Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/19/19
Episode #11705 ~ Nick surprises Phyllis; Devon and Jill protect Katherine's legacy; Nikki turns to Paul for help.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...David: "I leave $2,475,000,000 to... my grandson, devon hamilton."
Devon: It's from an attorney. It says that they want to meet with me to discuss discrepancies that have come to light regarding the will of my late grandmother katherine chancellor.
Nikki: Victor! Victor, please! Please with us! Stay with us! We all love you!
Nick: Dad's gone, and it's your fault.
Adam: I didn't want to kill him. I just wanted him weak enough where he couldn't fight back.
Traci: Jack.
Jack: Is it true?
Traci: Yes. Victor passed away last night.
Jack: Wow.
Traci: I understand it was sudden. He was... with his family and just collapsed.
Phyllis: Hey, summer. Um, it's your mom again. Again. Uh, listen, I know you need time to process what happened to your grandfather, but I just... wanted to let you know that I am here for you and please call me back, babe, alright?
[ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone chimes ] Ooh, finally.
Nick: Phyllis is on her way over.
Chelsea: Okay. Well, then that's my cue to leave. Oh, or --I'm sorry. Or not, if -- if you don't want me to.
Nick: You got to work. I can deal with phyllis.
Chelsea: It's not phyllis I'm worried about. It's you.
Nick: I'm okay.
Chelsea: You look exhausted. I bet you didn't sleep at all last night.
Nick: I'm just really worried about victoria.
Chelsea: Well, you focus on taking care of victoria and abby and your mom and... let me take care of you.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Sorry.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Nick: It's adam, isn't it?
Chelsea: I can't deal with him today.
Adam: Chelsea, it's me. I need to see connor. Okay? I need to see my son today.
Devon: So, one minute, he was fine, the next minute, he's just not?
Nate: [ Sighs ] He was, uh... undergoing an experimental treatment. There were complications.
Devon: Wow. Wow. Wow. I've, uh... I've known victor since I was a teenager, man. That's -- I can't -- I can't wrap my head around him not being here anymore.
Nate: Must be extra tough for you, having to mourn him so soon after losing neil.
Devon: Yeah. I'm fine, though. I'm not -- I'm not gonna fall apart. You don't have to hide your feelings from me.
Nate: It's always sad, losing a patient, but, uh... unfortunately, it's part of the job.
Devon: I know that, but this wasn't just any patient. This was victor newman.
Nate: I'm fine.
Devon: Well, if you don't want to talk about it and you want to do something else, you want to go eat or play some basketball, do anything, we can do that.
Nate: I appreciate the offer, but you're busy. I know you're meeting with the lawyer about your grandmother's will.
Devon: I'm thinking that's not gonna take very long and, after all this mystery, it just won't be a big deal.
Jill: I wouldn't count on it. Victor newman just died, which means that anything is possible.
Summer: Grandma, you haven't eaten anything today. Can I see if the chef can make you something?
Nikki: Honey, it's very sweet of you, but I'm not hungry.
Summer: Okay. Or we could get you something --
Nikki: I'm not thirsty, either, and I don't need to go on another walk. I love that you're here... trying to make me feel better when you're grieving, too. But we need to stay strong and focus on what happens next. Victor wouldn't want any less, and I don't want to disappoint him.
Paul: Oh, nikki. I just heard the news.
Nikki: Oh, paul.
Paul: I am so sorry. I can't even imagine how devastating this must be for you. Please, if there is anything -- anything at all -- I can do...
Nikki: Actually, there is. You can arrest my husband's killer.
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Mariah: Mom.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh. I still can't believe it.
Mariah: I can't imagine genoa city without victor newman.
Sharon: I just wish I had been here. I probably shouldn't have gone out of town in the first place.
Mariah: No. No. You needed to go on that trip. That was something for you. I don't want you feeling guilty about that.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Have you... talked to the family?
Mariah: Yeah, I spoke to abby -- gave her my condolences.
Sharon: Anyone else?
Mariah: Um, let me see. Nick, victoria. Am I leaving anybody else out?
Sharon: I'm not asking about adam.
Mariah: Then why did you bring him up?
Jill: You do know that victor could be a real bastard sometimes, right? I mean, he wouldn't mind me saying that.&
[ Laughing ] As a matter of fact, he would take that as a compliment, I think.
[ Sighs ] Just when you'd be ready to strangle him, though, he would make some grand, perfect gesture and you'd fall in love with him all over again.
Devon: Like when he sold chancellor back to you, right?
Jill: I will be eternally grateful for that... and for him.
Devon: [ Chuckles softly ]
Jill: Oh, is that funny?
Devon: No, it's not funny. I'm just -- I'm just envisioning neil and hilary and dru and katherine and victor all up there looking down on us right now.
Jill: They will all be running things, for sure.
Devon: Yeah.
Jill: And katherine will be ranting and raving about how badly we're screwing up down here in her absence.
Devon: I don't think so. I think we're doing just fine.
Jill: I think we're doing great. You do realize, though, that victor's death is gonna change everything? There's gonna be a massive void at the top of genoa city's food chain, and a lot of people are gonna be scrambling and clawing to fill that void... and among them, you, I suspect.
Devon: I mean... sure, when it comes to business, I'm gonna seize every opportunity that comes my way, but there's -- there's never gonna be another victor newman.
Jill: No, I know. And I'm sure he's taken steps to preserve his legacy, you know, so whatever's going on with katherine's will, it's gonna be dwarfed in comparison to the power struggle over victor's estate.
Chelsea: I know you believe adam had something to do with victor's death.
Nick: As sure as I'm sitting here.
Chelsea: I have a really hard time believing adam would take it that far.
Nick: This is the same adam who tried to have you arrested for your husband's death.
Chelsea: I know, okay? I know what adam is capable of. But I've also seen him with connor. I mean, I've seen them playing catch and playing video games. He's a good dad. That's adam, too. It's not all so black and white, nick, and I have a really hard time believing he would want to deprive connor of his grandfather.
Nick: I hear what you're saying, but I think until we get proof either way, it is a risk letting connor spend any time with adam.
Chelsea: And what if you're wrong? What if he's innocent? He may need connor now more than ever.
Nick: Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare you. I'm just trying to remind you of the stakes here.
Chelsea: Do you have any proof at all that adam did this?
Nick: No. Not yet.
Paul: Can you tell me why you think there's foul play involved?
Nikki: Because I know my husband and I know his health, and I would bet everything that's dear to me that it wasn't a disease that killed him, it was adam.
Paul: Do you have any evidence?
Nikki: Well, that's what I'm counting on you for.
Summer: My dad believes it, too.
Abby: Adam threatened to go to war with our family. He was especially mad at my father.
Paul: Okay. I can understand why you would want to hold someone responsible... and -- and why you would want an explanation for this tragedy. But at this point, I really don't see how it makes a case for murder.
Nikki: Paul... I am begging you to conduct a full investigation. Now, you wrongly arrested victor for J.T.'S death. This is your chance to make up for it. Please... don't let adam get away with this.
Jack: There's a part of me that thought that man would live forever.
Traci: I have a feeling victor felt the same way.
Jack: Wow. It's just so strange. It's like the world as we knew it is gone. It... how did this happen? I knew he was ill. I --
Traci: You know... there aren't many details.
Jack: How's abby reacted to all this?
Traci: Ohh. She's holding it together. She's -- what a good girl. She's staying mostly at the ranch, spending time with nikki. I called ashley, and... she does not want to even talk about this. I think she's still in shock.
Jack: He was one of the most important people in her life. He was a big part of who she is today.
Traci: The same could be said for you.
Jack: That rivalry defined both of us.
Traci: Two warriors fighting for the ultimate prize.
Jack: Sounds like one of your books.
Traci: Admit it, jack. You are going to miss victor newman.
Jack: You're right. In fact, I already do.
Sharon: I am concerned about the entire newman family.
Mariah: Which includes adam.
Sharon: You just won't let up, will you?
Mariah: Nope. I am the original dog with a bone.
Sharon: Okay, fine. Yes. I am concerned about adam. But I'm not going to apologize for worrying about a man who just lost his father.
Mariah: Yeah. I don't want to fight.
Sharon: No, it's not -- we're not fighting.
Mariah: What, we're just having a healthy exchange of ideas?
Sharon: Yes. You don't have to worry about me running to comfort adam. I've gotten him out of my system.
Mariah: Good. So, your trip did the trick, then?
Sharon: I can't fix everyone. I can only fix myself.
Mariah: Mm. I'm gonna remind you of that the next time you give me advice that I disagree with.
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: I also came to the conclusion that I... shouldn't define myself entirely by a man anymore.
Mariah: Good for you. Time to walk the walk.
Phyllis: Nick.
[ Sighs ] Listen... I am so sorry. Um... I'm sorry.
Nick: Thanks. I, uh -- I got your text. Appreciate the sentiment. Means a lot.
Phyllis: Summer here? I didn't see her car outside.
Nick: Uh, she, uh -- she just took off.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. She found out I was coming, and she left.
Nick: She didn't even know you were on the way over.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, I've sent her like a dozen messages.
Nick: Well, maybe you should just give her some space, you know -- let her -- just wait until she comes to you. This, uh, hit her pretty hard.
Phyllis: How are you doing?
Nick: I'm alright.
Phyllis: Yeah? I mean... my nurturing skills extend to summer's father, too.
Nick: I don't think I can talk about this with you. You hated my dad.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I'm not gonna cry crocodile tears that he's gone. I'm not gonna lie. But people that I cared about loved him, and, for that reason, I am very sorry about his passing.
Nick: Thanks.
Phyllis: You're welcome. How's your mom?
Nick: Well, as you can imagine, uh, she's not doing great. I'm more concerned about her health -- the stress this is putting on her.
Phyllis: Well, she is tough. She'll get through it.
Nick: Hope you're right. She's pretty shaken by this.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: It was very sudden.
Phyllis: I-I don't mean to sound insensitive, but... wasn't your father ill?
Nick: How'd you know that?
Phyllis: I thought everyone knew.
Nick: No, everyone didn't know that -- just family, a few close friends.
Phyllis: Oh. I think I heard it somewhere.
Nick: From who?
Phyllis: Okay. Adam. Adam. I heard it from adam.
Nick: Of course it was adam. What else did your buddy tell you?
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. He just said it in passing.
Nick: So, like, "hey, my dad's gravely ill, can you pass the O.J."?
Phyllis: Why are you getting so bent out of shape over this?
Nick: Because my father would be alive right now if it wasn't for adam.
Phyllis: What are you saying?
Nick: I think adam killed my dad. So if you want to do something for your daughter and for the rest of this family, then give us some evidence that will prove your buddy is a murderer.
Devon: Hey. You got my number, so use it.
Nate: Yes. I will.
Devon: Okay.
Jill: Hey.
Devon: Hmm?
Jill: Is he alright?
Devon: Yeah. I mean, victor was his patient, so I think he's probably taking it a little harder than he's letting on, but he's gonna be fine.
Jill: You seem awfully confident about everything today -- about nate's emotional state, about the challenge to katherine's will.
Devon: Well, yeah. I'm gonna finally meet with this lawyer and get some damn answers.
Jill: Aren't you afraid she'll claim the will's invalid?
Devon: I'm not -- not really, 'cause I know whatever she has to say, I'll be able to refute... 'cause you and I both know that that will was pure katherine...
Jill: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: ...Every word of it... from her bequests to all the gifts that she left behind to nikki, to kevin, to everybody else that she loved, and anybody that knew katherine would back that up.
Jill: Mm-hmm. Tell me about it. Who else would have sent me on that wild goose music-box chase?
Devon: Right? No, you really don't have to worry about me, jill, 'cause when I inherited that money, victor actually mentored me and taught me a lot about how to handle that wealth. And I think the best way to honor his memory is to put his lessons to good use, 'cause I know that katherine made her decision when she wrote that will, and I intend to make sure that it holds up.
Jack: If somebody had told me 10 years ago I would miss victor newman when he died, I... I wouldn't have believed 'em. But I do. The greatest adversary I ever had. The competition between us... challenged me, motivated me... to be a better businessman, to be... to be a better man. And there will be a void in my life now that he's gone.
Traci: Well, the newmans have suffered a tremendous loss.
Jack: What? What -- what are you not saying?
Traci: Uh... it's just... with the loss of victor... I've lost my very last part of my colleen.
Jack: Oh, dear god. Colleen's heart beat for the last time.
Traci: [ Crying ] Yes.
Jack: I am so sorry.
Traci: I-I-I'm really grateful that victor got so many more years of life because of my daughter. It's just -- ohh... one last final, sad chapter.
Jack: Colleen will never be forgotten. Ever. I want to help. What can I do for you?
Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh. I don't know. Tell me something that will make me smile.
Jack: Oh, that's kind of a tall order right now, but, okay, I'll try. Um...
Traci: Oh, your trip. I would love to hear about your trip. Did you find what you were looking for?
Jack: You know what? Whatever I thought I was looking for... I had all along. his fight with this illness. And I understand that you're looking for someone to blame. It's hard to accept that this strong, powerful man succumbed to this.
Nick: You hated my father. You don't find his death any more tragic than adam does.
Phyllis: That is absolutely not true. Your father is summer's grandfather. That means something to me. And, you know, I didn't come here to talk about myself, or to debate adam's character. I came to tell you you're in my thoughts.
Nick: I appreciate that. But you and adam are close. So if you know anything, I'm asking you to tell me.
Phyllis: I'm sorry, i don't know a thing. Listen, nick.
[ Sighs ] If there's anything else you need, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Nick: The only thing I need is justice for my father.
Rey: Hi.
Sharon: Hi, back.
Rey: How was your trip?
Sharon: It was good. I imagine you heard about victor.
Rey: Yeah. That's terrible news. Listen, I know the two of you go way back. I am sorry for your loss.
Paul: Hi, sharon.
Rey: Hey.
Paul: Rey, we need to talk. Police business.
Rey: Sure, chief.
Sharon: Thank you for expressing your sympathies.
Rey: What's going on?
Paul: I'm opening up an investigation into the death of victor newman.
Rey: I didn't realize there was a crime there.
Paul: Both nikki and nick don't believe that victor died of natural causes. They think adam had something to do with it.
Rey: Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, chief -- if adam did do this, I want to be the one who puts the cuffs on him.
"The young and the restless"
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Chelsea: The next thing we need to go over is staffing. If there are any particular staffing issues, um, especially since the event. It went so well, but I-I think --
Phyllis: Hi.
Summer: Hi, mom.
Chelsea: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Abby, I'm very, very, very sorry about victor.
Abby: Thank you.
Phyllis: He was... uh, an original.
Abby: Yes, he was.
Phyllis: Um, so... sweetie, I-I've been looking for you.
Summer: Yeah, I know.
Phyllis: Uh, do you want to go somewhere and talk?
Summer: Uh... maybe later. I just kind of want to get some work done and take my mind off of grandpa for a little bit.
Phyllis: Okay. I understand. Whatever you want.
Summer: Thank you for understanding.
Phyllis: Sure. I-I bet you're trying to figure out whether you want to continue the collab with jabot collective and -- and the grand phoenix after that disastrous opening, right? It -- it makes sense. It makes sense. Because even though zoe is in jail, we're not in the clear.
Abby: [ Clears throat ]
Summer: Mom, I really appreciate what you're trying to do here, but I'm kind of working on something confidential that i can only discuss with the owners of the grand phoenix, so...
Phyllis: Uh, you didn't tell her?
Chelsea: It wasn't exactly at the top of our priorities, okay?
Phyllis: Oh, okay. O-okay. I own 25% of this place. The phoenix has risen again.
Summer: What did you pull to make that happen?
Rey: I got this. Adam.
[ Clears throat ] I wanted to offer my condolences.
Adam: Well, thank you.
Rey: Victor is -- is gone. Wow. That's -- that's quite a loss.
Adam: Yeah. It's -- it's a real shock.
Rey: It's odd that it happened so suddenly, though, isn't it? Man like victor, he was so strong, vital...
Adam: What do you want, rey?
Rey: I-I'm -- I'm just trying to express my sympathies.
Adam: Well, we aren't friends. We don't chat. So what is it you really want to know, hm?
Rey: Y-you do seem a little on edge, adam.
Adam: Yeah, my father just died. And I don't appreciate being harassed by a jealous, two-bit cop.
Rey: Ouch.
Adam: Mm.
Rey: That -- that hurts me.
Adam: You know, the previous D.A. Resigned after my father sued the police department for persecuting his family. So falsely accusing me might be just as hazardous to your career, rey.
Rey: Did I accuse you of something? It's funny that you would just jump to that.
Adam: I did not murder my father.
Rey: Oh, so it was murder?
Adam: Rey, we are done here.
Rey: No, adam. We're not done. I'm just getting started.
Adam: [ Chuckles softly ]
Devon: Jill, have you heard from chance?
Jill: No, but that's not unusual. It's a little frustrating, and possibly suspicious.
Devon: And what about tucker?
Jill: I would have imagined that you'd have crossed him off of any list of potential will contestors by now. He's your biological father. He wouldn't want to hurt you.
Devon: Yeah. The last time we spoke, though, things were a little tense between us.
Jill: Well, I can't vouch for him, but he doesn't have any greater claim on katherine's will than anybody else. Plus, he's got his own fortune.
Devon: Yeah, no, it's -- there's no point to speculate about it, anyway. And I don't need you riling me up before I have this meeting.
Jill: [ Scoffs ] Oh, really? Is that what I'm doing?
Devon: Little bit.
Jill: [ Laughs ] So, how's the rest of your life going?
Devon: The rest of my life is going -- going very well. Hamilton-winters is doing great. I have my own table at the hottest restaurant in town. And I have a smart and beautiful, funny woman by my side to dine with.
Jill: Oh, it's so good to see you this happy.
Devon: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. My life is going very, very well, and I see no reason that it's not gonna just continue to get better.
Nikki: Joan, if there are any more visitors, I don't want to be disturbed.
Jack: Not even by me?
Nikki: Oh, jack!
Jack: Ohh.
Sharon: What just happened between you and adam?
Rey: We were having a conversation.
Sharon: Well, I-I couldn't help but overhearing, so... victor was killed and adam is a suspect?
Rey: You know I cannot discuss police matters with you, sharon.
Sharon: You can't possibly believe that adam would kill his own father.
Rey: I think we both know the answer to that.
Mariah: Mom? You okay?
Sharon: I have to go.
Jack: You seem so strong. How are you managing to hold it together?
Nikki: Well, um, nate prescribed something for me, to kind of help keep me on an even keel. Don't -- don't worry. It's not addictive.
Jack: Don't hold back your emotions on my account. In fact, if you're looking for people you can lean on, I want to be at the top of that list.
Nikki: And I so appreciate that.
Jack: You can pour your heart out about victor, and you will not get one snide comment from me, I promise.
Nikki: Heh. Well...
[ Tearfully ] That might be a first.
Jack: Hey, no. I mean this. Whatever you need, I want to be there to help.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] I just don't have the words to describe how I feel right now.
Jack: You don't have to. You don't have to. What you and victor had was beyond words. He maybe tell you about the last time he and I talked? We ran into each other at society, and had what I think is the most normal, civilized conversation he and I ever had.
Nikki: Well, he did tell me about that night. He came in rare form, and -- and made a point of letting me know how lucky he was to have me.
[ Sniffles ]
Jack: There is no arguing with the man there.
Nikki: Heh.
Jack: I'll be honest with you -- I felt jealous of him that night. Here was someone with absolute certainty his life was well-lived. The most important part of that was his connection to you.
[ Nikki crying ] The love that brought the two of you back together again and again. A love that overcame seemingly unsurmountable obstacles.
Nikki: [ Crying ] Thank you.
Jack: Hey. I fought with victor newman most of my life. But it was his final words to me that left me inspired. And believe it or not, I intend to take his final advice to heart.
Phyllis: What does it even matter how I got back what was rightfully mine to start with?
Summer: Well, it matters to me.
Phyllis: Um, well, it is a long, very complicated story. And it's very boring. It bores me when I think about it, actually. But I am here to talk to my daughter and hug my daughter and give -- give you whatever you need right now.
Summer: You know, I don't really even feel like talking to you at all right now.
Phyllis: Summer --
Summer: No. Do you -- do you hear me? I mean, do you listen to anything that I say?
Phyllis: Of course I do.
Summer: Really? Okay, then please just leave me alone right now.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I want to help you right now, okay? I want to help you during this really difficult time.
Summer: Really? Because you cared so much about grandpa, right?
Phyllis: That's not the point.
Summer: Yes, it is, mom. Because I loved him. And I'm devastated that he's gone. And, really, the last thing in the world that I need right now is your fake sympathy pretending to give a damn.
Phyllis: Listen, regardless how I felt about your grandfather, I want to help you. I want to help you get through this, okay?
Summer: Well, all you're doing is making me feel worse. So, please, would you just leave me alone?
Phyllis: You don't mean that.
Summer: Fine. Y-you're not gonna leave, then I'm just gonna leave.
Phyllis: Summer!
Chelsea: You know what --
Phyllis: Summer!
Chelsea: You know what, let her go, let her go, let her go. She made her feelings clear.
Phyllis: Summer is my daughter.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: And I know what she needs a lot more than you do, okay?
Abby: What summer needs is for you to respect her wishes. Try not to make this about you for a change, phyllis.
[ Knock on door ]
Phyllis: Okay. If summer needs space, I will give it to her.
Chelsea: I think that's a wise choice.
Phyllis: She still needs her mother, whether she wants to admit it or not.
Abby: No one needs you, phyllis. Don't you get it?
Phyllis: Wow! You two were singing a different tune after I saved your butt after your horrendous grand phoenix opening. Yeah. But guess what? Maybe you don't need me, but you're both stuck with me. Got it? You're stuck with me. And I'm not going anywhere. Let's discuss what's next for our hotel.
Jack: Scotch, neat.
[ Sighs ] W-wait, wait. Make that a tequila. To victor newman. The man, the myth, the legend.
[ Footsteps approach ]
Nikki: So?
Nick: It's started.
Nikki: Good.
Nick: It's time adam finally learns his actions have consequences.
Nikki: I don't give a damn what he learns. I want him punished. And I want to be there when it happens.
Sharon: I-I -- I just want you to know how sorry I am about victor.
Adam: Well, you might be the first one to say that and actually mean it.
Sharon: I saw you talking to rey.
Adam: Mm. Well, then you know what everybody thinks.
Sharon: Since when do you care about anybody else's opinion?
Adam: What I care about is your opinion, sharon.
Sharon: I don't believe it.
Adam: Well, thank you.
Sharon: So why are you under suspicion? Why are the police involved?
Adam: Because. Because saint nick will do anything he can to try to bring me down. Including trying to make me look guilty for something, as far as I know, isn't even a crime. Victor was sick. He dropped dead. As much as I fought him and I resented him, I did not want that to happen. I didn't want my father to die. I just -- I m-- I miss him. I just -- I honestly don't know what my life means without victor in it.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Rey: Paul.
Paul: We just got the results back from the lab. Turns out nikki's suspicions were correct. Victor had an elevated amount of the trial medication in his bloodstream.
Rey: Is there any evidence that it was an accidental overdose or foul play?
Paul: That's what you have to find out. We're now officially investigating the death of victor newman as a possible homicide.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Devon: [ Sighs ]
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