Y&R Transcript Monday 9/16/19

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/16/19


Episode #11702 ~ Victor shocks his family; Jack's road trip takes an unexpected turn.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Sharon: Hi, guys.

Nick: Sharon. Hi.

Sharon: I'm just traveling solo, destination unknown. Just want to get some perspective.

Jack: Something's missing in my life. I have to figure out what that is and set a new course.

Chloe: We stopped billy from doing something that could have wrecked a lot of people's lives. And I've got him stashed away in a boathouse.

Adam: I switched the medication in dad's pocket. The pills are twice as strong now.

We have a doctor here and he -- he can't get a pulse. Please hurry!

Nick: Come on, dad.

Nikki: Victor! Victor, please. Please stay with us. Stay with us! We all love you. Victor!

Summer: [ Sobs quietly ]

[ Sniffles ]

Adam: God, it -- it happened so fast.

[ Sniffles ] How is it possible? That dad... is actually dead?

Billy: [ Breathing heavily ]

[ Gasps ] Hey. How long you been here?

Victoria: About an hour.

Billy: Have I been sleeping the whole time? You should have woke me up.

Victoria: No, you -- you were awake.

Billy: I don't understand.

Victoria: We talked for a little while, then you fell back asleep. You don't remember? I'm not really surprised about that. I was talking to you, but it was sort of like I was talking to someone entirely different.

Billy: I don't know what's going on.

Victoria: Whatever it is, we're gonna deal with it. And I'm not leaving until we do.

Jack: Thank you. I've done a lot of things in my life, but a sunset horseback ride will be a first. Appreciate it. Oh, I'm so-- sharon?

Sharon: Jack? Wha--

Jack: What are you doing here?

Sharon: I'm just on a much-needed vacation. You?

Jack: Same. I-I came here to relax and reflect and reset.

Sharon: What are the odds that you and I end up at the same spot in sedona?

Jack: I'd say very small. But maybe this is fate.

Adam: Can I get you s-something?

Nick: If my mother needs anything, I'll take care of it.

Adam: We're all in shock. I'm just trying to help.

Nick: You can drop the act now, adam.

Adam: What act are you talking about?

Nick: Quit pretending like you didn't get exactly what you wanted.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] I didn'T.

Nick: Dad's gone. And it's your fault.

Adam: Wh-why are you blaming me?

Nick: Because we all did everything we could to help dad, to make his life easier. All you did was focus on your quest for revenge even though you knew he was fighting for his life.

Adam: If I had any idea that this was gonna happen --

Nick: No, no, no. It is too late for regrets. You don't belong here. So get out. Now.

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Jack: So, I thought sedona would be a pretty place to relax and reflect and think about my next move. You?

Sharon: Um... my plan was to just get in the car and drive.

Jack: Well, if the fates saw fit to bring two old friends together, I guess we should make the most of it.

Sharon: Yeah, I agree. Now why don't you tell me what you're really doing here.

Jack: What, we're gonna get to it right away?

Sharon: Well, I figured I'd just save us both some time, you know. I've got an art-gallery tour at 6:00.

Jack: I'm not running away from anything, if that's what you're thinking. I've just been feeling... unfulfilled lately. I'm at a place in my life where I accomplished quite a lot, and I should feel content, and I don'T. So I thought maybe I have to find something out there, something to explore. I don't know what that is, but maybe it's in the red rocks of sedona.

Sharon: Well, if only things were that simple.

Jack: If only. And you're gonna tell me you're just here for the mud baths.

Sharon: I just... needed a break from genoa city.

Jack: Anyone in particular?

Sharon: Men in general. My problems always seem to revolve around them.

Jack: I'll try not to take that personally.

Sharon: Oh. [ Laughs ] Listen, um, I-I have a shuttle that I've got to catch, um, to town, so... um... did you care to join me?

Jack: I-I got a date with a horse.

Sharon: Well, I'm much better company than a horse.

Jack: Heh. Well, I -- at the risk of offending my horse, maybe we should just cancel both of our activities and just sit and talk. It's been a long time.

Sharon: That sounds wonderful.

Jack: What better way to begin my fresh start than with an old friend?

Victoria: You are the most important person in my life. And I'm not gonna let anything take me away from you until we figure this out.

Billy: I'm so glad you're here.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Chloe filled me in. It's quite a story.

Billy: Not everything she said was true. Look... [ Sighs ] Okay, I-I know that I've been doing some things lately. Waking up in -- in random places with no recollection of how i got there. But for what she said I did...

Victoria: She said you tried to kill adam.

Billy: [ Sniffles ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Sighs ] I know I'm not right. Which is why I'm so desperate to have you here. But... I didn't try to kill adam, vick.

Victoria: I know you believe that. Billy, but what if you're wrong?

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: And what if you can't admit the truth because it's too hard to accept?

Adam: I'm grieving, just like you. Just like all of you. How could you think that this is what I wanted?

Nick: Really? You're gonna deny it?

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, I'm not gonna pretend like there wasn't friction between me and dad. Of course there was. B-but that has always been there. That is the core of our relationship. Hell, conflict with victor is what binds this entire family together.

Nikki: That's not true. Victor's love is what holds us --

Abby: Oh...

Nikki: [ Voice breaks ] ...Together.

Nick: Mom...

[ Nikki sobbing ] Mom, look... I'm really sorry I got into this pin front of you. But I need to talk to adam alone. Abby, can you and summer take mom upstairs, please?

Summer: Yeah. Yeah. Come on, grandma.

[ Nikki sobbing ]

Adam: Ab-abby. Abby, please. Okay, look, you have to know that I feel just as bad about this as anybody.

Abby: What are you doing?

Adam: What, s-so everyone's gonna treat me like I have the plague?! Okay. Okay. Par for the course, right? Why should that change now? Huh?!

Nick: You're making things worse just by being here.

Adam: I am a part of this family. So you guys cannot pretend like I don't exist.

Nick: Dad's dead. And he was your connection to this family. Well, now he's gone.

Adam: Well, he was my father, too.

[ Sniffles ] So we will always be brothers.

Nick: Man, I don't have time for this. See, I got to find victoria before she hears about this from some reporter. That is my priority. So show yourself out.

Adam: Well, I'll make some calls. I can help track her down, all right?

Nick: No!

Adam: Damn it, nick! My place is here! Okay? It's right here with the newmans. All right?

Nick: I'm not gonna let you stick around out of some sense of pity or family unity.

Adam: Nick --

Nick: Not after what you've done.

Roll outta bed and into

a new kind of breakfast.

Jack: Thank you. And the authorities?

Sharon: Well, they arrested the girl who spiked the sangria, but everybody at the party ended up in the emergency room, including me.

Jack: You know, kyle shared all these details with me, but somehow, hearing it out of your mouth, it hits home. This was a very dangerous situation.

Sharon: I had a really serious reaction to it. Thank god rey was there. And elena. And the paramedics took great care of me. But, anyway, enough of that. How about you? Let's talk about you. How's dina?

Jack: [ Sighs ] Dina.

Sharon: Oh. Sorry. If you don't want to --

Jack: No, no, no, no. It's all right. I -- it is heartbreaking watching my mother's decline. I think in part because she was one of the most vital, dynamic people I've ever known. And... I don't know. Watching that light slowly dim is somehow even more painful.

Sharon: I'm so sorry.

Jack: No, I-I'm glad I have her in my life. I talk to her. I tell her I love her. That feels good. Of course, when she recognizes me, or when she can hear what I'm saying. I -- [ Sighs ] I think her illness has caused me to reflect a lot on our relationship. Seeing the past through her eyes has given me a new perspective on the family history.

Sharon: And how do you see things differently now, if you don't mind me asking?

Jack: My father always blamed dina for breaking up the family. I did, too. I've come to realize maybe it was more complex than that. I think she felt neglected. My father was so busy building jabot, creating an empire, that... maybe if he had prioritized his marriage more, maybe she would have stayed.

Sharon: Well, it's hard to say. You know, when marriages split up, there's always a lot of blame to go around.

Jack: I don't have to tell you, I have spent my whole life admiring my father. All that he accomplished. Turns out it came at a cost.

Sharon: What do you mean?

Jack: I think I always over-focused on the romantic side of my life. Just to prove a point -- you know, my marriage would last because my parents' didn'T. And all I managed to prove was that being a divorce lawyer is very lucrative.

Sharon: Well, I'll try not to take that personally.

Jack: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: But I know what you mean. I've always defined myself by my relationships, too. And look where that got me.

Jack: To a beautiful place, talking with one of your favorite ex-husbands?

Billy: There's no way that I could just block something like that out.

Victoria: Maybe this is just your way of coping with it.

Billy: Okay, well, if that's true, then what you're saying is, I'm having some kind of mental break.

Victoria: I am worried that something's broken in you, billy. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I think the first step would be admitting that things are getting worse for you. This anger that you have for adam is totally consuming you.

Billy: I hate adam. You know that. I've never been secret about that.

Victoria: And?

Billy: [ Sighs ] But I am not gonna try and kill him to avenge delia's death, okay? Those days are gone. I'm not someone who could do that.

[ Gasps ]

Victoria: You have been struggling ever since adam came back to town. The guilt that you lived with for years [Sighs] It's -- it's -- it's resurfaced, and it is swallowing you up. But I'm here. I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere. Not without a fight.

Victoria: Since when do you chew gum?

Victoria: I just need you to let me in.

Billy: I don't know how.

Victoria: Well, start by acknowledging what really happened.

Victoria: I know it's hard, but --

Billy: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Victoria: You can just get it out in the open, billy.

Billy: Listen. Listen to me. I do not know what chloe's doing to me, okay, but she is wrong. You are wrong.

Victoria: Billy -- billy. No, don't do it. Billy!

Billy: Aah! [ Groaning ]

Nick: Our father died right there. The most powerful man we've ever known is lying in a mortuary right now.

Adam: He was sick. That's nobody's fault.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Adam: Just a few hours ago, he was telling us about all the issue he was having with his treatment.

Nick: "Issues." "Issues." Yeah, that's one way to put it. The only issue our father should have been focusing on was himself and getting better. But he couldn't do that. Because of you. You brought fresh pain to his life every day. You sucked all the energy away from him that he needed to fight this, and to win. You brought chaos and misery to not just him, but to the thing he loved he most, which was his family.

Adam: If victor really cared about his family as much as he said he did, why did he spend most of his life battling us and trying to control us? You should know that's true better than anybody.

Nick: He was a tough man to please. But make no mistake -- his biggest disappointment in life was you. And I believe with all of my heart that if you had never come back to genoa city, our father would still be alive. But he's not. He's gone. But you -- you're still here. So you did it. You won. Why don't you go grab a bottle of champagne out of dad's private stock? Just don't expect anyone to jump in on the celebration.

Adam: Look, you're grieving. But I am grieving, too. And the idea that -- that dad died because I came back to town is crazy. I didn't even want to come back to genoa city. Victor dragged me back here.

Nick: Oh, yeah, adam. You're a victim. I mean, dad wanted to bring you home, to reunite you with the family, to hand you newman enterprises on a silver platter. Must have been so hard for you.

Adam: No, no. It was much more complicated than that.

[ Sighs ] God, do -- do you have any idea what it is like to suddenly find out that you are victor newman's son?

[ Stammers ] And to meet siblings you don't even remember? And then have all your attempts to get back everything that you lost treated like -- like acts of war.

Nick: Do you expect me to believe this revisionist history?

Nick: I was one of your targets, too, adam. Just like dad.

Adam: Yeah. And I tried to make amends with him just the other day. You have no idea how much I wish -- I wish that he'd been willing to reconcile.

Nick: Just spare me the crocodile tears. I was the one who just got my relationship back on track with him. Only to lose him again.

Adam: Well, believe it or not, I do know what that's like.

Nick: Do not compare yourself to me. I'm not kidding you. Get out. It's your last chance to do it on your own.

Nick: Hey, one more thing. There's gonna be an autopsy. If I find there was any foul play whatsoever in dad's death, I'm gonna destroy the person who's responsible.

Victoria: Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself?

Billy: [ Groans ]

Victoria: What is it?

Billy: Nothing!

Victoria: What do you see?

Billy: Nothing!

Victoria: Tell me what you see.

Billy: Stop pressuring me! Just stop! What do you want me to say?

Victoria: You don't have to say anything, okay? It's all right. Let's take a break. Let's get you back up into the bed, and we can relax for a while. Come on. Can you do that with me?

[ Billy gasping ]

Phyllis: My gosh. What's going on with you? I've been trying to get ahold of you.

Adam: I can't do this right now, phyllis.

Phyllis: Why? You busy making plans for your newman civil war? What's going on?

Adam: [ Jingling keys ] Victor's dead. Oh. I like dark humor. It's not really funny. It's a little too morbid for me.

Adam: It's not a joke. I just came from the ranch. Victor had just got done telling us that his treatment stopped working. And then he... collapsed and stopped breathing. Nate hastings was there and tried to do everything he could, but by the time the ambulance got there, my father was gone.

Phyllis: Oh, my god. That's not possible.

[ Glass clattering ] What?

Adam: Yeah, it was all too real. I -- I saw it happen.

Phyllis: I mean, you said his treatment wasn't really working, and... was this you? Did you do this? Because you told me that you wouldn't feel any guilt by mixing his medication. That's what you said to me, and I thought that was all for show. And -- and this happened, and -- and this wasn't supposed to happen. Th-this -- adam... adam, are you realizing you may have gone too far? This is hal.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Adam: What do you want me to say? Hm?

Phyllis: Okay. [ Sighs ] Just wait a second. Wait a second. Your dad, he was fighting a life-threatening disease. It is -- it is so possible that -- that you tampering with his medication had nothing to do with his death. That is --

Adam: What -- what are you doing? What are you doing? Don't try and make me feel better. All right? I don't want it. Save your sympathy for someone who needs it.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Listen, adam, you're putting up a front. But I get it. I know the truth.

Adam: I didn't want to kill him. Even though he tried to kill me.

[ Sighs ] I just wanted him weak enough where he couldn't fight back. And victoria worried enough and distracted so I could swoop in and take control of newman enterprises.

Phyllis: You just wanted newman enterprises? Why didn't you just take it? Victor offered it to you over and over.

Adam: Because I didn't want a gift from daddy. It would have made me his puppet. I wanted to wrestle control of it from the rest of the family. While they were all preoccupied with his illness, I would dismantle it.

Phyllis: So you -- you just wanted to be the one to take your father down. That's it.

Adam: All of them are at the ranch, grieving together, while I am here in exile like some hideous creature you can't even look at.

Phyllis: They're at the ranch? Does summer know?

Adam: Yes.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Summer: It's mom. Do you think she knows?

Nick: Adam probably told her. Just -- just let it go to voicemail, all right? You got enough going on right now.

Summer: No, I think I should answer, or else she'll be worried about me. Hello?

Phyllis: Hey, baby. I just heard. [ Sighs ] How are you doing?

Summer: Um... it's pretty difficult, but I'm h-hanging in there.

Phyllis: Right. I'm so sorry. Uh, do you need me to come there? I-I -- I'll be right there. Just -- just give me the word.

Summer: No. Um... no. There -- there's a lot going on, and everyone's really upset right now, so no.

Phyllis: Well... we can meet. We can go to the grand phoenix and -- whatever you want.

Summer: No, I really can't leave, mom. I probably shouldn't even be talking right now. So I'll just call you when I can, okay? I promise.

[ Crying ]

Nick: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

Phyllis: She doesn't sound good. She doesn't want to see me.

Adam: Well, just give her some time.

Phyllis: Yeah. Right. Right. She needs time.

[ Sighs ] I know how you feel about being in exile.

Victoria: Just sit back. Sit back. Close your eyes. I want you to remember. Think about us, all right?

Billy: Quick trip to cali, and I'll be back before you miss me.

Victoria: Think about you and me, and johnny and katie. Together and happy. Hey. Do you remember the night that you proposed to me?

Billy: [ Whimpers ]

Victoria: Hey, billy. Stay with me, billy. Billy!

[ Billy crying ] Do you remember our commitment ceremony? Hey, I need you to focus on what I'm saying, okay?

Billy: I'm trying. I'm trying, vick. It's a battle.

Victoria: I know. I know it is.

Billy: This is not happening.

Victoria: No, what --

Billy: It's not working.

Victoria: It's -- it's going to work. It will, billy. It's gonna work. Because you and I are more powerful than whatever's going on inside of your head right now. And I know you've felt isolated. I know that. But you're not. You're not. You're fine.

Summer: Have you heard from aunt vicki yet?

Abby: Uh...no.

Nick: I called and told noah. I didn't want him to hear it from anyone else. It's gonna take him a while to process it.

Summer: Yeah, my mom knows, too.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Word's starting to get out. I'm gonna have to tell faith. We absolutely have to find vick.

Summer: [ Crying ] What if we don't? You guys, I can't imagine turning on the news and finding out that way.

Nikki: Oh, baby. Don't worry. We will find her.

Summer: I'm sorry. There's so much going on. I should be comforting you right now.

Nikki: We're all dealing with a lot.

Nick: We're gonna handle this the way dad would want us to -- as a family.

Sharon: I have always defined myself by who I was with, not who I wanted to be. Starting with nick. And don't get me wrong, I'll always love nick. But when we first got together, my sole ambition in life was to be mrs. Nicholas newman.

Jack: Oh, come on. Give yourself a little bit of slack. You were very young then.

Sharon: But it started a pattern. You know, I made my romantic relationships the center of my universe and neglected the other parts of my life.

Jack: You went back to school. You found meaningful work that helps lots of people.

Sharon: And then I quit my job out of solidarity with rey. Now that relationship's over, and he's back on the force.

Jack: Okay. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned there.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] You know, our breakup really threw me. I thought that he was the safe, dependable man that I wanted to be with. And then adam came back to town. And things got messy.

Jack: Yeah, adam has a way of making things messy.

Sharon: Well, I'm not blaming adam or rey. I just had a lot of my own, you know, emotional baggage that i need to sort through, and it all kind of collided at the same time. And rey, he tried to be patient, but honestly... he and I didn't stand a chance.

Jack: And what about adam? Any interest in rekindling things there?

Sharon: Maybe, you know, there was briefly, but not anymore. I just -- I-I don't want adam's destructive energy in my life. I-I can'T. I can't allow it.

Jack: And that's what brought you here.

Sharon: I just wanted to clear the decks and start to breathe clean air again. Literally.

Nick: Hey, vick, can you call me as soon as you get this? Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I just -- I need you to call me. We need to talk. It's urgent.

Abby: Where could she be?

Nick: She left a message with the sitter, told her to hold down the fort.

Nate: Hey, uh, I apologize for being gone so long. How are you all doing?

Summer: I have to ask -- is there anything else that you could have done for him?

Nick: We don't mean to put you on the spot.

Nate: No, it's okay. I understand you're upset. I am, too. I promise you, I did everything I could to help your grandfather.

Summer: [ Sobbing ]

Victoria: You and I, we've had a very long and winding journey. This is just another curve in the road. We've been through infidelities and breakups and crushing separations, detours. But we finally found our way back to each other, and we're headed in the same direction. I'm not gonna lose you, billy. You know, after J.T., I just -- I never thought I would be able to trust a man again. Or allow myself to be loved. But no matter how hard I pushed you away, you didn't give up on me. You gave me the space that i needed, and you let me move at my own pace. You even agreed to a non-marriage. Now it's my turn to be there for you. You have to trust me, though. And you have to do one other thing, too.

Jack: So, I commend you for coming all the way out here to reflect and recharge, but I think you're taking more than your share of the blame for how your relationships turned out.

Sharon: Well, I don't want to let myself off the hook. You know, if I'm not gonna be completely honest, what's the point of reflecting?

Jack: Okay. You got something there.

Sharon: You know, the other night at the party, I just -- i found myself being drawn in toward rey, and... I don't know if it was just the drugs talking. It was me, and I ended up kissing him. But thank god things didn't go any further.

Jack: Rey seems like a good guy. You sure it would be such a mistake to reconcile with him?

Sharon: I need to focus on me for a while.

Jack: I don't think you can go wrong there. You're a good, strong, bright woman. You're a great mother. And a good friend.

Sharon: Well, I may not have always been the best wife. But I do think that you and i had the best divorce.

Jack: There should be a prize for that.

Sharon: You know, there really should be, because that's hard to pull off. Although you and I have always had just a very easy, uncomplicated friendship.

Jack: I've always given you most of the credit for that. Look, I know we don't talk often enough, but I am always sure that you will tell me the truth. I am always sure that you will support me. And that feels nice. I've missed you.

Sharon: I missed you, too. You know what, I want to be the first one to say this. Someone has to. It just feels really good to sit down and chat, just as friends.

Jack: Refreshing, isn't it?

Sharon: Yes, it really is.

Jack: We both came here alone. We will both go home alone. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Sharon: You know, I came here, I thought I knew what I wanted, but I'm glad that I found you.

Jack: Here's to fate.

Sharon: To fate.

Victoria: Whoever it is that I saw when I first got here, it wasn't you. It wasn't the man that I love. This person was invented.

Billy: [ Groans ]

Victoria: Maybe a concoction in your mind as -- as a coping mechanism. I don't know. Just something, maybe, that you did to alleviate some of the pressure. This person was created to do the things that you couldn't do. That -- that your conscious mind would not let you do.

Billy: No. No, that is not happening.

Victoria: No, it is. Deep down, you know it is, so you admit it.

Billy: I can'T.

Victoria: You tried to kill adam. You stole the car. You told him to meet you where delia was hit, and you tried to run him over.

Phyllis: Uh, listen, obviously you want to be alone, so I will go.

Adam: Phyllis. Thank you. It's hard to wrap my head around a world without victor newman.

Phyllis: For better or worse.

Adam: I know I fantasized about life without him. But...

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: But what?

[ Sighs ]

Nick: You know what, I think, uh -- I think we should all eat something. Let's go in the kitchen and see if the cook can cook us up something.

Abby: No, I-I can't even think about food right now.

Summer: Food is the last thing on my mind.

Nick: I know. But we need to keep our strength up. Today was hard. It's only gonna get harder.

Nikki: Nicholas is right. Come on. L-let's all go.

Nate: I'm gonna head out. I'll check in on you later.

Nikki: Nate. Please join us.

Nate: Oh, of course.

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