Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/18/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/18/19


Episode #13704 ~ Michael points the finger at Adam; Victoria is blindsided.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Chloe: We stopped billy from doing something that could have wrecked a lot of people's lives. I've got him stashed away in a boathouse.

Billy #2: I'll watch the boys, and I'll take care of victoria.

Victoria: This part of you that wants revenge for what happened to delia, this other billy, as you call him, he's out in the open.

Billy: If there's any good left in me, it's because of you.

Abby: We have a doctor here, and he -- he can't get a pulse. Please, please hurry!

Nick: Come on, dad.

Nikki: Victor! Victor, please. Please stay with us. Stay with us. We all love you.

Nick: There's gonna be an autopsy. If I find there was any foul play whatsoever in dad's death, I'm gonna destroy the person who's responsible.

Abby: I'll get you a fresh cup.

Nikki: What? Oh. Uh, thank you.

Summer: Grandma, there must be something that we can do for you. I mean, do you want something to eat?

Nikki: No, no, no, no.

Nick: You should try, mom.

Nikki: Maybe later. Y-you know, you don't all have to stay with me. I'm fine.

Nick: None of us are fine.

Nikki: No. [ Sighs ] But the sedative that nate prescribed me has helped a lot. You don't have to hover over me. You should go check on christian. And you have jabot to tend to.

Summer: No. No, that can wait, grandma. I would much rather be here with you. It helps being around people that love -- that loved grandpa.

Nikki: [ Sighs ]

Summer: I just can't believe that he's gone, you know?

Nikki: Sweetheart, it's going to be okay.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knocking on door ]

Chelsea: Finally. I have been calling and texting. I must have left you like 10 messages.

Adam: I'm not in the mood to talk to anybody right now.

Chelsea: To anybody. Including connor? You were supposed to see him today. I can't believe you just blew him off.

Adam: What? I didn't blow him off.

Chelsea: What? What, you just --

Adam: It was just --

Chelsea: You just forgot, didn't you?

[ Sighs ]

Adam: Are you surprised that I forgot?

Chelsea: Yeah, I'm surprised.

Adam: Has nick not told you what happened?

Chelsea: Told me what?

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: How are you feeling?

Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, like I got the crap beat out of me. Who knew an emotional fight would be just as exhausting as a physical fight?

Victoria: Well, this war that you've been waging against adam is very real.

[ Billy sighs ] And tonight you won.

Billy: My dream was so vivid, vick. Everybody important to me was there. Telling me what a screw-up I was. What a failure. Jack, my mom. You. Adam. Even delia.

[ Sighs ] She was her age if she would have lived.

Victoria: That must have been really rough.

Billy: It was kind of amazing to see her. Even if she was dispensing some tough love. But I realize that was really just my subconscious telling me that I need to knock some sense back into myself.

Victoria: Was that who you were seeing when I came in here and saw you thrashing around in bed?

Billy: No. I was fighting myself.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Billy: I think I finally vanquished the dark side that was inside of me. If you hadn't believed in me, vick, I don't know.

Victoria: Well, you believed in me, too. You proved that by asking chloe to have me come.

Billy: I knew that you were the one to help me.

Victoria: You know, when delia died, I didn't know what i could do to make things better. But tonight, we trusted each other.

Billy: I'm so glad we did.

Victoria: Yeah, me, too.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: We're stronger now. Stronger than we've ever been.

Billy: Well, you. I'm not so sure about me.

Victoria: I am.

Billy: Have you seen me lately?

Victoria: I've seen you. All of you. And you've accepted yourself. The good and the bad.

[ Sighs ] You know what? That's strength. That's strength, billy.

Kevin: Okay. Sweet dreams, baby. I love you. Here's mommy.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Hi, sweetheart. Yes, I will be there when you wake up in the morning. I love you so much.

[ Smooches ] Okay. Good night.

[ Sighing ] Okay. How long has it been since we left the boathouse?

Kevin: Couple hours.

Chloe: I don't know. I think we should go back and check up on them.

[ Cellphone rings ] It's michael.

Kevin: If he figured out what we did, we're screwed.

[ Inhales ] Phew...

[ Clears throat ] Hey, mike. What's up?

Michael: I was wondering if you'd seen victoria.

Kevin: Uh... victoria newman?

Michael: Do you know a lot of victorias?

Kevin: You don't have to be snippy.

Michael: Have you got any idea where victoria is, kevin?

Kevin: No. Why are you asking me?

Michael: Her family's trying to find her. Nikki mentioned that she'd been in contact with you and chloe recently.

Kevin: That was once, like a week ago. Why are they trying to find her? Oh, my -- that'S... no. Just chloe. O-okay.

Chloe: What happened?

Kevin: Victor newman died. We are weakening our enamel more often than we even realize.

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Chelsea: Wha-- I mean, what happened? Was it a heart attack? A stroke?

Adam: No, he's been sick for a while. My dad was, uh -- he was diagnosed with a rare blood disease. I'm surprised nick didn't -- didn't tell you this.

Chelsea: I -- [ Sighs ] I can understand victor wanting to keep something like this private. Is -- is that what he died from?

Adam: Uh, probably. Most likely. Nate hastings was -- was treating him, and the first protocol that they attempted was not effective. So dad opted for experimental treatment.

Chelsea: Like -- like a clinical trial?

Adam: Yeah, I guess. It seemed to be working. But the, um -- the side effects were pretty bad.

Chelsea: Bad enough to kill him?

Adam: All I know is he wasn't feeling well. And he summoned his family to the ranch to tell us that he was gonna be going to a private clinic. And then he just collapsed right in front of us.

Chelsea: Adam... I am so sorry.

Adam: Yeah. It was, uh -- hasn't really sunk in yet, you know?

Chelsea: Yeah. Um... yeah. [ Sniffles ] I understand. Um... it's like with calvin. I mean, when these things happen so suddenly, it's just hard to process.

Adam: I don't know, I just -- I should have known something like this could happen.

Chelsea: No. This is victor newman we're talking about. No one thought that this was possible. I mean, that man seemed invincible. He -- he seemed almost immortal.

Adam: Yeah. I-I -- I can't believe that he's gone.

Chelsea: Your whole family must be in shock.

Nate: I, uh, asked the P.R. Rep at the hospital not to speak to the press until we've had a chance to notify all family members.

Nick: We still haven't been able to get ahold of victoria.

Nikki: She cannot hear the news about her father from the media.

Summer: Well, the news must be out, 'cause my mom already knows.

Abby: Maybe she heard from adam.

Nick: Yeah, there's no point in telling that jerk to keep his mouth shut.

Nikki: Adam. Even your father couldn't control him.

Nick: Dad brought adam home because he wanted his family around him while he was battling that illness. All adam did was make things worse. When I think about what he put dad through, it makes me want to --

Abby: Okay, nick, yes, we all know that adam is a jerk. But we need to focus on finding victoria.

Nick: I've called all her friends, business associates. Nobody's heard from her.

Summer: Maybe she went to go see billy in rehab.

Nikki: Well, maybe, uh, if she's flying somewhere...

Summer: Somewhere? I mean, don't you know where billy is?

Nick: Victoria wasn't sure which facility he checked into.

Summer: Well, that's a little strange that he wouldn't tell her.

Nick: Don't worry. I'm gonna find her.

Nikki: I just hope it's before she finds out from someone else.

Chloe: I mean, victoria was rushing somewhere when I told her to come with me to see billy. What -- what if she was on her way to see victor?

Kevin: She's a C.E.O. She was probably just headed back to the office.

Chloe: I could have been the reason why she didn't get to say goodbye to him. She's gonna hate me, kevin.

Kevin: No. No way. She was so grateful to you for bringing her to billy.

Chloe: That was before she found out that her dad died.

Kevin: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: I-I don't think that we should tell her.

Kevin: We have to.

Chloe: Why?

Kevin: It's not exactly the kind of thing you can keep a secret.

Chloe: Okay, I don't think that we're the ones who should be telling her. I-it should be her family.

Kevin: If she were with her family, yeah.

Chloe: Okay, then we should go there and tell her that she needs to go home. She has to check on her kids or, I don't -- or water her plants. I don't know.

Kevin: Victor's death is gonna be all over the news. What if she hears it while she's driving, she freaks out and loses control of the car?

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Yeah, then I would feel even worse.

Kevin: Billy's the one she's gonna want to be with when she finds out. It's best we tell her when she's with him.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Okay, I just hope that it's billy who shows up and not some norman bates version.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] All right. Fingers crossed. Let's go do this.

Chelsea: You shouldn't be alone right now. Is there a-a friend you can call?

Adam: Yeah, sure, let me just scroll through my contacts real quick.

Chelsea: There must be someone.

Adam: [ Clicks tongue ] Just mr. Daniels.

Chelsea: Adam, you shouldn't be alone right now.

Adam: Well, your boyfriend wouldn't agree with that. He threw me off the ranch, and told me that I don't belong with the rest of the family.

Chelsea: You declared war against victor and all of the newmans. Did you actually expect nick to just forget that?

Adam: No, I don't expect anything from my brother.

Chelsea: He didn't cut you off from the family, adam. You turned on them.

Adam: Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the pep talk. But please tell connor that I am sorry that I let him down. Since he's the only family that I have left.

Chelsea: I'll just... I'll just tell him that you weren't felling well.

Adam: [ Sighs ] I guess that is true.

Chelsea: Are you gonna be okay?

Adam: Yeah, sure. Uh... soon as I just figure out this whole "living in a world without victor newman" thing. You know, I-I used to tell him that he sucked the life out of the room. I didn't really know what that -- that felt like until now.

[ Sniffles ] Oh, uh...

[ Clears throat ] Please tell connor that I will call him.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone clatters ]

Summer: It was his move.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nick: [ Sighs ] I got to take this. Hey, chelsea.

Chelsea: Nick. I just heard about victor. I'm so sorry.

Nick: Yeah. It's been, uh, rough. How'd you hear?

Chelsea: Adam didn't show up to meet connor, a-and he wasn't answering my calls or texts, so I got worried and I came to the penthouse.

Nick: Well, it's probably best that adam flaked on connor. I mean, he has been through so much already. I wouldn't want him blurting out that his grandfather was dead.

Chelsea: Yeah. We're -- we're gonna have to be very careful about how we break the news to him.

Nick: Christian, too. Little man adores his grandpa.

Chelsea: Well, don't worry about any of that tonight. Um... monique has the boys. Do -- do you want me to come meet you at the ranch?

Nick: No. I'm, uh -- I'm gonna take off soon. Mom needs her rest. Uh, I got to go. I'll see you at the house.

Michael: Nikki, I had to come in person to -- to tell you how sorry I am.

[ Inhales, exhales deeply ] All of you.

Abby: Thank you.

Nick: We appreciate it.

Nikki: Did you reach kevin?

Michael: Yeah. Uh... he and chloe said they haven't seen victoria for days.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Where could she be?

Victoria: Did they not feed you the entire time you were here?

Billy: Just haven't felt like eating.

Victoria: Well, I guess i should be grateful that they managed to keep you alive.

Billy: Yeah. I owe them both. If they hadn't have showed up when they did...

Victoria: You might have killed adam.

Billy: I'd be in jail. Away from you and the kids. I don't even want to think about it.

Victoria: Then don't think about it. Let's just look forward and figure out what's next.

Billy: Well, I got a plan. We drive home, stop for some pizza on the way.

Victoria: I'm serious.

Billy: Okay. Chinese, if you insist.

Victoria: First we need to talk about getting you some help.

Billy: I've got everything I need right here.

Victoria: Well, I'm very glad that I could help you to get over the first hurdle, but i think you need a professional to help you sort through the rest of this.

Billy: You think I need a shrink?

Victoria: I know you said it didn't help last time --

Billy: Not at all.

Victoria: But now that you've had this breakthrough, maybe some therapy would give you a little clarity.

Billy: I already have it, vick. I know what I want. All that stuff with adam is behind me. I'm not gonna let him or my feelings control me anymore.

Victoria: It's not that simple.

Billy: Yes, it is. Before tonight, there was a darkness inside of me that wanted to get out desperately. But it's gone. I promise you, it's gone for good.

Victoria: I'm glad you feel that way, billy, but people relapse. You know that.

Billy: I'm not gonna let that happen.

Victoria: You can't do this alone. You need a strategy. You need somebody that you can call to talk to about these things when feelings creep up again. And they're gonna do that, especially when you're around adam.

Billy: Well, I don't plan on seeing that S.O.B.

Victoria: Well, you can't avoid him forever. Do you seriously think --

Billy: I will do my damndest.

[ Door opens ] Hey. Look who's back. Well, we have some good news.

[ Sighs ]

Kevin: Well, we want to hear all about it. And then...we've got some news, too. Surprise!

[ Doorbell ringing ]

Phyllis: [ Knocking ] Come on, adam! I'm not going anywhere until you open the door.

Adam: [ Huffs ]

[ Slams glass ] Go away, phyllis.

Phyllis: I see your warm, fuzzy side died with your dad.

Adam: Listen, if you came to comfort me, once was enough.

Phyllis: I'm worried about you.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] I can think about 10 people that you are more worried about, and nine of them are you.

Phyllis: Mmph. Well, if you thought the other one would be summer, you would be correct. I think the death of her grandfather is going to hit her hard.

Adam: Yeah, because he was so kind and loving.

Phyllis: He was to her. She had this idealized view of him.

Adam: John wayne meets santa claus?

Phyllis: Yeah. Riding in on a shiny steed, passing out gifts.

Adam: Well, his grandkids got the best of him. He knew the best way to get their loyalty was to spoil them rotten.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You know when I was working at jabot, he lured summer to newman enterprises?

[ Sighs ] And he put her in the dubai office.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] That's 'cause he was always looking for the next pliable heir, just the one -- the one that wouldn't disappoint him.

Phyllis: When she came back, she was a very different person. I've worked real hard to get our relationship back on track. To be fair, all of our issues have very little to do with victor. But, um... she should be turning to me right now, and instead she is shutting me out.

Adam: [ Chuckling ] So here you are -- you are with your pent-up sympathy that you want to foist on me. Is that it?

Phyllis: I know you're hurting --

Adam: No, I am fine. Okay? I told you. I am fine.

Phyllis: Yeah, you're just fine. I can see that.

Adam: Good. Then show yourself out.

Phyllis: Mm. Why? So you can look at the ceiling and wallow in your self-loathing and pity?

Adam: Phyllis, what part of "I don't want your help" are you not getting?

Phyllis: Um... I think maybe the part that's in your eyes.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: If you're gonna lie, you should let your whole face know. I mean, who else can you share all your true feelings and thoughts with than me? You know, someone who won't judge you?

Adam: [ Grunts ] Martini?

Phyllis: I guess popping a bottle of champagne would be in bad taste, right?

Adam: Ha. Nick accused me of wanting to do exactly that right before he kicked me off the ranch.

Phyllis: Martini it is.

Billy: I just couldn't believe that I would try to kill adam.

Chloe: I know. We saw it with our own eyes, and --

Billy: Yeah. Just [Sighs] You know... it was harder to admit that my rage got that out of control. It literally took over my life, my conscious thoughts. Which is why I didn't remember stealing the car and trying to -- to kill adam.

Chloe: Meaning you remember now?

Billy: All of it. Stealing the car, trying to kill adam, everything that led up to it.

Chloe: So, how do you feel now that the memories came back?

Billy: Well, it took a lot out of me, you know, admitting that I actually wanted the guy dead. Thank you both. If you weren't there, I don't know. I would have lost my life. I would have lost everything -- the kids, victoria.

Kevin: We couldn't let you throw your life away on that scum.

Billy: I'm done with revenge. I don't want it in my life anymore.

Kevin: You are. But what about bad billy? What's to stop him from coming out to play?

Chloe: Kevin!

Kevin: What?

Billy: It's okay. I don't mind you asking. If you were here, you'd understand.

Victoria: Billy's breakthrough is real. I saw it.

Billy: And it only happened because you were here.

Victoria: And we are gonna work hard, aren't we? We're gonna find billy the best doctors that we can. I would have started already, but my phone is dead, which is another reason I want to get home.

Billy: [ Sighing ] Yeah.

Chloe: Uh, before you go, there's something that we need to tell you.

Billy: Oh, that's right. You guys -- y-you two mentioned you had news.

Kevin: Yeah. Something's happened.

Victoria: What?

Kevin: It's about your dad. Humira patients, you inspire us.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Michael: I didn't even know he was sick.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I'm surprised adam didn't tell you.

Michael: Adam and i have barely spoken since I became D.A.

Nick: Why, because you stopped doing his dirty work?

Nikki: Darling, please don't do that, okay?

Nick: Sorry.

Michael: I wondered if there was more to victor stepping down at newman than his claims he wanted to spend more time with family.

Nikki: Oh, that was my idea, so that he could focus on his recovery.

Summer: I didn't -- I didn't think he was gonna do it. But he did. He was relaxing and getting a lot of rest, and his treatment seemed to be working.

Abby: Nate got him on an experimental treatment protocol.

Nate: Victor knew there were risks, but he was willing to take them.

Nikki: The side effects were rough, but he was improving.

Summer: Every time I saw him, I thought that he seemed stronger.

Nick: We all thought he was getting better. Then, when he didn't show up to the grand phoenix opening --

Nikki: No, we -- we just couldn't go.

Nate: It was clear his health was deteriorating rapidly.

Michael: Was this drastic turn for the worst typical?

Nate: Victor was suffering from a rare disease. This treatment had rarely been used before. It's hard to know what's typical in a situation like that.

Michael: Do you have any idea what triggered this sudden decline?

Nate: Not yet.

Nick: If something other than dad's illness killed him, we're gonna find out.

Adam: Well, sharon was wrong when she said my life wasn't a greek tragedy. I killed my father. That is the definition of tragic.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, you're a regular oedipus rex. Without the being with your mom part.

Adam: Mm. But I nailed the screwing up my life part.

Phyllis: Well, just -- that's -- okay.

Adam: What, you think that I am proud of what I did?

Phyllis: Listen, as much as, um, I hate not seeing you hit your head against the wall over this, I have to put some reality into this pity party.

Adam: If this is your idea of sympathy, you suck at it.

Phyllis: Your father had a life-threatening blood disease. Okay? Maybe you tampering with the medication -- maybe that hastened the inevitable. But, adam, he was -- he was gonna die.

Adam: Wow. Wow. Well, thank you, dr. Phyl. I feel so much better.

Phyllis: He took, like, a few doses of those doctored pills, right? I mean, he just took a few doses. That -- that did not kill him, I guarantee you.

Adam: I just wanted to knock him off his game. I wanted to distract him.

Phyllis: Really? Is that all you wanted to do?

Adam: Yes.

Phyllis: Because earlier you said you wanted to take over the company and wreck it.

Adam: No, I wanted him to see that he wasn't invincible.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You know what's so funny? Is you are the only one who thought he was. You're the only one who thought victor was never gonna die.

Victoria: My father? No, h-he can't be dead.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Victoria, I'm so sorry.

Victoria: [ Scoffs ]

[ Stammers ] That can't be true. My father is getting better. You're lying.

Billy: Vick --

Victoria: Why are you lying?

Billy: Vick.

Victoria: No. No. No, my father would tell me if he wasn't doing well, billy. He would tell me that!

Chloe: I don't -- I don't think that he knew that things had gotten worse.

Kevin: From what michael said, it happened very suddenly.

Chloe: And he was at the ranch, he collapsed. Dr. Hastings was there --

Victoria: What?!

Chloe: ...But there was nothing he could do.

Kevin: If it's any comfort, I don't think he suffered.

Victoria: [ Tearfully ] Oh, my god. What? It's true?!

[ Wails ] I have to go home. I have to see my mom.

Chloe: Okay, wait --

Victoria: Where's my phone?

Chloe: You know what? Why don't -- you and kevin can go together. I'll stay with billy.

Billy: Like hell you will. I'm going with you, victoria. I'm here

Victoria: No, you can'T. It's too dangerous.

Billy: I'm fine. Listen.

Victoria: No, no.

Billy: I'm not 100%, but I'm not gonna let you deal with your father's death alone. You hear me?

> Chloe: Okay, I'm not sure you should show your face in public. Adam may have figured out that you're the one who tried to run him down, and he's not really the forgiving type.

Billy: I'm not afraid of adam, and I can control him and my feelings, okay? I swear to you.

Victoria: Okay. I know -- I know you want to help. I know that.

Billy: You were there for me. Just let me be there for you.

Victoria: Okay. Okay.

Billy: Come on.

Victoria: Okay.

Kevin: Come on. All right.

Chloe: Okay.

Kevin: You got him?

Chloe: Yeah. Get the door.

Adam: No, I knew dad wasn't immortal. I just didn't think I would be his kryptonite.

Phyllis: Ugh!

[ Grumbles ] Enough. Enough, enough, enough! Let's get real.

Adam: [ Scoffing ] Oh. Okay. This ought to be good.

Phyllis: Victor's dead. He's dead. He's gone. Nothing we can do about it. Maybe you had a hand in it, maybe you didn'T. It's over.

Adam: Okay, and maybe the aliens took him away on the mother ship.

Phyllis: It doesn't matter. I'm not gonna act like this man was a national treasure. He wasn'T. He was a cold, heartless, son of a bitch who ruined my life, and ruined yours.

Adam: Well, remind me not to have you read my eulogy.

Phyllis: He doesn't deserve to be honored. We should be celebrating that he can't hurt us ever again.

Adam: Wow. Leave it to you to find a silver lining in all of this.

Phyllis: And all of you newmans, your whole brat pack, you should all be happy. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. You don't have to get daddy's approval. You don't have to be afraid of daddy anymore. All you newmans are good.

[ Huffs ]

Adam: You -- you only care about one.

Phyllis: Yes, I do. I am glad that victor will not hurt my daughter in any way.

Adam: No, I'm talking about nick.

Phyllis: What?

Adam: That is who you are thinking about. Okay? Now that the old man's not taking up real estate in my big brother's head, maybe there is room for you, phyllis.

Phyllis: I have no idea what you're talking about.

[ Adam scoffs ] My breakup with nick had nothing to do with victor. Nick is with chelsea. I'm not making a play for nick.

[ Chuckles ]

Adam: You know, you're right. It is -- it is in the eyes when you lie, phyllis.

Phyllis: I'm not interested in nick.

Adam: Phyllis! Come on. This is -- this is a safe space, remember? This is the no judgment. It goes both ways. Hell, if you want my brother, I would cheer you on. Go for it!

Phyllis: Okay.

Adam: Go for it.

Phyllis: All right. Obviously I made a mistake trying to help you. 'Scuse me.

Adam: Say hi to saint nick for me.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. You're a pig.

Adam: Uh-huh. I've heard. Get out.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Nick: [ Sighs ] How you doing, mom?

Nikki: I think I'm still in shock.

Abby: We all are.

Summer: There must be something that we can do for you, grandma. What about the funeral?

Nikki: Oh, god, no. I haven't even thought about that.

Summer: We can -- we can do that, right, dad?

Nick: Of course, sweetheart.

Summer: Grandpa knew a lot of people. I mean, should we rent a space or something?

Nikki: No, no, darling. Victor and I actually talked about this at -- at neil's service. Victor thought what the winters family did was lovely.

Abby: Just a small, private event with close family and friends.

Nikki: People who knew and loved him.

Nate: What about, uh, adam?

Nick: Don't worry. I'll handle him.

Abby: If he shows up, I'm gonna lose it.

Nick: Look, I feel the same way. But that's not what dad would want. He still considered adam to be family. He would want us to be respectful, and we owe it to him to do this his way.

Nikki: That's exactly what we're going to do.

Summer: Um, thank you for letting me hang out with you guys. I just wanted to give dad some time with chelsea, and I really didn't feel like being alone right now.

Abby: These are gonna be some rough days.

Summer: And nights. I don't really know how I'm gonna sleep at all tonight.

Abby: Well, um, you can always call me.

Summer: Thank you. God. It's so weird. It feels like whole world has stopped and nobody else knows, you know?

Nate: They will soon. Word's gonna get out.

Summer: I mean, to -- to lose grandpa so soon after losing neil, it'S...

Abby: I hate having to tell my mom that he's gone.

[ Sniffles ]

Nate: I'll be right there with you.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: Thanks. How are the kids?

Chelsea: They're upstairs watching a movie, completely unaware of what's happened.

Nick: Well, there's no point in telling them tonight.

Chelsea: How's nikki?

Nick: [ Sighs ] She's amazing. You know, dad would be so proud of how strong she's being for everyone.

Chelsea: Well, I'm sure she's really grateful to have you to lean on.

Nick: It's gonna be a long road ahead for all of us.

Chelsea: Yeah. The -- the funeral's not gonna be easy.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I'm more worried about the investigation.

Chelsea: Investigation? Nick, you don't think --

Nick: You may not want to hear this, but I don't think my dad died of natural causes.

Chelsea: You think adam is involved.

Nick: Who else?

Michael: I heard about victor.

Adam: So you thought you would stop by and offer your condolences?

[ Sniffles ] I'm touched.

Michael: I came here to find out what I'm dealing with.

Adam: Uh, a grieving son.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Cut the crap. If you had something to do with this, you tell me now.

Adam: That is an ugly accusation, michael.

Michael: Is it an ugly truth, adam?

Adam: Truth? Oh, that is an interesting concept to you.

Michael: You need to tell me what happened with victor. And whether or not you're gonna drag me into it.

Adam: Why? So you can screw me over again? Like you did with chloe?

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Oh, this is completely different.

Adam: Yeah, you're right. It is. Because this time [Stomps] I'm two steps ahead of you.

Michael: Don't count on it.

[ Front door opens, slams ]

Victoria: Mom!

Nikki: Oh, sweetheart!

Victoria: Mom!

Nikki: We've been trying to get ahold of you.

Victoria: Tell me it's not true.

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