Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/25/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/25/19


Episode #13709 ~ Billy gains a new perspective; Adam makes a bold move.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Devon: I guess chance didn't fill you in on everything before he dragged you into all this. He didn't tell you that you look exactly like my late wife.

Victoria: This person was created to do the things that your conscious mind would not let you do.

Billy: I know if I got a chance for the future with you and the kids, I got to get to the other side. And I finally feel like I can do that now.

Nikki: Adam had to have been planning this from the very beginning -- kill you and then plant the evidence to frame victoria.

Victor: And he thinks he succeeded doing both.

Victoria: I feel it in my gut that adam is gonna botch this, big time. I'm just gonna have to pretend that dad is dead for a little bit longer.

Nikki: All right, then. For now, we keep the masquerade going.

Abby: Hi!

Nikki: Hi! It's good to see business is picking up.

Abby: [ Sighs ] We're getting there. Our opening night disaster didn't kill us, but it came awfully close.

Victoria: Well, I hope that my being here won't create another scandal.

Abby: Oh, victoria, don't be ridiculous.

Victoria: An accused murderer on the premises? That can't attract many customers.

Abby: Well, I don't care. In fact, I will say it as loudly and publicly as possible. I don't believe any of these charges against you.

Nikki: We should all do that because once adam realizes that his attempt to frame you isn't going to work, he's gonna make another move, do something else...

Victoria: Well, this time, I'll be ready for it.

Abby: That's a great plan. Only, if it doesn't work, you're the one who's going to jail.

Victoria: It will work.

Abby: I just don't like using you to bait the trap. And I bet billy doesn't like it, either.

Victoria: He's concerned.

Abby: And I don't blame him.

Victoria: But he also realizes how critical it is to have an air-tight case against adam.

Nikki: Speaking of billy, i thought he was gonna meet us here.

Victoria: Yeah, he'll be here soon. He just had something that he had to take care of first.

It's been a while since our last appointment.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I know, uh... there was a part of me that thought I could handle my problems alone, and another part of me that didn't want to get better at all.

So, what brought you back?

Billy: I guess I realized that every part of me was wrong. I need help, doc. But I'm here. And I want to get healthy. And I'm ready to do the work.

Devon: Hey, why do you want to cancel your birthday party, though, babe?

Elena: Abby's father just died. The last thing she needs to do is plan a birthday party.

Devon: Yeah, but I still want to celebrate the day you were born.

Elena: And we will. But just nothing big and extreme. Maybe we can do something intimate with a few friends at the house.

Devon: Okay, that's -- if that's what you want to do...

Elena: I think it's the best thing.

Devon: All right.

Elena: I got to go.

Devon: All right, hang on. Before you go, there's something that I really need to talk to you about.

Elena: Okay, what's up?

Devon: It's about the lawyer, amanda sinclair, that I met with.

Elena: Yeah? Did you find out that she's trying to scam you about katherine's will?

Devon: No. No, but there is something that's really weird about her, and it has nothing to do with the will and has everything to do with her face.

Elena: What do you mean?

Devon: She... she looks just like hilary.

Chloe: I still can't believe that they're charging victoria with victor's murder.

Kevin: There's no way she did it. We saw how shocked and devastated she was when she learned her father was dead.

Chloe: Adam killed victor. I'd bet my life on it. I just wish there was something we could do to help clear her name.

Kevin: I agree, but then we'd have to explain why we were with billy and victoria at the boathouse.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] It's a mess. I mean, we did everything we could to keep billy from getting into trouble, and she still takes the fall.

Kevin: Temporarily. Adam will get his eventually.

Chloe: From your lips to...

Kevin: I mean, think about it. Victoria's out on bail, which means michael doesn't think the charges are gonna stick. Otherwise, he would have convinced the judge to keep her in jail.

Chloe: Have you talked to him?

Kevin: No, but I know my brother, and he knows adam. He's usually a lot more slick than this.

Chloe: Yeah, not up to his usual high standards of villainy, huh?

Kevin: I always thought he would drop the ball sooner or later. And I hope he's made the mistake that will finally bring him down.

Adam: Thanks for stopping by. Haven't really got a lot of visitors lately.

Sharon: I wanted to see if you were all right.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Um... that would be a hard no. You know, being alone with my thoughts has taken me to some pretty dark places.

Sharon: There's a way for you to come back from this, adam, to save yourself.

Adam: How?

Sharon: Make things right. Clear victoria's name.

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Elena: So you're saying this lawyer, amanda, resembles hilary in some way? So what?

Devon: She doesn't just resemble her. They could be twins.

Elena: Okay, well, why didn't you tell me this when you first saw her?

Devon: Because I didn't want you to think that it was just like before, when I couldn't stop seeing my dead wife. This is a very different situation.

Elena: You're sure they look identical?

Devon: I -- anybody that knew hilary would think so. And I don't think this is just a coincidence.

Elena: So you're saying this chance person who hired her knew that?

Devon: I -- I mean, it's a possibility that they've only spoken over the phone, never seen each other face to face, but I --

Elena: You don't believe that.

Devon: No, I don'T. I think that whoever sent her was trying to rattle me, and they've just done the opposite because I'm not gonna be manipulated like this.

Elena: I'm really sorry. Seeing her must have been really shocking.

Devon: Yeah, I -- yeah, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, till i realized somebody else was.

Elena: If this is intentional, that's incredibly cruel. What kind of person would do something like that?

Devon: It's somebody with an agenda, and I'm gonna find out who it is and ask them that question straight to their face.

Billy: I went someplace dark and destructive. Confusing...

Can you be more specific?

Billy: [ Sighs ] I guess I was so consumed by the anger and grief of my daughter's death that, uh... I did things that I don't remember. I'm -- I told you the last time I was here that I was having trouble sleeping, and there were a few times that I did actually fall asleep, that I would wake up... at someone else's house and have no recollection of how I got there.

So you blacked out.

Billy: I don't know exactly how to explain it. It was like I was two separate people living a parallel life. One of them was me, functioning the world -- barely.

And the other?

Billy: Out of control. Angry and dangerous. The worst part of myself, i guess. Victoria helped me face it, and... it scared the hell out of me. And it still does.

So you believe this other side of yourself is still lurking, ready to take over again?

Billy: It's crazy, I know that.

I can imagine how scary this must feel.

Billy: [ Sighs ] It's just -- I lost myself, and I can't let that happen again.

Well, that's why we're here.

Billy: Look, I know that there's no easy fix, doc, and I, uh... I'm gonna hate facing some of the hard truths about myself, but my life is on the line, and I need to do everything i can to make sure that I save it.

Victoria: So, how's dad?

Nikki: Physically, he's holding up, but he's very upset that you got dragged into this.

Victoria: It's what we signed on for.

Abby: I just wish dad was on the same page as the rest of us about adam.

Nikki: It's hard for him to completely give up on his son.

Abby: Even though he tried to kill him?

Nikki: Yes. As you both know, no matter how angry victor gets, he never stops loving his children.

Victoria: Dad is just setting himself up for another disappointment. Adam has been lashing out at his family ever since the moment he remembered he had a family. Why would he stop now?

Nikki: How am I supposed to clear victoria's name?

Sharon: I think you know the answer to that.

Adam: By confessing?

[ Scoffs ] Is that why you came here, to join the growing crowd of people who have accused me of trying to kill my father?

Sharon: Now don't put words in my mouth. I'm asking you to help your sister. Period. You know, victoria's suffering, too. She's grieving the loss of your father. She's trying to support your mother and her kids and run a business. She doesn't need to be worrying about these trumped-up charges at the same time, and you might be the only person who can fix that.

Adam: Why should I? Why should I? She has led the charge against me. She wouldn't even appreciate my efforts. She would probably spit in my face. What would I get out of that?

Sharon: Me.

Adam: So you'd be my grand prize for rescuing victoria... huh, interesting.

Sharon: Mm, that's not what i meant.

Adam: Sure sounded like it to me.

Sharon: How many times have you told me that if I were in your life, you would be a different man? You claimed that I could help you find your way back to being a person that you were meant to be.

Adam: And, as I recall, you shot me down. You said you didn't want to be responsible for any of my choices. So what changed?

Sharon: Well, I have to do something. I can't just stand on the sidelines while you push everyone away -- your family, your friends, and anyone who tries to reach out to you...

Adam: Okay, no, I'd argue they were the ones that pushed me out the door.

Sharon: No, they were just protecting themselves because you threatened them.

Adam: No, I returned fire. That's all.

Sharon: Okay, where has that gotten you?& Alone in the world, pushing away happiness with both hands.

Adam: Mm, alone. Except for you.

Sharon: Yeah. Except for me. Because it really breaks my heart to see you like this.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: So if I am what you need to salvage something in your life, to be your friend or your conscience, I will do that for you, but... can you keep up your end of the deal?

Kevin: Thank you.

Chloe: Thanks. Look at bella.

Kevin: Ah! She is so stinkin' cute!

Chloe: Her streak is unbroken. She has worn a different hairstyle to kindergarten every day this week.

Kevin: [ Chuckles ] How long do you think she can keep this up?

Chloe: At least a couple weeks. I mean, she is my daughter. And esther has been getting very creative.

Kevin: Mm. You know what we sound like, don't you?

Chloe: What?

Kevin: A normal family.

Chloe: [ Gasps ] You're right, we do.

Kevin: We can finally give our daughter a stable home, great school, a grandmother who dotes on her...

Chloe: And jill, the unexpected house guest.

Kevin: She's been okay.

Chloe: She's been on her best behavior. So far. You know, she was telling bella about her adventures in bali last night. It was -- it was kind of adorable.

Kevin: [ Laughs ] I bet you never thought you'd use the word "adorable" to describe jill.

Chloe: [ Laughs ] Well, I'm just glad that we cleaned up all the stuff billy wrote on the walls before she got there.

Kevin: Yeah, that would have been hard to explain.

Chloe: No kidding.

Kevin: But I guess she'll never really know what you did to save him.

Chloe: You know, as long as adam doesn't find out, I'm fine.

Kevin: Yeah, you're right about that. I guess your heroism is going to have to be our little secret.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ]

Kevin: Though, if you ask me, I'd say you deserve a medal.

Chloe: I don't know, I was hoping that, um... well, my reward would... be a little more...personal?

Kevin: Oh. [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Hi.

Devon: I'm so sorry about victor. Really.

Abby: Thank you. Thanks.

Devon: Yeah. He was a real giant in this town, and he was also your father, and I know from personal experience how tough this can be, so if you need anything...

Abby: No, I'm --

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: Thank you, I know, and, um, I love that you and elena are here for me. It's just, um...-it's really hard for me to talk about this right now.

Devon: I understand.

Abby: I'm trying to stay strong for victoria and focus on my work because I know that that's what my dad would want me to do, but, um...

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: Speaking of, we -- we still need to talk about elena's birthday.

Devon: Yeah, we do. We need to talk about that because we're not gonna do the party anymore. We just -- we decided to have something intimate at our place with a few friends, which you're obviously included in.

Abby: No, no, no. Devon, we talked about this.

Devon: I know we did, but you don't need to be worrying about a party. You got a lot you're dealing with right now.

Abby: No, but, please. Please, I -- I want to do this. I've been looking forward to it, and I think it'll be great for me to have something positive to focus on.

Devon: You sure?

Abby: Please. I really need this now.

Devon: Okay. All right, fine. The grand phoenix it is.

Abby: Great. Let's go look at some menus.

Devon: Let's do it.

Nikki: How's billy?

Victoria: Uh, he's doing better.

Nikki: He didn't stay in rehab very long. Do you think he was ready to come back home?

Victoria: He's insisted that he's turned a corner.

Nikki: Well, yes, but he may not be the best judge of that.

Victoria: Billy also wanted to be there for the kids, and thank god he was. If he hadn't been there for them when I was arrested and they found out why I was gone, i think they would have been traumatized.

Nikki: I'm glad he's willing to help you get through that. But it still seems like a huge risk. I mean, billy had issues with adam even before he tried --

Jill: Such terrible news about victor. Oh, my god, you must be devastated.

[ Sighs ]

Jill: You know what I can't stop thinking about? Ever since I heard this horrible news, it was your wedding. Your first one. And you were there, too, in that sweet, tiny little bridesmaid look-alike dress. You were cradled in my mother's arms.

Victoria: I've seen the pictures.

Jill: Yeah, you wouldn't remember. You were just a baby. Nobody who was there will ever forget that ceremony. It was the most beautiful wedding I'd ever seen. It was glamorous and it was romantic, and there was this handsome, powerful man, victor newman, making sure, so determined that his bride, a former stripper, no less, would be accepted by genoa city's elite. And he made damn sure they accepted you, didn't he?

Nikki: Victor was one of a kind.

Jill: Yeah, there will never be another one. And I guess we can take small comfort in the fact that he's with katherine now, you know?

[ Chuckles ] They're probably up there gathering thunderbolts, aiming at paul. I mean, how could he be justified in arresting you, victoria? For god's sake, the charges were ridiculous.

Victoria: Uh, there was planted evidence.

Jill: Planted -- well, he fell for that, I suppose?

Nikki: I -- I don't think that paul believes victoria's guilty. He just has to do his job.

Jill: You know, well, I would have quit the job in protest. I just -- he's known you his whole life. He knows you're not a murderer.

Nikki: I have faith that everything will work out.

Jill: The nikki I used to know would not count on faith here. She would be in paul's face like a pit bull, demanding answers, raising hell, and so would victor.

Nikki: Just stop. It's all we can do to just try to keep going on day by day. So...

Jill: Yeah, of course. You're still in shock.

Nikki: This is unlike anything I have ever experienced, so...

Jill: No, I do understand, and I'm sorry that I exploded before. It's just -- this whole situation makes me so mad. How is billy doing with all this?

Victoria: Um -- oh! You can ask him yourself.

Billy: Hi.

Jill: Oh, darling, how are you?

Billy: I'm fine.

Jill: Well, I don't believe you. We have to talk.

Nikki: Poor billy.

Chloe: It's really cute.

Nikki: Oh, god. I -- I cannot bear any more condolences right now.

Victoria: The ladies' room is over here.

Nikki: Does it have a lock?

Victoria: Let's hope so.

Chloe: Hi. I would like to reserve a room under the name chloe mitchell.

Yes, ma'am.

Chloe: That is m-I-t-c-h-e-double L. Chloe. You got it?

I think so.

Kevin: Okay, don't confuse the woman. Most people who check into hotels in the middle of the day go by the name "smith."

Chloe: Not this gal. I finally have my real name back. I'm gonna flaunt it. You see, I have been living under an alias for the last several years, wanted by the law. And sometimes I would forget the name that I was using. It can be very stressful when you're living on the run.

Yes, of -- of course. We'll need a credit card, ms...

Chloe: Mitchell. Chloe.

Kevin: I think she's got it now.

Chloe: Okay. I'm just gonna --

Kevin: Oh, no, honey, you can't! That one has your last alias on it.

Chloe: Oh, right. [ Laughs ]

Kevin: Here. I got you.

Chloe: You always do.

Chloe: Thank you.

Kevin: Thank you.

Chloe: [ Giggles ]

Adam: You want one?

Sharon: Would you stop stalling and answer my question?

Adam: It's kind of a tough one. I've never had someone offer to be my conscience before. What does that mean, exactly?

Sharon: What, are you mocking me now?

Adam: No! No, I am -- I'm serious.

Sharon: Okay, well, it was originally your idea that i should help you put your life back together.

Adam: I was proposing marriage at the time. And, somehow, I don't think that's what you had in mind here. That's what I thought. So what is the real story, sharon? What are you really offering to do?

Sharon: To pull you back from the cliff.

Adam: And why is that so important to you?

Sharon: I told you why.

Adam: Yes. Because you hate to see me this way.

Sharon: I do.

Adam: I know, but that could mean anything. It could mean regret, it could mean guilt, pity...

Sharon: What difference does it make?

Adam: What -- it makes all the difference, sharon, if it is the one thing, the only thing that I need to hear from you... that you still love me. Is that what you're trying to say?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Billy: I know you're worried, okay? And I'm sorry that I went off the grid like that, but I'm -- I'm getting better, and that's the truth.

Jill: [ Sighs ] Have you lost weight?

Billy: It's a stress diet. Works every time.

Jill: That's not even remotely funny.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Jill: Last time I was in town, you told me how much you were missing delia, but you told me you were handling it.

Billy: I thought I was.

Jill: And then I find out that you've entered rehab? Honey, I am so glad that you got therapy... but it hurts me that you didn't think you could confide in me when you were struggling like that. Do you not trust me?

Billy: I do. Of course I do. But, look, mom, I couldn't tell you about it because I hadn't admitted it to myself. I -- [ Sighs ] I got cocky, okay? I thought I had it beat because I had beaten it once before, right? But this time, it had me by the neck, and it -- it wasn't letting go.

Jill: I would never have left town, you know that. I would have stayed here and i would have helped you through it.

Billy: I didn't even tell victoria about it, which was a mistake, and, trust me, I'm never gonna go back to that place, and I'm getting help. I just came from my therapist. I had a really great session. I'm not all the way back, but I'm on my way.

Jill: I'm so glad.

Billy: I do have one thing to thank you for.

Jill: Only one?

Billy: [ Chuckles ] You were always insistent that victoria and I belong together, and you were right.

Jill: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: She saved my life. And now that I have her and my family back, I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that it works.

Jill: See? I knew there was a lot of your father in you.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Jill: Oh, baby, I am so proud of you.

Billy: Thank you.

Chloe: Hi! Yes. I would like a magnum of champagne sent to room 407 under the name mitchell. Yes. Chloe? Chloe mitchell? Yes. Great, you have that, yeah? Mitchell. Okay, great. Thanks.

Kevin: Everybody in this place is going to know your name by the time we check out.

Chloe: Yeah! That's the plan!

Kevin: There is something I'm gonna miss about your secret identity, though.

Chloe: Our fake credit cards.

Kevin: Well, the only time i got to use your real name was when we were home, alone, in bed...

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: Getting very, very close.

Chloe: Our version of talking dirty.

Kevin: Well, that part doesn't have to change.

Chloe: Oh.

Kevin: Chloe...

Chloe: [ Giggles ] Mm, I like it. Although you don't have to whisper it anymore.

Kevin: That is a good point.

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: Chloe mitchell! Chloe mitchell! I want you, chloe mitchell.

Chloe: [ Giggles ]

Kevin: Get over here, you sexy fool!

Chloe: Oh, sexy?

Kevin: Oh, yeah.

Chloe: [ Giggles ] Say it again, hmm?

Kevin: Sexy fool...

Chloe: Louder.

Kevin: Louder?

Chloe: Yeah, louder.

Kevin: You crazy, sexy fool!

Chloe: Whoo! [ Laughs ]

[ Knocking on wall ]

[ Both laugh ] Mmm. [ Giggles ]

Elena: So how's abby?

Nate: She's dealing, I guess.

Elena: You guess?

Nate: It's hard for her to talk about.

Elena: I know what that's like. When I lost my mom, I was in a complete fog for months. She's lucky to have you.

Nate: Mm.

Elena: Uh, but it's not a two-way street. You're not able to talk to her about what it's like to lose a patient that you cared so much about because that patient happens to be her father.

Nate: Yeah, it's, uh, rough, but, uh, let's talk about something a little more positive, like you and devon. You guys doing good?

Elena: Yeah.

Nate: You seem a little uncertain.

Elena: [ Sighs ] I don't know, nate. Maybe I'm overreacting. Devon told me something, and it's freaking me out.

Jill: Devon!

Devon: Jill, hey. What's up?

Jill: I was just gonna ask you the same thing. Have you had any more run-ins with this hilary doppleganger? What, uh, amanda sinclair?

Devon: Yes, I did, actually. I spoke to her.

Jill: And?

Devon: I told her that I'm not buying her story about katherine's will, and, if she were smart, she'll leave town.

Jill: Well, here's hoping she got that message.

Devon: Oh, I -- I hope she does, too, because I don't want to see that lady's face ever again.

Nate: So this is the lawyer questioning katherine's will?

Elena: Yeah, who just happens to be an exact carbon copy of hilary, or so devon says.

Nate: Wow.

Elena: Yeah, I know what you're thinking -- probably the same thing I'm thinking, which is that maybe devon is seeing what he wants to see because he's not over hilary.

Nate: That's not what I'm thinking.

Elena: Well, you said it wasn't that, but I don't know what else it could be.

Nate: It's, um, not in devon's head. I saw her, too.

Elena: You what?

Nate: Yesterday, at abby's hotel. I didn't know who she was, but... I couldn't stop staring at her.

Elena: She looks like that much like hilary?

Nate: They could be twins.

Elena: [ Sighs ] Why didn't you tell us?

Nate: I thought it was some fluke, someone passing through town on her way to somewhere else. Plus, I didn't want to dredge up those sad memories for devon. So I kept my mouth shut. But you're telling me she came here specifically to see him? Man, it must have been like seeing hilary's ghost. Someone's playing a very sick game here.

Jill: I can assume that you haven't heard from tucker yet.

Devon: I haven't, no. Have you heard from chance?

Jill: No. He hasn't been responding to my messages.

[ Sighs ] I'm starting to get really worried about him.

Devon: I'm starting to think that he may have something to hide.

Jill: That is not his style. Okay? And now that we know for sure there's something fishy going on, I'm more convinced than ever that he's not involved in this.

Devon: But he sent you that e-mail out of nowhere talking about coming into something lucrative, did he not?

Jill: We don't know what that was about. We don't even know that he sent it. I mean, people are getting their e-mail accounts hacked all the time.

Devon: Yeah, but, jill, doesn't he have a secure government e-mail address? Right?

Jill: [ Sighs ] I just can't believe that he would ever send this hilary look-alike to torment you.

Devon: I mean, I don't know what he would or wouldn't do, but I know that everybody that has to do with this will has disappeared off the face of the earth, and that could be a coincidence, but --

Jill: You don't believe in coincidences.

Devon: Well, do you?

Jill: I believe in my grandson. I believe in chance and his honesty. And I don't believe that he'd ever be involved in this elaborate con. It is just not in his nature.

Devon: Well, I -- I hope you're right.

Jill: Well, I'll tell you one thing, I'm really sorry that you have to be going through this on your own.

Devon: It's -- it's okay. No need to be sorry. I have elena by my side.

Jill: I hope you know you also have me.

Devon: I appreciate that, but this is not your responsibility.

Jill: Oh, but, see, that's where you're wrong because katherine would want me to look out for you, okay? So if this -- what's her name -- amanda gives you any more trouble, you just send her to me. I will find a way to make sure that she never pulls another one of these cons.

Adam: I think you should go.

Sharon: Why?

Adam: I asked you a simple question. Do you love me? You haven't given me an answer, so that tells me everything that I need to know.

Sharon: Nothing about our relationship has ever been simple, adam. I -- I have loved you, hated you, resented you, and needed you all in the same minute.

Adam: I don't care about any of that. I care abut right now, in this moment. What do you feel?

Sharon: I can't put it into words.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Sure you can. Just say what's in your heart.

Sharon: I... want to help you.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] That is not enough!

Sharon: Why can't it be?

Adam: Because... as low as I am, and as desperate as I am... I will not accept this cautious rationing. I mean, I get a fraction of you, and no more. And that's never gonna work. Okay? I love you with my heart and my soul. And I will not accept anything less than that. So if you can't do that... if you cannot offer me all of yourself... then I want you to go. And don't come back.

Chloe: I haven't felt this relaxed in ages.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] Me neither. Maybe true happiness is just the absence of anxiety and fear.

Chloe: I think there's more to it than that. I think it's about finding the one person in this world that understands you, even better than you understand yourself.

Kevin: Your ride-or-die, no matter what.

Chloe: You have proven to have my back a thousand times over.

Kevin: I was talking about you. How you never gave up on me, on us. And that's why I love you, chloe mitchell. M-I-t-c-h-e-double L.

Abby: Hi.

[ Sighing ] Oh! I'm so glad to see you. Such a relief to not have to pretend.

Nate: Yeah, I know what you mean. Elena keeps checking in on me to see how I'm dealing with victor's death.

Abby: [ Sighs ] Devon was here, too. He was so sweet and comforting... I hate lying to him. I hate lying to everyone.

Nate: Yeah, I'm right there with you.

Abby: [ Sighs ] I hate when my family keeps secrets from me. But now I kind of wish that they had. But then I would be mourning my father's death, just like summer and everyone else who doesn't know that he's still alive.

Nate: Sooner or later, the truth's gonna come out. And it's gonna bring its own set of problems.

Abby: I hate that my family has dragged you into this.

Nate: Oh, no. No one's dragged me into it. I understood what the consequences might be.

Abby: I know, but you are a doctor. You could get in a lot of trouble for this.

Nate: A doctor's first job is to protect their patient. And that's what I did. I protected your father from adam.

Abby: In my eyes, you are the hero.

Nate: Mm.

Victoria: So, the therapy session went well?

Billy: Turns out, you can get a lot accomplished when you cooperate with your doctor. What?

Victoria: I'm just so happy to see you healthy and strong again.

Billy: I want to be your rock, the same way you've been mine.

Jill: So, nikki, I want to make sure that I'm in town for victor's funeral. Have you set a time and a date yet?

Nikki: Um, nicholas is taking care of all that.

Jill: Aww. Look at them. It makes you believe that there's still hope in this crazy world, doesn't it?

Nikki: Amen to that.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] You're making a mistake.

Adam: Look, I'm sure that you will find someone else to rescue. Oh, wait! Wait a minute. You already have! Victoria. I mean, that's the reason why you came over here in the first place. It wasn't about me at all.

Sharon: You know that's not true. You know that I care about you.

Adam: Not enough.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] You know, you say that you want everything. You want all of me, but that -- that's not it, not really. What you want is for me to give up my life, my family, my home, everything because -- because god knows we can't stay here.

Adam: We could have each other. Once upon a time, that was enough to make you happy.

Sharon: No, adam, I think i was clinging to this fantasy that it would be okay for me to be at odds with everyone in my life. I can't do that now.

Adam: Well, then I guess we are done here.

Sharon: We wouldn't be done if --

Adam: If what, I made peace with my family? It's not gonna happen. It is too late, sharon.

Sharon: I'll never believe that.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Are we really back to that? If I would just be the man that you want me to be...

Sharon: You can be. I know you can be.

Adam: Would you that really change anything? I mean, would you really want a life with me then? I -- don't answer that. Let's just call it a hail mary for old time's sake.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Can I ask you something?

Adam: Sure.

Sharon: Are you really happy in this empty place? Empty life? Or don't you want something more for yourself?

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Sounds a lot like what you said to me in vegas. That is why I came back here. Because there was a part of me that trusted you and believed you, even before I could remember what we meant to each other. Oh, cancel that -- what you meant to me. Turns out, it was pretty one-sided.

Sharon: Adam...

Adam: Goodbye, sharon.

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