Y&R Transcript Friday 9/20/19
Episode #11706 ~ Phyllis issues a warning; Chelsea keeps Adam in line.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
These look exactly like the medication victor's taking. They're labeled as though his doctor prescribed them, but these have double the dosage per capsule.
Adam: How is it possible that dad... is actually dead?
Devon: Someone is challenging katherine's will.
Jill: What?
Devon: I received a letter from an attorney who's demanding to meet me about it.
Devon: What is this? You're --
Amanda sinclair. We have a meeting scheduled. My assistant confirmed, but if this a bad time, I can --
Devon: No. No, no, no, no. It's fine. It's fine. Come in.
Great. Thank you.
Kyle: You look relax, rested. How was your trip?
Jack: Well, it was good to step back and ponder the meaning of life, but, of course, I came home to the news that victor newman had died.
Kyle: It's hard to believe he's gone.
Jack: Victor newman was a very complicated man. Whether you loved him or hated him, he sure made life interesting.
Kyle: Losing him is a reminder to appreciate the people in your life. I know how lucky I am to work side by side with my family every day. Especially you.
Jack: Truer words were never spoken. Which is why we need to discuss something.
Summer: Thank you for calling. That was really sweet of you.
Theo: Figured you could use some fresh air. You've had a tough week.
Summer: Yeah. Yeah, it kind of feels like five minutes after I recover from getting drugged, I... lose my grandpa. And he was so strong and so protective... the ultimate alpha male.
Theo: Sounds like a hell of a guy.
Summer: Yeah. Unique in all the world, you know?
Theo: Hey.
Summer: Yeah?
Theo: Whatever you need, I've got you.
Summer: Thank you, but...
Theo: What? You think there's no depth behind this devastatingly handsome façade?
Summer: [ Chuckles ] No, I didn't say that.
Theo: I may not know exactly what you're going through, but i understand where you're coming from.
Sharon: Oh, nick... I'm so sorry.&
Nick: Have you talked to faith?
Sharon: She sends her love.
Nick: How'd she take the news?
Sharon: She's heartbroken. You know, she and victor had a really special bond, but she's hanging in, said she'd play some chess in his honor.
Nick: Yeah, that's, uh -- that's exactly what dad would want.
Sharon: I told her I would let her know as soon as I hear anything about a real service. I couldn't get ahold of noah.
Nick: Yeah, I talked to him.
Sharon: How is he?
Nick: He's, uh, you know, sad and shocked. He wants to come home, but I -- I told him, just hang tight until we can play something formal.
Sharon: And how are you? Really.
Nick: [ Scoffs ] I just -- I don't understand. No, it's like one second, dad was sitting there and he was talking, and the next... he was gone.
Sharon: It's just so tragic.
Nick: Yeah, especially since it didn't need to happen. This is adam's fault.
[ Sighs ]
Sharon: Nick... it's understandable that you would want to have a scapegoat, but I think if you just step back and examine --
Nick: Oh, here we go. Let me guess, you and adam had a little heart to heart, and he got to you. Again.
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: Did you not get any of the messages that I sent you? Or is this your attempt at trying to avoid me?
Chelsea: No. No, I've just been busy. I'm trying to get this place back on track since our opening.
Adam: Look, I need to see connor. Today.
Chelsea: Adam, so much is going on. I just don't think that that's the best idea right now.
Adam: I don't understand. Yesterday, you were all kindness and compassion. What has changed since then?
Chelsea: I'm thinking about what's best for both of you. You deserve some time alone to deal with what's happened to your father.
Adam: Look, the best way for me to deal with that is to spend time with my own son. You're the one that has a problem.
Chelsea: Me?
Adam: Yeah, you listened to nick instead of your heart. He floated the idea that I am somehow responsible for victor's death, and you took the bait.
Chelsea: I can think for myself, thank you.
Adam: And now you think i can't be trusted with my own son. Tell me I'm wrong.
Paul: Ms. Fuller. We're with the police department. We'd like to talk to you.
I'm here for the coffee, not conversation.
Paul: We're not much on small talk, either.
Rey: No, no, we want answers.
About what?
Paul: Victor newman. Seems someone tampered with his medication.
Rey: Yeah, the toxicology report we just got showed elevated levels of an experimental drug in his system.
Paul: We sent these pills to the lab, and you'll never guess what they found.
Rey: The capsules contained double the labeled dosage.
Why would you think I had anything to do with that?
Rey: Mr. Newman's prescription was only available through the hospital pharmacy.
Paul: The same place you work.
Rey: What a coincidence.
I'm not the only one who works there.
Paul: We'll speak with the others. But you're at the top of our list.
Look, I don't have to answer your questions.
Rey: If you are the person who prepared these pills, now's the time to tell us who you supplied the pills to. The person responsible for victor newman's death.
I have nothing to say.
Paul: And here I thought you had good sense.
[ Scoffs ] You have no proof that I've done anything wrong, so if you will excuse me, I have to get back to the pharmacy.
Rey: Okay, make no mistake, we're gonna find out who did this. With or without your help.
Paul: We're talking about victor newman here. His family and the gcpd will spare no expense getting justice for his murder.
Rey: You know, maybe we should continue this conversation down at the station.
Paul: Yeah. I think I'm gonna call your co-workers and let them know you're involved in a police investigation.
Wait. If, hypothetically speaking, I were to give you information that was relevant to this investigation, I would need something in return.
Paul: Like what?
Give me immunity, and I'll give you what you want.
Chelsea: No one makes decisions for me. Not nick, and certainly not you.
Adam: Then why I can't see my own son, chelsea?
Chelsea: Because, adam, it's my duty to protect him.
Adam: What, protect him from me?
Chelsea: From all of the tension and sadness surrounding his grandfather's death!
Adam: I will help him get through that. We will help each other.
Chelsea: He doesn't know! Okay? He doesn't know yet that victor died.
Adam: Why haven't you told& him?
Chelsea: After losing calvin and coming to terms with you being alive, don't you think that kid's already been through enough as it is?
Adam: He's going to find out, chelsea.
Chelsea: He's a child! He doesn't watch the news. Please, I just want to wait until things settle down a little bit.
Adam: Well, you don't raise a strong kid by telling him lies and trying to protect him, okay? Life is hard, and people die. And you handle it the best that you can.
Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Like you're doing? Adam... you're not yourself.
Adam: How do you want me to act? My father just died, okay? So if it takes me a minute to pull myself together, then so be it. Don't keep me away from the one person I love more than anyone else on this earth. I need him. He's the best part of my life. Please.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] This is just the way things have to be, for now. I hope you understand.
Nick: So, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of the reasons you left town was to get away from adam, and then you come back and you run straight to him?
Sharon: That's not how it happened.
Nick: So, how'd it happen?
Sharon: Rey was interrogating him in the coffee house.
Nick: Well, rey's a very smart guy. I'm sure he had good reason.
Sharon: Rey was accusing adam of murder.
Nick: Well, if you're worried his rights are being violated, then hire him an attorney.
Sharon: Nick, he's grieving, same as you.
Nick: It's not the same!
Sharon: If you could have seen how much he was suffering...
Nick: We are all suffering, sharon. All of us. But it's because of adam. He threatened dad, he threatened this entire family. So forgive me if I'm not buying into his bereavement.
Sharon: He never wanted victor dead.
Nick: How do you know that?
Sharon: Because he told me.
Nick: Oh, well, then it must be true.
Sharon: You don't actually believe adam had anything to do with victor's death.
Nick: Maybe not the adam you know, but the one I know... why don't you sit down, give me a few minutes. There's something you need to know.
Is everything okay?
Devon: I don't know. I don't know. I'm -- I'm -- I'm very unsettled by all of this. Um, you can have a seat, though.
I won't take up too much of your time. I'm here on on behalf of my client, philip chancellor iv.
Devon: Chancellor? So chance is behind this.
Now, as I mentioned in my letter, there has been some discrepancies in katherine chancellor's will.
Devon: Okay. You were really vague in your letter.
Mr. Chancellor was made aware of a different draft of katherine's last will and testament, one that does not bequeath the bulk of her estate to you.
Jack: Well, that's one of the great things about the internet. I could peek in on jabot from time to time.
Kyle: Oh, and...?
Jack: And I was very impressed. You handled that whole grand phoenix situation like a champion. Kept everything else running like clockwork. How'd it feel? I mean, being ce.O.
Kyle: It was exciting. And terrifying. I loved every minute of it. Any time you feel you need to get away, relax, recharge, feel free to leave me the keys to the kingdom.
Jack: It's good to know I can trust you in the driver's seat. Listen, billy could still be away for a while.
Kyle: Yeah.
Jack: So I want to keep you on as my right-hand man, if that's okay.
Kyle: I'd be honored. Thank you.
Jack: My pleasure.
Kyle: [ Laughs ]
Jack: I'm proud of you, son. Real proud.
Theo: Did I ever tell you about my father?
Summer: Uh, well, I mean, you always acted like you were sprung fully-formed from some god on mt. Olympus.
Theo: Well, my dad was kind of an all-knowing, all-powerful presence to me.
Summer: Really? What did he do?
Theo: Union delegate for the teamsters.
Summer: Wow.
Theo: I've never known anyone as driven as he was. He treated everybody with dignity and kindness, but also an iron fist.
Summer: Sounds pretty imposing.
Theo: He was. Yeah, we didn't have a lot of money, kind of a paycheck-to-paycheck life, but he was proud of his job, you know, of our small house. He always said you could be the richest man in the world and still poor if you didn't have integrity. And then one morning, I woke up for school, and the house was so quiet. The kitchen was full of his friends, but no one said a word. No one could even look me in the eye. But I knew. He was gone.
Summer: Why, what happened?
Theo: Heart attack. I was 15. We had spent the last couple years arguing over stuff that didn't matter. He wanted me to be just like him, and I -- I wanted more. I said things to him I wish i could take back, but... it was too late. And... all I could think, standing there watching these grown men with tears rolling down their faces was... I wonder if he knew how much i loved him, how much he meant to me. And, to this day, I'd still give anything to see his face one more time, to hear his voice... and tell him how proud I was to be his son.
Phyllis: You look like hell.
Adam: Yeah, it's the, uh, third parent I've lost, if you include my step-father.
Phyllis: Mm.
Adam: You think I'd have this whole grieving thing down pat. What do you want?
Phyllis: I left my keys here. I left them here. So I'm either very brave or stupid to come back to the lion's den after our last encounter, I just -- maybe, um, I'm desperate for company.
Adam: Did you get the cold shoulder from the heir apparent?
Phyllis: Nick has a lot on his mind and his shoulders these days.
Adam: Well, surely summer could use your care and compassion.
Phyllis: Okay, maybe I'm not mourning like the rest of you, but I thought maybe you could use some company. I know what's it's like to lose somebody, and I know what it's like. Sometimes it's just as hard when they're alive, trust me. And I just -- I thought maybe you needed a friend. Do you want me to go?
Adam: Fine. Stay, okay? But only until I find something better.
Phyllis: You know, you -- you really need to work on your invitation skills.
Rey: We hit a brick wall with the pharmacist.
Michael: Did she lawyer up?
Rey: She's willing to talk, but she wants full immunity. So what do you think?
Michael: I don't like it.
Rey: Neither do we.
Michael: All right. The last thing she deserves is immunity, but if you honestly believe that the only way we can nail this murder to the wall is to do this, then...
Rey: I'm afraid it is.
Michael: Fine, I'll make it happen. Let me know when you get a name.
Rey: I got a hunch we'll be paying adam a visit once this is all finished up here.
Michael: Well, keep me posted.
Rey: Will do.
Paul: So, how'd it go with the D.A.?
Rey: Well, it must be your lucky day. Full immunity for your cooperation and testimony.
So I'm not going to jail for what I'm about to tell you?
Paul: Nope. You're getting away with everything.
Okay. I made the higher dosage capsules, and I forged the label on the prescription bottle to be identical to victor newman's prescription.
Paul: Who told you to do this?
It was his kid.
Rey: [ Sighs ]
Victoria newman.
Okay. Clearly this is not a good time.
Devon: It's not about the time. I just want to know who you really are.
Who I really am.
Devon: Yes.
My name is amanda sinclair. My contact information is on the card. When you would like to have a calm and rational conversation regarding this matter, you can contact me. I'm staying at the grand phoenix hotel. In the meantime, take care of yourself, mr. Hamilton.
Phyllis: I hate what victor's death is doing to my daughter, to nick, and other people. But do I grieve his loss? Do I bemoan his death? No way in hell. Because there... every time... I saw his face... every time I heard his name, I remembered... what he did to me, what he did to us...
Jack: I let go of that hurt a long time ago. I somehow thought you had moved on, too.
Phyllis: I just had to suppress my rage when I was around him.
Jack: Victor newman cannot hurt anyone ever again.
Phyllis: A man like victor is never really gone, jack. He casts a shadow over every life he touched for a very long time.
Michael: Paul called, as you predicted.
Adam: And?
Michael: He asked for immunity. I granted it.
Adam: That is what I like to hear.
Victoria: I've got work to do.
Paul: Okay. We shouldn't be too much longer. Rey.
Rey: Hmm?
Victoria: What is it? What did you find?
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Rey: Victoria newman, I have a warrant for your arrest.
Nikki: [ Gasps ]
Sharon: I'm asking you to help your sister.
Adam: What would I get out of that?
Sharon: Me.
Mr. Hamilton, I assure you --
Devon: No, I don't -- I don't want you to tell me that you don't know you look like my late wife.
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