Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/24/19
Episode #11708 ~ Jack enlists Traci's help; Sharon defends Adam; Victoria is caught in the crossfire.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Adam: My family has treated me like something you would scrape off the bottom of your shoe. And for that, I want to see my father completely incapacitated.
Phyllis: Completely?
Nikki: Victor, please! Please stay with us. Stay with us. We all love you.
I made the higher-dosage capsules.
Paul: Who told you to do this?
Suzanne: It was his kid. Victoria newman.
Rey: Victoria newman, I have a warrant for your arrest.
Nikki: [ Gasps ] Something terrible has happened! It's all gone wrong.
Adam: I miss him. I honestly don't know what my life means without victor in it.
Adam: "Medication tampered with... death ruled a homicide... active police investigation."
[ Sighs ] God. This wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to die. "After everything he conquered to become a business legend and a household name, it appears that victor newman's extraordinary life was cut short by one of his own children."
[ Sighs ]
Nikki: This is a nightmare!
Victor: A child of mine wanted me dead. That's the only thing this article and the police got right.
Nikki: Adam had to have been planning this from the very beginning. Kill you, and then plant the evidence to frame victoria.
Victor: Yeah. And he thinks he succeeded doing both. Meanwhile, our daughter is being dragged through the mud, and spends the night in jail.
Nikki: I just can't believe he was willing to go this far to pursue this ridiculous vendetta.
Victor: You know, baby...
[ Sighs ] I thought I was setting a trap. All I did is put my family in jeopardy. I don't know how I can live with myself.
Jack: "Daughter victoria newman was arrested at society" --
Traci: What?!
Jack: "...The restaurant owned by her sister, abby newman. Police chief paul williams characterized the evidence found implicating the eldest newman child as 'damning and compelling.' An active police investigation is continuing."
Traci: No, no, no, no, no.
Victoria? This just cannot be.
Jack: I can't wrap my head around this, either.
Traci: [ Sighs ]
Jack: She was the apple of victor's eye. She was loyal to a fault.
Traci: To an extreme sometimes.
Jack: No matter what that man did, at his very worst -- meddling in her relationships, passing her over at newman, she stood by him.
Traci: And yet you and i both know that there's a limit to what people can take. Even good people. Like ashley. L-look at how she lashed out at you after years of feeling second-best.
Jack: We're talking about murder here.
Traci: She made you believe that your entire life was a lie.
[ Exhales loudly ] Look what it did to you. Look what it drove you to.
Jack: It took me places I never thought I'd go. I won't deny that.
Traci: And -- and you don't want to believe that victoria's capable of this. I don't, either. But, jack, the police don't just go around arresting people for no good reason, especially not paul.
Jack: I don't disagree with anything you're saying.
Traci: But?
Jack: Somehow, there's got to be more to this.
Sharon: Rey! Rey. I just heard the news that victoria was arrested.
Rey: [ Sighs ]
Sharon: Do you seriously believe that she could have committed this crime?
Rey: My job is to follow the evidence wherever it leads me.
Sharon: Please. Don't do that to me. I need you to be straight with me.
Rey: [ Sighs ]
Sharon: Last time I saw you, you were accusing adam of this.
Rey: Okay. Come here. We got a tip that victoria purchased the altered medication. And we found a bottle of those pills in her desk at newman, along with dr. Hastings' stolen tablet containing all of victor's medical history. If victoria didn't kill her father, well... all the evidence is there.
Sharon: You think she was set up.
Nikki: Darling, please, just try to eat something. Nate gave us very specific instructions.
Victor: [ Sighs ] I know you're trying to look out for me, and it's very sweet of you. I don't think I could eat a bite right now.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Billy: Does somebody want to tell me what the hell happened?
Nikki: Oh, billy.
Victor: Well, obviously things didn't go as intended.
Billy: Oh, you think? You know, when victoria came to me with this plan, I went along with it because I love her, and I will do anything for her, but that means I had to put my faith in you, and now the mother of my children is in jai.
Nikki: Believe me, we are as shocked as you are.
Victor: Stop venting. Let's rather think about what we should do now.
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Rey: So, what do you think? Could victoria have done this? Could she have taken victor's life?
Sharon: I know you think it was adam.
Rey: Is that your answer?
Sharon: Murder, rey? I mean, do you have any proof?
Rey: Nothing that'll hold up in court.
Sharon: That's because he had no motive.
Rey: That guy has been at odds with his dad most of his life. It's who he is. Who he's always been.
Sharon: Okay, well, that's not enough to say that he had it in him. Adam wouldn't have crossed the line without a reason.
Rey: Any day that guy wakes up in the morning is a day he'll be looking to cross a line, sharon.
Sharon: I'm surprised paul put you anywhere near this case, given your animosity for adam.
Rey: Yeah, well, sharon, my previous experience investigating adam when I was working for nick is an asset for this case.
Sharon: I think it's a liability. You could be biased. Do you honestly believe that you can keep your personal feelings against adam out of this case?
Adam: "Together with his wife, nikki, victor newman will be remembered in no small part for his remarkable philanthropy. In genoa city alone, the couple donated well over $600 million to various causes, most notably the genoa city arts foundation, genoa city homeless shelter, the abbot-winters foundation, and memorial hospital, where the newman wing, dedicated in 2002, tripled the institution's medical-research capabilities."
[ Scoffs ]
[ Sighs ] Well, when in doubt, throw your money around, right, pop? God, whoever wrote that does not know you at all. "Visionary builder of empires from humble origins."
[ Scoffs ] That is only half the story. How about "master manipulator. Cold-blooded tyrant. Abusive control freak who liked to pit his kids against each other.
[ Sighs ] The loving father and grandfather who turned on his own son... tried to put him down like a rabid dog. Run down in the road. And why? Why?! Why?
Billy: You know, I thought the whole point of this charade was to somehow get adam to slip up and confess to attempted murder. But you're having a hard time accepting the fact that your son wanted you dead, victor. You're holding onto this illusion that he is a decent person, and that you alone can save him.
Victor: My son needs help, desperately.
Billy: [ Scoffs ]
Victor: But I don't expect you to feel any compassion for him whatsoever. In fact, I know you have none.
Nikki: Neither one of us fault you for that, billy. We're just asking you to be patient. Work with us, not against us.
Billy: Okay, well, let's start here -- adam is not playing the same kind of chess game that you are -- why? Because he is not playing a game.
Nikki: Okay, this is not helping --
Billy: No, you think this is what you do, you dance around in circles. But the rules have changed. The game is dangerous. And victoria is stuck in the middle. So if you're not gonna protect her, then I will.
Jack: I've known victoria since she was a little girl. So has paul. I mean, beneath his professional facade, he's got to be as shocked by this as we are.
Traci: Okay. [ Sighs ] So, if you don't think it's pent-up resentment, why in the world would she want her beloved father dead?
Jack: Victor did the right thing. He -- he put her in charge while he dealt with his illness.
Traci: Mm-hmm.
Jack: She had everything she wanted.
Traci: Okay, so, m-maybe there was something going on that nobody else knew about but the two of them.
Jack: What, like embezzlement?
Traci: No, no. She's fabulously wealthy.
Jack: Exactly.
[ Traci sighs ] I keep going back to my last conversation with victor. We were at society having a drink, talking about our lives. All very civilized. And given the fact that we spent most of our lives trying to destroy each other, that was momentous.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] I remember you talking about it.
Jack: He'd stepped back from newman because of his illness. A company he had created, spent his whole life building. A company that formed who he was. And he seemed at peace with that decision.
Traci: I wonder if -- if he didn't help inspire this new attitude you have about jabot.
Jack: I don't know. Maybe. His ego certainly wouldn't have allowed him to admit if he wasn't up to the task. In his mind, he was j-- he was humoring nikki, giving his full attention to his recovery. But I saw the effect this illness had on him -- lack of concentration. That sharp mind was not that sharp. And I can't help but wonder if it was a whole lot worse for victor than he ever let on. When we found out he passed, you know, the suddenness of it all, it -- it made me think --
Traci: Jack, what?
Jack: He was always in such control of his life. What if he decided he didn't want to live a life without that control? And it made me think of dina. And all she's going through. And... how every moment is so precious.
Nikki: Look, we are all on the same page where adam is concerned. But we need to work together to protect victoria, not worry about who is to blame. Now, victor is feeling better now that he's back on the correct dose of medication, but he's not 100% yet. I would imagine that we're all feeling a little fragile after everything that has happened, so let's at least agree to be kind to one another.
Billy: Look, I'm sorry I went off on you. I know that adam is your son, and this has been a blow to you.
Victor: You can't begin to imagine.
Nikki: Victor and I know it hasn't been easy for you, dealing with adam's resurrection.
Victor: Even I can see that you have been going through hell lately, billy.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Billy: It's victoria.
Nikki: [ Gasps ] Oh!
Billy: Hey. How are you? What's going on?
Victoria: I'm fine. I'm just still waiting to be arraigned.
Billy: Why? Why is it taking so long?
Victoria: I'm not sure. But my attorney's all over it.
Billy: I'm here with your mom and dad. We're talking strategy. I'm gonna come down there and --
Victoria: Put me on speaker.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Mom? Dad?
Nikki: Yes, we're here, darling.
Victoria: Hello, sweetheart. I'm so happy to hear your voice.
Nikki: We're just sick about what you're going through.
Billy: I'm trying to convince them to abandon the plan, vick.
Victoria: I want you to listen, all of you -- I should be out soon. Until then, please don't do anything.
Billy: I need to find out what's going on with vick.
Victor: Hold your horses, all right? She was very explicit about us not doing anything.
Billy: Yeah, I know. But I'm not just gonna stand here and wait for more information. I mean, why the delayed arraignment? Why hasn't she been charged yet? Is she gonna get bail?
Victor: We'll find out soon enough.
Billy: Has it not occurred to you that adam could be behind the scenes making this all more difficult? I mean, he got michael installed as the new D.A., Which means he's got leverage over him, right?
Nikki: Billy. Billy, please try to relax. Trust that victoria can handle herself.
Billy: No, it's adam that I don't trust.
Adam: Whoever wrote this does not know the meaning of the word "research." Just cobble together a bunch of puff pieces from the business rags. "Driven." "Admired." What -- sounds like a car, not a person. People reading this want to know, who was the real victor newman? And this is what you tell them. "Competitive." Wow! Wow. That is so generic. "Legend." Yeah. Yeah, in your own mind. "Ruthless." Now, that -- that is half true. I mean, that's what you wanted everybody to think, right, dad? All the sheeple who supposedly looked up to you? I mean, fear is the great motivator, after all. But still, you could be ruthless sometimes. But that isn't the whole story. It's not even close. Not even close.
Young adam: Happy birthday, mr. Newman. How old are you?
Young victor: Ohh, how old am I?
[ Laughs ]
Young adam: Is it time for cake?
Young victor: Let me explain that to you after you open this.
Young adam: What is it?
Young victor: Well, there's only one way to find out -- you open it. Oh, yeah. Now, you don't want someone to hit you, do you? Right. So, the first thing you learn is to defend yourself, okay? So whenever someone throws a punch at your face, you go like this -- bah! Do you understand? So, you throw a punch right now, right here, at my face. Do it. Do it. Bah! Do it again. Bah!
Young victor: Your mom tells me you know a lot about airplanes. What do you know about this one?
Young adam: I know what kind of engines it has.
Young victor: Oh, you do?
Young adam: Br710, with 14,000 pounds of thrust.
Young victor: How do you know that? That's impressive. What else do you want to know?
Young adam: I think i remember meeting you.
Young victor: Yeah, a long time ago.
Young adam: You gave me boxing gloves.
Young victor: You remember that?
Young adam: And your name. It's victor. Just like mine.
Young victor: Yeah, just like yours.
Adam: God, how did it go so wrong?
Rey: Yeah, paul also wondered if I could be objective where adam's concerned.
Sharon: Can you?
Rey: I'm not gonna rehash what happened between you and me, and why. I've accepted it. Whatever feelings I may have... part of being a cop is separating your personal life from the job.
Sharon: In social work, also. Although I understand how difficult that can be. But I know how much integrity you have, rey. It's one of the things I've always liked about you. Listen, victor and adam have always had a complicated relationship. It's love and resentment and rage all tangled up into one.
Rey: Well, that sounds pretty volatile.
Sharon: Well, it has been, at times. But when I looked into adam's eyes and I asked him about victor, he swore to me that this is not what he wanted. And I know him, rey.
Rey: Y-you want to believe that you can see into his heart. Adam's just a guy with a -- with a conscience and a soul who's just been misunderstood. But adam declared war on the entire newman family, and he's made it very clear that he meant it. The way he went after nick's son put them both through hell. He turns on the people he loves if they don't do his bidding, sharon. He tried to implicate chelsea into calvin's death because she didn't jump at the chance to get back together with him.
Sharon: Okay, and then he chose to drop that custody case. And now he and chelsea are getting along just fine. Look, I know that adam can sometimes be very emotional or impulsive, but he reigns himself back in when he realizes he's gone too far.
Rey: The facts still paint a very dark picture of the guy. It's the reason I was worried about you being drawn into adam's orbit again. I didn't want you to end up like victoria. As collateral damage. It's what I've been trying to protect you from all along. I didn't want you to get hurt. I still don'T.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jack: There you go.
Dina: Hmm.
Jack: You a little cold? I have just the thing. There we go. If you like, we can stop at that little pie shop further down, pick up some cider and spice cookies. We can take them back to your room. If you want. Traci and I were talking earlier about victor. Victor newman? I always thought you and he had a lot in common. Both smart, tough, successful in business. Difficult relationship with your families. There was a time I thought i could never forgive what victor had done to me, and to our family. One day I realized, I was nurturing all that anger. Living on it. Feeding from it. Letting it become a part of who I was. I'm telling you, mother, I never felt more liberated than the day I let all that go. You want to go get some cookies? Here. Come with me. Come on. Okay?
Young adam: I bet you can't read as good as my daddy.
Young victor: Oh, yeah? You want to bet? I'll try. But you know something? I'm gonna have to put on my glasses. Now, let's see, here.
Young victor: Now, you stand over there. Right there. This is a soccer ball, right?
Young adam: Yeah.
Young victor: So when I roll it to you, you kick it back to me.
Young adam: Okay.
Young victor: Okay?
Young adam: Okay.
Young victor: Okay. Good. And again. Good. And again. Yeah!
Young adam: Mr. Newman, your name is the same as mine.
Young victor: That's right. It is.
Young adam: I never knew anyone else with my name.
Hope: And you know what, honey? It's a wonderful name. A wonderful, strong name, just like the kind of man you're gonna grow up to be someday.
Young adam: Like daddy?
Hope: Oh! Yes, darling. Just like daddy.
Adam: Ugh. What if -- what if my mom never made you swear to keep it a secret from me? I mean, what if I knew that you were my dad the whole time growing up?
[ Sighs ] When I was going through those years of trying to figure out who I was...
[ Groans ]
[ Sniffles ] Well... maybe none of this would have happened.
[ Sighs ]
Sharon: A part of me knows that you could be right. Adam could have felt provoked enough to do something terrible to victor.
Rey: Adam's made no secret about his intentions to take down every newman in his path. What more proof do you need? You still think you can change him. You can'T.
Nikki: Oh, darling!
Victoria: Hi, mom.
Nikki: I'm so happy to see you. We've been so worried.
Victoria: Oh!
Victor: My sweetheart. Oh, my baby.
Victoria: Dad.
Victor: Did they treat you all right, huh?
Victoria: Like any other guest of the city.
Billy: I told victoria we have a lot to discuss, like the delayed arraignment. Lawyer said she didn't know why. If she did, she wasn't telling me.
Victoria: I think she was just being paranoid. She didn't want to answer any questions in the courtroom in case someone overheard us.
Billy: Vick, it's not paranoia when somebody's trying to pin murder on you.
Victor: Billy thinks that adam may have manipulated your case.
Victoria: For what purpose?
Billy: To shake you up. To show how powerful he thinks he is.
Victoria: Well, given that dad is alive, I-I am not in any legal jeopardy.
Billy: But adam doesn't know that.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] That's true.
Victor: Sweetheart, you may still be in jeopardy.
Nikki: Adam has crossed the line with both you and your father. To a point that I thought would have been unthinkable. He is much more treacherous than we realized.
Victor: And, billy, you have been lobbying all morning to end this.
Billy: It gets victoria off the hook. But it does not mean that adam is gonna stop trying to decimate this family.
Victoria: No, we're gonna stick to the original plan, and we're gonna see this through. We have too much at stake to pull the plug before we have adam where we want him.
Jack: We've done a lot of walking today. Let's sit right here, okay? Here. It's okay. There you go. You seem a little warm. I'm gonna take this off, okay? You all right? Hey, you know, I haven't told you about my trip to sedona. I was feeling, I don't know, a little at loose ends, and so I decided to give myself a holiday. Take a little time to reflect. What is it they say? An unexamined life is no life at all. I guess you could say I was, I don't know, searching for myself. And in the process, I learned something important. About you. For a long time, I -- I think I looked at your life in the lens of A...
[ Sighs ] I don't know. A broken kid. All I could think of was how your actions affected me and the girls and dad. Well, while I was away, I started looking at things in a very different way. I tried to -- tried to get a bigger picture of you. Who you were. In the context of, you know, the time we lived in. What was expected of you, how few opportunities there were, and... how at odds all that seemed with who you were, what you wanted to be. Here was this young woman with a bright mind who needed more challenges, more responsibilities, and... I don't know. I -- I think you were after things women weren't supposed to go after. Women were told they couldn't go after. But you did. You wanted more. You wanted a bigger, fuller life, and that's what you went after. For a very long time, I looked at that as a flaw instead of what it is. It was an act of true bravery. I know I judged you. I know I told you more than once that I could never forgive what you did. I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know if you even recognize who I am. But I am the one doing the apologizing now.
[ Sighs ] I never gave you the credit you deserved for the amazing life that you lived. So many incredible accomplishments. You, dina abbott mergeron, in all your... brash, uncompromising, glass-ceiling-exploding glory. I'm proud of you, mother. I'm proud to be your son. And I love you.
Dina: Oh. Jackie. Jackie. [ Chuckling ] I love you, too. Yes. Oh. Oh.
Billy: You know, adam believes that he murdered you. Okay? And any thought of him having remorse is out the window when he incriminated victoria.
Victor: Yeah, but the evidence he planted is just too neat. That may very well be his undoing.
Billy: Okay, let's just say you're right. The police figure out that victoria was framed, and they drop the case. Or the jury acquits her because they smell a rat. Fine. It doesn't matter, because adam is not gonna stop. He is gonna continue to come after victoria.
Victoria: Good. I hope he does. I hope he digs himself a hole so deep that he can never get out of it. I want him to be punished.
Billy: I'm not gonna let you risk your life to make that happen, vick.
Victoria: Billy, I feel it in my gut that adam is gonna botch this, big time. We're just gonna have to pretend that dad is dead for a little bit longer.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Nikki: All right, then. For now, we keep the masquerade going.
Victor: I suggest we wait and watch, see what adam does now that victoria's out on bail.
Victoria: Billy, are you with us?
Adam: Letter to all media. You have failed dismally in your feeble attempts to capture the life of victor newman. There is no mention of how cruel or controlling he can be. There's no mention how the doting patriarch could viciously turn on the people he claimed to love. There's no mention of what drove him -- how his impoverished mother was forced to choose between her two sons, taking the youngest and putting victor in an orphanage. There's some clickbait for you. A window into the great man. Maybe victor didn't want to choose between his children knowing what that felt like, so he made us compete for his attention, for his love. A place in his empire. But the price of admission was always blind loyalty. And if you challenged him, there were consequences. And I always challenged him.
[ Scoffs ] That was my default setting. Got my office moved to the men's room just so dad could make a point.
[ Chuckles ] That one -- that one is funny. But most of them weren'T. Um... the slights, the constant put-downs. Never-ending maneuvering to stay one step ahead. And [Sighs] Sometimes we got downright mean. You know, wondering if there was ever a way that we would coexist. But we always managed to. Until... it was just one more move in the game for me. I just -- I wanted the upper hand. I didn't want this. I didn't want you gone. Or did I?
Jack: You know when you're with mother these days, and you talk about the past or the present or the future, it doesn't matter, she doesn't get it, she's barely there?
Traci: Yeah, she rarely responds to anything anymore.
Jack: Okay, well, victor's death made me realize once again how quickly things change. And it inspired me to really talk to mother. I mean really talk to her. I shared with her my epiphany -- how I saw her life in a whole new light. I had to say this to her, traci, while she was still here, even if I got nothing back. But... boy, did I get something back.
Traci: Really? What?
Jack: I told her i understood. That I forgave her. That I admired her. That I loved her. And like a miracle, she said that back to me.
Traci: She did?
Jack: Not in a parroting way. I mean, with meaning. She looked me in the eye, and she said, [Voice breaking] "Jackie, I love you, too."
Traci: Oh! Wow.
Jack: It was so powerful. It would -- and it reminded me what an incredible life she had actually lived. What an amazing, powerful, exceptional woman she was. And it hit me like that. Just hit me. This is an incredible story. Our story. Dad's story. Dina's story. [ Stammers ] The family story. I will be damned if an obituary is the only record of the abbott legacy. I want to write down the story of our family, for our family. And I need your help to write it.
Traci: [ Exhales ] Yes. Yes, jack. I-I think it's a wonderful idea.
Jack: Great.
Victoria: Thank you for not fighting me on this.
Billy: I got outvoted. So we stay the course, we wait for adam to screw up and expose himself.
Victoria: You know that he will.
Billy: Top priority is making him pay for what he did to your father, and for you. He is not gonna get away with it this time, okay? That bastard's number is up.
Victoria: Maybe this is too much.
Billy: What do you mean?
Victoria: Billy, you've been through hell. I'm not sure if you should be around adam.
Billy: Vick, it's fine.
Victoria: Listen, you've had this incredible breakthrough, and you need to keep building on that. You need to focus on your own health and your own well-being. And we cannot let adam derail any progress that you've made.
Billy: He won'T. He won'T. I'm doing everything I need to do to make sure that I am the man that you need, and the father that our children need. And I am not gonna let you fight adam on your own.
Victoria: You promised.
Billy: Circumstances changed, okay, when he went after you. He is still very much a threat. Look, you were there for me when I needed you. Now let me be there for you, okay? I can do this for you. I can do this for us. 'Cause we are stronger together.
Adam: Well? Is this what you wanted? Is this really what you've become now, a man that would kill his own father?
[ Snorts softly ]
[ Scoffs ]
[ Chuckles ] How can I -- how can I look my own kids in the eye again?
[ Sighs ]
[ Doorbell rings ] Wh-why are you here?
Sharon: Because you need me.
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