Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/26/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/26/19


Episode #11710 ~ Mariah meets Amanda Sinclair; Sharon leans on Rey; Kyle sees a new side of Summer.

Provided By Suzanne


Kyle:  I can barely keep up.

Summer: Okay. Well, you're gonna do great.

Kyle: I will now. You're my secret weapon.

Summer: I'm sorry. What -- are you sucking up to me?

Kyle: I'm thanking you for the help. This is usually billy's arena, and I don't want my dad thinking I'm not up to it, or the board thinking I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to skincare. So, if I haven't said it enough --

Summer: You're welcome.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Well. Look who's burning the midnight oil.

Summer: Hey, jack.

Jack: I'm surprised to see you both here so late. What, are you cooking up jabot's newest multimillion-dollar idea?

Summer: We were -- we were chatting. Yeah. Hey, I'm actually glad that you're here. I needed to talk to you about kyle's health.

Jack: Is something wrong?

Summer: I mean, has he hit his lately or had a concussion? Anything?

Jack: Now, why would you ask that?

Summer: Well, um, he's just been acting a little strange lately. You know, he's been nice and caring and, I mean, even compassionate. It's like there's a whole new person in there. I mean -- [ Gasps ] Maybe there's been a body-snatching incident.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Thanks a lot.

Summer: Mm. Yeah.

Jack: Or perhaps this is the real kyle, and you just hadn't noticed it yet.

Summer: I mean, I guess maybe anything's possible.

Theo: Hey, chef.

Lola: You're not welcome in my kitchen.

Theo: Uh, just hear me out?

Lola: You have a minute.

Theo: It's about kyle.

Lola: The kyle that you're constantly trying to undermine?

Theo: I've been a jerk.

Lola: Tell that to kyle, theo.

Theo: I figured if you and i came to an understanding...

Lola: Then I could do the dirty work for you?

Theo: Uh, all I want is your help getting my friend back.

Lola: Rule number one -- beware of the person holding a knife in her hand. Ocean spray farmers harvest goodness every day.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Theo: Look, I've got mad respect for any woman with knife skills. Uh, let's go back to square one?

Lola: Like when I said that you're better off telling this to kyle than to me?

Theo: I'm starting to think you don't like me. Look, I know how much you mean to kyle. How much he respects and loves you. You guys are a team. So I've got two people to win over.

Lola: Talk is cheap. Instead of promising that you'll stop acting like a jerk, just stop acting like a jerk.

Theo: I felt like my best bud was blowing me off for no good reason.

Lola: Were you jealous?

Theo: I felt like I was getting left behind. I wanted to get back at him. So I brought zoe to town, and I --

Lola: [ Hisses ] Ouch!

[ Sighs ] Fabulous.

Theo: Oh. Look what I, heh, made you do.

[ Gags ]

Jack: Excellent. I like the changes.

Kyle: Thanks.

Jack: Nice work, summer.

Summer: Oh, well, I just love jabot products. What can I say?

Jack: Hear that? Maybe I promoted the wrong employee to be my right hand.

Kyle: Mm-mm.

Summer: Well, I mean, kyle has been a saint today, but we both know that you would have to pry this job out of his cold, dead hands before he hands it over to me.

Kyle: Ehh, a guy's got to know his limits.

Jack: As my number-two man, perhaps you could do me a favor now -- head down to accounting and get the osgood file. I want to take a look at that, see where these numbers are.

Kyle: Osgood. Got it. Be right back.

Summer: [ Clears throat ] Okay, couldn't you have had someone from accounting bring up those papers for you?

Jack: Indeed, I could. But then I wouldn't have any one-on-one time with you.

Devon: Guys, I'm sorry about all that.

Nate: Nah, it's not your fault.

Devon: Yeah. I should have told you all about that woman before you had to see her in person.

Mariah: You've done absolutely nothing wrong.

Abby: Well, there's only one thing to do -- keep celebrating. We still haven't cut the cake. And I cannot wait to see your face when you open my gift.

Elena: Thank you so much for everything, really. But I think it's better if we call it a night.

Devon: Are you sure?

Elena: Yeah. I mean, I have an early call at the hospital. And, abby, I'm sure you need to check on your family and make sure everyone's okay.

Nate: Mm. It's a shame things have to end when there's still so much night left.

Elena: Well, consider it my gift to you. Go home. Be with the ones you love. 'Cause that's what I'm gonna do. And thank you guys for a wonderful evening.

[ Groans happily ] See you at the O.R.

Nate: Count on it. Happy birthday.

Elena: Thanks.

Abby: Open my present.

Elena: I know I'm gonna love it.

Devon: Well, hey, thank you guys for making it. We appreciate it.

Tessa: Happy birthday again.

Mariah: Yeah, of course.

Devon: See ya. Make sure you guys get home safe.

Mariah: Yeah, you, too.

Devon: All right?

Mariah: Bye.

Devon: See ya.

Mariah: Poor devon.

Tessa: Okay, he's had days to process this. You just found out that there's a hilary look-alike roaming around genoa city. You can stop pretending that this isn't hell for you, too.

With advil,

Jack: I'll cut right to the chase -- you can't have too many people in your corner when you're dealing with loss.

Summer: Yeah. It has been a nightmare.

Jack: You got a few heavy hitters for support. I just want to add my name to the list. A lot of changes have happened in the last year, a lot of upheaval. My feelings for you are unwavering.

Summer: Is that because, once upon a time, you thought I might be your daughter?

Jack: That kind of affection doesn't change just because family lines are re-drawn. Make me a promise?

Summer: What's that?

Jack: You won't forget, I would move mountains for you. And not just now while you're dealing with grief -- always.

Lola: You're alive. Drink this.

Theo: [ Groans ] Where am I?

Lola: Society. You passed out. Did you have anything to eat today? Health problems?

Theo: Mnh-mnh.

Lola: Theo... are you pregnant?

Theo: Funny.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] Well, then, it must have been the blood.

Theo: [ Exclaims ] Yeah, that's kind of not my thing.

Lola: Okay, is this some kind of act to get on my good side?

Theo: Yeah. I looked in my crystal ball, and I saw that you would be slicing your finger tonight.

[ Gags ] So I made sure that I was here to fall at your feet. You saw through my plan. Foiled again.

Lola: Point made, major coward.

Theo: Reporting for duty.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] I should have known that you were a real big marshmallow.

Theo: Hey, we weren't finished talking.

Lola: I got people to feed. You want to talk, you wait.

Theo: I-I can stay?

Lola: Just finish the water.

Rey: You want to talk to me about whatever it is you're trying to keep from me?

Sharon: What makes you think --

Rey: We know each other too well to keep secrets from each other.

Sharon: Okay, I guess I think I-I failed.

Rey: Failed what? Who?

Sharon: Everyone. You know, um, after i admitted how crazy things were with adam, I -- I don't know. I guess maybe I thought I had this superpower.

Rey: That you could turn around even the most damaged people.

Sharon: Well, it's what i went back to school for. It's what I worked so hard for, and sacrificed so much.

Rey: You don't get to do that. You don't get to beat yourself up for not being able to do the impossible. You can't fix people like adam newman, who know better but refuse to change.

Sharon: That is good, logical, rational advice. Just, um, it's hard for me to give up on...anyone. Even when I know it's the right thing to do.

Rey: Okay, well, you know what you should focus on, sharon? That you didn't fail. You succeeded, because you cut yourself free, and now you can move on and be the best version of yourself. What's up with tammy?

Lola: [ Sighs ] Here's the deal -- admitting that you're a very big scaredy cat got you some brownie points with me. This much.

Theo: I'll take it.

Lola: So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt when you say that you want to make up with kyle.

Theo: Thanks.

Lola: Against my better judgment, I will be honest with you, too. This happened when you mentioned the new york nightmare commonly known as zoe.

Theo: What do you want to know about her?

Lola: Well, when kyle was in new york, did he ever... you know?

Theo: Oh! No, no. Never. I mean, she glommed onto our group and hung out, but no. Nothing like that.

Lola: Okay, I know kyle had a life before me. But I just wonder... who he was attracted to?

Theo: His type? Smart. Beautiful. Unafraid to speak her mind. It's you. And I'm a total jerk for not believing that kyle had finally figured out the whole settling-down and growing-up thing. I mean, once you find your wingman, someone who always has your back, knows your secrets, always there, you hold on tight.

Lola: Yeah.

Theo: Kyle is that for you now. And, listen, I-I don't think kyle needs to take a step back for us to be buds again. I want to be the one who steps up.

Lola: I won't get in your way... as long as you respect our marriage. Deal?

Theo: Deal.

Lola: The rest of it is something that you're gonna have to fix by yourself.

Theo: [ Gasps ] Will you keep my secret? The thing about, you know, blood being my kryptonite?

Lola: I don't like secrets.

Theo: No, you don't have to like it. You just can't share it. Hey, who knows? You might need someone to keep something quiet for you one day.

Lola: All right. One secret. Scaredy cat.

Sharon: Your favorite blend. It's just my inadequate way of saying thank you for saying all the things that I needed to hear, all the things that i refused to hear, and, um... I'm sorry.

Rey: Oh, stop. You don't -- you don't have to apologize.

Sharon: No, yeah, I do. I mean, there's, uh -- there's the fights we had. And I ignored your warnings. And I wish I'd listened to you a long time ago.

Rey: Well, sharon, I'm -- I'm glad I -- I could help.

Sharon: Not many people could have said those things and gotten through to me. But not very many people know me the way that you do. And you might not be a mind reader, but you know my heart.

Rey: Yeah. I guess I do. But, you know, if I could have a superpower, it would be to look into the future. So I guess -- I guess you're just gonna have to tell me. You put a lot behind you these past few days. What's next for you?

Sharon: A fresh start.

Rey: That's a perfect plan.

Abby: This has to be such a shock for mariah.

Nate: Yeah, it, uh, caught me off guard, too.

Abby: Just, it makes me feel bad for faking my feelings with everything going on with my father.

Nate: It'll be over soon. One way or another.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Tessa: Whatever you're feeling --

Mariah: I don't want to get into it here, because if I do, I'm never gonna stop crying.

[ Inhales ] Losing hilary, it -- it left this giant hole in our lives. It's not fair. Just when you're beginning to think that you're recovering -- not that you ever recover from losing a person --

Tessa: Hey, no, no. I know.

Mariah: I never admitted it when she was alive, but I loved hilary. Even when I hated her, I liked her. She was wild and unpredictable and funny, cantankerous and supportive.

[ Sniffles ] But this woman, amanda, I just... I want her gone. Now.

Tessa: Because she stirred up a lot of feelings you thought you'd buried. You miss your friend. So much.

Mariah: [ Crying ] Why'd you make me do this?

Tessa: Hey. Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay.

Mariah: How do you know?

Tessa: Because the bad times never last forever. And when she's done with devon, I mean, she's --

[ Sighs ] This is the last place she's gonna want to be.

Devon: Who does this amanda think she is, telling me to get an attorney?

Elena: Oh, honey, don't let her get to you.

Devon: Yeah, I know i shouldn't, but it's -- she already has. She's ruined your birthday.

Elena: Hey, that's impossible. I had an amazing dinner with friends, and I have a pile of gifts in front of me that I can't wait to dive into.

Devon: There is one thing that you haven't gotten yet.

Elena: Oh?

[ Giggles ]

Devon: It's a birthday wish that I had sent over from society. There we go.

Elena: No song?

Devon: Well, I only sing back-up, baby.

Elena: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: Make a wish. Come on.

Elena: Okay.

Devon: Yay!

Elena: [ Giggles ] Thank you, baby.

Devon: Of course.

Elena: You want to know what I wished for?

Devon: I don't want you to say it out loud, or else it won't come true.

Elena: Oh, my wishes always come true. I wished for you. But this wish was that everything with your grandmother's will gets resolved quickly. And that a certain someone goes back where she came from.

Devon: [ Murmurs ]

Elena: Come here.

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