Y&R Transcript Friday 9/13/19
Episode #11701 ~ Victor delivers unsettling news, Billy explores his dark side and Devon confides in Mariah.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Victor: For a while now, I've had a rare blood disease, and I've had several rounds of treatment now.
Adam: The minute their backs were turned, I switched the medication in dad's pocket. The pills are twice as strong now, which, according to my pharmacist friend, can lead to some interesting complications.
Victor: The doctor said that I should expect these kind of side effects.
Nick: You said they weren't that bad.
Nikki: They weren'T. That's why I'm so concerned.
Victoria: I haven't heard from billy since his text...
Victor: Mm.
Victoria: ...Telling me he was in rehab.
Nick: And you don't know if that's true?
Victoria: It's not like billy to lose touch.
Billy: [ Groans ]
Chloe: Are you sure we shouldn't take him to the hospital?
Kevin: We can'T. He tried to kill adam.
Delia: Help me, daddy! Help! I need you! Where are you?!
Victoria: Tell me what's going on. Talk to me.
Billy: I'm scared that I'm gonna lose it... and I don't know what to do.
Billy: [ Groans ]
Chloe: Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. It's okay. It was just a dream, okay? Shh.
Billy: Damn it, chloe! You got me locked in here for days, and I need to get out.
[ Breathing heavily ]
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Devon: Hey. Abby.
Abby: Devon!
Devon: How you doing?
Abby: Hi! Oh, my gosh.
Devon: Aww.
Abby: How are you feeling?
Devon: I'm feeling much better.
Abby: [ Sighing ] Ohh.
Devon: Much better.
Abby: I feel so terrible about what happened at my big opening.
Devon: Don't -- don't worry about it. Don't dwell on it. It was -- it was rough for a second there, but I was lucky to have elena with me. She was amazing. I'm doing fine.
Abby: You know, I could just strangle that little heifer who put the mdma in the sangria.
Devon: I know. Well, the police have zoe in custody now, so just let them deal with her.
Abby: You know, I knew when i met her that something was off. But theo vouched for her, and i didn't vet her myself, which was a big mistake, and I will -- I will never do that ever again.
Devon: I know, abby, but don't -- don't beat yourself up over it. There's no way you could have known that someone would have done something like that. And who the hell drugs dozens of people, anyway?!
Abby: Well, someone who uses it to create a big splash and creates the disaster and then scoops it to her adoring fans.
Devon: Yeah, but, lucky for you, the media's on your side, 'cause the press has made it very clear that the grand phoenix had nothing to do with what happened.
Abby: We were very lucky.
Devon: Uh, yeah, I know.
Abby: Very, very, very lucky.
Devon: We were very lucky. Just be thankful that you came out of it unscathed.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Oh, no, no. I was scathed. Yeah, averting a P.R. Nightmare came with a price tag -- a big one.
Victor: [ Breathing deeply ] Hello, my baby. You know I always temper my expectations, don't you?
Nikki: Less chance of disappointment that way.
Victor: Well... this time I allowed myself to hope. And now it's come to this.
Nikki: I think you've made the right decision. This is the way our family handles things... head-on. We fight hard... and we win.
Victor: I am so grateful to have you by my side, baby.
Nikki: I wouldn't be anywhere else.
Devon: Phyllis traded proof that zoe spiked the drinks for a stake in the hotel? How much did you have to give her?
Abby: 25%. Yeah. Yeah. Same as chelsea. So, chelsea is the general manager, and, uh, get this. This is the best part. Phyllis is the new head of security.
Devon: Oh, boy. I mean... I guess that's better than having the reputation of the hotel be irreparably damaged.
Abby: Practically speaking, yes, you're right, but you know what? It really burns me that phyllis has blackmailed me into this. I wouldn't let her buy in in the first place because all she wanted to do was undermine me and take over!
Devon: I know, but if you think of it like this, phyllis developed the grand phoenix. She put all that time into it before she had it yanked from her, so she wants the place to succeed. And ou're still the majority shareholder. You get the final say in all the decisions. It'll be fine. I have no doubt you'll be able to manage phyllis and make things work to your advantage.
Abby: Actually, that makes a lot of sense.
Devon: Don't sound so surprised.
Abby: [ Laughs ] I'm not. You've made me feel a lot better about things.
Devon: Good. I'm glad. You actually gave me an idea, too.
Abby: I have?
Devon: Yeah. It's elena's birthday coming up, and I want to have a party at the hotel lounge to prove to the world that people don't have to be worried about hanging out there.
Abby: Yes!
Devon: Yeah.
Abby: Yes! Thank you!
Devon: Right?
Abby: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You are so amazing! Ohh!
Devon: More than welcome.
Abby: Thank you.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Devon: You gonna get that?
Abby: Uh... it's nikki.
Devon: You look upset. Is something wrong?
Victoria: My phone's about to die, but I figured I'd give you one more try. Billy, wherever you are, I-I just hope that you're safe and well, and when you get this message, please call me, because I'm worried about you. I --
[ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
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Chloe: Just -- just breathe, okay? Don't let that dream get you so agitated.
Billy: If I'm agitated, it's because you've got me prisoner.
[ Sighs ]
Chloe: I brought you here to help you, billy.
Billy: You have had me locked in here for days. You won't let me go home. You won't tell me where I am. I'm not exactly mobile. You won't give me my phone back. How is that not kidnapping? Victoria has to be losing her mind worrying about me.
Chloe: Don't worry about that.
Billy: What do you mean, "don't worry about that?"
Chloe: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Kevin and I sent her a text from your phone, saying that you're back in rehab for gambling.
Billy: Why would you tell her that? She is going to think the worst of me.
Chloe: No, she thinks that you're getting help, which is exactly what you're doing.
Billy: So, she believes that I'm that messed up?
Chloe: You lured adam to the place where he killed delia and you tried to run him down. I pushed him out of the way and stopped you from killing him.
Billy: Geez. Stop it, okay? You -- you keep telling me this crazy story. Frankly, it all sounds insane, and I don't remember any of it.
[ Sighs ]
Chloe: No... because...it's grief.
Billy: Oh, god.
Chloe: It's profound pain and sadness. It pushed you to this point, and I know because I've been there, billy.
Billy: Well, I still don't get how I could do something like that and not have any recollection of it.
Chloe: I think you just wanted to make the pain go away. You didn't know how to handle it, so you blocked it out. Let's -- [ Sighs ] Let's just think about what you do remember.
Billy: About what -- this crazy thing you say I did? Absolutely nothing.
Chloe: Okay. Well, do you recall boosting the car?
Billy: No.
Chloe: What about the text message you sent from the burner phone to adam about meeting him at the bend in the road on route 7?
Billy: I already told you that I don't go anywhere near that place, okay?
Chloe: Well, maybe you were sleepwalking. It wouldn't be the first time.
Billy: [ Sighs ] I don't know what's happening to me. I need to see victoria.
Chloe: [ Sighs ] I-I'm afraid that if I bring you home, you're gonna try to kill adam again, and then everyone's gonna find out.
Billy: Just get -- can you bring her here?
Chloe: I-I was hoping to shield her from all of this.
Billy: She needs to know the truth.
[ Sniffles ] If anyone's gonna be able to help me... it's her.
Abby: So, the medication's side effects...
Nick: Have gotten much worse.
Nikki: They came on very suddenly.
Abby: Did nate say why?
Nikki: He did some blood tests to find out.
Nick: Is this why you asked us to come here -- to tell us about the results since you sent me and vick home last night without telling us anything?
Victor: Yep. When everyone is here, we can talk about it, alright?
Nikki: I'm still waiting to hear back from victoria.
[ Sighs ] So, um... can I get anybody something to drink -- some coffee, maybe?
Nick: I'm good.
Abby: Me, too.
Victor: By the way, how's everything going with the grand phoenix hotel now that the woman who sabotaged the oening was arrested?
Abby: Dad, you know, I really don't want to talk about that right now, okay? I'm just worried about you.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Who are you calling?
Abby: Victoria. It goes straight to voicemail. Victoria, hey. It's me. Nick and I are at dad's, and we're waiting for you, so come whenever you can. It's very important.
Nate: I know the way.
Nikki: Oh, nate! Thank you so much for coming.
Nate: Of course. Hey, you.
Abby: Hi.
Nick: Do we finally get to hear what's going on with dad?
Abby: Can we please just find out what it is, okay? Can you tell us what's going on? Can we just fill everyone else in when they get here?
Victor: No. Let's just be patient a little and wait for victoria, alright?
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Chloe: [ Sighs ]
Billy: Chloe.
Chloe: I...tried to reach victoria, but --
Billy: It's probably better. I don't want her here. I think you're right. We shouldn't bring her into the middle of this.
Chloe: Okay, but you said --
Billy: She won't understand. Not the way you do -- you know, that feeling that drove us both to rid the world of adam.
Chloe: Y-yeah. That -- that's what... I've been telling you. I think maybe you should get some rest and, um... I need to get some supplies, but I'll be back soon.
Billy: I'm not going anywhere. I'm not picking it up.
Mariah: You know, we could have rescheduled.
Devon: And why would we do that?
Mariah: Because some deranged twerp decided to slip everybody a mickey at abby's party.
Devon: Mm. That's right. But once the molly was out of my system, I was just fine.
Mariah: Well, I'm just glad that zoe got caught. I hope they lock her up, throw away the key, because I got a little loopy, but what you and my mom went through -- that was hell.
Devon: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was a-a horrible experience, for sure, but I was really lucky to have elena there with me. And the way she got me through the worst of it gave me a window into the kind of doctor that she's gonna be, and it actually brought us a little closer.
Mariah: Well, I'm glad something good came of it.
Devon: Yeah. Now, this, uh -- this zoe chick had access to the event because theo invited her, even though she's an influencer that he doesn't manage, right?
Mariah: What are you getting at?
Devon: Well, do you think he had something to do with what happened?
Tessa: Hi. Where's mariah?
Theo: Wow. Uh, I don't remember seeing you in that outfit before. You're killing it. [ Chuckles ]
Tessa: Thanks. So, is she meeting us, or...?
Theo: Join me. Can I buy you a coffee?
Tessa: I'm pretty caffeined out, so...
Theo: Well, let me know if you change your mind.
Tessa: I, uh, hear your good pal zoe's in county lockup.
Theo: What she did was pretty messed up. But let's not rehash all of that. I'd much rather talk about you. We need to keep the momentum going with your career -- increase your online presence.
Tessa: You made it sound like mariah was gonna be a part of this discussion, although I'm not supersurprised that you misrepresented yourself.
Theo: I wouldn't say that.
[ Chuckles ]
Tessa: But remember how mariah said that she would be personally managing my career without any input from the peanut gallery?
Theo: You'd be doing mariah and yourself a favor by welcoming other points of view. She's doing a lot, running power.
Tessa: Mariah told me that you tried to push her out.
Theo: Yeah. I was just getting the lay of the land. It was nothing personal. Mariah understands that.
Tessa: Uh-huh.
Theo: It's why she wants to continue our partnership and why she's giving me a chance to prove myself, and what better way than to boost the audience of her star client?
Tessa: Here's the one thing.
Theo: Hmm?
Tessa: I don't trust you.
Theo: Then give me a chance to earn your trust. Hmm?
Chloe: Oh, thank god. I have been trying to get in touch with you.
Victoria: Why? What's going on?
Chloe: You need to come with me -- now.
Victoria: Chloe, I-I have a really busy day at work. I can't just drop everything.
Chloe: It has to do with billy.
Nick: Where the hell is victoria?
Nick: I wish I knew.
Victor: Well, it's critical that she be here.
Nate: I agree. It's best not to have to fill her in later.
Nikki: I've left so many messages.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Voicemail again.
Summer: Thanks, joan. Hey, everybody. Hi.
Nikki: Oh, summer, hi.
Summer: Hi. I got your text. Is everything okay?
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Summer: Are -- are you here with abby, or are you here as grandpa's doctor?
Nick: We all have questions, but dad felt it was best if, uh, everyone was here before we learned what's up.
Abby: You know, we've made a good-faith effort to try and get ahold of victoria, but, obviously, what dad and nikki want to discuss -- they want to do it immediately, so... am I -- am I right, dad?
Victor: You're right.
Nikki: I just don't think we should do this until everyone is here.
Adam: Do what?
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Managing lipids
Mariah: If I thought theo had anything to do with zoe's psycho behavior, I'd be telling rey and paul to arrest him right now.
Devon: So, it's a hard "no"?
Mariah: Theo is way too smart and way too ambitious to be involved in something like this.
Devon: Okay. Well, I'll take your word for it, then.
Mariah: However, he's not as skilled at manipulating people as he thinks he is.
Devon: What do you mean?
Mariah: I tricked him into admitting that he tried to convince you to make him head of power.
Devon: Oh, did you, now?
Mariah: Mm-hmm.
Devon: I would have loved to have seen his face.
Mariah: I quite enjoyed it.
Devon: Yeah? And then what happened?
Mariah: I told him I'd give him the chance to prove himself. And he has been quite the suck-up ever since. He even brought me some new talent to build up as influencers.
Devon: Mm. But you still don't trust him, do you?
Mariah: Not one bit.
Devon: So, why are you keeping him on?
Victoria: Ever since adam came back, billy has been going through a rough time, as you know.
Chloe: I said I was sorry for dragging him into my mess.
Victoria: And now he's texted me that he's checked himself back into rehab.
Chloe: I know. I know. Kevin sent that text from billy's phone. It was the only thing that we could come up with.
Victoria: What did you do?
Chloe: We stopped billy from doing something that could have wrecked a lot of people's lives, including yours. And...I've got him stashed away in a boathouse.
Victoria: What?!
Chloe: I thought I could help him get out of the dark place he's been in. And it's much worse and more complicated. He needs you, victoria.
Victoria: Well, take me to him!
Chloe: Okay. Come on.
Summer: Well, your timing stinks, as usual.
Abby: If you're here to give dad more grief, you can just turn around and leave.
Nick: You want me to handle this?
Victor: No, son, that won't be necessary.
Adam: Listen, I am as surprised as all of you, okay? When I got nikki's text, i didn't realize this was gonna be a party. Seems a little bleak, though, with the good doctor here... which I gather is why you invited me.
Abby: Is it a point of pride with you to be as big of a jackass as possible?
Nick: You show some respect or you shut your mouth.
Adam: Or what -- you're gonna shut it for me, nick?
Nick: Don't test me -- not today.
Victor: Guys... I'm not here to cause any trouble.
Summer: Well, that'd be a first.
Nate: Okay. Not to intrude on a family moment, but this isn't helping with anyone's stress level, including my patient'S.
Nikki: I couldn't agree more.
Adam: Okay. Well, maybe we should get to the reason for this gathering. The suspense is just killing me.
Nick: Okay.
Adam: I'm sorry, dad.
Victor: Nicholas.
Adam: That was a poor choice of words.
Nikki: We are waiting for victoria so that nate doesn't have to explain things twice.
Abby: She still hasn't gotten back to me yet.
Nick: Or me.
Victor: Alright. Um... we can't wait any longer. Let's begin, okay?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Mariah: Theo has an extremely high opinion of himself, but he's also very insecure, which he thinks no one notices.
Devon: Alright, but you do.
Mariah: Genuinely self-confident people don't ingratiate themselves. They don't try to manipulate people.
Devon: Well, it seems like you have him all figured out.
Mariah: Don't get me wrong. I mean, theo is amazing at what he does. Case in point -- he knew that his reputation might take a hit because of his protégé's bad behavior, so he went into overdrive doing damage control, which was good for the hotel, it was good for power communications, and good for me.
Devon: I mean, yeah. I appreciate the way you're handling working with him, too, but if he gets to be more trouble than he's worth, you have my complete blessing to let him go.
Mariah: I think that's what he expected me to do when i called him out... but that would have been a sign of weakness. And the truth is if I'm going to be successful in this business, I'm gonna have to deal with a lot of theos. And, honestly... I like the challenge.
Theo: You're skeptical of my motives, and I think I know why.
Tessa: Oh. So, on top of all your other skills, you're also a mind-reader.
Theo: Ah. Well... you're wondering if zoe and i collaborated to wreck the grand opening of abby's hotel.
Tessa: Yeah. I've considered that possibility.
Theo: I would have been hurting my own interests, potentially destroying my entire career and winding up behind bars. And... you think if mariah even suspected me for a second that we'd still be working together?
Tessa: Makes sense.
Theo: Look, I'm just trying to carve out a niche for myself by helping mariah promote your music. I'm a big fan of yours.
Tessa: Oh, lucky me.
Theo: [ Chuckles softly ] Look, marketing is the key to higher sales. Now, we can talk peaks and valleys in the downloads of your songs, peg the days of the week or times of day. I can hone in on even the most minute details of your audience's listening habits.
Tessa: So, if I wanted to do a livestream...
Theo: I could tell you exactly when your fans would be most likely to listen or how to attract new ones.
Tessa: That would be superuseful.
Theo: Look, if you're willing to work with me, I can do wonders for your career. We just need to capitalize on your strengths. For one thing, I think you should be on tour -- as the main artist, not the opening act.
Tessa: What, you think I'm -- I'm ready for that?
Theo: Someone as beautiful and talented as you are? Who wouldn't want to watch you perform?
Tessa: You know I'm gay, right?
Theo: Yeah. I don't believe in labels.
Tessa: [ Scoffs ]
Victor: As you all know, i was in some distress last night, as nicholas and victoria witnessed, and when nate came to assess what was going on, we went over the results of the blood test.
Abby: How bad is it?
Victor: Seems that the side effects of the treatment are getting worse. I'm beginning to experience the original symptoms again.
Nate: Victor's numbers had stabilized, but now they've fallen off at an alarming degree.
Victor: In other words, the treatment is not working.
Nick: I can't believe this. You were doing so well.
Summer: Wh-why is this happening? Why now?
Nate: As we all know, this is an experimental protocol. I'm afraid I don't have enough data to answer that.
Abby: Okay. Okay. So -- so, what's next?
Nikki: Well, I'll tell you one thing. Your father and I aren't giving up.
Victor: Nate has suggested that I... go overseas into a private clinic... so that I can receive some special treatment... around the clock.
Nikki: We're flying out tonight.
Nate: I've taken a leave of absence from memorial to go with them.
Abby: I'm glad that you're fighting this and that you're getting the best care possible.
Adam: Is there anything I can do for you?
Nick: Like what -- step in and take over the company?
Adam: If I wanted that, I could have had it.
Victor: Fortunately, newman enterprises is doing very well, thanks to victoria's leadership. But if you're sincere about what you're offering, there is indeed something you can do.
Tessa: Dude, are you still high from the party?
Theo: No.
Tessa: So, you're actually hitting on me?
Theo: Why? Is that so terrible?
Tessa: I mean, it's unprofessional, to say the least.
Theo: Hey, we're equals, tessa. I'm not your boss. I have no say over --
Tessa: Okay, look, you and summer -- you might be doing a casual thing, but mariah and i are in a committed relationship. I mean, making a play for your boss's girlfriend -- not the best move.
Theo: Cards on the table... you don't strike me as someone who wants to keep her life small. There's a great big world to explore.
Tessa: Is there a point to this?
Theo: I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just being honest with my feelings. I was under the assumption that's what you wanted from me -- you know, truth, candor.
Tessa: I need to go.
[ Sighs ] I'm not doing anything without mariah's blessing, so...
Theo: Are you talking about work?
Tessa: Of course I am.
Theo: Tessa... just think about it? What's the worst that could happen?
Mariah: A birthday party at the grand phoenix lounge? How fun will that be?
Devon: That's a good idea, right?
Mariah: Are you kidding? I think it's fantastic, and it sends the perfect message that the actions of one stupid idiot are not gonna ruin a completely amazing place.
Devon: That's exactly what i was thinking. I'm happy to hear you say it 'cause I want to put you in charge.
Mariah: You want me to plan elena's party?
Devon: I would, yeah, if you have time in your schedule.
Mariah: Absolutely! I will make room.
Devon: Oh, perfect. Perfect. Thank you. When I get back to the office, I'll look at my calendar and we'll settle on a date.
Mariah: Yeah. Uh, you should think about doing it the weekend before her actual birthday.
Devon: That's probably a great idea.
Mariah: And can we talk about the menu, music, guest list, what kind of flowers she likes?
Devon: Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I want to talk about all that stuff, but, more importantly, I want you to know that this is your event from top to bottom and I don't want any drama, no theo, no nothing like that, okay?
Mariah: Done and done.
Devon: Okay, good. And I want it to be fun, something different, too, and i was gonna invite her friends from the hospital.
Mariah: Yeah. I'll talk to nate.
Devon: That'd be perfect. He knows that whole world better than I do, so...
Mariah: Don't worry about a thing. I'm on this, I promise. It's going to be a night to remember... in a good way.
Devon: Okay.
Mariah: In a good way.
Devon: Thank you so much.
Mariah: I'll see you.
Devon: I'll see you.
Adam: Whatever you need. Say the word.
Victor: I want you... I want all of you to come together as a family. Put your differences aside, because that's what we do as newmans.
Nikki: It's when we're at our best.
Victor: I don't want to hear any more as to who did what to whom. Just stop all vendettas right now. I know this is not easy for you. But what you can do for me is that you get along with all of your siblings, your nephews and your nieces... as a family.
Nick: You can count on me, dad.
Victor: Thank you, son.
Nick: It's the only thing that matters -- uniting as newmans. So everything that's happened before today, I'm letting it go.
Adam: Sure. Sounds great. But I know you are gonna beat this thing, dad, okay? There's not a doubt in my mind.
Summer: Yeah, you totally are.
Abby: We love you, dad. We'll be thinking about you every second.
Victor: We will beat this together, okay? Surprise!
Tessa: You have no idea how happy I am to see you.
Mariah: Why? What's up?
Tessa: I, uh, just met with theo.
Mariah: What for?
Tessa: Well, he said he wanted to strategize about my career.
Mariah: But I didn't tell him to set up a meeting.
Tessa: I know you wouldn't have done that without giving me a heads up, but he gave me the impression you were gonna be there. When I figured out that that wasn't happening, I called him out.
Mariah: What did he say?
Tessa: He said he just wanted to impress you by helping with your star client.
Mariah: Did he?
Tessa: What?
Mariah: Impress you in my absence.
Tessa: Well...
Mariah: Believe it or not, I'm actually impressed. It was a bold, gutsy move. So, how was his pitch?
Tessa: Well... uh, I'd say marketingwise, he knows his stuff.
Mariah: Did he give you an specifics -- throw down any proposals?
Tessa: Yeah, actually. Uh, he hit on me.
Mariah: [ Chortles ] Oh, my goodness. What an ego. I wish I had been there to see his reaction when you turned him down.
Tessa: I didn't think it was funny.
Mariah: I'm sorry if he made you uncomfortable.
Tessa: The guy creeps me out, okay? He has no boundaries, no respect. I mean, anyone and anything is fair game to him. I don't know why you keep putting up with his garbage. I mean, you don't trust him. I definitely don't trust him.
Mariah: Tessa... I know what I'm dealing with.
Tessa: Mariah... I don't think theo is above hurting you, okay? You -- [ Scoffs ] You're so different, okay? You have ethics, boundaries.
Mariah: Yeah. That's what he's counting on -- how different we are.
Tessa: You don't need this guy in your life. I think you should tell him to take a hike.
Mariah: Please don't worry. I know what I'm doing, and whatever theo throws at me, I'm gonna be ready.
Tessa: [ Sighs ]
Chloe: Now listen... billy has a lot going on inside, okay? So you need to prepare yourself.
Victoria: For what?
Chloe: He doesn't remember anything of what happened. He doesn't remember stealing the car and trying to run down adam, the car accident he got into afterward. It's like he has these [Sighs] Blank sections in his brain.
Victoria: Like...when he woke up at the chancellor place and had no idea how he got there.
Chloe: Exactly. And... I-I tried to get him to open up about adam -- everything he's feeling that drove him to go after the guy -- but...
[Sighs] It's like he can't connect to the memory... like he can't accept this other part of him that's doing these horrible things.
Victoria: [ Breathes deeply ] When you told him, how did he take it?
Chloe: It was pretty tense. And that's when he pretty much ordered... me to bring you to him. He fell asleep, and then when he woke up... it was like he did this... 180... a completely different person. He was cold and detached, and that's when he said to forget about bringing you here, that... you couldn't understand why he needed to settle things with adam.
Victoria: That must have been the part of him that was capable of murder.
Chloe: When he wakes up, I don't know... which part of billy you're gonna face, so... just be ready for anything.
Victoria: Billy. It's me. I'm here. Everything's gonna be okay.
Nikki: Yes. Adam is right. You're a fighter, victor. You are going to overcome this disease and go on to live a very full life.
Summer: Yeah, what grandma said.
Abby: We love you, dad, and we're gonna support you through this however we can.
Victor: Mm. That means a lot to me, okay? I just want to have confidence that, while I'm gone, that all of you get along, okay? So that'll give -- give me more time t--
Nikki: Victor?
Victor: To recover.
Abby: Dad, are you okay?
Nate: Get him on the floor, nick, flat! Adam, help me with this table. Come on. Hurry.
Nikki: Victor!
Victor: [ Moans ]
Nate: Lay him out.
Nick: What can I do?
Abby: [ Crying ] Please, please, we need an ambulance at the newman ranch, off highway b, the main house. No, it's my father. He collapsed.
Nate: Tell them to hurry! I can't get a pulse!
Abby: Oh, please. We have a doctor here, and he -- he can't get a pulse. Please, please hurry. Please.
Nick: Come on, dad. Come on, dad.
Nikki: [ Crying ] Victor. Victor, please. Please stay with us. Stay with us. We all love you, victor.
Summer: [ Crying ] Come on, grandpa. Come on, grandpa. Come on.
Nikki: Victor.
[ Crying ]
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Sharon: I thought I knew what I wanted, but I'm glad that i found you.
Jack: I've missed you.
Devon: My life is going very, very well, and I see no reason that it's not gonna just continue to get better.
Billy: It's one thing when that person's inside of me, but what if I can't make him go away?
Nick: Dad's gone, and it's your fault.
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