Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/12/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/12/19


Episode #11700 ~ Victor asks Nikki to keep a secret and Phyllis saves the day.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Adam: All I'm gonna do, I'm gonna tweak his dose. I'm gonna keep him preoccupied and off-balance with the worsening side effects.

Victor: I can'T...

Nikki: Oh, my god. No, no. What -- what can I do? What can I do for you?

Victor: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: How can I help you?

Sharon: No, it was never adam. It was always you.

Chelsea: People are tripping! Someone must be handing out drugs!

Zoe: What makes you think I'm the one who spiked the sangria?

Chelsea: It was the opening night of the club I'm managing. Half the town got dosed with molly!

Chelsea: Hey.

Nick: Hey. Didn't you hear you come in. How'd it go with paul and rey.

Chelsea: They're still trying to piece it all together. Zoe hardisty's the main suspect.

Nick: That girl who works with theo?

Chelsea: Yeah. Apparently, there was some bad blood between them.

Nick: Did they arrest her?

Chelsea: The police are looking for her. Doesn't even matter, though. Doesn't even matter because if they track her down, it's not like they have any real evidence against her.

Nick: Well, not yet, I mean, the investigation just started. These things take time.

Chelsea: No! I hope not! I mean, if this case just drags on for months, it's gonna be terrible for business. I told you, we've already lost, like, a ton of bookings.

Nick: Things are gonna settle down once the press loses interest.

Chelsea: You mean, once they stop running articles like the one you were hiding from me?

Nick: Yeah, I was hoping you didn't see that.

Chelsea: Everyone with a smartphone saw that. People love a scandal. But, you know what, I am not gonna waste another moment feeling guilty or having second thoughts about investing in the grand phoenix. No. One crazy night is not gonna stop me from making this hotel a success.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Abby: [ Scoffs ]

Nate: Bad news?

Abby: [ Scoffs ] Like i haven't gotten enough of that lately.

Nate: Does this help?

Abby: Mm. Immensely, yeah.

Nate: Hopefully this will, too. Everyone who was affected by the spiked sangria has been released from the hospital.

Abby: That's a huge relief. But I still feel terrible that my guests were drugged without their knowledge. I mean, I just -- I wish I could something to make it up to them.

Nate: I'm sure you'll figure out a way.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] I guess free drinks is out of the question. Not that anyone would come within 100 feet of the hotel.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Paul: Abby, nate.

Nate: Hey.

Paul: Paul, hi. Uh, any new info?

Phyllis: Well, unfortunately, the security footage didn't reveal anything suspicious. We're still searching for zoe hardisty so we can question her.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Paul: But I have to be honest with you, we don't have any definitive evidence to point to a suspect.

Abby: Damn it! I was hoping that that surveillance video would be the proof that we needed.

Paul: Look, I know how frustrated --

Abby: No, I'm not frustrated, paul, I am furious. People's lives were put in danger. I could lose everything. And someone out there knows what happened.

Phyllis: I have great news.

Adam: Okay, well, give me the condensed version. I have to pick up connor from a friend's house soon.

Phyllis: I know. You're gonna have to make that play date go long because you're gonna want to hear every single bit of what I'm about to tell you.

Adam: Okay. Fine. Don't keep me in suspense. What has put this triumphant smile on your face?

Phyllis: Okay, okay. Well, everyone -- everyone -- who's tried to squeeze me out of the grand phoenix. You, chelsea, abby...

Adam: Yeah, and now you get to revel in their opening party turning into some massive drug trip. Did you do that?

Phyllis: No. I didn'T. I told you, I wasn't gonna cause trouble at the opening. But now that it has arrived, I'm gonna take full advantage of the situation.

Adam: And how do you plan to do that, phyllis?

Phyllis: I'm gonna get back what I deserve. And justice will be served at the same time.

Rey: Hi.

Sharon: Hi. Would you like a coffee?

Rey: Um, I'm not here for coffee. I came here to see you.

Sharon: Oh.

Rey: On official business.

Sharon: Of course.

Rey: But first, um... how you feeling?

Sharon: I'm fine. Thanks.

Rey: And mariah and tessa?

Sharon: Oh, they're both great. I mean, if you saw them, you wouldn't even know they'd be drugged. Can't believe I'm saying that.

Rey: Yeah. Things could have turned out a lot worse.

Sharon: Does that mean everyone's okay?

Rey: Yeah, fortunately.

Sharon: So, you said, um, you were here on business?

Rey: Yeah, I need to question all the party guests. But if you're not comfortable speaking with me, um...

Sharon: No. No, that's okay. Um, I wanted to talk to you anyway.

Rey: You did?

Sharon: Yeah, there are some things that I need to set straight with you.

Nikki: Is there anything i can get you? Some water? I can have joan make you a snack.

Victor: No, darling, I'm fine. Thank you.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] I hate that you still don't feel well.

Victor: [ Sighs ] I just want to know what the hell is wrong with me.

Nikki: Well, when nate gets the results back of your blood tests, I'm sure we'll have more answers.

Victor: Yeah, well, where is he, by the way? What's taking so long?

Nikki: Well, he's probably being thorough, you know. Listen, why don't you go upstairs and rest, and I'll call the kids and cancel our plans?

Victor: No, sweetheart. No, no, no, no. I don't want this to interfere with me spending time with my family.

Nikki: Well, if you're sure you're up to it...

Victor: Yeah. I am. I promise you. And, by the way, do me a favor, and don't tell them anything about my setback, okay?

Nikki: Victor, I think they need to know.

Victor: No! I don't want them to know. Especially not if this isn't anything serious, you know? Because they all have their own problems to deal with so I don't want to bother them with it.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Victoria: Please tell me you found billy.

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Sharon: I don't even know where to start. I'm a little embarrassed.

Rey: No, no. You shouldn't be.

Sharon: I kissed you.

Rey: Well, you were under the effects of mdma. We both were.

Sharon: You didn't make a fool out of yourself.

Rey: Neither did you.

Sharon: I put you in an awkward position.

Rey: I didn't exactly pull away.

Sharon: Okay, so the drugs loosened up both up.

Rey: Yeah. Stirred up a lot of powerful feelings, lines got blurred and crossed.

Sharon: You know what, that shouldn't have happened, and it wouldn't have, if it weren't for the drugs.

Rey: Yeah. It was weird, not being in control.

Sharon: Times that by 10 for me.

Rey: Yeah, I know the, um, mdma hit you harder because of the interaction it had with your medication.

Sharon: Yeah, I kept fighting off these feelings of shame and regrets, and, you know, it was just very intense. But I think about how much worse it could have been.

Rey: Yeah, I'm just glad it's over and you can get back to your life.

Sharon: So, you said you had some questions for me?

Rey: Yeah, I just need to get a statement. Then I'll let you go.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Nate: They'll get to the bottom of this.

Abby: You know, even if he does crack the case, it doesn't mean that my problems are solved. Nearly every major event that was booked before the opening has cancelled.

Nate: The grand phoenix will rise from the ashes, and you will soar right along with it.

Abby: Mm, well, is that your official diagnosis, doctor?

Nate: No, treatment required. Except for this...

Abby: Mm-hmm. I feel better already.

Nate: Couple more doses, and I think you're cured.

Abby: Here?

Nate: Someplace more private will speed up the healing process. Say, uh, my place?

Abby: Mm.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Abby: [ Sighs ] I can'T.

Nate: What's up?

Abby: Things just went from bad to imploding.

Chelsea: We have to step up our game.

Nick: You and my sister are gonna have this turned around in no time.

Chelsea: I think I have an idea about how to regain people's confidence.

Nick: Well, I bet abby's already working her spin magic, too.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, I think, together, we could be unstoppable.

Nick: Go out there and kick some butt. I'll see you back here later?

Chelsea: In case I haven't said it... thank you for believing in me.

Nick: Always.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Chelsea: Yeah, right.

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Wow! Chelsea and abby aren't even returning any of my texts.

Adam: They're probably busy dealing with last night's fiasco.

Phyllis: Well, if they would return my texts, I would solve all of their problems. I know who spiked the sangria.

Adam: Wow, that is -- that's big. If you can prove it.

Phyllis: Of course I can prove it, adam.

Adam: And you plan to make "let's make a deal" with this explosive info, huh?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I plan to play and I plan to win.

Adam: And, let me guess, your prize will be a piece of the grand phoenix.

Phyllis: Yeah, which i deserve.

Adam: Wow, and they thought you were cold and calculating before, phyllis.

Phyllis: What is "cold and calculating" about this? Abby and chelsea will be getting off easy, and that little girl who drugged every innocent person at that party will go to jail.

Adam: Are you losing sleep over some vips getting drugged and high on molly?

Phyllis: Oh, you wouldn't be so cavalier if you saw what happened to sharon.

Adam: Wait a minute, sharon got drugged?

Phyllis: Yes. Apparently, mdma and bipolar meds, they're not a great cocktail.

Adam: Is she okay?

Phyllis: I don't know, I was too worried about my own daughter, who was completing wigging out. It was very scary.

[ Sighs ] When I think about what could have happened to her...

Adam: Yeah, that must be terrible having to see your kid go through that.

Phyllis: Yeah, you know what's worse? Summer asked me if I was responsible for the whole thing. I mean, I expect that from you, of course, but, I mean, from my own daughter, I mean, it just hurt.

Adam: Yeah, I know what it's like to be accused of not putting your kid's well-being first, but the sting has got to be extra strong when it's your child that thinks the worst of you.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Adam: Mm.

Phyllis: I'm gonna prove her wrong.

Adam: With this legit plan of yours?

Phyllis: It is legit. I'm gonna take down that girl who did this to all of those innocent people, and I'm gonna score a major, major win for myself.

Adam: Hm.

Nick: So... how you doing, dad?

Victor: I'm all right.

Nick: Yeah?

Victor: Why? Don't I look it?

Nick: No, you look great. It's just, you know, you weren't at the opening last night.

Victor: Well, I just mentioned once to your mother that I was tired, and she insisted on staying home, so... if you ask me, it was hogwash, you know?

Nikki: Well, we didn't, darling.

Victor: Oh, by the way, something happened to summer. That worries me. What happened to her?

Nick: Oh, she's okay. She's a little banged up today, but she insisted on going into work, despite my objections.

Victor: Huh.

Nikki: Takes after her grandfather.

Victor: You know, she -- she's just a newman, through and through. She's just strong, you know, like her aunt abby.

Nick: Yeah, uh, abby and chelsea are in full management crisis mode already.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Victoria: I'm so sorry that I'm late.

Victor: There you are!

Nikki: Oh, sweetheart, you're not.

Victoria: No, I just -- I got a call, and I lost track of time. I'm -- I just... I'm sorry.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Nikki: Don't be. Are you all right?

Victoria: No! No, I'm not.

Victor: What happened?

Sharon: That's all i remember.

Rey: Well, if you think of anything else, you can call me, or text. Or you can come by the station. Say hi to everybody.

Sharon: Oh, um, you know, I'm gonna be, um -- I'm not gonna be around for a little while.

Rey: Oh?

Sharon: Yeah, I'm going on a trip, um, just -- I was supposed to leave right after the party. After everything that happened, I got a little delayed.

Rey: You going alone?

Sharon: You mean, am I going with adam?

Rey: Listen, I know it's none of my business, um...

Sharon: But that is what you wanted to know.

Rey: I just can't help myself and worry about you and him. But if what you told me at the party is true, then you've realized that he is bad news.

Sharon: Yeah. Um, that wasn't just the drugs talking.

Rey: I'm glad to hear it.

Sharon: And, as far as the other stuff that I said...

Rey: Listen, you don't need to explain. Let me hear more about your trip.

Sharon: Okay, um, well, I'm just traveling solo, destination unknown, just want to get some perspective. See what's next for me.

Rey: Well, I hope you find what you're looking for.

Sharon: Thanks.

Rey: You deserve to be happy, sharon.

Sharon: So do you.

Rey: I'll catch you later.

Chelsea: I can't believe not one of our security cameras caught zoe, or whoever did this, in the act.

Abby: Yes. Yes, it is super disappointing, but dwelling on it won't help matters. We need to focus on the positive.

Chelsea: Mm, is that why you're ignoring phyllis? I got some random text from her complaining that you were blowing her off.

Abby: I can't even deal with her right now.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Ditto.

Abby: Okay, we need to expend all of our energy on figuring out how to bring business back to the hotel.

Chelsea: Yes. So, I have an idea. Complete reset. The grand phoenix grand-reopening. We invite all of the a-listers who came to the first one. We include everybody who's anybody.

Abby: Okay, but why would they show up?

Chelsea: Because we comp the entire weekend. Everything -- rooms, meals, drinks. Oh! Oh! And we double the size of the swag bags. People would be begging us for invites, okay?

Abby: Okay, okay. I kind of love it.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Abby: All right. Yeah, yeah. I will get theo to put the word out that the grand phoenix is back in business and better than ever.

Chelsea: Perfect! I'll talk to kyle and see if jabot's onboard.

Abby: Yeah, I think we have all of our bases covered.

Phyllis: Except one.

Chelsea: Phyllis, when people ignore your text message, maybe you should take the hint.

Abby: Yeah, we are not interested in anything that you have to say.

Phyllis: Ooh! Okay, okay. So maybe you don't want to know who's behind your grand opening debacle.

Abby: All right, well, if you somehow got a whiff of the rumor that it's theo's friend zoe...

Chelsea: We know.

Abby: Yeah, we already know.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Phyllis: You call it a whiff, I call it a fact.

Chelsea: You need proof for that.

Phyllis: I have proof. Ooh! Abby, you're drooling.

Abby: Just give me everything that you have.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Seriously? You think I'm just gonna hand this over to you for free?

Chelsea: You want us to pay you?

Phyllis: Oh, don't worry. I'm not gonna steal the money that you got from your poor, dead husband, and I'm not gonna try to break into the naked heiress trust fund. Don't worry about that. I just want what's rightfully mine, what I should have had in the first place...

Abby: Mm. A stake in the grand phoenix.

Phyllis: You know what, abby, you're smarter than you look. Let's talk terms.

Abby: Not until you show me everything that you have on zoe. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Adam: [ Clears throat ]

Sharon: Um, the barista can help you.

Adam: Uh, not with this.

Sharon: What do you want?

Adam: I heard about what happened last night. I wanted to see if you were all right.

Sharon: I'm fine. I was just about to go.

Adam: Oh, wait, just stay. Please.

Paul: All right, thanks for the update. Let me know if you find anything else. Okay.

Rey: What's up?

Paul: All right, that was it. They figured out why there was nothing suspicious in the security video. It turns out a portion of the footage was deleted.

Rey: Whoever drugged the victims worked pretty fast to cover their tracks.

Paul: And knowing what we do about zoe hardisty... it's really hard to believe that she was able to pull off something like that.

Rey: Well, any idea who might have done it?

Zoe: Adding a little

molly into that sangria made

everybody's naughty thoughts

come out to play.

I gave them the best night of

their lives and permission

to walk on the wild side.

They should be thanking me.

Phyllis: You're very, very


Zoe: I mean, it's not like

anybody got hurt.

Theo and kyle learned that they

can't get away with messing

with people and no one can

prove I did a thing.

Sometimes you got to make your

own justice.

Phyllis: Wow.

You really thought this out.

Zoe: Every night for three

long years.

The plan changed, but the

outcome was always the same.

Make them pay.

That's what I should name my

new company.

You can dm me if you want to

talk business.

I'll probably be booking up

really fast, but I'll try to

squeeze you in.

Gotta fly.

Abby: That little --

Chelsea: She better hope i never get my hands on her.

Phyllis: She's a piece of work.

Abby: Well, is that enough to nail her?

Phyllis: I have more.

Chelsea: Oh, my god.

Abby: You can see her putting the drugs in the pitcher!

Phyllis: Yeah. I have video footage.

Abby: But how did you get& that?

Phyllis: Um...computer hacking is a skill I don't list on my resume.

Abby: Oh, my god.

Phyllis: You're welcome, by the way.

Chelsea: You want us to thank you for trying to blackmail us?

Phyllis: Says the semi-reformed con artist.

Abby: We need to go to paul.

Chelsea: Yes. Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good idea. Um, the problem is, you need proof that zoe drugged all those people, and... you don't have it.

Abby: You are covering up a crime!

Phyllis: There's that pesky proof again.

Abby: Oh, my god, you are so disgusting.

Phyllis: Oh, go ahead and discuss the quality of my character. Go ahead. Um, I am gonna go on social media and look to see how people are talking about you and your hotel's reputation. Read about how it's getting worse by the second.

Chelsea: You really are despicable.

Phyllis: Ooh, that's -- don't look at that. Um... it's not too late to pick what's behind door number one. Big dose of payback that sends zoe to jail and saves your business.

[ Clears throat ] What do you say, girls? Can we make a deal or not?

Abby: [ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Victoria: I haven't heard from billy since his text telling me that he was in rehab.

Nick: And you don't know if that's true?

Victoria: No. Newman's investigators have checked every addiction facility that they can find. And, officially, no one's saying anything.

Nick: What about unofficially?

Victoria: Nothing is turning up.

Nikki: Well, darling, that doesn't mean he hasn't checked in somewhere.

Victoria: Mom, it's not like billy to lose touch like this.

Nikki: Do you still think this is tied to adam?

Victoria: I don't know what to believe anymore.

Nikki: I'm sure he'll be home soon.

Victoria: Well, I want to believe that, but I'm starting to get scared.

Victor: Sweetheart, you should have come to me. I would have helped you. I mean, you never told me that you were worried about billy.

Victoria: I did, dad. I did. You offered to put your best pi on the job, remember?

Victor: I did?

Victoria: Yes.

Victor: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... I -- yeah. I did call him, I remember now, and... uh...

[ Sighs ] He didn'T... he didn'T...

Nick: Dad?

Nikki: Victor?-

Victoria: Dad.

Nikki: Are you all right?

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Nikki: Oh, my god!

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: Dad.

Nick: Are you okay?

Victor: [ Panting ]

Nick: Just breathe. It's okay. It's okay, it's okay.

Victoria: It's okay.

Adam: Well, I'm so glad you're fine, physically. But you haven't told me how you feel about what happened. That must have been terrifying, sharon.

Sharon: Yeah. It really was. When the mdma mixed with my medication, I couldn't control my emotions. I didn't know what was gonna happen next.

Adam: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Sharon: Anyone who interferes with someone else's medical regime deserves whatever punishment they get.

Adam: Well, uh, you're obviously still shaken up from it, so... you know. That's not good.

Sharon: I just need a little bit of time.

Adam: Is there something i can do for you?

Sharon: That's funny you would ask that because i remember not that long ago, you told me you didn't want anything to do with me.

Adam: I know. I shouldn't have said that. I was angry. And I was hurt, and I took it out on you, and I'm sorry. Okay? I know you were just trying to help me. That is all you've ever done.

Sharon: You don't owe me any explanation.

Adam: Oh, and you did say there was a good man inside of me. It is that good man who is trying to help you. If you will let me.

Sharon: I can take care of myself. And that's exactly what I'm going to do when I leave here.

Adam: What does that mean?

Sharon: I'm going on a little trip. Just gonna get out of here for a while.

Adam: Hmm. Sounds pretty nice. I wouldn't mind doing that myself.

Sharon: You're not suggesting you go with me.

Adam: No, I didn't mean that at all. That's not what I meant.

[ Clears throat ]

Sharon: Oh, good. Yeah, because this trip is about me moving forward. Not looking back. I got to go.

Phyllis: Okay. Time's up, ladies. What's it gonna be?

Abby: [ Sighs ] Okay, exactly how much stake in the hotel do you want?

Phyllis: You know, I've been thinking about this, and I'd like to be reasonable. 50%.

Chelsea: What?

Abby: Are you out of your mind?

Phyllis: Well, 100% of a hotel that has no guests in it is not gonna make you a lot of money.

Abby: No, I have poured tens of millions of dollars into this project.

Phyllis: Chelsea hasn'T.

Chelsea: Okay. We're willing to give you 25%. That leaves 25% for me, and 50% for abby.

Phyllis: Hmm. All right, that'll do.

Abby: We assume that you want your shares at a reduced rate.

Phyllis: Uh, what? No. I want them for free. That is more than reasonable for what I'm doing.

Abby: You know what, I'm just gonna go to paul, and I'm gonna tell him about all the evidence that you have.

Phyllis: Okay, I'll delete everything, and I'll deny everything. But just imagine how that's gonna play out with zoe and all her followers. "No one's buying your lies. #Ownit."

Abby: [ Sighs ] Fine! Fine, we will give you 25% stake in the hotel for...mm, for nothing, yeah.

Phyllis: Good. I'd hardly call this nothing.

Chelsea: Let's call paul.

Phyllis: Okay, that's a good idea, but, ladies, you know, last time I took you at your word, I got burned, so I've drawn up a little agreement. Um, we'll do the official one later, but, uh, this is all legally binding. You can sign it, abby. You can witness, chelsea.

Abby: Wow, you really have thought of everything.

Phyllis: The devil's in the details.

Abby: That's what I'm afraid of.

Phyllis: Go ahead and sign this. And we'll put the next part of my plan into action. I've always been excited for what's next.

Connor: Five of clubs.

Adam: So, how many points does that give you?

Connor: 67.

Adam: And what is the goal?

Connor: Get to 100.

Adam: But...?

Connor: There's a 20-point bonus if you hit gin.

Adam: Plus the value of your opponent's cards. Okay? So what do you want to do?

Connor: I like my odds.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Don't forget, there is a double scoop of ice cream on the line.

Connor: Gin!

Adam: Oh! That's my boy!

Connor: I want chocolate chip. With sprinkles and fudge.

Adam: Wow. You know, this was supposed to help you improve your addition skills, not overload you on sugar.

Connor: You make math fun, dad. You make everything more fun.

Adam: Oh, come on, I'm sure you have a lot of fun with your mom and nick. Hmm?

Connor: Yeah, but...

Adam: But what?

Connor: Do you think you and mom will ever get back together?

Victor: Will you please all stop hovering? I'm all right.

Victoria: Dad, you almost passed out.

Victor: Well, the doctor said this is a side effect of the treatment, you know.

Nick: You sure that's it? I mean, you seemed pretty out of it.

Victor: Well, I'm lucid.

Victoria: How long have you been having these dizzy spells?

Victor: Sweetheart, will you stop talking about this now? I'm all right.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Nick: Is he telling the truth, mom?

Nikki: Victor, I'm sorry. I can't keep quiet any longer.

Victor: Oh, sweetheart...

Nikki: Your father hasn't been feeling well for the last couple of days. That's why we didn't go to the opening.

Victoria: This has been going on for days?

Victor: Look, the doctor said that I should expect these kind of side effects from the treatment.

Nick: You said they weren't that bad.

Nikki: They weren'T. That's why I'm so concerned.

Victoria: Well, I think we should get him to the er.

Victor: No! I will not go to the hospital.

Nick: Dad, you cannot ignore this.

Nikki: What are you doing? Who are you calling?

Victor: I'm gonna call the doctor to prove to you once and for all that there's nothing to worry about.

Zoe: I knew you'd text me. You were totally impressed, weren't you, with what I told you.

Phyllis: It was quite a feat& you pulled off.

Zoe: It's pretty bold, meeting up where it all went down.

Phyllis: "Bold" is a word that I would use for you among many.

Zoe: Well, I've done my research. I know you used to run a magazine. Do you want to help me take my blog to the next level?

Phyllis: No, I don't, at all.

Zoe: Well, then what did you want to talk to me about?

Phyllis: Chief williams actually has some questions for you.

Paul: Zoe hardisty, you're under arrest for knowingly and willfully endangering others.

Zoe: Seriously?

Phyllis: It's a felony.

Zoe: Watch the manicure!

Rey: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Chelsea: I hope you're happy. You got what you wanted.

Rey: You have the right to an attorney.

Abby: Yeah, you're super famous.

Rey: If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Zoe: You're right. I am.

Paul: Let's go. Yeah.

Zoe: My name is z-o-e h-a-r-d-I-s-t-y! Zoe hardisty! Follow me!

Phyllis: That is what happens when you cross phyllis summers.

Adam: I understand why you'd want me and your mom to get back together.

Connor: Then we'd all be in the same house. I could see you all the time.

Adam: You know, when you were real little and we were, all three of us, living in this penthouse, those were some of the best times of my life.

Connor: Why can't it be like that again? Isn't family supposed to love each other?

Adam: Connor. Let's get something straight. Your mom and I will always love you. No matter what.

Connor: But you're not getting back together.

Adam: No, connor. I'm -- I'm afraid that's not gonna happen.

Connor: I guess that means mom and I will be living with nick for good.

Adam: Listen, I'm still gonna be a huge part of your life. Okay?

Connor: I know.

Adam: Hey. Look, I mean it. Hey, being your dad is the most important thing in my life. There is nothing -- nothing -- in this world that means more to me than you. I want you to believe that.

Connor: I do.

Adam: Come here, buddy. I love you, okay? And I always will love you.

Nikki: It was the same as last night -- the dizziness, shortness of breath...

Victor: Oh, everything is fine, right?

Nick: Is he fine?

Nate: Heart rate and blood pressure are normal.

Victor: Good.

Victoria: Then he is okay.

Victor: Yeah.

Nate: He's stabilized for the moment.

Nikki: Is there something you're not telling us?

Nate: Before you called, i got the results of your blood tests.

Victor: Oh. Okay. So...why don't we go into my office and discuss them, all right?

Nikki: Well, um, victor, I --

Victor: No, sweetheart. I'm fine, we're fine. We'll be right back.

Victoria: It's okay.

Abby: The genoa city

chronicle just posted an article about zoe.

Chelsea: And the video they made of her arrest is getting lots of views on social media.

Abby: Which means theo is doing his job, clearing our names and making it clear that the grand phoenix was targeted by a devious schemer.

Phyllis: Let's not forget who got this party started.

Abby: Like you'd let us.

Phyllis: Okay, let's not stop celebrating, please.

Abby: [ Sighs ] Oh, gosh, phyllis, people's lives were put in danger, a young woman was just put in jail. I mean, do you really think celebrating is appropriate right now?

Phyllis: Nobody was hurt, she got what she deserved.

Abby: Okay. What are we drinking to, or do i want to know?

Phyllis: First, business. I would like to discuss my title.

Chelsea: How about royal pain in the a-

Phyllis: That's a good one for you. Um, I've been thinking about this, and... how about... chief executive in charge of security? Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Chelsea: Does it matter?

Phyllis: Not really. Let's toast, girls. Here's to the beginning of a beautiful partnership.

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