand phoenix.
Theo: What --
Phyllis: I want you to study them. And by "study," I mean memorize inside and out.
Theo: Sure, boss. Oh, wait. That's right -- you're not my boss. You lost your stake in this place.
Phyllis: Mm, yeah. I remember you were a real jerk about it.
Theo: I'm sorry I wasn't more sensitive.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's too bad you weren'T. 'Cause I'm back.
Kevin: Ahh. Good morning, mikey.
Michael: For some people, it is, I suppose.
Kevin: Ugh. You're acting like somebody died.
Michael: Somebody did.
Kevin: [ Gasps ] Right. Victor. Sorry.
Victor: There was a time i considered that man a very close friend. But now his passing is just a big mess that I have to clean up.
Kevin: I still can't believe you arrested victoria for his murder. Not that I blame you. Adam is a genius at setting people up.
Michael: It isn't possible for me to move against him right now. Even though I am certain that he's the one who tampered with victor's medication.
Kevin: So bust him for it. Chloe's out of jail. He has no more leverage over us.
Michael: [ Sighs ] You and chloe are free. I'm not.
Nick: It's gonna be a small service. Just family, some close friends. It's scheduled for next week. I'll shoot you the details.
Adam: You want me to be there?
Nick: [ Sighs ] I am honoring dad's wishes.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] What, to -- to bond in our grief? Come on. Try again.
Nick: Adam, I'm trying to extend an invitation here.
Adam: Right. To the guy you said was "the biggest disappointment in dad's life."
Nick: I won't apologize for a damn thing.
Adam: Well, like father, like son, right?
Nick: Dad saw something in you that I never could.
Adam: Maybe he saw himself in me. His true self.
Nick: You aren't half the man our father was. He had a heart. And a soul.
Adam: Yeah, and both were dark as night.
Nk: He never gave up on you despite all the horrible things you've done to this family. He wanted to believe there was some goodness in you. You owe it to him to prove he was right.
Adam: All right, who died and made you king, nick?
Nick: Look, we're putting our father in the ground next week. It's your last chance. If there is a shred of decency inside of you, do the right thing.
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[ Mugs rattle ]
Adam: [ Slams mug ]
[ Crying ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Victoria: What are we gonna do if adam refuses to come?
Victor: I doubt he will.
Nikki: I know the casket's gonna be empty but just the thought of it --
Victoria: I don't even know how I'm gonna get through the eulogy.
Victor: When he realizes the devastation and grief he has caused, he will be devastated.
Victoria: His conscience will kick in?
Victor: Yeah.
Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, he'd have to have one in order for that to happen.
Nikki: We need to think about what we're going to do if he doesn't admit to switching your pills.
Victor: I know my son better than any of you. I assure you, he'll be riddled with guilt.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Summer: Thank you, joan. I'll let myself in.
Summer: Oh, my god. I am so happy that you're out of jail.
Victoria: Yeah, billy bailed me out.
Summer: Oh, my god. Thank god. Grandpa being gone, and then you being locked up for his murder, I j-- I just cannot believe that all of this is happening right now.
Nikki: It's going to be all right, sweetheart.
Summer: No, it's not, grandma. It's not. Grandpa is gone. Nothing is ever going to be okay again.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] It's hard to believe victor's never gonna be here again. Or...anywhere.
Lola: It will take everyone a while to get used to that.
Kyle: I don't know if summer ever will. I tried to comfort her, but I don't know if I was much help.
Lola: I'm sure you were just the right person she needed to lean on.
Kyle: We have a lot of history, going way back.
Lola: I'm really able that you guys were able to get to a place where you can be friends again.
Kyle: If only she wasn't dating theo.
[ Sighs ] I wish that guy would move back to new york.
Lola: You really don't like the guy.
Kyle: Worse. I don't trust him. He's a ticking time bomb.
Adam: [ Snorts softly ]
[ Doorbell rings ]
[ Doorbell ringing ]
Phyllis: I have a time-sensitive matter that i need to discuss with you.
Adam: Okay, not now. It is not a good time.
Phyllis: I've been brainstorming, and I have a way for you to -- what's that?
Adam: Uh, I believe they call that a suitcase.
Phyllis: Yeah, what's it doing here?
Adam: It's waiting for me to pick it up and walk out that door.
Phyllis: No. You're not going on vacation right now, adam. Listen, victoria is worried about the charges against her, and nick and nikki's focus will be on victoria. Now is the time for you to go into the company and take control.
Adam: Oh, and you act like this was your plan, phyllis.
Phyllis: I've been your sounding board. And I am advising you to act quickly.
Adam: Oh. And where would I be without you?
Phyllis: Honestly, you don't want to know. Trust me. I know it wasn't your plan that your father died, but he's dead. And there are things to deal with -- namely, his will.
Adam: Oh. I highly doubt he left me anything.
Phyllis: I'm not talking about that. You know that the probate courts will tie up his estate in legal knots for months to come. You have to take control of newman enterprises before that.
Adam: So while the rest of the family is grieving, then I'll swoop in and steal the company from them?
Phyllis: This was your plan all along! What changed?
Adam: You mean other than the fact of my father actually dying?
Phyllis: I'm cold and heartless. I don't care. I have been called that before.
Adam: [ Chuckles softly ] You know, you do always cut through the bull, phyllis. I am going to miss that.
Phyllis: You son of a bitch. You're leaving for good. I'm not picking it up.
Theo: Hey. How's my favorite pr exec?
Mariah: Busy. So let's get to work.
Theo: That's why I'm here. I ordered you a double espresso.
Mariah: Did one of your wannabe influencers spike it?
Theo: [ Sighs ] Look, zoe was a fluke. That innocent look fooled me.
Mariah: I bet that doesn't happen often.
Theo: I'm pretty good at picking winners.
Mariah: I've heard. Mostly from you.
Theo: Well, I hooked you up with indio and tallulah. They're killing it on social media.
Mariah: We'll see.
Theo: Actually, I had some ideas for boosting their profiles. I wanted to get your input.
Mariah: Really?
Theo: Yeah. I value your opinion.
Mariah: It must be exhausting. You know, working this flattery angle all the time.
Theo: Oh, you know, that's just how I roll. Little give. Little take. Gets the creative juices flowing.
Mariah: Were your creative juices flowing when you decided to hit on my girlfriend?
Kevin: I thought fen was touring, focusing on his music.
Michael: Well, uh, things weren't going as well as he'd hoped. He got frustrated. Started using.
Kevin: Which led to dealing.
Michael: Yeah.
Kevin: And that snake adam found out about his side hustle.
Michael: Mm-hmm. Well, he's got phone records, video footage, witnesses.
Kevin: It doesn't help that your boy's got a record.
Michael: Yeah, adam pointed that out, too.
Kevin: Where is fen now?
Michael: Lauren was able to convince him to get into rehab.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] How did you stop lauren from going after adam?
Michael: [ Exclaims ] Well, it wasn't easy.
Kevin: Well, if she changes her mind, tell her to call me.
Michael: Oh, good. So I can worry about my brother and my wife going bonnie and clyde on me.
Kevin: You saved chloe.
[ Rapping table ] I'm gonna return the favor.
Michael: You are going to stay out of this.
Kevin: No can do, mikey. I am sick of letting adam call all the shots. I'm gonna make sure he goes down.
Phyllis: Oh, whoa. I never thought I'd see the day where adam newman is running scared.
Adam: Have you considered the possibility that I'm leaving because I want to?
Phyllis: No. I think your father's death has affected you. And I think it's guilt that is driving you out of town.
Adam: No, I never should have come back to genoa city in the first place. It was a mistake.
Phyllis: Are you telling me that taking over newman enterprises and destroying that company is off the table?
Adam: Crushing my father's legacy really doesn't have the appeal it once did.
Phyllis: Oh, my god. I can't believe that you're surrendering.
Adam: Call it whatever you'd like, phyllis.
Phyllis: Wow! Even dead, victor is still the victor. You're not gonna do anything stupid, are you?
Adam: Well, that would depend on what you mean by stupid.
Summer: I'm trying to hold it together, but I just -- I really can't imagine my life without grandpa.
Victoria: No, none of us can.
Summer: He was my biggest champion. He gave me that job in dubai, and then I just left newman.
Nikki: Oh, no. He understood.
Summer: No, I let him down.
Nikki: Never think that.
Summer: I just wish I could have told him how much he meant to me.
Nikki: Sweetheart, he knew. And then you get arrested. I mean, it feels like our lives are going from bad to worse. And I know that I should be stronger, but it's just really hard without grandpa, you know?
[ Voice breaking ] He was always the one to hold us up. I mean, who's gonna do that now?
Nick: I am.
Summer: Dad, how are we gonna get through this?
Nick: One step at a time. I took a big step today.
Nikki: How did it go?
Nick: Well, I gave adam the funeral info. It's up to him to make the next move.
Summer: Wait, why would you invite adam? After everything that he's done to our family and to grandpa, why?
Victoria: It's what dad would have wanted. We're just trying to honor his wishes.
Summer: Okay, well, if he even comes, I mean --
Nick: It's gonna be okay.
Summer: Um, I have to meet somebody. But I can stay if you want me to.
Nikki: Darling, don't worry. Your grandfather would want you to go on with your life.
Summer: Okay. Just, um, call me if you need anything, okay?
Nick: We will.
Summer: Okay.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Victor: I've got to say, I'm really sorry, okay, that I'm putting all of you through this. But it won't be much longer.
Phyllis: Can I change your mind?
Adam: Sorry.
Phyllis: All right. Find yourself. Lose yourself. Whatever you have to do. But just remember... I am here when you realize your life is boring without me.
Adam: You know, I might actually miss you, phyllis. You were one of the few people that was actually able to make me smile. While I was in genoa city.
Phyllis: Well, that's worth something. Uh, for that, why don't you give me your penthouse to stay in while you're gone?
Adam: God, you never quit, do you?
Phyllis: Yeah, but you do, don't you?
Adam: [ Snorts ]
Phyllis: Listen, you're just gonna go? That's it? No farewell party? No nothing?
Adam: Who would come?
Phyllis: You want a hug?
Adam: I'll pass.
Phyllis: Eh, it's not my thing, either. How 'bout a farewell drink?
Adam: Knock yourself out. All right? Try not to wreck the place.
Theo: I was just being friendly. If it came off as something more, it's just because I'm a natural flirt.
Mariah: So it's just theo being theo.
Theo: He's not such a bad dude.
Mariah: He needs some sexual-harassment training.
Theo: Okay, if you want me to talk to tessa, I --
Mariah: No. No, I don'T.
Theo: Okay. Fine. Fine. I'll stay away. But I am willing to bust my butt to make this work.
Mariah: I guess there are more pros than cons to working with you.
Theo: My sick talent, my irresistible charm --
Mariah: Don't push it.
Theo: ...My modesty.
Mariah: One step out of line, and I swear --
Theo: Not a toe. Scout's honor.
Mariah: [ Scoffs ]
Summer: Hey. Am I, uh -- am I interrupting?
Mariah: Actually, we were just finishing up. Summer, I'm really sorry about your grandfather.
Summer: Thank you.
Mariah: All right. Make sure to send me those names.
Theo: You got it.
Mariah: Take care.
Summer: Bye.
Theo: Hey. How you doing?
Summer: Uh, not great.
Theo: I have the perfect way to make you feel better.
Michael: You promised me you would stay out of trouble.
Kevin: That's when I thought we were free of adam.
Michael: What do you think you can do to stop him?
Kevin: These days, it is nearly impossible to kill somebody without leaving a digital trail. If anyone can follow it, it's me.
Michael: Look, I beg of you, leave the detective work to the professionals.
Kevin: And what if they can't find any proof that adam killed victor?
Michael: Eventually, one day, adam is gonna screw up. And when he does, I'll nail him.
Kevin: You do things your way. I'm gonna do them mine.
Michael: No, you won'T.
Kevin: Catch ya later!
Michael: Kevin -- kev--
Kevin: Hey, paul.
Paul: Hey, kevin. What's up?
Kevin: Nothing. I just wanted to say hi. And let you know that I am back in town permanently.
Paul: Well, I bet you that makes michael very happy.
Kevin: It is great to be back. Chloe, bella, and I are all settled in, and now i just need a job.
Paul: Well. Good luck with that.
Kevin: Well, actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if there was any chance --
Paul: I would give you your old job back?
Kevin: Yeah.
Paul: [ Chuckles ]
Adam: Thanks for coming. I figured this was better than showing up at nick's house.
Chelsea: It definitely is for connor.
Adam: How's he doing?
Chelsea: You mean since you broke the news that his grandfather died?
Adam: You were the one that said he needed to know.
Chelsea: I also said that I wanted to be the one to tell him.
Adam: Look, I'm sorry. Okay? When he started talking about how much he missed me, my emotions took over.
Chelsea: I could see that.
Adam: The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him.
Chelsea: I know how much you love him. He's going through a lot. He's gonna need both of us to be there for him. So I expect you to do your part next time you see him.
Adam: Well, I am afraid that that won't be possible.
Chelsea: Why not?
Adam: Because I'm leaving genoa city. For good.
Chelsea: What? Why?
Adam: It -- it doesn't matter.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. Did you actually have something to do with victor's death, and now you want to --
Adam: No. Okay? No. Stop it. No. I just -- I have to get away.
Chelsea: From what? The law?
Adam: From everything.
Chelsea: Including connor? Wait, you don't -- you don't expect to take him with you? I swear, adam, if you try to --
Adam: Chelsea, that is not what I'm planning to do.
Chelsea: Good. Hen how do you plan to stay a part of his life? I'm really confused, adam. Just tell me what's going on.
Adam: I finally realized what everybody was saying is right -- connor is better off without me. So I'm going. And I'm leaving my son behind.
I'm leah. And that's me,
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Paul: So you want me to hire you at the gcpd after you spent the last two years hiding a fugitive?
Kevin: Allegedly.
Paul: You expect me to believe you didn't know where chloe was all that time?
Kevin: Well, if I did hide her, that would be a plus. Knowing how the criminal mind works will keep me two steps ahead of the bad guys.
Paul: You are one of the bad guys, kevin.
Kevin: I was. But I'm reformed.
Paul: [ Sighs ] I've heard that before.
Kevin: Okay, yes, I've -- I've had some minor run-ins with the law. But -- but you knew that the last time you hired me. Why is it a problem now?
Paul: I like to think I'm wiser.
Kevin: Well, then, your brain must be telling you that the tech expert you have now is nowhere near as good as I am.
Paul: Same salary. And I'll be watching you.
Kevin: [ Gasps ] I will be a model employee. Thank you so much. As a matter of fact, I have some thoughts on the victor newman case.
Paul: I'm way ahead of you.
Summer: So, what are we, uh -- what are we doing here?
Theo: Well, you know I'm a "glass half full" kind of guy, but sometimes life can be brutal.
Summer: Yeah. Like right now?
Theo: Yeah. Losing your grandpa, your aunt being arrested, everybody telling you how sorry they are. It's enough to make your head explode.
Summer: Yeah, well, they mean well.
Theo: Oh, absolutely. But, you know, you reach a point where you just want to shut out everything and everyone.
Summer: Huh. Except you, huh?
Theo: Well, I mean, you needed somebody to keep your mind off the bad stuff.
Summer: Okay, are -- are you kidding me right now?
Theo: What? I-I'm trying to help.
Summer: I am grieving. It's a pretty safe bet that my uncle killed my grandfather and then framed my aunt for it, and you want to have sex?
Nick: I hate seeing summer in so much pan.
Nikki: We all do, honey.
Nick: I'm just so glad i didn't have to lie to noah.
Victoria: I told reed the truth. I couldn't lie to him after what happened to J.T.
Nikki: Summer will understand why we had to keep this from her. We just couldn't risk her letting something slip to phyllis. But poor connor and christian.
Nick: Well, christian has me. But once the truth comes out, connor's dad may be in prison.
Victor: My heart just breaks for the boy.
Victoria: We'll all be there for him.
Victor: I know, sweetheart, but still. Losing a parent so soon after getting him back...
Victoria: When that parent's adam, I think you're better off.
Victor: [ Sighs ] Yeah. By the way, how did adam react when you invited him to the funeral?
Nick: As you'd expect. If anything I said got to adam, he didn't show it.
Chelsea: You're abandoning connor? What I-- is this one of your games? What, you want me to beg you to stay?
Adam: Chelsea, there is nothing that you could say that is going to make me change my mind. This is what's best.
Chelsea: For who?
Adam: For connor.
Chelsea: If you gave a damn about what is best for connor, you wouldn't be leaving him.
Adam: Look, I am doing this for him.
Chelsea: Adam, you begged me to let you back into our son's life, and now you're just -- you're just walking away? That's not how parenting works!
Adam: And that proves my point. I am a lousy parent. And connor deserves better than that.
Chelsea: I honestly thought that you loved him.
Adam: I do love him. And that is why I am doing this. I am giving him the same gift that I gave to christian --
Chelsea: Gift? A gift? Deserting your kid is giving him a gift, adam?!
Adam: Chelsea, I am giving him a chance at a life without all my messed-up crap. Okay? And it took me -- it took me a while to figure out that that is what is right. And in time, you will realize that, too.
Chelsea: No, I won'T. He lost calvin and victor. Now you're willing to let him lose you, too. How do you expect me to explain that to him?
Adam: Tell him the truth. That he's better off without me.
Chelsea: You selfish bastard. No. If you want to crush your own son's heart, you tell him yourself. Tell him to his face that you're leaving. I've always been fascinated by what's next.
Kyle: I should get to work.
Lola: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Me, too.
Kyle: Uh-huh. Oh --
Kyle: Bye. Oh. What happened?
Lola: Chopping accident. It's just a hazard of the job.
Kyle: Aw. [ Smooches ] I'm sorry.
Lola: It's okay. It happens. No big deal.
Kyle: Mm.
Theo: Babe, babe, you got it all wrong. Look, I-I wasn't trying to pressure you. At all.
Summer: Really? 'Cause it sure feels like it.
Theo: [ Sighs ] I was just trying to help you forget all the crappy stuff that's going on in your life. Maybe I went about it the wrong way.
Summer: There is no right or wrong way for dealing with grief. But for me, sex is definitely not the answer.
Theo: What is? I mean, tell me. I'll do it.
Summer: I don't know. I don't know. It really helped when kyle just let me talk. He was understanding and really sensitive.
Theo: We talked. That whole conversation about me losing my dad? I mean, I opened a vein. W-was that not sensitive enough for you?
Summer: No, that's not what I'm saying.
Theo: You got a text from kyle and bolted before you could say anything.
Summer: Kyle and I work together.
Theo: What, he segued from spreadsheets to sympathy?
Summer: No, that's not what happened. I -- [ Sighs ] Kyle and I have a history, and he knew my grandfather, so he really understands what a huge loss this is for me.
Theo: I don't?
Summer: All I know is, is that kyle doesn't think that getting naked is the solution to everything.
Theo: Kyle isn't getting naked with you because he's got a wife. Not because he's mr. Sensitive.
Connor: Dad! Mom didn't tell me you were here.
>>Dam: [ Chuckles, s s s s sohhh. Oh! Hey. I need to talk to you.
Connor: Did someone else die?
Adam: No. No. No, no.
Connor: Something's wrong. I can tell.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Chelsea: I'll leave you guys to talk.
Connor: What is it, dad?
Adam: Listen, let's go sit on the couch, okay?
[ Sighs ] I have to l-leave genoa city.
Connor: For how long?
Adam: [ Sighs ] I'm not -- I'm not coming back.
Connor: Ever?
Adam: Look, I know that -- I know that this is -- I know that this is hard, buddy --
Connor: [ Crying ] You said you were gonna stay. That you'd be here for me.
Adam: I know. I know.
Connor: Then why are you going?
Adam: Because I have to.
Connor: Take me with you.
Adam: I -- I can't, connor.
Connor: I won't be any trouble, I promise.
Adam: I know. It's not that, okay?
Connor: It's because of mom. She won't let me live with you. We'll go to court. Get a judge, and force her to let me spend half my time with you.
Adam: It's -- it's not that simple, connor.
Connor: Why not?
Adam: [ Sighs ] Because you deserve better.
Connor: Better than what?&
Adam: Better than me, connor. I ju-- I cannot be the dad that you need.
Connor: That's not true.
Adam: Listen, you have so much potential, okay? And if I stay, I'm only gonna stop you from being the amazing person that I know you can grow up to be.
Connor: Why are you doing this? Are you mad at me?
Adam: No! No, no. Okay? You -- you have done nothing wrong.
[ Sighs ]
[ Stammers, sighs ] You're an awesome kid, okay? You -- [ Sniffles ] You're perfect. You just have a messed-up dad that would only drag you down. And I can't do that. Okay? I won't do that.
Connor: Stop it! Stop saying all the things about yourself! You're the best dad! You can't leave!
Chelsea: Connor?
Adam: Connor --
Connor: Make him stay, mom!
Adam: Okay, I'm sorry. And I know that you will take good care of him. And I know nick will be an incredible father to you, just like he is for christian.
Connor: I don't want nick for a father! I want you!
Chelsea: Co-- connor --
Chelsea: I hope you're happy.
Victor: I was hoping that, on some level, my son would
[Sighs] Care about his father and show some remorse for what he has done.
Nikki: Well, there's still a chance he could prove you right.
Victor: Come here.
[ Sighs ] I couldn't do this without you.
Nikki: That was never an option.
Victor: I'm gonna go upstairs for a while, okay?
Nikki: All right.
Nick: We're gonna take off.
Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart.
Victoria: Bye, daddy.
Victor: My boy.
Victoria: It's really heartbreaking, watching him hold on to hope like that.
Nick: Just once, I wish our jerk brother would put our father first.
Nikki: As much as I want that, I don't think adam is capable of giving your father the ending he's hoping for.
Paul: Where is she now? Okay. I'm on my way.
Michael: What's up?
Paul: Well, I didn't think we got the straight story from the pharmacist that id'd victoria.
Michael: Oh. I had my doubts, too.
Paul: So I had her followed. All the way to jfk's international terminal.
Michael: She was trying to leave the country.
Paul: My guys informed her that her immunity from prosecution didn't include perjury.
Michael: [ Scoffs ] Let me guess -- she had a very different story to tell.
Paul: Oh, yeah. She sure did.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Ok everyone!
Summer: Thanks. Um... you were right. I should not have compared what I have with kyle to what I share with you.
Theo: I'm sorry my attempt at sympathy was an epic fail.
[ Snorts softly ]
Summer: I appreciate you trying, though.
Theo: I want to get it right.
Summer: I mean, could you just...hold me?
Theo: Uh... yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, I can do that. How's that?
Summer: It's nice.
[ Knocking on door ]
Phyllis: All right. That didn't take long.
Phyllis: Michael.
Michael: Phyllis. What are you doing here?
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Michael: Is adam home?
Phyllis: Not at the moment. Can I help you?
Michael: I hope not.
Phyllis: You have that look in your eye.
Michael: I was about to say the same about you.
Phyllis: What do you know?
Michael: You first. What are you hiding?
Adam: Well played, pops. Well played.
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Amanda: "I leave the rest of my fortune, amounting to $2,475,000,000 to...
Kyle: I'm looking forward to my new position as your right-hand man.
Jack: I don' think that's going to happen. I'm going to be stepping back from the company.
Chelsea: I think that you need some time, because you are grieving right now.
Nick: It's not that.
Chelsea: How can you be so sure?
Nick: Because my father's alive.
Adam: I had to come here and see for myself. And to tell you that i'm leaving town.
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